Voz Populi, our weekly live chat begins tonight at 7:00 pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 days ago

Hey Ad


3 days ago

Nothing like a little chaos in the House


3 days ago

Hey TW! How bout Don Snoreleone, the Godfarter?

AdLib3 days ago

Love that Johnson’s finally accepted staying with MAGA and MTG is a dead end.

AdLib3 days ago

Well if you don’t sleep at night you’re going to sleep during the day. But in Court you’re just asking for trouble.


3 days ago

What do you think the over and under on him keeping the job??


3 days ago

I think it’s just the Adderall wearing off and no way to get a hit while sitting in court.

AdLib3 days ago

Johnson will keep his job as a reward for abandoning MTG and holding votes on foreign aid.

AdLib3 days ago

So we’re going to have the first coalition House?


3 days ago


AdLib3 days ago

Well, that can’t be all bad. MTG is going out her mind, wait, what am I saying she doesn’t have a mind.


3 days ago

It means the end of MTG having any influence in Congress anymore. And of course that’s a good thing.

AdLib3 days ago

Lock him up!


3 days ago

I see Gossard joined in wanting to kick out Johnson, snakes really do turn on each other don’t they?


3 days ago

Hey Glenn.

AdLib3 days ago

Good evening gents.


3 days ago

Glenn how are you!!


3 days ago

Did you see that Trump was trying to put a stay on the trial by claiming the jury selection was too quick?

AdLib3 days ago

TW, I’m not too bad. Feeling halfway decent tonight which is why I thought I would join you all.


3 days ago

Ad I didn’t see that, now that is bat shit crazy and damn funny


3 days ago

Glenn – So glad you’re feeling good today and you’re here.

AdLib3 days ago

And the appeals court quickly denied his request for a stay.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad was that the request that rejected as soon as it hit the appeals court?


3 days ago

AD, Trump has been trying to stop this trial since it was announced. I’m waiting for the judge to get really upset with all of trumps nonsense. I saw today he told him to sit down.


3 days ago

Thanks A.D. I always get back from dialysis and think I’m going to make it tonight to Vox. And then of course I don’t always as you know. So I’m glad to be here tonight


3 days ago

Glenn Trump never grew out of he petulant child phase.


3 days ago

Come on Ad, tell us how you really feel.


3 days ago

Sorry, never have the TV on when you’re using voice to text.

AdLib3 days ago

TW, ain’t that the truth? He’s nothing but a spoiled brat.


3 days ago

Trump is the wannabe strong man that is as stupid as a bag of door knobs.


3 days ago

Well that must be some program with that kind of cussing!


3 days ago

So now that the jury has been selected are you guys worried about this trial? Do you think his lawyers will try to pull a fast one? So far though I’m very impressed with this judge because he isn’t taking any of trumps shit.


3 days ago

Actually, I was just watching a documentary Trump.

AdLib3 days ago

I think if Trump felt he had a Ringer in the jury he wouldn’t have tried to get the appeals court to get rid of the jury.

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn I think the judge will keep everyone in line, but I be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about the trail. All it takes is on person on jury to hang it.


3 days ago

Again, That must be some program. Although I’ve got to say those words describe him to a T.


3 days ago

If you refresh your screen, that awfulness will be gone.

AdLib3 days ago

Hey there Glenn…my friend, how goes it with your?


3 days ago

TW yeah I’m with you. All it takes is one. I hate to see the son of a bitch walk. He should be in jail now anyway for all the violations of his gag order.


3 days ago

Howdy Ad and TW….


3 days ago

Murph is in the House now the party is in full swing


3 days ago

Hey Murph!

AdLib3 days ago

Murph! I’m doing all right. How goes it with you?


3 days ago

Glenn I know I shouldn’t say this, but I would feel better if he was under the jail.


3 days ago

TW why shouldn’t you say that? That’s where he belongs. Plus not to worry you’re among friends.


3 days ago

Glenn there are times I try to be good. Operative word is try. 🙂


3 days ago

Murph how’s it going with your campaigning?


3 days ago

do you think Trump may fall asleep when the judge is delivering the sentence and wake up in prison?

