SallyT : But, then when you see them hanging him, he didn’t seem afraid. Guess he realized the jig was up.
SallyT : Saddam didn’t want those around him, country wise like Iran, that he was just a paper tiger. So, I am sure he was afraid for multiple reasons.
SallyT : And, maybe he thought that if he didn’t the Republicans would work with him. Now, I wonder if it is too late to go after them……
AdLib : Obama was trying to come in as the guy who would bring Washington together, he couldn’t go after Bush and Cheney criminally and be that person. And he didn’t want to be remembered for prosecuting his predecessor I’ll bet.
AdLib : Saddam was probably in a panic but trying to look like the fearless and ruthless leader. He knew he didn’t have those weapons and that Bush was coming for him. Wonder if he was deluded too and imagined he could fend off the US?
SallyT : That is one of my few disappointments in Obama, not letting the Justice Dept going after them. But, I guess I can understand.
SallyT : I said to my husband while we were watching Hubris, “While they were telling all those lies, what do you think Sadam Hussen was thinking?” I mean he knew they were lying.
AdLib : Yep Sally, and there is nothing they can do to change the history of what they did. Too late for them. Not the same as getting them convicted for their crimes but it’s something.
SallyT : They are losers, AdLibs, and murders, too.
AdLib : The PR about Bush painting cute animals is so lame. He also killed and/or destroyed the lives of millions of innocent people…aw, but look at the cute dog he painted.
SallyT : And, now that his dog Barney has died, Bush doesn’t have even one friend.
SallyT : I think Bush knows how people feel and think of him. That is why he stays in the bathtub and paints.
AdLib : Sally – But he’s a liar so he’d never admit it. Bush did the same thing as Pres and claimed he couldn’t think of one mistake…is that really what he’s thinking today?
SallyT : He was asked to name his biggest fault and he couldn’t. Said he didn’t think much on having faults.
SallyT : I don’t know, AdLib, in World According to Cheney he couldn’t name a fault in himself….
AdLib : Can only hope that some fraction of Cheney knows that he will be reviled throughout history.
SallyT : Anyway, you will see all that in Hubris.
SallyT : The jerk said he would do it all again even knowing what he knows now.
SallyT : Yes, there have been those out there and number one is CHENEY!!
AdLib : I imagine that somehow, some RWs will be applauding Bush and Cheney for this dismal anniversary…we ll, they’re lost causes.
SallyT : Don’t worry, they pick on Bush and Cheney real good!
AdLib : I will be looking for it!
AdLib : What a sad anniversary.
SallyT : You’ll see my favorite…hint. …Iran and Argo. I laughed out loud. I think you will too.
SallyT : Lots on the 10th Anniversary of Iraq.
AdLib : See you here over the weekend, looking forward to the Funnies!
AdLib : Sally – I took your advice!
SallyT : You sleep well, too, and I will see you around here later.
SallyT : Remember, I told you to do that. I watched it and it sucked!
AdLib : Thanks Sally! Sleep well!
AdLib : He had a show on a couple weeks ago with Arianna and Michael Steele, I just deleted the episode without ever watching it, that would have been too painful.
SallyT : You have a great weekend, too.
SallyT : I didn’t watch him tonight but I do agree with you. I have been disappointed lately.
AdLib : Well Sally, you and me again closing the Vox Bar! Thanks for the info, will set my Tivo to record it! Tivo’s taping Bill Maher right now…maybe it’s me but his show seems to be going downhill. Have a great weekend!
SallyT : Hey, AdLib, Hubris comes on again at 3am if you want to set your recorder.
AdLib : KT – Missed your Music Posts, thanks so much and appreciate the invite, I will indeed add on some faves! Sleep well and take care of that back!
SallyT : You too KT!
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Sally.
AdLib : Black Panthers? All 4 of them scare the gun nuts? Of course they need their guns, their the most cowardly people out there.
SallyT : Good night KT!
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, I posted a music thread, the topic, Love. If you feel like another joint effort, be my guest. I gotta go go. Don’t want to press the back thingy.
AdLib : KT – Well, Reagan got shot by a nutjob too…kind of ironic since Reagan emptied out the mental hospitals…so I don’t think there was anything more behind Chapman’s killing of Lennon than his derangement that if he killed Lennon, he could replace him, live his life, whatever. He was and is a lunatic.
SallyT : Wooooo, the Black Panthers, you got to have guns to protect from them!
KillgoreTrout : Oh, and the Black Panthers. They really scared the white establishment.
SallyT : I know, AdLib. And, like they said on their side that if the slaves had had guns, they could have over thrown the Plantation Owners….Don’t think so! And, the Indians should have had guns instead of bows and arrows…..Don’ t think so!
KillgoreTrout : Oh yeah Sally. People in the peace movement, like Lennon and those in the SDS and the Whether Underground scared the shit out of Nixon.
AdLib : Night Murph, sounds like a challenging fight but you’ve got to have a lot of folks on your side.
AdLib : Sally – I don’t get it at all. No big country would ever invade the US. The goofjobs just read all their conspiracy BS and are afraid of the world around them. Cowards is what they are and they need their guns because they have no balls.
SallyT : Good night, Murph and good luck.
SallyT : Nixon sure was scared of him, KT.
KillgoreTrout : Go easy Murph! Have a great weekend.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, assassinated is not far from the truth IMO. Lennon was the object of a massive COINTEL program that sought to discredit him and many others “in the movement.” The government at that time feared people like Lennon, because they told the truth and asked questions that the government didn’t want asked. I would not be surprised if Chapman didn’t have a little covert “help.”
MurphTheSurf3 : Well folks….need to go…big battle shaping up here re. the corruption of the water table by fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides- made far worse as a result of the drought. Messy and we are up against the big boys…
SallyT : AdLib, do you think that the nuts think could be be invaded like we invaded Iraq? And, if they had guns they could have stopped us. Well, where were those weapons of mass destruction? We HAD THEM!
AdLib : I think those supporting gun control really should paint the NRA as supporting the ongoing murder of Americans. It’s true, they don’t even want reasonable restrictions, they fight for the right of people to murder.
KillgoreTrout : Chapman, like so many other cowards, was a nut job. So so sad.
AdLib : Yes, it just seemed so wrong, it should never have been John Lennon who was assassinated. Especially during the Bush Admin and all the wars, I thought about how Lennon might have joined and inspired the opposition.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, the sheer stupidity of it makes me sick.
KillgoreTrout : That truly was the real shock. Why Lennon? He gave so much of himself to promote love and peaceful coexistence.
AdLib : KT – And it seems like every week we hear of a boyfriend/girlfr iend/husband/wif e who shoots their mate or ex-mate out of jealousy and/or hatred. You can never stop people from being flawed and vulnerable to horrible, emotional actions. So in order to validate the misreading of the 2nd Amendment by nuts, we have to make sure disgruntled employees or spouses can have a gun in their hand at the worst possible time?
KillgoreTrout : Lennon told Yoko and Sean that if he died before them, he would try to contact them from the “other side,” with a white feather floating horozontily through their rooms. I swear, the white feather in Forrest Gump was taken from that belief.
SallyT : KT, I remember just sitting down and thinking why him? So much talent and a man that writes songs for peace and love. Why him?
KillgoreTrout : That’s the big problem Ad. No amount of paper work or screening is going to predict when someone goes completely off the rails and decides to take a number of innocents with them.
AdLib : KT – I remember exactly where I was when I heard about Lennon being shot, was driving home and saw a shooting star in the sky which is rare here in LA, thought it was for him.
KillgoreTrout : I’ll never forget that night. I attended a candlelight vigil the following night in Boston Commons, during a slow wintery drizzle of rain. I like many, many people, felt devastated.
