Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib2 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLib2 hours ago

Hey Ad lots to cover toniight.
2 hours ago
Wow, you’re not kidding!
AdLib2 hours ago

Tuckums getting the boot, and Trump on trial for rape
an hour ago
What’s at the top of your list?
AdLiban hour ago

It’s so hard to choose, Tuckum, Trump, The SC it’s a target rich environment
an hour ago
The flushing of Tucker is huge and Fox News’ ratings are crashing on top of it. While Smartmatic licks their chops to go in for the kill.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago

I don’t think I have a enough fingers to type fast enough
an hour ago

Murph is in the house let’s get this party started
an hour ago
The E. Jean Carroll case is huge. Mike Pence testifying to the Grand Jury should mean charges are being prepped for Trump and his mob.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad like I said target rich.
an hour ago
And DeSantis is crashing in the GOP primary polls, down to 18% and down 40+ to Trump.
AdLiban hour ago
And Disney sued and will crush DeSantis and the Repub Legislature in federal court for blatant unconstitutional law breaking.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad everyone says you should mess with the Mouse, but it’s the Duck DeSantis needs to worry his short self about.
an hour ago
TW – Ronald…duck!
AdLiban hour ago

Murph I pulled down a copy of the suit but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.
an hour ago

Ad Daffy Duck was a piece of work, but Donald, well, he taught Daffy everything he knows.
an hour ago
TW – I read the Disney suit and they have such a solid case. And now Trump won’t be the only Repub candidate dealing with lawsuits over committed crimes.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad well I’m looking forward to reading it, in between everything else on my list.
an hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
I am her but on the phone.
an hour ago

DaffySantis I like it.
an hour ago
TW – It’s kind of Constitution 101. Government can’t be used to violate 1st Amendment rights. Period. And that is what DeSantis and his cronies have openly admitted.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph you’re manning the hot line we understand.
an hour ago
Murph – Got it!
AdLiban hour ago
And another fun news bit, DeSantis threw a tantrum in Israel when pressed on his abuse of prisoners at Guantanmo.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad, I sort of figured that but I will get to it kind of like reading these briefs they can be insterestsing.
an hour ago

Ad I saw that, what a buffoon
an hour ago
Not to mention how the Repubs are passing fascist laws left and right to assault LGBTQ rights, women, schools and libraries, marriage rights…and add to that the House GOP’s proposal to crush the poor, veterans and plunge the country into a terrible recession. Who bult MAGA cultists will vote in state and national elections for Repubs? They offer only death, poverty, destruction and tyranny.
AdLiban hour ago

Enough about DeDumass let’s kick Tuckums around for a bit.
an hour ago
Funny how in the GOP world, getting fired for being a racist/sexist/pro-Russian/anti-democracy liar makes Tucker the type of person they want to run for president.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad well we’ve been talking about this a bit, the Repugs are just out for total power they have forgone democracy it’ s total autocracy for them going forward.
an hour ago
Ok I AM HERE…..TaaaaaDaaaaa
an hour ago

All right Murph is up and ready.
an hour ago
Sooooo….what are you two firebrands chatting about?
an hour ago
TW – Yes, the GOP is a condemned house full of creepy crawlies that have taken over and yet the MSM still treats it like just another home.
AdLiban hour ago
Welcome, Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
I am going to a Kunce Meeting tomorrow morning……..I guess I am going to be one of the core organizers for. St. Louis…..
an hour ago
The GOP is a fascist cult openly committed to the destruction of democracy and the permanent establishment of a brutal plutocracy/theocracy. Full stop.
AdLiban hour ago
Creepie Crawley Hawley has gotta go….
an hour ago

Murph it’s a target rich environment tonight just pick a subject. Tuckums, DeDumnness, The failing SC E. Jean Caroll, Kevin McCarthy
an hour ago
Murph – That is exciting news! What a fantastic candidate and campaign to be a part of.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I like Creepy Crawly Hasley!
AdLiban hour ago
AdLiban hour ago
And they are relying on their major allies to keep them on top: Ignorance, Fear, Anxiety, and Entitlement.
an hour ago

