Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib8 hours ago

Evening good friends!


2 hours ago

Hi CL!

AdLib2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Hey AD! Great to see you, so to speak


2 hours ago

How are things with you?

AdLib2 hours ago

Doing OK and you?


2 hours ago

Doing well! Better than some people.

AdLib2 hours ago

Let me guess who…


2 hours ago

I think you can guess. Did you see that RFK Jr. confessed to storing roadkill in his freezer?

AdLib2 hours ago

Word on Twitter is that there was no plane emergency for Trump. It was learning that 400 people were waiting for him. The arena filled in w about MAYBE 1000


2 hours ago

That’s hilarious!!!

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – yes, and while I sort of like that idea for poor people, it creeps me out for rich ones.


2 hours ago

Yep, he’s seriously deranged.

AdLib2 hours ago

RFK, Jr. is just nasty. No other word for him. I met him in 1973 and thought he was creepy then.


2 hours ago

Hey TW!

AdLib2 hours ago

TW!!!! How are you!


2 hours ago

Hey everyone Happy Friday


2 hours ago

Happy Friday back atcha!


2 hours ago

CL I’m doing ok for an old man


2 hours ago

Well, TW, I’m an old woman, so I feel you.


2 hours ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib2 hours ago

Question for TW cuz Ad is too young – do you find yourself thinking you’re years younger than you actually are?


2 hours ago



2 hours ago

Hey gang!…Happy week for me.


2 hours ago

Murph – that is superb to read!


2 hours ago

Hello Ad, Choice and TW….the Friday Night Holy Trinity plus one.


2 hours ago

CL us older folks need to stick together so we can teach the young ones a thing or two. You paying attention Ad???


2 hours ago

The Four Muskateers?

AdLib2 hours ago

TW – there you go. I’m with you!


2 hours ago

Ad – that works. That’s who we are.


2 hours ago

TW….did you get my note re. Yabberz?


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Murph is in the house the party can officially begin. Murph quick question the young lady that lost in 6th place I believe what the hell is her story??


2 hours ago

Ad – NOBODY can spell it. Not to worry.


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – THAT is who we are!


2 hours ago

Anyone know where PPO is? I never heard if he’s back from Ireland.


2 hours ago

TW….the young lady that lost in 6th place. ???? I need more context.


2 hours ago

I have dibs on D’Arttagnan


2 hours ago

CL – So what was the whole story about Trump and his plane and the rally?

AdLib2 hours ago

All – there’s not a lot of room for an equal in the Musketeers for a female.


2 hours ago

Murph she was running for the House I believe


2 hours ago

Murph – The woman in MO who ran for AG I think who used a flamethrower on books in her campaign video?

AdLib2 hours ago

TW…are you referring to Cori Bush?


2 hours ago

The word is that his plane had a mechanical problem, set down in Billings. That’s a 2-hour drive to Bozeman. Rumors of course of sabotage after the “assassination” attempt. But in fact, i do not think he wanted to go to such a DISMAL reception. I have no heard if he showed up or not.


2 hours ago

Valentina Gomez, a self-described “America First-Maga” Republican, came in sixth in Tuesday’s eight-person primary, with 7.4% of the vote.

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph no it was someone else a full throated maga can’t think of her name I will see if I can find it in bit


2 hours ago

All – if it was the flame thowing AG candidate OR Cori, both lost, and the world is righteous once again.


2 hours ago

Ad is on the ball that is her thanks Ad.


2 hours ago

Ad…here is the flame throwing book burner.


2 hours ago

So, how is everyone feeling about Kamala/Walz growing their margin and winning in Nobv?

AdLib2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

Murph what a fool, I have other words, but I can’t use them here


2 hours ago

The whole thing is amazing. Harris-Walz is simply stunning. Perfect pair!


2 hours ago

TW….did you see my note re. Yabberz on Facebook….


2 hours ago

I don’t believe I did. Haven’t been out to FB this week


2 hours ago

I think we will win. The naysayers aren’t seeing it, the lefty dismissers are a joke, and I think she brings something we haven’t had since Obama – HOPE. I LOVE Walz with her, too. You read my gut level Nebraska-roots adoration for the guy in our email. But he fulfills something primal in millions of people.


2 hours ago

Harris/Walz….it’s got that Obama feel….it really does.


2 hours ago

The dumbest MAGA defense I’ve heard is claiming the rise of Kamala/Walz is due to a “honeymoon period” and will just as quickly disappear. Sorry but I have to say, morons,

AdLib2 hours ago

TW….I will resend an e mail to you.


2 hours ago

Murph – Yes, but it seems to have even more momentum than Obama!

AdLib2 hours ago

Murph – yes, it does. Walz gives us the “your neighbor is here for you” vibe even Biden didn’t provide. Anyone follow Trey Crowder a Southern liberal comedian? His take on it is fantastic.


2 hours ago

Ad I read that as well so little do they know.


