Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!

AdLiban hour ago

HI CL! Having a nice holidays?

AdLiban hour ago

I yam here.


an hour ago

Howdy! Did you have a nice Christmas?

AdLiban hour ago

Yes. Quiet. Way I need it! Hubs is still sick, but getting better.


an hour ago

Oh no, is it congestion he’s dealing with?

AdLiban hour ago

We actually had a HOUSE call from two lovely women, a PA and a tech. They said he has a lowgrade fever but is otherwise OK.


an hour ago

No congestion – exhaustion.


an hour ago

UC Davis is now offering visiting nurses to your home. How old school cool is THAT?


an hour ago

That’s fantastic, to have a house call. Didn’t know those were doable anymore. Glad he diesn’t have congestion, exhaustion isn’t great though.

AdLiban hour ago

Hey PPO!

AdLiban hour ago

PPO!!! Happy Hols, dear friend!


an hour ago

Hi, Ad, CL. Happy New Year


an hour ago

Very nice that UC Davis is doing such a wonderful thing!

AdLiban hour ago

UCD started up the service in September. I think it’s really helpful and keeps us out of the general pop so as not to infect anyone.


an hour ago

Happy New Year, dear PPO


an hour ago

Happy pre-New Year PPO and CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Many thanks, CL. I will be ringing in NY at my yacht skipper’s home next door to the Yacht Club! Fireworks in the distance.


an hour ago

CL – I think it’s brilliant. Other universities with medical schools should be doing the same across the country. Think how much of an improvement in recoveries and health there would be!

AdLiban hour ago



an hour ago

Hey TW!

AdLiban hour ago

We are supposed to see friends and stay over NYE. Not clear that’s happening. Among other things, our friend’s BIL – whom you have talked to, Ad who is into climate issues – has esophageal cancer and is coming there to stay with them, so we CANNOT expose them.”


an hour ago

Good evening everyone hope you all had a nice Christmas and Santa was good to you.


an hour ago



an hour ago

Hey CL good to see you


an hour ago

CL – Very sorry to hear the news about the BIL. Of course, you can’t take the chance of getting him sick.

AdLiban hour ago

There is so much to discuss


an hour ago

OK, frankly, Santa sucked this year. But we still had a nice time, and I did not set off the fire alarm cooking. Seriously bad holiday tradition. I managed not to do it.


an hour ago

How many States will ban Yambo from the polls?


an hour ago

TW – what’s on the discussion agenda?


an hour ago

Should we start a pool on how many states will kick Trump off their ballot before the SCOTUS rules? And since states have authority over elections, can SCOTUS bar them from enforcing state election laws based on clear constitutional law?

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – so far two. The momentum is growing for banning the Yam Man from the ballot.


an hour ago

CL there is so much


an hour ago

Ad – I am always at my worst on state v federal pre-emption.


an hour ago

Ad a pool sounds like a great idea


an hour ago

I see Susan Collins is Concerned.


an hour ago

PPO – a lot of peals went South in Maine these past two days. Susan’s clutching to a faretheewell.


an hour ago

I mentioned to TW, if the 14th Amendment argument focused on the violation of providing aid and comfort to seditionists, Trump should lose the case decisively. Why don’t we hear more of the focus on that provision of the 14th? Trump said he “loved” them during the sedition on 1/6 and praised them, has promised to pardon them all, what more insrguable evidence is needed?

AdLiban hour ago

PPO how’s are things with you?


an hour ago

Ad – I don’t think the case on removal from the ballot has even reached SCOTUS, and, with the possible reservation on Thomas and Scalia, I think the rest of the justices are on the side of – it says what is says, remove him.]


an hour ago

CL – Do Mainers really care anymore what Collins thinks after she “thought” Kavanaugh wouldn’t vote to repeal Roe and Trump would “learn his lesson” on sedition?

