Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey CL!
AdLiban hour ago
Hey y’all – hubs has had a minor accident with no harm to him but chaos to the car. I’m awaiting word of its survival and his arrival home. So IF all is well, I may be on later. If not, well, see you next week!
an hour ago
Oh no! Glad hubby’s okay! Sounds good, hope all is good and we’ll see you later!
AdLiban hour ago
It was a concrete bumper in a tight parking lot accident. He’s fine =- the car MAY be fine. They’re getting it off the bumper now to see. You know the ways life can screw with you is just amazing. So I will be on if all is well. and I don’t have to go retrieve him from some auto repair place.
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
Hey PPO!
AdLiban hour ago
Murph was here for a minute.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey, Ad! Glad to be home.
an hour ago
CL, hope Hubby is fine.
an hour ago
Quite a nice odyssey!
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
There you are, Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
Here I am! Exhausted but here.
an hour ago
You’re invisible now, Murph! In the left window.
AdLiban hour ago
Hi, Murph!\
an hour ago
Murph – What have you been working on?
AdLiban hour ago
So…..PPO….high points in your Odyssey?
an hour ago
Ad…working the Kunce Campaign….today the theme was work to counterpoint Mancin.
an hour ago
Hey glenn!
AdLiban hour ago
Hi…..Glenn…..how have you been?
an hour ago
Why is Kunce counterpointing Manchin?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…..another Dem seat on the edge.
an hour ago
High points? Seeing Fergies friends in SFO, Cousin Agnes’ 101st b’day in Pittsburgh, Cousin timothy in Boston, and my neices in England. Low points? Medical scare in Pittsburgh, 7 hour flight Buffalo to Boston! 5 hours sitting in Singapore while Qantas 787 broke down.
an hour ago
Hi, glenn
an hour ago
Good evening PPO Murph and AD. I’m doing all right. Had to have surgery to Connect a vein to an artery so I had a port for dialysis. I have one on my chest already but they want that one to go away because it’s on the outside and they’re worried about infection. Arm is still a little sore from the doctor taking out 41 staples. Other than that I’m fine. Very happy to hear that Trump has been indicted so many times. Now let’s get him in jail.
an hour ago
Murph – I think Manchin is in big trouble. He has a chance to keep his Senate seat but his blathering against the Dem party and threatening to leave it and even run for president as a Trump-helping scheme with “No Labels” (and No Morals) makes me look forward to his exit.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – Thoswe are big ups and downs!
AdLiban hour ago
PPO….every adventure has its moments, both good and bad……seems like you made the most of it and in your inimitable style do so in an unremarkable but completely sincere way.
an hour ago
PPO, wow you had some high and low points. Sitting in Singapore in an airplane Doesn’t sound like much fun. Are you back home now or are you still traveling?
an hour ago
Glenn – I know having the surgery for creating that port in your arm can be painful but it should make dialysis easier.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO – So what was the health scare?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph, what else can you do. Moaning doesn’t fix it. I’m also with glenn about Yambo indictments and muzzling by the judge. Hope he breaks the conditions and gets remanded in custody!
an hour ago
Glenn – your are a medical stalwart! You say so easily what has got to be nerve shredding. I really hope that all of this positively touches your life with a sense healing and moving forward.
an hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Good evening everyone
an hour ago
AD— Dialysis is quite easy for me right now with a port in my chest. I don’t like the idea of having needles in my arm three times a week but there’s not much I can do about it. Anyway it is what it is
an hour ago
Hey TW. Hope you’re doing all right tonight.
an hour ago
Ad….I agree with your Mancin assessment but it seems clear to me that the chances of holding onto a Senate Senate even if by a fickle Dem is unlikely to be in the cards.
an hour ago
Ad, I suddenly started massive shakes all over. Went back to hotel and slept overnight. Next day, nothing! I think it was an allergic reaction to some funny tasting pickles I had at lunch. Home now and still fine.
an hour ago
Murph thanks for the kind words. You just gotta keep moving forward.
an hour ago
Hi, TW! It was great to meet you and what a blast of an afternoon! Hope we can do it again next year.
an hour ago

PPO good to see you here and glad to know you made it home safe and sound
an hour ago
Judge Chutkan is brilliant, instead of threatening Trump with being imprisoned which he would exploit, threatening to speed up the start of the trial if he breaks the rules was genius.
AdLiban hour ago
Hello TW.
an hour ago