2 hours ago

Murph thanks


2 hours ago

I think Walz gives the ticket a bigger bump than Biden gave Obama.

AdLib2 hours ago

Ad – we NEEDED something to uplift and give us hope. Even Bush didn’t make us fear for our entire way of life as Trump and his fascist cronies are.


2 hours ago

Ad….Obama in the South in 2008 was on fire…..his rallies, his personal appearances…the over all energy very much like now…….


2 hours ago

Ad didn’t she just take a leap in the polls just the other day


2 hours ago

Ad – Honeymoon periods don’t bring out these kinds of people. MASSES of people and a lot of them NOT predictable. MSM has yet to catch up.


2 hours ago


AdLib2 hours ago

TW – Harris-Walz are ahead nationally and in every swing state. GA can have its cabal – all that they will get is charges of conspiracy and collusion. What asshats ANNOUNCE in ADVANCE they will do something THAT illegal???


2 hours ago

I agree that Walz is not Biden for Obama. Biden was an “institutional choice”, a Washington insider, and wise old hand….all things Obama’ people saw as helping him bUT Biden did not raise the heat in that campaign ….Walz is an entirely different pick for very different reasons AND he is more than meeting expectations.


2 hours ago

I have an overall question for all of you and Murph since you’re an educator I think you will recognize this. It seems to me that our younger people cannot seem to handle complex sentences and references to events that happen some time back, like WWII


2 hours ago

Walz is amazing – he’s so perfect AND off the wall, so to speak, by being EXACTLY who we all are. Even Sarah Palin couldn’t honestly find fault with him. He is “Minnesota nice” and it’s real.


2 hours ago

Choice….the U.S. legal community at many levels appears to be raising up a banner in opposition to the right wing conspiracy that has been hatched. Good.


2 hours ago

TW – the lack of knowledge of the past makes me cringe. But it’s not universal


2 hours ago

CL please expand on the not universal


2 hours ago

Murph – we have legal boots on the ground in every state where corrupt election officials have been placed.


2 hours ago

TW…your observation is correct. The dumbing down of the American Mind is most obvious in the young. Political, Economic and Social Literacy have been undermined readily and steadily.


2 hours ago

TW – we have a number of extremely aware young people and a lot who are really dim. Not sure why there’s a difference because it’s not regional, class, race that make that difference. Worth figuring out.


2 hours ago

I will make the anecdotal observation that immigrants are smarter than native born unless native born are POC. We white folks tend to be dimmer than any other group. Except here on Vox, of course….


an hour ago

Murph and CL thanks for the input I feel the same way. But I have to admit I find it concerning. I will leave at that.


an hour ago

It’s concerning to me because I wonder if they can understand what they stand to lose if Trump were to get back in.


an hour ago

TW – the dumbing of America started after Vietnam. My mother taught school and retired after 20 years because the final three years were intolerable in the emphasis on simplifying what kids had to know and encouraging stupidity. That was 1973-76. Fairly affluent white Chicago suburb, and stupid was the name of the game. Schools and even parents decided they didn’t want the smart kids of the protest years. It worked.


an hour ago

Cl yes there are


an hour ago

I was in the classroom at the tertiary level (college) for nearly 40 years and I saw the disappearance of the civics exams that were a standard marker in both junior and senior hight, the elimination of civics courses, accompanied by a widening body of practically illiterate students (i.e who set aside the importance of reading and dismissed anything that disagreed with their “guts”)


an hour ago

I’m back. I think the dynamics in this election are very unique. Kamala’s candidacy kind of broke the damn of dread Biden supporters were fighting off but even bigger, blew up the general discomfort that change was not on the menu as things continue to disintegrate in this country, economy, and society. Now, looking deeper into the “hope” issue, is that the status quo is no longer on the ticket and real change that helps our democracy and people, is.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – today on Twitter someone dismissed the hope as “retread” New Deal. Yawn. Well, here to say THAT IS OK WITH ME!!! Those are Keynesian views that have always worked. The so called progressives have NO understanding of political economy any more than MAGA do. So I’m all for the New New Deal. It freaking WORKS.


an hour ago

Murph you’ve touched on a very important aspect of what is a major problem not just for young people but for older ones as well. Like Ad just posted Harris has broken the damn and she represent the change that regardless of what the founders did is happening here in the country.


an hour ago

The whole vouchers scheme is to blow up ALL education and lock future generations into an oppression of ignorance. Bankrupt public schools, leave unregulated, poor educating public schools in their place and build an oversupply of uneducated, unskilled workers who can be dominated by the wealthy.

