Just last November, pundits were saying that Obamacare's troubled rollout doomed it to failure and Chris Christie was so nationally popular, he was the odds on favorite to win the GOP Presidential primary and perhaps the White House.
The question to be asked of Republicans about the poor, aside from, "How can you be such complete assholes?!" is, "Really, there are well paying jobs out there just waiting for the poor to apply but the poor won't because they're way too comfy being poor? Name those specific jobs."
The Huckster essentially describes women as being cheap, greedy, weak-minded children who are easily manipulated into turning themselves into sex-crazed sleazes because they can now save around $50 a month on insurance-covered birth control. Or in other words, "I love you women!"
Now that the main problems with the Obamacare website have been mitigated, the Republicans find themselves as mourners at a funeral where there is no body to bury.
Nearly all Republicans in Congress have signed onto an agreement to gridlock the passage of Time in order to keep the public focused on the one negative issue they're clutching onto more desperately than any Bible or gun.
By end of the 7th week, combined enrollments of private Exchange plans with Medicaid/CHIP had moved from 499K to over 705K.
If the actual numbers related to the ACA were what the MSM constantly broadcasted instead of simple and unsubstantiated hyperbole, propaganda and mudslinging, Americans would have a far more accurate picture of reality.
If I wanted better coverage and benefits, do you think I would have been paying for an individual health insurance plan in the first place?
Aside from inspiring most reasonable people to want to slap them silly with a live, wriggling salmon, these Depressocrats need to be called out for their negative contributions to society.
There's no reasoning with a sociopath. They are devoid of the ability to empathize or reason. They are purely focused on self-satisfaction and the sad thing about Tea Partiers is that their satisfaction comes from the acting out the pain and fear they carry inside against those they have deemed as deserving targets. Or more accurately, deserving victims.


Vox Populi – 02-21-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00PM PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib2 hours ago Hey Murph! AdLib2 hours...

Vox Populi – 02-14-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib3 hours ago Hey TW! AdLiban hour...

For Whom The Dell Tolls

Dell and many other corporations are having difficulty dealing with a workforce that is becoming obsolete with the advancement of AI technology, a problem most corporations ignored earlier, believing they have time or that they will always need the level of employees they have to provide the products and services they offer to the general public and their overseas customers.

Affirmative Action, D.E.I., Voting Rights, They Want It All – Addendum

These are not people who care about a democratic republic form of governance. For them, giving people rights is non-conducive to what they want to do, dominating and controlling everything they see in their sight line. They believe this will enhance their bottom line and make them even more decadent than they are currently.

Vox Populi – 02-07-2025

Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week's events begins tonight at 7:00pm PT. Hope to see you then! AdLib5 hours ago Hey CL! AdLib2 hours...