Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad. Quick question how do I get the text box to expand when I click on the arrow up top nothing happens.


2 hours ago

Drag the lower right corner of the window.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ah that works just fine.


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

I’m glad there’s been a lot of pushback against Hur and his outrageous political attack against Biden in his report.

AdLib2 hours ago

Well it looks like a showdown between Cannon and Smith


2 hours ago

Yeah Hur has taken it too far, but I’m glad it happen now and not in September.


2 hours ago

Yep, I think Cannon’s hubris today, ordering Smith to provide all that wirness information late Friday, in hours to Trump was the last straw. I think Smith has to be applying for an emergency appeal to the 11th Circuit and now has a legit argument to force Cannon off the case.

AdLib2 hours ago

Also as we discussed yesterday Trump will win on the ballot but lose on the immunity. While I want to see him lose everything I rather see him get squashed on the immunity.


2 hours ago

Exactly! People already thought Biden was old before this attack, 9 months from now they still will but Trump will be a convicted criminal by then and that will get all the talk.

AdLib2 hours ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if the case wasn’t already written and all he has to do is push the send button.


2 hours ago

CL is in the House!!!


2 hours ago

Evening, good friend!


2 hours ago

Friends. Plural. Typing challenged today.


2 hours ago

Hello CL lot’s to discuss.


2 hours ago

Obviously, he has to lose on immunity, it is a total fabrication and runs counter to so much of the Constitution, But I do think there were legit grounds to remove trump from the ballot and have him declared ineligible but even the liberals on the SCOTUS didn’t seem to want to go there.

AdLib2 hours ago

Hey CL!

AdLib2 hours ago

I agree that Canon is loose. I think she has WAY overstepped and will be kicked off.


2 hours ago

Ad – are you OK down there. It wasn’t a HUGE quake, but depending on where you are, even that can do damage


2 hours ago

Ad yes I agree about the liberal judges on the ballot issue, it would have been nice to just see him lose and lose and lose.


2 hours ago

TW – Good point, Smith is so sharp, he may have already been drafting his appeal against Cannon after she initially made the wrong decision, knowing her hubris and partisanship that she wouldn’t back down.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL we all agree on that.


2 hours ago

CL – Smith has been patient, waiting for this moment that seemed inevitable, I think he has cause now to force recusal of Cannon now.

AdLib2 hours ago

I bet Smith drafted a complaint agint Ol’ Aileen the day she was appointed.


2 hours ago

Her disregard for confidentiality and protection is WAY outside the cannons for high security cases that I think she is toast.


2 hours ago

CL I’m in agreement with you. I believe he already has an appeal ready all he needs to do is push send.


2 hours ago


2 hours ago

CL – Just fine here. Definitely felt the quake, my wife has an app and her phone was near me, that almost immediately said “Earthquake!”. I now have the same app on my phone, it went off as the earthquake was happening, that’s pretty remarkable. It’s always the same with a quake, you know, as it has surges of strength, you’re kind of waiting to see if a huge surge comes. It didn’t so all is just fine here.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL especially with how Trump supporters decided to take matters into their own hands.


2 hours ago

VERY glad you’re OK. I have never recovered from 1971. OMG. Greg was in the round Holiday Inn off the 405 for Northridge. More or less slept through it which means YES, he probably WILL sleep through the Apocalypse which, if you think about it, is perfect.


2 hours ago

CL – Heh! I have 100% coinfidence in Smith’s smarts, he’s thinking ahead so I do think he’s been building his case to remove Cannon but she seems to have just given him all he needs. Maybe not, I’m no expert in this area but it sure seems big enough to bury her.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – screwing around with protection under national security is SO WRONG and off the charts I think she has screwed herself royally.


2 hours ago

I bet Smith is a wiz and game theory.


2 hours ago

TW – he is the one who convicted the Butcher of Kosovo. He has high profile wins against tyrants. That’s why Garland wanted him.


2 hours ago

He was in Northridge? I know the round Holiday Inn in Burbank, didn’t know there was one in Northridge. How on Earth could he have slept through it? Where we are, it was magnified to over 7.0. SO much destruction around where we were, thankfully not to our place.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL a round Holiday Inn, there was one in Syracuse my home town with it’s version of the Playboy Club at the top.


2 hours ago

CL – And Cannon is wholly wrong about the judicial norms for secrecy, what she quoted was factually wrong as a policy. And her refusal to relent sure seems to be disqualifying.

AdLib2 hours ago

It was the round HI south of Mulholland. Greg has sleep apnea and when he sleeps, it’s profound. I think it’s very funny, but he was perpetually exhausted until he got a sleep study and CPAP. Now it’s better.


2 hours ago

TW – That sounds cool! Did you ever go up there?

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – she’s a piece of work. To avoid the existing laws and regs on high security cases is a fool’s errand.