AdLib : KT – It’s ridiculous that we get drawn into arguments with the RW over whether the 32,000 a year who die from handguns in the US is more tragic than the fewer amount who are killed in mass shootings with assault weapons. Aren’t they both terrible things to be going on in an allegedly civilized society? Much as the NRA wants to change the subject, you can’t stop people from becoming mentally ill gradually then using a gun…but you can limit their access to a gun. It is just hard to believe that a group like the NRA which is advocating availability of guns for terrorists and mass murderers (at gun shows and private sales) is the strongest one at the table.
KillgoreTrout : Sally, years ago Yoko had a picture of John’s glasses on the inside jacket of one of her albums. I don’t remember which, but it was very poignoiant then too. One of Lennon’s best friends, Harry Nilsson put his own music career aside to promote anti-gun laws. He spent a lot of his own money in doing so.
SallyT : John Lennon’s glasses are a pretty powerful message. And, that there has been 1,057,000 gun death since.
AdLib : Very powerful, Sally.
KillgoreTrout : I think that’s true. Most killings are done with handguns, but recent events have made people aware of just how dangerous these AR’s and AKs can be. Even on semi-auto, an AR can fire 5 rnds a second. I know, I’ve done it before, with an M16, but ARs and AKs have the same firing mechanisms, pretty much.
SallyT : Did you guys see this that YoKo Ono put out? «link»
AdLib : A couple of quotes you might find interesting from Wikipedia: “In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 66.9% of all homicides in the United States were perpetrated using a firearm.[5] There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[6] Two-thirds of all gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides. In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicide deaths, and 11,078 firearm-related homicide deaths in the United States.”
KillgoreTrout : Forein countries don’t invade us for two reasons. 1. there is a very large body of water between us and “them.” And 2. We have the most powerful military in the world. Those little small arms don’t really even enter into such a scenario.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- we got money from Holland, and Dutch shipyards outfitted U.S. merchant ships with privateer arms. The Spanish provided logistical support and kept the British pinned down in several theaters.
SallyT : Maybe they are thinking of Mexico? Remember the Alamo!
SallyT : Right, AdLib, just like everything else they think!
AdLib : Sally – So the gun nuts think another country would physically invade us? Huh? Who and why? That is really insane.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- one of the NRA people here that I respect has argued that handguns do most of the killing, in fact almost all of it. After he laid this out I agreed and have added handguns to my list of weapons I am very concerned about. For home defense- a shotgun does very well.
SallyT : We only got money from Holland, tho. Of course that was important but France sent bodies.
AdLib : Murph – That’s about the size of it! Claiming that guns are needed for preventing gun violence is indeed a joke.
KillgoreTrout : Agree Sally. The revolutionary war also consisted of cannons and mortars. Same with the civil war. these wars were not won by rifles alone.
SallyT : Oh, I have also heard that no foreign country would ever invade us because there are too many guns in the hands of our citizens. Yep, that makes sense….NOPE!
AdLib : Let’s face it, many of the extremist gun fanatics are extremely paranoid. So the real law should be that anyone who is an extreme gun fanatic has instantly proven themselves unfit to have a gun.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally- France, Spain and Holland all supported the Am Rev. and the standing army was trained to fight in the European fashion by European officers
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Murph. No hunter of any respect will need more than one, maybe two shots to bring down his game. Home defense is easily done with a simple revolver. Anybody who needs an assault weapon for home defense, shouldn’t be allowed to have one. These weapons are high caliber rifle rounds that could could easily pass through an intruder into an adjacent apartment or home, possibly killing innocent people. A .45 or .38 with hollow points wouls avoid such collateral damage.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….Q. Why do the elephants paint their toe nails red? A. To hide in cherry trees. Q. What are you talking about- there aren’t any elephants in cherry trees? A. See! It works!
AdLib : Murph – Yep. Heller protects handguns…but only handguns. It’s a messed up ruling but it makes clear that government can regulate any gun other than a handgun.
SallyT : KT, they don’t take into effect that we didn’t win the Revolutionary War with our guns alone. We needed France! And, the civil war, well, the south tried to get France to help but they were having their own problems and we had helped in bankrupting their country already. If we didn’t do it by ourselves then, we won’t now either.
AdLib : Murph – The RW gun nut theory of deterrence is like, “The rock on my fireplace keeps polar bears from breaking into my home.” “But there are no polar bears around here.” “See how well it works!”
SallyT : They regulated and stopped making switch blade knives, why not AR-15’s?
KillgoreTrout : That’s true Sally, I’ve seen many of them say this. It would never work out that way though. These nuts are thinking revolutionary war, where we fought another country and the civil war where the states fought states. They’re just plain paranoid psychos.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally T- there really are no autos around- it is the semi-autos that most of this is about.
AdLib : Sally – That’s so funny, these morons think that the US Army, confronted by a motley group of nutjobs with weapons, will suddenly say, “We’ll follow you instead of the US Government, you’re a much better bet to win this battle!”
SallyT : They regulate machine guns, why not automatic weapons?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- I like that addition….go after particular semi-autos and ALL large clips…
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- thanks to SCOTUS and Heller, the 2nd now stands for the individual right to bear arms BUT Heller also appears to say that the right can be governed and limited.
KillgoreTrout : Murph I agree, but any modern day semi-auto is capable of a lot of destruction. I think a lot of this depends on magazine size. I totally agree with a ten round limit. If a mass shooter has to change mags (which can be done quickly) that still provides an instant to disarm the guy. That’s what happened in the Tuscon shootings with Gabby Giffords. The went to change mags and was stopped cold in the process. No gun control is going to stop crazt people from killing, but at least with smaller mags we can cut down on the number killed.
AdLib : KT – The real simple thing to me is, the 2nd Amendment prefaces the right to own and bear arms with a well regulated militia. Even the RW nutjobs on the SCOTUS ignore that preface, which explains what the 2nd Amendment is all about! Yeah, they really believe in the Constitution…a s edited by them.
SallyT : Just like the police turned and came over to the Occupy side when Occupy was standing up for their Union. Nope didn’t happen then did it.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib – you named one of the big arguments – guns defend us from ????? Every time I challenge this with a request for the stats I get dead air. It is not there. NOW – I am the first to admit that one cannot measure deterrence that affects whether something happens. I love in a very rural, isolated area with lots of meth labs and non of the denizens of those operations bother anyone because (the sheriff’s deputies who are very few and far apart say) they know that everyone around them is armed….
SallyT : But, they are so delusional that they think the military will turn an come over to their side against the government.
KillgoreTrout : Oh, I would love to see such an enactment. These nuts don’t consider high tech fighter jets, the worlds most destructive tanks, artillery, (of which, we have an atomic cannon) that fires an artillery shell that yields about 15 killiton, just like the Hiroshima bomb. Our weaponry is simply mind boggling, and these whackos think their little AR and AKs are going to win out. What delusional fools.
AdLib : Murph – That is a key, isn’t it? Canada controls handguns but allows rifles without an issue. Mass killings are usually committed with long barrel weapons but most murders in the US are due to handguns. Some protection, that excuse is so disproven. Just put on one side of the scale all those killed by handguns and on the other side, all those who used handguns to protect themselves…it ‘s not even close!
KillgoreTrout : AD, I guarantee that over 90% of these nuts are tea baggers and Obama haters. They fall for every imagined catastrophe they hear. Like the old 2001 computer crash nonsense, and 9/11 and natural disasters. They also want these weapons to defend themselves and their stores in some sort of weird holocaust. They would rather kill those in need than share what they may have. Truly detestable humans.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT what do you think of my revised terminology…or do you have something better.
