Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Occupy Wall Street Could Be a Seminal Moment … Or It Couldn’t Yes, they did. In London, some of the looters included a social worker, and engineering student, a music student, a ballerina and a law student. Also up North, three young men ere killed in the riots. The tuition demonstrations were limited, mainly to London, and most of the kids protesting were affluent and WHITE. Amongst the crowds were several private high school students. As Itchybiscuit is in Scotland, he knows even less about a country from whom his ilk would like independence. Scottish university students pay no tuition as Scotland is devolved from England. And as lazy as most media are these days worldwide, of course they would concentrate on Charlie Gilmour’s fate, as much as they concentrated on Prince Harry’s swastika and Euan Blair’s night in the gutter. And of course, you WOULD deny there’s a drinking problem and a bad one in the UK. BTW, I’ve lived here for 30 years and it’s FAR FAR worse than anything I’ve seen in any part of the US. » Posted By Marion On October 8, 2011 @ 10:17 am As well as being related to Dick Cheney and Sarah Palin. » Posted By Marion On October 3, 2011 @ 5:33 am When Journalists Lie: Rewriting History Yep. Chicago was the hanging chad of 1960, thanks to Richard Daley. The result was that close, that Richard Nixon was encouraged to demand a recount. He didn’t, and the rest is history. » Posted By Marion On August 28, 2011 @ 11:30 am I agree about Kennedy. He was ratfucking Hubert Humphrey in West Virginia before Nixon was even aware of the term. Your points make a great illustration for linear history. One of the lasting punishments meted the South was that, although the Northern industrialists stripped its natural resources, any investment in infrastructure was nil until FDR’s New Deal. My people come from Fauquier County, on the cusp of NoVA. My grandparents were one of a very few families in that (then) rural area who had running water, electricity and indoor plumbing in the 1920s and 30s. They were considerably well-off; but the majority of folk didn’t have those luxuries and most of the modern roads were not laid until the CC Corps were brought in. » Posted By Marion On August 24, 2011 @ 1:03 pm He won Virginia, primary and general. » Posted By Marion On August 14, 2011 @ 3:29 pm Correction: Hillary Was Never a Progressive, but Johnny Reid Was … Robert Reich, as Secretary of Labor, sat on his HANDS while Clinton negotiated and signed NAFTA. He is a hypocrite. » Posted By Marion On August 10, 2011 @ 3:57 pm Presidential Primary Challenges Miss the Point Every time a President has been primaried,he wins the battle and loses the war. Johnson, Ford, Carter, Poppy Bush. But when the President is Democratic, the repercussions are worse. Out of Johnson being primaried, we got Richard Nixon and the beginning of the Rise of the Right. Out of Ted Kennedy’s hubris in 1980, we got 12 years of Republican rule, Reaganomics, trickledown and everything that led to the meltdown of the 21st Century. The GOP is on a mission, and this party ain’t the party of Reagan, it’s the party of the Birchers and Goldwater. Pure Libertarian and funded by the Kochs. If Obama is primaried and losesin 2012,you will not see another Democrat in the WH in a generation. This began in 2010, letting the ueber Right in the door. If this happens in 2012, already people are lining up to whack the ueber Left with the blame in this one,because they blame them for following Ed Schultz’s dictate and not voting in 2010. » Posted By Marion On August 11, 2011 @ 2:15 pm The Tale of Two Women and the One Man Who Failed This week, she’s the voice of Latinos. » Posted By Marion On August 12, 2011 @ 1:18 pm You forgot Tom Hanks. » Posted By Marion On August 8, 2011 @ 3:09 pm Let me just say this: I don’t think Pat Buchanan should be banned. Why? Because that would be a denial of his First Amendment right, and if we go around banning people who say things which are offensive to us, or who write as much, that puts us on the level of the sorts of people who want to restrict speech. As offensive as Pat is, we need to hear what he’s saying, to BE offended by it, and to know that it’s there in order to work against it. If you ban Buchanan for those beliefs, then how long is a piece of string? Do you ban Bill O’Reilly for “Tiller the Baby Killer?” Do you ban Bill Maher for calling the 9/11 terrorists heroes? Do you ban Jane Hamsher for allowing her dittoes to refer to the President as a “house nigger?” Even the Supreme Court, unanimously, upheld the Westboro Baptist Church’s right to carry out their awful protests. So, unless Pat goes further and incites open rebellion or violence, I don’t have a problem with him expressing his views. He has a right to express them, and I have a right to disagree, as do we all. » Posted By Marion On August 8, 2011 @ 3:03 pm These purists on the Left share a brain cell with the Teabaggers, and – like the Teabaggers – they are led by the short and curlies by people who should know better and who have their own