2 hours ago

TW – for a time they were everywhere. I knew of the HI in Syracuse but not it’s, so to speak, “crowning glory”!


2 hours ago

Ad oh yeah me and one of my buddies made the rounds it was nice. But it got old real fast.


2 hours ago

CL – Oh! That Holiday Inn is more in Brentwood which is several miles south of Northridge. It’s not so far away from us!

AdLib2 hours ago

Right. He THINKS he did briefly wake up (not sure) but by the time his alarm went off he had forgotten and couldn’t figure out why no electricity, no water. He also has ZERO memory of how he got back to Sacramento since airports were closed for a time.


2 hours ago

Sleep apnea is horrid because it does screw with memory among other things.


2 hours ago

CL it was something totally different for Syracuse a round hotel. But in time it diminished and was torn down when they expanded the St. Joe’s hospital complex. But I was long gone when that happened.


2 hours ago

I love telling the tale – my hubs slept through the Northridge earthquake.


2 hours ago

CL – I think Cannon is typical MAGA, she thinks she knows more than she does. Her hubris and self-righteousness dominates her thinking and loyalty to Trump as she imagines becoming a SCOTUS judge probably also contributes to her gross ignorance. Either way, I thibnk this could be the end of her overseeing this case.

AdLib2 hours ago

I grew up near Chicago and remember the first round apartment was there. Two “corn cobs” as they got known. I think they still exist. From the 1960s.


2 hours ago

Ad – you have perfectly described Cannon.


2 hours ago

CL – Very funny! He slept through the biggest earthquake LA has had in its history then got home when planes weren’t flying. Is he magical?

AdLib2 hours ago

Everything I’ve read about Cannon she seems like all should be doing as a judge is hearing jaywalking cases and overdue library fees.


2 hours ago

TW – Sounds like a fond memory, even if it got old after a while. And now…it’s just a memory itself.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – if he could remember, he might have been. He has a way of dealing w adversity which is to immerse himself in a book and pay NO attention to it.


2 hours ago

TW – I think those areas of law are above her acumen.


2 hours ago

CL – I like uniquely shaped buildings, round hotels are great because everyone has a view but round buildings look so sleek and modern.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad it was fun for the moment. And as you said some good memories that I don’t talk about with the lady of the house about at all.


2 hours ago

I always liked the Marina towers.


2 hours ago

CL well she has to learn somewhere.


2 hours ago

TW – she should have been a meter maid.


2 hours ago

If Cannon wasn’t so unintelligent, she could have just cruised through the process, delaying everything until after the election and have that as her assistance to Trump but going so far overboard on this issue of national and personal security for witnesses who are involved in other investigations, seems so ignorantly reckless.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL that’s giving her far too much credit because I don’t think she even knows what a meter is.


2 hours ago

Ad – there are few more arrogant than those who know little but believe they know everything.


2 hours ago

TW – Yep, I understand not bragging about that in front of your spouse.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – you may be right about that.


2 hours ago

Well, Smith is playing the hand he was dealt extremely well when it comes to Cannon.


2 hours ago

TW from the moment she was the assigned judge, he knew what was afoot.


2 hours ago

CL – My mother used to live in apartments across from the Marina towers, saw them many times and they were very cool.

AdLib2 hours ago

I looked them up – they are still there.


2 hours ago

CL, sounds like you’ve heard of her before. spill.


2 hours ago

I love Chicago. It does have spectacular architecture.


2 hours ago

CL – It’s the Dunning Kruger effect, being ignorant only makes them more confident that they’renot.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – well, she got in trouble in a pre-Jack Smith case and was censured by the 11th D. Appellate court. Again for favoring Trump. Don’t recall details, but you’d THINK she would have learned from that. But noooooo.


2 hours ago

Ad are you saying they need to hide the lemon juice from Cannon?


2 hours ago

I have to say, with all the federal judges in FL, it still hit me as too coincidental that this case was given to Cannon. I think it may have been improperly directed to her.

AdLib2 hours ago

CL Okay, I thought you had some earlier information on her. She made a clear mess of that.


2 hours ago

Ad – someone did research and found that nope. Luck of the draw.


2 hours ago

CL – Cannon tried to prevent the DoJ from being able to examine and use evidence because she claimed it all had to be decided by a special master that it wasn’t covered by presidential immunity or other rights she was attributing to Trump. The 11th Circuit told her, “No, you’re a moron, that’s not how the law works.”

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad the overall mistake was her being nominated by Trump and put forward by the Federalist Society and the Senate confirming. Do you know what the vote was?


2 hours ago

TW – no, I did not ever hear of her until Trump appointed her and McConnell let her be confirmed. She had a track record of NO substance, not EVEN traffic court or overdue library fines.


2 hours ago

TW – They need to hide forks from Cannon so she doesn’t stab herself in the forehead.

