Vox Populi, our live weekly chat on the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST! Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Don’t forget to say “Hi!” or “Trumpophobia” when you arrive!
AdLib 7 days ago
Trumpia Law!
7 days ago
G’day, mate!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
AdLib 7 days ago
AdLib 7 days ago
Fine, thanks.
7 days ago
How are folks on your side of the world reacting to all the terrorist attacks?
AdLib 7 days ago
My wife is a bit nervous for an old school friend of hers who is going to a wedding shortly. In Mali!
7 days ago
Yikes! That’s a pretty dangerous thing to do!
AdLib 7 days ago
We’re all thinking that the GOP Gos are idiots and fomenting even more fear of ordinary, everyday Muslims. the pogroms will start soon!
7 days ago
Hey, Beat!
7 days ago
Fortunately, there are many here including our President that have learned from the stampede to panic after 9/11. That’s not going to be allowed to happen here.
AdLib 7 days ago
Trump seems to be using Mein Kampf as his playbook.
AdLib 7 days ago
I’m steamed that Dems are blaming the white House for all the refugee uproar. How come?
7 days ago
Because those Dems are cowards who couldn’t stand up to the orchestrated flood of calls they got telling them to stop the Syrian refugees. The Return of the Spineless Democrats!
AdLib 7 days ago
Seems so stupid that the congress is scared of the chance that a few fundamentalist nasties will infiltrate to cause mayhem, when they blithely ignore the fundamentalists in their own ranks causing even more
7 days ago
I think those Dems are only afraid for their re-election and don’t even care about the details of how intensively Syrian refugess are screened. Cowardly politicians who only have a priority of getting re-elected. They should be primaried for trying not to be.
AdLib 7 days ago
Is it just me or is the President the only sane, balanced and measured person in the entire administration of the USA?
7 days ago
He is a sane bulwark against the flood of lunacy but there are many Dems, a majority of them including both Bernie and Hilary who are standing firmly against this disgusting surge of Islamophobia.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well, on a slightly different note, I see that Dash have made what could be a HUGE error. They executed a Chinese!
7 days ago
The Republicans blame Obama for Paris,how stupid is that. Americans (not all of course) scare easily.They have lots of guns,What are they so worried about?
7 days ago
The UN Security Council, which can hardly pass gas, passed a provision against ISIS. The world is slowly coming together to crush ISIS and that will happen, even if it takes a while.
AdLib 7 days ago
Very good point, Beatlex. Why should any american be scared? Almost everybody is packing heat these days, so bring it on! Yeah, right!
7 days ago
Hey Beatlex! That’s why Repubs need their guns, they are always “a’scared!”
AdLib 7 days ago
The Republicans AND some Dems are a disgrace,all worried about their political asses
7 days ago
7 days ago
Exactly Beatlex! Shameful pigs, only caring about greasing their own re-elections. They all deserve to be voted out.
AdLib 7 days ago
hey guys! sorry i’m late but there was a jihad firefight on I-(%!! lmao
7 days ago
7 days ago
Damn Harleigh, don’t Jihad and drive, it’s dangerous!
AdLib 7 days ago
My mantra the past week: If we say that ALL MUSLIMS, or even MOST MUSLIMS, are ISIS/TERRORISTS, then we do evil. If we act on that belief we do an even greater evil.
7 days ago
FWIW, it is fascinating to see how Trump’s voicing facsism is boosting him in Repub polls and Carson’s weak tea persona is tanking! I will be happy for either Dem to destroy Trump in a GE!
AdLib 7 days ago
I had to text and drive and SHOOT! a regular Davy Crocket I tell you! and I didn’t spill my beer!
7 days ago
Hey Murph! Indeed, demonizing all those following a religion on such a massive scale does finally justify the Nazi comparisons.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh – We’re you rolling a joint at the same time?
