Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2 You believe in a god because you were brainwashed into believing in one as a small child. And you BELIEVE in one. You don’t KNOW there is one. Where is your evidence? You are operating from a presupposition that one exists. What is your underlining rational, fact based proof that a god exists? Saying that you believe in one is merely the same thing Peter Pan told Wendy and her brothers about flying. I am 82 years old and at no time in my life have I ever seen proof that there is a god. But I’ve seen so many evil, lying, hypocrites who claim to be doing god’s work, like Trump and a lifetime’s worth of preachers, Popes, ministers, and deacons, who prove there isn’t one! » Posted By TheHandyman On December 7, 2024 @ 11:46 am Donald Trump – A Performance of Cowardice in Three Acts Just because you haven’t seen it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I’ve seen a lot of it. CNN itself just 4 days ago did a segment on all the Trump misrepresentations and distortions and outright lies. Discussed at length his attacks on various women and even lamented all the coverage Trump was getting in the media without realizing that they are just as guilty as the people they accusing. I just turned 73 and if there is anyone who completely understands just how bad the MSM has gotten it is me. I am a JFK Returned Peace Corps Volunteer who served in the Niger Republic in Africa. I am a Vietnam veteran. This is not the country I always thought we would become. But Trump is nothing new. Corruption in Govt is nothing new. Washington embezzled money meant for the Continental Army to buy slaves, horses and build Mt Vernon. He was responsible as President for hanging the leaders of the soldiers who came to collect the land they were promised for fighting in the Revolution. What is new is the religious zealots that a dumbed down, under-educated citizenry have elected to destroy the only institution that can protect them from the likes of Trump and the other morally and ethically bankrupt people who infest Congress. At 73 I have a lot of time to kill before it kills me and I spend a lot of that time on my computer looking for real unadulterated News and opinion. I don’t waste my time on commercial TV. I go to Democracy Now, Intercept, Firedog Lake, Truthdig, and other places that do real journalism. So I watch and read what too many Americans don’t either have the patience or education to seek out and pay attention to. Americans love authentication by authority even when the so called authorities aren’t, like Palin, Hannity, O’Rielly, Limbaugh and others. I’d like to find some so called Liberal shows where they dish out lies, distortions, assumptions, and misinformation but I can’t even find them! Can you? I don’t come here much but maybe I willwrite something with regards to Sanders because he is the first person I’ve gotten excited about since Ralph Nader. He is the last chance America has to pull up the tracks this doomed train is on and lay them in the direction a new and more harmonious outcome as Monte Walsh was wont to say! Trump is merely the face of » Posted By TheHandyman On September 18, 2015 @ 7:13 pm I didn’t say it wasn’t. But by now it is clearly apparent that it doesn’t matter. CNN who is enamored with Trump does tell the truth about Trump as well as the rest of the media. And his base doesn’t care. As I said, why waste time continuing to point out all of Trumps lies and bullying when writing about the positives of other candidates would do more to squelch Trump than continuing to preach to the choir. I said that Trump is saying what his audience wants to hear. That is why no matter outrageous thing he says he continues to climb in the polls. He is talking about the things that American voters also complain about. The only way to change the discussion is to talk about the real things that the other candidates say about the same issues! Denigrating Trump even if it is factual, which his base doesn’t give a crap about, only makes them dig in their heals. Anyone can write a hit piece. It takes someone who is smart and willing to work real hard to write something that shows a worthy candidate’s superiority over Trump. Of course that doesn’t exist amongst the circus that is the Republican Party. Change never comes from telling people what the problem is, it comes from providing solutions. The article didn’t do that and that is a requisite for effective writing. » Posted By TheHandyman On September 18, 2015 @ 6:43 pm How amusing that you can’t tell the difference between my writing about you writing about Trump and me writing about Trump.It is impossible to to do that without mentioning Trump. Like your original piece you use assumptions, conjecture, as well as several logical fallacies to make claims which you don’t substantiate. You clearly took this personally and that is never a good thing to do when attempting present an assertion that fails. » Posted By TheHandyman On September 18, 2015 @ 4:11 pm Herein is the perfect example of what is wrong with the American voters approach to voting. They vote against things rather than vote for things. This is just another so much ado about nothing that entertains the shallow unfocused mind but does nothing to clarify anything. Even if Trump does get the Republican nomination why waste time talking about all of his negatives, of which there are so many one cannot even begin to remember all of them, when one could concentrate on the positives of either the other candidates or his possible opponents in the Presidential Election? This post beats a dead horse. The exact same one that CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and the rest of the MSM beats but tries to make it look