Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
ta da!!!
7 days ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 7 days ago
How’s by you?
AdLib 7 days ago
hi ad! Is this election the strangest thing ever?? LOL
7 days ago
The strangest and feels like the longest election ever!
AdLib 7 days ago
This is almost a year longer than 2012 and I’ll have to start my campaign in the spring.
7 days ago
You’ll have to start after Thanksgiving 2016 for 2020!
AdLib 7 days ago
exactl… this has gotten out of hand. When I win with super majorities citizens united is the first change and campaigns public financed and $1000 personal limit, no corps.
7 days ago
You may have to get hundreds of millions from Wall Street though to get to that point!
AdLib 7 days ago
yep, and then dump their asses and put warren on the job with full backing.
7 days ago
Absolutely! A big reverse con job on the 1%!
AdLib 7 days ago
they will rue the day as they say.
7 days ago
Hey, if a moron like Trump can do it, how hard can it be?
AdLib 7 days ago
I have always thought that candidates that get the nomination have to be a better person and smarter that me. Since the debacle of 2000 I now know better. that’s just not right. Obama is the best of all.
7 days ago
Obama is singular after a string of disappointments. And yes, the worst can win so we have to work hard at GOTV for Hillary.
AdLib 7 days ago
yes we do.
7 days ago
And Hillary has to nail each debate.
AdLib 7 days ago
and keep the truth and pressure on each and every drumpf mis-step and lie.
7 days ago
Yes, and try to present the big picture on Trump trying to coon the public with this new BS act of his.
AdLib 7 days ago
it used to be funny but now it’s fuckin serious. that asshole even gave the kkk a platform!!! murikkkas enemies are now the repube party.
7 days ago
It’s definitely serious but I do feel that once the voters who are just noow thinking about the race see the debates and how Hillary nails what a beast he is, I think she moves well ahead of him for good.
AdLib 7 days ago
hope so…. 1938 germany was not cool.
7 days ago
Yep, not in the top 10 of best goverments ever!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Trump’s coonstant outrageousness distracts the public from focusing on any one thing so Hillary needs to paint the full picture of Trump in the debates. How he’s just conning the public now but has proven he’s a racist, chauvinist pig.
AdLib 7 days ago
if the mods can maintain control.
7 days ago
I don’t expect Chris Wallace will do anything other than pave a path for Trump’s BS. But I hope by then, the last debate, Trump is already in a nosedive.
AdLib 7 days ago
trump is empty on important things and will probably try a Palin by asking and answering his own question.
7 days ago
hammer him on birtherism,….
7 days ago
When people see the difference between Hillary with facts at her fingertips and specific solutions as opposed to his dictitorial, “Daddy will solve everything, peons!” it should hurt him big time.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey KT!
AdLib 7 days ago
hey, were you guys born here?
7 days ago
What’s up Ad? Hey Harleigh!
7 days ago
hi kt!!
7 days ago
Trump fucked up today! Bigly.
7 days ago
he has no knowledge, plans or realistic actions to solve anything.
7 days ago
Harleigh, yes! She needs to draw the straight line from his Birtherism to his bigotry against Mexicans as rapists and criminals, to banning Muslims to hating on BLM to hating on Latino judges to saying women sexually harassed should quit their jobs. If she only points out what the MSM won’t, I think she can put a stake through his heart.
AdLib 7 days ago
He’s already trying to get out of the debates. He doesn’t want moderators.
7 days ago
KT – My birth certificate is hard to read, it’s in Arabic.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ah Ha! I knew it, you’re Irish!
7 days ago
KT – I think Trump is just trying to scare Cooper out of being tough on him. Trump can’t afford to skip debates. He remembers losing in IA after skipping a debate.
AdLib 7 days ago
women lose 60 years of progress if trump and the repubes get control.
7 days ago
نعم فعلا
AdLib 7 days ago
I don’t think Cooper will be intimidated.
7 days ago
how do you say Erin go braugh, in Farsi?
7 days ago
i hope trump freaks and calls cooper a queer or something just to end this charade.
7 days ago
Harleigh – America would be set back 60 years if he won. I am confident it won’t happen and maybe it’s not the worst thing that Trump is close to her, if too many voters thought it was a slam dunk for Hillary, maybe some wouldn’t bother to vote.