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn….so glad to hear that your are ok…..think of you very often. Busy here in the land of barbarians……much involved in a political campaign for Senate and int trying to get medical services for women (part of a choice group).


3 days ago

TW yeah I get it. All you can do is try


3 days ago

Thanks Murph. I try to get here every week but my dialysis just does me in sometimes.


3 days ago

Glenn….Lucas is hold his own but the soft read state with hints blue that I moved to 20 years ago is so long gone.


3 days ago

Murph the land of barbarians, apt description of what you’re dealing with.


3 days ago

I always read the archives on Saturday morning to see what you guys have been talking about. You all have such interesting discussions.


3 days ago

Glenn….is the dialysis saving your needs…….]


3 days ago

I saw that the MAGA Luna said to Republicans would resign from the house and leave Democrats in control.

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn….the archives on Saturday morning….now that makes me feel really, really good.


3 days ago

Yeah I know what you mean about the blue. Florida seems to be just as bad as Missouri.


3 days ago

AD….who is MAGA Luna?


3 days ago

Ad…did you see Civil War?


3 days ago

That MAGA representative with the last name Luna. Crazy woman from Florida?

AdLib3 days ago

Yes Murph the dialysis is keeping me alive.


3 days ago

But it does have side effects.


3 days ago

Murph – no I haven’t seen Civil War yet. I’ll do it next week

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn……I am happy to hear that….the treatment can be very hard on folks but when it works for you…..then it is of worth.


3 days ago

so who agrees that this was a great week for America and Democrats?

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn I read a piece where the Gov is trying, and the operative word is trying to pull back some of the crazies on their book banning nonsense.


3 days ago

See Murph what I mean? The crazy woman from Florida as Ad says.


3 days ago

Ad I will say it’s a damn good start.


3 days ago

Interesting how Johnson flipped to really supporting the Ukraine funding. If his break with the MAGAS works, it may break the spell.

AdLib3 days ago

AD, I agree it was a good week for America and Democrats. The treasonous lying bully is finally being held accountable.


3 days ago

TW That’s surprising that the governor is trying to pull back on Saban that book betting nonsense since he’s the one that started it in the first place. But I guess now that he’s not running for president anymore he can afford to be a little more sane.


3 days ago

Glenn I did indeed find that a bit surprising.


3 days ago

Whoa! Using Voice to text and that first sentence didn’t come out so well. What I meant to say was surprising that the governor is trying to pull back on that book panning nonsense.


3 days ago

Looks like we lost Ad and Murph


3 days ago

Aargh! Book banning nonsense


3 days ago

Glenn….What do think the Gov’s game is?


3 days ago

Banning of books never has and will never work, I don’t understand why people don’t get that.


3 days ago

Murph. Not really sure what his game is but I think he got burned very badly in his bid for the Republican nomination. And I think he’s realize the backlash against the state. From what I’ve read we are losing many professionals and professors from colleges and universities.


3 days ago

TW I don’t understand why people don’t get a lot of things nowadays. But you’re right but banning never worked


3 days ago

Murph how are the folks taking what Johnson has done with working with Dems to get aid packages passed?


3 days ago

Glenn…what is DeSantis’ future likely to be. He is done as gov, yes?


3 days ago

Book banning never worked


3 days ago

Glenn right. Back in the day the tried to ban The Bible and look what that got them.


3 days ago

Sorry, had to change devices. This one has much less cursing because I’m typing.

AdLib3 days ago

TW….you know….it is amazing how totally out of touch the folks are on the right….if it is not a Trump Thing it does not matter.


3 days ago

Ad, really you’re blaming on the computer? Ok.


3 days ago

Murph not sure regarding DeSantis future. I think once his tenure at governor is over he can’t run again. But I’m not really sure I’d have to look it up.


3 days ago

Glenn..maybe the Senate….not likely but maybe.


3 days ago

Too bad Ad. I kind of like the cursing.


3 days ago

Glenn I believe your gov is indeed term limited. But I don’t think he’s done.


3 days ago

TW – I thought I was buying a Dell computer but it was a Yell.

AdLib3 days ago

Glenn – Heh!