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – it was in the first two years when the GOP had the Senate. They all voted for her. I think all the Dems voted against, but majority ruled the day.


2 hours ago

Ad – I can see that. She seems that dim.


an hour ago

CL – Okay, I’ll accept that it was luck of the draw but it sure seems overly coincidental. She was the only judge who could protect Trump like this.

AdLiban hour ago

Well we ALL thought the fix was in, but it really was chance.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, for most of America, Cannon getting confirmed as a fed judhe was the initial mistake but Trump and the Federalists gamed it out correctly, that she would be a smurf for them, blindly serving their interests with no regard for justice or the law.

AdLiban hour ago

CL that sounds about right. I remember there were some candidates in front of the committee when pressed by Kennedy who couldn’t answer basic questions who dropped out or was asked to drop out. Don’t remember which but even Kennedy was embarrassed by their lack of basic knowledge.


an hour ago

Ad – I would hasten to opine that Cannon doesn’t KNOW the law and thus is the perfect Trump dupe.


an hour ago

Cannon needs to be forced to recuse by the 11th Circuit AND disciplined by them for her improper conduct. She needs to be moved to traffic court and even then, it would be bad luck to get her. Has anyone ever heard her speak? I’m curious what she sounds like when trying to sound like a judge.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I remember that. Cannon isn’t far off that ignorant base.


an hour ago

All – the judge in the Placer Juvenile Court debacle Greg and I have been supporting, broke EVERY SINGLE LAW on the CA books. I am not exaggerating. The hubris of judges who are not qualified to have their positions is appalling.


an hour ago

CL – But like Engoron, judges have aides who help them with researching precedent and proper rulings. Though I’d assume someone as ignorant as Cannon probably hired a cashier from Target who wears a MAGA hat as her aide.

AdLiban hour ago

I think the assistants ARE picked to be dumb.


an hour ago

Well the lawyer that was arguing the ballot case was the one that did the Texas Abortion Vigilantly Bounty law.


an hour ago

CL – That’s awful! And unless it’s such a high profile case like this one, those horrible judges just keep destroying people’s lives with wrong and improper decisions.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad Engoron’s assist is on her way to becoming a judge read that the other day.


an hour ago

There is ONE video on a federal appeal – Harwick v Orange County – that was from our Ninth C. in Pasadena CA. No clue why it was videoed, but it is fascinating. County Counsel for Orange Co. is clearly NOT happy to be arguing on CPS’s “right to lie”. She kept beating on the same case that wasn’t germane. The three justices eviscerated her. The plaintiff won. Too many cases of injustice go unchallenged. When they do come to light, it’s stunning how bad courts and public DAs, county counsels are.


an hour ago

TW – True but that lawyer had the much easier position of asking the SCOTUS not to interfere with the election. The CO lawyers had a nearly impossible task of asking the court to do the right thing despite the outcry that would follow. They don’t want to be in the crosshairs more than they already are so they found reasons in the hearing to back away from their duty to the Constitution.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Yep, I think Engoron’s aide already ran once for an electoral judgeship. After being a target for Trump, I think Dems will elect her next time and she deserves it.

AdLiban hour ago

Oh speaking of dumbbells, Grabby Bobert isn’t fairing so well in her new district that doesn’t want her. My money is she won’t be returning to Congress.


an hour ago

While I think SCOTUS should rule Trump is ineligible to run, I think it would be worse to leave it to the states. Then MAGA and even the ‘worried middle’ would find that unfair. And chaos would erupt after he lost. I’d rather beat his fanny at the polls. Less room for screeching and gun play.


an hour ago

TW- I will not bet against you on Boebert.


an hour ago

CL – That’s refreshing to hear, glad the plaintiff won but as you say, many cases never make it that far and end with an unfair and unethical decision.

AdLiban hour ago

Did you see where Putin used Tuckums like a sock puppet with the interview.


an hour ago

Did you see the newest “Trump as a virile, muscled man” ad? It’s jaw dropping. I am NOT making this up. It has Trump saying, “I’ll beat off any man who comes in my face.” Seriously.


an hour ago

TW – LOVED that Putin held Tuck up to several levels of ridicule.


an hour ago

Murph – is that you?


an hour ago

TW – I think you’re right, BoBo is so over, they don’t want her in the new district, she came in 5th in a straw poll. She’s done. You don’t hear much from her anymore. If only MTG could be next but she’s in a very safe red district.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I’d love for several of these bozos to be voted out.


an hour ago

CL yeah when he mentioned to him about not getting into the CIA. That was funny. But with his GPA he wouldn’t have made it at all.


an hour ago

MTG has a BA in business. She should NOT be that ignorant. In-DICK-ted? Please!


an hour ago

TW – he’s the middle aged white privileged kid who coasted on mummy and daddy’s sufferance and is living to rue the day.


an hour ago

CL – I appreciate that, if Trump was taken off the ballot, as he really should be by the 14th Amendment since he is a proven seditionist, the first thing red states would do is accuse Biden of being a seditionists, despite zero evidence, and take him off their ballots. If Dems do win Congress and keep the WH, they should absolutely pass a law that lays out exactly how a seditionist is disqualified from the ballot.