Murph yes Hawley has to go
an hour ago
Ad…yep Hawley…typing too fast.
an hour ago
How anyone can like Hawley is beyond my comprehension.
AdLiban hour ago

Ad what is the pulse on Hawley in your state?
an hour ago
The state legislature here snuck through a newly approved procedure for state medicaid funding to “streamline it”. Of course what it has done is slow it down to a crawl…..the slower it goes, the less the state spends on those in the most need.
an hour ago
Who is the most despised Senator? Ted Cruz, Hawley, Ron Johnson, Mitch McConnell?
AdLiban hour ago

Ad all of them.
an hour ago
Murph – The MO Legislature is just a MOb now.
AdLiban hour ago
Did you hear about teachers and college professors really starting to leave FL now after all the fascist laws against education? Aside from parents being insane to send their daughters to an anti-abortion state for college, how many residents are going to start leaving the state to get a diploma that isn’t laughed at in the rest of the country?
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…that they are……sad news two of the black families who belong to my fading co-op/assoc told me. they are moving out of mo. They have had it. I think the assoc is a goner.
an hour ago

Heard something interesting yesterday regarding the Presidential election, the analyst said Joe has a good chance of winning based on the fact if he wins one of these three states Trump doesn’t have a chance, the states Georgia, AZ and WI
an hour ago
A FL college degree already is looked at questionably but now any meaningful employer is going to start to doubt the education of the next generation in the state when they apply for jobs.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph sorry to hear that about the association
an hour ago
Murph – Sorry to hear about the black families and your association but with the white supremacists running wild in government and society in MO and other red states, what can be said to convince them to stay? It’s only going to get much worse before it hopefully reaches a breaking point.
AdLiban hour ago
I watched an interview from a Ft. Lauderdale tv station with a young man who was born “female” and has fully transitioned to male. He had all of the benefits of a relatively enlightened medical system in FL and he grabbed graduated last year at the top of his class in a state university in engineering having gotten a full scholarship to attend and live on campus. He has just made it know that he is taking. his degree and going north.
an hour ago

CL is in the House
an hour ago
Hey! The gang’s almost all here!
an hour ago
Ad and TW…thanks for the good words of support. The association barely functions now. I spoke with my attorney a little while ago and we are going to formally shut it down.
an hour ago
There is a de facto Confederacy now that only a unified and filibuster-free Democratic Congress can arrest. These red states have dropped a virtual Iron Curtain that any reasonable woman or person of color or any minority would steer clear of.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey TW, Ad, Murph – lovely to see you!
an hour ago
CL….The Gang of Four!
an hour ago
Hey CL! I think glenn tried to login earlier too but apparently she wasn’t able to.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – but as a gang we don’t decapitate anyone. Always good I think.
an hour ago
Ad – I had NO trouble logging in. I’m just “dinner didn’t go well” late.
an hour ago
Murph – So are you going to sell crops independently? What are your next steps?
AdLiban hour ago
Did you see MTG tell the women leader of the national teacher federation that she is. not a mom because she is a mother by marriage….i.e. step mom. Gross.
an hour ago
Murph – I guarantee that FL, MO, TN, TX, etc. will all experience a brain drain as more and more promising college grads look to free states to build a life.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad…….I think it is time to get out of the farming business altogether. I do not need the income and was largely keeping it up and running because of our co-op community. No community. No need. No co-op.
an hour ago

Murph saw that and I loved what Michael Steele response to MTG, Joseph was a step dad that was classic
an hour ago
Ad – has anyone listened to the 7 part serious from Rachel Maddow on the America Firsters of c. 1940? I think we all need to learn from this. I recommend it highly. msnbc.com//ultra – it takes only one slash, and it’s absolutely worth doing the whole podcast.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Speak for yourself, personally, I’m up for the occassional decapitation. Look at Tucker.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – There are always exceptions to the rule.
an hour ago
TW….isn’t Steele from a family where he was raised by a step mom?
an hour ago