PPO I look forward to it.
an hour ago

Murph how are you doing hope all is well.
an hour ago

Glenn good to see you here tonight.
an hour ago
AD, yes I agree with you. The judge was wonderful. Also she made sure that his lawyers knew what the parameters of the order is.
an hour ago

All just finished reading her protective order and have to say she don’t play.
an hour ago
glenn – I was told that the doctors prefer the port in the arm because it has less of a chance of infection. We tried to do it with my mother but it wasn’t useable.
AdLiban hour ago
Thanks TW. It’s good to be here tonight. I finally feel pretty good after dialysis nowadays. Although some days are better than others.
an hour ago

Glenn, glad to see you’re feeling better and able to attend tonight. How are you holding out with the heat?
an hour ago
Yes a D. That’s why they put the port in my arm because there’s less of a chance of infection. But he had to do it twice first he connected the vein to the artery. Then he had to move the vein which is what I just had done.
an hour ago
TW- working the Kunce Campaign, tending to my much reduced farming activity, ghost writing for local folks pushing back on efforts to undermine the educational infrastructure and going to a lot of movies…..! with other film lovers!
an hour ago
Murph – If Manchin concludes he can’t win the Senate seat, and Justice has shot himself in the foot so his chances went up, he will try to go out in a blaze of glory by running as the No Labels presidential candidate to tear down the US and re-elect Trump on his way out. Manchin is a monster.
AdLiban hour ago
Folks, TW and I were delighted to talk together about everything and anything we agreed on. Such a change from the hatred and namecalling elsewhere. Then I met Fergies nephew in Buffalo and discovered they are Trumpanistas! He is a neurologist and she a professor, FFS! Had to curb my feelings
an hour ago
PPO – That is definitely a scare! Glad it was just an allergic reaction!
AdLiban hour ago
Glenn…. have had port experience as well….good and bad sides but overall, if it works well, the good wins out.
an hour ago
Murph sounds like you’re having a busy and productive life.
an hour ago

PPO you’re too kind.
an hour ago
PPO….how can smart people be so stupid…..the power of hatred, anger, fear, anxiety to look to lies in an effort to feel better.
an hour ago

Murph I have a funny feeling you’re having the time of your life.
an hour ago
glenn – Yes, Chutkin is brilliant and let it look like she gave Trump and Smith wins but in the end, Trump didn’t get anything. She’s a smart cookie and Trump knows she is going to hold his feet to the fire.
AdLiban hour ago
Glenn….productive but nearly as productive in the heyday of the co-op….the ripple effect that we used to generate was truly important…..little of that now.
an hour ago

Ad I loved when she told Dump’s lawyer his running for president is his day job and he has a responsibility to show up for court and abide by the PO she put in place
an hour ago
TW – Exactly, she is completely in charge and will not suffer fools like Trump and his crappy lawyers. I am SO confident that we will see justice and Trump will see prison in the 1/6 case which is the most important (though Loose Cannon is doing her best to help Trump as best as she can, that trial will be slanted).
AdLiban hour ago
TW….there are certain man positive elements in my life now but I am too much of a studied observer of the underpinnings of society to be happy or comfortable where things are going.
an hour ago
Serious question. Does anyone really feel that Yambo has any real chance at successin 2024?
an hour ago
glenn – Agree with everyone else, so good to hear you’re feeling better!
AdLiban hour ago

PPO so you had to suffer through with Trump supporters, I hope you had a couple of stiff drinks after.
an hour ago
PPO I just don’t understand people who are Trumpers. Did you find out what the attraction to him is? I talked to some of the people here and two of them are stalwart Trumper‘s. And they insist that Hunter Biden is guilty as sin of something they just don’t know what. And of course that President Biden is even more guilty. One of them keeps telling me that Biden has never had a job in his life and so where did he get all this money he has. I keep trying to explain to her that being in Congress being a vice president and being president is a job but she doesn’t seem to think so. And when I told them that the GOP hadn’t found any evidence against Hunter Biden they brought up his partner. Can’t remember his name. Anyway when I told them that the partner told them that Biden had nothing to do with the businesses, they told me that that wasn’t so. You just can’t get through to some of them.
an hour ago

