Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events (were there any important events this week?) begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey glenn! Happy Day After Trump Conviction Night!
AdLib2 hours ago
2 hours ago
Yeah baby!
AdLib2 hours ago
Did you celebrate last night?
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey A.D. never thought I’d see a conviction on all 34 counts. I thought for sure there was a magat on the :sunglasses
2 hours ago
Hey Murph! Do you believe?
AdLib2 hours ago
Greetings Glenn and Ad….
2 hours ago
Greetings TW
2 hours ago
Hi TW!
AdLib2 hours ago
having a little trouble with my Talk to text tonight. Thought for sure there was a Maggitt on the jury.
2 hours ago

Good evening everyone, Oh happy days Oh happy days Oh Happy days
2 hours ago
Ad….I. believe that the GOP is working. try hard to turn the worm…to their benefit.
2 hours ago
glenn – I was worried about the juror whose news sources were Truth Social and Twitter. But…turned out it was still a sensible person!
AdLib2 hours ago
Good evening Murph, TW. For sure it is a happy day.
2 hours ago
glenn – You may need to close then re-open the app to get the voice to text working properly.
AdLib2 hours ago
Or restart your device.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph how are the folks out your way taking the good news?
2 hours ago
Certainly it is a better thing to have him found guilty than either innocent or freed by a hung jury.
2 hours ago
I can’t believe how the GOP is trying to gaslight us again. Good Lord what does it take for these people to figure out that this man is just a damn crook? And a sleaze ball the boot?
2 hours ago
Murph – Aw, come on, let yourself enjoy and appreciate that Trump is now a convicted criminal who may very well go to prison or at least be stuck with an ankle bracelet!
AdLib2 hours ago
TW…as with so much else….not a lot of talk….not a lot of reaction….when mentioned the topic quickly becomes one of a Democratic plot to Lynch T.
2 hours ago

Murph wow some just can’t or won’t accept the fact Trump is no good low down dirty dog liar.
2 hours ago
Ad…you benefit from life in LaLa Land…I live in DumbDumb Land and live with that.
2 hours ago
glenn – First off, I continue to despise the MSM for being megaphones for the Trump and MAGA propaganda. But…a snap poll taken after the verdict shows a 2 point gain for Biden in one day. I don’t think the anti-justice-system Repubs who are also anti-democracy will end up benefitting from this attack on America and its democracy.
AdLib2 hours ago

Glenn you’re correct its hard for some people to accept their hero is not that at all.
2 hours ago
What do you all think? Do you think he’ll serve any time in prison/jail? I don’t think he’ll ever see the inside of one unfortunately. However I didn’t think we’d get a guilty verdict either so I could be wrong again. Read an article today and the author says he should go to prison because Cohen went to prison for the same crime. Why shouldn’t the “boss” go to prison too?
2 hours ago

Ad you see where Johnson is asking the SC to look into the verdict?
2 hours ago
TW…and there are grounds for the Scotus doing just that….the mix of federal and state law created by the unique conditions under which the crimes took place.
2 hours ago
AD, Wow. I saw an article today and it said that the convicted felon actually gained 6% after the verdict. So like with everything else in politics lately, it’s hard to discern what is really going on.
2 hours ago
Murph – Still, you should let yourself enjoy, at least for the weekend, that Trump has finally been nailed for being a criminal and he will carry that scarlet letter throughout the election and history. The MAGAs and MSM may want to act like this could benefit Trump but that’s just propaganda. Trump may have his base excited but he needs indie voters to swing his way and if Dems and Biden run on, “You can’t give a convicted criminal the greatest power in the world? What do you think he will do with it?!”, they win hands down.
AdLib2 hours ago

Murph I honestly didn’t know that. But, something tells me maybe they might all of a sudden become deaf and blind on this one?
an hour ago
A verdict after nine hours of deliberation….a very, very fast outcome….and that is being pointed to as proof that the fix was in….at least that is how the folks on the right see it.
an hour ago
AD, also read a couple of articles today that if the convicted felon really does become president will he be able to visit other countries? Because some countries won’t let convicted felons in their country. Interesting take.
an hour ago
glenn – As you say, Cohen was sentenced to 3 years for following Trump’s orders to commit the crimes Trump was convicted of. Hard to say a sentence that’s different from the mastermind of the crime should be less than his stooge.
AdLiban hour ago
TW, do you think Scotus will become deaf and blind and not take the case? My feeling is with the Scotus we have now they’ll freaking pardon him.
an hour ago
Glenn….6 percent…really…..
an hour ago

Murph I believe we all know if they took nine days they would have said the same thing. It’s tough for folks like that suddenly see their hero doesn’t have any clothes on.
an hour ago
AD, yes and to follow up on the convicted felon getting the same sentence as Cohen, there was also speculation that if the January 6 trial ever occurs and he is guilty, will he be put in prison for that? After all look how many of his followers are serving time for that.
an hour ago