different by painting it a different color, putting a tutu on it, or hitching it to a buggy. The author is doing exactly what all the other media is doing like ignoring Rand Paul’s comments. While Rand displays all the poor policies and solutions of the other candidates he at least made cogent and compassionate responses to actual subjects that matter to Americans and yet only a handful of media pundits have mentioned him. To the critically thinking American Trump insulting Florina isn’t a real issue of importance. And there is no sympathy for a woman who is so clearly intent on starting more needless wars or lying through her teeth about a video she has not seen and does not exist in the form she says it does. When it comes to real facts Fiorina is no more intellectually adept than Bachmann, Palin, or any of the other Republican candidates! Trump and his buffoonery is merely a distraction, circuses without any bread that he conducts for his own ego. At best Trump is a side show to be entertained by but surely not to be taken serious. If you want to be taken serious when writing about the political world then compare Trump with Sanders as several well known pundits have. That is when you begin to see Trumps real failures, the kind that really have the potential to affect the People and this country’s place in the world. While both Sanders and Trump appeal to a core group of people because they both address what Americans see as real issues Bernie not only has the experience that Trump does not, he also has clear and obtainable plans to accomplish his policies rather than a vague “well, I am a builder or I do own my own business.” Sanders has a long and verifiable history of accomplishing things that serve Americans while Trump does not. Yes, everything the author says about Trump is true, but so what? In the grand scheme of things it isn’t what really matters! What matters in the long run is who will be able to offer the American voter a workable plan and the trust that will bring it into fruition. That is a discussion worth having. » Posted By TheHandyman On September 18, 2015 @ 12:24 pm Using Her SuperPAC to Attack Bernie May Hurt Hillary More Than Help Her Why would you expect her to change her methods any more than a leopard would change its spots? Hillary is a true believer in her own destiny, which is to bee the first woman President. That is why she has stayed with her lying, serial adulterer husband. It is about the thirst for power. She will continue to make the same mistakes that she always has. It is called hubris. Obysmal was smart enough to not define himself. Liberals claimed he was one of them….he wasn’t. Progressives claimed he was one of them…he wasn’t. And moderates also claimed him…but he wasn’t. Like Clinton Obama was a Ronnie Reagan Republican, or what we used to call a Wall Street Democrat. If the GOTPers weren’t standing on the edge of their flat Earth staring down into the abyss they would have embraced him. Obamacare is a great govt giveaway to the rich. His willingness to sell out Medicare and SS is something they have orgasms over. But they only saw him as being Black and a Democrat. And Hillary stupidly the other day admitted that she was unapologetically a “Moderate.” She has now lost support from Liberals and Progressives. What Hillary is, and the term sounds strange because we don’t think of this in these terms, but she is an Extreme Moderate. That means she believes in helping the People a little but helping the Filthy Rich and the Corporatocracy far more. She is unashamedly for Wars that help the American Weapons of Mass Destruction Industry keep on rolling sacrificing education, infrastructure, jobs, and education for political power. After all her lies about coming under fire in Bosnia, knowing anything about TPP/TPA, demanding that all State Department employees act as spies, as well as poor decisions she made over her servers I expect her to continue on in the same way Bill O’Rielly does! » Posted By TheHandyman On September 16, 2015 @ 1:49 pm The answer is very simple, if you actually think about it, which you clearly didn’t. Bernie isn’t running against the GOP, he’s running for the nomination so his opponents are the other members of the Democratic Party who want to be nominated. And the answer to your second question is equally simple. Bernie a Democratic Socialist and he is actually is a reflection of what the Democratic Party used to be during the late 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s until Bill, a closet Ronnie Reagan Republican, was elected. Hillary too is nothing more than what we used to call a Wall Street Democrat. As we see by Bernie’s rise in the polls to pass Hillary in Iowa and New Hampshire he appeals to Democrats who are finally tired of being lied to just as Obysmal did. Where ever Bernie goes he not only draws the die hard Democrats but those who gave up on the party years ago but many Independents and Republicans as well. Bernie knows what the people want while Hillary only cares about what the filthy rich and their corporations want. See how easy that was to figure out when you actually are willing to put some thought into an issue? » Posted By TheHandyman On September 16, 2015 @ 1:32 pm One Veteran’s Opinion About the POW Swap Bill Moyers made what I believe is a perfect analogy. He said that the Taliban were like owners of a Hotel in which one of the guests staying there committed crimes. Rather than going after the guest the US decided to go after the owners and in the process burn down the hotel. Bush’s mistake, of which there are so many, was to use the military to accomplish something that only Law Enforcement could do. And that is essentially what happened when Osama was finally killed. Rather than