AdLiban hour ago

CL she and her former Husband were cited for food poisoning at a food truck they were running.


an hour ago

Ad – one could not keep Biden off EVEN w this SCOTUS, but yes, they would try.


an hour ago

TW – I really loved that Tucker was stomped and humiliated by Putin. SO perfect! He tried to be Putin’s buddy and Putin shoved him into a locker like the loser nerd Tucker is.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I thought that was Boebert. It’s so HARD trying to keep the miscreants straight!!


an hour ago

Ad – Seems that Tuck can’t even butt kiss his way to relevance these days.


an hour ago

Ad I agree the Trumpers would do everything in the power to knock Biden off the ballot.


an hour ago

CL he just needs to retire and go fishing with his kids.


an hour ago

Murphy is in the House!!


an hour ago

TW – kids? He has kids? OMG.


an hour ago



an hour ago

CL – I’ve seen many graphics portraying Trump as a muscleman, they’re all so ridiculous and just affirm what a cult his followers are. The guy is fat, doesn’t exercise, eats fast food and drinks Diet Cokes…amnd needs to hands to drink from a bittle or glass and can’t walk down ramps! He wears a diaper and uses ifts that force him to lean forward when he stands. He is virtually bald with a ridiculous combover. And he is their Adonis?

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

CL yes two. I wrote a piece about him it’s up here on the Planet.


an hour ago

Ad – MAGA wear red hats and rose colored glasses.


an hour ago

TW – I will find it. I’m not doing much but Twitter these days. I need to get back here.


an hour ago

CL – I’ve known many people with college diplomas who are more ignorant than other people I know who never finished college. Even morons can get through college, you never know that they had Ds in most classes, just that they made it through 4 years.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – well we used to say of the Harvard-educated anti choice attorney that SOMEONE had to graduate at the bottom of the class.


an hour ago

Murph’s browser wasn’t letting him post, he’s clearing his cache and restarting his browser, that should fix it.

AdLiban hour ago

Hope so. Tech is not our friend. We have a wonderful “come to your house and fix things” Geek Squad guy, Travis, who always leaves us in good shape. He gets we do public policy not tech because he does tech and not public policy.


an hour ago

TW – MTG is still oisoning the country.

AdLiban hour ago

CL from the source I used for my article Tucker had a GPA of 2.1 that was rounded up.


an hour ago

MTG got ejected from the Freedom Caucus which is about as low as one can go.


an hour ago

TW – Tuck is one of the dumbest of the dumb.


an hour ago

CL – Right, Biden couldn’t legally be kept off ballots but would Abbott in TX even listen to the SCOTUS or just support the crooked AG there in keeping Biden off? It would’ve been chaos which plays into Trump’s hands so even though I think Trump should’ve been taken off the ballot, probably for the best that he won’t be.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree. The chaos of it isn’t worth the satisfaction.


an hour ago

Or vice versa…


an hour ago

CL – I’m sure Tuckies was so excited about how he was going to be Putin’s best buddy and help him pervert the election while Putin looked at him as a total fool.

AdLiban hour ago

CL yeah he started taking road trips and drinking letting his grades slide. But he was always an obnoxious little twit.


an hour ago

Am I here?


an hour ago

Ad – I imagine Tuck was horrified.


an hour ago

Yes I am!


an hour ago

MURPH – yes, you’re here’


an hour ago

Murph you made it. let the party begin.


an hour ago

Welcome back to this dimension, Murph!

AdLiban hour ago

Whi has the mojitos?


an hour ago

I have been following the discussion but could not post.


an hour ago

who has..


an hour ago

Hello Ad, CL and Tw


an hour ago

I’m so sorry, but you’re here now.


an hour ago

Murph I understand there has been some interesting things going on in Show Me Country.


an hour ago

Just a question….everyone here is talking about how Biden came across last night and today as a senile old man. It is everywhere.


an hour ago

CL – Yep, a degree is no confirmation of intelligence. Even idiots like Don Jr. get them.

AdLiban hour ago

Do you think that this may do him in?


an hour ago

TW – How funny, Tuckums was a D student, exactly what I thought.