AdLiban hour ago

The thing about Harris is she is clearly representative of the society today and what it will be in the future.


an hour ago

TW – hubs just asked me why, ungrammatically, the Constitution refers to a “more perfect union”. It has always been my belief that they gave us what, for 1789 was great and all KNEW that future generations had to perfect it as they went along. “Perfect” is one of the absolute words – unless you’re sending a signal that maybe it won’t always be. You have to grow, change, move to include new information and people.’


an hour ago

The Kunce campaign planners have been meeting for days now re. how to become part of the Harris Ticket Wave…..We have a meeting of core volunteers tomorrow morning at five locations linked via Zoom. I will be at the St. Louis one.


an hour ago

Murph break out the surf board.


an hour ago

Murph – I SO hope this works for him. I really like him and detest whatever his name is. Blanked on it, he is that bad.


an hour ago



an hour ago

CL – SO funny! MAGAs are so frantic to push back the massive Blue Wave rising against them, they say more and more stupid things. Saying “this is just a New Deal retread” is like saying, “This meal is just a copy of a really delicious gourmet meal.” Huh? We like delicious food, why do you think we wouldn’t like it because there have been other delicious meals made in the past? Morons.

AdLiban hour ago

Choice….”more perfect union” was in reference to the less than acceptable Articles of Confederation.


an hour ago

CL it’s interesting what you husband said about the ungrammatically phrase I was pulling a quote from Franklin for a piece I’m writing and Grammarly was have a little problem with it.


an hour ago

Harleigh is the house!!! How are you??


an hour ago

Hey guys!


an hour ago

doing ok


an hour ago

Ad….I had a Magat tell me that the New Deal was a communist conspiracy that Eisenhower overturned. Yep.


an hour ago

TW – Harris isn’t kjust heading into breaking the glass ceiling for women, she’s breaking the oppression of hopelessness over America FINALLY doing the things the majority has wanted done for decades. This is even different and more powerful than what Obama represented.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey Harleigh!

AdLiban hour ago

Ad amen to that.


an hour ago

Harleigh….hot convo happening here……how are things in your neck of the woods.


an hour ago

Ad…I agree, this is Obama’s Mantra supercharged.


an hour ago

Harleigh!!! Lovely to see you!


an hour ago

Waiting for my mail-in ballot and listening to all the repube crazy talk.


an hour ago

Choice..left a note re. “More Perfect Union” meaning better than The Articles of Confederation.


an hour ago

Ad – we never should forget that the path for Harris-Walz was laid by Biden. HE is the leader on restoring the New Deal programs. HE led on asserting the primacy of the ordinary people. She walks the walk in her own way but inherits a wonderful highway upon which to trod.


an hour ago

Murph I read that somewhere else can’t remember where, but I also believe Jamie Raskin mentioned in a lecture he was giving at Darthmouth.


an hour ago

CL – Hubby is right on the money, The Founders wanted this concept of a democratic government to be seen as something transcendent BUT they knew it wasn’t “perfect” nor could it provide for how the country would change in the future. Basically, they knew they had to compromise to get it done and various things in it, many knew were far from perfect. But rather than insult the Southerners who were very hard to pull in and sign the Constitution, they made clear in their own way, these compromises and oversights need to be addressed.

AdLiban hour ago

CL…Biden’s place in History, if all goes as I hope it does, will be keynoted by his standing down to let Kamala rise up.


an hour ago

Murph – I don’t think it was meant to look back but forward. It’s not just better than the Articles but lays the ground for the future they couldn’t see.


an hour ago

Murph – NO question about his amazing act of self sacrifice that opened the door to Harris. NO doubt. But she will inherit his work and maybe many of his people. It’s all good.


an hour ago

Murph – The defeat of Trump will go a long way to crushing the Dunning Krueger mentality of these idiot MAGAS who think if they make up stupid stuff, they can still argue it makes sense. They will be pushed back under their rocks and leaderless.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad the founders also expected those who came after them would work to make it a better document not seal it in plex glass and just have it looked at. It’s supposed to be a living document but certain members are afraid to change it.


an hour ago

Ad and CL>……it is necessary to see the Constitution as a work in progress hurriedly pull together as the “union” created by the Articles of Confederation was in danger of shattering with slavery being only one of the issues pulling apart an alliance of “states” (i.e. a synonym for nation in the 18th century). was splitting at the seams.


an hour ago

Ad we just have to make sure we keep the lemon juice away from them.


an hour ago

Just got a not 20k people showed up for Harris and Walz


an hour ago

Murph – absolutely accurate on the urgency of the Constitution. But they laid the ground for hope and change as well. I don’t think it was accidental.


an hour ago

Ad….the Trump flags that started to go up have begun coming down….the weekly mini-rallies have stopped……mention Trump’s name to Trumpers and they are likely to change the topic.


an hour ago

TW – the 20K is MORE than the arena holds . SRO. And Trump got MAYBE 1000 when all was said and done.


an hour ago

CL – ABSOLUTELY! Joe Biden deserves enormous and historical credit for making this singular decision to not only drop out, not only be adamant about Kamala being the nominee, but working with her and her team to make her his unquestionable replacement on that Sunday by locking down delegates and endorsements, blocking any other Dem from tearing the party apart in a contested convention. Biden should be remembered along with our greatest presidents.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph – even in your community this is happening? Trump remorse>


an hour ago

Ad – Biden is one of the best, no question.


