Over the last two days, I have been bombarded with information about one thing: what we do not know concerning COVID-19. These are major stories on MSM and the Blog Press. By far the most concerning, and a perfect example of the point I want to make, was the news that we are far from understanding the basic mechanism by which the virus spreads. We also don’t have a clear theory as to whether the virus, in the case of serious relapses, is re-spread, or is carried in our bodies, and evolves there. There are mysteries about the antibodies, and how long they are effective. Whoever, or whatever, are the “superspreaders” has not been identified. Why are some people seriously affected, and others minimally?
And especially because of my circumstances I ask: what are the long-term effects going to be, and how costly? I’m not trying to make a laundry list, I have a point:
If these questions have not been answered, then how can anyone claim to have a “complete,” or “comprehensive” plan? They can’t, it’s impossible. THEY ARE SIMPLY GAMBLING WITH OUR CHILDREN’S LIVES! Isn’t that what this is all about? If you haven’t done the work and acquired the knowledge and skill to develop solutions and make them work, then you take a guess – and if you’re wrong, you brag about how no one could have made a better guess. But, in this game of poker, Mr. Trump is about a quarter of a million lives in the hole. And getting desperate.
Or maybe Trump wants to prove to himself, and his mobster friends, and to all of us, that he can kill anyone and get away with it – even our children and grandchildren (More likely the Janitor, or Food Service person, or a seven-year-old’s Second Grade Teacher.) This scheme to open schools without a plan can’t possibly work. I mean that it is logically impossible! It is a product of the workings of the mind of a maniac.
Top experts say that we just don’t know enough yet; but we are very likely to be ordered to, “open up,” and take on the problem: “one day at a time.” Shouldn’t that be: “one death at a time.”
But, to risk our babies’ lives on the decision-making abilities of Donald Trump, or rather on his luck; that’s unthinkable.
I can imagine that little second-graders’ reaction though. There aren’t enough words – or tears.
It is not possible to identify and correct all the issues listed above in a month. It most certainly will not be done.
So the schools will open, then close; and parents will be left on their own resources to invent online homeschooling with one shot at doing it right.
The “Wingnut Right” has given over to Trump even their religious beliefs. Will the sacrifice their children as well? If you’re watching every tell, you know the answer to that.
“Schools,” is one of the components of this epic challenge for humanity. It should be treated with the seriousness that it deserves. We can use this opportunity to make schools better, and safer than they ever have been.
But no, Trump won’t allow that. There’s another issue at play here: Schools are the number one cash cow for organized crime in every state, always have been. They are their financial foundation.
“State education budgets are black holes into which billions disappear each year.”
(Make that “trillions,” Senator!)
This is definitely so….your argument is very well formed and put.
Let me add….
Even more at risk thank the kids are their parents, their grandparents, their aunts and uncles, their teachers, there administrators, their coaches, their friends’ parents, grandparents etc.
Kids are indeed less likely to suffer significantly from the virus (in the short run, which is all we can say given the small data window) BUT increasingly it is clear that they are spreaders of it……the virus is held in check by their young immune systems and youthful organs….but it is still capable of being passed on and it could have hidden long term effects.
No problem. No problem at all.