Tonight we are hosting a live chat during tonight’s presidential debate between President Biden and an orange-faced demented madman. What could go wrong? Hope to see you here so we can share the debate and our thoughts together!

AdLib15 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib15 hours ago

Uncle joe dosen’ look good.


15 hours ago

Nope, Joe is tanking.

AdLib15 hours ago

Yeah he looks tired not the look he needs.


15 hours ago

He looks tired and he’s had a brain fart already.

AdLib15 hours ago

Yeah what the press will run with later tonight unless he picks up. Having a bit of trouble with will get back in a min.,


15 hours ago

He’s hurting himself. Trump is still sounding nuts but Biden is sounding weak. I can already see the op-eds saying he should step aside.

AdLib15 hours ago

He did a bit better on abortion but still shaky.

AdLib14 hours ago

Hey PPO! You watching?

AdLib14 hours ago

just signed in. Can’t see the debate.


14 hours ago

Really? It’s on so many US outlets, they’re blocking it internationally?

AdLib14 hours ago

Saw this: Biden v Trump: The Debate Seven 10:55am Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane 10:25am Adelaide 8:55am Perth Live coverage of the US Presidential Debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. US Presidential Debate Nine 10:55am Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane 10:25am Adelaide 8:55am Perth President Biden and former President Trump participate in the first Presidential Debate of 2024. Biden and former president Trump are neck-and-neck in national opinion polls, with a considerable slice of the electorate still undecided. Hosted by Jayne Azzopardi with US correspondent Lauren Tomasi. SBS: 11am AEST CNN Presidential Debate The candidates vying to become the next President of the United States go head-to-head in this CNN Presidential Debate Simulcast. CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the debate.

AdLib14 hours ago

thanks. TV is in another room.


14 hours ago

Should be available online too. BTW, Biden is looking shaky.

AdLib14 hours ago

Yes. I am worried he isn’t kicking the crap out of youknowwho


14 hours ago

This is not good.

AdLib14 hours ago

Nope. I’m going to sign off, gotta prepare for next week!


14 hours ago

Okay, see you later!

AdLib14 hours ago

Hey TW, you missed PPO.

AdLib14 hours ago

I’m a bit upset that Biden’s people didn’t give him days to rest and strengthen up before the debate. His voice is week, he’s rushing his words and stumbling, he’s validating all the attacks on him as weak and too old. Very unhappy.

AdLib14 hours ago

Hey folks having some problems trying to set up a split screen so I will take some time to share what I’m seeing. First Joe needs to find some fire second Trump is lying as fat ass off, Third Biden needs to find some fire and stop speaking softly thrid Trump is a goddamn liar and finally Uncle Joe needs to step it up.


14 hours ago

You knowwhat you said about Biden being over-prepped? I think that’s proving to be the case. Instead of being in the moment and nailing Trump for avoiding questions and spraying lies frequently to deceive the public, he’s trying to bat down some of the lies and letting Trump play the game he wanted to play.

AdLib14 hours ago

Trump is the one who had the shot in the ass you can tell be the way he is speaking. Also looks like Biden didn’t get any sleep at all.


14 hours ago

Agree on both!

AdLib14 hours ago

The curse of the first debate has shown it’s ugly head in this debate for Biden


14 hours ago

I can’t believe how poorly prepared and unstrategic Biden is.

AdLib14 hours ago

This is hard to watch.

AdLib14 hours ago


AdLib14 hours ago

And Biden won’t say it!

AdLib14 hours ago

Trump is attacking Biden and Biden is only addressing issues.

AdLib14 hours ago

Yes Trump isn’t answering any of the questions put to him and no one is doing anything about it especially the monderaters.


14 hours ago

The moderators are awful.

AdLib14 hours ago

Hey Murph! What do you think of this painful debate.

AdLib14 hours ago

Biden looks SO old…


14 hours ago

Yep. I blame Biden’s team for not taking him offline and rest up for days. He looks old and weak.

AdLib14 hours ago

Old and weak. He is correct, but as we know it is not the truth that counts but how the statement is delivered.


