Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago

Good evening Ad, I made it.
an hour ago
Hey TW, you made it!
AdLiban hour ago
Hi CL!
AdLiban hour ago

CL how are you.
an hour ago
Good evening, gents! How are you>
an hour ago

There is lot to talk about.
an hour ago
Much going on and even doing my best to avoid the MSM, I’m hearing things.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I think I want to bury my head in the sand for the next 4 years at least.
an hour ago
Happy as all get out that Trump wimped on the cold. No hoopla at the Capitol.
an hour ago
an hour ago

Murph is in the house break out the good sutff
an hour ago
CL – I’m not a nihilist but recognizing that disaster lays ahead, the sooner it comes, the sooner MAGAs start to turn against Trump and the oligarchs.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
TW – you didn’t break out the good stuff for yourself and for me much less Ad? Not sure how I feel about that.
an hour ago
Hi guys…apparently Jack Frost is to a Maga Guy!
an hour ago
I so hope you’re correct, Ad.
an hour ago
CL – I am taking it so personally.
AdLiban hour ago

CL the can hold his inauguration in a chicken coop and for all I care
an hour ago
Murph – Trump is WEAK!!!
an hour ago
How cold is it supposed to be in DC for the 20th?
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I’m with you. Won’t be watching, so who cares?
an hour ago
Ad – at noon it will be 25, warmer than when JFK spoke, no coat, and about the same as Obama.
an hour ago
So much for the millions who will be there to hail the “Dear Leader”. ….doing the “Parade” at the Arena…..Good Lord…..I am happy
an hour ago
Murph – saw an interview w his followers who’d come from OK and are SERIOUSLY PISSED.
an hour ago

I think they should hold it at the La Brea Tar pits telling Trump he can make money buy standing in one.
an hour ago
A little foreshadowing, eggs are in shorter supply in LA so I think all those idiots who voted for Trump to lower egg prices are in for a rude awakening. At the store yesterday, multiple people asked a worker where the eggs were and were told that they sold out for the day.
AdLiban hour ago
CL…apparently the hotels are reporting mass cancellations.
an hour ago
Tw – I am SO with you. The tar looks solid, so let it rip!
an hour ago
Murph – well, anyone with any sense would stay home. Several are farmers who said it’s colder than 22-25 when they get up at 4 an to milk the cows. They were so angry!
an hour ago
Keep in mind, I have avoided all news about the 20th, is Trump having a short inauguration or what?
AdLiban hour ago
I am good friends with the owner of a local grocery store and he is telling his customers that things will not be as they are assuming.re both pricing and availability.
an hour ago

So Ad, how long do you think it will take the public to blame Biden for egg prices now that Trump will be in charge of everything?
an hour ago
At least the temp in DC proves God is not a MAGA.
AdLiban hour ago
Well, Murph – he’s telling the truth while they fell for the big lie.
an hour ago
CL…a good man…an old time GOPer who voted for Biden and Harris
an hour ago
Ad – God may not be MAGA, but I’m very disappointed there’s no smiting yet.
an hour ago
Murph – sounds like a good man. Telling people the truth is a revolutionary act these days. He’s very brave.
an hour ago
CL…smiting! a word not often heard but ever so appropriate.
an hour ago
TW – The Trump mentality is so simple. He should get all credit for any good things that happen and Biden and Dems are to be blamed for all bad things that happen. Pretty easy to follow but when you lose your job, can’t afford groceries, and get evicted, you’re more likely to ignore the finger pointing and blame whoever is in power.
AdLiban hour ago