AdLiban hour ago

The Special Counsel, in the GOP tradition, pulled a Clinton Sabotage on him.


an hour ago

Murph yeah we’ve touched on that. Look he’s four years older than me, and I whish I could do just 1/10th of what he had done.


an hour ago

His press conference didn’t, but the media are cherry picking the report. I’ve read some of it, and the MAIN focus of it was exoneration on the documents.


an hour ago


an hour ago

TW….I have the same level of respect for him as you do.


an hour ago

Murph well I just did a Biden thing he’s 6 years older than me, just goes to show we all make mistakes.


an hour ago

CL…agreed but cherry picking is what they do…….


an hour ago

Murph – The MAGAs are all crowing about the Hur slander but the rest of the country doesn’t seem to be going overboard about it, lots of pushback against it in the MSM.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – same here. And he is rebutting it calmly and fully. As with EVERYTHING, this will pass. I now worry about a GOP “october surprise”


an hour ago

Will there be a move to find another candidate.


an hour ago

Murph – our enemy are the media.


an hour ago

Murph – NO, i am quite sure they DNC won’t. We went through this w HRC, and we are stronger, wiser, and less wussy than 2016.


an hour ago

Most media benefit from bad news and chaos….is there a better source of that than trumps?


an hour ago

Murph I don’t believe the Dems will do that.


an hour ago

Murph – trump will move in to fill the slavering media void. He can’t help himself.


an hour ago

CL…..I still recall the state of shock I was in on the night Hillary lost.


an hour ago

Murph – yup. Although I wasn’t. I seriously feared that could happen.


an hour ago

Hope you all are correct…..I have not seen so much energy and out right joy among the MAGA crowd in years.


an hour ago

The anti Trump, anti MAGA, anti corruption movement is huge this time.


an hour ago

As some have said, this was another Comey move to “make it up to” the RW for not being able to find a crime, just as was tried with Hillary. This goes 100% against DoJ policy and was a political action. At least this time, unlike when Comey did the same to Hillary, many in the media arepushing back and even calling it another “but Hillary’s emails”.

AdLiban hour ago

CL I agree with you whole heartly on the media being the problem they are the ones blowing this out of proportion. They don’t do it on the same level for Trump and Trump is much worse than Biden.


an hour ago

Murph – MAGA are on the skids. Their joy is regional (unfortunately for you) and loud but not large.


an hour ago

Why did Garland lie this report pass through.


an hour ago

Biden has a speech impediment for which he needs to be careful.


an hour ago

CL….yes and he does come across as much older than Trump….his physicality is aged.


an hour ago

This country has an infinity with John Wayne problem.


an hour ago

Murph – No legit Dems are moved by this ploy to not back Biden, it was clearly a political attack. Yes, we all know Biden is old but we also know Trump is an insane criminal. And in a month, no one will be talking about this attack on Biden but Trump will be prosecuted for crimes by Alvin Bragg (the case begins next month) and that will take up all the oxygen in the media.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – a special counsel has autonomy. AGs don’t control the report. BARR violated the law and ethics of the DOJ by screwing w the Mueller Report. That is NOT the norm. Comey screwed with the bar on investigations within 90 days of an election. The AG can’t interfere w a special counsel, but Loretta Lynch should have fired Comey.


an hour ago

Today Trumps Lady In Waiting Judge in FL gave. him another free pass.


an hour ago

Murph – we were talking about how Cannon is heading for removal. She is violating every protocol on the books.


an hour ago

Murph – My theory is that Garland thought it would appear like he was neddling in the investigation if he censored the outrageous slurs in the report. I think he made the wrong decision but that’s my theory.

AdLiban hour ago

CL….so the dems play by the rules and lose…..


an hour ago

Ad – AGs are not allowed to interfere w Special Prosecutors.


an hour ago

Murph we have a nice little traffic court for her being set up where she will be when Smith gets through with her for this stunt she is trying to pull.


an hour ago

I think Garland needs to step forward because right now among the things flying about is that his silence indicates his agreement.


an hour ago

I dont think we lose doing it legally. We ARE more exhausted, but it’s worth establishing legitimacy.


an hour ago

CL – Right, but Gartland could have at least discussed the report with Hur and made a point that his personal attacks were against DoJ policy. Maybe he did.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – he can’t. Hur lies outside his control.


an hour ago

TW….how will smith be able to take her down.


an hour ago

NO – the AG is in a hands off role with special prosecutors.


an hour ago

Garland needs to state that the Hur’s report is sullied by those slurs and that he was out of line re DOJ standards


an hour ago

Murph – he MIGHT be able to say that. Not sure. WE need to remind everyone Hur is a JD not an MD.


an hour ago

She is asking for smith to revel witnesses that as soon as their names come out they will start to receive the Trump harassment treatment and endanger the case. I don’t see Smith letting that happen and as I said earlier I bet on it that he has an appeal ready to go and all he has to do is push the send button.


an hour ago

Does anyone recall how freely Starr said what he said? We curtailed some of that, but the AG is not supposed to mix in.


