Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm. Hope to see you then!
AdLib4 hours ago
Hey Murph! What a news day!
AdLiban hour ago
Hello der……
an hour ago
Was there news today? Ho Hum!
an hour ago
What’s got your top attention…..
an hour ago
I feel like I was at a news buffet! So much to put on my plate, where do I start?
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Good evening
an hour ago
Well, life is choosing……..so what’s your top stories.
an hour ago
Hello TW….long time no gab! Hah!
an hour ago
Hmm…it’s kind of a tie between Jordan getting crushed, GOP House in civil war and Grilled Chesebro getting served a guilty plea meaning Trump is nailed dead to rights.
AdLiban hour ago

Well, I’m for discussing how badly Jordan got his head handed to him.
an hour ago
I really enjoyed our robust three way yesterday. AND We scoped out a number of the stories that broke today.
an hour ago
Ad….a Trifecta.
an hour ago
Then of course, Trump got fined in the NY case, 2 hostages released by Hamas and Biden delivering a great speech the night before.
AdLiban hour ago

The Repugs have are having what I would call a crisis of purpose at the moment.
an hour ago
And remember, Trump declared Jordan his pick for Speaker…and he was trashed! Trump’s hold on the party is clearly weakened.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – Yep! It just looks like the GOP’s purpose now is mud wrestling with each other.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…..last night I got a call from the state GOP on my o office phone which is a landline and notoriously open to access by almost anyone…..they wanted me to call my Rep Luetmeyer…..to urge him to vote for J-Man…I said that I would as soon suggest a bargain in which we all handed over our immortal souls to beelzebub…….
an hour ago

What do expect form someone who couldn’t run a profitable gambling joint.
an hour ago
Murph – Funny!
AdLiban hour ago
This is a massive defeat for MAGA and the extremists along with Trump. Though, not sure if Repubs will be able to elect anybody as Speaker.
AdLiban hour ago
ad….pretty certain that the person I was speaking to had no idea what I was saying…….but it is was good to have it on the record.
an hour ago
But after all of this, how insane would an indie voter have to be to vote for Congressional Repubs in 2024 after proving how feckless they are?
AdLiban hour ago

Murph you would have gotten a better deal with little ole, Beelzebub
an hour ago
Murph – Maybe they thought Beelzebub was your nickname for Jordan?
AdLiban hour ago

So who is next on Fani’s list to want to ask for a deal?
an hour ago
You guys are hot tonight!
an hour ago
And McCarthy soiled himself standing up for Jordan, he still looks bruised from being kicked out as Speaker and Jordan had his tail between his legs all day like a whipped puppy. So pleased to see Jordan thoroughly humiliated.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I think Ellis and Giuliani are going to be elbowing each other to get a plea deal first, with Powell and Chesebro flippping, they’re cooked.
AdLiban hour ago
I hear the Fauci has called Jordan to express condolences on the occasion of the death of his ambitions.
an hour ago

Ad these Republicans are totally out of their out in left field
an hour ago
Murph –
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I think Ellis gets there first. At least she will be sober when she shows up to ask for a deal.
an hour ago
Fauci probably has sent Jordan a full face mask so he can hide his face in shame.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph, That’s a good one.
an hour ago
Side note- I have become a big fan of Velshi on MSNBC….he seems to have come into his own with his Middle East Roots
an hour ago

Murph I will say one thing about Velshi he is certainly one hard working dude, He fills in for everybody over their on MSNBC he’s covering for O’Donell tonight
an hour ago
Ellis definitely will be rushing to Willis for a deal. Giuliani though has his lawyers quitting and suing him for legal fees, he might knock Ellis out of the way like a drunk driver.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad that was a good one on Fauci
an hour ago
Velshi is very intelligent I think with a unique background and set of experiences. He is very level headed. He strikes me as an everyman’s Fareed Akaria.
an hour ago
I am a bit off of MSNBC right now but I have really respected Velshi for quite a while over there. He’s a workhorse, gladly takes on whatever role he’s given, is smart, opinionated and unafraid of calling out people and things that are morally wrong. Seems like a great journalist.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad, if they both show up at the same time Ellis will get it first, it’s Southern Hospitality thing that will take precedent.
an hour ago
So, what do you guys think, will Repubs be able to elect a speaker next week? I can see one group or another sabotaging each others’ candidates so they can’t get to 217. I think a government shutdown is more likely than not, though if Emmer wins, he could probably get a CR passed to avert a shutdown.
AdLiban hour ago
I do not like much of the evening line up at MSNBC now but I remain loyal to Maddow (who is so rarely seen) and to O’Donnell. I add Velshi to the list and I like Deadline White House with Nicole Wallace.
an hour ago

