
Comments Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior

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Time to Stand Up to the Undermining Pundits

Well said Marion!

Your rant is exactly why me and many Americans don’t pay attention to cable TV pundits. All they do is pontificate and rant and rave.

These loudmouths are exactly the reason why no one takes the left seriously. All they do is whine and complain, without giving any practical ideas or solutions.

The left are caught up in an ideological fantasy and can’t deal with reality. Reality being elections have consequences. The left sat out the midterms to stick it to Mr. Obama and the Democrats for not granting their ideological wishes, and got the TeaOP the House.

So Mr. Obama has to deal with them, amidst a government shutdown. What the hell was he to do, what magical ace could he have used to avoid shutting the government down AND give nothing to the House Republicans?

Most Americans are glad the government didn’t shut down, they don’t care about the actual politics of the matter. Yet we have the left once again whining about how Mr. Obama “caved” and “sold them out.”

Just like with healthcare, Afghanistan, the Gulf oil crisis, Libya, it’s always the same group of people complaining. They’re stuck inside an echo chamber of their own, which is why they should be ignored. Ask anyone outside of the blogosphere if they know who Cenk Uygr, Ed Shultz, Glenn Greenwald, Jane Hamsher, Dennis Kucinich are, chances are you’ll get many “Who?” responses.

Americans do NOT care about those pompous loudmouths, so let them rant and rave. Let them lose their collective minds. They’re just jealous that Mr. Obama has more popularity than they do.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On April 10, 2011 @ 3:39 pm

The Fools on the Hill

Well of course I will disagree with Dennis as President, seeing as he has his head so far up his ass and can’t see straight.

Dennis may have his heart in the right place, but he goes about his passion all wrong. He’s attacking the wrong person: President Obama, whom, as Rachel Maddow has pointed out, is taking a completely different approach to Libya than Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush did with their attacks on various countries.

When even one of Obama’s most vocal critics, Ms. Maddow, is coming out to bat for him on this issue, I think it’s safe to say that Kucinich is just blowing hot air. He wants attention, just like every other politician in Washington.

I’d like for Dennis to either put up or shut up, and I’d actually like to see him kicked the hell out of Washington for his grandstanding. He hasn’t gotten a thing done; a majority of his legislation hasn’t made it out of a single committee, and his voting record shows that he votes more with Republicans than he does with the Democrats, what business does he have calling himself a Democrat when he is declaring that President Obama can be impeached with zero basis? What makes his argument different from Darrell Issa, the arsonist/car thief from California who said that President Obama should be invesigated for being corrupt?

Just because Dennis has a (D) behind his name and calls himself a liberal does not excuse his ignorance. He is just as wrong as the Republicans.

Dennis and the rest of the UNprofessional left need to get over the 2000-2008 Bush/Cheney nightmare and live in the modern day. President Obama is not the enemy, and his administration is a hell of a lot better than the Bush/Cheney tyranny we were forced to deal with for eight long years.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 23, 2011 @ 4:24 pm

Well it’s telling that Kucinich is now soliciting money after he said it’s an impeachable offense.

Kucinich proves he is bought and paid for, just like the teabaggers on the right wing.

And if Kucinich is actually serious, let’s see him rack up the impeachment charges. Perhaps hook up with Darrel Issa, the arsonist/car thief from California who has called for investigations against POTUS because POTUS is supposedly corrupt.

In the end, politicians on BOTH sides are spinning this for their own personal gain. POTUS seems to be the only adult capable of making a rational levelheaded decision.

It’s situations such as this one in Libya that make me proud to be a moderate Independent: no ideological dogma to cling to.

I just wish that the politicians suddenly taking a hardline stance against President Obama’s Libya decision were this tough against President Bush. Where was Kucinich and the rest of the anti war left Congresscritters during the run up to Iraq? They all seemed to make noise AFTER we were bogged down, and not before the fact.

POTUS was damned if he did and damned if he didn’t. If he didn’t get involved, they would say he allowed Gadaffi to kill his own people.

I’ve just had it with the spin on both sides and taking this conflict way out of context and making a mountain out of a molehill.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 23, 2011 @ 3:29 pm

Excellent post Marion.

Many of these Congressional critters apparently don’t understand the Constitution as much as they claim to. The War Powers Act allows the President authority to use the military for 60-90 days without Congressional approval, for whatever reason the President deems necessary.

Congress could have a debate and vote right now over this issue, but they won’t. It’s much easier to carp from the sidelines and point the finger at POTUS, they don’t have a vote to be held accountable to.