Murph as long as Trump and those who want to be like him are still agitating open rebellion you’re correct to be concerned.
an hour ago
Murph I can tell you miss your farming.
an hour ago
PPO….I do not think he will get re-elected but his campaign is digging deeper and deeper ruts into the body politic and the social milleu….the damage is incalculable.
an hour ago
TW – Yes, that was one of many great comments she made today. Really enjoy her professionalism and control over her cases.
AdLiban hour ago
glenn, got all of that and they hate Joe! I backed away, but it has soured my love for them as incredibly loving parents to a beautiful daughter and an adopted son. Don’t know what to do in future.
an hour ago

PPO given the way the political climate is I’m not taking anything for granted.
an hour ago
PPO – Absolutely not, Trump has zero chance of winning the election. As CL and I keep pointing out, all the elections we’ve seen in the meantime have outperformed polls and given Dems and Progressive policies big wins as we just saw in OH on the power play to block the vote on abortion rights in Nov.
AdLiban hour ago
PPO— yeah I just don’t understand it either. We try not to talk politics too much. But I couldn’t help but smile last week when Trump was indicted and they didn’t like that one bit. Oh well
an hour ago
PPO….I h ave (had) close friends from my early days here….early members of the co-op, progressives, crusaders…..but now…..they have taken the right turn into the dark alley that is Trumpian Political Life. These are bright people who are acting like dim, sputtering bulbs. I avoid them.
an hour ago
Ad, relieved you’re so positive. RWNJ media here is crazy. I don’t believe the Press any more. I rely on Social media (with reservations) to form my opinions.
an hour ago

Glenn the folks in the tank for Trump and what to believe all that is being said about Biden’s son can’t be convinced of anything else. It’s a said thing for Joe having to see his son go through what he has but it looks like he is turning his life around and what is sad is that people can’t won’t acknowledge that.
an hour ago
Murph and PPO— We have a greed to disagree.
an hour ago
glenn – There is no debating or reasoning with Trumpers. Their heads are constantly filled with lies that comfort them, they have zero interest in truth or they wouldn’t be Trumpers. And they need to hate those who are not part of their mindless cult. For folks like us, it’s hard to accept that you can’t discuss and debate truths to come to reasonable conclusions with other people.
AdLiban hour ago
AD— Boy isn’t that the truth. That you can’t come to reasonable conclusions with other people. And both of them have fox on constantly. So that doesn’t help.
an hour ago
Ad…..a pollster I read once long ago made the point that polls that look for support numbers for candidates are not really pitting candidate A to B to C but are holding the candidate up against an idealized version of what people would like to see…..thus a younger Biden who had no son and was polished in speech and interaction…..they do not really place the candidate up against his real opposition……as elections approach reality seems to awaken them to who it is they are voting FOR and AGAINST.
an hour ago
Ad, so true, but, as glenn says, I suppose I will have to agree to disagree as well. It pisses me off the the mongrel has impacted lives and destroyed friendships and relationships,as well as being a mass killer, conman and criminal.
an hour ago
I’m waiting for the time when Congress investigates princess pony and her husband regarding the billions the Saudis gave them.
an hour ago
PPO— yes I think that’s the saddest thing that the treasonous lying bully has done. And that is impacted lives destroyed friendships and relationships. I know this sounds harsh but I will be so glad to see that man in his grave. I hope I live long enough to see it.
an hour ago
PPO – The polls today don’t include the fact that there’s been like a 10 Million voter swing between old MAGAs dying off and young people turning 18 and eligible to vote. Add to that the greater vote percentage of women coming out against anti-abortion MAGAs including Trump, and the criminal trials against Trump will throw lots of publicity out about what a criminal and traitor Trump is. After the 1/6 committee had public hearings, Trump’s negatives skyrocketed. Now multiply that by 4. And consider the tens of millions drained from his campaign having to go to his legal fees. Trump is going down and the GOP is going down chained to him.
AdLiban hour ago