14 hours ago

Trump is doing what he always does hijacking the debate and not answering the questions and essentially dictatating the questions he wants to answer.


14 hours ago

Biden seems to be pepping up…..I wondr


13 hours ago

Murph – Yep, it’s perception over substance and Trump looks bad and a liar but Biden looks old and tired and is not attacking Trump’s flood of lies and refusing to answer questions.

AdLib13 hours ago

The only plus is that Trump is showing off what an obnoxious ass he is.

AdLib13 hours ago

The Afghan horror show…the plan agreed to by the Trump admin


13 hours ago

All trump can do is babble….


13 hours ago

Agreed. But the well worn Repub plan of spouting a flood of lies that can’t all be addressed and derail the opponent into refuting some of them is prevailing.

AdLib13 hours ago

I will say, if people are deciding between an older man and an obnoxious lying ass, Trump loses voters.

AdLib13 hours ago

Biden is doing better…..


13 hours ago

Really? Biden is talking about golfing?

AdLib13 hours ago

Golfing……I think that our time streams might be off a bit.


13 hours ago

Wait for it, Murph. A terrible moment in a presidential debate.

AdLib13 hours ago

Trump just keeps repeating lies. No one presses Trump to answer questions. A terrible debate.

AdLib13 hours ago

I am still not at the golf moment…


13 hours ago

Murph – Hmm, that’s quite a delay.

AdLib13 hours ago

Yeah….I was recording….Biden is now addressing his age…is that when golf came up?


13 hours ago

After that.

AdLib13 hours ago

At least Biden nailed Trump just before the commercial break. WOn’t ruin it for you though.

AdLib13 hours ago

That last comment by Joe I think hit home, Trump is a whinner


13 hours ago

TRUMP TALKING ABOUT THE MEDICARE ACUITY TEST… ridiculous…..Trump bragging on golf…..and how in shape he is….he might well be a better physical specimen but Dr. Ronnie Jackson is a fraud.


13 hours ago

TW – Yep, this is what Biden should’ve been doing from the start. Seems like his team wanted him to stay positive and push the issues in this debate but that was a big mistake. Hillary said so in an editorial in the NYT yesterday. You have to step back and point out what Trump’s game is, his narcissism, expose his BS. Talking issues while Trump spouts BS lies and attacks is a mistake.

AdLib13 hours ago

Murph – I would’ve loved if Biden said, “That’s a test you give to people who appear to have mental problems, passing it isn’t the big accomplishment you think it is.”

AdLib13 hours ago

Everyone knows the test he claims he took wasn’t the a true mental acuity test


13 hours ago

The golf thing was odd…but not disastrous….now we are talking about elections being accepted.


13 hours ago

I hate the fact that Trump gets to go last with closing comments.


13 hours ago

Trump trying to excuse December 6……nonsense on top of nonsense.


13 hours ago

I think this is the worst presidential debate I’ve seen. Trump didn’t answer any questions, Biden was slow and unsteady, the moderators were awful at trying to get responses to their questions.

AdLib13 hours ago

I don’t know….crazy statements like we are near WWIII …..speak of insane…


13 hours ago

The headlines will read Biden unsteady old man


13 hours ago

TW – Closing comments don’t matter. I’ll bet many tuned out much earlier. This was not good.

AdLib13 hours ago

Biden answers with the Nato Treaty and that is key.


13 hours ago

Unsteady….perhaps but a truth teller….


13 hours ago

Trump will not commit to honoring the election….and instead says that Putin fears him….


13 hours ago

Murph I agree Biden is telling the truth, but the question I have do you think the people are looking for the Truth?


13 hours ago

I do agree that much of the press will focus more on Biden being old and unsteady than Trump evading questions and being a deluded liar.

AdLib13 hours ago

TW – I don’t know that Trump is winning over indie voters but have to say Biden didn’t do well for himself either.

AdLib13 hours ago

They say he had a cold on MSNBC.

AdLib13 hours ago

I h ave caught up now……Biden got stronger and clearer. Trump was incoherent all the way through but he sounded good.