AdLiban hour ago

Fine, thanks, TW. Invited to NY party at my boat skippers place. Mucho Buckos bayside..


an hour ago

Ad – My impression is filtered through liberals in ME who have had a belly full of Susan. I think she won’t survive the next election.


an hour ago

PPO – That sounds like a ton of fun!


an hour ago

cl, no GOP’ers should survive, so many traitors to their Oaths .


an hour ago

PPO – are you settling in and enjoying the condo?


an hour ago

PPO Wow that should be good.


an hour ago

Still unpacking boxes, but quite settled in . No room yet for a housewarming!


an hour ago

PPO – I think the issue is WHO decided. If the states get to, everyone south of the Mason Dixon line will keep him. Most north of that may not.


an hour ago

CL – You’re right, it has never reached the SCOTUS but my frustration is that pundits and hosts on CNN and MSNBC keep making the argument that proving Trump committed sedition is not easy. Yet the 14th ALSO says you can’t run for office after taking an oath and providing aid or comfort to seditionists. That can be proven hands down. Why not nail him on the portion that is a slam dunk and gives SCOTUS no choice but to agree? I don’t understand why this seems to take a backseat in the media conversations.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – no rush on the housewarming. But we WOULD love pix when you think it looks good.’


an hour ago

Will do CL.


an hour ago

Ad – most of the people I listen to in ONLY the evenings think the 14th is very clear. He did it. He can’t run.


an hour ago

Ad – MSM just don’t tackle difficult and thorny issues EVER.


an hour ago

CL – Whatever facade Collins has been sustaining for decades seems to have fallen apart now. Even if she wasn’t ignorant and a liar, just making the terrible call on Kavanaugh and voting him in to kill Roe, even if just presented as a “mistake” (which it wasn’t), should be the end of her career.

AdLiban hour ago

CL, the MSM will only if it is thorny for Dems.


an hour ago

Ad – I SO want Susan defeated. She’s the quintessential hypocrite. Bah!


an hour ago

PPO how are the folks down your way seeing this? I image it seems a bit strange.


an hour ago

CL – The most important thing is that the swing states would mostly kick Trump off the ballot so he will have no way to win even if red states kept him on.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO – agreed. Now even Fox is saying Bidenomincs works, and MSM isn’t. Yikes!


an hour ago

Ad – totally correct.


an hour ago

CL – That’s good to hear. I do think the “aid and comfort” aspect is the most bulletproof though which is why I think it should be the primary thrist.

AdLiban hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

We Down Under have our own RWNJs running the MSM, TV and Papers. They’re a nasty as the US, if not worse. A lot of corruption is being unearthed by the Labor Govt from the previous gummint of Evilgelicals.


an hour ago

CL – Roe couldn’t have been overturned without Collins voting for the SCOTUS members who killed it. She needs to have that tied to her ankles like an anchor and sunk over it.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I agree. We shall see.


an hour ago

PPO – is Murdoch in charge of any media there since it’s where he cut his teeth.


an hour ago

Ad, agree about Colllins, but will Dems keep that front and centre in their campaigns?


an hour ago

PPO – she isn’t running this year, so I doubt she will be a Dem focus. But the ISSUES she unleashed will be.


an hour ago

CL – Yes and now public opinion on Biden seems to be dragged upwards with the good economic news…despite the MSM and RW pounding how bad inflation and the economy is when it’s not.

AdLiban hour ago

PPO not God fearing evangelists


an hour ago

I’m pushing MSM to start interviewing people in diners who have BENEFITTED from Bidenomics.


an hour ago

CL, he sure is, with buttlickers running the supposedly neutral ABC (Our BBC). So, so RW biased it has lost all credibility.


an hour ago

PPO – bah! Murdoch and cronies are the undoing of humanity.


an hour ago

PPO – I sure hope Dems keep the Repubs’ hands in killing Roe as the top issue against them. It swings many more women and young voters to them and has been behind the Blue overperfomance in elections in recent years.

AdLiban hour ago

Starting with Reagan, CL.


an hour ago

Ad – I think it’s multipronged – abortion AND the economy.


an hour ago

PPO – I remember that. Reagan opened the door to the flying monkeys, and here we are.


an hour ago

All Biden has a good story to tell and he should have his people out telling it. Time for them to get their act together


an hour ago

CL – Good luck with that, the MSM seems only interested in promoting the election as neck and neck and need to be pushing negative impressions of Biden and the economy to keep that financially beneficial dynamic for them in place.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I have asked via Twitter that the WH emphasize the HUMAN stories of success. Data don’t win people over as much as the stories of “I was on the skids, got a job thanks to (fill in the blank), and now I have economic security and stability. Thanks, Joe!


44 minutes ago

CL – I agree, that should be Biden’s and the Dems campaign, abortion and the economy but I wonder if the economy as an issue is only potent nowadays if it is bad news to hurt an incumbent. Despite the economy overperforming, polls, for whatever they’re worth, show people dislike Biden on the economy.

AdLib43 minutes ago

We need to do to media what the religious right did and pummel the shit out of them daily.