AdLib3 days ago

Ad well just a few letters off.


3 days ago

Did you all hear the Dems are introducing a bill that would strip anyone who has secret service protection of that protection if they are jailed. I am sure it is tongue in cheek, but it is a shot across the bow.


3 days ago

Murph I think you’re right about the Senate.


3 days ago

Murph didn’t hear that. But I have to guess it was directed at the organge one.


3 days ago

Consider this, next week Trump begins his trial as a criminal defendant, a hearing will take place over his bond in the Engoran case that will probably throw it out and Ukraine aid should be passed in The House then in The Senate. And MTG’s head will explode from realizing she’s just lost all her believed power.

AdLib3 days ago

TW no unfortunately I don’t think DeSantis is done either. But I do think it depends on a lot of things. One of them being how much of a hold Trump is still going to get hall over the Republican party. Because there’s definitely no love lost between the two of them. We do you live in interesting times


3 days ago

Glenn…makes sense…..I think that the Senate might be more attractive for him….bloviating is something he does with ease and many in the Senate are just big bags of air.


3 days ago

Glenn isn’t Rick Scott up for reelection this year?


3 days ago

Oh I hope they film MTG’s head exploding! Lol! What do you mean throw it out? Will they throw the bond out? Does that mean Trump has to come up with it soon? It just blows my mind how much this man is allowed to get away with


3 days ago

Rick Scott…what a charmer.


3 days ago

Murph how is you man doing?


3 days ago

TW yes I think Rick Scott is up for reelection. I read different things about his chances. One place I read he doesn’t have a chance and another place I read he’s gonna take it all so who knows?


3 days ago

TW….Kunce is making good waves…..there is just such knee jerk reaction to any democratic push that it is hard to break into key demographic groups.


3 days ago

OK gents I’m quickly running out of steam. I just have one thing to say before I go. And that’s lock him up!


3 days ago

It was so great being here tonight. I always enjoy talking to you all.


3 days ago

Glenn….you were great….thanks for the time…..take good care…..sending good thoughts your way…..Luv Ya


3 days ago

What do we think of Speaker Johnson…..is he awaking to reality……


3 days ago

Glad you made it, glenn!

AdLib3 days ago

Murph, Thank you.


3 days ago

Ad, Yeah me too good night


3 days ago

Rick Scott has very low approvals. He could lose now that FL has abortion rights on the ballot.

AdLib3 days ago

Did you all see Dr. Timothy Snyder take on the House reps who are know nothings repeating propaganda tropes from Russia and China. He could not be silenced.


3 days ago

I was just listening the Timothy Snyder eviscerate MTG about Nazism in Ukraine in a hearing in the house. MTG has the brain of a fly that is half dead.


3 days ago

It sure seems like some of the GOP older guard are stepping up to take on views that endanger the nation.


3 days ago

Murph the tv is on in the background and I heard him speaking so I had to watch and he just schooled Green which a two year old can do but it was damn fun to watch.


3 days ago

Yes, Snyder wiped the floor with MTG. Her days of pushing the House and Speaker around are over.

AdLib3 days ago

Murph I don’t usually watch cspan but I’m going to look for that so I can watch the entire hearing.


3 days ago

TW….there are the tiniest of signs that an awakening is possible.


3 days ago

Ad…what is your take on Johnson…..


3 days ago

Murph perhaps there is some hope.


3 days ago

I think we are losing our thread.


3 days ago

I think Johnson recognized that he would either go down in history as the main person to blame for the Russian takeover and mass murder of Ukraine leading to WWIII when Russia invaded an EU or NATO country next…or he could bow to MTG and ignore that. He was told how Ukraine would lose this year if they didn’t get this. He couldn’t live with that I assume.

AdLib3 days ago

Murph I believe we may have lost Ad.


3 days ago

Ad you’re back


3 days ago

The thread is a bit wavy tonight.


3 days ago

I’m here, using my iPad and trying to get my computer on the hotel WiFi with no success.

AdLib3 days ago

What do you mean about the thread, Murph?

AdLib3 days ago

Ad I was wondering if that was why we kept losing you. Hotel wifi is always a problem.