personal and corporate agendae. MSNBC, Huffington, Hamsher, Greenwald, Walsh and Maher need rooting out. » Posted By Marion On August 5, 2011 @ 12:54 pm I’ve always said the immature Progressive Left, and some of the insipid people the media pushes as “political contributors” are the best tool the Republicans have. And Dennis Kucinich is their best mate in Congress. » Posted By Marion On August 9, 2011 @ 11:55 am Bob Brigham tweeted that. He’s a RIGHT piece of work. In good with Green and actually has the capacity of making Green look good – the way Joan Walsh has of making Rick Warren and Andrew Breitbart look reasonable. » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:59 am And these people begat the first generation of Progressives, all affluent middle-class kids from white-collared professional homes, with no historical connection either to the working class or the labor movement. They hated the unions for backing LBJ in VietNam, but the union sons were the draftees and these people were the deferments or went to Canada. Their leader was Gary Hart, who kicked the real Democratic base (the working classes of the South, rural Midwest and Rust Belt) as well as the unions, to the political curb, deeming them “little Hubert Humphreys” and “herd followers.” You know what happened. Oh, and compromise, was not a word in their vocabulary – and Hart was John Edwards Mach I. » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:54 am Although I live in the UK, I am from Virginia. » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:35 am There are too many cooks here spoiling the broth. I remember when a President could give a televised speech, and for about 15 minutes afterward, Chet Huntley, David Brinkley, Eric Sevareid, Walter Cronkite etc would sit around quietly mulling what was said for about 15 minutes afterward. No one ever raised their voices – too many shouting voices on MSNBC – even Lawrence and Rachel talk loudly. People need to wean themselves off the television pundits, listen to the President when he talks and think for themselves. » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:33 am Obama wanted the debt ceiling done and dusted ahead of time – during the Lame Duck session in December 2010, whilst the Dems still had majorities in both Houses. HARRY REID refused to do this, saying he wanted the incoming GOP House to “own” part of the responsibility for raising the debt ceiling. FACT. That worked out SO well, didn’t it? » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:25 am That was poignant, but, you know, people like Bill Maher and assorted EmoProgs on Twitter were ripping her for voting “yes.” Someone ACTUALLY tweeted something that you’d think a bullet in the head would have convinced her that Progressive ideals always win out over a Blue Dog. They were pissing on her for that. Funny, Gabby was always identified as a second amendment Blue Dog Dem. As soon as what happened happened, the EmoProgs reconstructed her as a Progressive, same as they’re doing now with Hillary, the Great White Hope of Progressives. They make me sick. » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:22 am I loved this, and I’m sharing. I’d add to that the grifters and shape shifters. You know who the grifters are – people like Adam Green, the Hamster and Greenwald – who fear-monger as much as the Teabaggers, keeping the lowest common denominator of Leftie stoked in such a wrangled state that when they ask for their 5 dollars to save SSI or Medicare, they hand it over. Green, pukewad wankspittle that he is, pocketed over $300k in 24 hours the day before the President’s GWU speech, by convincing those poor souls that he was going to cut SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. When he didn’t, did Green refund the money? Did he, bollocks! The world is waking up to the phoney PACs administered by Hamshit and Greedballs and also to the fact that Hamsher owns a PR company who caters for Republicans and that Greenwald is just a tad too close to the Kochs and the Cato Institute NOT to be whiffy. And then there’s Queen Ratfucker of AOL/Huffington. We have to keep calling these people out, and remember and be aware of the number of pundits on the Left, who – until around about 2004 or thereabouts – suddenly had a Damascene conversion and became Progressives: Huffington, Cenk, Ed Schultz, Dylan Ratigan, John Aravosis, Markos Moulitsas (Google Markos and CIA, that’a an eye-popper). » Posted By Marion On August 2, 2011 @ 5:16 am Not just the South and not just the Tea Party. There’s plenty of nuanced racism amongst the Firebaggers of the Left. And many of the celebrity talking head Lefties. » Posted By Marion On July 27, 2011 @ 2:30 pm Perhaps Darrell Issa and his good friend Bill Maher would oblige from California as well. Yours used to be the Land of Opportunity to which all aspired. Glass houses and all that … and Nixon. » Posted By Marion On July 10, 2011 @ 3:31 pm Neither Cuccinelli nor McDonnell are Virginians, and they won their election in 2009 for the same reason Republicans got the House in 2010 … people stayed