Glenn I have to be honest they way this court has behaved I have no idea what they would do and that for me is cause for concern.
an hour ago
TW – There is a very thin reed to rely on to take this to the SCOTUS. From what I saw on MSNBC tonight, there’s a tiny constitutional issue which involves combining federal and state crimes but that didn’t happen. I don’t trust the SCOTUS, they could violate the law and constitution to reverse the decision but Trump still has to go all the way through the NY State appeals process before that and by the time he gets to the SCOTUS or tries to, he will have been defeated and there could be 13 SCOTUS judges where the majority isn’t in his pocket.
AdLiban hour ago
What I hope is that Trump caves in…that the power of the verdict and the pressure it represents collapses his defenses and leaves him a simpering idiot.
an hour ago
Murph, yeah I’m pretty sure it was 6%. And it was a fairly reputable website I read it on. I could be wrong about the percentage but it did say that The convicted felon actually gained points in a pole
an hour ago
In a poll.
an hour ago
glenn – That is clearly a bigus poll. A 6% gain for Trump is ridiculous. I’m skeptical of most polls but a small change makes sense, 6% is ridiculous.
AdLiban hour ago
Hi!!! Full house tonight.
an hour ago
Hey CL! Don the Con(vict) now!
AdLiban hour ago

CL is the house raise the roof everyong
an hour ago
Hello CL….good good to see you again. Guess what we are talking about……..
an hour ago
Evening all – glenn!!! Murph!!! TW!!! Ad!!! The convict is going DOWN.
an hour ago
Murph – the best day in 8 years?
an hour ago
Murph – That is a bogus claim, the time a jury takes to come to a decision is never a cause for overturning a decision.
AdLiban hour ago
TW, I agree. The Scotus we have now is just a mess. I mean really how long does it take to decide whether president has immunity or not? And yet you can bet if the question of this verdict comes before them, they are all very quickly in the convicted felon
an hour ago
Cl…objectively yes, but subjectively….I. am dubious.
an hour ago
felon’s favor. That’s what I think anyway.
an hour ago

If Trump appeals it goes before the Appeals court with five Black female justices, now that is what I call righteous retribution.
an hour ago
glenn – I think IF – a big IF – the SCOTUS folks are taking care, they are looking where any president MIGHT have immunity and where NO president does. That would take time. IF that is what they are doing.
an hour ago
In fact, nearly all the pundits including experienced trial lawyers, estimated a decision that day or Friday at the latest. Don’t let the MAGA propaganda get to you.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey CL! How are you doing tonight?
an hour ago
TW…but that appeal could be appealed to…..yep, the clown show that is SCOTUS….at least that is what I am reading.
an hour ago

Michelle Obama’s mother passed today.
an hour ago
TW yes I agree that is righteous retribution. But if they roll against him he’ll just keep appealing until he gets to the Scotus. But it would be nice to see them roll against him.
an hour ago
I am not looking at polls on voting since the conviction because earlier polls had over 70% of voters saying they would NOT vote for someone convicted of a felony. Polls mean NOTHING these days.
an hour ago
glenn – I’m OK. How are YOU?
an hour ago
TW….I met Mrs. Robinson in SC during the primary contest…what a class act.
an hour ago
Murph – I am again so envious of the people you met. I have liked her for a very long time and am very sad she is gone from the earth.
an hour ago
CL, you know more about this than I do. But I just don’t understand why it’s so complicated. Perhaps you could educate me because in my view it either is or it isn’t. He either has immunity or he doesn’t. And since there’s no president for that kind of thing why is it taking so long?
an hour ago

Murph wow that must have been nice.
an hour ago
glenn – I agree with that prediction, if convicted in the 1/6 case, Trump will go to prison. And to those concerned about SCOTUS pardoning Trump on the Bragg case, Trump will be buried by then in the GA and 1/6 case (and hopefully the documents case with Cannon thrown off) that will be way too much for SCOTUS to pardon him for all of the criminal cases.
AdLiban hour ago
CL remember that I met these folks when Barack was the longest of long shots….Mrs. R was there to care for the girls because they really had no other resources to do this.
an hour ago
glenn – It is possible that on some issues such as intervention in war actions there IS immunity while in domestic actions there is not. The issue arose w Bush and the lies over Iraq. It never got settled. So if they are doing their due diligence, the majority are taking it seriously and taking time to say what is and isn’t qualified or absolute or NO immunity.
an hour ago
Murph, what do you mean leave him a simpering idiot? He already is a simpering idiot and getting worse.
an hour ago
Ad….don’t those burials depend on him losing the election?
an hour ago
Murph – I think you told us about her then. She is the kind of Black woman I knew in Philadelphia and on. Strong, supportive, quiet, and gently feared for her absolute devotion to right and wrong for her family.]
an hour ago
Glenn…I get your point….the trouble is that his blank faced followers hear his babbling and experience it as Shakespearean profundity.
an hour ago
All – remember that not once, not EVER, has SCOTUS upheld Trump on any of the election issues. They are rancid on social issues but NOT on the power of government and the president. The turned him down on his fraud allegations in 2020 and never upheld a single thing.
an hour ago
Did you see Trump’s crazed rambling today? He looked like a beaten dog (I know he likes calling people dogs, thus my reference). It was widely reported as disjointed, rambling, all over the place. This is the first big punch and he’s already reeling, wait until the debate when Biden will have to hammer him as a convicted criminal who is unfit for being in the most powerful position in the world. Trump will go down for the count as he desperately blathers non-sensical BS. Trump is going down, just consider the big picture.
AdLiban hour ago
CL, I’m actually doing pretty well tonight. My nephrologist discontinued a medicine I was taking and I actually came home and ate some thing without throwing up. Sorry to be so graphic but anyway I’m better.
an hour ago
CL…yep, that was her alright! Her husband was an exceptionally fine person as well from what I understand.
an hour ago
glenn – that is HUGE and I am so happy for you!
an hour ago
Murph, ain’t that the truth? They hear it as Shakespearean profundity. I think that is the best example of selective hearing I’ve ever seen.
an hour ago
Ad – your interpretation of Trump’s crumbling is the same as mine. ONE step of accountability, and he’s toast crumbs.
an hour ago
Glenn….I am sorry for your suffering….and it is suffering even though you bear it with grace….
an hour ago
All – I apologize for being late, but hubs and I started talking about Trump’s convictions, and we lost track of time. It’s THAT compelling!
an hour ago