an hour ago

CL…another reason that Garland needs to make his position clear….a JD acting as an MD


an hour ago

TW – agreed. Smith will appeal to the 11th immediately because what Cannon is doing is itself a legal violation I believe.


an hour ago

How can the FL judge be shot out of a cannon.


an hour ago

Let’s be clear about the national narritive that will be going on for the foreseeable future.. Trump has the hush money case in March through May or later, the 1/6 case should be cleared to start (after immunity is dunked by SCOTUS soon) in around June and right after that, in August or September, the Fulton County case should be starting up. Wall to wall Trump criminality will be in the news as the cases expose more horrible things he’s said and done than we know now. No one is going to even remember Hur’s slurs against Biden after all that AND don’t forget, Hur cleared Biden of any crimes so he’s free and clear of any criminal investigations…unlike Trump.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – I think she’s doing it to herself.


an hour ago

CL….say more please…


an hour ago

Ad – those are good points. Lost in this was a major bust by the FBI of a group looking to bomb court houses. (I think I got that right.) THIS – a Tim McVeigh type action – is what I fear.


an hour ago

Ad….good summary….makes me feel better.


an hour ago

Murph if someone was to ask me right now the date my son died, it would take me some time because I will have to first deal with the pain of him not being here and compose myself because its a pain that never goes away. So for the jerk to put that in a report was beyond the pail from my perspective. There are two pieces of paper one that makes you happy and one that rips your heart out. So for that idiot to do what he did he should be horsed whipped.


44 minutes ago

Murph – in high security cases or even mob trials where witness security is paramount, the standard if not the law, requires judges to protect the identities of witnesses as a FIRST priority. If the 11th chastises her AGAIN as it did before, she can be removed.


43 minutes ago

I went to a school board meeting tonight…….asked to attend to provide support….it was a nightmare….most aggressive crowd I have seen in quite a while. Revved up by last night?


43 minutes ago

Murph – Loose Cannon WRONGLY claimed a rule to expose the names of witnesses who are not only involved in her case but other investigations, can be revealed. This is flat out a wrong ruling, hugely wrong and goes against what judges are supposed to do. Tonight, at 5pm, instead of pausing things she declared that Smith must provide all those unredacted names to Trump before the ned of tomorrow! This is outrageously wrong and Smith now has what he needs to go to the 11th Circuit and get her overturned and very possibly, replaced.

AdLib43 minutes ago

TW – that’s powerfully said. Thank you.


43 minutes ago

CL it’s not an easy thing, and I say the pain in President Biden’s eyes when he was addressing it.


41 minutes ago

CL and Ad….thanks for the briefing…let’s see what the 11th does.


41 minutes ago

I was horrified at what the press did last night.


41 minutes ago

CL – Yes, I saw that story and unfortunately, I think it represents that we mayu eventually see groups and lone wolf seditionists use violence to amp up the chaos before the election. But I also think the fact that the FBI caught these guys represents that they are really aggressive about seeking out and stopping these enemies of America.

AdLib40 minutes ago

All – Cannon is so in error on witness safety it’s beyond belief. For her NOT to know this is appalling. I think she does know it, rests on a non-germane bit of law her MAGA Target clerk clerk dredged up, and thinks she’s done a “gotcha'” to Smith. She hasn’t.


40 minutes ago

Murph have they taken to book burning yet?


40 minutes ago

TW – I’m sorry about your son. No one can relate to this situation than you and I expect the cruelty of Hur to attack Biden through the son he lost is even more disgusting.

AdLib38 minutes ago

When I was doing the FBI citizens’ academy training, that was a top focus for us. Dealing w domestic terrorists. They did NOT tell us how, but it was clear they infiltrate. I worked w a man who was an undercover operative who got to be the top Klan Dragon – had tats to show. He was looking for ways to get them removed! But the subversive groups mostly all are infiltrated. Thank goodness!


38 minutes ago

TW….when I walked through the door I was handed a three page, single space list of the “pornographic” books that my high school was giving to students…..lies and misrepresentations….but it really riled up the crowd. The meeting was out of control from the start. It was adjourned in a panic. Not good.


38 minutes ago

Murph – what books were on the list do you know?


37 minutes ago

TW…you know the pain that Biden know.


37 minutes ago

TW – yes, everyone who has lost someone knows that pain. Thank you for sharing it.


37 minutes ago

I have the list…..many classics, some edgy books and some outright lies.


36 minutes ago

CL – And for Cannon to try to force Smith to provide witness names to Trump in less than 24 hours so he can’t appeal to the 11th Circuit is a huge slap in the face of the 11th Circuit and justice. I think they will stomp her flat for this.

AdLib36 minutes ago

Murph – figures. The list is compiled, no doubt, from rumors not actual reading.


36 minutes ago

CL…I suspect the list is wall paper that the movement passes among its cells.


35 minutes ago

Smith can file no matter what.’