an hour ago

CL…I have no doubt that they saw the Constitution as organic and a work in progress…but wishing 10 years it was frozen solid which led to the rising waves of crises associate with a number of matters, slavery the most significant but not only one)


an hour ago

I don’t know how you all feel about Lawrence O’Donnell but he took it to the press in his show.


an hour ago

What happened to Harleigh?


an hour ago

TW – You nailed it! Wholly agree about The Founders’ intention that the Constitution be a living and changing document.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Lawrence was STUNNING last night. The Edward R. Murrow of our time.


an hour ago

Lawrence is among my top picks for sober analysis


an hour ago

CL we all know that 1000 will turn into 1 million, just as said he had more people at his Jan 6 event than King did at the million man march.


an hour ago

Murph – Lawrence said his time working for Moynihan was powerful training for his job now. Agreed.


an hour ago

Cl he took no prisoners last night.


an hour ago

TW –


an hour ago

CL…forgot that important bit of background.


an hour ago

TW I’m laughing at Trump not your comment about L. O’Donnell.


an hour ago

Murph – You’re so right as always about the historical sensibilities of The Founders and how they saw The Constitution.

AdLiban hour ago

All I’ve said it before and will keep saying I will never understand those who support Trump believe his lies. I’ve had it explained to me it’s cult behavior, but it still blows my mind.it just does.


an hour ago

CL I got that


an hour ago

Anyone ever read Joan Didion’s “My year of magical thinking”? She was describing her mental state after her husband died. That, to me is understandable. MAGA magical thinking is not. but it infuses their every action.


an hour ago

Murph – That is fantastic news! Sure sounds like not only Trump but his MAGAs have come to accept that he’s going to lose. The practical importance of that is that MAGA turnout will be depressed and Kamala could win by a far bigger margin. After all, why bother to vote when you believe your candidate has already lost?

AdLiban hour ago

TW I agree with the inability to understand Trump supporters. I’ve read a lot about willful illusions from space ship cults to End Times, and I STILL DO NOT GET IT.


an hour ago

CL it the same when he said he was in a helicopter with Willie Brown, Brown said it never happened it was reported out later it was Jerry Brown and if I recall he doesn’t seem to remember the way Trump does. The man is losing his marbles and he was calling Biden senile


an hour ago

TW – we could have survived Donald calling Joe senile. We could not survive the predatory media saying the same.


an hour ago

Cl, I’m guessing you’re referring to When Prophecy Fails Book, haven’t finished but I’m getting an idea how it’s going to end.


an hour ago

I keep losing my connection….back again.


an hour ago

TW – I never thought in When Prophecy Fails they actually came up with an explanation only a very good description. It’s useful, but it’s not helpful, if you see my point.


an hour ago

TW…send a resend of early note to you at timwilson@tawilsonassociates.com Is that correct?


an hour ago

Murph – I figured that was the problem. In MAGA world it would be an intentional conspiracy against you. In rational world, it’s a bad connection.


an hour ago

Murph that is correct.


an hour ago

Okay, let’s do some imagining. The night of the election, if Trump loses by a big margin and his attempts to overthrow the election fail…what happens next? Facing prison time, does Trump overtly or covertly try to orchestrate a guerilla war against those who voted against him, more attacks on power stations, mass shootings, bombings of bridges, etc. to destabilize the country and its government? Does he try this and it fails to materialize? Does he escape to Saudi Arabia or some other “Trump-friendly” country to escape imprisonment? Does he look like a loser and MAGA’s leave him and disappear into the woodwork? What do you think will happen?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad…the Mega fires are definitely dying out.


an hour ago

Murph just saw it on my phone will check it out thanks.


an hour ago

TW….my page shows it was sent and received.


an hour ago

Murph just read it. About not putting up an image on FB correct?


an hour ago

Ad…the Mega Mega fires…that is.


an hour ago

Ad – not sure, given the persistent jailing of J6 people, that there will be much uprising. But there will be some. I know there are wildcat groups that will continue to shoot up power plants, etc. but Trump does NOT have his hands on the forces of social control this time. He will rely on the people he got in place who will refuse to certify, and they will, as they did in 2020, run up against the courts. BUT THIS TIME because they announced IN ADVANCE they were going to do it, they face criminal charges of conspiracy and collusion. That will cool their jets considerably. We have people IN PALCE to file immediately against them.


an hour ago

Murph – Sure sounds like if she is putting out the MAGA fires, we could nickname Kamala, “The Extinguisher”.