CL I want to believe the will continue to do so, but with Thomas and Alito the court feeling they have a free license to do what they want now that they have majority bothers me a great deal.
an hour ago
I agree that the debate will be critical…frankly I cannot believe that Trump will debate under the conditions that have (apparently) been agreed to. They SO disadvantage him. What is that about?
an hour ago
Murph – Trump IS losing the election already. Put aside those people who are MAGAs or Dems, this race is about capturing the indies/undecided. And they’re low info voters so they don’t know all the horrible things Trump has been saying, doing and been convicted of. As they tune in, and that’s starting now, the majority will be repulsed by this rapist/convict/fraudster/racist/pro-domination of women/dementia-ridden madman. He will not gain more of these voters, he will lose them to Biden.
AdLiban hour ago
CL, that’s a good point about the Scotus not upholding The convicted felon on matters of election issues. But then again, you do have them dragging their feet on the immunity issue.
an hour ago
TW – Alito and Thomas were outliers in 2020 and remain so. They do NOT dominate the court no matter the Dobbs decision. They just don’t.
an hour ago
glenn – Glad to hear that and that you’re feeling better.
AdLiban hour ago
glenn – I don’t think they’re dragging their feet so much as MAYBE trying to provide a comprehensive ruling to STOP Trump from asserting rights he does not, did not, never will have.
an hour ago
Thanks CL and Murph. Hopefully dialysis won’t be such a drain on me now.
an hour ago
glenn – I COULD be wrong, but this is the first time SCOTUS has ever gotten this issue, and I HOPE they are doing a full assessment of immunity so Trump can’t keep coming back to them.
an hour ago

CL I take your point. But I have to wonder if they are he catalyst that allow the others who lean their way to feel free to make dumbass decision like they just did in SC?
an hour ago
CL, I hope you’re right on the dragging the feet issue. I trust your judgment on that. And that’s a good point that maybe they’re trying to be as thorough as possible so he can’t come back again. Never thought of that. You’re so smart.
an hour ago
Ad….I do hope your reading of the tea leaves is spot on…..as I have noted previously….enthusiasm for Trump is the ultra Trumpian state is not high this time around.
an hour ago
TW – not following your argument here. Can you elucidate?
an hour ago
Again, keep in mind that it could be a year or two years before this case would make it’s way to SCOTUS and after Trump has been defeated again, possibly attempted another coup and be beaten back and prosecuted for that too, I think even the Corrupt 5 on the SCOTUS will want to wash their hands of Trump at that point.
AdLiban hour ago
glenn – well, I’m smart IF I’m correct! Otherwise I’m a jerk!
an hour ago
Ad – if it takes a couple of years on Trump’s appeal, whatever is ruled on July 11 prevails. And I don’t think the judge is going to treat this w a slap on the wrist.
an hour ago
I asked some friends. here to compare Trump’s performance today before the cameras and Biden’s….asking them which of the two was worthy of the office based on what they heard…..lots of stammering and head dropping.
an hour ago

CL well in the voting rights case decision that just came down it 6-3, it seems to me the other justices who decided that took their lead from Alito, Thomas and I would guess Roberts, who is often stands against voting rights, but Thomas and Alito seem to be the stinky farts in the court house.
an hour ago
Murph – Nothing sobers people quite like visual aids!
an hour ago
AD, now that’s the best description I’ve ever read. The rapist/convict/fraudster/racist/pro domination of women/dementia ridden madman. It’s a lot to process but it sums him up perfectly.
an hour ago
TW….”Stinky Fart” suggested epitaph for their graves.
an hour ago