And the fact that Dennis Kucinich not only said that POTUS should be impeached over this, but is actually soliciting donations says it all: it’s all about the benjis in the very end.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 23, 2011 @ 9:51 am

We Are Aiding and Abetting the Republicans

Remember, it’s the same Dennis who threw a fit over an olive pit which gave him a toothache, I’m sure he blamed that on POTUS as well! 🙂

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 21, 2011 @ 6:07 pm

I’m sorry, I could care less what any of these pundits on the UNprofessional left have to say, especially considering they get paid big bucks to do so.

Also, most of these pundits claim to be “former Republicans,” though I’m doubting the former part. They’re using the same tactics that the right wing does to attack POTUS: baseless hyperbole and conjecture projected through emotion.

But you brought up a good point. They probably aren’t disappointed in their own lives, seeing as they have a million dollar a year salary to live on, while the middle class they claim to love continues to suffer. If any of them were actually serious about “fighting for the middle class” and such, they would give up said salary… but getting paid big bucks to attack POTUS is the only way they’ll get attention.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 21, 2011 @ 6:05 pm

I’ve seen polling and Obama’s “base” has been secure. He has polled consistently in the 80s with Democrats and liberals, what “base” has he failed to make feel secure?

The people on teevee and blogs are NOT his base. They are extremists who are probably disappointed in their own lives and are taking it out on POTUS.

Granted, I’ve not liked EVERY decision that POTUS has had to make, but I’m not one of these folks who thinks that a primary is a practical matter or solution. And I’m not one who is going to throw a tantrum and claim that I’m “the base” as a ruse.

It does have nothing to do with POTUS and it has everything to do with these UNprofessional left loudmouths refusing to unplug from their Matrix reality and live in the real world.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 21, 2011 @ 5:41 pm

Excellent post.

I’ve had it with the UNprofessional left whining at each and every opportunity. This is not Monday Night Quarterback, this is politics.

Politics is and always has been the art of the possible. What the UNprofessional left carps about is not possible: single payer healthcare, swift withdrawal from Iraq/Afghanistan, Bush/Cheney in prison, Wall Street/corporations demolished… and they keep on harping about Manning and Assange, treating them like martyrs.

The UNprofessional left needs a puppet, a hero to worship and fawn over just as the right does. It’s all about idealism, and not about getting a thing accomplished.

I actually highly doubt President Obama will be primaried. Obama has consistently polled in the 80s with Democrats and liberals, his “base” has always been safe. The leftwing loudmouths on teevee and on blogs are NOT “the base,” they are extremists who most likely are frustrated at things in their own lives and vent through politics and at POTUS and centrist Democrats.

POTUS has a strong base of support, the leftwing heroes like Sanders, Kucinich, Grayson, Wiener and others only have online internet support. They are no different from Snooki, Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, or Donald Trump, they ALL want attention and will say and do anything possible to get it. If these leftwing purists aren’t part of the solution, they are very much a part of the problem, seeing as they haven’t come up with any practical solutions other than to bitch and whine about how POTUS is “too far right, too much like a Republican, too much DLC” and how he must be primaried.

As someone on another pro Obama blog pointed out, if Paul Wellstone had lived and become POTUS, the UNprofessional left would call for him to be primaried the minute he failed one of their purity tests.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On March 21, 2011 @ 4:28 pm

An HP Moderator Replies

I’ve gotten suspended on Huff and Puff post recently too, under my DearAgony10 handle by the SAME mod!!!

Apparently, I was on one of the threads getting in fights with trolls, and I used the term “baggie” multiple times to egg them on. I ended up having my account suspended and I had to reply to the email saying I would follow the rules, what kind of BS is that?

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On February 13, 2011 @ 5:00 pm

Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Over at HuffyFluffy, the leftist posters are talking MAD shit about President Obama, one poster even said they hate Obama worse than they do Bush!

Both the left and the right want President Barack Hussein Obama to be a one term President. The left wants him to be a one termer because he’s not far left, and the right want him to be a one termer because they believe he’s some foreigner from Kenya. Both sides could care less about actually getting things done.

The left (or more specifically, the anti-war left) praises Kuchinich like a demigod, but what has Kuchinich gotten done, other than flip flopping on a LOT of his stances to run for President just to lose? Kuchinich couldn’t get Bush convicted of war crimes or get single payer passed.