3 days ago

Ad…Johnson is a mystery to me…..he shows signs of having what it takes to shift his ground and to create a new web of across the aisle alliances. Dem leadership has been creative in finding ways to work with and around…


3 days ago

TW – Such a pain in the butt. No idea why the Wi-Fi won’t connect on my laptop. Oh well, I’m okay on the iPad.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad I wouldn’t even try to explain hotel wifi other than it’s wonky as all hell.


3 days ago

Well….I need to move onto and into bed….I am one olde campaigner.


3 days ago

Aha! Tried Safari browser and it worked! Didn’t like Firefox.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad….any thoughts on Johnson.


3 days ago

Murph Johnson strikes me as the type of person who licks his finger sticks up in the air to see which the wind is blowing and makes his decisions accordingly.


3 days ago

TW……of course that is a survival tool in most political life.


3 days ago

Murph no courage at all. No ability to take a stand. No willingness to be true one’s beliefs.


3 days ago

Murph, commented some thoughts on Johnson above. I just think he found himself between a rock and a hard place, the rock was MTG’s version of a brain and letting Ukraine be conquered and EU to follow wasn’t a good deal to him. What do you think?

AdLib3 days ago

Ad MTG understanding of geo-political aspects is on the level of expecting an ameba to explain the theory of relativity.


3 days ago

Johnson is self-serving, he knew he would be the sacrificial lamb for the destruction and takeover of Ukraine and MTG was kicking him in the balls anyway. So he decided, better to do at least one right thing and take MTG’s power away as part of the deal or be kicked in the balls until Dems take over in Jan.

AdLib3 days ago

TW – Well said! My dog has a better chance of understanding quantum mechanics than MTG does of understanding the truth and how the world really is.

AdLib3 days ago

And BTW, my dog is far smarter than MTG and has more toes than her.

AdLib3 days ago

From my much faster typing, you can see I’m on my laptop now.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad and TW…I. accept your reading of Johnson’s orientation and motivation but sometimes people fumble and stumble into a place where their stock can rise and they can find a new role. He may be discovering how useful across the aisle strategy is.


3 days ago

Ad your dog does understand quantum mechanics and lot of other stuff he gets you to do things you don’t want to do, you actually believe playing fetch is because he wants to, it’s because he knows you need the execise.


3 days ago

Murph yes sometimes people do stumble into doing the right thing.


3 days ago

Murph – I respect and admire your optimism and you know me, I have plenty of it myself. But in Johnson’s case, I don’t think he was moved by conscience. He supports many horrible things including theocracy by Dominionists and wants a national abortion ban. He diesn’t care what the majority thinks, he just didn’t like MTG having him on a leash, IMO.

AdLib3 days ago

Well….I am done for the night I think. Good to be with you both.


3 days ago

Murph as always good to converse with you.


3 days ago

TW – My dog recruits me to play fetch to test her theories about connections between gravity and treats.

AdLib3 days ago

Night Murph!

AdLib3 days ago

Ad see I told you your dog is way smarter than MTG and many Repugs.


3 days ago

Sorry about all the issues on my side tonight, bumpy ride for me but all is well now.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad not a problem.


3 days ago

TW – My dog is very smart about people. She would sniff out MTG as a beast very quickly.

AdLib3 days ago

Ad….just read your assessment of Johnson….I think you capture his ideology well but what I am wondering is if what we have here is shift based on sheer pragmatism. Being theSpeak who pulls the GOP back toward the middle might be a significant place holder for him.


3 days ago

And now I AM off to bed.


3 days ago

Murph take care see you next week.


3 days ago

Murph – I’d go part of the way into the pragmatic aspect of his conversion. But I would argue that any man who deems himself Moses and goes to Mar-a-Lago to stand with Trump and declare that immigrants need to be stopped from voting, something he knows is a lie, has no real conscience. I think he was tired of getting beaten down from the middle and left on Ukraine while MTG was screaming at him and threatening him day after day. SOmething had to give so he turned away from MTG and the most radical MAGAs.

AdLib3 days ago

Up for a chat?

AdLib3 days ago

Yes, will call you in minute.


3 days ago


AdLib3 days ago

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