TRUMP: "I was thinking about this yesterday while someone was trying to brief me on something "urgent", I wasn't paying attention to their boring screams because I was thinking about this...what if I dropped nukes all over the U.S., you know, in the air, so it didn't harm any businesses. The radiation would come down so beautiful, like an invisible hero to kill the invisible enemy, Corona."
This looks more like the last stage of a coup. Consolidating power in himself by stacking the courts as his puppets, discrediting belief in the truth by attacking the press as fake and rigging elections with voter suppression. Spreading propaganda and lies while facilitating Russian-aided disinformation on social media. Trying to shut down the postal service which means shutting down voting by mail. Lastly, raising a fascist, well armed militia to stand against his political enemies. The threat to our democracy couldn't be more urgent.
While Trump may personally fawn over those who have managed to achieve wealth and celebrity, whether in sports, showbiz, business or tech, the low-wage members of those same minorities are seen as little more than indentured servants considered disposable to society, particularly when the denial of financial support from the government forces them back into high-risk service jobs too soon to be safe.
The contestants will be randomly selected from communities all around the United States. They will be informed that they may likely be chosen to die for the good of the economy and encouraged to give their best performance to convince the panel why they are more valuable to society than they are a burden.
Trump sees the protection of Americans from a pandemic as "a worse choice" than having a weakened economy that denies him re-election. So he is bravely winding up for a pitch to demand that "nature be allowed to run its course" in the killing of 11 million Americans by COVIC-19.
When it comes to water and toilet paper, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Fear is a multiplier, the more it's widely accepted, the more it grows. While there seems to be no connection right now between Coronavirus and running out of Charmin, that connection has been made out of fear and ignorance. And now, the legit fear of not being able to buy the basics because of others' panic-buying, is justified and multiplies all other fears.
Here we are today with only around 3% of delegates decided (yes logicians, that does mean there are 97% of delegates yet to be awarded), and the candidates that are really winning this primary are Chicken Little and The Hulk.
Many media pundits struggle with object permanence when it comes to the normal, reoccurring process of primaries. Instead of a primary having trust falls and drum circles, the candidates are now actually criticizing each other so they can convince voters why they should be the nominee instead of any of the others. So they can run against Trump. Why is it so hard for them to see that 2 comes after 1?
Dershowitz went on to suggest that it may have been Columbia drug dealers who actually tried to bribe Ukraine to smear Biden and that Mr. Trump suspects that the real perpetrator was a lying con man with a lot of money so he has been spending a great deal of time at golf courses to "find the real extorter".
Why do Republicans appear to be playing an all-in, "Doomsday" game. Is there no tomorrow, Mitch?


Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?

I Believe in God, But I Hate Religion Part 2

The thought of eternal suffering is a significant motivator for those who are strong in their religious beliefs. It is also conducive to those who push various religious doctrines on their congregants to keep them in line.