As for Bernie Sanders, he’s a hypocrite all on his own. He had no problems supporting Obama’s healthcare legislation without a public option, but NOW he has the nerve to cry foul with Obama taking this compromise.

I’ve got to say, I’m angrier more at the “left” than I am at President Obama. While I don’t agree with the stance he has taken, he has taken his stance with class and dignity. The “left” continues to treat him like a slave boy, like he’s their President only. Have any of these angry “progressives” actually contacted their Representatives and Senators (lest they be Republican), or are they just lashing out at Obama just because they can?

I’ve criticized Obama for flip flopping, but in no way shape or form am I ready to start treating him like scum, the way these “progressives” have.

I consider myself a conservative, but I am probably more progressive than these so called “progressives.” I advocate progress, no matter how big or small it is. As much as I didn’t like the tax cuts for the rich extended temporarily, at least the unemployed who need their UI will be able to have access to it. What kind of “victory” would it have been to end the tax cuts for the rich, only to have UI denied to those who need it? A tax cut isn’t going to help those who aren’t making any money right now.

Like many have pointed out, President Obama was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He took the middle ground, which angered both the left and the right. The left is angry because he kept the tax cuts for the rich, and the right is angry because he is keeping UI. Both the left and the right need to concede defeat, as neither side got what they wanted 100%.

This is why I laugh at political clubs and those who take them seriously. Neither political party has your best interests in mind 100% of the time, that is why our Founders were staunchly against political clubs. If our politics is ever to actually get thing done for the people, perhaps we need to end this “My team is better than your team!” squabble that makes kindergarten squabbles seem mature in comparison.

In short: I disagree with President Obama, but admire that he took the middle ground as opposed to playing partisan party line politics. The left and right can suck it, he has more spine and conviction than they accuse him of not having.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On December 8, 2010 @ 11:08 am

Dealing With the Devil

Unlike others, I blame both sides fully, I don’t just blame one side and act like the other is innocent.

President Obama is to blame for flip flopping what he campaigned on, which is a huge disappointment for me. He promised to end the tax cuts on the high end and he’s extending them, WTF?

The Dems are to blame for NOT holding a vote on this issue before the midterms.

And Republicans are to blame for wanting to keep the rich richer.

While I’m disappointed in Obama flip flopping, I also admire him for remaining a voice of reason. A LOT of folks want an angry Obama, the “angry black man.” I don’t see what Obama getting angry with either side would accomplish. I’ve always admired Obama’s calmness and rationality. Many might consider it a weakness, I consider it a strength. I can’t believe people are already forgetting we HAD a President eight years ago who always acted the part of the tough guy, and caused this massive world of hurt that Obama has to put back together.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On December 8, 2010 @ 12:43 am

President Obama made a HUGE point about how his own party did NOT want to hold this vote before the midterms. Why did the Dems end up becoming spineless cowards, and REFUSE to hold this vote on the tax cuts BEFORE the midterms?

Because of that, they virtually GUARANTEED that these tax breaks that Bush started would be extended (albeit temporarily) and yet that’s President Obama’s fault?

I’ve had it with the left continuing to want to play politics instead of getting things done. I agree with Obama, this is the public option BS all over again. Apparently there weren’t enough Dem votes to guarantee that the Bush tax cuts would be ended, and of course Republicans would NOT have them ended.

Once again, President Obama ends up being the voice of reason, flying above the fray, and that’s called “caving.” WOW! Since when was appearing reasonable “caving”?

I swear, the left has become equivalent to spoiled kids. They want ice cream, they get ice cream, yet they complain about how they got cookies n’ cream when they wanted Rocky Road.

This legislation has things that neither side wants. The left wanted the Bush tax cuts on the high end ended, and the right didn’t want the unemployment benefits extended. That is what you get when you actually achieve bipartisanship.

As an actual conservative (not a “CONservative” of the FoxSnooze ilk) I have to say ENOUGH with the “You’re either with us or against us” malarkey the left and right want to play. It’s because that BOTH sides continue to want to play childish political games that keeps the people’s business from getting done. True, Obama flip flopped on what he campaigned on, but it’s circumstantial. And I fail to see how Obama joining in this childish political game would have achieved anything. It’s easy to criticize in hindsight when you don’t have a country to run.

I’m not happy about this deal either and I TOTALLY disagree with what President Obama has done, but I’m not hanging him with a noose because of it either. Plenty of blame to go around. I blame the spineless Democrats in Congress for not holding a vote before the midterms, and I blame the Republicans for wanting to keep those tax cuts on the high end.