using the good will that 9/11 was afforded the US, even by long time enemies, he chose to invade two countries, one of which had nothing to do with 9/11, and using brutality and torture squandered a chance to become one of the greatest American Presidents in the history of the country. Painting childlike portraits of his feet is really the high mark of his intellectual capabilities. And that Obama has ignored his crimes speaks loudly of Obama’s own complicity. A President who hires lawyers to justify his assassinations is no better than a President who hires lawyers to justify torture! » Posted By TheHandyman On June 9, 2014 @ 2:17 pm My, my, what a mature and erudite response. And yes, that is sarcasm… » Posted By TheHandyman On June 9, 2014 @ 2:05 pm While the response to the Bergdahl trade by a rather large number of Americans is outrageous the self serving and out rights lies or the politicians on the right is about as low as that segment of the human species is able to crawl and still be seen above the slime they seem to relish living in. McCain, who continues to to stick as many appendages in his mouth as possible, stands in front of cameras and describe the five prisoners traded for Bergdahl as being “the worst of the worst” and “people who had dedicated their entire lives to destroying America” without either knowing or deliberately ignoring that the facts are that these 5 men were captured by the Pakistani’s and turned over to the US and they were members of the Taliban Government. One of the men was a well known moderate Taliban who was good at negotiating and the Karzai Govt had for years tried to get him released so that he could act as an intermediary. While The GOTPers continue to claim that this was all orchestrated by Obama as a political stunt it should be painfully obvious that the GOTP is for certainty doing the same. Anyone in office 2 and a half years ago should have known about this trade. This trade is that old. According to several very reliable sources Obama wanted to make this trade 2 and a half years ago but Clinton and Gates refused to sign off on it as being “a sign of weakness” on the part of the administration. Imagine Hillary, Mrs Iron Pantsuit wannabe being afraid of being perceived as being weak. As for Robert Iran-gate Gates the fact that Obama appointed this criminal to his Cabinet shows his own proclivity to right-wing ideals or a certain air of ineptitude. But Obama knew that if this deal wasn’t made now that it never would be. As this stupid, needless and unwinnable war comes to a close the release of these prisoners became inevitable and then there would be nothing to trade for Bergdahl except maybe weapons, something that Col. North and all the Reagan lovers should remember. Several journalists have always suspected that the forcing of an entire Brigade to sign a non-disclosure form to not discuss Bergdahl was nothing more than and attempt by what had been described as one of the worse military units in the Army to cover their asses. They didn’t want anyone to discuss the things that happened that may have driven Bergdahl over the edge such as unit trucks deliberately running over a woman carrying a child and then the following trucks running over her body as well. Of course Americans, unlike the Vietnam War, don’t really want to know the truth about much of anything be it our trumped up reasons for our wars or the connection between the causes of Global Warming, if they will even admit it exists, and the legal bribes almost all our elected representatives at all levels take from the owners of the Energy Companies that in their need for even more money they can’t use. Not only has the soul of a large segment of the population darkened they have also become willfully oblivious about that which really matters. It isn’t just Bergdahl they now hate, it is people of color, people of the opposite party, and anyone who reminds them of what Americans used to be like. I could go on for hours listing the ways in which this country has changed for the worse since my idealistic Peace Corps days but what’s the point? Humans have marked themselves as a dead end species. The only species who was told what would happen, how to prevent it, and yet chose not to do so believing that some imaginary Being would save them from themselves without remembering that said Being either decreed their ending or gave them the free will to alter their destiny. Go here to see Amy Goodman and Matthew Farrel, a journalist and Afghanistan vet tell the true story of Bowe Bergdahl. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 9, 2014 @ 2:00 pm My brother and a conversation that we have never had on Veteran’s Day. I called him up and was ribbing him about his not calling me and thanking me for risking my life to save his rights and freedoms. He replied that he’d rather apologize to me for having to go and risk my life for no good reason and that is exactly the reality of it. But let me tell you how I really felt about being in Vietnam. I was 26 and turned 27 while I was there. I was too old to be a good obedient soldier. I questioned everyone and if it didn’t make sense I wasn’t going to do it. Three times I was threatened with court-martials because I pulled my 45 on pilots who were about to do stupid things putting me and my door-gunner as well as a $1 million aircraft in danger. But I will tell you that it was the best job I had had since Africa. War is sometimes called Dancing on the Sharp Edge of a Sword. Here I was flying at 220 mph just feet above the jungle. I was flying into places to put in and take out troops and when I came back after the Days work I had to patch all the holes in my ship. Both Thanksgiving and Christmas I ate canned C Rations while I was flying