AdLib 7 days ago
Then Trump could win.
AdLib 7 days ago
KT – Agreed, Cooper and all the rest saw how Lauer was torn to shreds for treating Trump with a deference. Cooper should be doubly inspired to go after him now.
AdLib 7 days ago
we had 2 cycles like tht and got the teabaggers. never again i hope
7 days ago
That’s a good point. But Jeebus, it’s embarrassing to have that yammering circus peanut taken seriously!
7 days ago
إيرين ذهبت إلى براغ
AdLib 7 days ago
how the rest of the world is ridiculing us, right now. And they should!
7 days ago
7 days ago
he is a total waste and esp his 2 fucking sons Bevis and Butthead. They kill endangered animals and someone needs to stop them…. for good.
7 days ago
Harleigh – I’m positive that Trump will go after the mods during the debate since that was such a winner during the GOP debates…but that doesn’t play in GE debates.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago
I would like to see them have no live audience. Trumpknows how to play to live audience.
7 days ago
Surf’s Up!
7 days ago
no it won’t. you know what I think of megyn but that was just wrong.
7 days ago
hey murph!
7 days ago
Harleigh – Wouldn’t be bad if Hillary reminded Dem voters what happened when they didn’t turn out to clearly elect Gore and come out too win in 2010.
AdLib 7 days ago
yep… cost the country dearly.
7 days ago
white Supremecists now think they have been legitimized. how messed up is that?
7 days ago
i never rhought it could happen again
7 days ago
Yeah, me too. In the 21st century for Jeebus’ sake.
7 days ago
Not worried about the audience, in GE debates, they’re not permitted to applaud and cheer. Which will take a lot of juice out of Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
I hope so.
7 days ago
Murph – Didn’t Trump agree to pay millions if he proved he was born in the US?
AdLib 7 days ago
birthers to kkk, disgusting.
7 days ago
Five million, plus he said he’d release his tax returns.
7 days ago
Did you all see the story on Rachel about the Racist Press conference that was supposed to be at the National Press Club but had to be relocated to a basement with invites by whisper….the three big names in racism declared Trump was their guy.
7 days ago
I saw that Murph. Nasty shades of 1930s Germany.
7 days ago
They even have a mascot. How cute.
7 days ago
Murph – Yes, saw some of that and it’s good for Hillary. She needs to tie Trump to all the neo-nazis, Klansmen and bigots of the Alt Right to Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
i put it at 1937 – 8
7 days ago
KT – Yep, that’s their mascot!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
They also take pride in the name Deplorables!
7 days ago
Hey glenn! Were you born here?
7 days ago
i take them to outrage with the name ‘teabaggers’ given to them by dick armey anf the koch brothers. lol
7 days ago
Good evening, all. Don’t know what was going on with my computer, but somehow I couldn’t get to VOX. Could get to the Planet website, but the VOX box wasn’t coming up. Anyway, here I am. How is everyone tonight, now that we know for sure that President Obama was born in the United States? Because, I don’t know about you all, but I definitely wasn’t sure until the great orange oracle spoke and told me so!
7 days ago
Trump thinks he’s finished the birther thing. HAHAHA!
7 days ago
KT-It depends on your definition of “here”.
7 days ago
all baggers are kochsuckers in an army of dicks.
7 days ago
Hmmmmmm! Papers please?
7 days ago
Vee haf vays off findink out!
7 days ago
the whining cheeto
7 days ago
I am partial to…Yammering Circus Peanut!
7 days ago
KT–my papers are in the New Jersey archives with Christie’s emails about Bridgegate!
7 days ago
7 days ago
I heard today that Trump is favored in that first debate. I cannot believe it.
7 days ago
Oh then you’re safe!
7 days ago
glenn – Thanks for being so determined! Usually, that issue is connected to memory/cache issues on your computer. Clearing your cache and restarting your browser should fix that.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – You heard that from who?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–determined is a good way to put it! I love being able to chat with you guys (and gals when we have some besides me) because it makes my week!
7 days ago
The MSM has a vested interest in keeping this race tight. They do influence the polls to a large extent.