AdLib : KT – It would be amusing to have a scene in a movie where heavily armed Bagger “Patriots” huddled together in a town square to fight off the evil government and a little drone flies over them and turns them into real teabags.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad LIb- not a part of Bowling is another fact…the Canadians tried to create a gun registration system and it failed totally…they have abandoned it. Since most gun deaths happen in circumstances where poverty, despair, a lack of mental health resources, and gangs are prevalent, Canada comes out ahead of us….AND handguns are rarer in Canada than here – hard to get and subject to very tough penalties. I think that is why their many guns do not call as often as ours do
SallyT : That is true, AdLib, they are obsessed. Because there have been fewer new people buying guns. It is the same people that have guns already that kept buying them.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly Murph. One Apache gunship couls wipe out a target from a mile away. The target would never know what hit them.
SallyT : Yep, KT, on the bed post of the corral.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT – exactly AR and AK and that is how we should be describing them “fast feeding AR and AK” semi automatic rifles….much more credible.
AdLib : KT – Remember in Bowling for Columbine, the part about how Canada has so many guns but so few homicides? It’s part of a certain segment of American culture to have an obsessive relationship with guns. And Canadians know they don’t need assault weapons to kill deer or protect themselves. We need an ongoing campaign by pro-gun law leaders to snap enough people out of this desperate relationship too many have towards their guns. SOme people are obsessed about their cars, their clothes, their hair, it’s not crazy but it is far more dangerous when people go overboard on guns.
KillgoreTrout : On the corral fence?
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- re defending themselves against tyrannical government. Most get it so wrong. That is not the story of the American Revolution where “state” organized militia held off British forces while a regular army was created (aided by three of the other empires of the day.) Furthermore, these NRA militia folk are delusional if they think they could fight the modern American military-one battalion of rangers with some air support and they are all goners.
KillgoreTrout : Murph, all of the AR types and AK types are fast feeding. I mean like 700 rds per minute, cyclic rate of fire. No bolt action could come close to that sort of firepower. These whackos think they can take on the US military with just small arms fire. Nutjobs.
SallyT : KT, I thought maybe Big Foot left a few dollars after…..
SallyT : AdLib, I heard Perry say, “Animal Husbandry, see, I told you if you let the gays marry, it would be beast next!”
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- the key is “fast feeding”.Which ones fit that description. Some actually do but most do not.
KillgoreTrout : LOL Sally! It may involve more than the tip!
KillgoreTrout : A lot of the nuts think that a wepon can’t be an assault weapon unless it fires full auto. That is simply not true. Even military weapons will fire semi-auto. They’ll just make up any old excuse to keep their killing machines. I grew up around guns, and started target shooting at a young age. I have owned bolt action rifles, revolvers and shotguns. These weapons. IMO are far less dangerous than a fast feeding high powered rifle with extended mags. No civilian needs one of those. The bottom line with these kooks is they need them to protect themselves from a tyrannical government. How absurd.
AdLib : Sally – Exactly, shouldn’t the Baggers be storming the Governor’s Mansion in Atlanta fully armed, howling against his taking out democratically elected officials? It’s almost like Baggers don’t really believe in the Founders and Constitution and just hate government when it’s run by a black man.
SallyT : AdLib, LOL
SallyT : KT, is that where cow tipping came from??
SallyT : Gee, AdLib, isn’t that why we are suppose to all of guns, to protect us from such Governors?
AdLib : Rick Perry brought a wedding ring to his first Animal Husbandry class.
AdLib : glenn – These “anti=governmen t” Repubs sure like to use government to take away the rights of Americans to have elected officials…and even exercise their right to vote. Anti-government? Right, only when Dems control it.
KillgoreTrout : When I think of Perry and animal husbandry, it reminds me of an article I read recently about Big Foot legends. One of them was that big foot was known to sodomize cows. Oh the imagery! Just too funny.
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- I am a gun owner…a pistol, a rifle, a shotgun. Hunting, target shooting and “home defense”. Since I have been really talking to those around me who are NRA and I have become convinced that my handgun is a bad idea. Why? The stats. My pistol is what does most of the killing in this country…I have also become convinced that my anger about some of the “assault rifles” is about how they are being used and clip sizes because my rife pretty much does the same thing as the bad looking ones do….That is why the Atlantic article was an eye opener for me.
AdLib : Night AB!
AdLib : Take care Funk!
AdLib : Funk – I’ll buy into that view, RW Texans may be unhappy about Perry turning down so much and burdening the state on Medicaid but I don’t think it will drive many of them to vote Dem.
SallyT : Good Night, Glenn!!
AdLib : AB – Really? Perry raided the Rainy Day Fund, is it built back up? And the deficit was projected to be like $40 billion, is TX getting enough back from fracking to cover all that? And refusing Medicare will cost the state billions in the end, wonder how that will affect things…
glenn : ‘night all. See you over the weekend.
KillgoreTrout : I shudder to think, AB.
AlphaBitch : Night dear ones. Dear glenn – have a great trip and take lots of photos!
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib….the other Gun groups make the NRA look liberal…this would have to be something really new
AlphaBitch : KT: IT had to do with him saying “Let me tell you…..when I’m in, I’m in ALL THE WAY”. Take it from there.
glenn : ‘night AB–I’m right behind you.
KillgoreTrout : AB I bet it was hilarious! Where men are men and the sheep are scared!
glenn : Ad–supposedly this is coming up before the state supreme court–but a FEDERAL judge gave the governor “permission” to replace the school board members, pending the state supreme court hearing. Trying to find out if the state supreme court hearing has actually been scheduled, but can’t find it just yet. I’m going to keep looking. As a former teacher, I’m not real fond of school boards, but this has me incensed as a voter, not a teacher!
KillgoreTrout : Murph, a lot of them try to make us believe that a baseball bat is an assault weapon. They think, or like to argue that an AR 15 is the same as a blunt object or a knife.
AlphaBitch : I gots to go too. Just looked at the clock. YIKES. It’s eleben oclock here. zzzzzzzz….
AdLib : Murph – Though since the NRA has always been just a front for gun manufacturers, I don’t know that members duped into joining could take it over but they sure could join a more responsible gun owners group. How about a sensible “tea partying” of the NRA, cleave off their membership into a splinter org that really represents its members?
AlphaBitch : KT: YOu should have seen my naughty bumper sticker about Perry and sheep….
MurphTheSurf3 : Glenn- of course it’s black- easy prey
AlphaBitch : Bye Funk!
KillgoreTrout : I think the fact that Perry got a C in animal husbandry say a whole lot about his IQ.
funksands : Unfortunately my limited time is up. Hope all of you have a great weekend!
MurphTheSurf3 : KT- one thing I have learned in my dialogue with NRA members is that the term “assault weapon” is a bad one. Here is an article that lays out the weapons… «link» I have begun to refer to the really bad weapons in this articles “worst” list rather than the generic grouping.
AdLib : glenn – That is scary. Same type of anti-democratic tyranny MI is suffering with elected officials being pushed out and gov’t bureaucrats given unlimited power over a city’s citizens. How is this not unconstitutional in these states?
AlphaBitch : Arrrgghhh glenn. That will give me nightmares.
glenn : Oh…and Murph–the school district of which I speak, is also predominately black.
AlphaBitch : Do y’all know that Perry SIMPLY REFUSED to debate Bill White, the BEST Dem candidate we could have had? He just wouldn’t do it (read: Couldn’t). I say: pass a law that a candidate has to have three televised debates, period.
glenn : Murph–yes, I know about MI. I’m trying to keep up with the situation here; I’m not very politically active; just politically aware, but that may change soon!
AdLib : AB – The RW has tunnelvision and won’t even admit that “well regulated militia” applies to the 2nd Amendment. It’s absurd but true.
funksands : Ad, you read the same piece I did then. Does the analogy break down because California was a more liberal state than Texas already and it didn’t take much to get a Republican governor booted out?