Precisely why I’m fed up with political clubs in Washington.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On December 7, 2010 @ 6:40 pm

Why I’m Scared of Sarah Palin

I’m actually not afraid of Sarah Palin. As a matter of fact, I find her to be a big joke.

She won’t even come close to winning the White House in 2012… there is enough right wing pushback against her that she wouldn’t stand a chance at winning a single GOP primary, let alone a general election.

Lately, I find Palin to be the biggest media hound since Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, and Britney Spears. Difference is, neither Paris, Lindsay, nor Britney was an elected political figure.

Heck, President Obama admitted that he doesn’t think about her or care what she says… it’s like Palin is fatally attracted to him and continues to do her best to get his attention by attacking him, silly as the attacks may be.

Polls have shown time and time again that a majority of the American people do NOT want Sarah Palin as their President. Heck I’d bet on Mitt Romney winning before Sarah Palin, heck she is hated and despised in her own homestate of Alaska.

I say let the Quitter continue to run her mouth and make herself look like a fool. Only the FoxSnooze folks defend her garbage anyways, and that’s because she’s on their payroll.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 30, 2010 @ 8:13 am

Political Cleopatras

Of course… and he was polling much MUCH worse than President Obama is now, heck the media wrote him off after the Republicans won in 1994.

Then Clinton came back and won in 1996, because the economy was doing so well and Bob Dole was just an absolute loon compared to Clinton.

It all boils down to the state of the economy, and who the Republicans have to offer as a candidate against Obama. The fact that they have to offer Piyush Jindal as “their Obama” shows how desperate they are.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 17, 2010 @ 5:45 pm

You said it all.

I’ve gotten disgusted with all these spoiled children who call themselves “progressives” and “leebruls.” They are the ones most reluctant to fight for the change they demand and order from President Obama.

They are no better than the teabaggers on the far right. Just like the teabaggers, they treat Obama like a slave, ordering him around. He is everyone’s President, not just President of the left or President of the right.

Time and time again, Obama stated that achieving change wouldn’t be easy and would be difficult, yet these whiney leeebruls act like it should have been a cakewalk. I don’t recall when any of them inherited a huge mess from President Bush and were hired to clean it up.

Politics has and always will be the art of the possible. Looking objectively, President Obama has gotten a LOT of things done during his short tenure. It’s just that the right tosses these baseless smears and lies towards Obama, and the leebruls seem to throw gasoline on these flames.

It’s much easier to play armchair President as opposed to getting things done, and that’s what all these pundits essentially are. Although they have a right to their opinions, right or wrong, they’ve got to wake up into reality sooner or later. Sooner or later, they’ll have to accept the fact that they won’t be getting vanilla ice cream and instead will be getting cookies and cream… either way, you STILL GET ICE CREAM, REGARDLESS OF THE FLAVOR!!!

It amazes me to no end how childish these people are, left and right.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 17, 2010 @ 3:21 pm

Hackery Dickery Duped

Puff-Ho has disgusted me and soured me beyond my taste buds.

We have people saying “Obama has turned on me and lost my support,” throwing the President under the proverbial bus when he needs our support the most.

Plus, haven’t people forgotten how Obama has ALWAYS said that change would NOT come easy and there would be times that we would disagree with how he accomplished his agenda?

IF Obama has to temporarily extend the tax cuts for those at the top just to make the tax cuts for the middle permanent, I won’t be too happy with it, but I won’t be disappointed either. That’s like complaining about getting a red slushie when I wanted a blue slushie. I just don’t see why the unprofessional left is unwilling to accept the fact that the tax cuts for the middle will be made permanent through SOME form of negotiation.

Heck, Puff-ho did this SAME bullshit with the public option. Not a lot of people understand that the public option didn’t have the votes to pass muster in the Senate, then they talk about how the President should have negotiated down to public option starting with single payer; do these folks NOT understand how politics works? If you have Senator X unwilling to support public option, then how the heck would they support public option even IF you negotiated down starting with single payer? Not to mention that single payer didn’t even have the votes to pass muster in the House, which is why it was NEVER on the table.

But these “progressives” who have been alienated by Obama won’t be that big a deal; they did the same with Clinton, and Clinton managed to get re-elected without the support of the progressive left. Most of them thought that they could only accomplish change by voting for Obama, which is why they are complaining about him caving and being too far to the right. Most of the legislation he has passed has been middle ground, which is how most legislation gets passed, it’s Civics 101.

