
Comments Posted By BigDogMom

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WATCH LIVE: Pres. Obama Speaks On Fiscal Policy – 10:35 am PDT

Abby, you forgot to add Hedge Funds to your list of “Small Businesses”, but I guess that could fall under the “billions of dollars” category…

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 13, 2011 @ 2:17 pm

Thought it was a good speech, hit all the right points for the middle and it gives his supporters something to campaign on; hit the tax points clearly so that people can understand them; clearly defined the difference of his plan and the Republican plan; gave the Dems a platform to run on in 2012.

Will have to see if tax code really changes before I call it a win for the people, call me optimistically cautious.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 13, 2011 @ 2:12 pm

The Daily Planet, Vol. 52

Adlib, sorry it resonated with me, this is the unease that I have been feeling for a while now…yes, Greenwald is a little over the top. But in all that has passed, barring DADT, how many concessions were made and did we actually benefit from them?

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 13, 2011 @ 10:20 am

Truth, I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but this is my POV, I have been feeling uneasy for a while about the direction we are going in with Obama.

As I clearly stated above, I had no expectations going into this, I understood clearly that he was a centrist, and yes, there have been a long list of things that were past the first year, some good, some bad. That compromise’s must be made. But have we really looked at what has been passed and how many concessions the Dems have made? Too many for my liking.

Tonight he will probably tell us that we need to restructure SS and Medicare, makes cuts, raise the age, so forth and so on. All the Dem and Progressives supporters will squawk a little, the far left will squawking the loudest. But then after contorting themselves into knot, they will convince themselves that YES, it must be done. Then they will go forth and defend these cuts, never realizing that we are moving further and further right.

Unfortunately he has set the tone for all Democrats that makes it much harder for a progressive or liberal to get elected. That now one has too be more center right on policy in order to get elected. He has done to the Democratic party what the Republicans have done to theirs, he has boxed us in.

Yes, he is a shrewd politician, that he is, the Dems and far left will still continue to vote for him, for what else to can we do? And he knows this…I guess this is what sticks in my craw the most.

As for “being the change I believe in” and doing something about it…I have been working on political campaigns since I was 15 yrs. old, have initiated 10 voter drives, and have worked the polls for 20 yrs, the last three driving seniors to them. I’m tired.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 13, 2011 @ 10:15 am

I’m not a big fan of Glen Greenwald, but today his post on the President’s negotiating style was an “a ha moment” for me. In this article he has captured the unease I have been feeling for a while now, but was unable to put a finger on what it exactly making me feel this way.

Now I’m no ardent far lefty or super-progressive, but for me, there was always this lingering question on Obama’s motives, on the style in which he negotiated various things, that just didn’t ring true to me. That even though I knew from the get go that he was a centrist, it seemed to me that what he has negotiated on brought us more right than center. That to get along we go along. But is that is what’s best for the Country? Or what’s best for President Obama?

Does anyone believe that Obama and his army of veteran Washington advisers are incapable of discovering these tactics on their own or devising better strategies for trying to avoid these outcomes if that’s what they really wanted to do? What evidence is there that Obama has some inner, intense desire for more progressive outcomes? These are the results they’re getting because these are the results they want — for reasons that make perfectly rational political sense.

“These are the results that they are getting because these are the results they want”

Conventional D.C. wisdom — that which Obama vowed to subvert but has done as much as any President to bolster — has held for decades that Democratic Presidents succeed politically by being as “centrist” or even as conservative as possible. That attracts independents, diffuses GOP enthusiasm, casts the President as a triangulating conciliator, and generates raves from the DC press corps — all while keeping more than enough Democrats and progressives in line through a combination of anti-GOP fear-mongering and partisan loyalty.

“While keeping more than enough Democrats and progressives in line…”

Gaudy claims of Fundamental Change and Transformation and Yes, We Can! have given way to an endless parade of excuse-making that he’s powerless, weak and there’s nothing he can do.

We will make excuses, we will rationalize every move he makes in order to defend him and his policy choices and show the world how different he really is from the Republicans.

He’ll pay lip service to some Democratic economic dogma and defend some financially inconsequential culture war positions: that’s how he will signal to the base that he’s still on their side. But the direction will be the same as the GOP desires and, most importantly, how the most powerful economic factions demand: not because he can’t figure out how to change that dynamic, but because that’s what benefits him and thus what he wants.

Gee, and here I thought my eyes were wide open going into this two years ago, but believe now I had on those rose colored glasses like many others.

A post from the article:

Good cop, bad cop.

One thing Ryan’s wacko budget plan does it to make Obama’s embrace of the Catfood Commission’s recommendations seem reasonable by comparison.

I wonder if that was the intent.

