Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!

AdLib3 hours ago

Well here we are another Friday night with so much to talk abouit.


2 hours ago

Once again!

AdLib2 hours ago

All well with you?

AdLib2 hours ago

Thomas is so hugely corrupt, does Roberts think he can just sit on it long enough for ebveryone to forget?

AdLib2 hours ago

All things are fine here. Thomas is indeed corrupt. Do you think he will resign?


2 hours ago

I think right wingers are narcissists and have no sense of decency. No doubt, Thomas thinks he’s a victim and this is another “high tech lynching”.

AdLib2 hours ago

He’ll never voluntarily resign, it will take the DoJ indicting him for him to negotiate a resignation in return for not being prosecuted.

AdLiban hour ago

I know that what the senior senator from TX said, but it doesn’t apply


an hour ago

What do you think?

AdLiban hour ago

The constant game of claiming victimhood when Repubs are caught breaking the law is tiresome and annoying. Trump does the same thing.

AdLiban hour ago

Who but their cultists buy into such obvious BS anyway?

AdLiban hour ago

No I do not think Thomas will voluntary resign. He doesn’t have the moral compass for that. He has harbored resentment for how he was treated in the Anita Hill process.


an hour ago

Republicans always seem to claim they are victims and then cast dispersion on people who are really victims.


an hour ago

Yes but he was already corrupt before that hearing because he was sexually intimidating to Anita Hill and other women who stepped forward before that.

AdLiban hour ago

I worked with someone who knew him when he headed up the EEOC and told me then he was a pervert.


an hour ago

It’s a redundant move in their corrupt game. Always when getting caught breaking the law, they claim “witch hunt”, “lynching”, “political”. Such a tired and lame game they play.

AdLiban hour ago

CL is in the house !! Let the party start.


an hour ago

Hey CL!

AdLiban hour ago

Hi – We are here!


an hour ago

Is that the royal “we”?

AdLiban hour ago

TW, dear – you have VERY low party standards I fear.


an hour ago

No, Ad – it’s the Editorial We.


an hour ago

CL – I can’t stand to look at Camilla. She’s the personification of how corrupt the British monarchy is.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – at least hold out for Murph as the party animal.


an hour ago

CL you’re talking to a child of Woodstock vintage even though I never went, I had to live through much of the “revelation”


an hour ago

Ad – I don’t care for her, no, but I don’t know her, so…


an hour ago

CL will give him his due props when he shows up.


an hour ago

TW – aren’t you and I both of that generation with those directives? Ad is a bit younger and spared much of it.


an hour ago

So…seditious conspiracy for Trump’s 1/6 buddies? nd word that Fani Willis has 8 of the phony Trump electors making a deal with her to testify. I think Trump is going down hard from all angles.

AdLiban hour ago

CL yes Ad is a bit younger but what is the saying, age is nothing but a number and ours are unlisted.


an hour ago

And E. Jean Carroll’s case has gone pretty much the best that it could. Trump could be legally declared a rapist as soon as next week.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I like that!

AdLiban hour ago

All – Garland knew, going in, that you had to prove seditious conspiracy had occurred. The standard was higher than, say, bank robbery where the crime is pretty obvious. And now he’s done it and to the Proud Boys, Stone’s personal security force at the Willard J5. Ooops. Roger is going into duck and cover mode. He’s next on the hot seat.


an hour ago

All, yes seditious conspiracy hope they like their orange jump suits they going to be in them for a long long time.


an hour ago

It remains hard to conceive that one of the two main political parties in the country will nominate a convicted rapist, tax cheat, fraud, and traitor as their presidential nominee.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Ad knows my number. I finally revealed it. But of course I don’t remotely LOOK my age.


an hour ago

CL – Stone needs to spend the rest of his life in prison and Trump needs to keep breaking precedents as the first ex-president to go to prison.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – It[s not hard for me to believe the GOP are corrupt to the bone. I’ve been fighting their rancid corruption since the 1980s. Back in the day, in the 60s, the GOP were principled and could be great allies. Not since Reagan.


an hour ago

CL well I grew up in the age when you never asked a lady her age and I respect that rule, I have to because whacks upside the head hurt.