All, the thing I pick up on is the inability or the unwillingness of people to try and see and appreciate what we truly have in our country in the form of governance. So many want to think that two-bit conman like Trump has what it takes to be the leader of the free world when everything went to hell in a handbasket under his 4 years.
an hour ago
glenn, add in the brothers Grim for their part in the Yambo Family.! BTW I adopted Yambo after reading someone calling him that as a Yam-coloured Rambo!
an hour ago
glenn – It’s not hyperbole, these people are genuinely brainwashed, this is textbook brainwashing. And it is the cult-themed brainwashing. They are not reachable.
AdLiban hour ago
an hour ago
TW— yes the people I talk with are convinced that our government is terrible and corrupt and inefficient and everything else. You can’t convince them otherwise. When I give them facts about Biden‘s administration they say I don’t believe it. I try to show them the websites where the facts are printed out and they are like I don’t believe it. So you can’t convince them with facts.
an hour ago
PPO— Love it. Yambo,the treasonous lying bully
an hour ago
Murph – Very wise. When we get to next Nov, the election will ABSOLUTELY be clear as a referendum on convicted criminal Trump becoming president to tear down our democracy as he tried the previous time and turn it into a cruel dictatorship. It won’t be about Biden really, aside from voting for a true American who will not destroy our democracy. 2024 will be 100% about Trump, for or against and the againsts are a growing and solid majority.
AdLib44 minutes ago
44 minutes ago
GLENN…..self delusion support by a media empire is a nearly impenetrable obstacle.
44 minutes ago

Glenn they’re not going to accept anything you say because it doesn’t fit their view of things. My question is can they really talk about how good things were under Trump considering we had two years of COVID devastation under his administration, something he could have prevented if his ego didn’t get in the way.
43 minutes ago
PPO – Consider the evil Trump has perpetrated on innocent people. Broken up families, turned people into self-destructive, would-be assassins, led people to die for no good reason from Covid. He is as evil as Putin or any other dictator and just as much a murderer.
AdLib42 minutes ago
TW— to be fair not everything went to hell in a handbasket when the Treasonous lying bully was president. The CEOs and rich people did very well on the stock market which soared under his presidency.
42 minutes ago

Glenn yes the rich did get richer under Trump he told them he was going to do that, that is one promise he did keep.
41 minutes ago
glenn – I am hearing rumblings that The Senate, under Dems, are moving towards hearings into Ivanka and Jared. Long past time considering the BS they’re trying to convict Hunter Biden of.
AdLib41 minutes ago
Ad…thanks….I do hope it is All about. Trump, by association with the GOP, which has become a lame conspiracy dedicated to an enormous set of lies that does no good to virtually every element of their constituency
41 minutes ago

Ad I hope that is true.
41 minutes ago
AD— I so hope you’re right about the true majority being against Trump. I can’t believe he’s running neck and neck with Biden right now. That just doesn’t make any sense to me. These people want a criminal to be President of the United States?
41 minutes ago
TW I’ve never asked them that question. Maybe I will next time we get together. Or maybe I’ll just keep it under my hat for a while because I really don’t like arguing with people.
39 minutes ago
The wonder twins Ivanka and Jared are neck deep in a corruption that is breath-taking. We need a committee like 1/6 to expose them and all of the grifters in the Trump “Family”
39 minutes ago
glenn, Ad just reminded us about the latest Gens and their hittin voting age. Hopefully the gerrymander doesn’t weaken their contribution, of voter constraints.
39 minutes ago
glenn – The people you talk with are no doubt benefitting from SS, Medicare and other Dem created programs yet being brainwashed, they root for Repubs who want to slash and privatize their SS and chop down their Medicare as well as raising drastically the cost of prescriptions. Only a brainwashed person roots against their best interests.
AdLib39 minutes ago
Well folks, I’m about out of steam. So good to talk to everyone tonight. Take care and hope to see you next week.
38 minutes ago
God Bless, glenn. Take care
38 minutes ago
AD— You’re right I’m going to have to bring that up to them next time.
38 minutes ago

Glenn that might be a good idea because folks like that have a difficult time with the truth.
38 minutes ago
Hey CL,
37 minutes ago

CL is in the house!!!
37 minutes ago
Hey the gang’s here! Hi PPO – where are you these days>?
37 minutes ago
Just home, OK, read above for some of my ‘exploits’!
36 minutes ago
We need Murph and Harleigh for a full house, glenn is she’s able.
36 minutes ago
CL, Murph is here, jusy invisible on the side
36 minutes ago
Oh, sorry I missed glenn!!!
36 minutes ago
Murph – You saw Ohio this week, Jacksonville, FL, Wisconsin Supreme Court, on and on, in purple and Red states, Dems and Progressive policies are crushing expectations and far outperforming polls. The majority of Americans dislike Trump/DeSantis/MAGAs, it is crystal clear in actual election results. Zero elections since 2020 where Repubs outperformed polls. The country has moved away from MAGAs and MAGAs have moved away from the country.
AdLib35 minutes ago
Hi Murph – you have honed the art of “keeping a low profile”. Do you have a cloak of invisibility? I want one.
35 minutes ago

