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Business Corner

Dedicated to sharing the insights and experience of members in the world of business and finance.

During one particular political segment, the station played a clip of John Boehner doing one of his “Jobs…Jobs…(It’s all your fault, Mr. President)… Jobs” rants. At that point, a question occurred to me: How many US jobs, now exported, did those three cargo vessels represent?
Here is a little ammunition and something to think about the next time you hear that raising taxes on "business" will stop them from hiring or squash their ability or willingness to invest or to upgrade their equipment or infrastructure.
Describing and enacting a rational and balanced Employee Incentive plan that will result in a self-running business.
What do you want... really? What is a reasonable Net Profit Margin? A Rational Incentive Plan for Employees... "cost-free"
The Financial Plan as a crystal ball... Overhead... Headache or a simple calculation? Markup - Not getting what you think you are getting Calculating the cost of overhead... Pricing made simple... or is it?
Understanding the sales history Normalizing G&A Building a Financial Plan
More on Understanding the Past... Costs of Goods Sold (COGS) as it relates to sales... Sales, COGS and the time shift...
A Brief History of Sales - Understanding the past... If you already have a business, it's time to gather all the information you can before you start.
Chart of Accounts - A map of your business... You have to take control of this very, very, very important part of your business.
There are three elemental areas of business – any business The three elements are: Sales Operations Finance


The Game The Right Is Playing With Religion

The founders knew and understood the true implication and impact of the separation of Church and State for the country compared to the religious tyranny that enveloped Europe at the time and before this country started developing into a nation essentially free of mandated spiritual influence, which some call Christianity.

David Ignatius, What the Hell Is Wrong with You?

I do not believe President Biden should step aside. I think the Washington Post should stop placating Trump and his base and call Trump out as the fabulist for what he has done and what he will do to this country if he wins the Presidency.