A late update from the 2011 Irish Presidential Elections.
Stating that gay people were born with their orientation seems like the perfect counter to the conservative argument that being gay is a choice, but this life-affirming rebuttal opens the door to other attacks.
When the London (and other English cities)riots rampaged earlier this year, I read with droll amusement, the armchair activist quarterbacks' wistful comments in Huffington Post...
Toby Keith, Democrat, says:-
I don’t know, but I expect the wealthy to write a check ’cause it’s as bad as it’s ever been. It would be...
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.
~Abraham Lincoln
Lincoln's words...
When I was growing up in a Democratic kitchen, my parents made the difference between Democrats and Republicans abundantly clear.
Keep in mind that this...
In the modern era of punditry and media, we have now become accustomed to news being a never ending chain predictions. As the crude saying goes, predictions are like assholes, every news show has them.
In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.
~Francis Bacon
Whoever appeals to the law...
Loads of people love to talk about fascism coming to the United States, draped in a flag and carrying a cross. Well, maybe that's...
How does a lib engage with a RWer in a way that doesn't convey acrimony while still standing strong?