Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments The GOP and the Clinical Definition of a Sociopath Adlib, excellent piece! Spot on! Just to bring the point home, today the GOP came out with their “plan”, not to extend unemployment insurance for millions of people who are one step away from disaster, but the GOP proposes to CUT unemployment benefits back to 59 weeks! When I hear of things like this, I try to put myself in the shoes of those workers who, through no fault of their own, lost jobs as manufacturing plants were shuttered in this country over the past decade…some 58,000 plants! I cannot imagine the despair that these people must feel, especially when they know that their benefits will soon run out. Where do they go? What will they do? How will they feed their families? Will they, like many others, lose their homes? In my opinion, you have hit the nail on the head…sociopathic government has us by the throat! But yet, I am encouraged. There are thousands of Americans in the streets, and not just the OWS movement. Today, there were rallies in 25 major cities across the country for “Jobs and Justice”. People are rising up against this tide of obstructionism and unfairness. The American citizens are beginning to realize that we must take to the streets if we are to preserve our democracy. Some might argue the point about the GOP being sociopathic at its core. I could see how it might rather be viewed as completely out of touch with the average American. These elites in Washington have no idea what it means to subsist on $30,000 for a family of four, to work long hard hours on the floor of a factory or in a fast-food restaurant. They live their lives in an insulated bubble of short work days and an endless string of dinner parties in posh restaurants, being wined and dined by those who would influence their votes. Sociopathic? Perhaps. Out of touch? Definitely!! Thanks for your article! Always insightful and thought-provoking! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 9, 2011 @ 6:59 pm Will Gingrich be Stopped? Sure. By himself. Hi Murph! Very nice! I believe you nailed this one on the head…the very LARGE head! 🙂 I do remember the time when Newt was in charge back in the 90’s. He was just as disgusting then as he is now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such an ego in my life! There are a lot of voters who don’t know Newt like we older folks know Newt. It is going to be interesting as the information drips out in the next couple of months, and people get to know Newt like we do. There will be some who deny that this man is seriously ethically challenged, but over time, the truth will come out. Personally, I can’t wait! Thanks for your article! I thoroughly enjoyed it! GO OBAMA! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 5:46 pm Hey Sally! Good comment! I would have to agree with you, especially about Huntsman. If the rethugs had a brain between them all, they would nominate him. He, alone, would be the most formidable against PBO. It’s interesting that you mentioned Romney’s temper. I kinda’ got the impression that he is simmering just under the surface and that if he blows, it will be amazing! As for Newt, oh well…what can one say?? This man has so much really damaging baggage that there is no way he can ever win the general election. The ads should be really fun to watch when the DNC gets going. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 5:40 pm Hi KT! Thanks for posting this! I went to the link and signed. Also passed it on to others. Hope we can get some traction. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 6:02 pm Well Sue, he IS kinda’ cute…in a rather wooden and stiff way! LMAO Maybe I should put my name in the pot for consideration..might be my LAST chance! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 5:53 pm Hi KQ! I saw an interview after the game the other night with Tebow. He began by thanking Jesus for the win. IMO, it was completely over the top and somewhat offensive, at least it was to me. I personally don’t care what his religious convictions are. I just think the football field is no place to spout them. Jesus had absolutely nothing to do with winning or losing. I would have to agree with you about the rich guys playing a game for millions of dollars. Blessed indeed! But again, I have serious doubts that Jesus had anything whatsoever to do with that either. I’d be more inclined to believe that Tebow is just another member of the “lucky sperm” club. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 6:28 am Hey Murph! WTF??? All four of these items have been taken down!! Is this a joke? » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 6:12 am Sue, sorry I confused the House bill and the Senate one…my bad! I wasn’t paying attention. Hope you are able to find what you’re looking for. The senate bill was the one that would have allowed military troops to arrest US citizens…the old “posse comitatus” thing. I haven’t heard any uproar over the House bill yet. Just to clarify, I am talking about the National Defense Authorization Act. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 6:07 am Hi Murph! Things are just fine, thanks! I was away for Thanksgiving…to my son’s home in Tennessee for the most incredible turkey I’ve ever eaten! All 25 lbs. of it!! 🙂 Took a little break from politics! I hope your holiday was a good one too. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 8, 2011 @ 6:00 am Sue, I got that information from an email from either MoveOn.org or CREDO, not sure which. Unfortunately, I deleted the reply from Senator Hagan that referred to it. Apparently, Senator Feinstein wrote the amendments to the bill. Maybe this can help you to find it. Sorry I can’t be of more help! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 7:32 pm Hey Sue! This guy makes me want to toss my cookies!!! 🙁 It didn’t take but about one minute for the nausea to set in! But thanks for the heads up. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 7:11 pm Hey Sally! Thank you so much! I was only gone for a little more than a week, but everyone has been so kind to welcome me back! It’s really nice to be missed! 🙂 I’m proud of OWS too! It seems to be in a time of flux and change, but still hanging in there. I was really glad to see the move to Washington. We need more of this! Just what we have been discussing for some time. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 4:45 pm Bito, good idea, but you know that they know perfectly well that these people are voters. I cannot imagine people being passionate enough to sit in at a Congressman’s office but NOT voting when the time comes. The fact that our “representatives” chose not to meet with their constituents is so telling. Every single one of them should be shamed publicly! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 3:42 pm Hi Adonai! The OWS movement is obvious, but there is one other story that really got my blood boiling. The debt ceiling fiasco was a weeks-long, nasty fight. The repubs showed their true colors walking out of negotiations. I think, in general, repub obstructionism should be a big part of your piece. We have to keep reminding voters of just what this President has faced in trying to get his agenda passed. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 2:27 pm I am so proud of the OWS people today for their action in Washington DC! In spite of the ugly weather, they came and marched! Thanks to Bito for posting the photos on Twitter. http://www.flickr.com/photos/the99percent/sets/72157628323418827/ It looks like the DC Police were reasonable, not dressed out in full riot gear like others we’ve seen. Apparently there were some arrests but no signs of violence against the protesters. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 2:10 pm Bito, I would agree with you that this is a big story that needs some serious light on it! Isn’t it weird how some things like this can just be swept under the rug so quickly?? » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 5, 2011 @ 10:33 am Kes, this is sad commentary on the state of race in this country. And some still maintain that there is NO institutional racism… 🙁 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 5, 2011 @ 10:31 am Bito, WOW! This should send up a bunch of red flags! I don’t see how the police can categorically say what caused her death, one way or the other, without autopsy and further investigation. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 5, 2011 @ 10:24 am Hey Sue, thanks so much! I missed you all too! Even one day is too long to be away from the Planet! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 5, 2011 @ 10:18 am Good morning, Sue! It seems they are leaving no stone unturned to keep the Democrats from voting. The elections cannot come soon enough for me. We have to get these neanderthals OUT of Congress! With all the voter suppression, I just hope we can do it! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 5, 2011 @ 8:24 am Khirad, cue the “Twilight Zone” theme song… Batshit crazy! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 4, 2011 @ 9:25 pm Hi Sue! Had to give you a big “thumbs up” for that one! ROTFLMAO! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 4, 2011 @ 9:21 pm Amen, Nirek! Amen! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 2:59 pm Sue, awwwww! How nice of you to say so! 🙂 I always miss everyone here when I have to be away or out of pocket. It’s so nice to be missed and appreciated! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 11:24 am Hi agrippa! It does improve it a little bit, but you know how easily the language can be changed in a bill before Congress! This gives me only a little consolation. Thank goodness that there are still a few there who actually READ the bills before voting on them! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 11:17 am Sue, I share your opinion. I am so fortunate that I have never had to depend on the kindness of others to feed myself or my family. I can only imagine the shame and embarrassment that some people must feel in having to ask for help just to EAT! It occurs to me that the American people overall are a kind and generous people. When I hear those who ridicule, it makes me realize just how far away from our basic values some people have strayed. It makes me so angry when I hear of FOX news talking heads ridiculing the OWS protesters, telling them to take a bath and get a job! I really don’t know how they can look at themselves in the mirror! The people who ridicule obviously have NO souls!! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 11:11 am Hi again, Cher! Good work today! You gave us plenty of food for thought and much to comment about! I’m really glad to see the LA move to stop the flood of corporate money into our elections. Although it won’t have any real impact on how business is done in DC, it is still encouraging. IMHO, if we go back and look at every problem facing the American middle class right now, we can attribute it to corporate control of our legislative process…from hormones in our milk to illegal foreclosures, we can see the reach of the rich into the halls of Congress. How ironic that the rich and powerful have virtually 24/7 access to the legislator of their choice, while the OWS protesters were unable to succeed in meeting with their representatives yesterday during their occupation of the Capitol. No surprise, but it just shows how unfair our system has become! I do have just one rhetorical question…if the SCOTUS has ruled that “money is speech”, then if I have NO money, does it mean that my speech is non-existent? I’m just asking… Thanks for your hard work! Good job today! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 11:02 am Nirek, you are certainly an inspiration to us all! Kudos to you for what you are doing! I know that the people you are helping are so grateful! Keep up the good work…it’s going to take some time to get this ship turned around where people have jobs and money enough to feed their families. » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 8:42 am Hi Cher! Apologies if someone has already covered this subject that refers back to an item you had in DP a couple of days ago, the National Defense Authorization Act, and the egregious changes to that bill that would allow the military to arrest US citizens on our soil. I emailed Sen. Kay Hagan about this, asking her to oppose the act. I received a reply this morning. Here’s an excerpt of that email… “…I supported three amendments offered by Senator Hopefully, this will take care of that sticky little matter, but I believe we need to stay on top of this. What a slippery slope!! » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 7, 2011 @ 8:22 am Adlib and KQ, yes I know about Rasmussen. I figured it out all by myself during the 2008 election. They consistently had President Obama losing the election. I learned to take their results with a huge grain of salt and a big stiff drink of tequila! 🙂 » Posted By Emerald1943 On December 6, 2011 @ 4:38 amComments Posted By Emerald1943
Diane Feinstein to make reasonable modifications that would have clarified the
applicability of the provisions in the bill. While two of those amendments failed by
votes of 45-55, the Senate did adopt an amendment from Senator Feinstein to ensure
that the bill does not affect existing U.S. law or authorities relating to the
detention of U.S. citizens, lawful resident aliens, or any person captured or
arrested in the United States.”
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