7 days ago
I’ll take the bet from anyone who thinks Trump will win the debate. He can only win GOP debates because they’re only insult fests. He doesn’t have the tools to win a GE debate.
AdLib 7 days ago
Aw shucks! Thanks glenn!
7 days ago
glenn – I always look forward to Friday nights for the same reason! Glad you’re here!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….it was said on CNN and on MSNBC.
7 days ago
I don’t think he’ll win either. I heard a great idea about having a type of instant replay as fact checking.
7 days ago
Murph–Hillary better be on her best game, or the so-called liberal media will declare trump the winner if he doesn’t have a melt down. The standards are different for the two of them. One of them has to have every fact, figure, and every statement she ever made at her fingertips; the other just has to show up.
7 days ago
Leaked documents reveal secretive influence of corporate cash on politics Sealed Wisconsin court documents from Scott Walker investigation expose extent of corporate influence on democratic process rarely seen by the public.
Leaked documents reveal secretive influence of corporate cash on politics
Sealed Wisconsin court documents from Scott Walker investigation expose extent of corporate influence on democratic process rarely seen by the public
7 days ago
KT–c’mon. Trump will win; because he will say he won.
7 days ago
That is sadly true. I don’t think that will happen in the debates though.
7 days ago
KT – Yep, the MSM is now a corporate traitor to our democracy, meddling in it to manipulate greater profits over damaging the country.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Oh good, I thought it came from a legitimate source!
AdLib 7 days ago
Or he’ll get his ass handed to him and say it was rigged.
7 days ago
That is truly a very sad reality.
7 days ago
I expect the meme that Trump is favored will switch over to Clinton is favored because of the primary motivation of the news media: Make Mo Money.
7 days ago
Ad, well at least the press got good and pissed off today when trump led them through his PR for his hotel. You have to admire trump’s chutzpah and his ability to manipulate the press so shamelessly. And how the press keeps falling for it over and over again. When has the press suspended all programming to wait for a Clinton rally? And kept the camera on an empty podium while they waited for her? Does anybody know if that has ever happened? Does the MSM even cover Clinton rallies?
7 days ago
Murph – These are the same blabbering pundits whoo swore Trump couldn’t win the GOP primary. Very few pundits have any credibility or valid insight in this cycle. They’re trying to look smarter than others by predicting that as long as Trump doesn’t do anything horrible he wins. First, without teleprompters, he will say something horrible as he always does. Second, voters will see a smart, well informed candidate beside a babbling, ignorant phony. No one cares what the frequently wrong pundits say afterwards.
AdLib 7 days ago
That is so true glenn. They just jump when he announces anything. The fools.
7 days ago
Kt–even if he says it was rigged, then that means he won. Haven’t you learned to speak trumpanzee yet?
7 days ago
Silly me!
7 days ago
wei have to get up early. nite folks
7 days ago
Later Gator!
7 days ago
Nite Harleigh. We hardly had a chance to chat. Sleep well!
7 days ago
7 days ago
Murph – I think it’s fantastic for Hillary for Trump to be inflated to be expected to win. With lowered expectations on her and raised expectations on Trump, she can’t help but win.
AdLib 7 days ago
nite glenn
7 days ago
Seeya Harleigh!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad your take is mine as well as long as the moderators can keep Trump from going ape shit as he did in two GOP debates…running over the rules….interrupting….massively exceeding his time…which was then framed as his being strong and a leader
7 days ago
Ad and Murph—the moderators should have some of those air horns, and when trump goes over his time, they should get up and blast them in his ears!
7 days ago
Nite Harleigh……
7 days ago
There is sooo much ammo at Hillary’s disposal. The e-mail thing is played out, and so is Benghazi. Her health? I don’t think Trump will want to go there, if he has any smarts at all.
7 days ago
I like the idea of shock collars.
7 days ago
would that be hilarious, or what?
7 days ago
Murph – I even think that whatever he does, Trump can’t help but lose. If he is out of control and runs roughshod over the mod and the debate, he’ll look like the unstable person he is as Hillary looks Presidential. I don’t believe he can stay calm withoout teleprompters, never has happend before. When he’s attacked, he goes mental.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn….debates in Germany….in town halls, on the radio, and televised…..they have auto mic cutoffs. Blue Light, Yellow Light, Red Light Off….starting at one minute. No way to overrule it.