All do you think Thomas will resign given what ProPublica just reported out this week?
34 minutes ago
Welcome back CL! Guess this means hubby is okay and car is hopefully okay too?
AdLib34 minutes ago
Here is an interesting story in my backyard…..A minister in a local church is being pushed to resign (or be fired) because of the “radical” sermon series he has been offering at Sunday Services. A good number of members of his congregation have pilloried him. They have reported him to his Churc Domination’s governing council. What is this blasphemous sermon series about……??? The Beatitudes. His enemies are saying with all the confidence in the world that Jesus never said what is reported…..and that what the so-called fake sermon is advocating is the worst kind of radicalism.
34 minutes ago
Ad….your summary of the political landscape is comforting.
32 minutes ago

Murph are f***ing kidding me? They are questioning the sermon on the mount?
32 minutes ago
Murph – Very interesting and in the vein of another story I saw this week that RW MAGAs are challenging pastors who preach about Jesus, complaining that all of his “peace and love” stuff is “weak”, unlike Trump. Morons.
AdLib32 minutes ago
Choice…..how have I been Keeping a low profile?
32 minutes ago
Murph – what denomination is his church? That’s a starting point for where to go. Recommend to him the book “Steeplejacked” about the RW threats to open hearted clergy.
32 minutes ago
TW….yep and that is not the only Church.
31 minutes ago
Murph – you do not show up on the “check in ” list anymore though I do see your avatar on your actual posts. Weird.
31 minutes ago
Choice: Baptists
31 minutes ago

Murph all I can say is Damn!
31 minutes ago
CL….ah my stealth check-in…..probably a data glitch. I am many things but low profile is not usually listed among my characteristics (nor does shy, hesitant, obsequious, dumfounded, dull…..)
30 minutes ago
Murph – CL and I are together on this, the most accurate and scientific “poll” is an election result, make that multiple election results over the past 3 years. All show a much larger anti-MAGA, pro-Dem majority than any in the MSM want to recognize. It’s bad for business for them, they’re all about the horse race for earnings, they literally don’t care what the truth is about the electorate. Not “fake news”, just intentional ignorance of the truth.
AdLib30 minutes ago
All – the RW have finally decided to obliterate all liberal passages in the “inerrant word” of the Bible. See, for one, the “Conservative Bible Project”. LOTS of RW churches are recasting Jesus because they think he was a wuss. Don Jr. rejected “turn the other cheek” as weak, and not a single RW pastor rebuked him.
30 minutes ago
Ad….I agree with your overall assessment that you share with Choice about the political profile.
28 minutes ago
TW – Yes, the MAGA “Christians” view The Sermon on the Mount as “weak” and complain that Jesus wasn’t who the Bible describes. They seem to think he was more in the vein of Trump. Cultists doing cultist.
AdLib28 minutes ago

CL so much for wanting a Christian Nation don’t you think?
28 minutes ago
This is such a reflection on American religious brainwashing, when even Jesus’ ‘word’ is questioned and derided. And they want these conmen in Congress and Senate? Separate Church and State like it should be. This should be first task of new Admin.
28 minutes ago
Murph – he would, of course, come a cropper with the people who now push “Jesus with a gun” memes. I think he needs to find a new denomination. American Baptist might be a good fit. Roger Williams’ group.
28 minutes ago
CL – What Would Jesus Shoot?
AdLib27 minutes ago

Ad angels in the sky??
27 minutes ago
AdLib27 minutes ago
TW – I’d guess MAGAs would say Jesus would shoot “libtards”. Look it up, it’s in The Bible.
AdLib26 minutes ago
CL….I will pass that suggestion on to him…..what is esp. galling for me is that he has turned that church around in terms of active membership, good works activity, attendance at well done services, outreach the community….but under this recent attack so much withers so fast.
26 minutes ago