I’m realing finding it hard to accept that these Maga Ass Hats are so thick around basic things in the area of economics. I’m not saying that to brag but come on how is it they are so gullible on some of the simplest things
an hour ago
CL…his store is a large grocery store serve four small towns……far better than any of his rivals. .he can speak the truth because he has the loyal of a lot of people.
an hour ago
I have become a Dumbsday Prepper – stockpiling for the homeless folks and us, putting in a garden. Freezer full – even got me one of those vacuum sealers for meat and stuff for freezing.
an hour ago
CL – We can only hope the frigid weather spoiling the 20th is the lead up to smiting on a big scale.
AdLiban hour ago
Good for him! Use what authority you have.
an hour ago
TW…Maggats……thin of skull, thick of hide.
an hour ago
Ad – I certainly hope this is the start of the run up to massive blasts and oblivion at the hand of God.
an hour ago
CL…you never cease to amaze me.
an hour ago
Murph – I see you’ve observed the phenotypes of MAGAts in your midst.
an hour ago
Murph – I have 2 MA degrees, passed my PhD orals w a standing ovation from the faculty, and I now prepare PB&J sandwiches for people. Hmm.
an hour ago
BTW, a strategy I have employed that I recommend. Pick a day to go to the store in the morning when it opens. Buy multiple cartons of eggs and buy just once a month. Going to the market after the morning, eggs are not plentiful. This is a tip off about a crisis that is already growing.
AdLiban hour ago
I could have just cut to the chase and been a server from the git go. It’s what I do best.
an hour ago
I have three “friends” (stretching the use of the word) who were heading for DC and are now so angry…..I am not sure why or at who…..but I suggested that since weather is from God, as all good Christians like them know, then God is a bit “cold” as regards trump and his legions. Not happy with my interpretation.
an hour ago
CL….we have similar credentials….and I am a failed co-op creator.
an hour ago
CL – Though I am not an Old Testament guy, I would be happy to be proved wrong by the wrath of God destroying Trump and his MAGAs.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – EXCELLENT suggestion! I found Target eggs to be the cheapest. If we wind up having to hoard them, you get a bucket, put the eggs into it GENTLY, and cover it with food grade oil. Keeps the air out, keeps the eggs for months.
an hour ago
Murph – you aren’t a failed coop creator. It failed YOU.
an hour ago

Trump such a wimp, he can’t handle a touch of cold air? I thought he was uber tough guy, afraid on nothing, and the temp drops so move everything inside, what a class A, ass.
an hour ago
CL – Your brilliance is reflected in your Masters degrees and your boots on the ground compassion.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…wonderful suggestion….CL….wonderful followup
an hour ago
Ad – I have had a bizarre and wonderful life. I hope it continues.
an hour ago
CL….thanks for the kind thought…..maybe I will do better with the trust.
an hour ago
Murph – the folks in the Trust work WANT to be together, and that helps. The co-op became a power trip. Not seeing that happening in the Trust.
an hour ago
TW…..I have just been reading that others have weather at this level before…..your tagging him as a wimp made me aware of this.
an hour ago

Ad since it’s just the two of us, a dozen eggs last for the week as I’m not and never have been a big egg eater.
an hour ago
CL…good analysis of the difference between the two entities.
an hour ago

Murph it January, what do these folks expect?
an hour ago
TW – Trump is a coward on every level. One of MANY reasons we know the “assassination” in PA was staged. Someone died to make him a hero. I am so disgusted by him there are no words.
an hour ago
CL – That’s brilliant! My less scientific approach was to empty out half of the mini fridge I use for cold drinks and store two extra 24 egg cartons of eggs there, just means I replenish the drinks a little more often which is nothing. I buy at Costco, 24 eggs are still about $7 there…but you’ve got to get there when they open. Same with bottled water but that I think is unique to LA due to the fires.
AdLiban hour ago
CL…is there any evidence in support of your take on the PA attempt…..I suspect that you are on to something there and your instincts are so sound
an hour ago
I think it was about 50 degrees 2017. He got lucky. Now the REAL DC winter begins. I bet he’s on his plane to West Palm later next week.
an hour ago
Ad….any thoughts on the fires in CA?
an hour ago
Did you all see Biden on Lawrence O Donnell last night…..
an hour ago
CL – We have eggs most days and my wife cooks so we do go through eggs a bit, was satisfying when the eggs ran low, to just go to my mini fridge and take out another 24 carton. I said to myself, why didn’t I think about this a long time ago?!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – the LOCAL papers in NW PA said he was not shot. They never EVER had snipers before at any outdoor event. But conveniently the shooter died. And the total blackout of info? PA state police had the forensic evidence saying he was not shot that got shut up. And while he is ready to cry havoc over his imagined enemies – have you heard a WORD about either of the two “assassins”?
an hour ago