43 minutes ago

Ad – that’s why the human stories are ESSENTIAL. Data don’t connect w people so much as your neighbor who has a great job, lower costs, more stability, and your community has better roads, bridges, ports, airports, etc.


42 minutes ago

CL, We also need to re-affirm the Separation of State and Church. It has gone way too far. It is settling down here now the RWNJs are out of power.


42 minutes ago

CL – That would be a brilliant series of campaign ads for Biden if he showed people all across the country talking about how the economy and job growth has made their lives better. Will he do that or will he just push ads with numbers and graphs?

AdLib41 minutes ago

I see where grabby Bobert is fleeing her district to run in another some 300 miles away thinks she will have a better chance.


41 minutes ago

Look – we beat the radio stations on Rush and got him removed. Why can’t we do that on preserving democracy? DEMANDING fair and equitable coverage, stories about human beings finding success – those are ESSENTIAL. Boycott local stations that don’t talk about it. Advertisers, too. If we could do it well to get rid of Rush, we can do exactly the same thing to keep Biden.\


40 minutes ago

CL – I hate to use the phrase but considering Trump is running a Madman From Hell campaign, maybe Biden running a “Morning in America” type of optimistic campaign could bury Trump. What do you think?

AdLib40 minutes ago

TW – it is my longtime understanding that NOBODY likes a carpetbagger. That won’t save her. Quite the opposite.


40 minutes ago

CL you’re correct on that, I did read there are several people running in that district I don’t believe she has a snowball’s chance in Hell


39 minutes ago

Ad – absolutely. And the Lincoln Project DID that 2020. They had “Mourning in America” about Trump. At the election, they ran a contemporary “Morning in America”. It was AMAZING.


38 minutes ago

TW – I’d bet the Repubs vying for the nom in that other district and their backers in DC and CO are furious at Boebert for invading their primary. I think they will take her down in the primary anyway. And her constituents from her old district are angry with her too.

AdLib38 minutes ago

Ad, I don’t believe Yambo is trying to gain new suck….er….voters. He’s desperately trying to keep his rapidly diminishing mob together. The MAGAs are toast.


38 minutes ago

PPO – from your keyboard to God’s ear. Or whoever’s listening…


38 minutes ago

AD you would be correct on that based on the piece I read. I feel safe in saying she’s done


37 minutes ago



37 minutes ago

CL – Optimism and democracy seems like such a winning theme to run against Trump who is Retubution and Dictatorship. Of course, by November he will also be a convicted criminal so maybe Biden campaigns on Law and Order too so we can “put away” Trump?

AdLib36 minutes ago

PPO that’s all he has at the moment.


36 minutes ago

That’s the view from Oz, TW, anyway.


36 minutes ago

TW – I am going to be in MA in April, dates uncertain. I would love to meet up with you at some point. I’m passing through to scatter my ex’s ashes. It would be very fine to have lunch or dinner with you.


35 minutes ago

CL that would be great let me know when.


35 minutes ago

PPO – Trump’s insane raging on his BS social media site has become so insane, he’s already lost it. And when his companmy is taken away from him along with hundreds of millions of dollars and the criminal trials end in his conviction after having his name removed from ballots, his head will implode like that scene from Scanners.

AdLib34 minutes ago

Ad – I do think an upbeat set of ads featuring real people would be boffo.


34 minutes ago

Sorry folks, have a meeting at the club shortly. Just glad to see you all again. Wishing you a Very Happy and Healthy 2024 and see you July!


34 minutes ago

Love you, PPO – see you in July!!! Happy New Year and much love.


34 minutes ago

PPO good to see you sand HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU!!


33 minutes ago

Good to see you, PPO! Have a very Happy New Year!

AdLib33 minutes ago

Back to Trump’s woes, he will lose the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit next month, he has lost his appeals to be immune from civil lawsuits by cops and congresspeople on 1/6 and looks like MI has a potent case to charge him with now with the recordings of him to get the certification of votes stopped.

AdLib31 minutes ago

And don’t forget, there’s also the Alvin Bragg money laundering case in NY too.

AdLib31 minutes ago

Ad – the Best of the Hits on Trump just keep coming!


30 minutes ago

Maybe we should by stock in Heinz corp


29 minutes ago

TW – someone told he he prefers Hunts. I think that’s where the money is!


29 minutes ago

CL – It’s like watching a bus speeding towards the edge of a cliff, the GOP is crazed about electing Trump in the primary while the legal system and justice are in the midst of destroying him. The GOP has no hope, IMO, I think a Blue Wave in Nov is very likely!