AlphaBitch : Do y
AlphaBitch : Ad: WE have eagleford shale and more $$ now than we know what to do with. I don’t see a big financial crunch. There’s too much $$ in fracking.
MurphTheSurf3 : Gleen…love at Michigan where more than 50 percent of its black citizens are no longer represented by the governments they elected because the governor is empowered to put in emergency managers when a town, city, has a declared fiscal emergency.
AdLib : Night Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : These assault weapons freaks just don’t see any need for a line being drawn as to what weapons a civilian can have. They think the 2nd amendment means they can bear any arms they choose. No common sense at all. Where do we draw the line? Heavy machine guns? Shoulder fired rocket launchers? Mortards hand grenades? They see no sensible line of deliniation.
AdLib : Funk – I read that article about Perry’s rejection of Medicare possibly alienating enough Repubs to elect a Dem Gov. It’s possible, that and the financial Armageddon that will hit TX in 2014 due to Perry and his cronies monkey business to push huge deficits until then.
AlphaBitch : Wimmens is stronger then mens, MTS. That’s the lesson there.
glenn : Here in GA, once again, IMO, r/tp’s have done what they accuse President Obama of doing.
funksands : Ad, that just reinforces my belief that until a mainstream politician runs on a partial “F-You NRA” platform and wins, the emperor will remain clothed.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- when the Komen Foundation acted in ways that women did not want to act toward Planned Parenthood, it was taken down by its members….that is what has to happen in the NRA….the members are being used (I know a bunch of them) as fronts for gun manufacturers, and retailers…fewe r people own guns today but we have a lot more guns in private hands….More gun in fewer hands requires lots of people declaring that they have to have those guns….vicious cycle.
AlphaBitch : You bet, Ad. And I’m going to use whatever years I have left to see it happen. I can out shout almost anyone, if fired up.
glenn : Murph–the government here in GA has taken away rights, IMO. The governor just suspended 5 out of 8 elected school board members, and appointed replacements. All based on a 2011 law passed by the legislature that the governor has the discretion to suspend school board members if the district doesn’t receive accreditation. Scary.
AdLib : AB – Yes, I imagine it will be at least 10 – 15 years until TX may become more in play for Dems but the day is coming.
AlphaBitch : KT: Remember Perot and the “crazy uncle in the attic” talk? Perry went public, and that’s a no-no. People laugh out loud at him now.
KillgoreTrout : Perry really is as thick as a brick.
AlphaBitch : What part of well REGULATED militia do they not understand????
AdLib : Murph – Yet the reality is, most NRA members support sensible gun laws and as a whole, the NRA represents just over 1% of Americans. Yet they are bowed down to by pols to make policy for 100%? We have the numbers but as you say, we need the activism and we would mow down the NRA.
glenn : ‘night Sabreen.
AlphaBitch : Funk: Perry’s “moment” is when he exposed himself on the TV as the fool we libs all knew him to be. When the rest of the nation laughed, he got dropped.
KillgoreTrout : Sweet dreams Sabreen.
glenn : Sabreen–even though the devil in me would love to see the Dems filibuster like the r/tp’s have; the idealist in me would hate to see it. Turning around and doing something you didn’t like being done to you is just childish, IMO.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sally..yes and bring family and friends….even those who disagree with some of their gun stances do not disagree with the dark fear that lies at the base of their fervor- The government is coming to take away your rights, your freedoms and they are whittling away at Americanism from many sides
funksands : Night Sablreen
AlphaBitch : Bye Sabreen! Nice chattin’ wit ya.
KillgoreTrout : Sabreen I think dems are truly more for the benefit of we the people, instead of party.
SallyT : Goodnight Sabreen! Have a good weekend!
AlphaBitch : Read a fascinating article on Bloomy in Vanity Fair years ago. Pretty much gave every reason why he won’t run for Pres, etc.
funksands : AD, You think Perry’s rejection of Medicaid expansion will be his Pete Wilson moment?
Sabreen60 : Well good people, I’m all in. Take care until the next time.
AlphaBitch : It will likely not happen in 2016 Ad, but 2020 is a real possibility. And the Castro boys help.
KillgoreTrout : The guy kind of creeps me out, because he just doen’t live in the real world. Does he honestly believe that a little salt and choleserol is worse than starvation? That’s pretty sick.
SallyT : Murph, and those NRA members will get out and vote.
AdLib : AB – I dream of the day that TX is in play for Dems then flips to a blue state. That’s the end of Repub Presidential hopes unless they become more moderate.
Sabreen60 : AB, I agree. I doubt if the Dems were to be the minority they would use the filibuster to excess like the Repubs.
AdLib : KT – Agreed, and we all saw how Bloomberg attacked his own citizens and Constitutional freedoms by setting the NYPD against OWS with lots of ultraviolence. I don’t like Bloomberg otherwise but I like this one project of his. Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
glenn : Ad–Reid is so soft-spoken, but I have seen him get his back up. However, I really do think he dropped the ball on filibuster reform. And, I wish he could get that friend of his to come “public” on romney’s tax returns now that the election is over.
AlphaBitch : I have been meaning to send Reid an email “How’s that hand shaking thingy workin’ for ya?” in Palinesque homey terms.
MurphTheSurf3 : Ad Lib- The NRA…..three days ago I wrote a long piece at HP and BOY did it get a lot of attention. 250 comments. I replied to every one. I got back responses from about 25 percent of those I replied to. I responded to them and got back another reply from 25 percent of those and then I got into a series of conversations… .most with NRA members. Where is there power- in no small part is that they multiply their numbers through their activism, their energy, and their “knowledge” of their cause…..
AlphaBitch : I have to say, the Battle Ground Texas is really quite exciting. LOVE the name. It resonates with the stubborn cusses here who still go all Davy on ya. Bloomberg needs a more catchy ass kicking type of name to engage.
AdLib : Sabreen – Reid isn’t as bad as I used to think he was but he is not that strong. He is the kind of “practical” politician that participates in the destruction of their political body. Reid should have fought hard for filibuster reform and if he lost, so be it. How would that have hurt him? I also think that he and other Dems selfishly look at the next election cycle in 2014 and want the filibuster for themselves if the Repubs take over the Senate. And guess what they’ll do if the Dems filibuster everything? I doubt they will just sigh and shake their heads like Reid.
KillgoreTrout : Ad, Bloomberg is seen as the ultimate “nanny state mayor.” He even blocked donations to homeless shelters because he was worried about the salt and cholesteral contents of the donations. I think the guy is a nutbag. Too far emoved from the real world of hunger, sickness and homelessness.
Sabreen60 : glenn, you’re a sweetie. I’ll have to sneak away from hubby if I don’t invite him.
funksands : Ad, something has to. The NRA has 40 full-time lobbyists reinforcing the legislative habit of bootlicking
glenn : Sabreen–you’re more than welcome to join me. I leave next Saturday night.
AlphaBitch : glenn: that’s a lovely love story. Good on ya. But you will do fine.
glenn : KT–I will definitely check it out.
glenn : AB–wish I could say I had traveled by myself before my husband, but we got married when I was 18 years old, and we were married for 43 years. We did a lot of traveling together, though.
AdLib : Funk – That’s why I think Bloomberg’s anti-gun SuperPAC could start the ball rolling.
Sabreen60 : glenn, I wanna go
KillgoreTrout : Some of the finest glass art comes from Florence.
AdLib : Why does the NRA have so much power? They only represent 4 million members, hell, MoveOn.org has more members. And the amount they give in elections is not so huge. It’s all about pols being programmed to fear them. I don’t like Bloomberg for much but his anti-gun SuperPAC is something I’m very pleased to see…make pols pay a price for voting against gun control, keep it up long enough and maybe the scales level out eventually.
glenn : Funk–no, I’m a dudette.
