
My motto is, "It is better to have blogged and lost hours of your day, than never to have blogged at all."
2314 POSTS

Weekend Music Thread – Drive My Car

This weekend's music thread is giving the green light for songs about cars, hitting the road, going places and your favorite songs to listen to when you're cruising.

Weekend Music Thread – Heartbreaker

This weekend's music thread is dedicated to those invaluable people we've lost, their friends and families, who have had their lives destroyed by guns, racism and police as well as all of those who protest and fight to end this madness. Songs about violence, peace and protest are the theme for this weekend.

A Proposal: Mitigating the Damage From Climate Change

A proposal for a Climate Change damage mitigation project, proposing a National Water Management Agency to reduce floods, mitigate damage from droughts and generate needed supplies of potable water. Your comments, critiques and suggestions are welcomed.

Weekend Music Thread – Long Distance Runaround

This weekend's music thread is about distance, songs about being close or far, getting from here to there, going away or coming back.

Weekend Music Thread – Walk of Life

The bees are buzzing, the bunnies are hopping, it's Easter Weekend! To recognize this holiday about spirituality and the celebration of life, this weekend's music thread is for songs about life, nature, philosophy, and of course, love.