One last point: I don’t get the lefty talking point about Obama acting like a Republican, seeing as he’s gotten NO Republican support.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 14, 2010 @ 1:22 am

A Few Bad Memes

What you posted Adlib is EXACTLY why I’ve turned off ALL corporate owned media and research for myself. What is the point of listening to some talking head on TV tell me how to think or why I should feel a certain way?

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 5, 2010 @ 1:05 pm

Chris Matthews & Arianna Huffington: A Moment of Zen for Jon Stewart

Excellent post Marion. I recently got fed up with the BS on Huffington post, with the many right winger posters ruling many threads, deleting many posts, etc etc etc, and I have recently gotten fed up with Arianna Huffington. She’s as much toxic to our politics as Brietboob and his kind are… but you know the infamous sayings, “birds of a feather flock together,” and “a leopard never changes its spots.”

I just find it telling that too many people on Huffington fall for the “you must be far left or you aren’t an American” BS. Fact of the matter is, many people aren’t fans of fast moving change, and I’m not speaking of change as in what President Obama has been attempting to accomplish. I’m speaking about fast moving changes for anything, like if your workplace is enacting a new operating system in a fast manner as opposed to implementing it in steps.

Huffington is a rich spoiled brat; like many “leftists,” she wants it all and wants it NOW. I was a spoiled kid before, I remember when I wanted to have that new toy, that new movie on videotape, that new videogame… and when I would get it, I would probably play with the toy, watch the movie, play the videogame four or five times before I would get bored and get onto wanting the next new thing. Difference is, I was a kid, Huffington and her followers are GROWN ADULTS, yet they have the mentality of children, “why can’t President Obama and the Democrats deliver it all NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW?”

In hindsight, yes Obama and the Democrats have failed and deserve to have their asses handed to them by the Republicans, but since when has politics operated in hindsight? Politics is and has been the art of the possible, and things like single payer healthcare aren’t possible when the votes just don’t exist. Either Huffington knows that and is putting on a front for her followers (which would put her in the same league as Glenn Beck) or she truly is a spoiled rich kid, either way she truly couldn’t care less. Huffington is just a kind of person that you could give into 90% of her demands, yet she’ll complain about how you didn’t do X Y and Z and how you didn’t do it this way. One thing I’ve never understood is how you could continue to complain about the glass being half empty as opposed to it being half full.

Hopefully, as Republicans prepare to take the House as forecasted by the media and as they proceed to brutally beat up and bruise up President Obama even more, Huffington will wake up and smell what she’s shoveling, but I won’t be holding by breath because as I’ve stated, a leopard never changes its spots and birds of a feather flock together. I expect Huffington to ratchet up her nasty anti-Obama rhetoric, heck she may even call for President Obama to be primaried. And it’s depressing to see her, a grown adult, have so much of a vendetta against a man just because he’s held up to politics being the art of the possible. I understand holding President Obama’s feet to the fire, but saying you want him to be primaried just gives more ammo to the other side. Obviously Huffington missed the point of Stewarts “Restoring Sanity” rally, but then again, she misses points about 90% of the time.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On November 1, 2010 @ 9:23 am

Beware of Greeks Blogging Gifts

Arianna Huffington is a hypocrite in many ways. For one, she says she’s a “progressive” yet has been spotted hanging out with Newt Gingrich.

Arianna is the type of person who attacks everybody. She spent the last eight years attacking George W. Bush, now she’s attacking Barack Obama. She’s the kind of person that no matter how much you cave into her demands, it’s just NOT good enough.

As for her website, I’ve stopped commenting on many of the political related articles, posting on only the Entertainment related articles I find interesting. But overall, everyone on Trojanton Post has an ego… whether it be from the right winger posters who end up faving each others comments, or from the Purist posters who think they’re Mr. Big Shot with the Progressive Stripes, attacking President Obama and Democrats for not being far left enough and how they wont support Obama and the Dems and want to go third party, etc etc etc.

And it’s stupid how some words trigger a filter and send your post to pending, or how some threads are fully modded, and your comment takes about an hour to get posted, IF it gets posted at all. Also some Moderators with the badges and deleting privileges have become mod happy and delete posts at free will. It’s nothing short of a kindergarten playground.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On October 28, 2010 @ 6:50 pm

Are We the Sheeple?

That is precisely one of the many reasons I’ve decided to tune out these media moguls, they are all hypocrites.