So how long do you both think it will take Trump to violate the gag order he has in NY?
an hour ago
My issue with MSNBC is that they are so quick to take up the both sides crap, at least in morning and daytime.
AdLiban hour ago
ad…..I agree with your MSNBC critique.
an hour ago
TW – I think Trump is likely to violate the gag order next week when Michael Cohen testifies, he is so upset about that.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…since Trump has horrid impulse control I suspect that it is much sooner than later.
an hour ago
Cohen’s appearance is likely to set off fireworks in his head.
an hour ago
Did you see that drawing of Jesus sitting beside Trump at trial? Well, I heard Jesus just flipped on him too.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – Yep, that’s what I’m thinking, Cohen will trigger some kind of uncontrolled outrage from Trump. Whether he’s held in contempt is in question but technically, I think he’s likely to break the gag order.
AdLiban hour ago
Jesus did have a soft spot in his heart for hopeless losers and los souls.
an hour ago

Ad I would have to agree with you on the Cohen testimony there is no way he’s going to be able to keep quite. Is it wrong of me to be rooting for him to say something that will get him an invite a few nights say at the gray-bar hotel.
an hour ago
And consider how insane Trump has to be now that the dominoes are falling against him faster and faster. With Powell then Chesebro pleading out, they were in the middle of the fake elector conspiracy which is the heart of the GA RICO case and Chesebro pled guilty to a charge at the heart of the conspiracy…that Trump was a part of. Trump has to be shivering in fear tonight. Which would be so cool.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad I think Jesus would say for some sinners there is just no hope.
an hour ago
Murph – But Jesus had a thing against the wealthy moneychangers and the non-meek. A natural Trump adversary.
AdLiban hour ago
TW…maybe Judas would loan a road to DT.
an hour ago

Yes he chased them out of the temple. In Trump’s case the be kicking him in his fat ass.
an hour ago
Ad ,,,,Trump as corrupt money changer….very apt image.
an hour ago
Part of me would love to see Trump lunge at Cohen as he tears Trump apart then watch that tub of lard tackled to the floor by the bailiff.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad……and imagine how many hits that tackle would have on line.
an hour ago

Ad that would be a site to see for sure.
an hour ago
Murph – I think Judas would look at Trump and say, “Man, I thought I was bad but you take the cake, Orange Julius.”
AdLiban hour ago
AD….Orange Julius (Ceasar)….
an hour ago
Murph – Exactly, I was going for a Roman!
AdLiban hour ago
Harleigh….howdy….or maybe, so long….no, you are here…
an hour ago
Hey Harleigh! Happy Jordan Crash and Burn Day!
AdLiban hour ago
What the hell….now TW is gone and back……ghosts in the machine?
an hour ago

Harleigh is in the House!!!
an hour ago
I see TW.
AdLiban hour ago
hey guys!
an hour ago
Big news day, Harleigh! What was yur favorite story?
AdLiban hour ago
Harleigh….give us your take on….well any of a number of things…..take your pick.
an hour ago

Murph no just hit the wrong key
an hour ago
jordan didn’t even make it for 1 Scaramucci
an hour ago
an hour ago
hi tw
an hour ago
Harleigh….priceless….1 scaramucci, 2 scaramucci, 3 scaramuccia
an hour ago
the repubes get stranger every day…
an hour ago

Murph One of the stories about Vampires is Judas is supposed to be the first so I was wondering if he would be there recruit Trump only to say he doesn’t have what it takes to make the Vampire Cut.
an hour ago
Harleigh – I heard it’s been over 100 years since someone stood for Speaker and didn’t get at least 200 votes. You could’ve given Jordan a wedgie during the vote and he couldn’t have been more humiliated.
AdLiban hour ago