Stick a fork in me, I’m done…I really don’t like the feeling of being “Triangulated”

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 13, 2011 @ 8:40 am

The Daily Planet, Vol. 51

foxisms, or should I call you Lord Valdemort? I think I need to get a new hobby, this is just too depressing to me lately… 😯

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 9:56 am

Truth, nothing will change until we change that one thing…but who is going to make the first move towards that?

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 9:54 am

foxisms, agree, the days of “the statesman” in our nations capital are long gone, there has always been the scourge of big money in Washington perverting the direction of this country, going back to our founding of this nation, but this scourge is more prevalent than ever in this day and age.

The politicians that we put in office now are more worried about re-election than governing and the political pundits feed this need on 24/7 cable news. They are fearful of making any decision, let alone hard ones, for fear of it back lashing and a drop in their poll numbers.

The last 30 yrs. both parties have created tax laws that are written to benefit the largest political donors, every once in a while throwing a bone to “the little people” to keep them happy and thus insuring our vote one more time…and this goes on and on, with no real change.

Are they both the same, I don’t think so, one is ideologically corrupt to the core and the other is caught up in trying to compete with them monetarily, thus corrupting their true ideology in pursuit of campaign donations.

Until there is campaign finance reform that takes the money out of the equation, these are the type of leaders and decisions that we are going to get.

Today, just call me chicken little….dark and rainy here in CT and just sick of it all.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 9:27 am

WTS, I read Krugman daily, he is down to earth and practical, but knows his stuff, very much like Elizabeth Warren.

But, like agrippa says, he has very little influence in Washington…wish that were not the case. The White House could use someone like Krugman right now, even if its just to write the message on economic matters for them.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 7:34 am

“But if you ask me, I’d say that the nation wants — and more important, the nation needs — a president who believes in something, and is willing to take a stand. And that’s not what we’re seeing.”

Paul Krugman hit the nail on the head with this one…we need a President WHO BELIEVES IN SOMETHING…

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 7:28 am

GOP Economics – How to Become Taller by Digging Holes


» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 12:22 pm

Adlib, playing chess is all fine and good, but chess is a silent game, not big on loud cheerleaders, roaring crowds and the marching band playing, as we all know Americans need that the noise.

If you want the crowd to root for your side, you need to give them a reason to…waiting until 2012 for the bully pulpit may be too late.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 11:43 am

There is nothing on the news today about this…perception in politics is 99%.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 11:34 am

funk, with you on that, it really sucks, was just watching cable news while eating lunch, every channel has the President losing the budget battle, conceding it to the Republicans.

How does one knock on doors for him when the message is not out there to back up you up?

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 11:32 am

Adlib, can I renege on that bet? Just saw your post up above…that rascal cleaned Boneheads clock good! 😆

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:40 am

Adlib, OK, I admit it, I was wrong in my assessment of the President in prior posts. The cuts are not that bad to social programs and he does seem to have done an end run around the Republicans.

But gee wiz, I just wish he would come out fighting and let us know what the hell is going on!!!! 😡

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:37 am


The problem I have with the President is not the cuts, it’s the way he went about negotiating them…he looks weak in my eyes by following the GOP “Let’s Gut the Government” meme.

He would have more credibility with me if he came out with his own “meme”, such as JOBS, just as he did with health care. Right now I see it as “if you can’t beat them, join them” type of attitude, which shows a sign of weakness to me.

Cher, put it brilliantly on a post down below on what I and many others are feeling right now:

I just feel in my bones that if the President came out swinging against at least the most extreme policies of the Right at this moment, the floodgates would open and people would tsunami their asses.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:28 am

I’m trying to figure out why not. It might have something to do with feeling overwhelmed but it also might be because there is no one in power to help us channel our anger. We feel impotent at the very moment we need to get out there! Nothing cures apathy like action, but of course that’s chicken/egg stuff. I just feel in my bones that if the President came out swinging against at least the most extreme policies of the Right at this moment, the floodgates would open and people would tsunami their asses.

Cher, you hit the proverbial nail on the head with this statement once again! YES, it would be nice to know that he is behind US…

I really don’t need a damn pony, too much work to clean up after them…but would be really nice if he even acknowledged our existence!

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:17 am

jkk, agree, if we primary him, do you think he’ll wake up? No, he’s going for the Indie and moderate Republicans vote right now…knowing damn well that in the end all of us will vote for him anyway.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:11 am

Adlib, bet you a fiver that he caves again…and Indies are not going to vote for someone that looks weak.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:09 am

jkk, we have no choice but to vote for Obama, if we split the ticket the Republicans win, if we primary him, the Republicans win, we are stuck between a hard place and a rock.

The only thing that I pray is that the Republicans have over played their hand so much so, that we can primary congressional and senate seats and get “real progressives” in there, in a majority, to re-vamp our unequal laws.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 10:06 am

jkk, my husband has now taken to calling the President “The Cave-man” for his caving in to the Republicans demands all the time…Weds. speEch will be more “CUTS”

Wonder when he is going to stop listening to the “Republican Propaganda Machine” and realize that “we” mandated JOBS not CUTS!