Arianna has had no problems saying “both parties screwed America royally for 30 years,” but has been a Republican for those 30 years, and apparently is promoting a book that isn’t even going to sell. Keith Olbermann bashes Democrats and Obama for not being far enough to the left, yet he doesn’t bother to vote, although he did provide those free healthcare clinics during the healthcare fight, which was a good thing. And then of course you’ve got Bill Maher as you mentioned, who’s just a smart Tea Party Republican.

It is truly telling when the best political communicators are Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, both who are comedians and base their shows off of satire and jest. Stewart and Colbert put ALL of these media moguls to shame, and Colbert proved it with his testimony on Capitol Hill. You have almost every media mogul as well as Congress attacking Colbert as a “waste of taxpayer dollars” instead of the message he was conveying, which is how poorly migrant farm workers have been treated. And there’s the rallies both Colbert and Stewart are holding that both make fun of the rallies Glenn Beck has held and gather up support for the Democratic process. The ONLY media mogul doing anything remotely similar is Ed Shultz, we aren’t seeing Bill Maher, Keith Olbermann, or any of these other media moguls holding rallies… and they’ve got no problems attacking the Democrats for being too weak to govern.

I may not have agreed with every decision the Democrats have made, but these media moguls have lost it with calling Democrats “weak” and “too weak to govern,” that’s rhetoric I’ve been hearing out of the Republican opposition. It would seem these media moguls actually hope for Republican victories in November, it would allow them to continue to blast the Democrats and help their ratings, which is their motive. I’ve got no problems with people like Ed, Keith and Rachel calling out Democrats, as long as their attacks are based on facts, and as of late, their attacks are based little in fact and are more based on emotion and opinion, especially Bill Maher as you pointed out. It’s these kneejerk reactions based on emotion among us progressives/liberals that ultimately ends up losing elections for Democrats time and time again. I’m not advocating a lockstep mentality like the Tea Party right wing is pushing for, but I’m not advocating cutting off your nose to spite your face either. It’s better to vote for and support a Democrat who will give you 50% of what you want as opposed to a Tea Party Republican who will give you 0% of what you want, but apparently a half loaf of bread is not better than no loaf of bread to these progressive Party purists.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On September 26, 2010 @ 2:28 pm

Well posted Marion. It angers me to no end how these so-called “progressives” are upset at Obama and many Democrats, saying they’re just like Bush or unfit to govern, yadda yadda yadda.

Every single accomplishment this Democratic Congress has pushed out has been shat upon, by both the left and the right. The right these days calls it Marxism, and the left complains about how the legislation isn’t perfect. They complain about how Obama compromises too much even though that’s how most of our laws in history were passed. They complain about the Blue Dog Democrats being too conservative, while not pointing out how legislation would be passed without the support of the Blue Dog Democrats.

Simply put, I have a feeling that these media moguls care more about appearances than getting things done. This is the same group that complained about Obama not being tough enough in his first address from the Oval Office during the oil spill, that he didn’t issue a comprehensive energy plan, etc etc etc. They complain about the healthcare law not going far enough, yet it’s passage and success went farther than ANY in the history of its 100 year failure.

The purists on the left are just as toxic to our political process as the purists on the right. This is why Obama has stated he isn’t an ideologue; things in the real world are accomplished by practical means.

I don’t always agree with Obama, but he’s taken huge steps to attempt to fix this nation, and to fix our political process. Hopefully the rest of the cynics on the left will wake up and realize that they didn’t support Obama to turn the nation into Sweden in just a year and a half, and actually support the man as opposed to playing armchair President, sitting on the fence. It’s these kids of folks who bought into Ralph Nader’s rhetoric in 2000 that “Bush and Gore are the same” that helped contribute to the disaster that was the 2000 Presidential election.

I do hope Barack Obama decides to run again in 2012, he’s the only contender on the Democratic side who even stands a chance of winning on the Democratic side, that’s how politically toxic our political climate is. Not to mention, it’s his calmness that is needed during a time when our nation is in turmoil, with the radical Tea Party klan, and of course the cynics on the left who complain about Obama being too much like Bush, all while ignoring the many decisions he has made that differ from Bush.

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On September 26, 2010 @ 10:28 am

Friday Music Thread – Energize!

Survivor – Eye of the Tiger

Fuel – Won’t Back Down

Shinedown – The Sound Of Madness

» Posted By ClusterFoxWarrior On September 24, 2010 @ 4:16 pm

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