Murph you mean they couldn’t come up with anything plausible to your question? Wow!!
an hour ago
CL, no you’re never a jerk. Even if you’re wrong you wouldn’t be a jerk.
an hour ago
Roberts is a fool for “racism is over” shit. He dug in on it. And yet in other cases they have been amazing. I am NOT sure what guides them anymore. They go back and forth from good to horrible, and there’s no rhyme or reason to it.
an hour ago
glenn – thank you!
an hour ago
Murph – Enthusiasm of MAGAs for Trump could be at 200%, it still isn’t enough voters to elect Trump. Take that for granted, Trump would have had his MAGAs guzzling the Kool-Aid and growling no matter what happened with the trial or anything else. It doesn’t matter, that is a BS theme the MSM is helping MAGAs echo. But it’s irrelevant. What matters is who the moderate indie voters move to and as every national election since Trump won in 2016 has reflected, the majority of those voters are repulsed by him and support Dems. Consider this too, the 1/6 trial may not have time to finish before the election but there is nothing stopping SMith and Chutkin from starting the trial in the Summer or Fall after the SCOTUS is finished stalling via the immunity BS.
AdLiban hour ago
That will only amplify the criminality and disgust of Trump by indie voters.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph, great question.
an hour ago
CL – Agreed, I think there will pretty likely be some type of incarceration in Trump’s sentencing, whether in a prison or home detention. Either way, he is not going to be let off with a slap on the wrist by Merchan, not after what he’s been saying to attack the rule of law and the justice system and not with him being convicted of election interference.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – Chutkin has been allowing a lot of filings during the “wait and see’ period on immunity. She said she is ready to go when they rule. I do not believe they will grant full blown immunity to Trump because we do not EVER do private laws/rulings – what is decided is global. They can’t exonerate Trump and not every president sitting and coming later.
an hour ago
Ad….I agree…Merchan should hit him heavy because no matter how he acts, he will be accused of an unjust persecution.
an hour ago
A.D., not only does the convicted felon have the MSM repeating his garbage, he also has many Republicans repeating his nonsense. As a little aside, there’s an article up in huffPost which pose is the question which Republicans are going to speak out against A convicted felon. They said they would make a list. So far there’s no one on the list. How very sad.
an hour ago
This SCOTUS is awful on personal rights but pretty tight on process. They have never favored Trump’s exceptionalism so… we wait, watch, hope.
an hour ago
I remain stunned that something cannot be done to push the documents case to the front of the stage……national security ! Why can cannon not be shot out of one?
an hour ago
Murph – So true, Trump looks and sounds like a broken man. Consider this in the long term. His conviction destroys the image of him as invulnerable, his shaky and confused demeanor makes him look beaten, over the next several months, especially after he’s sentenced, I think the long term impact of that perception of him will alienate more and more voters from him. He’s a coward like all bullies are and now we’re seeing him look like one. I remember Mary Trump saying that Trump’s biggest fear is going to prison. No escape from that threat now.
AdLiban hour ago
All – I want Katy Tur off the airwaves. Michael Cohen outed her as a co conspirator. She’s rancid.
an hour ago
Thanks glenn!
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – NAILED it. Trump just FO’d. His whole life is FA. He never thought he’d be held to account. WRONG!
an hour ago
AD, I just don’t understand how being under house arrest is a punishment. I guess he can’t hold rallies, but he certainly can spout off his nonsense day after day. And live in comparative luxury. I hope Merchan gives him some type of prison sentence.
an hour ago
Ad…..I tend to agree with your appraisal of how all of this will affect Trump although his followers will still largely continue to see him through a glorifying prism…the halo effect.
an hour ago
Murph – I think Cannon just shot herself in the foot and then reloaded. I think she WANTS off this case and gave the 11th C. the means to do it.
an hour ago
glenn – if he’s under house arrest, he may also still have the gag order and be stripped of his phone. We will see.
an hour ago

Murph I agree with your assessment of the Halo effect regarding Drumpf supporters. Every evil leaders has their supporters
an hour ago
Murph, I like it. Let’s shoot Canon out of one
an hour ago
Glenn…..Trump in prison would be wonderful but I think the security concerns are so. large that he will likely be given house arrest but not in his own house…..not my idea but one I heard earlier today in re. to putting him in a federal safe house on a. military base.
an hour ago

CL funny you would say that about Cannon, I was thinking that the other day. I believe she realizing she is in over her head and doing the bidding of the Orange Blob is not getting her anywhere.
an hour ago
CL, now that I could live with. The gag order still in place and stripped of his phone.
an hour ago
OOOOOO – Murph – that would be primo!!! He would HATE that, and it’s perfect!
an hour ago
CL…is the 11th moving on Cannon?
an hour ago
Murph, oh I like that version of house arrest. Put on a military base with all those people that he calls losers.
an hour ago
TW – either she’s wanting out or is too stupid to live. Either way she’s likely to get bounced.
an hour ago

