

Irrational Fear

Yesterday on The View, Joy Behar and Whoopie Goldberg did something most people aren’t brave enough to do – show Bill O’Reilly that not everyone is going to stand for his BS. That I said, I seriously wish that someone on the show would have pointed out that a large part of the reason that such a large segment of the population feels that this center should not be built is because they are drunk off of Fox News Juice. (Recipe for Fox News Juice at the bottom)

Voices of the Teabaggers Movement

Teabaggers believe that czars are bad, generally because it is an unfamiliar word in their vocabulary. When informed that Reagan also used czars, and that czars were expanded under George W. Bush, the crowd expressed dumbfounded confusion and disbelief. Their level of skepticism increased further as they were educated on the roles of the czars here in America. That they wield no executive power and act as advisers.

Read My Lips: No Pubic Option!

Republican Teabaggers, in all of their intellectual dexterity, descended on the US Capitol today. A crowd numbering 5,000 or 2 million people (I'm sure official numbers are due shortly)...

Republicans: Why do you deserve my vote?

Before I start this entry, I would like to take a moment to remember the 9/11 tragedy and its victims during, and after the event. 9/11 had to be one...

You can gouge me with overdraft fees, but please don’t give me health insurance!

Wow! Last night was incredible. I must say, I found the entire Presidential Address to Congress to be IMMENSELY entertaining. I mean, what can I say? How often do you get to see a party behave like petulant children, unable to get their way, and therefore throwing fits DURING a presidential speech? Oh, there was a’hooting and a’hollering. Oh, there was a’waving of random signs and pieces of paper in the air. And to top it off? The phrase heard around the world: “YOU LIE!”