an hour ago

Ad – could NOT agree more!!! Stone and his wife are swingers. Can you see the prison fun he will have?


an hour ago

I have to think that between testimony and communications, Jack Smith has to have pretty solid connections between the now-convicted seditionists and Trump. And Fani Willis likely has the same on Trump and his recorded attempt to overthrow the GA election.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – your Mama told you not to ask. And I ain’t telling. I needed to with Ad, but he keeps my secret.


an hour ago

All I would love see Stone frog walked out of his house once again. He needs to be in jail.


an hour ago

I think Smith has two separate cases – insurrection and sedition on one hand, treason on the other due to documents. Trump is toast.


an hour ago

TW – I almost want Stone frogwalked more than Trump.


an hour ago

CL – I think the corruption in the GOP has eaten through all of their facades now, they are openly and blatantly calling for the overthrow ove democracy, voting rights, civil rights, the 1st Amendment, etc. Biden merely has to run the video to win in 2024 with the rest of Dems doing the same. They declare loyalty to Russia and declare every American institution as an enemy. They need to be crushed in 2024.

AdLiban hour ago

The clip MSBC showed of


an hour ago

CL – It’s in the vault, I’ll never tell.

AdLiban hour ago

I have noted a MAJOR shift in tone on Twitter due to precisely this information. People are again fired up over the outrageous corruption evident every day.


an hour ago

CL – Love to see Stone swinging in prison.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – thank you. I have retinal problems, and my ophthalmologist LOVES me because I’m not senile.


an hour ago

The portion of Trump looking at the photo in his deposition and confusing E. Jean Caroll with his Marla his second wife was priceless.


an hour ago

TW – anyone who dares think Biden is mentally limited needs to see THAT.


an hour ago

I heard Jack Smith is investigating the Saudi LIV golf tournaments out of suspicion Trump was bribed and could have offered some of the top secret docs he was holding in exchange.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I KNOW!!! I am loving Smith and his relentless pursuit of this corrupt and depraved man!!!


an hour ago

CL – Do you think Roberts believes he can just wait it out and the corruption outrage will just disappear over Thomas and the rest of the corrupt SCOTUS judges?

AdLiban hour ago

Ad saw that, I believe all the money the Saudis have poured into holding LIV at his golf courses and the 2billion deal Jared got is to keep him quite about the Cosogi murder


an hour ago

Ad – if Roberts is that stupid, well… This corruption story has major legs. It won'[t go away.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, Trump exploded whatever credibility he may have had in the case by proving Carroll was indeed “his type” and justifying the Access Hollywood misogyny.

AdLiban hour ago

Let me correct my spelling it should have bee Khashoggi


an hour ago

TW – the Saudis are in up to their necks. But remember “Fareheit 911”? I’m pretty done w Michael Moore, but he asked a powerful question – why were the Saudis in the USA allowed to leave when all other planes were grounded that day? Lots of nasty here.


an hour ago

TW -Thanks for taking care of his name. What happened to him is beyond our ability to process it. He must never be forgotten.\


an hour ago

TW – I buy all of that but would add in that the nuclear secrets given to the Saudis by Trump along with top secret info that helped decimate others in the royal family to leave MBS protected in power were involved too.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I think you’re correct, and it makes me gag.


an hour ago

CL – What do you think will happen with Thomas, Roberts and the SCOTUS now?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – I knew what you meant, no worries.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Not at all sure about Roberts, but Clarence and Ginni crossed lines into criminal activity. The DOJ has authority there.


an hour ago

CL I remember that. The Saudis have had a long standing relationship with the US and Britian it goes back years. It all centers around allowing GB and US to be in their country as long as they don’t interfere with their religion and its followers.


an hour ago

TW – Saudis are Muslim in name only. They are only inches off ISIS in zealotry. We need to stop courting them for oil. They are vile.


an hour ago

Cl this was something that was worked out during WWII between Churchill and Roosevelt.


an hour ago

CL can’t speak to that but, they come the closest to old


an hour ago

CL – I feel the same way, recognizing what we knew was the case, that Trump as president betrayed our country, gave secrets to dictators including MBS, Putin and maybe others, in exchange for money. It’s so disgusting and has been so obvious. Usually, we have to just give up that such criminality by the powerful will have legal consequence. But I really do have faith in Jack Smith that he will nail Trump and his close allies. As Tom Petty said, the waiting is the hardest part.