Murph what security concerns put him in a Gold Lemay room serve him Big Mac and fires every two hours he will think he’s in heaven.
an hour ago
Murph – Smith has several briefs on her at the 11th.
an hour ago
CL…good news.
an hour ago
CL – I watched the SCOTUS hearing on immunity and not a single one of them, including the Corrupt 5, mentioned a word about complete immunity. Alito got close to it but no one else did. The extremists seemed to make it about the issue of immunity for official acts vs. private acts and of all people, Barrett came at Trump’s attorney and nailed him down on stipulating that most of the main charges against Trump were private acts and thus, not affected by what they’re considering. My thought is that Smith goes ahead right after the ruling on the heart of the case that has already been stipulated as private by Trump’s lawyer and begin prosecuting those, splitting off the other charges to be worked through by Chutkin on a secondary track. In that case, we could indeed have a trial and decision before or around the election.
AdLiban hour ago
I’m so enjoying this discussion tonight, but I’m getting to the point where I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. So I’m going to have to say good night. I will read the rest of this conversation in the archives tomorrow morning. I hope everyone takes care and has a good weekend.
an hour ago
Tw – I can live w Trump thinking he’s in heaven so long as he’s not among us.’
an hour ago

CL my choice is number 3 both.
an hour ago

Glenn good to see you tonight take care.
an hour ago
TW….I would prefer a setting like that featured in the Godfather when a Don who had the goods on Corleone was comfortably caged on a base
an hour ago
Take care, good care, great care off yourself Glenn.
an hour ago
Ad – EXACTLY. Alito is despicable and totally into Project 2025 land. But the others ARE taking this seriously. Trump will not fare well since what he did around an election about himself is NOT an official act.
an hour ago
Glenn…you are a Peach!
an hour ago
Good night, dear glenn. LOVELY to see you!
an hour ago
glenn – I think the case could be made that the more the low info indie voters hear Trumpers and the MSM repeating how our system of justice is destroyed and this is now a fascist country, they will get more scared of what these apparently raging people including Trump will do if elected.
AdLiban hour ago
Night glenn! So nice to see you here!
AdLiban hour ago
Oh thanks Murph. But I’m no longer a peach. Unfortunately, I live in the land of DeSantis. Anyway good night all.
an hour ago
glenn – you are always peachy to us! Can’t take that away even by DeSantis!
an hour ago

Murph Ad and I have the perfect place for Don to be sent to. It’s a lovely island off the cost of Brazil, called Liha da Queimada Grande, lovely place just right for him.
an hour ago
Glenn…so your are an orange now? Like the OrangeMan himself….OH GAWD! I Peay not.
an hour ago
Murph –
an hour ago
TW…I shall look the isle up.
an hour ago
Murph – Smith just filed again with Cannon to put a gag order on Trump. I think he’ll use her likely denial on that to go to the 11th Circuit, have her overturned and hopefully thrown off the case.
AdLiban hour ago
I always figured if he ran, he’d go to Brunei. He knows the autocratic Sultan, it’s tropical, rich, RW, and a perfect place for MAL 2.
an hour ago
CL – With you on that, can’t stand to look at or listen to Katie Tur. I change the channel anytime I see her now.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad and CL…my understanding is that the 11th is a right leaning bench…yes?
an hour ago
As far as incarceration – I’m fine with anywhere he can’t escape
an hour ago
Murph – No. The 11th already reversed Cannon on Trump issues TWICE. They’re pretty middle of the road. It’s the fifth CIRCUIT that is very conservative, not the 11th C.
an hour ago
CL…oh the image of Trump trying to climb over a wall…….worth the price of admission.
44 minutes ago

Murph its population consists about 2-4 thousand golden lancehead vipers considered the most deadly of all vipers.
44 minutes ago
Murph – that fat ass ain’t going over no wall.
44 minutes ago
CL…thanks for. the explanation.
44 minutes ago
TW – perfect place for Donnie.
44 minutes ago

CL I think so.
44 minutes ago

CL there will be no escape for this Island, you check in but you don’t ever check out.
42 minutes ago
Murph – how are things going for Lucas?
42 minutes ago
One more thing to consider, after he’s sentenced, Trump will have terms of parole that will require that he does not commit a crime or he will be arrested and thrown in prison. So if Trump tries to pull another seditious revolt, Merchan and NY State can immediately grab him and throw him into prison! And we know Trump is planning on committing another election crime this year, as he did each year he’s run for office.
AdLib42 minutes ago
TW – it’s the Roach Motel for Trump? Cool!
42 minutes ago
Did you see Trump’s lead attorney today telling an interviewer that had he called more witnesses they would have been doing the prosecution’s job…oh my….what a slip.
42 minutes ago
Ad – that is a very good thing to know. No more criming or you’re toast.
41 minutes ago
CL…Lucas is taking very heavy fire now….a sure sign that the opposition is worried about him but the odds are still long.
41 minutes ago