I just use “glenn” because it’s my first initial and part of my last name.
funksands : Color me uninformed….
KillgoreTrout : glenn I’d say yeas, but that’s just a personal opinion.
AlphaBitch : glenn, hon, you traveled by yourself before you had a husband. You are just now returning to those days. That’s all. Have FUN. No one to worry about (are they hungry? tired? bored?) Tell us all about it when you get home.
glenn : KT–even better than Venice?
Sabreen60 : AdLib, I don’t know. I think I understand Reid’s hesitancy about reforming the filibuster, but the Senate is broken. I read where PBO withdrew his nominee for a federal judge because she had been filibustered twice. So gun laws???
funksands : Glenn, you aren’t a dude! Awesome!
AlphaBitch : And we’ve got Cruz and Cornyn (aka Corndog) and Lamar Smith.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, when you go to Florence, try to check out their hand blown glass pieces. Best in the world.
glenn : AB–thanks. First trip I’ve taken since my husband passed away–a little apprehensive about going by myself–but looking forward to it!
AlphaBitch : Did everyone make the calls to Congress? Blov and I did.
funksands : Ad, its really hard to say. I have my doubts. Until a mainstream non-liberal enclave candidate can run on a gun control platform and win, I don’t think much is going to change. No one is really pushing them.
AdLib : Very cool, glenn! Hope you have a great time in Italy!
KillgoreTrout : LOL! AB.
AlphaBitch : Ad – Yes, but I’m pissed that the assault rifle is off the main bill and just a stupid fucking amendment. Stand alone bills, so I can see who really votes for what, I say.
KillgoreTrout : I think, sadly, that even the dems are too chickenshit to buck the NRA. I hate to say it, but I think it’s true.
SallyT : Glenn, that sounds wonderful to go to Florence! I am jealous.
AlphaBitch : Have a GREAT trip, glenn.
AdLib : So, do you think universal background checks will make it through the Senate and House? Or will mass murder continue to be an official American sport?
glenn : AB–I’m going to try not to embarrass myself!
KillgoreTrout : Really funk? It’s funny, because it really did happen.
AlphaBitch : Naughty KT!
KillgoreTrout : She was mystified, thoroughly.
AlphaBitch : glenn: Have a go at it, girl.
funksands : KT??? I want to hear more about the context of that story!
SallyT : KT, She was mystified or she got a magnifying glass?
glenn : Sally and AB–stop, please. The closest I’m going to get to an organ is next week when I go to Florence to see the statue David. Told my friend, that’s the closest I’ll ever get to one for the rest of my life, so we definitely have to go there.
AlphaBitch : The same folks who are surprised every winter when they don’t have enough snow plows and the airport is snowed in?????
Sabreen60 : Nite Sue!
funksands : I’m watching the US team play a World Cup qualifier against Costa Rica right now…..in a blinding snowstorm. Very surreal. Who books a soccer match outdoors in Colorado in March???
KillgoreTrout : Sally, I had a girl say to me, “That’s not yours!” She was mystified. LOL!
AlphaBitch : Nicht Sue, Funk? German derivation?
AlphaBitch : Yep Sally. Naughty naughty AB.
glenn : Night sue, take care.
funksands : Nicht Sue.
AlphaBitch : Night Sue.
Sabreen60 : Sue, hubby builds and repairs computers.
AlphaBitch : KT: You also need to hear Todd Snider’s “You Got Away With It” about Georgie Bush.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up funk man?
glenn : KT–I remember (shudder) that video.
SueInCa : Night all.
funksands : Sabreen, I think you are right. I took the back off and everything looked pretty clean, but who the hell knows?
SueInCa : I am happy with it, and Sabreen that was my problem too
SallyT : AB, I have said to many a man, “That’s an organ??
KillgoreTrout : Do you guys remember the video of Rove and his cronies acting like rappers and making fools of themselves on stage? I thought at the time, well, they ARE gangsters.
Sabreen60 : Hi Funk. Just asked hubby about your wheezing noise and he said it could be the fan(s).
funksands : Sue, I haven’t heard of Asus, are they like a HP or Dell?
AlphaBitch : I’ve said “what a waste of an organ” to many a man, but never meaning the heart….(shame on AB)
SallyT : See you later, Sherlock!
glenn : AB–Hey–go for it!
funksands : Btw, Ad thats also good marital advice!
MurphTheSurf3 : Hey funk
AlphaBitch : glenn: I also will have to shoot lasers from my eyes.
funksands :
glenn : AB–don’t forget to practice saying, “what a waste of an organ” out of one side of your mouth–you know the way cheney talks.
AlphaBitch : Funk: I told you five, maybe fifteen times – buy that new computer!!
funksands : Hi Sue, Sally, KT, Ad, AB, Sabreen, Glenn, Murph,
SueInCa : Ok I am now going to go watch Hubris plus my grandson wants the computer. Oh funk mine did that too. I bought an Asus and I love it. Very fast.
AlphaBitch : Ad: You can’t touch those guys. But I’m sure I could get to Porky Rove. Or Snarly Dick, if just to say “What a waste of an organ” (I have to practice).
funksands : Ad, the site was working fine, it was the actual hard drive that was making a wheezing noise. Time for a new computer.
AdLib : Funk – Try clearing your cache and closing then restarting your browser!
funksands : AB, your naughty emails are always welcome in my house.
SueInCa : Yep AB
KillgoreTrout : It’s hard to imagine that cheney ever had his “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington,” era.
AdLib : AB – I was headed to the airport in Louisiana to catch a flight a while back when Bush was Pres and he was making a surprise visit to the airport (post-Katrina by many months). On my way there, I imagined seeing him in the terminal and offering a brutal question to him. Then the freeway ground to a stop and after about 30 minutes, his motorcade drove by with a huge military (including Bradley fighting vehicles…tanks !) escort. I felt like an idiot thinking that President would allow real people anywhere near him. AF1 was waiting on the tarmac when my plane took off, I gave it a dirty look which I think surely upset the SS agents inside, right?
AlphaBitch : Sue: Liz?
SueInCa : Watson he spawned at least one devil
AlphaBitch : FUNK! i sent you a naughty email….and you liked it!
KillgoreTrout : LOL Sally.
SallyT : I meant to say that Cheney invented the Dark Side, KT. Sorry. But I guess him inviting it works, too.
funksands : Sheesh sorry about that. Nothing cooperating tonigh
AlphaBitch : I think Com CEntral would be a good fit. She’s like Jon STewBob and Stephen C.
Sabreen60 : AB, I sure hope so. I DVR her program and watch in bits and pieces throughout the day. I’ll miss her.
SallyT : KT, Darth Vader went to the Dark Side, Cheney invited it!
SueInCa : KT in Game Change two of the guys were sitting at a bar and one asked the other, “How does that man eat with that helmet on his head?”
KillgoreTrout : AB, I admit I was a bit nervous. But really there was no need to be. I was welcomed.
AlphaBitch : Glenn they don’t care. They are winning governorships and school boards. George P. Bush (Jebbie’s son) is running for Land Commiss in TX, a VERY powerful position.
SueInCa : I have Stephanie bookmarked for her radio show, listen to it but not a great deal. I like her.
MurphTheSurf3 : Sabreen I very much enjoy Stephanie Miller in small doses. Bourne introduced her to me….I hope she finds another slot on TV as I cannot get her on radio.
AlphaBitch : Wow, KT. I’m too timid to call in. They are way too fast for me!
KillgoreTrout : Cheney is Darth Vader.