hot meals to the troops in the field. Each and every day the smells were sharper, the colors brighter, and everything has a richness to it that nothing except falling in Love or Lust comes close to. Everyday was an Adventure and sometimes those days ended in loss and sadness. The rest of Life for me has been pretty mundane tho there have been moments. It was merely a job. A job like a fire fighters, a policeman, a paramedic. A job where other people’s lives depend on you being good at your job. And to do it well you have to have an unquenchable desire to let no one or nothing get in the way of your job. I used to dismiss having been in combat as being nothing special. And in may ways it isn’t. But what it does do is to make it easy to tell the difference between those that have and those that have not been in combat. Those of us who have know that all this noise about fighting for American’s Rights and Freedoms is propaganda. That was true about the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. And a good case could be said for WWII. But all the other Wars from the Mexican American, Spanish American, Korea, Panama, Grenada have nothing to do with any threat to America. Soldiers don’t fight for the shiny pieces of metal and gaudy Ribbons. They don’t fight for Mom and apple pie. They fight for their comrade in arms to see that they all come home in one piece and sometimes we do not succeed. To call me a hero is to cheat the true heroes, the ones that lay down their lives to save other soldiers or lose a limb saving some civilians under fire. You know who my real heroes are? The people who went to prison rather than fight in an unnecessary and useless War. I wish I had that kind of courage. Me, I was doing my job to the best of my ability. Being good at my job and being damn lucky are the two reasons I came home intact. And I don’t know which contributed the most to that. But I never want to be called hero. Me, I save that appellation for Manning and Snowden and Assange. And this is in no way a criticism of you. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 4, 2014 @ 1:12 am You don’t know just how easy it is to tell when someone has reached their intellectual limits in a debate. They declare the other person wrong and then they make several overly broad statements that are both trivial and meaningless. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 4, 2014 @ 12:40 am Well said. And I see no need to punish him for doing what he did when our President is so willing to forgive Bush/Cheney et al their multiple War Crimes that needlessly cost not only thousands of American lives but hundreds of thousands of innocent people’s lives in two countries. If I were Dictator in Chief of the World Bergdahl would be at the bottom of my list of people who need to be punished over Afghanistan and Iraq. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 8:42 pm His oath was to defend the country and the Constitution, and he was doing neither in Afghanistan. Read my full post. And I do remember those days. And I never agreed to blindly obey. I was constantly being told to shut up when I asked why. If I hadn’t asked why and seen that they didn’t know why other than that were willing to blindly obey even obviously stupid orders I would not have survived that War. As far as I’m concerned he is a far better man of conscience than most of us and I support him until I hear something sensible, not he should have obeyed orders. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 8:36 pm There is one word that sums up John McCain…psychopath! » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 7:15 pm Can I say that I did but don’t? I have been fearing for my country ever since I went to Africa with the Peace Corps and saw what my government was doing way back then. And then the attack on public education began and it has been all down since then. I watched an episode of Cosmos last night where Tysen describes the extinction of 85% of all life on the planet due to the burning of all the trees and plants buried in the earth by volcanoes. It spewed carbon into the air in quantities that took millions of years to clean up. And here we are doing the same exact thing on almost as great a scale and we have undereducated Americans and greedy politicians who, if they don’t deny global warming altogether, say that humans have nothing to do with it. Everyone in the world should have to watch that episode. Then maybe they would understand just how urgent this is, and a 30% cut in coal emissions spread out over 10 years is too little too late, and it means not only extinction for 90% of all life the way it will happen is going to be horrible. So I know what is being said over there about something as inconsequential as this guy coming home. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 7:12 pm You compound the problem by presenting this as an issue of being spelled wrong. It is even the wrong word to use or don’t you know the difference between marshal, which you also misspelled, and martial? I wonder, are you one of those Vietnam Vets who still believe that the Vietnam War could have been won if all those hippies, Tom Hayden, and Jane Fonda hadn’t kept us from winning the war as well? If so, can you explain what it would look like if we had won it? Like Iraq or Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya? » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 7:00 pm Sorry, I too am a Vietnam Vet(1968/69) and I totally disagree. What this young man did was to show a strength of character most of us can aspire to but will never achieve. It is a matter of conscience. It is one thing to believe in defending your country when you are defending your own soil but to travel half way