AdLib 7 days ago
Nope… smoking it
7 days ago
On a personal note….My doctor, the hematologist who diagnosed my blood condition, a devout and modern Muslim and the director of his Masjid (Mosque) told me that when the attack happened last week he was on his way back from a medical conference out West. At the first Security Checkpoint in the airport he and his wife were pulled aside. The TSA agent made a point of reading out his name very loudly and several times followed by questions about his identity, where he had been and where he was going. Their luggage was searched and so were they. When he asked why this was being done, he was told to shut up because a search was the least of his worries and that things could go a lot harder for him and his wife. The doctor told me that this was the first time, including the weeks after 9/11, that he felt really frightened in the U.S.
7 days ago
They are starting to talk about ISIS like they may be seeking biological and chemical weapons,now that is a really scary thought
7 days ago
jebus murph. it’ll get worse.. I could stop all that shit in a day. introduce legislation to tax all mosques, churches, temples etc at the same rate and move to imbed spies and accountants at each one. done and done.
7 days ago
Murph – That is an angering story. Please share with him he has many fellow Americans outraged at his treatment and we won’t allow this bullying and bigoted hatred to go unconfronted.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harl yeah! If there is a finacial gain to be had the R’s are in
7 days ago
Beat they have been saying that for decades. Japan was the only place that got hit in a subway.it was not jihad.
7 days ago
My doctor was born in Pakistan. His uncle and aunt were murdered by the group which we call the Taliban for not cooperating with them. His family fled when he was 10 through India and after 5 years of getting by there came here. His youngest brother, a translator and a Marine, was killed in Aghanistan. He has a daughter who is an Air Force officer.
7 days ago
It does feel like a less intense but still strong current of post 9/11 fear-driven Islamophobia. But as I keep saying, there are way too many of us, even in the WH, who won’t let this facsist mentality take root.
AdLib 7 days ago
Chemicals are much easier to come by. Bios take quite a bit more. Not stuff for Home Depot. LOL
7 days ago
from the Australian ABC – Two Australians have been accused by the Kuwaiti government of involvement in an Islamic State gun-running network that was trying to smuggle high-tech anti-aircraft missiles into Syria. The allegations were made overnight in a statement by Kuwait’s interior ministry. Six men were arrested in Kuwait and were Syrian, Kuwaiti, Egyptian and Lebanese nationals, the statement said. The two Australians and a Syrian were identified as part of the network. They are not in Kuwait and are yet to be arrested, the statement said. It is unclear where the Australians are. The statement named the Australian pair as Hisham Mohammad Zahab and Rabih Zahab. Other possible spellings of their surname, which was provided in Arabic, are Dahab and Thahab.
7 days ago
thats arabic for jimbob and donbob right?
7 days ago
So I suppose now that no politician will want to shake the hand of Muhammad Ali.
7 days ago
PPO-gun sales, gun running, and the provision of guns to allied powers by major powers feeds the cancer of radicalism.
7 days ago
yeah he’s a real threat
7 days ago
Murph – That is the terrible thing about this bigotry, the Muslims these “Christians” that are attacking them as all potential terrorists, are attacking the very victims of the extremists like ISIS.
AdLib 7 days ago
Strange ‘Muslims’ who carried out the Paris attacks. Pizzas and syringes?
7 days ago
Ad…..the first victims are the Muslims themselves – the innocent.
7 days ago
Sorta like when cubans were picked up at sea and returned to castro. morons
7 days ago
PPO – Very glad they caught some of them and disrupted that plot. I do think we’ll see more and more of these animals caught and disrupted as the world comes together and shares intel.
AdLib 7 days ago
Dear Congress, Grow a pair, for God’s sake!
7 days ago
Dearborn MI issyrian muslims. Why don’t we bomb them? they have done nothing.
7 days ago
Yes, it needs constant repeating, ISIS is killing and terrorizing more Muslims than people of any other religion. 4 million refugees, that should speak for itself.
AdLib 7 days ago
Notice that ISIS isn’t targeting Syrian Christians. they’re leaving that to Assad.
7 days ago
So what about Congress passing gun control bills now that close loopholes that would allow these BS Syrian terrorists from illegally buying guns? What would the NRA say to that?
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – Nope, they’re letting Bush and Cruz target Syrian Christians.
AdLib 7 days ago
no word yet al
7 days ago
It also bears repeating that the actual number of terrorists committing these acts is very low, there are not masses of terrorists out there on the loose. Terrorism is about magnifying the fear and creating a smokescreen to hide how few of them there really are.