Sabreen60 : Sue, the problem is they will not have programs like Stephanie’s – one of the very few pragmatic liberals on TV and true supporter of PBO. You won’t hear her bashing him every time he doesn’t jump the way the firebaggers want him to.
AlphaBitch : Sue: go to her website and there’s a list of stations that carry her. She’s in the LA area.
glenn : Ad–yes, I understand what they’re doing. What I don’t understand is why they’re continuing to do it. They have lost 6 of the last 8 presidential elections now–you would think they would get it that people are sick and tired of it.
AlphaBitch : YES AdLib! It’s why I hate Cheney. The consummate bully.
KillgoreTrout : I talked to Stephanie, several years ago, as a call-in. She’s a pretty funny lady.
SueInCa : Ah yes, in the morning. Fugelsong(sang) is good too.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: I hear there’s something in the works. I watch all three hours every day while cooking/cleaning /before bed.
Sabreen60 : Sue, Stephanie Miller, a pragmatic liberal, comedian and talk show host on TV and radio. Been around for years.
AdLib : glenn – It’s the simplistic thinking of bullies. Hate on someone even for doing slight versions of things you did yourself. It’s mindless attack-attack-at tack in trying to find something that sticks and sabotages his Presidency. Yet they are so blind as to not see that all of their lies and hypocrisy has only sabotaged themselves and the public’s support of them.
SueInCa : Sabreen AlJazeera might just be a good change. Better than Beck or one of the foxbots
AlphaBitch : I was going to spit on Rove. His son goes to school at TRinity and I once thought he was in my store. I chased him (Pup in tow and mortified) but then decided it wasn’t him. Now I’m thinking it was and he is just uglier in person. MOre gray fleshed than you would think. Did not want to spit on a cancer patient.
SallyT : Sue, I think Jeb is hoping that Cheney will get most of the blame in history. Don’t think so even though Cheney is the Devil.
SueInCa : Who is step?
KillgoreTrout : I guess the whole bush family is delusional. They just don’t realize that the US and the world are changing.
Sabreen60 : AB, Step is one of the few regular programs I watch. Sorry Al Gore sold the station. I don’t know of another TV station that will pick up Step’s program.
AlphaBitch : Will do KT.
SueInCa : AB if I meet any of them, I will stick my foot out and trip them
glenn : oops–“can’t imagine another…–left out the word “imagine”.
AlphaBitch : Sally – yes, I recorded it. I can only stomach little bits of it at a time. He’s managed to even turn me off on flyfishing. Should I ever meet him, I would say “What a waste of an organ”.
KillgoreTrout : AB, you’ll have to post it.
AlphaBitch : Sabreen: Yep that’s where I got the name. Then I looked it up. Now I’m hooked. I’m a total STephhead.
AdLib : Sally – Meant to record Hubris tonight! Want to see it, know a lot about all of that but want to see more.
SueInCa : Watson Jeb Bush said history would treat his brother kindly. I dvr’d it all AB. Also a guy from the New Republic said yesterday on Alex’s show, Obama is following two much loved presidents. He must have been smoking something. Bush loved?
AlphaBitch : KT: Guy Clark (one of my fave TX songwriters) wrote a song “Fool in the MIrror” about the guy in the mirror lying to him saying things like “say, that gray looks real distinguished on you”. GREAT song.
glenn : Ad–It never ceases to amaze that every damn thing the r/tp’s falsely accuse President Obama of doing, it’s something they have already done. They believe that everyone thinks like them, and can’t another politician working for the actual good of the country, rather than for the absolute corruption of power.
KillgoreTrout : Reality for the GOPers is whishful thinking. It’s what they want it to be, not actually what it really is.
SallyT : AB, have you watched The World According To Dick Cheney on Showtime? That is a good follow up to Hubris.
AdLib : glenn – Rove started off by talking about how the US as an empire dictates reality to the rest of the world but as he goes on, talking to a reporter, it becomes clear that is a view towards the rest of America too.
Sabreen60 : AB, did I hear Hal Sparks who filled in for Stephanie Miller mention Lee Camp this morning? If so, I had never heard of him, but will definitely do some research.
AlphaBitch : Sue: watch the post Hubris “Talking Hubris” with Chris Hayes, Chris Matthews, and the authors of Hubris, Isikoff and Corn.
KillgoreTrout : Reality is a big problem for GOPer politicians. They constantly lie to themselves about what is real.
SueInCa : AB I will look him up. Glenn I think you are right and I am going to watch Hubris tonite
AdLib : The “we create reality” delusion was validated while the Bush Admin steamrollered over the Constitution, the American People and the rest of the world but now that they’re out of power, they keep thinking that they have this entitlement of will power to change reality and each failure only makes them think, “We have to try harder to change reality.” They are mentally ill.
SallyT : ADLib, have you watched Hubus yet? Rove and all of them are actors in history, the wrong side of it.
glenn : AdLib–was he talking about the gwb “empire” and the “created reality” of wmd’s?
AlphaBitch : The one on floride scares the crap outta me. Totally Repub worthy.
SueInCa : Yeah but North, West, East Dems did it. The south was a no show and actually some R’s voted for it as well, though not from the south I would think.
KillgoreTrout : Ha, discernable reality?
AlphaBitch : Lee Camp on You tube. Catch the one about flouride and the one about the secret black box on banks. He has this short amazingly profane and educational rant (foul mouthed) that informs you about some major issue in about 5 minutes (or less) with the sources. LOVE IT.
KillgoreTrout : They can’t deny though that it was dems who got civil rights bills accepted.
AdLib : Sally, here’s the quote from Rove: “The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” … “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciou sly, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” «link»
SueInCa : Never heard of him AB. KT now they are right wingers lol so they took their prejudice with them and effectively ruined the Republican party of the south
glenn : AB–no, don’t know Lee Camp. Tell us about him.
AlphaBitch : “Fear and greed” vs. “Hope and change”. Hmmmm…which one shall I choose?
glenn : Sue–true, but we have actually progressed from the 60’s.
KillgoreTrout : True Sue, the gopers try to make us believe it’s still that way.
AlphaBitch : Thanks Sue.
AlphaBitch : Do yall know of Lee Camp? OMG. Just discovered him.
SueInCa : Good for the Pup AB
AlphaBitch : Thanks, glenn and Ad. He’s a love.
KillgoreTrout : Rove is still the ultimate neo-con.
AdLib : AB – Congrats to Alpha Pup!!!
AlphaBitch : They’ll find some way to deny them the vote, Ad.
glenn : Ab–kudos to your pup!
SueInCa : KT but in the early 60’s the southern DixieCrats were like the Right today
AlphaBitch : Yeppers glenn.
SallyT : Adlib, what did Rove mean, the reality the rest of us live? war??
AdLib : AB – That is a great choice of words! The RWs are so busy attacking women for choice, when kids are born here that don’t look like them and become the majority…just wonder where they’ll be on that issue then.
KillgoreTrout : AB, LOL!
glenn : AB–that’s what always gets me. If President Obama was republican, they would be shouting from the rooftops every day how hard work and intelligence and “the American way” shows that every child can grow up to be President!
AlphaBitch : Atwater was a badass, Sue. It did all start with him.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, the rednecks go back 150 years to try to prove the dems are racist.
SueInCa : MTS I talked to Bourne via PP last week. We are still trying to meet for lunch
SueInCa : Sometimes I think they have never gotten past Lee Atwater and his southern strategy.
AlphaBitch : KT: Kes and I formed the SMS.
AlphaBitch : Alpha Pup got a job today with Catholic Charities. I’m so proud of him!
KillgoreTrout : AB what are you, one of those librul commie/socialist /Marxist/Maoists ?
AdLib : Hey Murph!
MurphTheSurf3 : Sue- Bourne was asking after you….ships in the night indeed
AlphaBitch : Hey MTS! Nice to “see” you.