around the world to kill people who have done you no harm is a ridiculous and untenable belief to have. To spend your life being told that to kill is wrong and then be sent to kill people who are no threat except that they too are defending their country from their invading enemy is not nor should it be, an easy thing to over come. That is something you should have learned from your time in Vietnam. If he had been in a firefight and left his comrades in arms to fend for themselves that would be one thing but he left unarmed and put no one else at risk. From everything I’ve read it is clear that his unit knew he had left of his own volition. The people killed searching for him were more than likely looking for him so he could be made an example of. As someone who has been in combat I am surprised that you are unable to show more understanding and compassion. Personally I hope Bergdahl’s life is happier than it must have been and I wish him Peace. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 6:52 pm I too am a Vietnam Vet. From 1962 to 1965 I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in French West Africa, the Niger Republic. I was only 19 when I went to teach modern agricultural techniques to the primitives, Boy was I shocked to see how little I knew about the world. But over the next 2 years I received an education that today would cost me hundreds of thousands. And one of the things I learned was just how corrupt and hypocritical my government was. They would gladly give rifles, tanks and planes but not what was really needed like food, school books, and medicine. And Vietnam wasn’t even in my consciousness. I came home, started college, married, and had a child on the way. Then I got Conscripted which is the old Roman word for involuntary slavery. In 1968 I touched down in Ban Me Thout as a crewchief of a Huey and 4 days later the light at the end of the tunnel became the Tet Offensive. It took less than a month of combat to see that we had no business in Vietnam and that we weren’t going to win. While there I read Catch 22 and thought that except for the changing the names of the people and the places it was the same story happening to me and my comrades in arms. I used to dream of stealing a Huey and flying home but I was in a country that I had no idea of where it even was in the world. I wasn’t the only one who saw the corruption and futility of that war and I have talked with people who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan whose experiences have been no different than mine. And I know the answer to the question that Michael Moore asked when he asked, “when these soldiers come home will they ever trust their government again?” For me it was an unequivocal “NEVER!” So I completely understand what Bergdahl may have been feeling and why he did what he did. There comes a point in Life that if you have any conscience, any compassion, or any honor that you simply cannot continue to do what is obviously the wrong thing. I know that by the time I left Vietnam that coupled with my experiences in Africa if I could have arranged it I would have gone to some other country. And over the course of my lifetime outside of technology nothing has gotten better and much has gotten worse. Forgotten in all this outrage is that had Bush not sent the Military to do law enforcements job, and lied about the necessity to invade Iraq, Bergdahl’s good will, dedication, and life wouldn’t have suffered being put needlessly in harm’s way. If Bush hadn’t insisted on treating these captives as enemy non-combatants but rather brought to the US and tried as criminals they would be in prisons. The truth is that he couldn’t. In reality they had committed no crimes against us. Say what you will but these prisoners were only doing what any American would have done had we been in their shoes,…fight the invading enemy! Nor would Obama have had them to trade if the Republicans had allowed him to bring them to the US and try them. And while I have very little use for Obama on this one I can’t fault him for doing both sides a big favor. I know that there will be plenty of armchair soldiers and the war damaged crazies like those that still cry that we lost in Vietnam when we could have won if it only hadn’t been for Tom Hayden, Jane Fonda, and all those damn hippies. But they are never able to tell us what that win would look like. I personally wish Sgt Bergdahl not only no ill will but a happier life than he has had up until now serving as cannon fodder for a country that forgets so easily those that have served in the worst imaginable hell humanity has ever created, the senseless slaughter of each other over nothing but silly beliefs about imaginary beings. And to court-martial him for desertion would only be adding insult to injury. Time to forgive and forget. And it is we who owe him an apology for allowing our military to be so ill used by politicians and war profiteers. When I was Drafted I seriously considered going to Canada but convinced myself that I owed my country and I was fighting to protect America’s Rights and Freedoms. That was a mind fuck if ever there was one. A few years ago I had surgery at the VA West LA Hospital and barely survived because of the incompetent care. As a nurse walked me out to my van and we talked about my service. I told her I almost went to Canada and now I wish that I had. At least I would have gotten good health care. That the VA is going through this scandal is merely more proof that in General neither party really cares about Veterans but the GOTPers really don’t. But that is another story, or is it? » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 6:37 pm Huffington Post Finalizes Its Divorce From Its Bloggers If you did some research