Murph so you’re considering getting out of gentlemen farming, interesting.
an hour ago
Murph – The satisfying thing though is that MTG is howling frequently about being portrayed as stupid (she is) and attacked for being course and out of order (she is) by others in The House.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph yes he pointed that out on Nicole Wallace’s show, a factoid I did not know.
an hour ago
TW…..At 73 my purpose in staying in the game. had become to. provide a cornerstone for the co-op….that is now moot.
an hour ago
MTG: Coarse, Stupid and In Your Face!!!!
an hour ago
Murph – Really? You can just step away comfortably from farming? That’s great that you have that flexibility. Ever think about moving out of MO?
AdLiban hour ago
All – didn’t Marj just gut the entire anti abortion movement that smarmily preaches – oh, let us put your unwanted baby up for adoption into a loving home? She just eviscerated that message. She is a jerk.
an hour ago

Ad, well if that is the case, it only makes sense. You’re still young have you considered motorcycle racing?
an hour ago
Murph – I am stunned you’re thinking of dropping farming but exhilarated by the possibilities of so doing. Wow.
an hour ago
Ad…..I can……the land that is not farmed is barely taxed……one of the good things about living in a tax hostile environment. I am on good terms with those around me and I have my residence and its accoutrements set to last forever……my docs are here and the Mercy System is excellent. St. Louis is home to one of my loves, the Symphony and several excellent live theaters. So…..
an hour ago

Ad that was meant for Murph
an hour ago
CL – Excellent point! But MTG has a motorized jackass mouth and chatters out one moronic thing after another so like Trump, it all becomes Black Noise and nothing gets pointed at for too long because something else cruel and ignorant comes out of that chasm she calls a skull tomorrow.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph, you ARE, however, younger than I a bit. I’m working NOT to be dragged back into lobbying.
an hour ago
Choice…did you see that two of the black families who are part of co-op told me they are leaving Mo. The core energy for keeping it alive is gone.
an hour ago

Murph your 73, that’s still young in my book, have you considered motor cycle racing it would seem far less dangerous than farming in MO
an hour ago
TW – Seriously…I still actually ride a motorcycle. Embroidered on the back of my biker jacket is my club, “The Voxers”.
AdLiban hour ago
OH…..TW….YOU are a HOOT! What an image….me on a “hog”
an hour ago

Ad you’re full of suprises
an hour ago
AD….The Leader of Vox Pack
an hour ago
Murph – Sounds good. I know there is a lot to enjoy in the state and so many good people there. Just curious.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph he it works go for it.
an hour ago
Murph – no, I missed that but suspected as much. It is not worth the sheer hell of MO politics and community awfulness for them. And without them, well… I will put a whole $1 down that without you all, the coop will flounder. The RW idiots aren’t any better at running a business than they are a running a country.
an hour ago
Ad…moves are enormously expensive and very disruptive of the basic services that one barely notices until you need them (legal, medical, financial are all in place)
an hour ago
Murph – So how is your old co-op doing without you?
AdLiban hour ago

CL I have to ask, have you every stopped being a stalwart for the people?
an hour ago
Murph -I mean the OLD coop.
an hour ago
CL…the co-op was a shadow of what it had been and now I suspect that when it becomes known that I am done…..the handful of others will also withdraw. I already spoke with our attorney about dissolving the corporation.
an hour ago
Murph – That’s true but I have had multiple friends move once they retired. One moved from LA to the coast in NC and another is moving from here to VA.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I guess I’m always there, like it or not. But I HATE lobbying with this new crop of legislators that got in via term limits. They are ignorant, narcissistic, and stupid. I’m done.
an hour ago
Murph – So are you still technically a part of your old co-op that went MAGA?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – seems sensible.
an hour ago
At one time the co-op had 50 member farms, processors, distributors, retailers in it…….the whole field to market chain…..down to 9 until today and now it is 7……no longer viable.
an hour ago
I am sorry though.
an hour ago
CL – It’s that bad in the Legislature now?
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – But at least drag queens and librarians can’t teach CRT in MO.
AdLiban hour ago
CL>..AH! the Old Co-Op split with a group of Magats going out on their own. with our old name…..and folded in less than a year.
an hour ago