13 hours ago

Yeah….Biden and a cold….but his performance was too weak…..


13 hours ago

Just checked on MSNBC they are reporting out that Biden has a cold and I believe took a COVID test but not postive don’t quote me on that. But they are concern about Joe’s performance and that will be the headlines


13 hours ago

Murph – Yes, Maddow said Biden folks may wish people saw it in reverse. On MSNBC they’re saying Dem Insiders are talking about Biden may not be fit to stay in the race.

AdLib13 hours ago

Where was the abortion issue… fact checking


13 hours ago

Dem insiders….saying that Biden may not be well enough to stay….ok, then who?


13 hours ago

Abortion, democracy at stake, SCOTUS, honestly, a terribly weak performance by Biden.

AdLib13 hours ago

Panic sounds like the word of the night for Dem insiders.

AdLib13 hours ago

Is there suppose to be a second debate? If there is I put money on it that Trump won’t show


13 hours ago

Ad….I agree…..scotus, democracy at stake…..


13 hours ago

Yes, there is a second debate on ABC, can’t remember when.

AdLib13 hours ago

Biden needed to give his base, his party tonight what he fave them at SOTU….and that did not happen….he made it clear that 4 more years is less likely tonight.


13 hours ago

“Enfeebled person” mentioned about Biden on MSNBC.

AdLib13 hours ago

SO….who steps in? His VP? I don’t think she has the base.


13 hours ago

Folks over at MSNBC are in a panic, I wonder if Lawernece will calm them down?


13 hours ago

I have a feeling that Dems could go down with the ship, hard to see them replacing Biden with someone the voters didn’t choose.

AdLib13 hours ago

I’m sure Kamala and Newsom would be at the top of the list but having a nominee foisted upon the Dems could be a big mistake.

AdLib13 hours ago

Lawrence is making a good big picture point, even with Biden underperforming while Trump exposed more madness, will it actually change the race?

AdLib13 hours ago

ODonell is the calming voice with the MSNBC crew he is putting logic to what took place.


13 hours ago

And then there is Chris Hayes


13 hours ago

TW – True though it’s not just happy talk. It’s a legit point. And in two weeks, Trump will be sentenced, might that not have a stronger impact than this boring and lousy debate?

AdLib13 hours ago

Ad yes, and what I was trying to convey Lawerence in his comments in a way was pointing that out, like when he point about Trump lying about having sex with a porn star, how that will have some impact


13 hours ago

What the people at the MSNBC table are reacting to is Biden’s peformace as oppose to what he was saying. But don’t get me wrong, I would have loved to have seen Uncle Joe that showed up at the SOTU.


13 hours ago

They just discussed Fetterman’s poor debate performance after his stroke and how pundits all thought it hurt him but the public gave him the win.

AdLib13 hours ago

Yeah saw that.


13 hours ago

Plouffe also thinks Trump’s craziness hurt him with undecided voters while very concerned about Biden’s poor performance but says that what voters say is more important.

AdLib13 hours ago

Yeah I was watching that, I there a big part of me that agrees with his assessment


13 hours ago

That’s exactly what I said before all of them!

AdLib13 hours ago

SO…I ask again…can anyone step in?


13 hours ago

Obama flubbed his first debate and there is a long standing curse of the first debate so will it impact that much as the talking heads are nashing their teath and pulling their hair out


13 hours ago

Murph – Yes, someone could. But I don’t think the Biden campaign will allow for that. My pick would be Newsom.

AdLib13 hours ago

Had Trump been facing someone of the tone and tenor of Obama….it would have been a very different story.


13 hours ago

Newsom…….would also have my vote but he is an unknown for the vast majority of voters……


13 hours ago

Terribly disappointed.


13 hours ago

Murph – Yep, Biden may be looking poorly tonight but faced with the madness of Trump, the election could be more of a Pro-Trump vs. Anti-Trump dynamic so Joe’s weakness may be less the issue than the threat of Trump.

AdLib13 hours ago

I imagine that the “watch party” for Biden will not be fun.


13 hours ago

Biden is now talking far better at the after-debate event! WTH?