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Well, the NRA, Ad, is firm in its stance. Anyone can carry arms, except Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, Persians. They haven’t mentioned the Jews yet, because of Israel and the Jewish lobby.
7 days ago
Kinda like how McVeigh and Nichols cowed texassissippianahomasas.
7 days ago
Add up all the terrorists in the last couple of months of terrorist acts, not even 50 people. As we learned from 9/11, it only took 19 terrorists to commit a major act of terrorism that drove this nation into paranoia and war crazed panic.
AdLib 7 days ago
thats it
7 days ago
Stopping arms getting to ISIs is impossible, due to the number of States like China, US, UK, France, Sth Africa, Many Balkan countries and of course Russia, who all have dogs in the fight.
7 days ago
PPO – Well, once they get around to making all Jews register too, they’ll be able to keep them from getting guns because they know that not having guns is how the Nazis rose to power too.
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO – They’ll get guns but it’s harder for them to get shoulder-fired missiles, anti-tank guns and the heavy kind of armaments that would helo them stave off a coordinated attack against them. Those kinds of weapons need to be kept out of their hands.
AdLib 7 days ago
like isis is going to attack like they did in waco last october. from undisclosed locations. with highly contagious mexican drug mule kids. During the obama jade helm invasion. poor texass got a triple whammy.
7 days ago
Ad, true, but where are the coordinated attacks? I’m not seeing much
7 days ago
7 days ago
Harleigh, I think Tea Partiers like the ISIS attacks because they’re occupying Obama and keeping him from taking over Texas with Jade Helm.
AdLib 7 days ago
Also, Ad, they seem to have been donated quite a lot of armor by the ex-Iraqi military
7 days ago
And wrapping their trailers in plastic saved them from ebola….
7 days ago
PPO – Those won’t come for a while, not until a true coalition and attack strategy is built between France, US, etc. But that will happen and ISIS will be devastated.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hopefully so, Ad. Although, I’d love to know where they’re getting all those Toyota Technicals!
7 days ago
I wish I had made the sale to them of all those toyota trucks!
7 days ago
PPO – Arms, armor, experienced military startegists, Bush sure created a powerful force by pushing the Iraqi military into the arms of Muslim extremists to create ISIS.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, you’ve hit it abso-fuckin’-lutely on the nose.
7 days ago
Wonder if it’s any coincidence that Haliburton operates a Toyota dealership in Syria?
AdLib 7 days ago
Tell Japan to quit all Toyota exports to the Gulf
7 days ago
Wonder if Jan works that showroom?
7 days ago
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hello Planeteers. My scroll bar is still not working so I can’t move the comment. I’ve tried FireFox and Chrome – don’t know what’s going on. I hope everyone is well and hope to talk later, once we figure out the problem.
7 days ago
hi sabreen
7 days ago
Sab, try the down arrows on the right
7 days ago
Hi Sabreen – Try using your up arrow, once you scroll back, you’ll see the scroll bar.
AdLib 7 days ago
mouse wheel… keep on rollin wwooo keep on rollin
7 days ago
Sab, it’s very faint on the lower right side, but you need to move the cursor near it
7 days ago
Harleigh – my man – the mouse wheel works!
7 days ago
teehee go baby go!
7 days ago
Harleigh! WoooHooooo…the small victories!
7 days ago
lol ain’t it the truth
7 days ago
PPO – Nope. It’s not visible and there is no room.
7 days ago
TOYOTA: The nation’s favourite WorkHorse is made to be more Unbreakable than you could ever imagine. Every HiLux begins with an uncompromisingly tough and proven DNA that’s the result of over 40 years of continuous testing and development by Toyota in the harshest Australian conditions and terrain.
7 days ago
So do folks here agree that by playing the fascism card, Trump has become more likely the Repub nominee yet radioactive to all but the Repub core in a General Election?
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO..a paid endorsement!
7 days ago
I wish!
7 days ago
Ad, If Trump does get the nomination, it will be the end of the GOP. Their credibility is zero even now.