AdLiban hour ago

All – have you heard the latest Russian propaganda that the US and GB fought WITH Germany in WW II? There are going to be tons of questions about the photo of Churchill, FDR, and Stalin in Malta I’d think.


an hour ago

Cl the old European kings and queens of old.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, I think the DoJ MUST investigate Thomas and Ginni and prosecute them and their criminal financers.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – the autocrats have all got the same slogan: “Forward to the Past”.


an hour ago

CL – So true, we can never forget that the 9/11 terriorists were nearly all Saudis AND financed by the royal family.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – Smith was brought in for his record as the relentless prosecutor of tyrants. He is unstoppable. Whether it’s Trump or maybe, eventually, Clarence and Ginni, he is the formidable foe.


an hour ago

CL – Black is white, up is down, the US fought with the Nazis in WWII, are the Russian people really THAT brainwashed? I suppose many are, not so different from MAGAs.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad – I’m not sure the royal Saudis financed directly, but bin Laden IS one of them, for sure.


an hour ago

CL I like that, it is spot on with them. Progress scares the you know what out of them


an hour ago

Since Reagan, the Right globally has propagated myth over fact. Scary.


an hour ago

CL – As you know, I’ve had my criticisms and doubts about Garland along the way but his bringing in Jack Smith to do the job he’s doing was a turning point for me, now I give props to Garland and am fully behind and supportive of Jack Smith.

AdLiban hour ago

Tw – when Bush II said, “We want to go back before Roosevelt” we assumed FDR. Turns out they meant Teddy. The Gilded Age is their wet dream. No taxes, no labor rights, no human rights, no women’s power, no democracy. What’s not to love?


an hour ago

TW – And most of all – they want Jim Crow back. That’s the biggie now.


an hour ago

CL – Yes, the Saudis absolutely helped finance the 9/11 terrorists. No coincidence those in the US immediately fled the US the day of the attack or the following day.

AdLiban hour ago

AdLiban hour ago

CL that is the impression I’m getting from the few pages I read in Democracy in chains.


an hour ago

That NYT article says that the FBI found circumstantial evidence of the Sudis supporting the 9/11 terrorists but couldn’t find a smoking gun.

AdLiban hour ago


AdLiban hour ago

TW – so, if they want JIm Crow, what about Clarence? Well, there was a Black elite in DC during that time. Daniel Murray, a Librarian of Congress, was much respected. Even the greatest racist fascists leave room for the “good kind of Negro” in their midst. Not at the same parties and not equal, but tolerated and ignored since they do good.


an hour ago

Ad – that is good to know. And yet we suck up.


an hour ago

CL yes from a historical sense that was true as long as they knew their place.


an hour ago

Ad isn’t some of that in the 9/11 report?


an hour ago

CL – Can you believe that on top of all the terrible laws the GOP are passing in red states, they’re now pushing a return to child labor? I mean, nothing is too horrible for them and we should always expect the absolute worst from them.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – NW DC around 16th was the Black elite stronghold. No race mixing, but they were professionals, business people, and well to do. Nobody bothered them so long as they stayed there.


an hour ago

Ad – the child labor changes are horrifying. I am working w the United Methodists on this because they led the way in 1907. I’m sick of refighting what we already did. But, there it is.


an hour ago

CL along with what you said, the thing that goes counter to their goals is their push for this to be a Christian nation. So, I ask which Christian religion will become the state religion?


an hour ago

Repubs want and are legislating Jim Crow laws, child labor, stripping marriage rights for LGBTQ Americans, stripping care and money for veterans, authorizing the overthrow of elections in democratic counties (in TX), making women second class citizens controlled by the state, it doesn’t stop. How could anyone other than MAGA cultists want these insane people in power?