35 minutes ago

Ad for anyone to have lost a child. You believe you will go before them because that’s the law of nature. So yeah to have heard that I sort of took it a bit personally and I’m willing to bet a lot of other people have as well. Let’s not forget what was the cause of his son’s death cancer from the burn pits he was around while overseas doing his duty for this country.


35 minutes ago

CL – That’s very enlightening! Glad to know how aggressive the FBI is in infiltrating and stopping hate groups from attacking the country.

AdLib35 minutes ago

Murph – no question.


35 minutes ago

Ad….will Cannon hold Smith in contempt if he fails to give out the list.


35 minutes ago

Murph – she can try, but he can file tonight, tomorrow. That stops the clock on her.


34 minutes ago

CL……good……what a tool she is.


34 minutes ago

She thinks she’s smart. She isn’t.


34 minutes ago

I envision her with her buds having drinks and costly dinners with her smugly thinking she’s “got” Smith. The bigger the ego, the bigger the fall.


33 minutes ago

TW – Very good points and again, I can’t even imagine how difficult it’s been for you. I do think many will show more support for Biden after this awful, cruel attack. And as you say, his son died of cancer from those pits while serving his nation and all of us. Nobility. And Trump’s sons steal from charities. Sure, let’s compare sons, MSM.

AdLib32 minutes ago

CL I have to agree with you on that.


32 minutes ago

Sorry folks – someone’s at the door, and it’s another homeless crisis. I will see you all next week. Have a GREAT week, all. Hugs all around.


31 minutes ago

Bye CL


31 minutes ago

What a champion she is of the homeless……so admirable.


30 minutes ago

Murph – I think Cannon could try to sanction Smith but I think the 11th Circuit will preempt that and Smith knows it. I don’t doubt Smith will include in his appeal to the 11th that she tried to circumvent the 11th and I think they’ll be pissed off at her.

AdLib30 minutes ago

Ad, yes, now that would make a great campaign ad. But Biden wouldn’t allow it, because he is something that Trump will never be Joe Biden is a man of principle and a gentleman on the first order.


30 minutes ago

CL take care.


30 minutes ago

Ad….how can she be removed.


30 minutes ago

Agreed, CL is so remarkable, walks the walk!

AdLib30 minutes ago

TW….I think your reading of Biden is spot on……you are on his wavelength.


29 minutes ago

TW – Agreed, Biden wouldn’t use his lost son for political gain, he is a man of principle. But it won’t be necessary, Trump will sink of his own hefty and criminal weight.

AdLib29 minutes ago

Murph – Smith can appeal to the 11th to force Cannon to recuse after listing the repeated errors and lapses in judgement she’s had. I thought he would need to have more instances but this one is so egregious, he may be able to use this situation alone. That said, he may wait for more ammo before making the move to replace her.

AdLib27 minutes ago

Trump is mentally disturbed as we have so often discussed and let’s face he is getting worse every day. If we think about he’s projecting all his faults on to Biden.


27 minutes ago

Side note…I got to speak to the office manager at Al Green’s Washington Office the morning after his stunning appearance and vote casting. We had a very nice chat. I shall be supporting him in future elections.


27 minutes ago

TW – You raise another great point, They may be trying to bury Biden with charges of senility but with the rapid decline Trump is going through, he could easily and spectacularly grab the senility spotlight for himself.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Thanks Ad. Helpful.


26 minutes ago

TW….Trump projecting…yes, that fits.


25 minutes ago

And if I was advising Biden’s campaign, I’d suggest they keep putting up video of Trump rambling and slurring his speech at each rally as seems to constantly be the case. He did it again tonight.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Ad…from your pen to their minds…..


25 minutes ago

Murph – Very cool! And talk about a quiet hero! Al Green showed such self-sacrifice on behalf of the many in America. Really impressed by him.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Ad it’s like we’ve discussed before he’s projecting. Also he is following the old saying about saying something often enough people will start to believe it.


24 minutes ago

I do think the Biden people and the Dems in general need to dig into Trump Muck and make it known far and wide.


24 minutes ago

Murph there are a lot of pundits and pollsters who agree with you on that.


22 minutes ago

Ad…it was accidental….someone answered….I presumed it would be a line staffer but in our chat she identified herself. She asked about me and my political life here and stated that I lived a life like those who support Green…on hostile territory.


22 minutes ago

All Trump and Repubs do is project. When they talk about cheating in elections, they do it. When they talk about Biden (and Obama before him) being dictators, it’s they who want to be dictators. And when they accuse Biden of senility, it’s because Trump’s senility is accelerating. Biden holds press conferences and TRUMP DOESN’T! He only gives speeches at rallies and in front of courthouses, he is afraid and incapable of speaking and being asked questions by the press. Because his senility has advanced that much.

AdLib21 minutes ago

Murph – Very cool conversation and that she really related to you being a blue dot in a sea of toxic red.

