It’s so stress-relieving and pleasing to say or type, PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN AND VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS!
It was a ridiculously long path from their election to inauguration with the Seditionist In Chief plotting one coup after another. But we can finally exhale now, insanity has exited to its home base (Florida) and sanity is once again in charge of the country.
We kind of got cheated out of our fully celebrating the Biden/Harris victory thanks to The Orange Menace so we’re taking this weekend, the first with President Biden officially in the White House, to celebrate their historic and critical win.
Share songs of celebration and good feelings to usher in these smart and compassionate leaders.
Now it’s your turn to musically share good feelings in appreciation for all those who worked so hard to save our country and democracy by helping elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. It’s nice to feel safer from harm and justified to hope again! Celebrate!
Vive Le Resistance!
For some reason, I start smiling at the start and all the way through.