AdLiban hour ago

TW – if you believe in “originalism” (they don’t.) your religious choices are Congregational, Quaker, Anglican, Jewish, American Baptists, and that’s it. No Southern Baptists or any other fundie religion. Can carve out a tiny foothold for Catholics in Baltimore but nowhere else. Those were the ONLY religions on the ground 1776.


an hour ago

CL in DC that was allowed, but we both know in other states they destroyed the centers of commerce in the Black communities, Tulsa and Florida


an hour ago

American Baptists – Roger Williams – are quite liberal. HAH@!


an hour ago

CL – Repubs love owning the libs by having a Candace Owens, Tim Scott, Herschel Walker or Clarence Thomas be the face of their twisted party. They love putting out any gay person, Latino, etc., anyone who flies in the face of the natural Dem constituency, as the face of their twistedness.

AdLiban hour ago

TW – Yes, DC was about the only place outside of N’Orleans and Charleston SC where Black people could achieve and survive.


an hour ago

Ad – to all that I say “The exceptions that prove the rule”. These outliers are irrelevant. ONE RW Black person does NOT make a trend.


an hour ago

CL the fact you named four is a problem because two of them they didn’t trust before the Civil War broke out. Quakers and Jews. And Catholics were not their favorite either.


an hour ago

TW – Yes, the 9/11 commission also found Saudi support for the hijackers but again, no smoking gun because, IMO, there are those in the U.S. govt who helped protect the Saudis from exposure.

AdLiban hour ago

Ad did you see where Herschel Walker is being looked at for allowing a $500,000 campaign contribution flow into one of his company business accounts and didn’t report it out.


44 minutes ago

TW – Yes, if you’re looking for large populations of religion, It is Congregationalists, Anglicans. Deists were a tiny elite, and the remainder were ONLY regional. If I were a “True Believer” in originalism I’d take note that the evangelical and certainly Pentecostal threads did not come until much later.


43 minutes ago

CL – It’s almost like Repubs are empowered by hypocrisy. All the anti-LGBTQ laws, book bans, drag show bans, school subject bans to “protect the children” while they want them maimed and killed working around heavy machinery! I’m past the point of debate with Repubs, they need to be politically crushed and stripped of power, period. They are sick, sick people.

AdLib43 minutes ago

TW – just saw the Walker expose today. Long may he serve – in prison.


43 minutes ago

There is no stronger summation, Ad, than “they are sick, sick people”.


42 minutes ago

CL well the founding fathers were Deists and from what I’ve read pretty adamant about not having a state religion as the 1st amendment stated although Ms. Bobert doesn’t seem to know that.


41 minutes ago

CL – Throughout history, there are always those people who are opportunists and see the potential for their own profit by betraying their own people and community. There were Jews who collaborated with Nazis, Native Americans who collaborated with the European invaders, on and on throiughout history.

AdLib41 minutes ago

TW – many were Deists – certainly not all – but I think they WERE untied in no official religion.


41 minutes ago

Ad – accepting the perfidy of any individual action in collaboration with one’s oppressor, that doesn’t change a damned thing about the oppression.


40 minutes ago

TW – No, I didn’t see that story about Walker but it’s not surprising at all. He saw Trump as a role model and copied all he could, lying and defrauding constantly, this seems more predictable that Walker embezzled campaign money than not.

AdLib39 minutes ago

CL in much of my reading I’ve come to a simple conclusion, religion has been one of the major focal points of conflicts both internally and externally for nations. And when the leaders of countries decided they needed more land, it was because their Gods told them to go take ti.


38 minutes ago

CL – Nope, some people, no matter their race, religion or nationality, are just selfish opportunists and sociopathic to one degree or another. They simply don’t care about how many people like them they cause damage to as long as they profit, that’s all that matters.

AdLib37 minutes ago

CL, while I can’t prove it there is a through line of what I call abject conquest directly related to religious hegemony.


37 minutes ago

CL and when we strip every thing off around what the US wants to do, I believe we will find the religious component buried in the mission statement the use to justify what they want to do.


35 minutes ago

Tw – that’s indisputable EXCEPT if you look at the resistance. Abolitionists were Congregationalist, Methodist, Quaker. They were motivated by powerful commitments to justice. Every subsequent movement has been tied to the “teachings of Jesus” arm of a religion. Even S. Baptists have a liberal wing that fight for tax justice for the poor (Alabama Arise). It’s not a monolith.