AdLib20 minutes ago

Ad there is a part of me that believes the Biden campaign has a very well detailed plan for dealing with Trump. But it’s us who want them to strike back when the Trump fools attack because we’ve accepted him as our guy and have a sense of dignity about respect for knowledgeable people.


19 minutes ago

Ad…..you would be great as a campaign strategist.


19 minutes ago

TW…..that is a good reading of the overall situation I think.


18 minutes ago

And don’t forget, on top of the rest of the year being one prosecution of Trump after another, and a constant stream of headlines about Trump’s criminal acts, next week he probably gets hit with hundreds of millions in a judgement that also strips him of Trump Org and dissolves it. Trump will be so beaten down by November, I think he loses by a big margin as will the GOP nationally.

AdLib18 minutes ago

Ad,,,I want, desperately, to grab onto your vision and hold it close.


17 minutes ago

Murph it’s the media that is the problem when it comes to Biden I believe. They are always looking for the negative story, it plays better and makes for getting eyeballs on the headlines. Sort of like Yabbez.


16 minutes ago

Murph – Thanks for that! My personal opinion is that Biden should take away the “old” issue from Trump and the Repubs, saying, “I am old and I may not remember everything as I did when I was young but I have amassed so much wisdom and I am filled with a sense of duty and compassion for the American people which I will continue to use to serve every American and make life better for all of us.”

AdLib16 minutes ago

TW…I wonder why the media do not do the same with Trump?


16 minutes ago

Murph. and that is the question!


15 minutes ago

Ad…as I stated…..you would have a lot to offer a campaign.


15 minutes ago

Trump tonight on stage said it was Saturday afternoon, three times, when it was tonight……where is the press.


14 minutes ago

Murph – You know I have a pretty good track record. Watch what happens next week, Trump will be crushed financially, between the E. Jean Carroll $83 Million and the Engoron $300 million or so, and Trump Org dissolved, he will lose his mind and know that he will be seen as a massive loser…the one thing he absolutely can’t stand.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Ad…..I am counting on your wisdom, your vision, and your track record.


13 minutes ago

Murph – The MSM has done its best to look the other way as much as possible when Trump exhibits his dementia but the mixing up of Haley and Pelosi got a bit of play. I think Trump will spiral down exponentially as he’s crushed with trial after trial and the MSM will reluctantly report his mental collapse.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Murph I wondering if the reason main stream media (NY Time, WaPo, Huff and others) don’t cover Trump the same as they do Biden when it comes to mistakes is their pretense to be fair and balanced?


12 minutes ago



12 minutes ago

Well friends the witching hour is upon me. See you next week …. hopefully with the sign in dram


10 minutes ago

Murph there will be a lot more negative stories about Biden coming from the Baltimore Sun, now that it’s been bought by the owner of OANN. You can bet our bottom dollar on that. And the Sun won 16 Pulitzers for journalism.


9 minutes ago

Murph – Thanks pal. You know I’m not a wild-eyed optimist, I’m not looking for the best possible future, just what’s most likely to be true. Trump is losing it, as you noted, today is Friday and he kept saying it was Saturday. Not a huge thing but it’s every night now. And the criminal trials are happening. As is the Engoron decision and the Carroll decision already happened. This will be the most destructive year for Trump in his entire life and putting that on him in addition to the humiliation, the desperation to escape prison, and the beating he’s taking in trial after trial, it would break most reasonable men, I think it will break this maniac too.

AdLib9 minutes ago

Hey Murph good to see you here stay safe.


8 minutes ago

TW….Baltimore Sun was once a beacon of truth telling. Yes and now it rides upon cesspool.


8 minutes ago

Murph – Glad you made it on Vix tonight! You had an eventful week, thanks for sharing some of it with us. Have a restful weekend, lots to do this year!

AdLib8 minutes ago

Murph you’re right.


8 minutes ago

Doesn’t matter how loud the RW media tries to be in attacking Biden, nothing competes with the media circus of an ex-president and current candidate being tried for crimes.

AdLib7 minutes ago

Add…if you are accurate in this, and you are accurate in so much what you write, then it will be a very good year.


7 minutes ago

Murph – Just saw that a poll came out showing generic Dems beating Repubs in The House. First time this year, it’s only getting better for Dems and Biden.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Well…I need to head to bed but I will dream of Dems fortunes rising as GOP fortunes fall.


5 minutes ago

Good night.


5 minutes ago

Take care Murph


5 minutes ago

And next week (?) I think the election to fill Snatos’ seat comes up which a Dem may very well win, making it closer for Dems to take over The House!

AdLib5 minutes ago

Up for a chat>

AdLib4 minutes ago

Will call you in a bit. But before I go one more tech question why does all my comments go to the right and I see yours on the right?


4 minutes ago

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