CL get ready to be even more disgusted as he is bringing back Steven Miller, as a deputy chief of staff I believe and there are some disgusting people in his admin, but Miller is lowest of the low there is an strange resemblance between the them
an hour ago
Murph – I did and thought it was a grand interview. He will be so missed!
an hour ago
CL good thinking re the “shooting”
an hour ago
Ad – Love the idea of “many eggs”. But if there’s a shortage, there are egg replacers for baking that SORT of work, and as noted, you can store them. I’m going to save eggs for eating and bake with replacers.
an hour ago
CL – I have very little doubt about the “assassination” being staged. A messed up kid who feels he’s worthless is easy to manipulate with guarantees of being an historical figure, just saying.
AdLiban hour ago
Miller is beyond disgusting.
an hour ago
Ad….more good thinking re. the Trump “assignation”
an hour ago
Ad – totally agree. It was horrible.
an hour ago

Murph I caught the interview later, Biden was masterful and I do believe history will be kind to him he accomplished a lot in the time he had.
an hour ago
Murph – We would see massive columns of smoke to the south (Palisades) and the East (Eaton) and the fire did climb up the Hollywood Hills towards The Valley, where we live. It was stressful but I was confident homes in the flats were safe, which ours is, only hills and foothills burned. But we have friends and relatives who either lost their homes or evacusted but still have a home though in a graveyard of a neighborhood.
AdLiban hour ago
TW….as I watched the interview I considered how well regarded Carter became in his post presidency…I think that Biden begins in a far, far, far better position that Carter…..he will be acclaimed.”
an hour ago

Murph totally agree
an hour ago
Ad – I’m very glad you’re OK. It’s bizarre how PP burned because it’s pretty flat, and it’s very well groomed. That’s the BIG LIE from Trump – no forests. Urban areas!
an hour ago
Murph – I agree. And I revel in the knowledge that as a convicted felon, Trump CANNOT be buried in Arlington.
an hour ago
AD…so happy that you and yours are ok…..I found myself a bit worried about the alternative…
an hour ago
CL —- is that so? He cannot be buried in Arlington…really?
an hour ago

I believe one thing for sure, Congress will be doing a lot of phony and fake invesitgations as they did in the last session and nothing will get done
an hour ago
Murph – nope. I’m sure he doesn’t care. Loser and suckers abound there. He’ll probably be stuck in a hole at MAL. Good riddance when the sea rises.
an hour ago
CL..of course I would be ok if he were buried in Arlington if it was in the next few weeks…..yeah, but then we have a younger jackass at the Resolute Desk
an hour ago
CL – It is a fact that Trump was not shot. The simple scientific facts are that a bullet travelling at such a fast trajectory from an assault rifle ALWAYS pushes force with it and even a nick on an ear would yield bigger damage to the ear, a concussion and collateral damage to the side of one’s face. You literally can’t get “nicked” by such a high speed bullet and have a perfectly intact ear days later. Not scientifically possible.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – we have a crisis Tuesday. The debt ceiling is insufficient. Let’s see what they bother to do about it.
an hour ago
ANY thoughts re. Biden’s Pardons…..lots of talking about mass pardons of all who have been targeted by Trumpheads.
an hour ago
Ad – absolutely true about the impact of the bullet. He wasn’t shot, and it’s horrifying, but the picture with his fist raised with a woman agent in front was TOTALLY a duplicate of one of Hitler. ABSOLUTELY the same.
an hour ago
Ad Lib…fascinating …. why is that “nicked” narrative not more widely known.
an hour ago
Murph – attorneys have said he can’t do that because a pardon if for a specific CRIME of which they have not been charged. But if there’s a way to protect them, Biden WILL find it.
an hour ago
CL – Thanks! Actually, The Palisades is all hill and foothills and so much brush throughout. So easy for a wind whipped fire to do so much damage. And restaurants and shops next to PCH and even on the other side of it, on the beach side of PCH, burned down because the intensity of the heat of the fire will spread a fire to flat areas very close to the foothills.
AdLiban hour ago
Actually ….CL….fascination…why is that “nicked” narrative not widely known.
an hour ago
My understanding is that the fire didn’t start in the brushy area. Pasadena either. But it was the WIND that made this so awful.
an hour ago
CL..why can’t Biden us the Gerald Ford Language in re. to Nixon?
an hour ago
Murph – It was worrisome even though logic told me we were in no danger. Everyone we knew started using an app called Watch Duty which had up to date maps and info about the fire and evacuation status. It probably save d a lot of people.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – people have circulated photos of soldiers and others who got “nicked” in the ear w high powered bullets. It’s gross.
an hour ago