AdLiban hour ago

What happens if Trump loses…..the indictments against him muddy the waters…pushing him to reckless action I think but the Scotus is his “Trump Card” protecting his flanks. Given that…I think he fights…madly….but the Mega Tide ebbs very quickly….Your idea of fleeing the country…that is my pick.


an hour ago

CL I had the feeling Prophecy is not going to turn out the way the folks want it, but have to finish it, if I don’t it will drive me nuts just a small touch of OCD when it comes to things like reading. It’s like I told a friend earlier today I will read/review Project 2025 when I finish Don Quixote, which I have to start from the beginning because I lost my place.


an hour ago

CL – Good points and I fully agree about Trump, his cronies and much of the GOP comitting flat out treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government of the US for setting up this assault on certifying the election. But we’ll need a tough and unyielding AG in a Harris Admin to go full bore on prosecuting all involved.

AdLiban hour ago

All – I still think Trump may flee to a country w no extradition but one far more open to luxurious living than SA or Russia. I think he has some options where he could open a MAL East in, say Brunei. The sultan is a tyrant, just his cup of tea. Don’t know. But I also feel sure the FBI etc. have discovered his offshore accounts and will shut them down leaving him strapped for funds and no longer useful to his puppet masters.


an hour ago

CL….I know an attorney here is a staunch conservative but he tells me that the word being passed through the ranks of those who lean Trump in his profession is “DON’T EVEN THINK OF TRYING TO SUBVERT THE ELECTION”


an hour ago

CL there is a nice little island off the cost of Brazil he can go to.


an hour ago

CL – Don’t forget that Bannon, Stone, Flynn, Project 2025 people are all conspiring on stealing the presidency by blocking certification, there could very well be an organized assault on the country if the coup fails and they see themselves vulnerable to prison. They will at least try to whip up an insurrection to stop all that.

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Murph – I think SCOTUS isn’t the help he thinks it is. They actually did not give a lot of immunity so much as they extended their OWN power to say what was and wasn’t immune. They have never, even this week, done a thing for him. He did not get the sentencing delay, did not get the gag order lifted. They aren’t his pals. They are playing the long game. He’s disposable now – he’s so weak. Project 2025 can easily be postponed. They waited 40 years. They can wait until someone who isn’t Trump or JD is eager to run.


an hour ago

Ad – there will be spotty uprisings, but already DOJ is shutting them down. I get the daily briefs from DOJ, and they have made HUGE inroads on the would be next wave.


an hour ago

TW – perfect. Wherever he goes, however, he may not have money. Wouldn’t that be sad….NOT.


an hour ago

CL..A CHILLING ANALYSIS…but, how does the “reform and re-form the court affect what they do to protect Trump”?


an hour ago

Murph – I think the SCOTUS will tremble at the thought of trying to help Trump steal the presidency once Kamala is clearly the winner. Biden has already announced his SCOTUS reform and IMO, a frightened Gorsich warned him to “be careful”. I think their fear of an empowered Kamala with a big majority behind her would be likely.

AdLiban hour ago

Murph this island I’m thinking about is perfect for him and trust me if he went he be right at home lll da Quemada


an hour ago

Murph – If he does flee, what country do you think he’d flee to?

AdLiban hour ago

Dealing w SCOTUS corruption requires law to remove immunity issues and expanding/term limiting them, demanding economic and special interest accountability.


an hour ago

Ad..if Trump loses….will the court attempt to block the Biden reform which will be picked up by the Harris admin?


an hour ago

TW – VERY good idea, that island!!!


an hour ago

Ad the one with all the gold of course


44 minutes ago

Murph – don’t see how they could without destroying their hand. If they try to stop reform, the president falls back on immunity and legal precedent. They aren’t as powerful as they think. W a solid congress – impeachment.


44 minutes ago

CL he be right at home, and the will be glad to see him.


43 minutes ago

TW – all good. Just so Donnie is happy, right?


43 minutes ago

CL – I like your proposition but I would add to it that a traitor to the US who would still command at least some MAGAs would represent a clear and present danger. Anyone who has read history about Napolean and Elbow would know that Trump couldn’t be allowed to “escape”. Brunei has no meaningful military and a Seal Team 6 mission to grab Trump and bring him back to the US would be pretty amazing.

AdLib43 minutes ago

CL well, I don’t know it he will be happy but the guest really won’t care.


43 minutes ago

Ad…no real idea…..he will want to be comfortable but that is about all he would get…. I suspect that he would be treated as an exile stuck where. he is and limited in every aspect….both sides (the U.S. and the asylum nation…would bide their time…..he is OLD and not well.


42 minutes ago

I read that Brown is 5 points ahead in OH, Tester 5 points ahead in MT, and so on. Gallegos leading Lake by over 5. The march of the theocrats is not working.


42 minutes ago

CL I should have said the owners


41 minutes ago

Murph – it is not remotely kind of me, but I wake up every morning hoping upon hope that he will have blown a gasket.


41 minutes ago

Murph – That’s very good to hear! If any halfway intelligent lawyer looked at what has happened to nearly all of the lawyers who helped Trump further his crimes, theywould never sign up to lose their license and go to prison.

AdLib41 minutes ago

CL…it is the impeachment threat that is the most potent IF there has been a blue wave.