Harliegh Strange is being kind to them.
an hour ago
never seen an obese vampire
an hour ago
Trump more to be pitied than feared….eventually…when he a million miles from the oval.
an hour ago

Harleigh that was good.
an hour ago
Trump was bitten by a fried chicken vampire, he only sucks the fat out of people.
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago

Ad now that fits.
an hour ago
Trump is kind of like a human liposuction device.
AdLiban hour ago
Only louder.
AdLiban hour ago
And holding more fat.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad what the fat goes in but doesn’t come out?\
an hour ago
Ad….so Trump sucks the big one?
an hour ago
Not many know but Trump’s skull is actually an ideal reserve tank for fat since nothing else is in there.
AdLiban hour ago
Spanky doesn’t have a chance now that he stiffed all his former lawyers, and thet’re all flipping.
an hour ago
Murph – Perfect! Trump sucks!
AdLiban hour ago

Ad but he is so smart he comes from a long line of smart people. What you don’t believe it when he says he is smart?
an hour ago
Spanky is a jeeneeus
an hour ago
Harleigh – And what about Giuliani? He is going to flip and possibly very soon. He’s broke, lost his license and is nailed by Powell and Chesebro. If you think his hair dye was dripping before, tonight he’s probably looking like he took a hair dye shower.
AdLib44 minutes ago

Harleigh Spanky, now that’s says it all.
44 minutes ago
Sidenote. I went to Washington U today for what was billed as a “conversation” among several academics representing diverse positions on the fate/future of the Middle East….fascinating
43 minutes ago
Stormy is the only person Spanky ever hired that could do her job!
43 minutes ago
TW – Oh yeah, Trump is a stable genius. Meaning, he is a horse’s ass that can count to five with his hoof.
AdLib43 minutes ago
Murph – What were the highlights?
AdLib42 minutes ago
man woman camera…. uh…. uh… tv… lol
41 minutes ago
Should we start a pool on how many of the 19 defendants in GA flip? Will Trump be all alone when the case is prosecuted…with the other 18 testifying against him?
AdLib41 minutes ago

Murph I hear Rudi is asking Alex Jones for bankruptcy advice he want’s to see if he can get all the money suits discharged. Oh wait the bankruptcy court told Jones he can’t do what he wants to do oh well guess Rudy is in deep trouble.
40 minutes ago
Harleigh – Man, Woman, Prison, Shower, Soap, Dropped
AdLib40 minutes ago
One core impression I have is that the cynical and sinister use of everyday people on all sides of the conflict there as props in a power grabbing passion play creates an odd bond/relationship among those. who would seem to have nothing in common.
40 minutes ago

Harleigh you trying to say Trump will fail his cognitive test?
39 minutes ago
TW – Another great piece of news, Jones can’t use bankruptcy to escape paying the billion he owes the families.
AdLib39 minutes ago

Ad Prison drop soap followed by, Oh Sh***!
38 minutes ago
Murph – I’m glad the two US hostages were released and that others may be but like everything that happens with Hamas, it’s all in service of propaganda. They are trying to get the world to stop Israel from going into Gaza and wiping them out. The only way you can release hostages is because you violently took them and murdered others. So no, you don’t get brownie points for releasing the hostages you’ve taken.
AdLib37 minutes ago
TW – Man, Prison, Shower, Soap, Dropped, Uh-oh.
AdLib36 minutes ago

Ad it’s going to get really bad over there.
36 minutes ago
the remaining GA defendants now won’t see the prosecution case… they better flip or it’s 6 years on the one felony and tack on years for the rest of the charges.
35 minutes ago

Harleigh agree.
34 minutes ago
Rudy’s properties all got tax leins on them now …. hahahaha
34 minutes ago
TW – Yes, it was a bit worrisome to see the US already shooting down missiles and drones from Yemen. This is Hamas’ game, horrific attack on innocent Israelis to enrage them so they overreact in Gaza, which they already have, and use that as a rallying point to turn the Arab world against Israel. Biden is doing a hell of a job though, he and the US is the only reason Israel hasn’t already gone into Gaza and killed many more innocents…though their bombing has killed many innocents.
AdLib33 minutes ago
Spanky ain’t paying their bills…. they gotta flip.
33 minutes ago
Harleigh – Agreed, since it’s a RICO case, Willis doesn’t have to prove each defendant committed the actions of the attempted overthrow of the election and democracy, just that they were part of the conspiracy. Not so hard to prove especially with Chesebro and Powell delivering testimony of the crimes they’ve pled guilty to on a silver platter.
AdLib31 minutes ago