All, I watched a clip of Newsom, yesterday, and since Trump can’t run again and Vance will for sure, Newsom will kick Vance’s ass from Cal, to Timbuktoo,
an hour ago
CL….and the media did not report the on “nick-gate”
an hour ago
Murph – because Nixon WAS being charged w a specific crime. Then there’s the blanket pardon added, but there’s no defining crime for any of these folks.
an hour ago
Murph – no, nobody in MSM has had the courage to question Glorious Leader.
an hour ago
CL – You know that Musk wants a refusal to raise the debt ceiling, have the US default on debts, have the dollar tumble and be abandoned so he can push crypto to take its place in the world and jack up his wealth in a recession as he did during COVID. We share no goals or agendas with oligarchs.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…I am sure that your apprehension was appropriate.
an hour ago
TW – that’s likely true in 2028 IF we still have elections.
an hour ago
CL…interesting…..there has been so much chatter about this and from strong sources that I thought that the idea was better formed.
an hour ago
Ad – yes. Tuesday is Musk’s wet dream.
an hour ago
Murph – Just to protect innocent people, I’m all for Biden issuing mass pardons for anyone on Trump’s radar.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – if Biden thinks it will help, he will. I bet he does it late Monday.
an hour ago
AD…but can Biden do it? See CL’s counter argument.
an hour ago
There may be other avenues different from a pardon that Biden can employ. Not at all sure.
an hour ago

CL I’m hopefull we will, but, I’m also concerned that under this next Frump admin we could very well see democracy crater and move into something we thinking people don’t want, but the MAGA fools will welcome with open arms because they are just to damn stupid to understand basic civics and to lazy to pay attention to the fact they are giving away the freedom they claim to love.
an hour ago
tw – you have perfectly described our deepest worries.
44 minutes ago
TW….brilliant portrait of the Trump electorate
44 minutes ago
Murph – I’m sure you’ve seen demonstrations or graphics of some kind and heard about how an assault weapon’s bullet tears a whole in victims. Consider the force surrounding the bullet because of its speed. It can only do that because of velocity. And like CL, I heard experienced law enforcement expalin how such a shot can’t nick your ear and not do any permanent and more widespread damage. Trump is a con man, both campaigns have been predicated on defrauding voters and conning them. This was more urgent, he would’ve gone to prison, he couldn’t afford to leave any scheme out, he had to win.
AdLib44 minutes ago

Murph correct me if I’m wrong, but, history is not on the side of our form of democratic rule is it?
43 minutes ago
AD- the case you make is solid….why has it been buried by those who oppose him as well as those who support him.
43 minutes ago
SCOTUS had the fix in from Kavanaugh on. They were going to make sure Trump never saw federal trial.
42 minutes ago
CL – One story, and they haven’t determined the start of the fires for certain, is that the area where the Palisades fire started was the same area that fireworks on the 1st started a fire. Some surmise that embers could have been creeping along until bursting out.
AdLib42 minutes ago
TW…..accurate I think. Democracy, to be effective, requires an informed, engaged and patriotic electorate. Most unlikely.
41 minutes ago
TW – I think, actually, it is. But the opposition to democracy is fierce. Erica Chenoweth from Harvard has studied mass movements and revolutions and found the VAST majority succeed where there is no violence and succeed in toppling tyrannical governments. I just got her book. It will be interesting to read. There may be a path we can follow.
41 minutes ago
TW – Vance may run in the primary but I don’t think Trump would support him (if he’s still alive in 202, he’d want Don Jr. to take over the crown.
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad – someone said that when Junior went to Greenland last week, he was bitterly disappointed the white stuff on the ground was snow.
40 minutes ago
CL…do you know how often Barrett has voted with the conservatives and how often with the liberals on SCOTUS? I have been told by an acquaintance that she has voted to the left far more than the right. I cannot find a good reference.
39 minutes ago
How did we go from Nancy Reagan and “Just Say No” to drug addled MAGA everywhere?
39 minutes ago