home. If I can be bothered to fly home to vote against Bob McDonnell, then someone can get off their lazy ass to walk down the street and vote against him too. They didn’t. A lot of people listen to a lot of talking heads on both sides of the political equation. And that’s a fact. Too many people have forgotten how to think critically. » Posted By Marion On July 10, 2011 @ 3:27 pm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTFp7WG9J-E Like the man said, pick up that Liberal label and wear it as a badge of honour. Liberals ACHIEVED. Progressives whined. Reclaim the name, then replace the base. » Posted By Marion On August 27, 2011 @ 7:59 am When the Left Borrows from the Right Read Cynthia Boaz’s piece on Raw Story. She looks at Fox News using brainwashing techniques on their target audience against the Left. But the Left and its mouthpieces – chiefly MSNBC, HuffPo, Kos, FDL et al – use the same memes, but against their own to bring down a Democratic president. Go figure. » Posted By Marion On July 4, 2011 @ 3:23 pm Never Mind The Dangerous Insipidity of Dan Choi Tell that to the French and to the Italians. The only legal marriages in those two countries are civil unions performed by a licenced local official at the town hall. » Posted By Marion On June 30, 2011 @ 8:34 am This is actually what is done in France and Italy. ALL marriages are civil unions, performed by the mayor of a town/city or a licenced celebrant at the Town Hall. These countries do not recognise any marriage performed in a church, synagogue or mosque. You’re perfectly at liberty to have a religious ceremony, but ONLY after the civil ceremony – the legal one – has been performed. » Posted By Marion On June 30, 2011 @ 8:29 am Because a lot of people believe that when a politician does something, it’s because he or she genuinely believes in what they’ve done from the heatt. Not so. There is such a thing as political expediency. Even though he disapproved of slavery, Lincoln’s aim in 1861 was not to free the slaves, but to preserve the Union. He even told Horace Greeley that if he could have kept the Union intact without freeing the slaves he would have done so; if he could have done this by freeing all the slaves, he would have done so. And he didn’t move on emancipation until he was totally sure he could win the war. FDR didn’t particularly want to intern the Nisei, but he did so. And – big surprise – if he could have done so, Johnson could have lived without the Civil Rights Act, and went to his grave referrig to African Americans by the “n” word. And don’t get me started on why Nixon started the EPA, but it wasn’t out of love for the environment. Cuomo did what he had to do, and he did so, by buying votes off the Republicans – pinpointing the Wall Street types who financed the VERY MEN in the Assembly who didn’t hesitate to vote for Carl Palladino and made sure these guys told them no big cash donations were forthcoming unless they played ball. Marriage has always been a legal contract determined by STATE, rather than FEDERAL law. And Presidents past and present have been sticky about imposing their views on a state’s laws. If Obama had gone to NYC last week and did EVERYTHING the gay community wanted him to do, those Republicans in the assembly would have shut down completely and then everyone would be pointing a finger at him. And, you may not remember, but I remember Andrew Cuomo, when his father was running for the Democratic nomination for NYC governor against Ed Koch, coming up with the campaign slogan: “Vote for Cuomo, not the homo.” Apart from this piece of legislation, without a DOUBT, Cuomo’s rivalled Chris Christie in imposing anti-union legislation, pink-slipping teachers and cutting back on social justice programs for the poor. Gillibrand is a known Blue Dog, but people are so incapable of critical thinking, all it takes is one incident to forever brand that politician a Progressive. People reviled Mary Landrieu when she held out on supporting HCR, but when she joined Bernie Saunders in filibustering the President’s tax cut compromise, people cheered her. That action was done out of spite, because the President had banned off-shore drilling in her state. She represents a poor state; Bernie Sanders represents an affluent one. I’d expect Sanders not to have given a thought to the poor, the working poor and the unemployed who benefitted from that compromise; but not Landrieu, since the legislation most directly affected people she represented. Hell, Progressives were even warming to Rand Paul when he voted with the Democrats against Paul Ryan’s budget – without thinking that he allied with them because the budget didn’t cut enough. The same people think Rand’s daddy is all warm and cuddly because he wants to legalise drugs, when he also wants segregation reinstated, which is what all this gumph about “states’ rights” means. » Posted By Marion On June 30, 2011 @ 8:27 am The Professional Left and The Big Sam President Dubya Bush NEVER was criticized by his own party. As late as last Thursday, Mitch McConnell admitted that there were huge numbers of