7 days ago
So I have a question? How many times does a republican have to be told something is not true to believe it? For example, how many times do they have to be told that Hillary did NOT start the birther movement? How many times do they have to be told that Congress has never found any wrongdoing on Clinton’s part? How many times do they have to be told that trump is lying to them?
7 days ago
Trump cannot stop being Trump.
7 days ago
glenn – Airhorns are a good idea, throwing a baggie of horse manure at Trump’s head when he goes over might be even better.
AdLib 7 days ago
Clinton has been taken on the person of calm, cool, collected wise dame (in the best sense of that word) and that works for her so much more than the cheerleader mode, or the angry stumper mde.
7 days ago
They don’t care glenn. Trump good/Hillary bad!
7 days ago
Murph–that’s a great system! We should try it. I believe that the trumplethinskin would be a blubbering idiot if he had to put up with that.
7 days ago
Ad–as long as the baggie of horse manure is open!
7 days ago
I agree Murph. Trump, unleashed, cannot look even close to “presidential.”
7 days ago
no Ziplocks allowed!
7 days ago
FYI…..a very interesting article.
The Disgraced and Little-Known Generals Backing Donald Trump
Retired military leaders who have been brushed by scandal and even talked about America’s war with Satan are among those backing his campaign.
7 days ago
KT–I disagree. When you run roughshod over someone, especially a woman, and you insult people, that means that you’re a “leader” and shows how tough you are; voila–presidential!
7 days ago
KT – Which is why Hillary and her campaign needs to focus on a theme for attacking Trump at the debate and cherry pick a set of Trump’s worst statements to hammer over and over. Trying to hit everything will diffuse the attack. If the theme is, “You can’t believe anything this hateful man says,” if she can disqualify every word he says from then on, he’s toast. Destroy his mouth and there is no Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
to the sickos in the alt right, maybe.
7 days ago
Murph – Like the idea of cutting mikes of but then the networks carrying the debates wouldn’t get the real unnecessary conflict they want for ratings.
AdLib 7 days ago
i like her TV ads. She just uses his own words against him, with video of him saying those things. Devastating to anybody who is completely sold on Trump.
7 days ago
Glenn…the system of mic cutoff takes getting used to but the pols practice because there is no appeal to the moderators, interviewers or audience. One mic goes off and then the next one is available to go on after it is activated by the moderator- the only control he/she has
7 days ago
Who ISN”T completely sold…
7 days ago
KT….half the country
7 days ago
Ad–not sure Hillary should directly attack trump. I think it should be a little more subtle, but still attack. Perhaps I’m looking for her to be more assertive rather than aggressive. She should focus on policy. After she states her policy, she should ask trump to explain his. And, never, ever lose her temper. She should laugh at his answers as much as possible, too.
7 days ago
Thats a pretty big basket. Actually it’s only half the voters.
7 days ago
glenn – Remember Colbert’s definition of “truthiness”? They believe what they want to believe, what makes them feel best to believe or validates them and their hatred best. Truth and reality have no weight with these types, hence their support for Trump, the most obvious con man who’s ever run for the Presidency.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn..that is the wise dame mode I was referring to.
7 days ago
All Hillary has to do is be completely honest about herself and her opponent.
7 days ago
Trump is Truthiness Triumphant……
7 days ago
Murph–for that reason, we will never be able to use that system here. The moderators never seem to be in control of the debates; and if they are, the altright would complain that they are “taking sides.” You know how it goes.
7 days ago
Murph – Agreed, standing together on the stage, Trump will look like an uninformed loon compared to the smart and composed Hillary.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Have opened that article to read later, thanks!
AdLib 7 days ago
I seriously doubt that Trump will be able to bait Hillary into losing her cool. I’m sure he’ll try.
7 days ago
If he goes “nuclear” she needs to be ready to be the not only the adult in the room but the leading adult in the room
7 days ago
Murph–sorry–missed your “wise dame” post because I was typing. I agree 100%. I think if she keeps her cool and talks about policy, she wins.
