Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments What an interesting thread -so much romance after Valentine’s it’s a bit hard to take (oops, almost wrote tame, maybe should have). I’m in the lost and found department myself! or vice versa. At my old age, with a complex history of child abuse, gender identity issues, baggage car full of items brought to my relationships, a wife who died of cancer, not before divorcing me, and my caring for her in her final years, leaving me with 2 kids to raise – going into a “closet” for fear that my history might disrupt the equilibrium of the traumatized loved ones – and through it all, a loyal past girl friend who pushes my buttons and became a “born again” – “love” alludes me!!!! » Posted By semirade On February 22, 2011 @ 7:45 am yep – a wee bit more cynical response and yet methinks a wee bit closer to the truth! » Posted By semirade On February 22, 2011 @ 6:53 am What We Can Learn From Rocky III This has far more implications I think. Egypt is now staring us in the face, we walk a delicate line, having set up Muabarak and supporting him with a kind of blood money so that he, among other things helps keep Israel safe – sure pocket it. don’t worry about your people, now the people want our support, and the problem is our fears, and the short-sighted deal we had with another schmuck! Who will replace him? Now as a weakened America, we not only fear our foes, but what we considered a friend was not a good choice! We are in a most peculiar and unfortunate position, we can only hope that we’re given another chance. Not to mention our naughty son Israel! » Posted By semirade On February 10, 2011 @ 6:33 pm American Exceptionalism, American Nightmare Thank you for so eloquently stating the true meaning and intention of the statement “American Exceptionalism”, I for the same cynical reasons have found myself angrily opposed to the phrase for the simple reason that it has been bandied about with American arrogance, making this country considered far less exceptional, and not just by Canada. We have earned our disgrace! Regarding Arianna – vel dahlink – dju zed eet ahhlll! » Posted By semirade On February 8, 2011 @ 1:07 pm Good morning Kalima! Thank you – I couldn’t possibly out-do the poetic loss of the lady in Tokyo, although for a moment I thought you were alluding to myself, alas, I’ve never been to Tokyo, nor is my hair black, but the caverns of my bum truly started to swell ready to engulf the purity of your sweetness that I felt was intended for me and me alone. The consummate bead of starlight that glistened at its’ head, and the mournful sigh “more more”, and “no no”! I’ve been known to wear a kimono now and then, perhaps today I shall as a tribute to you! » Posted By semirade On January 27, 2011 @ 4:41 am It sounds titillating, was he gay? » Posted By semirade On January 27, 2011 @ 4:26 am I’ve been afraid to attend Florida’s bath salt conventions, there have been numerous deaths attributed to the hefty magazines near the bath salt toilets, the last time I was there, I thought I was alone cleaning my glock, pouring over the racy pictures in National Geographic, when I was nearly over come by the rush of Vanilla Sky, it’s about time that the state put an end to these salts, or at least limited the magazines! I’ve heard of mass executions committed by the Bolivian Baths, people struck down in the prime of their lives, and found in compromising positions, it’s truly no way to go!! » Posted By semirade On January 27, 2011 @ 4:05 am Leave it to the Americans to bring guns to other countries!!! Honest to Pete (who’s Pete?) – Don’t we have enough problems with the carnage here without trying to export our “Sweetness(es)”, as Colbert so aptly named his “faux-pistol” — this is a pet peeve of mine – so pardon me for bringing a downer to a sleepy AM! » Posted By semirade On January 25, 2011 @ 2:48 am What a beautiful piece of writing, but like AdLib, I find myself at once appalled and yet amazed at how pertinent this vivid description of blood lust kept me enthralled, as if I were attending the event and watching you and your father. I would have been sickened at the thought of a man exposing his child to such barbarism, and would have been so judgmental had I witnessed such a sight as the two of you. » Posted By semirade On January 27, 2011 @ 5:44 am yep my grandma had ’em – haven’t seen one in about 50 years so “well hello Doilie” » Posted By semirade On January 25, 2011 @ 3:17 am I’m no fan either, but if he paid taxes on his house in Chicago and is an elected official living in DC through no fault of his own – serving his country – he should have equal rights as a citizen of Illinois to run for the office – since when is a person disqualified running for office while serving the country and maintaining his home! Sorry – he should be allowed to run – he may be a bit sleazy – you may disagree with his politics – but to disqualify him sounds a bit outrageous! » Posted By semirade On January 25, 2011 @ 3:12 amComments Posted By semirade
I’ve become far too cynical — although I must admit the memories of love are some of the most profound that haunt my life, and it’s cruelties some of the most shameful and regrettful that do the same! I believe love is sadly temporal – and will at some time create the most profound loss to one partner – but hopefully the most life-affirming memories.
Later in life I cared for an elderly couple, perhaps the most love I’ve expressed in my life has been the care for others – my children – both wonderful and well-adjusted human beings; my ex who with the hurt we caused one another – I learned to bring her life to a close and love her through it (leaving me with the most complex memories); the man I cared for-for 12 years until he died in my arms; the relationship with a lady who has changed to something I “love/hate” but can confess my deepest secrets to!
Yet I am alone with several regrets! Love shouldn’t impede the lives of others, either in its’ most destructive rift or its’ most passionate moments – it should help to evolve and forward the world and the human race – whether one finds him/herself “poly-amorous” or “monogamous”, if the time comes that love “collapses” – it’s how one negotiates through the ruins without harming others and still have the ability to heal wounds and accept the scars, knowing that some of the most precious gems have imperfections. Now I hate to be alone! I wonder if I am reaping that which I have sown – love like life is a wondrous complexity – and one that few are lucky enough to experience in its’ perfection, but always marvel at its’ capacity. Hey that’s just the ponderings of an old cynic! “True I talk of dreams, which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy, which is as thin of substance as the air and more inconstant than the wind” – Mercutio a la Shakespeare
As for Peter King and Mr.Softy – My peter king is now Mr.Softy thanks to my bout with prostate cancer, and I’ll thank you all to be more respectful – ah those were the days!!! But I digress!!! 🙂
The world is so beset with violence that it seems ruthless to create more for the sake of amusement!
I hate violence in any form, but it is so prevalent in our species that I sometimes find myself, like the bull raging at the inevitable – raging at the 2nd amendment, raging at the doctors that butchered me, and are responsible for my disability and my castration, and raging at the abuse that I suffered as a child – which created within me a strange sort of envy that you were able to share moments of intimacy with your father that brought at once moments of joy, wonder and horror, while he was there beside you to ease your fears and comfort you.
I find myself saddened by mankind how it chooses to line its’ pockets and the cruelty it reeks upon the earth and its’ inhabitants, the environment, the animal life, the human toll – perhaps it is all shown in this story – pomp and ferocity!
Thanks for the share!
tit for “tat”!
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