Murph it’s a shame when people let their politics dictated their behavior.
an hour ago
As I mentioned, Red states are now a de facto confederacy…a Confederacy of Dunces.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I started 20 plus years ago with the last of the Old Guard whom I adored. The newbies are shallow, self interested, not collegial with citizen groups as the Old Guard were. I was spoiled. I hate the newbies. Some are nice people, but few are actually principled. It’s no fun, not productive, and often antagonistic. And that’s NOT the GOP – it’s within the Dem ranks.
an hour ago
Murph – MAGAts ruin everything they touch!
an hour ago
I am not regretting all that we did and we fought the good fight but we were. heading down the road where one becomes a ready made target and punching bag. We had barely done field prep so the really is no loss.
an hour ago
CL – So lobbying them is difficult because they don’t care what groups that represent The People have to say? They’re just entitled geniuses (despite their ignorance)?
AdLib44 minutes ago
CL…so much of our leadership on all sides is uninspiring.
44 minutes ago

Murph what you’re saying is I believe a familiar story throughout history.
43 minutes ago
TW – I like your comment, “pity when people let their politics dictate their behavior.” What, I ask you, does a turnip or a potato care about politics v good soil, sun, water, and care? Who cares what your politics are if you’re collectively marketing turnips or tomatoes? And yet the MAGAts do that. Insane.
43 minutes ago
Murph – What matters is that all of you know you tried to make something work that had the odds against it and that makes a world of difference from just giving up and never trying to do something that’s right. It doesn’t always prevail but the times it does, it’s because someone like you tried to make it work.
AdLib42 minutes ago

CL I couldn’t have said it any better.
42 minutes ago
You know that great line from Yeats “the best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.” It is from his poem The Second Coming, written in 1919 in the aftermath of the first World War.
41 minutes ago
Murph – I see some great House and Senate Dems – Rankin and others, Swallwell, Sherrod Brown, Whitehouse etc. – but we never really hear from the others and have no clue who among them is brave, principled, assertive. I do blame MSM for that mostly, but it’s hard.
41 minutes ago

CL I know when my wife goes shopping she doesn’t ask it the potatoes were raised by Dems or Repub
41 minutes ago

Murph good line
40 minutes ago
Murph – that is my absolutely fave poem, and while “experts” have said it didn’t have anything to do with politics of his time, I would forcefully disagree.
40 minutes ago
CL – Take that one step farther, should any person or family put their well being at risk just to win a political argument? Unfortunately, seeing the poll of Repubs that showed most were willing to see SS and Medicare cut as long as “woke” was fought, that brainwashing exercise seems complete.
AdLib40 minutes ago
Ad the Co-Op had a 20 year run….and did real good for many others for 17 of those years
40 minutes ago
TW – I think your wife would be hard pressed to pick out the Dem v the GOP potato.
40 minutes ago

CL yes she would just as many others.
39 minutes ago
Ad and all – it is my considered opinion that being “woke” means caring about others, helping when you can, and seeing everyone as worthy. In other words – it’s the freaking Golden Rule. Now whatever will the Rw do about that?
38 minutes ago

Ad well that was an interesting question to sample. Most people have no idea what this ‘so called wokeness’ is all about.
37 minutes ago
Murph – So any question that “The MAGA Way” is all about nihilism? The way they satisfy their need to have power is through proving it via destruction?
AdLib37 minutes ago
I mentioned earlier that the state legislature here has made it more difficult to process medicaid prescription orders under the guise of a more efficient management system. It is already hurting people…and yes, most of the them think of themselves as Conservatives/Republicans….they are getting “f’d” and are expected to smile and say “please sir, may I have some more”
37 minutes ago
Easy to spot a Democratic potato, its eyes are open.
AdLib36 minutes ago
If we promote being “woke” as a step toward implementing the Golden Rule, whatever do you think would happen, and are there enough paper towels to clean up after RW heads explode?
36 minutes ago
LOL – AD!!! That is hilarious!!!
36 minutes ago