7 days ago
BRB, smoko
7 days ago
I am still hopin and prayin for Palin – Bachmann but that would be stronger than say Carson – Cruz. This crowd is just so fuckin whackdoodle. like an old asylum movie.
7 days ago
PPO…they will still control 2/3 of our sttes.
7 days ago
PPO – Sure seems obvious to me. Trump has disqualified himself in the eyes of a big majority of voters. He would be the best “suicide bomber” of a candidate for the GOP. blowing himself and the GOP up.
AdLib 7 days ago
AdLib – If Trump wins, I’ll eat my hat.
7 days ago
Ad…there is more and more talk in GOP circles of a brokered convention.
7 days ago
Murph – Heh! Trump wishes he was as powerful as Hitler. He’s just a sham candidate.
AdLib 7 days ago
I actually get robo calls from Benny.
7 days ago
who the fuck would they broker in??Romoney – McCrash?
7 days ago
Murph – I’ve heard that, also have heard that there are Repubs conspiring with wealthy backers to launch a broad political attack from the shadows against Trump to destroy him. But a brokered convention would tear the GOP apart even more than Trump getting the nom. The Tea Party won’t come out to vote.
AdLib 7 days ago
Sabreen – Are they in a weak whisper?
AdLib 7 days ago
AdLib – No. But as soon as I hear “Ben Carson” I hang up.
7 days ago
Either way, my prediction is that the Repubs will lose massively next year.
AdLib 7 days ago
Sabreen – Good, I’d do the same. How irritating, wonder how you got on his robocall list?
AdLib 7 days ago
i put her on it becase i’m evil!
7 days ago
Someone should hijack Trump’s plane, land it in Mali and kick him out without a cell phone. Then let him howl against Muslims and see what happens.
AdLib 7 days ago
I have a neighbor who is a fanatic Carsonite….and I mean fanatic. Two days ago, after another assault, I asked him: “I don’t get it….you hate, I do mean hate, blacks!” His answer: Carson is White Inside because he is on the Right outside!” And then he smiled. Well rehearsed.
7 days ago
Geez Harleigh after I just called you “the man”.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Harleigh! Just for that I’m putting you on Mike Huckabee’s robocall list!
AdLib 7 days ago
Even the baggers at the hill and newsmax quit toutin crazy carson. I tell them I love sabreen but they still hate me ae thos sites.LOL
7 days ago
Trump,Trump,Vile and vilefying,pushing buttons and spewing bullshit,rancid rhertoric rude.Leading by a landslide…….HAH-WHOOOOOOOO,HAHAHAHA,haw haw who whoo!…let me catch my breath! He He Hahar harr,oh my sides!
7 days ago
Actually good folks I’m can’t stay. I just started a part-time job that turned into a full time job today and I’m tired. Hopefully, this won’t turn into full time because I will quit.
7 days ago
Can’t Carson be dropped into Syria and just swing that knife around to kill all of ISIS?
AdLib 7 days ago
aaww come on AL at least put me on one over 10%, not under 1%
7 days ago
Do the wear belts Ad?
7 days ago
Sabreen, hope the job works out, always great to have you here!
AdLib 7 days ago
Sabreen…what are you doing?
7 days ago
Carson was over at the old roman coliseum where he watched jebus hit 4 homeruns in the same game!
7 days ago
Thanks Ad-Lib. I’ll be back. Take care everyone.
7 days ago
later sabreen I start a new job monday!
7 days ago
Murph,his face looks like a bucket of squashed asshole with a Toupee on top! Sorry to be so crude,but he deserves our ridicule
7 days ago
Beatle….oh, he does.
7 days ago
Beatlex – The reaction to Trump leading even more in the GOP polls:
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – You know those little old foxy broads who service the greeting card displays in stores? Well that’s me. I work for American Greetings – set my own hours – no supervision – much better than min wage. So I thought I’d give it try. May have to go back into total retirement if I don’t like it. I’m still in “training”. Admin stuff is very detailed. AG is a multi-billion $ corp. So you know they keep track of every item – or at least try to.
7 days ago
Sounds good Sabreen, especially being able to set your own hours!