41 minutes ago

Ad no one is saying there isn’t danger. But it’s not an overwhelming one. All these dudes are infiltrated, observed, listened to. And the rank and file are worn out. They, like the religious right, went too far and burned their bridges with followers.


40 minutes ago

I saw where Smith is asking Chunkan to push out the hearing date for Trump’s doc case


39 minutes ago

Murph – it all comes down to a strong and united Congress.


39 minutes ago

CL – I think the DoJ will be unapologetic about taking down any and every MAGA who attacks our people or infrastructure as part of a revenge plot in Trump’s name. But as you say, I expect some to happen and I wouldn’t be surprised if Flynn has already put together a plan of attack.

AdLib39 minutes ago

TW – Smith has something up his sleeve.


39 minutes ago

Ad – Flynn’s Army plus Erik Prince still is a microdot in the universe.


38 minutes ago

CL I believe so it’s being reported he is going through the material but I agree with you I believe he is going to make this as airtight as he can


38 minutes ago

Kunce is going to his Hawley VERY HARD. Hawley wanted to have a debate with Kunce this weekend at the state fair…..Kunce said he would debate. him. Hawley then added that there would be no moderators just a free for all with an audience. Kunce said “no way” and then the state fair bosses stepped in and stopped the whole thing….they have gotten a lot of push back from magas for that and I find that interesting…the fair willing to risk mega ire.


37 minutes ago

The FBI and private anti TW groups have had Flynn, Prince, and several others are under deep surveillance


36 minutes ago

We do. need a united Congress but the Senate control remains very uncertain…still favoring the GOP.


35 minutes ago

Murph Hawley wanted to debate??? Now that’s funny.


35 minutes ago

They do have training camps and compounds. We are talking hundreds, not thousands, of people. WE have the Guard and military. Nasty, sure. Successful? No.


35 minutes ago

CL – A suggestion about what Smith is up to. Maybe, he refiles charges against Trump for th 90% of his case that are inarguably private acts, the ones specisfically stipulated to by Trump’s lawyer in the SCOTUS hearing as only bein private. Nothing to win appeal on with SCOTUS to throw out charges that Trump has already stipulated are not covered by the immunity ruling.

AdLib34 minutes ago

TW…at the state fair where he could have his kind of people….Kunce, I think, lured him in, and he overplayed his hand with a no rules grudge match


34 minutes ago

Murph it’s my understanding that Hawley uses his sister’s address but lives elsewhere why are the people in your state ok with that?


34 minutes ago

CL – FLunn and Prince’s “army” would be obliterated by a single attack helicopter, end of story.

AdLib33 minutes ago

Ad – since Smith can’t collaborate with Chutkan, I think that’s right. Pull what is entirely private. I do think a solid case that running for re-election is NOT an official duty can be made. It’s self interested. We shall see.


33 minutes ago

TW….they are stupid, racist, nasty, mean spirited, angry, aggrieved and paranoid.


33 minutes ago

Ad – yup. Prince has camps – some say one is near me in Galt, but they aren’t huge.


33 minutes ago

Murph will that sums it up rather nicely.


32 minutes ago

TW….Hawley lives in Va and uses his sister’s Ozark address. Here is the story.



31 minutes ago

That is one thing we need to change: You can’t run for federal office if you haven’t lived in the state for two years.


31 minutes ago

Murph – The GOP has definitely been in a better position on winning the Senate, more Dems up and some in Red states and swing states. But consider, if this does end up being a landslide win for Kamala, it could turn out that having so many Dem candidates riding the Kamala wave in 2024 could end up being a disaster for the GOP.

AdLib31 minutes ago

And KEEP living in the state!!!


30 minutes ago

TW and that is only a partial list…..


30 minutes ago

Ad…that scenario is what it would take….a Kamala Wave


29 minutes ago

Murph I always thought the Senators and House Members had to live in the state they represented.


29 minutes ago

Ad – Brown is up 5, Tester up 5, Gallego up 6. Not seeing a problem keeping the Senate. Casey should do fine, Baldwin fine. The woman in FL is ahead of Rick Scott (NEVER can remember her name).


29 minutes ago

TW…me too, but clearly that is not so.


29 minutes ago

CL it’s good to see those numbers for those folks


29 minutes ago

It is possible that Cruz will get beat.


29 minutes ago

CL….your list is encouraging.


28 minutes ago

Murph yeah Tuberville showed us that


28 minutes ago

That is not a ‘bounce’ but a steady upward progression for them aqll.


28 minutes ago



27 minutes ago

Murph – Indeed. Imagine now that a Kamala/Blue Tsunami in Nov could also sweep in Senate seats in FL, TX, etc, Red states that are otherwise difficult for Dems to win. Add in the discouragement of MAGAs to come out and vote for Trump if they already see him as helpless to lose the election. Some Red Senate seats could be flipped.

AdLib27 minutes ago

Hey…..I just opened a package…and I got one of those hunter cams caps with the Dem Ticket Logo that are making waves…….I do not know who sent it.