AdLib29 minutes ago

Is it true that they’re going to put out a kids puzzle book called, “Where’s Melania?”

AdLib28 minutes ago

His niece said Heinz he likes the little bottles. He likes to hear them pop that why he knowns no one has tampered with them.


28 minutes ago

Ad that is what people do when they are fooled all the time.


27 minutes ago

Who thinks Trump will have some kind of notable mental or physical episode as the roof falls in on him this Summer?

AdLib27 minutes ago

TW – I hadn’t heard the “little bottle” Heinz test! LOL!!!


26 minutes ago

Ad is on a direct collision course for one. Someone at his age his weight and diet will have problems soon.


26 minutes ago

All those Repubs who secretly confess that they hope Trump dies or something happens to stop him from becoming the nom are just cowards crying on the GOP bus as Trump steers it off a cliff.

AdLib25 minutes ago

TW – there are a number of docs on Twitter who all think he has fronto temporal dementia and has had observable symptoms since 2017. The lifespan is 6-8 years. So…


25 minutes ago

Ad no question about that


25 minutes ago

TW – I can’t imagine how Trump hasn’t had a stroke or heart attack yet with his insanity, addiction to Adderall or other kind of speed, and the terror of losing his business, money and political future. It’s all crashing down on him, don’t see how he avoids full insanity or a physical collapse before Nov.

AdLib23 minutes ago

TW – when my MIL was dying in 1988, the hospice nurses told me their first patient as a group lived 18 months. She was nasty, ungrateful, horrid. They figured out she was too mean to die.


23 minutes ago

CL I haven’t heard or read that but he is not a healthy man. Don’t forget he almost died from COVID


23 minutes ago

TW – and yet two months ago, my ex died. Healthy, no real problems. I can’t explain it.


22 minutes ago

CL – I’ve seen that and how it is attributed to his forward tilt when he stands. Though, I think that’s more cause by the lifts in his shoes and his enormous belly.

AdLib22 minutes ago

CL we don’t control when the Grime Reaper knocks on the door.


22 minutes ago

Ad – those in the know think the shoes and belly aren’t the actual reason but add to his problems. Now he has “toe pads” at the lectern to keep him upright. Not good.


21 minutes ago

TW – no we don’t. But to have someone up and die for no known reason? Horrible. I saw him, know he’s dead, but HOW could that happen? I will never know.


20 minutes ago

CL – I think there’s something to that, to hateful people living longer because they can’t let go of their resentment. Look how long Kissinger lived and yet good people like your ex, my grandparents, etc., died too soon.

AdLib20 minutes ago

They do say one needs a purpose in life. No one said it had to be positive. Trump has a purpose – revenge. It keeps him going.


20 minutes ago

CL I agree


19 minutes ago

CL – After the toe pads come a metal frame for Trump to lean on in his “speeches”. Or maybe puppet-like wires that Putin can come and operate from time to time.

AdLib18 minutes ago

Ah, well – all I do know is that when Trump dies there will be dancing in the streets!


18 minutes ago

Ad – I thought the Putin wires were of long standing!!!


18 minutes ago

We all know Putin is praying to whatever demon he worships that Trump stays alive


17 minutes ago

I’ve read a number of articles that said Putin groomed Trump since at least the 80s.


16 minutes ago

You saw the word cloud Trump retweeted based on him that featured, “Revenge” and “Dictator” as the most popular words. And he proudly shared it. I think Trump’s game right now is coming out of fear he isn’t in control and worried that too many will see it, he’s trying to appear as powerful.

AdLib16 minutes ago

TW – I’m not even sure PUTIN is still alive.


16 minutes ago

Ad – Trump’s cult will buy everything, but more and more people are done with him.


15 minutes ago

AdLib15 minutes ago



15 minutes ago

Have either you heard about the RNC money problems and what if anything they are doing about it?


15 minutes ago

And how does the GOP recover from being Putin’s puppets?

AdLib14 minutes ago

TW – RNC is almost penniless. The state committees are funneling some to them, but every GOP committee is in dire straits.


14 minutes ago

Ad – the GOP are toast if any of them have taken Russian money, and I think many of them have.


13 minutes ago

CL so when do the file for bankruptcy?


13 minutes ago

TW – they are trying NOT to, but I’m not sure they can put this off much longer.