35 minutes ago

TW – I think one of the reasons religion is exploited for evil is the same reason civil rights are exploited for evil, because they aren’t exclusionary and anyone can claim to be respecting a religion or civil right while doing evil things.

AdLib35 minutes ago

The RW aspects of Christianity are powerful – BUT they are on the wane. Public Religious Research Institute does a regular survey and found the RW fundies dropped HUGELY from 24 to 13% of the population, and Catholicism is losing members rapidly. THIS is why they are ratcheting up the assault on democracy. They are LOSING while the mainline justice oriented Protestants are slightly growing and the “nones” are growing. They are desperate because their vision of a conservative religious nation are being destroyed.


32 minutes ago

Look at Trump and the worst of those on the RW. Every evil they commit is done while thumping a bible or civil rights. The 2nd Amendment requires the blood sacrifice of innocent people and children and can’t be stopped because it would be infringing on a civil right. Allowing bigotry is described by these monsters as “respecting religion”. They are quick and easy shields for doing terrible things.

AdLib32 minutes ago

Ad when it comes to what people do in the name of the politics all I can do is quote that famous philosopher Flip Wilson, “The Devil Made Me Do It!”


32 minutes ago

All – the RW religion took off powerfully in 1976. They removed ALL requirements to be modest, humble, dull and took in anyone. Then, once you were “born again” by taking Jesus as your savior, they said you could do ANYTHING YOU WANT. And this is why their sexual and monetary corruption flourishes. They believe they will go to Heaven no matter WHAT the hell they do. It’s on us to make their lives on earth hellish as a bar to this perfidy.


30 minutes ago

TW – Perfect!

AdLib29 minutes ago

Ad I knew you could find it.


29 minutes ago

TW – yup – a comedian became the justification for the most horrid behavior.


29 minutes ago

Ad now that would be banned in Florida


29 minutes ago

How is Jimmy Swaggart et al. not part of this? They’ve never been held to account until recently. We are over 800 sexual predators in fundie churches, police, politicians who have been arrested and convicted of horrid child sexual abuse, etc. Not a drag queen in sight.


27 minutes ago

CL – You nailed it! That was the moment, as the youth movement was waning, when religion struck back (like The Empire) to retake society in a hostile and aggressive way. It’s great that its power is waning now but they have carved out enough states and local governments to enforce their minority theocracy on the majority.

AdLib27 minutes ago

All, I don’t know why, but I find it fascinating how all this political upheaval religion is smack dab in the middle of it all. Why is that?


26 minutes ago

Can I just say…I loved Flip Wilson when I was a kid, possibly my favorite comedian at the time.

AdLib26 minutes ago

Ad – they lost their dominance 2022. Now more states are Dem run than GOP) run. And they are ratcheting up the violence because of it.


26 minutes ago

Ad Flip was one of the best.


25 minutes ago

TW – Because the perversion of religion is one of the most powerful tools for those wanting to dominate the majority.

AdLib25 minutes ago

Tw – RW religion has been on a crusade since 1964. They peaked w Reagan and Bush but are losing HORRIBLY now – people are sick of the hate.


25 minutes ago

CL, but it seems they are still trying to push it down people’s throats even if they are on the downside.


23 minutes ago

All – RW religion is massively on the decline. Scroll up to see my post on PRRI. THAT is why they are ratcheting up their power – they are losing and are terrified.


23 minutes ago

CL – Yes, TW and I were discussing that now that the long described “swing states” of PA, MI and WI seem to be more solidly in the Dem column, Repubs have no real path to the WH. AZ also looks like a Dem likely state as does GA. The math is simple, no path to Repub victory for the WH.

AdLib23 minutes ago

CL I’m going to read the report.


22 minutes ago

And we, the people , are pushing back on RW religion. We are questioning Alito and SCOTUS, and not accepting Dobbs. We are fighting back vigorously. We have to.


22 minutes ago

And it is the youth vote, who don’t subscribe to the bigotry of the perverse and alleged “Christians”, who have been powering Dems to big wins as they had in evenly split WI in the SC election.

AdLib21 minutes ago

TW – Here is the link to the 2020 survey. PRRI has impeccable creds.


