Whether or not Trump actually believes that it is moral and ethical to interfere in the elections of foreign countries, or invite them to interfere in ours, it is a crime.
We will likely not get a ruling on Aimee Stephens’s case until at least March 2020. Meanwhile, we transgender sit and wait. And we wonder. And we worry. Will the highest court in the land of the free...finally rule that we are full humans? Or will they relegate us to permanent second-class status?
John Lennon's birthday was this week so our music thread is dedicated to him and of course his band that changed everything, The Plastic Ono Band. Or The Beatles too.
The theme for this weekend’s music thread is about food (including im-peaches and just desserts) and drinks (that go down easy like Trump will).
"It's not like people think," the boxer knows, "it ain't about knocking guys through the ropes, or fighting dirty. It's about getting hit; taking a hard hit that jars your senses a little, and standing back up again. It's about throwing a punch he'd never expect when you don't have the strength to raise your arm. It's about you maybe getting hit three times for every one that you land, but making him pay."
The Republican Party has been funneling money from foreign anti-Democratic regimes and "investors" into the nation's political processes for decades. The money is, and has been, used to buy "absolute power" domestically for the Republican Party; and influence and control in American politics for enemies of democracy.
Trump's goin' down! So the theme for this weekend’s music thread is law and crime, just desserts and paying a price.
To remind folks of the “wag the dog” scenario, where a president starts a bogus war to boost his re-election chances, this weekend’s music theme is about dogs that wag, cats that purr, American eagles that fly and songs about any and all animals.
This issue isn't just about whether anyone can prosecute criminal behavior by a President while in office, it's about Trump using the Office of the President to help himself politically in what may constitute dereliction of duty and treason.
Trump is a thug and a bully. He insults, mocks, belittles; and now, damns and curses anyone who disagrees with his methods. He reminds you more of a schoolyard bully that loses their nerve if you challenge them.


Happy New Year! It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

Lucifer and Mazakeen are making plans for Trump's presidential visit.

Affirmative Action, DEI, Voting Rights, They Want It All Part 2

How different would this country be if not for the logic of Jefferson and the citizens of the fledgling country we call the United States, clinging to their views of their right to enslave people who were free in their country but kidnapped and brought here against their will as enslaved individuals, designated as non-human and doomed to the inhumanity of enslavement?