7 days ago
Trump is a five year old in a 2,000 dollar suit.
7 days ago
Ad…the medal of honor folks on the stage today were used…props…the generals…an angry lot with grudges.
7 days ago
Some were only Bronze Star earners.
7 days ago
Glenn…re. Hillary as Wise Dame….Clinton has been taken on the persona of calm, cool, collected wise dame (in the best sense of that word) and that works for her so much more than the cheerleader mode, or the angry stumper mode.
7 days ago
KT–I saw a clip yesterday of Hillary being heckled by a protester at one of her rallies. She just laughed at him. It was perfect practice for the debates.
7 days ago
Oh yeah!
7 days ago
Glenn…I saw it too….well done
7 days ago
Murph–it suits her well. That is the personna she needs to stay with.
7 days ago
Glenn – yes.
7 days ago
glenn – For a Presidential Debate, a candidate should go in with multiple strategies and approaches to use depending on what their opponent says. Hillary will have a number of prepared and hopefully effective attacks on Trump, some may be tempered and some may be stronger, depending if she needs to parry a hateful attack oor Trump tries to act like he’s not Trump. She should in either case, have a calmly reasoned presentation of why Trump can’t be believed and is putting on an act and an aggressive attack on him as a promoter of bigotry and division. You have to have many arrows in your quiver at a GE debate, some you may not use, some you will definitely need to use when appropriate.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–and weren’t most of them Vietnam vets? I’m not disparaging Vietnam vets, but many of them, especially the generals, have held these grudges for many years, have they not?
7 days ago
Ad–well said. Why aren’t you a tv pundit? You make so much more sense than 99% of them!
7 days ago
Another recommendation for reading…. Done by an Iraqi War Vet Wounded, 13 years in service, JAG, Marine.
5 Reasons Veterans Should Not Support Donald Trump
‘His personal record and public comments make a mockery of our military service’
7 days ago
KT – I can’t think oof a debate when Hillary lost her cool. She has been very hostile at times and even shaded the truth too attack her opponent but I can’t say she ever came off as losing her cool.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn….I have not looked at “their wars” but you could well be right.
7 days ago
7 days ago
So now that the birther issue is over, when are we going to see the MSM dig into trump’s so-called charity? Where are the calls for the entire trump family to step away from it? Didn’t we hear that about the Clinton Foundation? I haven’t even seen much coverage of the lengthy article(s) that the one reporter has put out. Can’t remember his name or affiliation.
7 days ago
Murph – Trump without teleprompters is a ticking time bomb that will eventually go off. Don’t think Hillary or even the moderators won’t say things that get under his skin and we have all seen how thin skinned he is. He doesn’t have enough self-coontrool, he’s been this beast for 70 years, you can’t just turn it off suddenly for hours.
AdLib 7 days ago
no truly honorable man would ever accept a purple heart from another man.
7 days ago
Ad…..I have seen Sanders on several programs….he is in pre-launch mode….his line…I am opposing Donald Trump because I am a father and a grandfather and I do not want them to live in Trump’s American. And then he takes on the false strategy of the protest vote when that vote could cost the nation so much.
7 days ago
Especially a man who has never served.
7 days ago
what do you mean Murph, about taking on the protest vote?
7 days ago
Murph – Yes and just because these white bigots have won MoH, it doesn’t wash away their bigotry. If you heard some of them talk, it was clear that they likely don’t even know anyone of color.
AdLib 7 days ago
KT did you see my post about the 5 Reasons a Vet Should Nt Vote for Trump……very much worth reading.
7 days ago
KT–I agree. Why wasn’t that the true disqualifier for him? Remember the right’s indignation when Kerry tossed his medals over the White House fence? And he earned the goddamned medals? Where is their indignation over trump accepting one and then saying it was easy to get? How can anyone vote for a man who does that?
7 days ago
KT…Trump is saying that the focus must be on Keeping Trump out of the Oval Office and that any vote that does not serve that purpose is a vote wasted.
7 days ago
Thanks for clearing that up Murph. Yeah I saw him earlier on MSNBC!
7 days ago
5 outstanding reasons for vets to not support Trump.