21 minutes ago

Ad thanks for the link I have the page open will check it later.


20 minutes ago

Wait – it is ALSO the Christians of the Black church, liberal multiracial churches, and many pretty much white liberal churches that have joined WITH secular liberals to gain ground.


20 minutes ago

CL – Yes, what we are seeing from the RW extremists including the religious extremists, is such aggressive behavior because they are in a state of desperation. They can’t conceive of compromising their extremism while recognizing they are a shrinking minority. So they attack democracy and try to hobble it, strike out at all who aren’t straight white males and proudly attack democracy itself as a system.

AdLib19 minutes ago

There is a liberal, non doctrinaire part of Catholicism that is part of this. MOSTLY Catholic Charities and nuns behind that movement, but it’s big and important and powerful.


18 minutes ago

CL – Great point about the majority now very opposed to the Religious Right due to Dobbs/Roe along with the energized Gen Xers. And the bigotry ans gun violence has the youth vote energized. How can you win elections without women, minorities and two generations of Americans?

AdLib17 minutes ago

Ad – the RW cannot abide ANY voices for justice. I used to have clergy at women’s clinics – right in Flip Benham’s face – and you’d have thought we were going to burst into flames. WE ARE EVIDENCE OF THEIR LIES. They cannot tolerate liberal Christians. Why I’ve been stalked for YEARS by the RW.


17 minutes ago

The hate of the RW started w their hate of LGBTQ people. SO MANY conservative members had family who were openly gay and were so abandoned and reviled by their Own CHURCHES that it has split the conservative movement apart.


15 minutes ago

CL – I hate that you’ve had to deal with these sick stalkers. Yes, your very existence exposes their lies, that religious people aren’t hateful, self-righteous, close minded conformists. They can’t deal with the idea that their view of God is opposed by a majority of religious people, let alone, most Americans of all beliefs. They need to believe in theocratic conformity and oppression.

AdLib14 minutes ago

Here is something I wrote about how religion keep me from voting


14 minutes ago

The diocese of San Joaquin refused to go with the Episcopal Church on being “open and affirming” of LGBTQ people. They split off, joined the Anglicans of Argentina (??) and had to leave the properties that were owned by the national church. As soon as they were gone, people FLOODED back, thrilled to be in a church that didn’t preach hate.


13 minutes ago

CL – And it was a common story for LGBTQ people to be shut out by their own parents and families in favor of church bigotry and conformity. Again I use the word but how sick is it to throw away your own child so you can embrace bigotry and conformity?

AdLib12 minutes ago

TW – Didn’t we publish that article here too?

AdLib12 minutes ago

San Joaquin is the largest growing part of Protestantism in CA. FAMILIES as well as LGBTQ people make up the membership. People are SICK of hate.


12 minutes ago

Ad I believe you did


12 minutes ago

Ad I just check you did indeed.


11 minutes ago

Ad – the numbers of people locked out of their own families is unknown, but we see FAMILIES leaving conservative churches to join liberal ones that welcome them and their LGBTQ loved ones.


10 minutes ago

CL – I think the natural instinct is to celebrate and be positive in one’s religion. It is a sacrificing of one’s own conscience and identity to be a part of a church of hate.

AdLib10 minutes ago

Ad – nobody wants to give up their identity for membership anymore. Too many better options!


10 minutes ago

All I believe Right Wing Nut Jobs just need to keep their religious beliefs to themselves and stop trying to push them on others because history is not on their side.


9 minutes ago

As usual, I am starting to fade. For whatever reason I’m up at O Dark Thirty these days, and without a nap that I didn’t get, I get tuckered (not Carlson) out quickly in the evening. Hope to see you both and others next week. Hugs and best wishes for a great weekend and coming week. See you!


8 minutes ago

CL – I think the connectedness of small communities via the internet and social media has helped people recognize the lies of the bigoted churches and that they don’t have to conform to them.

AdLib8 minutes ago

Well it looks like we lost CL I’ll call in a min.


7 minutes ago

Give me 5 minutes.

AdLib6 minutes ago

You got it.


5 minutes ago


AdLib5 minutes ago

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