Muprh there is a White Paper I keep on my desk and reference it entitled, Democracy Devouring Itself: The Rise of the Incopmetent Citizen and the Appeal of Right Wing Poplulism by Shawn W. Rosenberg and he spells it out quite clearly.
39 minutes ago
Murph – CL may be right about the problems with offering overall pardons but I could envision Biden offering more specific pardons that encompassed, for instance, for Liz Cheney, participation in a Congressional commission.
AdLib39 minutes ago
Murph – I am not sure that figure is accurate, but she has been less zealous than the others. Roberts remains the pivot.
38 minutes ago
Ad – but that’s not a crime. There’s the rub. How do you protect people from someone trying to criminalize LEGAL acts?
38 minutes ago
CL…I would love to find a substantive source that breaks out the percentages.
37 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t know of one other than “SCOTUS Blog”. They might have votes. I’ve listened to them but don’t read them. They’re easy to find on Google.
36 minutes ago
CL…I went to Scotts Blog but nope! Frustrating.
35 minutes ago
Murph – And isn’t it odd that Trump wasn’t frothing about finding out how the assassination could have happened? He didn’t seem to care. That made no sense.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Can the President pardon someone before they are indicted, convicted, or sentenced for a federal offense against the United States? It would be highly unusual, but there have been a few cases where people who had not been charged with a crime were pardoned, including President Gerald Ford’s pardon of President Richard Nixon after Watergate, President Jimmy Carter’s pardon of Vietnam draft dodgers and President George H.W. Bush’s pardon of Caspar Weinberger. President Donald J. Trump pardoned Joseph Arpaio and others after they were charged and convicted, but prior to sentencing. See Pardons Granted by President Donald Trump (justice.gov)
35 minutes ago
Then I have no clue.
35 minutes ago

CL which book are you refering to, when you recommend a book I get it.,
35 minutes ago
TW…wise to follow the reader….
34 minutes ago
Murph – case by case you can look here:
but it’s tedious.
33 minutes ago

Murph so agee with you
33 minutes ago
TW – That really nails it, the real threat to democracy are ignorant people who don’t use critical thinking and swallow propoganda whole. That and the apathetic.
AdLib33 minutes ago
CL….I will look at it…..one would think that such a number would be of wide ranging interest
32 minutes ago
CL – My point is, Biden could have his lawyers lay out any and all crimes that could even be conceived of related to working on a Congressional committee such as perjury and absolve them of all crimes that they could ever be charged with.
AdLib32 minutes ago
Murph – You answered your own question. Ford pardoned Nixon of all crimes related to Watergate despite Nixon not being indicted or charged. So yes, a pardon can come beforehand.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Good NYT article…Biden Says He’s Considering Pre-emptive Pardons for Potential Trump Targets
30 minutes ago
Well, TW – I had to look it up. Erica Chenoweth’s book is Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Advantage of Non Violent Conflict.
29 minutes ago
Bingo! Pre-emptive pardons, that’s the phrase I was looking for!
AdLib29 minutes ago
Ad….CL seems to make a strong case for that kind of pardon being outside of norms.
29 minutes ago
Murph – THAT is really good to know. Ad – I had forgotten the “blanket” nature of Ford’s pardon.
29 minutes ago

Ad in these times it is so critical that continue use critical thinking, but with Trump it’s a skill that is diminishing rapidly and I don’t know if it’s possible for people to regain it or even if they want to. It reminds me of that Star Trek secene when Q first appeared to put Picard on trial and the guard were all high on drugs and didn’t know what they were doing. The American MAGA folks are justy like that.
29 minutes ago
Murph – CL is probably right that it’s rare but rare is different from unprecedented and pre-emptive pardons have a precedent.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Murph – using Ford’s action it may make it OK. Precedent is precedent. I had not remembered it that way.
28 minutes ago
CL…..and Ad….I would be happy if Biden were to do blanket pardons….the move would be “Trumpian” which would seem to so wonderfully appropriate…string bastard up by his petard
27 minutes ago

