Casey Anthony's 31 days of Drinkin', Strippin', Stealin', Screwin' and Tattooin'.
In the 21st Century, intellect has debased itself to such a point that every action needs simplification to the nth degree, with people being willfully and patently unable to see more than one way of achieving an end.
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"If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left."
- Einstein
My morning yesterday was...
We are the United States of Shallow Americans. We obsess over the nuance in a phrase or a word and are distracted by the...
Dr. "Jack," Kevorkian passed away on 6/3/11. Last Friday, to be exact
He has been hailed as a champion by the right to die movement...
Now, six years later, he's back and running again for the GOP nomination. It reveals a sad state of Republican affairs in the Commonwealth when Allen's opponents for the Republican nod are a Tea Partier and a State politician who advocates Virginia minting its own currency and who manages to make Pat Buchanan look like a Progressive. In the world of the Republican blind, the one-eyed George Allen is king, at least in Virginia.
In one sentence, the strategic narrative of the United States in
the 21st century is that we want to become the strongest competitor and most influential
player in a deeply inter-connected global system, which requires that we invest less in
defense and more in sustainable prosperity and the tools of effective global engagement.
If corporations are people and corporations destroy other corporations, aren't they guilty of murder?
Perhaps I am simply reiterating what has already been said when I write on the nature of necessity. I am not nearly well-read enough, worldly enough, nor arrogant enough to claim that my thoughts on the matter are wholly original.