AdLib13 hours ago

Murph I believe if we push away from the table and think about this first debate, accept the fact that Biden’s performance was that great, but he told the truth, Trump lied, and lied and lied never answer any of the questions posed to him. I think that is going to have some sway.


13 hours ago

Yeah…I just saw Biden at the party…looks better and sounds better….not that this will do much good.


13 hours ago

Murph I also believe that if Trump refuses to do the second debate that can be used to prove he is scared of dealing with Biden. Just a thought.


13 hours ago

TW – Yes, that’s why I say if it’s a referendum on Trump, Biden can still win.

AdLib13 hours ago

TW…..I contend that the effort to dumb down the electorate makes moments like this particularly catastrphic.


13 hours ago

Biden may have been too nervous in the debate. He just sounded good!

AdLib13 hours ago

I just turned off the TV….Biden is alive and stepping high……what he is missing is that Biden just gave his enemies all kinds of video that they do not need to doctor. Where was t his guy during the debate….maybe his meds just kicked in.


13 hours ago

Murph – Agreed! But if you’re nervous, it’s not something you can moderate. That’s all I can imagine.

AdLib13 hours ago

Maybe Biden’s nervousness buried him then with the pressure off, he was back to normal.

AdLib13 hours ago

You know what is really funny is watching the crew on MSNBC (except Lawerence) now cheering Biden’s performance based on what he said in the break room where he sounded much better.


13 hours ago

TW – I felt the same way as they did. Normal Biden at the after-party, strange to see after a horrible performance.

AdLib13 hours ago

TW…..not that this will matter.


13 hours ago

My excluding Lawerence is his far more reasonable and centered around his analysis of the campaign and Trump overall.


13 hours ago

Now Lawrence is saying what I did, that Trump being sentenced in 2 weeks will hurt him more than the debate may have hurt Biden.

AdLib13 hours ago

A campaign does kind of work like ADHD, whatever happens the most recently is most influential. So realistically, Trump being sentenced to some kind of imprisonment in 2 weeks will likely eclipse this debate performance.

AdLib13 hours ago

Biden’s campaign needs to take off the gloves….pick up hatchets….and decimate Trump and his minions. If it is a choice of Trump, the horror story, or Biden, the nice old man…..Biden probably wins.


13 hours ago

It is better that this happened tonight that a month from now but “better” is based on the alternative.


13 hours ago

Murph – Agreed, Biden and his campaign need to destroy Trump. And if Trump attends the 2nd debate, Biden needs to focus wholly on exposing Trump’s tactics and threat to the country. Pushing issues is a big mistake in a debate with Trump.

AdLib13 hours ago

Ad…my concern is that Biden is a policy wonk….he loves those details.


13 hours ago

Newsom being interviewed now on MSNBC, he is the highest profile Dem next to Kamala who could step in but I don’t think Biden will step aside.

AdLib13 hours ago

If there isa second debate, there is no question in my mind that Biden will do far better.


13 hours ago

Well….I need to get to bed…..hopefully without dream references to tonights train wreck.


13 hours ago

Murph – Yes, this Biden has to change from being issue-based to being a boxer and knocking Trump down.

AdLib13 hours ago

Night Murph, let’s wait to see the polling on the debate though before we file it under “disaster”.

AdLib13 hours ago

Biden was truthful, Trump lied about everything. Those people who want Trump back in the WH don’t know what they are talking about. Especially those who buy Trump’s lies, those billioniares want Trump because of tax cuts and he will let them ruin the country as long as he gets to “wet his beak” Trump cares nothing for the country and will see it out in a heartbeat and all those folks who follow him thinking he is strong in my humble opinions are GD fools .


]12 hours ago

Back for a moment……finished watching Newsom…impressive.


12 hours ago

12 hours ago

He’s a very savvy politician and would spank Trump’s bottom.

he call?

AdLib12 hours ago

Maybe…..sure….. I will see how much energy I have.


12 hours ago

By the way….I hate the entire debate format…….always have….


It is a false test of what is needed to hold the office.



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