Ad leave to you to come back a smart rejoiner.
35 minutes ago
CL – Repubs are seemingly incapable and afraid of defining “woke”, they go out of their way not to define it. It’s a vague boogeyman and once it’s defined as caring for others and being compassionate, the boogeyman evaporates.
AdLib35 minutes ago
The term “woke” has one of its origins in the academic community which referred to “wakefulness” in re. to social awareness, political literacy, and enlightened philosophy. Wakefulness….being awoke…WOKE…..
35 minutes ago
Murph – nothing implemented by fascist leaves white people alone. They ae beginning to see that the agenda hurts EVERYONE, even them.
35 minutes ago
AD…Open Eyed potatoes…..LOL, LOL, LOL
34 minutes ago
For the non religious, I think WOKE is find as you’ve described it, but DAMNED if it is different from the Golden Rule.
34 minutes ago
TW – Republicans basically have declared, “The most important thing is hunting snipes! Everything else including being able to retire without being homeless and sick comes a distant second! Kill the snipes!”
AdLib34 minutes ago
CL and one of the gifts the right has lies in its confusing those of their own kind who are being hurt…..finding ways to blame the lefties.
34 minutes ago
Thanks all! I love a challenge.
AdLib33 minutes ago

Murph understand that it is also from the land of Hip-hop along the lines you mention about being woke to what is going on around you, but these Repugs have gone overboard with especially when they mush it together with DEI concepts.
33 minutes ago
Murph – yes, always blame your opponents of that of which you are guilty. Goebbels.
33 minutes ago
TW….yes….Hip Hop and Progressive Intellectualism….what a team!
32 minutes ago
Murph – But aren’t there a lot of white people on Medicaid in MO? Maybe more than black people? Repubs don’t mind hurting or killing their own as long as they can hurt black people and women.
AdLib32 minutes ago
Ad – back when SCOTUS ruled ACA could NOT force states to take it up, we did a survey, and yes, MORE poor white people used it than Black people simply because there are more white people. The GOP don’t care.
31 minutes ago
CL – Joe Biden should say if being compassionate, informed, involved, and believing in equality is “woke”, then everyone should be proud and respected to be “woke”.
AdLib31 minutes ago

All, what is interesting is that someone like DeSantis can take a nebulous term like woke, and turn it into something akin to Satan worship and all of a sudden people go out of their ever loving minds falling all over themselves declaring the term should be banned. What a bunch of nitwits.
30 minutes ago
Ad – Yup. Biden is correct.
30 minutes ago
DeSantis is scary in his fascism/
29 minutes ago
One of my neighbors…..dear people have a grandson who is a poster child for Trumanpian Idiocy wrapped up in Zealotry. This folks are among those whose med pipeline has been clogged by the State Legislature. The Young Idiot was heaping praise on the Legislature for going after the “cheats and frauds”. I asked him if that was his assessment of his grandparents who are among those who have been hit hard by the so-called reform. He barked at me that I was lying but his mema and papa stepped up to enlighten him. He had no response.
29 minutes ago
Murph – “Reality bites” is a thing. That kid needed a comeuppance.
28 minutes ago
CL – It really drives home how Repubs are so aggressively working to keep more and more people poorly educated and ignorant because they can be more easily manipulated by base propaganda to vote against their own interests. I guarantee that a majority of the poor white people in MO who need Medicaid vote Republicans into power. They cut their own throats but think they’re striking out at black people instead.
AdLib28 minutes ago
Ad….you are correct….those most broadly hit by these so called reforms are white folk….a simple matter of the numbers
27 minutes ago
Ad – AMEN!
27 minutes ago

Murph goes to show, willingness to believe what you hear on TV but unwilling to do your own research to validate what you’re told or hear.
27 minutes ago
CL…..The kid got quiet but I suspect that he believes the “old people” have been deceived by ME!
27 minutes ago
Look – every bit of this, from Medicaid to beer, is manipulated. Buying tons of the hated Miller Lite to shoot, crush, pour out is EXACTLY the same as trashing Medicaid and dismissing it. All is to “own the libs”. There is nothing rational going on here.
26 minutes ago
TW – There is always an enemy to fascists and usually, it is a non-existent one. “Woke” being the enemy of Repubs is so perfect for them, whipping up the ignorant, fearful and hateful against an imaginary boggeyman is what the GOP has always done though not so ridiculously before.
AdLib26 minutes ago
The kid is an ass.
25 minutes ago
TW – Think of it this way, “wokeness” is the new “socialism is threatening to destroy all of our lives and our country!”. It’s always an existential mirage that Republicans scream about.
AdLib25 minutes ago
I give up on stupid. It will do what it will do, and like other people who are intentionally self destructive, all we can do is let it happen.
24 minutes ago