AdLib 7 days ago
They have a big section in every Walreens!
7 days ago
Sab…that actually sounds like it might be interesting……..and for a self starter like you a realgoodfit.
7 days ago
Yeah Ad-Lib – no rush hour traffic for me. Been there, done that.
7 days ago
For me…this time of year is between farm chores……the gardens are done, and too early to do prep for next spring.
7 days ago
Murph – It’s interesting, but you also get exercise removing and replacing all those cards
7 days ago
week ago I got stuck in I95 due to a road rage shooting! over an hour to go 1 mile to get off.
7 days ago
Sab…good for you…really good for you!
7 days ago
Don’t know if any of you are as masochistic as me but I’ve found that the cable news stations have been using the full day to repeat the couple of headlines on terrorism that day over and over and over. They have pretty much given up on covering any news now, just rolling around in terror like pigs in the mud.
AdLib 7 days ago
I don’t know who said that(paraphrase) The only effective way to deal with The R’s nutty and stupid ideas,is to ridicule them,to do otherwise would give them credence they don’t deserve”
7 days ago
G’night folks. Hope to see you soon.
7 days ago
Night Sabreen!
AdLib 7 days ago
Night Sabreen!
7 days ago
Ad….Watch Al Jazeera and BBC and world is so much wider.
7 days ago
nite sabreen
7 days ago
Happy Greetings Sabreen!
7 days ago
Murph,try Canadian National news out,do you get it?
7 days ago
Beatlex – Yep, you don’t argue logic with a brain damaged elephant banging its head into a cliff. You just note how brain damaged it is.
AdLib 7 days ago
well over 600 people a week die of guns. the next nut is due. half are suicide and like 40 are vets.
7 days ago
Harl,sadly yes…
7 days ago
We can only hope the next nut attends an NRA convention. They’ll kill each other in all the crossfire then we can finally move ahead with gun control legislation.
AdLib 7 days ago
fuckin crazy! outstrips all terrorists of all time! Over 32,000 a year!!! way more than any war.
7 days ago
Beatle….I do not but I pay attention to Canadian news via MacCleans and Toronto Sun
7 days ago
Harleigh – But gun manufacturers profit from all those deaths so for capitalists, it’s just a cost of doing business.
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Did any of you here think that the R’s race here is MORE bizarre than 2012? I for one didn’t think it possible.But….There was a Trump card this time!LOL
7 days ago
you should have the same qualifications to own a gun as you do a car, including license, training, exams and insurance.
7 days ago
Good choices MURPH
7 days ago
Beatlex – I did think this year would be more ridiculous than last year when Cruz and Bush were running but once Trump jumped in and Carson picked up support, it our-crazied my wildest imagination! And how great for Dems, these are all must-lose candidates, great news indeed!
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh,suspected terrorists can get guns legally now.How nutty is that?
7 days ago
Thanks Beatle.
7 days ago
Murph – I monitor the cable news stations as standard PlanetPOV procedure but you’re right, BBC and Al Jazeera are much saner sources.
AdLib 7 days ago
Adlib.I am sure no one thought that Trump would do this,how could we?
7 days ago
beat last time we only had Bachmann as the main joke of whackdoodle and Cain for just stupid. This round we got almost 20 total whackdoodles. each one dumber and more outrageous than the next. makes Romony and Lyin Ryan almost look Imperial.
7 days ago
Beat they can buy guns and no airplanes!!! LOL
7 days ago
Beatlex – I didn’t think he would run and I sure sisn’t think he would be the front runner by a “yuuuge” margin. I couldn’t have imagined a better scenario for our side than Trump’s destruction of the GOP as a serious party.
AdLib 7 days ago
A little laughter? Check it out….
7 days ago
Ad….I have come to really enjoy Al Jazeera in particular.
7 days ago
Trump has managed to package a product, himself, that appeals to the core of the GOP base.
7 days ago
Harleigh – And I love the chatter about trying to bring Romney in to take the nom! “Hey, can we get that lying unliked loser from 2012 to take the place of this unliked lying front runner this time around?”