7 days ago
glenn – Good question. Even if the MSM won’t go after Trump’s so-called charity, the NY AG is going after him and I wouldn’t be surprised for Judge Curiel to finally release depositions before the election as he should. There are a variety of October Surprises brewing to explode in Trump’s face.
AdLib 7 days ago
Kt – Truth! Taking the purple heart showed his callousness.
AdLib 7 days ago
Not sure why vets would need more than one reason to not vote for trump and that is that he will start a war without even knowing it! He is a fucking idiot when it comes to foreign affairs!
7 days ago
I can’t believe any at all support him after his attacks on a Gold Star family and mother, Plus his remarks about McCain being captured. That, to me shows he would have no real concern for casualty figures as CIC!
7 days ago
KT–trump would probably brag about his casualty figures saying that they are higher than anyone else’s. And his stupid supporters would cheer him!
7 days ago
Have any of you seen Joy Reid lately….she is a tigress unleashed…..don’t peddle any Trump falsehood or Trump falsehood in her presence…..she will pounce and eviscerate….I love it.
7 days ago
he would use our troops recklessly and without any real concern for their lives. He would use them like a mob boss uses hit men.
7 days ago
Ad–I hope you’re right. I think the Dems in Congress should be asking every day why the press isn’t pressing this issue! (pardon the pun).
7 days ago
Murph – Imagine what the sprint team to the election will ook like for Hillary. Pres. Obama, Warren, Sanders, Michele Obama, Biden, etc. will be storming the battleground states promoting Hillary. Meanwhile, Trump will have Pence, Giuliani, Christie, David Duke and neo-nazis pushing for him. Which side smells like victory?
AdLib 7 days ago
Love Joy! Finally a news person that takes no prisoners.
7 days ago
glenn – You’re expecting the MSM to treat Trump using fairness and reason. He’s their cash cow, oof course they won’t pile on him for doing and saying more horrible things than any other candidate in history, he’s their meal ticket!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–oh yeah! Joy Reid is a national treasure! Did you see today where she asked what gave trump the right to question President Obama’s place of birth? Also on Maddow where she called out trump for being passive in the presence of the person he’s bullying, then he goes on foxsocallednews and/or twitter and tells a completely different story. Joy is a joy to watch!
7 days ago
Murph – You mean Sanders is saying that?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I guess that’s my problem. How dare I expect fairness and reason from the media?
7 days ago
MSNBC in the evening, is finally starting to go after Trump the way all competent hosts should.
7 days ago
Hillary could really talk to vets in the debate to list why they shouldn’t support Trump. His fraud in noot coontributing to their charities until caught months later, attack on McCain, attack on Gold Star family, insulting the Generals, insulting our military, etc. That should be used in a debate focused on foreign policy and hammered home.
AdLib 7 days ago
And totally disrespecting their present CIC!
7 days ago
Ad–agreed. And, if she could, it would be nice if she could work into that how the repubs in Congress refuse to pass any bills that will help vets.
7 days ago
That’s a big no no in the military! It’s just not done.
7 days ago
publicly, anyhow.
7 days ago
Murph – Yes, Joy is unapologetic and doesn’t hesitate to disect Trump and his lies from the first moment she speaks. Very pleased to see that, many MSNBC shills like Thomas Roberts try to act like they are being fair by attacking Trump surrogates than pushing Trump propaganda at Hillary surrogates. Such sell outs, betraying themselves and their profession. Ed Murrow never made an argument why McCarthy had a valid point!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murrow would have castrated Trump, daily!
7 days ago
I wish Hunter S. Thompson was still with us and writing like a demon!
7 days ago
glenn – I think it’s clear that the press, which was supposed to be our democracies safety net if all else failed our democracy, has abandoned their responsibility to the people to promote truth and uncover lies. So that leaves us as citizens to spread the word, a few decent journalists and mainly, it’s up to Hillary to accomplish this first major test of leadership, standing up to an enemy of our society and democracy and taking him down. The debates are crucial for her to take on Trump the way most of the MSM won’t and I think she will do so with great success.
AdLib 7 days ago
Thank goodness for the internet.