All, I believe a major problem with young people like him is their unwillingness to verify the information they get from their online sources. Because it’s on the internet has to be true is one this country’s biggest problems. In fact I wonder how many of them can even do any decent research to verify what they read or hear.
24 minutes ago
CL….An Ass? Well, I suggest that the term “Ass” is also the first of half of a word that also defines him….Ass-H!
24 minutes ago
Murph – Very interesting story. They’re too busy trying to hurt others to recognize how they’re injuring themselves or their families. The ignorant are a threat to any decent system.
AdLib23 minutes ago

Ad that is a good way of looking at it.
22 minutes ago
TW – it’s why I hold faint hope on “youth vote” because it isn’t well informed. MAYBE Gen Z is better, but since 1980 and the youth vote then, they have consistently voted arrogantly against Dems never seeing they’re abetting fascism.
22 minutes ago
TW…..the low level of intellectual functioning which most people function at is so disturbing and in the young people they are almost brain dead.
22 minutes ago
Murph – I fear you are correct.
21 minutes ago
TW – Hatred is addictive and gives a rush to these types, no different than a drug. They are addicted to the satisfaction of hating and seeing “the others” hurt. It is a mass insanity of a kind that has a meaningful percentage of Americans addicted. And Putin just chuckles and chuckles about it.
AdLib20 minutes ago
It’s clear I am a certifiable fogey. I think arming oneself with information and making wise choices is a thing. I never EVER went ideologically toward fantasy but found data to help me make good decisions. y
20 minutes ago
Ad – I think you’re totally correct – it’s an addiction.
19 minutes ago

CL I think it may be part of something I heard the other day, verification in reverse, Where one take something already nailed down and introduces doubt about it.
19 minutes ago
CL….how Old School of You!
19 minutes ago
CL – I don’t know, I see the Gen Z vote skewed heavily towards Dems and very much a part of a purple state like WI electing a Dem Supreme Court judge by an unimaginable 11 point margin.
AdLib19 minutes ago
The social instruments that shape thought are so vulnerable……and getting more and more so as we grow duller and duller as a society.
18 minutes ago

Ad I think this concept of verification in reverse is a major part of what you’re saying, I was watching Maddow and she had a professor on who was talking about that.
17 minutes ago
I have a homeless guy who is HIGHLY problematic in the back yard. He’s about to be evicted by the others. He is widely read – in law as filtered through Sovereign Citizen crapola. He believes there is a “real law”: no one but they know. I cannot have him here for that reason, but the guys in the back don’t want him for more material problems. He’s delusional. And he’s worrisome.
17 minutes ago
Considering how Musk has degraded Twitter, that is no longer a site to be confident about getting accurate info. Maybe from some faves you’ve known for years but Twitter is ripe to be replaced. It’s such a swamp now.
AdLib17 minutes ago
Ad – I think Gen Z MAY be more as we were in the 1970s, and that does give me hope.
16 minutes ago
CL…..”the guys in the back yard….” one of your hallmarks.
16 minutes ago
Murph – And add in AI to the mix of social media and propoganda, I think the future is worrisome when it comes to the public being informed about the truth.
AdLib16 minutes ago

CL the good ole Sovereign Citizen nonsense, those folks are tough nuts to crack.
15 minutes ago
I am a contributor to Wikipedia……which has all kinds of safeguards and guard rails that guard “the truth”….generally they (we) do a good job.
15 minutes ago
TW – Yes, I saw that segment of Maddow and agree that verification in reverse is a serious threat and not surprisingly, a usual tool in the push of fascism.
AdLib15 minutes ago
LOL – I told the new guy, who MAY be a police plant, that his residence depended on them. I don’t live there. They do, and yes, “the guys in the back” are people whom I deeply love. And he’s brought trouble to them and to the tranquility of the space. The most senior of them called our house “Sanctuary”. I was deeply touched.
14 minutes ago
Ad….the automating of The Big Lie.
14 minutes ago
CL – Is it a coincidence or not that the guy believes in deranged Soveriegn Citizen crap AND is an obnoxious, self-centered annoyance to everyone else who get along communally?
AdLib13 minutes ago
13 minutes ago
TW – the new guy doesn’t know that hubs and I track Sovereign Citizens as a hate group. I’m glad the other three want him out. I do think they have verified he’s a police informant, and I do think they’re trying to pin something on us for having homeless people here. But they, not we, will decide.
12 minutes ago