27 minutes ago

CL – Yes! Those polling numbers sure do paint a realistic scenario of Dems not only winning The Senate and House but enlarging their majority in The Senate.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Boebert is toast, but I’m not sure about MTG. I’ve seen zero polling on her. Angela Alsobrooks is doing OK. Rosen in NV, tight but slightly ahead.


26 minutes ago

Ad…..it is good to hope….good to dream….and good to plan for the worst.


26 minutes ago

Murph – How cool is that! What a great siurprise that hat is!

AdLib25 minutes ago

CL….the candidate tracker par excellance


25 minutes ago

CL it sounds like Boebert son is about to go to jail


25 minutes ago

Ad…I think it may be from an Obama campaign friend.


25 minutes ago

Murph – the old adage applies: Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. I’m still scouting property in British Columbia. I cannot stay here – already targeted. And we had the definitive talk tonight. i am NOT getting a gun.


25 minutes ago

TW…what is Boebert charged with.


25 minutes ago

Boebert in chains? Her heart’s desire.


24 minutes ago

Murph – Appreciate your reserve but I am getting more and more optimistic. And I wouldn’t count Kunce out, Hawley’s desperation at trying to stage a rigged debate displays fear from him at the polling numbers.

AdLib24 minutes ago

Her son is charge with thief various items out cars and I think a B&E not sure about the B&E but he could be facing some time


23 minutes ago

CL…..I got a gun…actually guns….and I make a show of going to the practice ranges…I also have signage at all entrances to my property that note 24 hour surveillance and armed vigilance. In this pit, I got to play by their rules.


22 minutes ago

Even the betting sites now favor Kamala as winning the election. It’s not a poll but it is people putting their money at risk which bodes well for the likelihood of Americans having the same sentiment.

AdLib22 minutes ago

Ad – I have felt for some time that the Kunce/Hawley polling might not be all that solid. The more Red the state, the less reliable the polls because pollsters take the slovenly easy way to find people.


22 minutes ago

TW….haven’t Boebert’s kids disassociated from her.


22 minutes ago

Murph – her eldest is in prison, so yeah, technically he is a gonner. Don’t know about any of the others.


21 minutes ago

Murph can’t speak to that but read early she was in the court as support but typing away on her phone repeating the lie about Walz stolen valor Vance started.


20 minutes ago

CL….your insight re. polling. here is correct. Polling has to be paid for and the media here would rather NOT have poling that might show a lean toward a Dem because that cuts into circulation and audience.


20 minutes ago

JD’s own record was a cushy billet in Iraq, zero combat, and the majority in the PR office in N. Carolina. He shouldn’t talk.


20 minutes ago

CL – Modern day polling science is fatally flawed. What can’t be measured is all the young people and women registering, the MAGA discouragement to vote if Trump seems doomed to lose, the power of Roe being overturned, the bubbling anger at all the SCOTUS has done, fear of Project 2025, etc. I think many could be hugely surprised by Kamala’s and Dems’ margins of victory in Nov.

AdLib19 minutes ago

CL..but talking is all he has shown he can do.


19 minutes ago

Did any of you watch the so called Trump Press Conference……who’s carrying the “old man with the waning mind” badge now?


18 minutes ago

During Nixon McGovern we had some improvement in polling results that turned out to be highly flawed. The polls skew so hard to the GOP and so rarely take into account the POC and youth vote. Hard to know.


18 minutes ago

CL I don’t even think JD got the stolen valor right, I thought it was primarily about medals and service they didn’t receive or service they performed


18 minutes ago

Murph – I have tried three times to listen to the press conference. Just can’t.


17 minutes ago

CL….I watched it with popcorn in hand……..loved it.


16 minutes ago

Can anyone suggest a likely event that could happen that could give Trump a boost or Kamala a drop? My proposition is that there is nothing that can happen (an assassination didn’t even work!) to help Trump with bringing over more voters and Kamala is protected by a force field of being the centerpiece of a movement to save and fix our country.

AdLib16 minutes ago

And Trump has apparently agreed to debate Kamala on ABC. An act of desperation that I think, will destroy him even more.

AdLib15 minutes ago

TW Walz served at the highest non com rank but never completed the school and did not retire w that rank. So they call it ‘stolen valor’. No, he served. He never said he retired w that rank. Then he had a cap w the Special Forces logo they screamed at him for wearing. Chances are it was a present to him. Then they called him a deserter for retiring 10 months before his unit was deployed to Iraq, three months before they even heard about it. This WILL burn out. He’s what he says he is.


14 minutes ago

Murph – well, there’s where I went wrong. I didn’t have the popcorn.


14 minutes ago

Ad, two excellent posts…..force field protected Jedi knight vs. deeply wounded emperor want to be.