on Arianna Huffington, like read her biography on Wikipedia, you would find out that she is as nasty a piece of drelk that ever washed up on American shores brought here from Greece by her right-wing husband, a right-wing nut who latter outed himself as being gay when he lost the election to be a Senator from California. I first heard her when she testified before a Congressional committee about where the Internet should go. In General she wanted the internet to be heavily restricted as to content so as to protect children and adults from moral temptations. A Committee member finally told her that apparently she didn’t know that the world was run by and for Adults, not Children at which she got totally angry. So this comment, along with everything that has transpired with regards to Huffpooh, is indicative of the real and true nature of this woman. I always suspected that her switch from right to left was done for financial, not ideological reasons and it was right. Preaching her Third Metrics nonsense is a way of deluding the middle class and the poor into believing that money doesn’t matter if you find another way to define success, say . like the number of blades of grass you raised yourself to make grass soup when you are starving. She is in reality just another Ann Coulter with a more palatable message but it is just as toxic to the system as Coulter’s is. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 5, 2014 @ 4:50 pm I remember that she married Michael Huffinton, probably to increase her status. The strange thing is that Wikipedia claims that she was a Liberal devoted to Liberal causes, which I never saw, but then became a champion for Conservative Causes such as Gingrich’s Contract with America. More than likely because it would further her husbands career and she does seem more than a little power mad. Must have been devastating when he lost his bid to become a Senator and then outed himself as gay. She has always had a bit of Ann Coulter fakery about her. Glad to be here and thanks for the comment. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 8:53 pm I too went there to check out the news and 8 articles I checked out had no comments. Of course the intellectually challenged lab rats will continue to go there and press the handle hoping to get free cheese but real conversation and debate is dead there. Hopefully Huffpooh will collapse financially. It couldn’t happen to a nicer person Arianna. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 5:28 pm When Arianna announced that Huffpo had been sold to AOL I knew it was only a matter of time until it would become the online version of the Enquirer and what with the emphasis on Boobs, side, top, bottom and nipples with out ever showing them and all the articles on Lohan, Bynes, Hilton and the Kardashians and the ever changing headlines trying to make an old story look like another I knew they were almost there. The only thing they lack is a huge headline with Obama’s Alien Baby and a picture of Michelle with a little gray big eyed alien in her arms. Or did I miss it one day when I now longer cared about Huffpooh? » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 5:18 pm My official registration with Huffpo was in 2005 but I had spent some unknown amount of time going there and reading the news and comments. I found it stimulating and it caused me to, unlike the many trolls who demand that you prove to them whatever facts you present, began to do more research before I would comment. Then came the badges and I was actually shocked when suddenly I became a Pundit many times over. Then Came Ms Huffpo’s sellout to AOL and things began to with ever increasing rapidity to change. Then about 6 months ago or so I suddenly wasn’t a pundit anymore. I suspect it was because I had started to frequently write about the deceptive headlines, the 5th grade level of articles written by what I called high school journalism class dropouts and how the website seemed to be in competition to become the largest and most useless online tabloid ever. I first became aware of Arianna Huffington when she testified at a congressional hearing about the new internet law Congress was contemplating. Here was an adult woman demanding that the entire internet be censored in the same way that Huffpooh within the last 6 months is now censored. Her whole mindset was that the internet should be run in such a way that children were the common denominator. No porn, no bad words, as if such a thing existed, nothing that might cause controversy…as if the world was run by and for children, not adults. So when I heard about Huffington Post I was skeptical and I have always been skeptical of Huffington’s sudden switch to the Left. I still believe that she saw that there was an opportunity to make money providing a website for Liberals and Progressives while at the same time using it to promote herself. And as it turns out I believe that what has happened was her intent and she made a lot money while even decrying the filthy rich and their failure to do the right thing. To put it bluntly in my opinion she is no different than any other rich right-winger who says one thing all the while doing exactly the opposite. I am looking forward to being able to post something meaningful and because I use some adjective that is deemed offensive by someone more interested in money than communication and saving the planet, that comment will not be deleted automatically by some computer program. I have deleted my account at Huffpooh and deleted my bookmark as well. It only there were some way to cause them to go into bankruptcy…sign. » Posted By TheHandyman On June 3, 2014 @ 5:11 pmComments Posted By TheHandyman
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