PPO I hate to say but we’re clearly going to Hell
26 minutes ago
TW – they want a “Christian Nation” insofar as it fits their view of what’s Christian Twitter has Michael Flynn proudly saying he tells off his priests at the various Catholic churches he attends, and if they don’t fit HIS view of Catholic teaching – he leaves. What is not articulated is the relief the priest and parish members feel when he goes.
26 minutes ago
Murph – Amid slashing insurance for 10,000 children this week, MO’s LG bragged about setting up baby drop off boxes. Sick people run that state.
AdLib24 minutes ago
CL….Good one!
24 minutes ago
Murph – “Steeplejacked” is several years told, but rather than attacking UCC and Episcopalian churches, the RW are going now after people such as he. Cannot tolerate the idea of a loving church. They are hell bent (TM) on destroying the churches that aren’t motivated by fear or by the pursuit of power and money.
24 minutes ago

CL and that is their problem when they say they want a Christian Nation, which version of Christianity do they want? Catholic, Baptist, Presbyterian?
24 minutes ago
Preaching the Social Gospel has become a minefield…..and yet that was at the heart of teaching of Yeshua bar Yosef bin Nazrit….His scorn for the pharisees lay in their failure to engage on a human level with those who turned them for guidance.
23 minutes ago
CL – It’s consistent for them, MAGAs see institutions that represent them as all needing to be reflections of the hatred, fear and bigotry that binds them together. Things like peace and love and Biblical Jesus undermine that deranged bond of the cultists.
AdLib22 minutes ago
TW – Oh, for sure nothing mainline. It will be a war – and it WILL be a WAR – between fundamentalists and Ultra Right Catholics. They detest one another. They have already written us mainline folks right off. So we’re free to go forward happily to practice love, inclusion, justice.
21 minutes ago
TW – They want a corrupt Christianity, a corrupt democracy, a corrupt leadership because they have become wholly corrupted and such people see love, peace, and genuine democracy as kryptonite to their bonding over hate, fear and bigotry.
AdLib21 minutes ago
Murph – you nailed it: All Pharisees, no Jesus in their religion.
20 minutes ago
Well, folks, good to be back, but need to get going. Moving out of my house Aug 28, but my new condo isn’t quite ready. Hope to see you all next week. Take care.
20 minutes ago
Christianity is just a commodity, and Jesus is just their mascot.
20 minutes ago
G’day, PPO = so super to see you. Tell us all about your trip when you can.l Hugs to you!
19 minutes ago

PPO be well my friend hope to see you next week.
19 minutes ago
Hope you can juggle the bridge between house and condo. Never fun!
19 minutes ago
19 minutes ago
CL…..I do not know the UCC well but Episcopalians have a very well educated clergy and attract parishioners who are open to inquiry and debate….of course their churches have been hollowed out as membership has shrunk overall and their messages have been dismissed as irrelevant and even unAmerican.
19 minutes ago
CL – And of course the good part is that all of these religious extremist groups are shrinking as young people spurn them and oppose them. It’s a dangerous time but if things go as they look like they will, this may be the breaking point for extremism in 2024, it could be a fast fall downhill if Dems win unified control of Congress and Biden is reelected.
AdLib19 minutes ago

CL I like that Christianity is a commodity and Jesus is their mascot nice.
18 minutes ago
TW – It is kind of ironic that the main thing MAGAs dislike about Christianity is Christ.
AdLib18 minutes ago
The 2020 survey of American religion found the fundies fell from 24% if the population to 13% today over less than a decade. The mianline Protestants SLIGHTLY grew. Catholics lost members. The RW is losing, and that is EXACTLY why they have become so vicious. It’s grab America now, or they’re never going to do it.
17 minutes ago
Ad Lib…..the Christ of the Gospel would not be impressed by Maggats but they are not impressed by him. A mismatch all around…so they create a plastic Jesus they can mold.
16 minutes ago
So, do you think Dems will hold the Senate, take The House and keep the WH in 2024? If so, do you think the filibuster will be killed and voting rights, choice, enlarging the SCOTUS and imposing ethics rules and oversight will follow?
AdLib16 minutes ago
All – Yes, it is now VERY clear that the RW really dislike Jesus. Several recent articles about that.
16 minutes ago
Ad – It hink we will regain the House, expand the Senate though not to 60 I fear, and we will do good things.
15 minutes ago
There is a large independent mega-church in our area that continues to thrive because they have ministers and lay leaders who fly the flag of American Conservative Religious Experience.
15 minutes ago
Check this out, from Hannah and Her Sisters (though I don’t really watch Woody Allen anymore after finding out what a creature he is.
AdLib14 minutes ago
Ad……So, do you think Dems will hold the Senate, take The House and keep the WH in 2024? If so, do you think the filibuster will be killed and voting rights, choice, enlarging the SCOTUS and imposing ethics rules and oversight will follow?……do you want a response in 10 words or less?
14 minutes ago
Churches that confirm the power of whiteness, the rightness of riches, and the absence of actual, you know, personal responsibility, will always be in favor UNTIL someone gets hurt by them.
13 minutes ago
Murph – To be honest, if Jesus came back, MAGAs would re-crucify him at Trump’s orders in a matter of hours.
AdLib12 minutes ago
Ad….He would certainly be on the wrong side from their perspective.
12 minutes ago
CL…many have gotten hurt….and badly and those churches suffer but clones pop up in the fertile fields of self serving delusion.
11 minutes ago
CL – I think Dems will hold the majority in The Senate, replace Sinema, win the tight races and maybe pull out a surprise or two like Allred against Cruz in TX
AdLib11 minutes ago