CL thanks I will look into purchasing it.
27 minutes ago
TW – good analogy w Star Trek. On a more serious level, Musk is self admittedly administering Ketamine to himself. He claimed he was immune from its negative effects. (Riiiiight.) But NIH said that ketamine shrinks gray matter in the brain and does so fairly quickly. It may be the explanation for how weird he’s become these last 2-3 years.
26 minutes ago
A Question….how do you all think the Trump Inauguration is going to go over among his Magats?
26 minutes ago
Murph – those who already traveled to DC are furious. They’re farmers who milk cows in MUCH colder weather. They are pissed!
25 minutes ago
TW – So many things we used to take for granted…and still take for granted are not the way things are anymore. The lack of common sense, “street smarts”, critical thinking, and having a healthy amount of skepticism when someone promises you everything you could possibly want is NOT used by at least half of voters. They are no better than lemmings, happy to march off the cliff with the conman assuring them he can solve all their problems. But…when they start to suffer from the conman’s decisions, then desperation and emotions can turn them against him despite their ignorance and lazy minds. That’s what I think will happen and why I want the suffering of the MAGAs to come first and severely.
AdLib24 minutes ago
Some Trumpers I know are saying that Trump has been “forced” into this Inauguration format….when I say that it is Trump who announced the format they claim he had no choice….how does one respond.
24 minutes ago
Murph – I started a trend all by myself that has caught on. “How could Trump be so weak – WEAK – he can’t control his own inauguration”? It fits anything. How can Trump be so WEAK is now a thing on BlueSky.
22 minutes ago

Murph all I can add to your good question is a wild ass guess as I’ve tunded out what the idiot MAGAs are doing but, I can’t believe they will be happy. And since he will be in charge when things start falling apart I guess they will be looking for excuses to blame Biden. But rest assured when things Biden started start to yeild results Trump and the MAGA liars will be takening credit.
22 minutes ago
CL…I like it….. and so weak also could apply to what appears to be his fear of cold weather.
21 minutes ago
Murph – People in a cult NEVER find fault with their cult leader. Never. It is always someone else’s fault. I know I say this a lot but the only way to break that slavish devotion is for them to suffer so badly, they have no alternative but to turn on him for how he is making them suffer. It’s a child’s game that works…until it doesn’t.
AdLib21 minutes ago
Absolutely, Murph – it can be used for every broken promise, every backsliding. Who is forcing him to change his inauguration? How can he be that WEAK?
20 minutes ago

Ad all I can say is Amen.
20 minutes ago
Ad….I believe that your crystal ball has been well polished.
20 minutes ago
Ad – well, per the OK dairy farmers tonight who are furious with him, it IS his fault, and they came close to calling him a wimp.
20 minutes ago
These are strategies to chip away at the blockheads as much as anyone. Calling him weak when he’s done something obviously stupid helps erode their blind faith.
19 minutes ago

CL as we normal thinking people know taking drugs such as the ones Musk is said to be doing is not good. Didn’t one of the stars from Friends did from his self medicating on ketamine?
18 minutes ago
I have been handing out copies of the news release made by the Trump Organization as a declaration by Trump that he was changing the Inauguration at the last minute BECAUSE it will be cold…..CL and the Weakness charge at work
17 minutes ago
TW – yes, Matthew Perry did. It rots the brain. Doing a job on Eldon.
17 minutes ago
My friends, it is after 10 and I need to be abed……but please know that these weekly conversations are a significant part of that which keeps me sane…..
16 minutes ago
I confess to all that deep down the choicelady/churchlady has a spiteful streak for tyrants. Anything I can do to tarnish them works for me.
16 minutes ago
Murph – It doesn’t take Nostradamus to envision what will happen, especially to rural and lower income MAGAs when many safety net programs are cut including the ACA, when tariffs jack up the prices on groceries, cars, appliances, etc. When oligarchs steal taxpayer money and hike up taxes and tariffs on the little people. As affordable housing isn’t pushed forward, as greedflation makes the cost of living unbearable. It will happen, that’s why I’m putting into practice strategies to help make it less severe on me and my families, like the little egg thing, got many more strategies under way. The task is to survive the crash then rise up with the wide majority to take back our country.
AdLib16 minutes ago
Murph – have a GREAT night’s rest. See you next week!
16 minutes ago
Night Murph!
AdLib15 minutes ago