13 minutes ago

TW – I haven’t heard anything recently but what money is being contributed by small donors in the GOP seems to be going into Trump’s pockets. The RNC is in bad shape and now that Ronna is on tape bribing a MI election official to obstruct the 2020 election, I think she and the RNC should be sued and prosecuted into oblivion.

AdLib13 minutes ago

Anyone hear what Little Kev is going to do now he’s out of Congress?


12 minutes ago

Ad – I SO agree! The stupidest thing RNC did was to pay Trump’s legal bills.


12 minutes ago

AD the Trump stench reach far and deep doesn’t it.


12 minutes ago

Kev had an affair in DC, so I’m not sure he is welcome back in the bosom of a loving family either.


11 minutes ago

CL – I like to imagine who Jack Smith will nail once his prosecution of Trump in the 1/6 case is over. How many Repub officials will be indicted? It’s all coming down I think before Nov. Afterall, it’s not an investigation stalled by the election, the investigation has been done, it would just be indictments.

AdLib11 minutes ago

CL and truth he’s going to open a sandwich shoppe specializing in baloney.


10 minutes ago

Ad – I agree. The carnage they have created is about to land on them.


10 minutes ago

TW –


10 minutes ago

CL – I’ll bet Kev already has a lobbyist position locked down. Maybe for RT or Sputnik?

AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad – I’ve heard nothing. He does have a pension, dammit. But as for a career? Not clear.


9 minutes ago

Jim Jordan is busy howling about Hunter Biden not appearing after a subpoena, wait until Jack Smith subpoenas him, can’t wait for that.

AdLib9 minutes ago

CL I hear their is a job open over at Snakes are Us


9 minutes ago

Ad – Jim might even lose his seat this time.


8 minutes ago

Tw – Kev would fit right in.


8 minutes ago

CL say more


8 minutes ago

I saw just ONE poll that Jordan was in SUCH bad shape any Dem could beat him.


8 minutes ago

CL I thought Jim was solidly locked in


8 minutes ago

TW – not sure. Don’t even know who is running against him.


7 minutes ago

Well I for one would love to see that fool sink big time.


7 minutes ago

CL – So funny that Kevin spent much of his political career as a spineless, unprincipled jerk just so he could one day be speaker…and he doesn’t even last a year, will be remembered as the first Speaker ever to be voted out and his political career is over. Couldn’t happen to a more rodential rodent.

AdLib7 minutes ago

TW – I detest Jordan. I’d love to see him fail. I think he’s on Smith’s radar BIG time.


6 minutes ago

TW – Love “Snakes R Us!”

AdLib6 minutes ago

Does he get the keep the sign?


6 minutes ago

TW – I’d worry for the snakes!


6 minutes ago

L – If Jordan could be defeated then prosecuted, people will have to give me a new nickname, “Smiley”.

AdLib5 minutes ago

CL well I guess they do have their standards.


5 minutes ago

CL – I remember when many worried about Repubs having big upset elections. Nomore for me, I think many Repubs could be thrown out of office in Nov. Hope Jordan is among them.

AdLib4 minutes ago

I heard Kev’s farewell speech when he was termed out. Despicable little worm.


4 minutes ago

But Jordan is even more despicable.


3 minutes ago

CL – What else would one expect from a little worm like Keving, comes in like a worm, occupied his seat as a worm, exited like a worm.

AdLib3 minutes ago

Hey folks I need to bug out have to take a call see you all next week and have HAPPY NEW YEAR!


3 minutes ago

Boebert will likely be out now too. And Frisch could very well pick up her seat for Dems.

AdLib2 minutes ago

See ya TW! Have a Happy New Year!

AdLib2 minutes ago

He gloated that citizens and their issues “wasted his time”. He mocked those who were advocating for the vulnerable – me included though not by name obviously. I was revolted by him.


2 minutes ago

TW – Happy New Year! Ad – to you and yours the same. Love to you both. Going to bug out, too. Greg’s up, not feeling well, so I’m making him some tea. Happy New year!!!


a minute ago

CL – Evil can be banal sometimes. Kevin came off as a fool and an idiot but he has a lot of evil in him too.

AdLiba minute ago

Ad – he IS evil. Bah!


a few seconds ago

Sounds good, say hit to Hubby for me and have a Happy New Year!

AdLiba few seconds ago

say hi

AdLiba few seconds ago

It will be a great New Year I think.

AdLibin a few seconds

Good night – good new year,. See you next week. I will pass on your salutation, Ad. Hugs!


in a few seconds

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