Ad perhaps not if one thinks about it, Christ represents all the attributes they are fighting against and in a way is a thorn in their side when they are making their push tolerism.
10 minutes ago
Murph – That works, a response in 10 words or less. My response would be, “Yes. Yes.” times 5.
AdLib10 minutes ago
Murph – the rapid decline of Catholics and fundies speaks to their awfulness. They know they’re losing. They will do ANYTHING they can to be relevant.
9 minutes ago
Ad….ever the progressive optimist.
9 minutes ago
TW – the idea of justice, love, inclusion is anathema to many so called Christians.
8 minutes ago
TW – Consider that just as MAGAs are pro-Putin over pro-US President, they would be pro-Romans over pro-Jesus.
AdLib8 minutes ago
Murph – You can call it optimism or you can call it triangulating based on actual election results. I prefer the latter. I would love to see a Repub make an argument on stronger ground than elections result tracking.
AdLib7 minutes ago

CL considering that these same folks clamor for this to be a Christian nation, but are unwilling to affirm their beliefs in what Christ preached. In a way it’s expected.
7 minutes ago

Ad the MAGA’s would definitely had a problem with the Greeks, who gave us democracy. They would have said they did it all wrong.
5 minutes ago
TW – the OPEN declaration that Jesus was too wussy for these people is appalling. I will no longer grant them the title “Christian” but call them Dominionist of Old Testamentarians without a lick of Rabbinical Wisdom.
5 minutes ago
MAGA Jesus: Hate thy Neighbor. The meek shall inherit my boot. The Prince of Peacemaker Missiles.
AdLib5 minutes ago
Whoops, Peacekeeper missiles.
AdLib5 minutes ago

CL now that’s is interesting.
4 minutes ago
You two are really going to town…..enjoying it.
4 minutes ago
Well friends…..I am fading but I did very much enjoy your dialogue.
3 minutes ago
TW – If MAGAs had been around in Greek times they would’ve dragged Plato behind a pickup truck.
AdLib3 minutes ago
Well, after a decade long great relationship with the local Episcopal cathedral and its Canon,. I’ve pissed off the new guy by being too outspoken against local policies that do not help the homeless. He has not contacted me. He’s more interested in placating the powers that be.
3 minutes ago

Murph it was good to see you hear tonight as always.
2 minutes ago
Same here Murph! Get some rest and have a nice weekend!
AdLib2 minutes ago
Take care.
2 minutes ago
CL – Loyalty to an institution instead of the principles of an institution is a betrayal.
AdLib2 minutes ago
Good night, Murph – I think after a long day fraught with small but annoying chaos, I shall do the same. Hugs to you all. See you next week – minor disasters and life annoyances not withstanding.
2 minutes ago
Sounds good, CL. Have a relaxing weekend!
AdLiba minute ago
Shall I call you, TW?
AdLiba minute ago

Ad I think it would have been a chariot but you’re right they would have no patience for him or any of the Greek philosophers for the simple reason they wouldn’t understand what the hell they were talking about.
a minute ago

Ad I will give you a call
a few seconds ago
TW – A chariot is a much better suggestion (and joke).
AdLiba few seconds ago
Sounds good!
AdLiba few seconds ago
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