7 days ago
KT – Yep, wish we had Murrow, Thompson, Carlin and Stewart around today…hey, wait a minute! Jon Stewart, get your ass back out here, your coountry needs you!
AdLib 7 days ago
if there was ever a time to leave the farm!
7 days ago
Ad…..got a call…Sanders is saying what?
7 days ago
7 days ago
No kidding! WTF is Jon Stewart doing shoveling cow dung when he could be dealing with Trump’s campaign…oh…now I get it, he thinks he is doing that!
AdLib 7 days ago
no difference! Whew, what’s that smell?
7 days ago
Murph, you said: “KT…Trump is saying that the focus must be on Keeping Trump out of the Oval Office and that any vote that does not serve that purpose is a vote wasted. ” You meant Sanders was saying that, right?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad–I think you’re right. Did you see George Takei’s response to trump’s tweet today? Trump asked why President Obama was out campaigning for Hillary instead of running the country. Takei’s response was brilliant. It was something like President Obama is doing his job as president by defending the country from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that trump was a domestic enemy! It was beautiful!
7 days ago
Ad…Yes, Sanders is telling all protest voters to get over it and do the right thing.
7 days ago
Perfect glenn! He is an enemy within.
7 days ago
glenn – Didn’t see that but it’s brilliant! “Shields up, Mr. Sulu! Fire all phasers!”
AdLib 7 days ago
That was a photon torpedo!
7 days ago
Ad–Yup! Keep on firing, Mr. Sulu!
7 days ago
Got to Love Mr. Sulu…..still navigating the ship.
7 days ago
Murph – Hillary needs to do a joint appearance with Sanders, that would be a big and important move. She needs to energize Bernie’s voters, reawaken them and Tim Kaine sure ain’t gonna do that.
AdLib 7 days ago
He knows that a republican in the white house would be disastrous for gay rights.
7 days ago
“To go where no con man has gone before!”
AdLib 7 days ago
And Sanders would be a good mix with the Wise Sincere Hilton.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hillary CLinton…Hilton…you know
7 days ago
Trump Just Attacked Obama, and George Takei’s Response is PRICELESS
Trump Just Attacked Obama, and George Takei’s Response is PRICELESS
He REALLY nailed The Donald…
7 days ago
Ah So!
7 days ago
Good one, Murph!
7 days ago
Hilton…a Class Act.
7 days ago
KT – I’m serious when I say that the US would be set back 50 years if Trump won, when it comes to open discrimination against all minority groups, a huge loss in the growth our economy, back to wars all over the world and a deficit skyrocketing and bringing back America to a pre-Medicare, pre-Social Security time. In the end, this is why Trump won’t win the late deciders…as long as Hillary hammers him on all of that.
AdLib 7 days ago
Oh, no disagreement here. Every bit of social and economic progress in the last 5 to 6 decades would be wiped out
7 days ago
Ad….your doom and gloom prophecy is spot on….
7 days ago
Guys = it is 10:30 and I have a 6 AM appointment with a tractor….take good care.
7 days ago
I would rather stay at the Hilton than Trump Taj Mahal…because that went bankrupt anyway.
AdLib 7 days ago
This is why I always say, no real progressive would willingly allow a Trump presidency.
7 days ago
Ad–And, why oh why, isn’t the press hammering him on all that? They actually did hammer Romney/Ryan on that when they ran. I just don’t understand. I know I sound like a broken record, but….
7 days ago
Trump Taj Mahal…good one Ad.
7 days ago
Murph – Say hi to the tractor for me! Have a great weekend!
AdLib 7 days ago
‘Nite Murph. Stay safe on the tractor.
7 days ago
Later Murph!
7 days ago
I shall. Nite all.
7 days ago
I think I’m out too. Nite all!
7 days ago
‘Nite KT. And me makes three! G’nite Ad.
7 days ago
KT – This is why I stress the important of Hillary having joint appearances with Warren and Sanders. There are many Millenials who don’t consider themselves part of any group but supported Bernie and support Warren. Hillary needs to activate them for her campaign and frankly, she can’t do it herself. She should be with them!
AdLib 7 days ago
Nite all! Seeya next week!!!
AdLib 7 days ago
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