AdLib : Love it, AB!
AlphaBitch : Thanks glenn. I live with tons of military folks in my ‘hood. It’s drawn some interesting conversations. They all know I work w/ Afghans, and I just smile and say “Well, I want them to know that their children will have the same possibilities of becoming President someday as your children” and they shut up quick.
AdLib : Sabreen – ROve declared during the Bush Admin that “they” created the reality the rest of us live. Their delusion and psychosis are real and to blame for their inability to escape this nosedive.
SueInCa : Hey MTS, good to see you. We are like ships in the night, I have to leave soon
glenn : Hi Murph–how are you?
Sabreen60 : Hey Murph – always on time!
KillgoreTrout : Hey, Murph is in da house!
SueInCa : Hey AB have you heard of Juanita Jeans blog site? She is in TX and funny as hell
MurphTheSurf3 : Hello- all….late…..
KillgoreTrout : Ad you know how Nazis felt about hybrids! Not so good! LOL!
glenn : AB–ohhh-I love that sticker!
SallyT : Priebus…..prem ature bus?
AlphaBitch : Priebus wobble but they don’t fall down.
glenn : AdLib–you got it about the names. That’s r/tp logic.
AlphaBitch : Ad – did you see my new sticker? Did I send you one? Barack HUSSEIN Obama – because it IS America. I love it
SueInCa : Priebus always reminds me of a Toyota car
KillgoreTrout : Maybe that’s it glenn.
AlphaBitch : Hi Sabreen! Nice to see ya.
AdLib : glenn – So Obama’s name is unAmerican and he shouldn’t be a leader…but Reince Priebus sounds American and should be a leader? A name that sounds like a Nazi electric car.
SueInCa : Sabreen imho they do it to see if they can fool the liberal secular humanists like us
Sabreen60 : Hiya AB!
AlphaBitch : Hey KT!
AlphaBitch : Not that close with their damn gerrymandering Sally; but we will work on it.
KillgoreTrout : Hey AB!
Sabreen60 : AdLib, Why do you think they did that? There must be some method to their madness.
glenn : KT–actually, rove is sounding less insane these days. He is telling them to get rid of the crazies, and the crazies are crazed with anger.
SallyT : AB, I heard that you guys were getting close to purple!
KillgoreTrout : Exactly glenn, especially his MIDDLE name.
SueInCa : He is all they have KT. They have not been doing anything to build up their backend
AdLib : Hey AB!
AlphaBitch : I’m great. We’re going to work at ‘turning TX blue”, as opposed to getting blown by Perry who is blue cuz he is now seen to be the clown we always knew he was!
KillgoreTrout : I can’t believe they are still willing to listen to Karl Rove. His time has come and gone, years ago.
Sabreen60 : glenn, I’m right there with you. Can’t see well (just spent $600 on glasses) but my memory is damn good.
AdLib : Remember the skewed polling site the Repubs set up, Orwellianally named, “Unskewed Polls”? They really believe that if they believe something hard enough and hate the truth enough, their delusion will become fact.
AlphaBitch : Guess what I’m doing April 4th? Uh huh. Going to Battle Ground Texas (BGTX). Loop it up
glenn : AB–how are you?
SueInCa : Hey there Alpha sup?
SueInCa : Keystone also passed today with 17 dems supporting it. SMH
glenn : Here’s an example of how stupid r/tp’s are. On another site, one person told me that President Obama’s name is not an American name, so therefore he was shouldn’t be president. I kid you not. Yet, the head of the republican party has a name that I don’t even know how to pronounce.
KillgoreTrout : I find it sad and hilarious at the same time when the Romneys still whine about losing.
AlphaBitch : Hey guys! ‘Sup?
SueInCa : That is also why Dick Morris got the boot. He was feeding them the wrong info. Their polls were flawed somewhere.
KillgoreTrout : glenn they think we have very short memories, or at least they are hoping we have. No way Jose!
Sabreen60 : KT,
KillgoreTrout : Reince almost sounds like a dealy CIA bio-weapon. LOL!
SueInCa : Actually the Romney campaign did not test their polls until election day. I cannot remember specifically what it was but the Obama camp had been doing so all along. Hi Sabreen did not mean to leave you out.
AdLib : Sue – That surprised me, that they were really believing their own BS that they were ahead in the polls but the polls were all slanted by the liberal media. Mitt and Ann were truly shocked that night and Ann is still spitting teeth. Heh…good…
glenn : KT–besides the fact that I don’t like their policies, I am getting really tired of r/tp’s insulting my intelligence. I may be a senior citizen, but I’m not stupid, and I don’t have memory dysfunction, so I remember previous repub. administrations. Even before gwb!
KillgoreTrout : Ad, and Lutz is probably laughing all the way to the bank.
Sabreen60 : Absolutely glenn. And KT, Reince Priebus (swear his name sounds like a disease) is still saying they have a messaging problem.
SallyT : They didn’t get the right poll numbers, Sue, because they knew they were lying so the Dems had to be lying about their numbers too.
KillgoreTrout : Sue, they were absolutely sure that a black man couldn’t be elected twice. I think they saw the first time as a fluke. Dumbasses.
SueInCa : I even saw some posts on my FB page of republicans I know and they were totally puzzled why they lost. the kept saying, I cannot believe it. Of course, their polls told them different.
AdLib : Hey Sue!KT – They’re probably paying Frank Luntz a fortune right now to come up for positive ways of expressing racism.
SueInCa : AD and they are just stupid enough to believe it works. They sure did not get the right polls after the election. That is also why they were so shellshocked on election night. Hi Glenn, Sabreen, KT, Adlib
KillgoreTrout : Ad, that’s right on. Remeber a few eeks ago when they launched their “re wording campaign.” Same old ideas, just repackaged in new lingo.
glenn : Hi Sue
glenn : Sabreen–Couldn ‘t happen to a better group of people–to be stuck between a rock and a hard place.
SueInCa : Right here Watson
SallyT : Hey, Sherlock!
SueInCa : Good to see you all too
Sabreen60 : Hi Sue!
AdLib : Sabreen – I think the GOP is trapped in Magical Thinking. They want to believe that they can have it all. Keep opposing and attacking gays, women, minorities while just saying that they support them.
KillgoreTrout : Good to see ya Sue.
SueInCa : Hello
KillgoreTrout : Very true glenn. They really are myopic.
Sabreen60 : IMO, the Repubs are in the position they have tried to put PBO in over the last 4 years – damned if did, damned if he didn’t. They failed. But they can’t embrace immigration reform, health care, gun control, etc. because they will lose their base. If they don’t embrace these issues they lose everyone else.
glenn : KT–but the IRS is a government agency, and you know that the government is a “bad” thing, even though bachmann keeps running to be part of that government. As you said, no acquaintance with logic.
AdLib : The Tea Party and their toadies are becoming so toxic to everyone but the minority of angry white Americans in those hard red districts. So they can keep getting elected as the majority turns against them.
SallyT : In her position at the IRS, she didn’t figure out taxes. She was given a case that someone else had done the work on and she filed the papers to collect the debt and follow thur the league route. She probably can’t operate an adding machine.
KillgoreTrout : I would think undermining the IRS is not a patriotic thing to do. And you know what “patriots,” they claim to be.
KillgoreTrout : Hey Sally, glad you could make it.
glenn : Sally–true, but she sure is good at making up numbers.
AdLib : Hey Sally! And remember during the GOP primary, she tried to spin that by saying she was working to undermine the IRS from the inside? Ha! What a load of ridiculous BS but the IA straw caucus fools bought it along with fried butter on a stick.
KillgoreTrout : glenn, math requires a certain amount of logic. Bachmann has no aguaintance with logic.