CL what is really weird with Musk and Trump. Is Trump’s older brother drank himself to death, which is a form of addiction. Trump is supposedly against such drug usage, but, that is question, but just for the sake of this conversation let’s say he is, how can he justify having and addict advise him on any damn thing?
15 minutes ago
“Ad – even the thickest of the rubes is gonna get pissed at Trump. No more Biden to blame. And we keep repeating, “Trump is SO WEAK” he can’t stand up to…whoever.
15 minutes ago
AD….I am copying and pasting your Nostradamus Prophecy……and e mailing it rather widely….as an anonymous prophet’s work.
14 minutes ago
CL – You are so perfect to conceal your Batwoman identity behind your mild mannered persona.
AdLib14 minutes ago
TW – he himself is on Adderall. His son uses cocaine. Everyone around him is a drug user. He can turn a blind eye just so long.
14 minutes ago
Murph – Very humbled by that, thank you!
AdLib13 minutes ago
Take a bow, AL
13 minutes ago
ad – there you go. Batwoman by night, mild mannered lady by day.
13 minutes ago
CL is more Wonder than Bat Woman
13 minutes ago
Ad is right on the money, as usual.
13 minutes ago
Linda Carter followed me on Twitter. NEVER was more honored!
12 minutes ago
CL – Absolutely! I think it’s inevitable, considering that MAGAs are wholly driven by emotion and not reason, that when their emotions are at a peak over their jobs and income being destroyed, they will turn on Trump for that reason.
AdLib12 minutes ago
CL…there ya go!
12 minutes ago
Murph – I said Batwoman because the Bat Family are agents of vengeance against criminals. Wonder Woman is a heroic character but less about seeking out those who deserve comeuppance.
AdLib11 minutes ago
And …ending on several really high notes….armour to Endor the inauguration.
11 minutes ago
And I absolutely DID KNOW Leonard Nemoy. We were volunteers for two candidates and met several times at a small house in Beverly Hills. My husband is SO envious.
11 minutes ago
Ad…good argument re. Bats
10 minutes ago
Ad – well, you have a good point about the Bat Family.
10 minutes ago
CL – Very cool! Lynda Carter is brilliant on social media, a hero in her own right so not surprising she recognized you to be in her “Justice League”.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Murph – May the force be with us!
AdLib9 minutes ago
She and I have no connected yet on Blue Sky (Bluesky to a Chicagoan such as I keeps getting pronounced as “blueski” the Polish way.)
8 minutes ago
CL – Even more impressed, Nimoy was such a remarkable actor and human being, many Star Trek alum have a true social conscience that echoes the intent behind Star Trek.
AdLib8 minutes ago
CL – Hah! That’s how it always looked to me for a while, like “Bluski”.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Ad – He was a grand man. Totally unassuming and very quiet in meetings. Never pushed himself to the limelight.
7 minutes ago

Well, I can only say it’s going to a wild ride, and for me, it will provide an abudance of writing material.
7 minutes ago
It’s very “Blues Brothers” – Blueski.
7 minutes ago
He was a class act all the way around, miss Nimoy.
AdLib7 minutes ago
TW – As your latest article details!
AdLib6 minutes ago
TW – we want to see what you write. Very much looking forward to it!
6 minutes ago
I will catch up here.
6 minutes ago

CL, Ad has been very kind to me allowing me to post to this site
6 minutes ago
But if you ride a roller coaster too long, you get sick. I am not riding all the ups and downs of the Trump Roller Coaster To Hell but will peek in here and there, when not hording eggs.
AdLib5 minutes ago
TW – Your insights and brilliance makes The Planet better for it.
AdLib5 minutes ago

Ad, you’re too kind, thank you. It means a lot to me you saying that.
4 minutes ago
AdLib4 minutes ago
TW – that’s what it’s for. He let me write a really hard article on how the left killed CA single payer. I got nasty calls at work because of it. And it was worth it. It totally shut down the idiots who were undermining their OWN work with really bad behavior.
4 minutes ago
TW – It’s said in absolute earnest, my only gear for compliments.
AdLib4 minutes ago
CL – You hit a nerve because you mined the truth.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Ad, as I’ve said before, I will keep at it until I get it right.
2 minutes ago
Dear friends, it is once again “feed the cats” time. They are ruthless in their demands. I will see you all next week! Have as good a week as you can and enjoy the spectacle of a nothingburger of an inauguration. It may be prophetic.
2 minutes ago
Good night!
2 minutes ago
As discouraged as I am about half of this country, there is a lot to be said for standing up and speaking out to expose what’s wrong and promote what should be.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Night CL!
AdLib2 minutes ago

CL take care.
2 minutes ago
TW – I have a bunch of prep to do tonight so look forward to chatting next week!
AdLiba minute ago

No problem I’m a bit tired myself have a good weekend.
a minute ago
You too!
AdLibin a minute
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