Ad haven’t been on my system today so Smith filed again. This is getting good.
41 minutes ago
Murph – I did see that interview and was “What?” That guy is either too sandwiches short of a picnic or one of us.
41 minutes ago
Murph – here’s hoping things go like Angela Alsobrooks who was polling at 8″% down BUT WON 18% OVER her opponent. The polls suck. No good way to know.
40 minutes ago
CL….I think the attorney was rather skillfully covering his own butt…..beause he also made it clear that the person in control of the strategy was T.
40 minutes ago
Murph – The 11th cracked down on Cannon twice already. They may lean right but there are Dem appointed judges there and I think they all can see that Cannon discredits their profession. They won’t hesitate to remove her iMO with the proper appeal and grounds from Smith.
AdLib39 minutes ago
Murph – I figured the attorney was removing a “incompetent counsel” appeal there.
39 minutes ago
CL…makes sense.
39 minutes ago
Ad…is there any chance that the documents case can move from dormant to active in good time.
38 minutes ago

Cannon needs to taken off the case and reassigned to traffic court
37 minutes ago
Murph – I had one reaction after seeing Trump’s attorney interviewed on CNN…he is a bumbling fool. And someone mentioned the irony of their defense having been about Trump not being hands-on at his company and ignorant of the fraudulent business filings and checks repaying Cohen…yet when asked if Trump was involved in decision making on defending the case, he said, “What do you think?” He is awful and that’s the best Trump can get at this point.
AdLib37 minutes ago
TW….I would be ok with that as long as her job was defined as holding court in the midst of the traffic.
36 minutes ago

Murph well, let consider that for a moment, hmmm, okay I can get down with that.
35 minutes ago
Ad…..Trump ensures that any attorney who defends him has a fool for a client.
35 minutes ago
35 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, there is a possibility that as Smith keeps filing motions against Trump with Cannon that are tough but warranted, she will eventually refuse to act legally and then he can go to the 11th and seek mandamus, replacing Cannon, and the case moves forward.
AdLib34 minutes ago

The only thing I have to say about Trump’s lead lawyer, is it’s a good thing for him he got his money up front. Because he can forget about getting any more money out of Trump going forward and as I understand for the moment he can’t drop Trump as a client.
34 minutes ago
CA has now defrocked Eastman, and even I won my CA Bar arbitration against an asshole attorney. The mood is shifting on judges, counsel, and overall failures to deliver justice. I got 3/4 of my money back. That ain’t hay.
33 minutes ago
Murph – Also, by having a rep for not paying lawyers and losing every big case he’s been in so far, Trump always has fools for lawyers.
AdLib33 minutes ago

CL the took his law license?
33 minutes ago
Alina Habba was wrong – you can’t fake being smart, and she aint’ that pretty
32 minutes ago
TW – not yet. That’s a separate investigation. But we proved he took money and never did the work. The three member panel was NOT nice to him.
32 minutes ago

CL well I guess it will happen for him very soon.
31 minutes ago
Consider this, Trump’s lawyers have lost in cases costing him half a billion dollars and probably more and becoming the first ex-president convicted of felonies. So how good do Trump’s lawyers look? Yes, they have a blatant criminal for a client but Trump has lost 5 cases in a row in NY, he has to be hating on his lawyers.
AdLib31 minutes ago
Just saw an interesting discussion on MSNBC……Stephanie Ruhle just made the point that anyone on the jury who deadlocked it could have made herself or himself a hero to the right and been on the road to a very lucrative place in the GOP heavens.
31 minutes ago
Ad – Trump may hate his attorneys. It isn’t half of what they think of him.
30 minutes ago
I would love Habba to take over any of his trials, she thinks the way to act like a lawyer in court is to be a mean girl cheerleader type, what an idjit! Perfect for Trump the idjit.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Murph – one of the women on the jury said she got her news from Truth Social and STILL voted GUILTY on all charges. That’s powerful argument for how good a case they made.
29 minutes ago

Ad how does the saying go, ‘you get what you pay for’ in the case with Trump you stiff your legal team they end up doing a crappy job for you. Seems like an even trade off to me.
29 minutes ago
TW – I can’t figure out how Trump hasn’t figured out you don’t stiff the people saving your ass.
29 minutes ago

Cl Truth social what an oxymoron that is.
29 minutes ago

Cl, because he is an ass himself.
28 minutes ago
TW – isn’t it? But that juror did her job.
28 minutes ago
Tw – we know that, but you would THINK he’d learn. Noooooo.
28 minutes ago
Murph – Oh yeah, I was actually considering that before the jury decision. A juror like the one who used Truth Social as their news source could hold out to nullify the decision then be a celebrate Kyle Rittenhouse type in the GOP and become a “star” of the party. Glad that didn’t happen but they would’ve probably lost every friend and family member if they betrayed the country in that way.
AdLib27 minutes ago