SallyT : Glenn, no one has ever said she was good at it, the IRS job I mean.
glenn : Hi Sabreen!
glenn : Sally–that’s right, I forgot about that. With the inflated figures she throws out about President Obama’s trips, and excessive lifestyles, can’t believe she ever had anything to do with actual math.
KillgoreTrout : Greeting Sabreen.
AdLib : Hey Sabreen!
KillgoreTrout : The GOP is truly in free fall right now. I think their stunning defeat last november is finallt sinking in. But they won’t ever change, because if they did, they’d be progressives. Can’t have that now, can we!
AdLib : KT – I think the GOP is doing a two-part action here. First, get the truth on why they are losing then build up excuses as to why they aren’t.
glenn : KT and AdLib–actually I’d consider it a “badge” of honor to have billo turn on me. It would mean he disagrees with me.
SallyT : Glenn supposely she worked for the IRS in the legal collection area.
Sabreen60 : Hi folks!
glenn : Anybody know what “real” jobs bachmann has ever had, other than taking farm subsidies, and taking money for foster children, and taking money to “pray away the gay?”
KillgoreTrout : Ad, yeah that’s pretty bad when Billo turns on ya.
funksands : Computer is acting very strange…. Brb
AdLib : KT – Yep, when Bachmann even has Bill O’Reilly calling her out for being a loon, things are changing.
KillgoreTrout : Exactly glenn. It sucks. Overall, I’m doing OK though.
glenn : ‘evening funk. Hope all is well with you.
KillgoreTrout : I find it amazing the the GOP is still trying to find out why they keep losing. Incredible.
glenn : KT–Glad to hear you’re doing better. Would love to hear you’re free of pain, instead of having to “categorize” the pain as “not so bad.”When I lived overseas, I had back pain like that and couldn’t even lie in bed–had to lie on the floor.
AdLib : Hey Funk!
AdLib : glenn – That is very interesting, maybe this is the path to the return of the moderate Repub, self-preservatio n. They can’t keep getting re-elected continuing down that road.
KillgoreTrout : What’s up funk?
funksands : Howdy all
KillgoreTrout : Yeah, I don’t really know why. I need to go the VA and get it checked out.
KillgoreTrout : I see the dingbat Bachmann is still as crazy and dishonest as usual. Why she is still in congress is beyond me.
glenn : AdLib–I’m beginning to see signs of life in some repubs. Just today, I read that a republican woman (an oxymoron if I ever heard one)and a legislator, to boot, has called out her fellow legislators for “going too far” with the anti-abortion laws. I think it was in ND.
AdLib : Ouch! Glad you’re feeling better, KT! SO it just happens?
KillgoreTrout : Hey Ad, there is still some pain, but nothing like it was a week ago. I could barely walk and the only comfortable position was flat on my back, in bed. It happens several times a year. I don’t know what sets it off.
AdLib : Hey KT! How’s the back?
glenn : KT–doing well.
AdLib : glenn – This is the only kind of “strategy” that can come from petrified minds. They are so monolithic and committed to hate and fear being the only ways they can convince people to vote against their best interest and for the 1%’s interests. They can’t be honest and they can’t welcome the people into their party they need to demonize to retain the base they have. So, the job is to give lip service to “big tent” while conforming to racism, misogyny, hatred of the poor and all those wonderful Repub policies.
KillgoreTrout : Pretty good glenn. And you?
glenn : Hey KT–how are you?
KillgoreTrout : Hey folks Hope and Shalom!
glenn : To finish my previous thought–“and then you wouldn’t have to worry about primaries, because most of the base will vote for them just because they have an “r” next to their name on the ballot. I hope that hole gets bigger and bigger.
glenn : AdLib–here’s what I don’t understand. Instead of pandering to the base, shouldn’t r/tp’s be trying to get more people to vote for them? Stand up for something that people, other than your base, believe in, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about primaries.
AdLib : The GOP used to get away with lying because it was camouflaged so much better. Today, the GOP and Fox have given up any pretension of lying in a way that isn’t obvious to those who aren’t their lemmings. SO obvious, they are so desperate to keep at least a small base even if they look like nasty liars and frauds to the majority of Americans. In the end, though it’s so disgusting to watch, they are only digging a deeper and deeper hole.
glenn : AdLib–denial is their stock in trade. Now, boehner and ryan are also denying that we have an immediate debt crisis, thereby eliminating the need for slashing Social Security, but that doesn’t stop them from introducing a budget that slashes Social Security. When are they going to try to help improve the economy–helping more people to get jobs, thereby getting more people to pay into Social Security, thereby keeping Social Security solvent? Helping people to get jobs that pay a decent wage so they can get off of food stamps? Ayyy!
AdLib : glenn – Priebus is a total tool, he talks out of five sides of his mouth, lied constantly before and after the election, a perfect RNC Chairman. They portray themselves as macho but I have never seen a more cowardly party, so afraid to speak the truth if it conflicts with what the brainwashed base thinks.
glenn : Oh priebus is so consistent in his inconstency. One day, he talks about how r/tp’s want to “reach out”, or whatever PR words he used, then the next day, he talks about how marriage is between a man and a woman.
AdLib : glenn – The GOP is all about denial and delusion now so it’s who they are to deny election results, science, history, math, facts, etc. All they have left now is pandering to their shrinking, angry base. And the “lesson” they learned from 2012 seems to be, “We have to be better at fooling people into voting for us.”
glenn : AdLib–I think I’ve said this here before, but I still feel as though I’m living in the “twilight zone”. Between ryan’s budget, boehner’s feelings getting hurt because President Obama is glad to be away from him, and cruz trying for the 34th, or was it the 35th or was it the 36th time to repeal Obamacare, did President Obama win the presidential election, or did he not?
AdLib : I saw Chris Matthews today praising Kasich and Priebus and pounding his chest over how they have to be frauds because their party demands it. Huh?
AdLib : Sarah Palin could use them to write her speech on them, attacking people who read their speeches off of cards.
AdLib : glenn – That is hilarious! O’Reilly may have been worried that Bachmann was elbowing into his territory of being too hysterical. “Your trivial BS is trivial. My trivial BS is important!”
glenn : AdLib–would he let the signs “speak” for him so we don’t have to listen to him? Or perhaps he could use them for filibustering and just read them over and over again.
glenn : AdLib–loved the way o’reilly called out bachmann for “trivial” accusations, then a day (or was it all of two days) began his oh-so-serious accusations of the war on Easter. As someone wrote on another thread–zombies unite!
AdLib : Rand Paul could make a suit out of them.
AdLib : Can’t think of a reason for anyone to buy stock in the GOP nowadays.
glenn : AdLib-Oh, I like that suggestion, too. Perhaps we could give them to President Obama’s “excessive dog walker” to clean up Bo’s poop.
AdLib : That could work very well, glenn. Or use them for Michelle Bachmann’s fingerpainting in the asylum?
glenn : AdLib–Use the “Obama hates Israel” signs for toilet paper to wipe up ryan’s budget mess?
AdLib : That sounds wonderful, glenn! How cool!
glenn : Doing well, AdLib, doing well. Just had a “girl’s dinner night” with my daughter and granddaughter. Ate too much, but sure enjoyed the company!
AdLib : Hey glenn! How re you doing this evening?
glenn : Hope and shalom AdLib and Sally
AdLib : Poor Repubs, they printed up all those “Obama Hates Israel” signs during the campaign, now what are they going to do with them?
AdLib : Don’t forget to say “hi!” or “Hope and Shalom!” when you arrive!
AdLib : Cool! Be great to see you then!
funksands : What up homies? I’m going to try to drop in briefly at 7:30-ish.
AdLib : Vox Populi, our live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
Vox Populi – 3-22-2013
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