To celebrate Martin Luther King Day today, Donald Trump did absolutely nothing. No public event, no speech and the White House Twitter account had an obviously staff-written quote with...
The historic Senate impeachment trial against Donald Trump began yesterday and gets underway in earnest next Tuesday. So many outrageous and remarkable things have been happening so often with...
Trump has both sides promoting his propaganda. He doesn't care if it's simultaneously being condemned by Dems. There's an old Hollywood saying, "There's no such thing as bad publicity." For propaganda, that's especially true.
This weekend's music thread is for songs that express or give you good feelings, the happiness that give us hope and comfort even in the most challenging times.
Our tradition is to celebrate the coming of the New Year with a look back at 2019 through some of the graphics we've created during the year here at PlanetPOV. Hope you enjoy!
We're about to enter 2020 and an unintended irony may be the country having a more perfect vision of the way things really are and of the future we need to head towards. So this weekend's music thread celebrates the coming of the New Year with a theme of songs about beginnings and endings, things new and old, memories and looking ahead to better things.
To the tune of The Christmas Song, "Trump's nuts roasting while old Lindsey cries. Rand Paul curling 'round his toes. Tyrant Donald being hung by his lies, While Trump's mob falls like dominoes."