CL his behavior now and when he was a child shows why his father put in military school.
27 minutes ago
The prosecution apparently thought she was responsible enough via her other answers on the questionnaire to risk it. It panned out.
26 minutes ago
Ad…..but think of how many new friends he/she would have pickup. True, blue friends…yeah, right!
26 minutes ago
Ad – the hope is nobody knows who she and the other jurors are. Heard someone is trying to doxx the panel. Don’t know if they actually are.
26 minutes ago
TW – In Trump’s case, he gets what he doesn’t pay for when it comes to lawyers. What quality lawyer wants to work for free for an obvious criminal who will micro-manage them and make them lose big time in a national spotlight? Trump’s attorneys in this case have damaged their reps substantially.
AdLib25 minutes ago
TW…Trump, so the story goes, has claimed that his time at the NYMA was the equivalent of having serviced in the military.
25 minutes ago
Ad – remember when Jones Day briefly represented him after the election? That lasted about 3 weeks before they withdrew. He drives away GOOD attorneys. He gets what’s left.’
24 minutes ago

Murph yeah and I guess his bone spurs didn’t bother him at all
24 minutes ago
Ad…which is why his attorneys are trying to make it clear that HE was the chief strategist.
24 minutes ago
Murph – Maybe she likes having friends who have all their teeth and don’t go to the 7-11 with an assault rifle and two handguns on them?
AdLib23 minutes ago
Murph – well, back during WW II Reagan did stateside duty and wrote in his sign in log about his military experience, “I was in Brother Rate, don’t they know who I am?” He thought being in a movie was the same.
23 minutes ago
23 minutes ago
CL – Right but my point is that if she had come out as the juror who blocked the case to be celebrated by the GOP, we’d all know who she was and her family, kids, and friends would disown her.
AdLib22 minutes ago
Sorry – Brother Rat, a film about the military.
22 minutes ago
Ad – exactly. She opted to do the right thing for whatever reason. I’m fine w that.
22 minutes ago
CL….you mean Ronnie wasn’t a hero? Next thing you will tell me is that Duke Wayne wasn’t a hero either.
22 minutes ago
Murph – Wayne never was in WW II. Jimmy Stewart was. Not The Duke.
21 minutes ago
CL….yes, I know……Duke was a fraud……
20 minutes ago
CL – Yes, I remember Jones Day bailing on him. I mean, who did they think they were getting in bed with? Trump thinks he’s the smartest man in the world and no doubt started dictating to them how to lawyer for him. They saw quickly, this was going to be a disaster for their firm’s rep.
AdLib20 minutes ago
Duke’s real name is Marion. He wore makeup and recited lines written by some Jewish guy from the Bronx in his scripts. And yet – big man. We Americans are really suckers.
20 minutes ago
Murph – His lawyer’s claim about Trump working with him on the defense did seem like a weaselly way for him to shift the blame on Trump for the loss. Sad.
AdLib19 minutes ago

Just finished reading and excellent book: Jeus and John Wayne How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation: John Wayne is the idol (next to Jesus) the Evangelical use as an example of what it means to be a “man.”
18 minutes ago
Ad – I figured that was the only honest thing the attorney ever said.
18 minutes ago
CL – Oh yeah, I remember Reagan in Brother Rat. He was the rat.
AdLib18 minutes ago
CL…..there is a school of thought that Wayne’s performances in True Grit, The Cowboys and The Shootist were all a sort of apology for his false front.
18 minutes ago
TW – I know the book. On my “guilt pile” of books unread, but I have read Gary Wills book on how what we think we know about the American West is all from Wayne and not reality.
18 minutes ago
Murph – that could be. Too little, too late.
17 minutes ago
CL..agreed….I happen to like all three films precisely because they show Wayne as a sad, weak soul who somehow manages to inspire.
16 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t think so, those three Wayne movies were stories fitting an aging “cowboy”, he didn’t have anything to do with writing the scripts.
AdLib16 minutes ago
I guess I can’t forgive him enough to like those films, though I did like True Grit OK.
16 minutes ago

CL your “guilt pile” you will be forgiven. At least you have it. Can’t say that for a lot of folks who run around here saying we’re a Christian nation and should be ruled as such.
15 minutes ago
Despite Wayne being a phony and a traitor for his naming names in the McCarthy witch hunt, he was in some very good movies. True Grit, including the remake with Jeff Bridges (by the Cohen Bros), are very good films.
AdLib14 minutes ago
TW – as the public policy director for a liberal Protestant group, I GAG at the notion of a Christian nation and especially at their idea of Christianity and America.
14 minutes ago
Ad….Wayne had real control over the roles he took……and in those three he is old, broken and weak…..which allows for a certain nobility to emerge.
14 minutes ago
Murph – still can’t forgive him.
14 minutes ago