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph,that is a sad commentary on where some uninformed and stupid people go for that message.They won’t win the general that way
7 days ago
7 days ago
Beatlex, I don’t remember if I saw The Rutles 2! Watched a little now, will watch the rest later! Thanks for posting it, it’s been a hard day’s rut.
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatle. It is.
7 days ago
Trump’s message only plays with core Repubs which only makes up about 15% of voters. Ignore the polls showing him close to Hillary, national polls at this point are mostly name recognition. In a GE, Trump would lose by a landslide (Presidential elections aren’t about national vote totals, they’re about electoral votes from states and either Dem would crush Trump who would lose just about all toss up states_.
AdLib 7 days ago
we need the whole down ticket too
7 days ago
Harleigh…down ticket is THE GAME that the left is losing and continues to lose….2/3 of all states in GOP hands
7 days ago
Harleigh, I think it’s going to be a “yuuge” Dem sweep, Repubs will be so discouraged about Trump being their nominee, only the Tea Party will turn out strongly. Dems will benefit big time up and down the ballot. And if the GOP fixes the primary to force Jeb! or someone else on the GOP, it will be even worse, discouraging their core voters.
AdLib 7 days ago
it’s unreal murph
7 days ago
Ad….I have no faith in the Democratic electoral base…listless and unfocused.
7 days ago
Adlib,and the “Tragical History Tour” Also known as the presidency of George Bush! That got me about 25 new fans on HP when I posted it years ago!
7 days ago
gotta get them out this time
7 days ago
Harleigh…it is unreal….how do people continue to vote against their own interests…..
7 days ago
Murph – They turn out every Presidential election and they will again next year. Have faith, wasn’t that the case in 2012?
AdLib 7 days ago
Beatle….I remember you doing that…
7 days ago
Murph,really? LOL!
7 days ago
In 2012….we lost more seats in the House, we lost the Senate…we lost three more states….
7 days ago
Beatle….I do….that is where I met you.
7 days ago
Beatlex – And don’t forget “Ouch!”
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…I never imagined you to be a Rutles fan……but I am too.
7 days ago
Murph – No, we lost The Senate in 2014.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…technically yes, but in 2012…..the boost that was expected from Obama did not happen and the Dem dominance was reduced to that critical point of tipover that happened in 2014.
7 days ago
Ad…take it back….my chart….misreading it….2014…yep…you are correct…so maybe we can!
7 days ago
if dems watch the polls and won’t get out we would be so fucked if the got the WH
7 days ago
Murph – Not a technicality, Dems held the Senate in 2012. Lost it in an off year election when Repubs do better because turnout by Dems is lower. In 2016, more Repub seats at stake and Dem turnout will be up. I think they’re on track to take it back. Just in time for SCOTUS noms I hope!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph,I know,I am surprised you remember it.A lot of those people did not know I had plagerized it! I felt bad afterwards for not crediting the source
7 days ago
Democrats snatched Republican Senate seats in Indiana and Massachusetts on Tuesday, averted what once were considered likely defeats in Missouri, North Dakota and Montana, and expanded their control of the Senate, handing Republicans a string of stinging defeats for the second campaign season in a row.
7 days ago
Beatle…you plagarized it?
7 days ago
Murph – Yep, I saw The Rutles when it premiered on NBC many years ago (an SNL backed project), just loved it!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – And looks like a Dem could win Jindal’s Gov seat in LA!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…I sent money to Vitter’s opponent without knowing anything about him.
7 days ago
I don’t know AL, those folks are terrible dumb! LOL
7 days ago
Just the title of the make believe Beatles(The Rutles) title “The Tragical History Tour” it was a joke Murph
7 days ago
Murph – It is Louisiana, I wouldn’t count on Bel Edwards being a great guy but shutting down Vitter finally would be so sweet!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
How could ANYBODY knowingly vote for some crackpot creep that wears a goddamned diper to fuck hookers?? seriously people?
7 days ago
Harleigh – Well, at least in the polls, Bel Edwards has been ahead of Vitter by around 20 points. Even if he doesn’t perform that strongly, would be hard for Vitter to come out on top. At least, that’s what the prostitute said.