14 minutes ago

Ad I think the only ones that may be able to hurt her is the press itself. They don’t seem to be happy she is leading Orange Face and trying to find something negative


13 minutes ago

CL…his “stolen valor”reference, like so much of what he says was totally out of context as you point out.


12 minutes ago

TW – Fox found the PERFECT jab at Kamala: she cooks for pleasure. I guess these privileged white ladies w cooks at home think she should be making meatloaf under duress every night. Un huh.


12 minutes ago

CL….the popcorn was excellent, along with orange juice in. honor of DT


12 minutes ago

Murph – all JD has done is turn veterans who MIGHT have been uncertain into fierce defenders of Walz.


12 minutes ago

CL – I don’t believe that ANY of the attacks on Walz will do anything to change the Harris/Walz ongoing rise in the polls. People love his persona and see Vance as a “weirdo”. And Kamala is the top of the ticket, these attacks feel dishonest and are not coming from a source Americans trust.

AdLib12 minutes ago

Sounds good, Murph!


11 minutes ago

CL of course Fox would


11 minutes ago

Murph – May the Force be with Walz.

AdLib11 minutes ago

They are calling Kamala and Tim the “Hope Walz”. We need to have someone create that as a dance.


10 minutes ago

Walz’s laugh is natural and appropriate. JD’s is forced and way out of place.


10 minutes ago

Murph – like DeSantis, he sounds as if he took laughing lessons at which he did not excel.


10 minutes ago

Hey…what do we do about Elon Musk and the other robber barons who are perverting the info stream.


9 minutes ago

CL…..yes, DeSantis. Perfecto.


9 minutes ago

TW – Disagree and agree. Yes, the MSM is unhappy that Kamala is moving into a position of being too far out of reach for Trump, they NEED a neck-and-neck horse race to grab more viewers and readers. But many now see the MSM as corrupt, both from Trump’s attacks on them and their partisan and unfair attack on Biden to force him out. I think the MSM has undercut their influence massively.

AdLib9 minutes ago

One of the first exposures to an audience, JD flubbed what he was saying and then awkwardly laughed and said to TOTAL STRANGERS, “I love you guys”. Fell totally flat.


8 minutes ago

Murph that is damn good question regarding the 21st century robber barons.


8 minutes ago

The folks on Twitter are pushing back on Eldon. Every time he puts out a hit piece, they undermine him totally. He’s not getting through to anyone but the cult over 60% of whom are foreign bots. He’s not being successful.


7 minutes ago

CL….thanks for the info re. push back. Good to read.


6 minutes ago

Murph – I am hoping the Harris Admin will use their mandate to make huge changes to even the playing field to reign in Musk, Zuckerberg and the rest of the out of control social media czars so that they can’t use their ownership of these sites to manipulate and corrupt.

AdLib6 minutes ago

Remember, Eldon promised to put up $45M a MONTH for Trump, then when he picked JD took it away. His heart isn’t in it, and the others are not good communicators.


5 minutes ago

It has been a long time coming to regulate social media. Tik Tok has already been taken on. I can absolutely imagine Twitter (I won’t call it anything else) being next on the list.

AdLib5 minutes ago

We Twitter folk don’t take hostages.


5 minutes ago

I’ve been suspended twice so now I affect nicey nice. It seems to elude the censors.


4 minutes ago

Ad as long as they refuse to ask question and challenge Trump they’re going to be and impediment but I have Harris and Waltz will figure out how to deal with it.


4 minutes ago

Ad…that would be a big step forward……I wonder how the big media folk can be held accountable to truth telling…..greater vulnerability to limiting licenses, law suits?


4 minutes ago

CL – Musk has so overplayed his hand in corrupting Twitter into being a tool of his imagined oligarchy. I think he’s put a target on himself.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph – we seriously need a (Ad?_ Truth in Political Advertising standard, the Fairness standard, and other regulation. Screw the ACLUS on this.


3 minutes ago

Well, friends….I have an early meeting…..as always….good to be with you and given the change in atmosphere I am breathing easier.


2 minutes ago

Murph take care.


2 minutes ago

OK my dear friends – got to go clean up after dinner and hit the hay. I’m doing postcard writing tomorrow morning and have to buy stamps for my new friend who’s been paying out of her own pocket. I will be here next week, God willing and the creek don’t rise. Hope to see all of you! Good night!


a minute ago

TW – Agreed, I think Kamala and Walz will simply keep up their rallies to go around the MSM until they see some of them being fair. We saw how self-important these MSM folks are, declaring Trump was better than her because he “took their questions”…even though his responses were lies and changing the topic (as Lawrence pointed out). They are blind to how we are ignoring them now.

AdLiba minute ago

Thanks TW…please get back to me re. my request for assistance with the Yabberz folk.


a minute ago

Good meeting tomorrow, Murph!


a minute ago

CL – I’m all for bringing HOPE back!

AdLiba few seconds ago

Night Murph!

AdLiba few seconds ago

Murph will do


a few seconds ago

Talk to you soon, TW!

AdLibin a few seconds

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