Republicans in Congress who disliked what Bush was doing, but for 8 years they STFU and sat on their hands in the interests of party loyalty – something that the Democrats do not have. No one likes being called out on racism, but it’s there on the Left, and African Americans are recognising it – it’s the patronising assumptive sort which is softer than that of the Right, but it’s insulting all the same. Hell, I could even answer those stupid Progressive Caucus Asshats on every one of Dana Millbank’s charges:- -extending the Bush tax cuts for two years: The President was perfectly HONEST in his speech after the compromise. The Republicans made it abundantly clear that they wouldn’t budge on this. Had he let them expire, with a majority in the House, the GOP would simply have reinstated them retroactively in January, and on this one, the Senate would have agreed. Who wants to be seen to raise taxes? Besides, the Progressive Caucus Asshats all come from safe seats mostly comprised of affluent constituents who don’t know what it’s like to be poor. I don’t know what Raul Grijalva’s excuse would be for that, but the compromise Obama effected did a LOT for the unemployed, the poor and the working poor – but Progressives abandoned that cadre 40 years ago. They weren’t cool enough. -keeping Guantanamo open BLAME THE FUCKING SENATE DEMOCRATS: Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand, Arlen Specter (at the time) and James Webb. Throw in Dick Durbin as well. Durbin didn’t want the high security prison established for the inmates in Illinois, and the rest balked about having KSM’s civil trial in anyone of their precious states. When the Senate and the House passed a bill earlier this year requiring all Gitmo inmates to have military trials, Obama stated his reluctance to sign the bill and even added a statement as such to it. -Declining to support a larger economic stimulus or a second one Again, BLAME the Senate. But it’s so much easier to blame THIS President. Cut your fucking nose off despite your faces and vote with the Dark Side. Kucinich and De Fazio are the biggest tools the Republicans have in their box. -giving up the public option on health care The President never endorsed a public option, and besides, ONCE AGAIN, there were never enough votes in the Senate. NOT 60. Remember the Senate? Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Blanche Lincoln, Mary Landrieu, Max Baucus? For the better part of the first year, Al Franken hadn’t been seated, and 59 minus 5 is 54 votes. Not enough votes for this. BLAME THE SENATE. -”foot dragging” on climate change AGAIN, BLAME THE SENATE. There was a bipartisan committee of John Kerry, Joe Lieberman and Lindsey Graham working on a bill, but Graham had a hissyfit and walked out. Besides, the President does not legislate, CONGRESS DOES? You know, I still pay taxes in the States, and if one of these lazy, whining asshats were saying this repeatedly to me, I’d find someone pronto to primary their asses. Why didn’t they start a bill about this? NO, because it’s so EASY for Big Daddy to do it. Give me a break. -resisting support for gay marriage Marriage is a civil union. There were other fish to fry before that came along the pecking order. DOMA is an act of Congress. It needs another act to repeal it. Think you’re gonna get that with this House? Think again. Obama knows there’s more than one way to skin a cat, which is why he’s instructed the DOJ NOT to defend DOMA in Courts. If the courts find it unconstitutional, it’s wiped out. AND marital law has ALWAYS been in the domain of the individual states as per the 10th Amendment. When DOMA’s thrown out and enough states pass this law, the others will follow suit. This is something that elementary lawmakers should know. If these cretins don’t understand that, what the hell are they doing in Congress? -surging troops in Afghanistan then withdrawing them too slowly He did exactly what he said he was going to do. -offering up too many budget cuts in negotiations. If they went back and read the budget cuts, which pertained to LAST YEAR, he’d find that, in reality, he only gave up some $300k’s worth of actual cuts. These people are just fucking STUPID. They don’t even deserve to have the title Congressman or Congresswoman. » Posted By Marion On June 26, 2011 @ 4:01 pm Watch Current TV or We’ll Burn This Flag! The ironic thing is that in Europe, you can only access Current TV via Sky, which is Murdoch. I wouldn’t watch KO if my life depended on it. I find him totally unrealiable. I’d like to see US news the way it was before all this 24/7 hoopla. It’s a sad day when the BBC has to do a news program for Americans because their network news sucks so badly. » Posted By Marion On June 24, 2011 @ 8:26 am Joan Walsh: Twisted Sister Punches Down KT, I began that way because on previous occasions, when I’ve disagreed with her civilly, she’s countered with “get help” or “see your doctor.” Unnecessary snark. She deserved my opening volley. » Posted By Marion On June 22, 2011 @ 3:10 pmComments Posted By Marion
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