Harleigh he is using Pack money to pay his bills have to wonder when will wake and stop sending him money.
31 minutes ago
How satisfying will it be to know Giuliani is in prison…with people he prosecuted and put in the same prison? I bet Rudy will have a full dance card for the rest of his lifein prison.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Hamas will all be dead, unfortunately along with a million Palestinians, all their land will go to Israel and naziyahoo gets to be the dictator and escapes justice.
30 minutes ago

Hey folks I have to bug out early tonight have some things need to get done so will see everyone next week. Have a great weekend.
29 minutes ago
Harleigh….Giuliani doing the Fox Trot with felons of his acquaintance.
29 minutes ago
night tw
28 minutes ago
TW has left? I will be out the door shortly as well…..exhaustion comes more easily these days….so much engages and requires a dedicated response.
27 minutes ago
lol it’s late for me too
26 minutes ago
later guys
26 minutes ago
Bye H Man.
26 minutes ago
Harleigh – I don’t think so. If Israel goes into Gaza and mass murders innocent civiliians, they will be at war with Lebanon, Iran, Yemen, and more Arab countries. The only way for Israel to have a hope of getting back to some normalcy is coming up with an actual strategy to destroy Hamas without mass killing innocent Palestinians. And FYI, Israelis are heavily blaming Netanyahu for the attack, being unprepared and not protecting and defending Israelis…and it came out that he helped Hamas receive funding in an understanding that they would sideline the Palestinian Authority from negotiating a 2 State Solution. If they weren’t in this conflict, Netanyahu would be thrown out and prosecuted like Trump.
AdLib25 minutes ago
Well…Ad here we are…
25 minutes ago
Wow, that was quick. Glad both made it but it was a sudden exit.
AdLib25 minutes ago
So are you feeling more optimistic about 2024 for Biden and Dems?
AdLib24 minutes ago
Netanyahu…I believe that he looked to Israeli vulnerability as a key to his holding onto power….so he let the dogs of war into the yard…and now he is treed.
24 minutes ago
Ad……my ever present worry is how fickle, how uninformed, how foolish and how ego driven are the voters.
23 minutes ago
Trump is only going to get beaten down lower and lower as all the prosecutions take their toll and expose his criminality. and with 60% of voters saying they wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was criminally convicted, I think, stick a fork in him, he is done.
AdLib23 minutes ago
Any one with any sense should be turning. away from any association with the right wing lunatics of the Shadow Grand Old Party.
22 minutes ago
Ad….your assessment of Trump’s likely fate rings truer for me…..still I live in a Trumpian cesspool and it is hard not to gag.
21 minutes ago
Murph – From all I’ve heard and read, another reason Israelis despise Netanyahu is because his attempted coup over their democracy is very likely what made the country look divided, weak and vulnerable. And he ignored warnings from Egypt and the US that the attack was coming. He is despised now and the public is putting aside throwing him out because it’s a time of war. He will never rescue his rep with the people.
AdLib20 minutes ago
Ad….I go a step further…..I think he gambled that the vulnerability he created was a worthy ploy in his efforts to elevate his status as the only savior Israel has
19 minutes ago
Murph – The key is not looking for Repubs to abandon Trump, most won’t, it’s about considering if Trump can get indie voters and even some Dems to cross over because he needs to gain more voters than he had in 2020 to win. And I don’t see that as likely at all, not after being demonized in court with wall-to-wall coverage of his crimes and convictions all during 2024.
AdLib18 minutes ago
Ad….I agree with your emerging assessment……my worry has shifted to concerns about what his “zealots” are willing to do “save” him (and thus, in their warped minds, save the nation)
17 minutes ago
Murph – I think you’re giving a madman far too much credit as being a tactical genius. Many disliked him before the attack, now they truly hate him and his and his allied extremist party. Sometimes, with Trump or Netanyahu, narcissist autocrats are just that, notstable geniuses.
AdLib17 minutes ago
I do not re. Netanyahu as a genius but rather as an egomaniacal fool.
16 minutes ago
Netanyahu’s strategy was flawed from the start and the flaws were apparent to many.
15 minutes ago