I liked Wayne as an actor and that’s it. Acting and politics for me are two separate things and I will nor have ever taken advice from people who pretend for a living on how I should vote or what I believe in.
13 minutes ago
TW – good points.
13 minutes ago
CL…not expected…..I just find his last film choices very interesting.
13 minutes ago
Murph – I hadn’t really thought about it, so I will now maybe think about it.
13 minutes ago
Murph – You’ll see the same pattern in films for Clint Eastwood as he got older, you have to play more dramatic and emotionally challenging roles as you become an older cowboy because you can’t just be about the action, harder to believe an older cowboy riding and fighting like a guy in his 20s.
AdLib12 minutes ago
Ad…valid points.
12 minutes ago
Well….I have a full day tomorrow with Kunce and Company.
11 minutes ago

Ad I remember Eastwood in Raw Hide.
11 minutes ago
TW as Rowdy Yates!
11 minutes ago

Murph yep.
11 minutes ago
It’s a real issue, when you like an actor or musician then later find out they’re awful people. Can you still watch their movies or listen to their music?
AdLib10 minutes ago
What I AM thinking about happily is that despite major criticism, I am THRILLED Pres. Biden has today given the green light to Ukraine going into Russia w our weaponry. Watching what happened, I know the other members of NATO all had to decide, as the high risk countries, to agree BEFORE we pushed the idea. This was the dead opposite of 2003 and Iraq. Once the smaller nations agreed, Biden immediately gave the OK. It was amazingly strategic and means everyone is on board from THEIR positions, not our bullying.
10 minutes ago
Eastwood in Unforgiven is pretty damn good. It’s a great film. Yet he’s soured his legacy by talking to an empty chair as Obama at the RNC convention.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Murph – have a really good day with Lucas’ campaign. I have high hopes, polls be damned. Thank you for all you do.
9 minutes ago
Ad…..if I have to like those whose work I find important then my days as a classical music aficionado are numbered
9 minutes ago
Ad Eastwood could have been great, were it not for the chair.
9 minutes ago

Ad for me sometimes it gets in the way. But, I’ve be able to separate the two. Their politics are their politics. But what does bother me when I find out actors I have liked are out and out racists then I no longer watch their moves or listen to what they have to say.
8 minutes ago
Murph – that’s the truth. Lots to dislike about otherwise magnificent composers.
8 minutes ago
CL – From what I understand, it’s a conditional okay from Biden to Ukraine for bombing in Russia, only in locations that are attacking Karkiv.
AdLib8 minutes ago
TW – I am horrified to learn Dreyfuss was so awful last week. i’m with you – I cannot tolerate that.
8 minutes ago
Ad – that report had no basis for saying that was the reservation – it was such a weak “well, keep it to Karkiv” that I think it was either a wink and a nod or never actually happened.
7 minutes ago
CL….one of my friends has a son who is a military trainer working with Ukrainian forces…..he tells me that his son’s admiration for them is without bounds….he has told his dad these women and men are the best he has ever encountered. True patriots.
7 minutes ago

CL yeah I’ve already reworked the Jaws scene in my head where he gets eaten by the shark and it the shark says, ‘tastes like chicken.’
7 minutes ago
Murp[h – I absolutely agree. They are amazing people in war and on the home front.
6 minutes ago
Murph – As I said, it’s a tough choice. I’m not an absolutist on it. But I can’t watch Naked Gun movies again because OJ is in them. And Eric Clapton came out as an anti-semetic jerk so I don’t like listening to him anymore. But there are some who turned out to be jerks that I can still watch and listen to, like Eastwood.
AdLib6 minutes ago
TW!!!! –
6 minutes ago
Ad – some people aren’t all one thing. Eastwood is one of them, but others, well…
5 minutes ago
CL – Yes, that was a bit shocking, to find out what an utter creature Richard Dreyfus is. Not feeling it to watch any of his movies again.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Ok…this time I need to climb into my bed…..day begins in not too many hours. Peace to you all.
4 minutes ago
Why would he say such things at this stage in his career??? No reason makes sense.
4 minutes ago

Murph take care.
4 minutes ago
CL – Hope you’re right and that Ukraine can now hit anywhere in Russia.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Good night, Murph – think I’m following your lead. Long day doing ballot analyses. Brain dead I fear.’
4 minutes ago
TW –
AdLib3 minutes ago

CL you take care as well.
3 minutes ago
Ad – nobody gave free rein, but they are all starting within 100km of the Ukrainian border where the Russians are amassed, and that is LETHAL to Russia.
3 minutes ago
CL – Usually, it’s just revealing the creature they’ve always been but as they get older, they feel less reservations about blurting out their bigotry.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Good night all! Next week. Stay safe and sane in the meantime.
2 minutes ago
CL – Sounds great to me!
AdLib2 minutes ago
Ad – I guess, but it sucks.
2 minutes ago
TW – Feeling a bit under the weather tonight so not up to chat tonight. Let’s pick it up later in the week. Really enjoyed chatting with you as the jury decision came in on Trump though!
AdLiba minute ago

No problem not feeling so well myself. Catch you later. Have a good weeken.
a few seconds ago
Sounds good, let’s both get better over the weekend! Sleep well!
AdLibin a few seconds

Take care.
in a few seconds
You too!
AdLibin a few seconds
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