Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments I’ve had two occasions that Internet Explorer closed this website due to security concerns over unwanted or malicious or unwanted addons trying to access my computers memory improperly…any ideas? » Posted By reveal5 On February 11, 2011 @ 12:31 pm Holy cow..So we know that at least 170 left and I’m sure it quite a lot more. The good thing is that we have an established site to go to with a strong and established blogging community. » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 11:41 am I believe you speak the truth. Thing is, I believe that this site will see rapid positive evolution. You seem to have been blessed with a windfall. You may have inherited the very best of the blogging community. HP was the best, times change. If it isn’t presumptuous of me, I’d say…count your blessings. You have provided a wonderful platform and now , thanks to folks like Chernynkaya, and Zoot, and all the rest, however you slice it, PlanetPOV will benefit greatly. Thanks for providing this wonderful platform for folks in search of reasonable, informed, and insightful analysis. My very best wishes to POV and to all the bloggers who post here. » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 11:34 am I’d post this sites name on HP, but I’m afraid of enticing the foolish. Let this site be aware that your inclusion in the mix is a true blessing. PlanetPOV is experiencing a windfall of public blog heavyweights. We don’t know or admit it very much, but we are an important part of the American dialogue. Nice to find you, zoot!…Onward….Hurrah! » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 11:23 am Thanks, let’s make this the best public blogging site in America. » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 11:16 am I completely empathise. I’ll stay in the game at HP, though I feel somewhat foolish about it. I think this site will benefit tremendously from the inclusion of so many good and talented bloggers who have found a new home, here at PlanetPOV. We all have an opportunity to make this site, part of the national consciousness, above and beyond this site’s current status. And, make no mistake about it….some in the media will seek us out. It seems to me that they regularly look to leading public bloggers for insight and trend awareness. Plus, they regularly swipe our best comments which they slightly change and then present as their own. …Ha!…They’ll find us. Count on it! » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 11:14 am Feel better and understand that you and others of your level of insight and sincerity and awareness are rapidly vanishing from AOL/PO. From my own experience, I have lost about 30 folks who fanned me. If I extrapolate, I can see that the true heart and soul of Huff, has been lost with the loss of perhaps 100+ inspired bloggers. The devolution is striking. The heart of what made Huff special has lost it’s rhythm and is headed for the emergency room. I’m truly glad to have found so many of you here on Planet POV. Perhaps especially yourself. You set a standard that others, like myself can only try to emulate. Very best wishes. . » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 10:55 am I just posted this on the Corporington Post…..So many of the best bloggers on the public comment side have now vanished, that the overall blog content seems to be slipping. Gone are the most insightful, aware and informed commentaries from the most passionate, and talented in the public community. This is truly disheartening. Those who won’t provide more grist for the corporate machine have simply ceased to blog. The result, in my awareness, is a strong devolution of content and sincerity. Now we have a sea of off topic foolishness and quips and cliques revolving around ancillary nonsense. It is truly unfortunate. The level of commentaries has decreased significantly. Reading much of the blogs now is like listening to a back bencher, junior high school lunch table conversation. The topics are not the topics so much now. Foolishness abounds. Reasonable, aware, informed, on topic, insightful analysis is giving way to absolutely vacuous trivialities. » Posted By reveal5 On February 9, 2011 @ 10:40 am we’ll, I came here to have my hissy…but I didn’t burn my HuffPo bridge. I even wondered myself if some folks would return to AOL/PO. It is all just…so strange. But one thing seems sure, and that is Mrs. H. did make a big oops. Her facade deflated. » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 9:15 pm Ciao!…It feels very, very different here, in a very good way. » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 7:04 pm And another thing…haha…Over at Corporatington Post….The comments as to the AOL buyout were moderated into almost total oblivion. Comments were held endlessly, if posted at all. They stifled the commentary. They stifled the debate. Now it is back burner, bottom of the page, and no new comments seem to be posted. They stifled the very folks who made the buyout, and their payday, possible in large part. Now, in response to the overwhelming negativity of the responses, they seem to be burying the story. It is sheer and utter manipulation of comments in order to stifle the negativity of the overwhelming majority of the responses. » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 6:55 pm ok by me! » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 6:38 pm Yo!.Hello brilliant one!..It’s like it was all a facade to fake folks out, and it worked. She used the free blood, sweat, and tears of unpaid bloggers, both professional and public, to score her big payday. She always seemed to defer from bashing Wall Street in interviews, in favor of bashing Dems. Now, we know why. » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 6:38 pm Hello Huffpo bloggers. So this is where we can comment about the AOL takeover of HuffPO. Terrif….1st…Arianna Huffington, in my mind, was never a progressive or a liberal, she’s an Obama basher. I think she’s a complete fraud, fake, and phony. She isn’t changing. She’s just cashing in. She did everything she possibly could to discourage progressives from voting for Dems in the last election. She and Huffpo bashed from the left, the righties bashed from the right, and corporate America sang it’s victory song. She and Wall Street just made the alliance…official. . » Posted By reveal5 On February 8, 2011 @ 6:30 pmComments Posted By reveal5
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