Murph – I lean more to the proposition that Trump’s followers will continue to be as deluded as Trump and they’ll believe he’s going to win and overthrow our democracy. Then when he loses, they may want to throw another 1/6 but Trump won’t have control of the military this time and it would get crushed very quickly. Though I think they’re cowards and scared after all the 1/6 convictions.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Agreed. If you really consider it, Netanyahu was incredibly stupid. Trying to overthrow their democracy caused much of the country to protest against him and that stopped him from the worst he was trying to do. Then this was a horrible dividend, making the country look divided and vulnerable to an attack. This was lunacy and idiocy, his plan was just to throw his weight around like Trump and make the country into the autocracy he wanted…with no smarts to recognize the people would rise uo against him.
AdLib11 minutes ago
Ad…..you have to live in the midst of these mad idiots to have the level of concern that people like myself have. I have made it known that my childhood interest in riflery has found new energy in my senior years. I want them to be aware that my farm, ranch, the former co-op….is well protected and defended…..electronically and in armament……I hesitated to do this but it is clear to me that being fore warned I need to be fore armed …..and very publicly so.
11 minutes ago
An accurate assessment of Bibi and his likely legacy.
10 minutes ago
It is the hubris of narcissists who have gotten away with crimes for most of their lives, that leads them into thinking they are untouchable and they can dominate everyone and get what they want. Trump escaped prosecution for nearly his entire life so of course he believed he could do anything and no one could stop him. Netanyahu, same thing.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Netanyahu, Trump, Putin….three stooges in service to anarchy as the fuel for autocracy.
9 minutes ago
Well….I need to head for the door…..yesterday was marvelous. We should figure out how to do that face to face.
7 minutes ago
Murph – I believe you, that surrounded by these hateful cavemen is worrisome and a legit reason to have guns for self-protection. While I agree that in their “home” states, they could be capable of terrible things, I’m just saying that a national attack, like 1/6, is probably far less likely to happen and even if it was attempted, would be crushed quickly, with Biden in the WH and Trump out of power.
AdLib7 minutes ago
Yes, we can do a Zoom. I’ll reach out to CL as well.
AdLib6 minutes ago
Have a nice weekend, Murph!
AdLib6 minutes ago
Ad….I accept your judgment on this…..but as a reluctant citizen here…..well…
6 minutes ago
I totally get it. But my track record has been pretty good when it comes to elections.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Yes…let’s form a chat club on zoom. I am involved with one with historians…..very heartening.
5 minutes ago
Ad….your crystal ball is very clear.
5 minutes ago
As we’ve discussed, we can do it on a different night so it doesn’t supplant Vox, which has its own benefits as a format.
AdLib5 minutes ago
I agree….we could even look at something more day time ish….
4 minutes ago
Thanks! Not perfect but I’ve been far more accurate than most news entities that are slaves to bad polls.
AdLib4 minutes ago
Remember, Repubs were supposed to have a big Red Wave in 2022? That smelled like bad propaganda to me all through that year.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Ad. The key to accuracy is the willingness to do the research and to engage with an open mind. So much of the polling industry and the news machinery are about creating a following finding the truth is made more difficult.
3 minutes ago
Yes, we could try a Zoom a bit earlier so it’s better for folks in later time zones.
AdLib2 minutes ago
That would work I think…there is a powerful energy at work when you face those you are sharing life with.
a minute ago
I find that common sense is invaluable in gauging the sentiments of the public, along with sampling opinions of many on social media and among acquaintances. Polls are no longer accurate, can’t live or die on those anymore.
AdLiba minute ago
Very true!
AdLiba few seconds ago
This is a grand place to end for tonight…Vox as an enlightened support and challenging group….works for me.
a few seconds ago
On that very high note…..have a good weekend.
in a few seconds
Nice to hear. And we’ll build up Voxers as we go.
AdLibin a few seconds
Thanks, pal! You have a great one too!
AdLibin a few seconds
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