KQµårk 死神 : Take Care AdLib
KQµårk 死神 : Yeah that fizzled out quick
AdLib : Looks like time to call this edition of Vox Populi...
AdLib : Great, see you then!
KQµårk 死神 : I'll be around tomorrow night for the debate.
AdLib : KQ - But the Senate has the...
choicelady : Chris - I am about to leave, too. Have a wonderful new year, and let's all hope it's better than THIS one....
AdLib : Bito - I think it's going to be a very good year, thanks in part to all that you, KQuark and Kalima...
Chernynkaya : Night, Sally!
SallyT : I'll be around. Got no where to go. Well, except the bathroom. Have a good night.
Chernynkaya : I do...
PatsyT : Nighty Night Chris Say goodnight to Ohio for me
KQµårk 死神 : Patsy with $100 bills spread across the bed I bet.
AdLib : If only I had your legs!
KQuark : Ah AdLib if I only had your eternal optimism mon ami.
AdLib : 2013 is when...
1 guest is online.
KQuark : I thought I heard a bloop from VP.
AdLib : That wraps up this powerful edition of Vox Populi. Thanks...
AdLib : Well, looks like it's time to wrap this edition of Vox Populi. Since we started early, I think this may have set...
AdLib : Righty-O! You take care of yourself!
choicelady : AdLib - I totally agree. I know the Oxy takes the "burn" away and that's...