Displaying 0 To 0 Of 0 Comments Even When NC Tries To Get It Right… Some things I have always wanted to ask the various bigots, but to which I know I will never get a straight answer: 1. In what way do I OBJECTIVELY harm you? 2. In what way does making my already-difficult life harder…make YOUR life better? » Posted By Angela Bridgman On September 10, 2021 @ 8:34 pm Projection Is Confession: Decoding Trump’s ‘Tells’ I hate to point this out, sir, but, NOT EVERYONE KNOWS THAT WHAT TRUMP AND FOX NEWS PROMOTE ARE LIES!! Many people believe it is Gospel truth….and that what reputable news sources deliver is the lies (“fake news”) I am really not sure how we, as a nation got here. But we are now a nation full of people (on both sides) who will not accept as truth or as news…whatever contradicts what they already believe or want to believe. Unlike them, I will confess to having some of this bias myself. I equate “Republican” with “trans-hater”, “homophobe”, “racist”, “bigot” – even though intellectually, I know not all of them are. What is difficult…is to not give in to the easy answer that our own bias produces for us. I think the beginning of how we got here was the ending of The Fairness Doctrine, and the advent of toxic talk radio, followed by “infotainment.” We are not a society that, as a whole…is intellectually curious – we’d rather be spoon-fed stuff we already want to believe…..or be told what to believe – and the networks, eager for the God-Almighty advertising dollar…is only too happy to deliver. The explosion of the Internet….which should have and often has served the forces of justice and democracy…also can be used – as we have seen…to service trolls, crooks, cranks, charlatans, white supremacists and authoritarians. It is not the tool that is bad…is is how a person employs the tool…that is bad or good. We have become a society unable to comprehend nuance, and who wants easy answers to complex problems. We have become fat, lazy, greedy and selfish. We no longer seem to care about injustice perpetrated against others…only when it comes home to roost do we howl….and then we expect everyone else to care…when we do not care about others. Fortunately, we DO have the power to overcome this…whether we have the will or not – remains to be seen. We are facing the worst evil ever visited on this nation, the most dangerous enemy we have ever faced….with our very democracy and way of life hanging in the balance. We are made to feel as if we are alone, and that nobody cares…and that causes us to give up. We cannot do that. We have to SHOW UP…and we have to SPEAK OUT…whenever we see injustice being perpetrated on someone else – because if they can take my rights and freedoms away…they can take yours too. Just as if they can take yours…they also can take mine. We have to realize, in this nation, as Dr.. King told us…when any one person is oppressed, none of us are free. We have to speak up and DEMAND justice for everyone. And we have to make the kind of sick trolling, racism, bigotry, homophobia and transphobia we have seen these past few years…NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE IN PUBLIC. We must shun them and shame them, banish them from polite society, until they are forced to crawl back under the cold, wet, slimy rocks from under which they slithered. And we must remain vigilant to never again let those kind of people have power…because that is a threat to ALL of our freedoms. We must begin to see any injustice, against anyone…as a personal affront, and we must be as outraged by injustice committed against others….as we are outraged when injustice is committed against us. Nothing else can save our democracy, our nation, our freedoms and our way of life. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 31, 2019 @ 12:53 am Papers Filed, North Carolina Has First-In-History Openly-Trans Candidate For State Legislature I would have let it go ages ago, but you have to keep responding and spewing hateful and hurtful words at me. So NOR SIR….YOU DO NOT GET TO JUST WISH ME A MERRY CHRISTMAS…like you are some kind of good guy and let it go. If you are sincere,, first you will apologize for your hurtful words, and you will acknowledge your behavior of stalking me. There are about 120 comments on this thread. I’d wager fifty of them are yours, spewing hateful and hurtful words to or about me. Another about 25 are my mostly kind responses in the face of such sheer provocation. Another 30 of them are from people defending me from your hateful hurtful words and calling you out…including several moderators. And frankly, if YOUR STALKING BEHAVIOR does not violate Terms Of Service here then I am amazed. But you have been shown incredible tolerance, both by staff here and by myself in the face of your onslaught. The remaining fifteen comments are about the actual topic of the thread. So NO SIR…you do NOT get to “just let it go” and wish me any kind of a Merry Christmas, when you have done your level best to try to destroy any joy in my life…which you will not succeed in doing. You are not a good person,, you are not a kind person, and frankly, if you are a Christian, acting as you do…treating me as you do…then a lot of people are doing it wrong. I suspect, however, it is YOU who is doing it wrong. And since I have been,, for the most part, incredibly kind in the face of being stalked and attacked by you, I will wish YOU a Merry Christmas. Because it seems to me you need some joy in your life…you must have none, otherwise you’d stop trying to take the joy out of other people’s lives. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 1:46 pm I advocate treating other people as you would like to be treated yourself. And you have a problem with this? Who am I in fact actually HURTING by being transgender? Nobody. If people like you would just let us live our lives and leave us alone and stop discriminating against us…we would not have to be as “in your face” about it as we are. You and people like you started the war on us. We did not ask for it. But we WILL fight back when we are attacked. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 1:36 pm I have been consistently respectful and nice in the face of your stalking and harassment. I will let that record speak for itself. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 10:14 am I hope you are right about decent people being the majority…because if so, Trump will be a one-termer. Deplorable was not the correct word. DEPRAVED would have been better. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 10:13 am Indeed. And I wonder if Jondo ever underwent higher education. I tried to, but dropped out after a semester, when, five days after Matt Shepard’s murder, I was forced to choose between pursuit of higher education and my own personal safety. Ending with a quote: Education is, I think, without value if those who emerge from it are not able to cope with what is outside the comfy and familiar. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 10:11 am Agreed. And I truly wish I could block Jondo on this site…because I am tired of responding to his drivel. There are countless self-identified Christians, who, having done good works…will say, Lord, Lord…and he will say”Turn away from me for I knew you not” because their hearts are black. Such is the case with Jondo, as evidenced by his behavior towards me. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 10:07 am It is not sinning to be that which I was created to be. I felt as a female long before I knew about the physical differences between boys and girls…let alone adult relations. I always felt I belonged among the girls…they enjoyed the same activities I enjoyed, and I hated the activities boys engaged in. I did not fit in with the boys and did not feel I belonged among them. Because I felt this way from my earliest memory…and long before I knew of the physical differences, long before I knew about adult relations, and long before I knew about sin….I can only conclude I was created to be the way I am. And being that which I was created to be is not sinful. On the other hand, I believe that stalking and harassing another person, and not treating them as you yourself would wish to be treated is a sin…it goes directly against what your Lord commanded of you. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 10:02 am Man seeth the outside, but the Lord seeth the heart. I have no fear of what God or Jesus will see in my heart. Can you say the same, after the way you have continued to stalk and abuse and harass me? » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:57 am I am a tolerant person. That does NOT require me to tolerate intolerance. I have no tolerance for those who refuse to show tolerance for others. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:56 am And there is the misgendering again. It is hostile and it is attacking me. But you have at it if it makes you feel better. You do not define me…only I get to do that. That is part of living in a free country. You do not get to make my choices for me and you don’t get to define me. The problem with you and people like you is that you cannot stand OTHER PEOPLE’S FREEDOM. You’ll have it for yourself, but will deny it to anyone who you decide is an enemy. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:55 am Again, the disrespect of misgendering. I am not surprised that intolerant hateful people like yourself would engage in this. You cannot attack my message, my platform or my agenda, because you lack counterarguments…so you seek to attack the messenger. Won’t work. Water off a duck’s back, you need to have thick skin to be trans. You need thick skin just to run for office, even if you are not trans. Imagine what it takes to both be trans AND run for office? Believe me, I have dealt with far worse than you in my 25 years as an out transgender woman. Of course, the other possible answer for your abuse is simple human psychology. You feel badly about yourself, for whatever reason, so…instead of trying to build yourself up…which is hard, trust me, I know…after transition I had to start all over from scratch…instead of doing the hard thing and building yourself up….you’d rather tear someone else down. Well, if it makes you feel better…then have at it. But you are not affecting me, and you will not define me. Only I define me. Nobody else gets to. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:51 am Exactly how have I dismissed a life’s work in those areas? And how have YOU not dismissed a life’s work in overcoming adversity? And, I might add…ADVERSITY CAUSED BY PEOPLE LIKE YOU AND YOUR INTOLERANCE OF PEOPLE WHO ARE DIFFERENT FROM YOURSELF? » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:44 am You have condemned me in your words, and you have condemned me accusing me of gender fraud….and just now in misgendering me. Your very first response to this post was to tell me to seek counseling….as if you had any right to suggest that. If you are gonna discriminate against me and hate on me for being what I am, the least you could do is acknowledge my gender pronouns. Good day to you. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 17, 2019 @ 9:42 am No, I do not. I recognize YOUR cognitive dissonance, because you refuse to acknowledge someone else’s true feelings simply because you can’t understand them. What are you afraid of, Jondo? The human race is in no danger of extinction. At least not from the LGBT, anyway. Are you afraid you might be attracted to someone like me? I assure you you have nothing to worry about…it takes two to tango, and no self-respecting trans woman would want anything to do with you. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:51 pm I never could be a man. Attempting to do so…as I did, for the first 23 years of my life…that was the gender fraud. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:49 pm I have no fear of his judgement. Man seeth the outside, but the Lord seeth the heart. Am I perfect? Hell, no and I would not want that burden. But my heart is in the right place…and I have always stood for goodness, kindness, tolerance, justice and mercy. Can you honestly say you have? » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:48 pm And what do you call supporting laws that take away the ability of my people to live…if not hate and vengeance? I don’t like YOUR behavior. And I am sure I am not the only one. I would not advocate depriving YOU of the things which the maintenance of your life requires. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:44 pm Do you know what the primary purpose a Christian is supposed to have?? To spread the good news…and bring others to God. You and people like you are really BAD AT IT. Think about it…if someone comes to YOU with a message as comforting as a crown of thorns, how likely are you to listen to them? You are driving people AWAY from God and Jesus…and thus you are an agent of Satan. Unwitting, perhaps, but an agent of Satan nevertheless. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:41 pm If LGBT revolts you, then you are no Democrat and never were. Good riddance to you, there is no place for people like you in our Party. We have tolerance for everyone…except for those who fail to show tolerance to others. We do not have to tolerate that, and I, for one, will not. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:38 pm I blocked him on Yabz for what I call G.P (General Principles) – as soon as I saw his icon was a Confederate flag…I knew there was nothing he had to say that I wanted to hear. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:36 pm Wrong. My gender was always my gender and it was always female. Nobody ASKED ME what I felt before they arbitrarily assigned me to a gender…and to a role I was never meant to have. Truthfully, this is why I do not even like the term “transgender” for myself. My SEX changed, not my gender. But the word “transsexual” has fallen out of favor in our community. Thus, I identify myself as simply “trans” – it can mean transgender to them…and TRANSSEXUAL to me. I only use the term “transgender” for myself, when speaking with an audience that I am not sure understands the subtlety of our lexicon. The only fraud…was my ever being assigned male. It is not a role I was ever wired or equipped to play. I tried. I tried real hard…badly, too…because it was never the right role for me. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:34 pm Yeah. Just wish the Primary were in May instead of March. I lose almost a whole month of fundraising and canvassing and phonebanking. NOBODY wants to get canvassed, phonebanked or solicited for campaign contributions during the holidays. But in order to get a message out…you need money. Trying to figure out how to do this during holidays. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:30 pm Thanks. And, after 25 years, I am pretty inured to my critics. Water off a duck’s back. Oh, there’s times it hurts, I won’t deny that. But you just have to let it go and not let it get you off track. You learn to recognize it for what it is…they cannot attack your message…because it is right and they know it. They lack counterarguments. And so they try to attack the messenger. That – in my case – is an exercise in futility. I am totally confident in my own identity, and have now lived more than half my life in that identity. I am past the point where they ever had a chance to define me. I will define me…nobody else has that right. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 14, 2019 @ 7:27 pm As to the need to claim passionately about their belief ion a particular religion…this is because some people absolutely HAVE to be, and publicly…on what they see as “the winning team.” To them that is more important than what is the just and right team. This is why Presidential polls are often used by many to determine who they will support. They cannot stand to be not on the winning team. I support candidates on issues, not on how I perceive their popularity with others. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 9, 2019 @ 10:24 pm And the odd part about it is they do not even recognize the cognitive dissonance. For example…I am a smoker. I know smoking is bad for me. That is cognitive dissonance…but I am at least aware of it and acknowledge it for what it is. » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 9, 2019 @ 10:21 pm You know the funny part, AdLib? Millions upon millions of Christians and so-called Christians believe they will be Raptured. The Bible states 144,000. Gonna be an awful lot of disappointed peeps. Just sayin’!! » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 9, 2019 @ 10:19 pm Being transgender IS NOT A SIN. And if you will pardon me for saying it…you seems eager and excited for the fall of nations…which will cause great suffering to many people. How Christian is that…eagerly anticipating the pain and suffering of others? » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 9, 2019 @ 10:17 pm You’re too kind, Opie. Thank you! » Posted By Angela Bridgman On December 9, 2019 @ 1:44 pmComments Posted By Angela Bridgman
-Betty Winston-Baye
You have to have a pretty thick skin just to run for office at all. And to be transgender, especially in North Carolina…and to be that openly for the last 25 years…you have to have a pretty thick skin.
Now imagine what it takes to both be what I am…and to run for office!
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