AdLib 7 days ago
Vitter has been hitting the “Obama and Edwards want to make LA a refuge for terrorists/refugees” message…and the GOP seems to be embracing him….last minute swing.
7 days ago
We are a year out… straight dem all the way.
7 days ago
The talking heads on the news shudder at how mean Bel Edwards ad is about Vitter but in LA, it’s not out of line and tells the truth. I thought it was pretty smart:
AdLib 7 days ago
It cut right to the core.
7 days ago
Adlib,he is a metaphor for the pubs in reverse,they are all prostitutes
7 days ago
Murph – Unless you’ve seen a different poll, last polls I’ve seen on the race still show Bel Edwards way ahead and that Vitter’s desperation on Islamophobia isn’t pushing the needle.
AdLib 7 days ago
And, even though it’s nasty pandering, Bel Edwards came out to say he doesn’t support Obama on bringing in Syrian refugees.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…..I know some people in BatonRouge and they are worried…perhaps needlessly so.
7 days ago
when is the LA lection?
7 days ago
7 days ago
For such a macho country,a good number of Americans are wusses,not enough Ak’s to protect yourselfs yet? Get more!
7 days ago
we got nothin in Fla until the primary
7 days ago
If they live in Baton Rouge, they should always be worried. BTW, I spent a lot of time in BR so I can say that.
AdLib 7 days ago
Harleigh – It’s tomorrow, on Sat!
AdLib 7 days ago
BR….pretty dismal…yeah.
7 days ago
i’ll check the results then. thx
7 days ago
Let’s hope Vitter is trash canned! He is such a slimy weasel!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
well I’m crashin…. later folks
7 days ago
And with the holidays coming up, the GOP polls will be pretty much frozen until just before the IA primary. With Trump holding such a big lead, he could walk away with such a front loaded primary, using the GOP’s strategy to quickly elect their establishment nom to backfire on them. This really is so delicious!
AdLib 7 days ago
Night Harleigh! Have a great Thanksgiving!
AdLib 7 days ago
well…..it this late…it was a pleasure having you sane people for company….Beatle particulary great being able to chaw over things HP with you.
7 days ago
Night Murph, you have a great Thanksgiving!
AdLib 7 days ago
Good thanksgiving all…gobble, gobble…Vox next week?
7 days ago
Vox will be up if it can get up after eating all those leftovers!
AdLib 7 days ago
See yall then.
7 days ago
The truth about our new Prime Minister is that he is really a greenhorn,as recently as 5 years ago he was a Kindergarden teacher! The good news is that he has an old gaurd of the gang that led 10 years ago and is getting good advice,but I still worry.He was a rock star to the young girls everywhere he went on the G-20 meeting.Justin Trudeau,riding the coat tails of his famous Prime Minister Trudeau(68-83)
7 days ago
PIERRE Trudeau!
7 days ago
Beatlex – If he has a strong team, he’ll be fine.
AdLib 7 days ago
He can only be far better than Harper!
AdLib 7 days ago
I don’t know Adlib.the Party’s end up governing from the middle,which is OK
7 days ago
Once he gets more comfortable in his position, hopefully he will at least try to move things more center left. Harper was too far right.
AdLib 7 days ago
Goodnight Adlib,good night tonight!
7 days ago
Night Beatlex! Have a great Thanksgiving!
AdLib 7 days ago
On security yes,but he grew government too
7 days ago
Yes but was into privatizing too.
AdLib 7 days ago
True,economy is being hurt by oil prices,we have lost tens of thousands of jobs in the oil sector here in Alberta
7 days ago
That’s a drag but that’s also balanced by the economic growth from folks having more money in their pockets to spend due to lower gas prices. A slow and painful transition especially for those who have lost their jobs.
AdLib 7 days ago
This is all leading into the global climate change debate.I am older,I worry for the generations following us Ad
7 days ago
Yep, me too. Transitioning to renewable energy means that along the way, people who work in the oil industry will get hammered with job loss. There will be a turnaround but I appreciate how much of a burden losing so many jobs is on so many people.
AdLib 7 days ago
gotta go,work tomorrow Ad
7 days ago
Seeya B!
AdLib 7 days ago
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