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 9:47 am

WTS, that’s OK, clicked on the side bar and came right to it! The mircle of the Planet! 😆

My question, along with millions of others, “But will the President and the Dems do anything with it?”

The Dems have been handed a gift by the far right Tea Party and so far they have failed to do anything with it.

Sorry to sound like Debbie Downer, getting a little frustrated by all of this…time to take a long walk with my furry four legged creature, who like Rachel’s dog, whines to be let in…

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 7:54 am

Morning Buddy, finding middle ground is all fine and good, but when you concede to your negotiating partner even before he comes back with a counter offer to me is not “middle ground”, to me it’s bad negotiating skills.

Paul Krugman sums it up perfectly:

But if you ask me, I’d say that the nation wants — and more important, the nation needs — a president who believes in something, and is willing to take a stand. And that’s not what we’re seeing.

The President is losing the messaging battle, along with the negotiating battle…he is perceived by the left, center and right as “wishy washy”, this is not a good thing to be thought of as a President.

Standing for something, stating it to the American people with conviction, but still be willing to get all sides to agree is what is needed….but I don’t see that happening in the near future.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 7:48 am

I think that Pres. Obama and the Dems in Congress have the high ground now to demand tax increases and closed loopholes for the wealthy, to save this nation. I think that needs to be their strategy now.

Would have, could have, should have…Yes, we all know what he should do, but will he do it? History has shown us that he backs down at every negotiation with the Republicans. His negotiation skills leave little to be desired in my opinion, they ask for $33 billion, he gives them #38.5 billion in cuts…but oh, Planned Parenthood was on the line everyone says…He should have nipped that in the bud first thing by saying, “we’ll take it to the American people” like Bidden had said. That threat should have been used earlier on, the last thing the Republicans wanted was a shut down, because they know they would have been blamed for it…but what does the President do? Gives them more.

Everyone keeps saying that he is this great strategist, that he is the ultimate chess player, I just don’t see it anymore. The President and everyone can sugar coat it all they want, a shit deal is a shit deal.

Last night Rachel Maddow used the analogy of her giving into her dogs demands every time the dogs whimpers to the President giving in to the Republicans demands every time they whimper. He has trained them well, they know that if they pull out of their ass the most heinous thing that they can do to the American people as a threat, the President will give into their demands just to shut them up.

I’d say that we all should demand that the President do stand up to them this time, but doubt that that would make a difference, it never has before.

I would love to be wrong on this one, but not holding my breath.

Rachel Maddow’s show last night:

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 12, 2011 @ 6:31 am

The Daily Planet, Vol. 47

The Feds need to go in and take a look at whats going on in there, I don’t trust anyone from inside Wisconsin since Scott Walker took over.

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 8, 2011 @ 3:02 pm

VOTE NOW: PlanetPOV’s Top Posts of 2010!


» Posted By BigDogMom On April 10, 2011 @ 9:45 am

Americans Can Lose Weight By Doing Nothing (Really!)

Oh Artist I wish I could eat chocolate at all, I have figured out that chocolate for some reason makes the hot flashed worse for me, is that sad or what!

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 7, 2011 @ 1:22 pm

kes, that’s what I feel like doing sometimes!!!! Too bad my big ol’SUV is a lease…keep telling hubby that I want a tank!!! 👿

(The other night he asked if there was some pill I can take to make me better! Thank God he laughed when he said it or else I probably would have decked him!)

*Edit* Did you see that BIG HAIR those girls!!!

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 7, 2011 @ 1:17 pm

Dear Mr. Bauart,

You were right that Fat Map was really cool, I do so love visuals, specially ones with pretty colors that change constantly, kinda like a kaleidoscope!

Does this diet work for menopausal women? Can it control hot flashes, night sweats and sudden outburst of rage towards your stupid husband when he doesn’t close dresser drawers, pick up his clothes off the floor or look at you the wrong way?

I really have never had a weight problem since I hate to eat, cook or clean up the kitchen, I don’t do bathrooms either. Which makes it really hard on my marriage to someone who insists on a full meat and potatoes kinda meal every night. He also has the nerve to ask for clean clothes too, can you believe it!

Your advice would be greatly appreciated a.s.a.p., for I fear that soon I may harm him or any other idiot that happens to be within striking distance when these bouts occur.

Hubby says that he won’t bail me out of jail if I do something that I might regret, like driving my car into the back end of the next bitch who cuts me off while talking on the cell phone or strangling the old fart who clips my heels with their grocery cart.


Faithfully yours,

Crazy Raging Hormones Woman

» Posted By BigDogMom On April 7, 2011 @ 4:04 am

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