Ad yes verification in reverse indeed is a weapon against truth in many ways.
12 minutes ago
All I think this guy is the first person I’ve housed who actually scares me.
12 minutes ago
Ad/CL ….. are you suggesting that the “fruits” of belief in Sovereign Citizenry is obnoxious self centeredness
11 minutes ago
CL – I think Gen Z is fired up. They’ve grown up with shooter drills and shootings in schools as “normal”, they see their rights as women stripped from them, they see plutocracy and theocracy fighting to overthrow democracy, they can’t afford to buy a house, they’re buried in student debt, those who are LGBTQ see themselves being outlawed and turned into 2nd class citizens…I think they’re pissed off and want to kick the Repub game board over.
AdLib10 minutes ago

CL a friend of my had a neighbor who was a Sovereign Citizen until he was locked up for 6 month because he would behave in court. The stories my buddy told me about him had me rolling on the floor laughing my but off.
10 minutes ago
Murph – Sovereign Citizen mentality eludes me. Yes, self centered “I’m in the know, and you aren’t”, but it’s more than that. It'[s worrisome.
9 minutes ago
CL….I agree with your observation that many in Gen Z have become very concerned about the conditions of the society in which they live deteriorating….but do they have the tools to engage in a face off with rightwingism with a chance of winning?
9 minutes ago
CL – How many times has the story come out that the rabble rouser who marches into a group that was peaceful and doing just fine, is a narc trying to blow up that group? Standard procedure. Though either way, anyone who comes to a party to break the windows and set fires needs to be thrown out.
AdLib9 minutes ago
TW – I’d love to hear those stories!
AdLib8 minutes ago
CL…Sovereign Citizenry is a firm repudiation of the “No Man is An Island” world view to be replaced by “I am my own island world.”
8 minutes ago
TW – I’ve laughed, too at SCs. BUT they are terrifying in groups. He’s alone, and we had an amazing discussion of law, Common Law, etc,., and he was shocked I could address his issues. That said, he’s NOT changed at all, and still asserts his special knowledge to the other three, and it’s really scary.
8 minutes ago
CL – But wouldn’t Soverign Citizen mentality apply to Native Americans in the first place and everyone who came here violated that? Including these nutjobs?
AdLib7 minutes ago
Murph – NAILED it. Best assessment I’ve read of SC philosophy. Thanks!
7 minutes ago

CL watching MSNBC there was a lady who was a J6er at the rally in NH had Trump sign her back pack spent 180 days in jail for her participation in J6 on an earlier interview she was talking about the county was under maritime law since the 1800 what a nut job she was.
7 minutes ago
Ad Oh hell no! It’s a white people’s game. It’s mixed in with white supremacy. Why I don’t trust him.
6 minutes ago
CL….many thanks….from you VERY HIGH PRAISE INDEED.
6 minutes ago
TW – I saw that. Face palming is all I do anymore.
6 minutes ago

Murph, Sovereign Citizen zealots are in my opinion are straight up nut jobs from jump street.
5 minutes ago
Murph – no one has said it better. I think you nailed it.
5 minutes ago
I see SC as the solipsistic toddler’s version of law, “I want ice cream so I should have it! No, I won’t go to my room! You’re not my boss!”
AdLib4 minutes ago
MY FRIENDS….I need to gird my loins for the battles of the next 48 hours. I just noticed I have 11 messages on my phone (text and voice)…..the word is out…the CO-OP RIP!
4 minutes ago

CL, when I see something like that or hear about I find it totally crazy.
4 minutes ago
CL – I was just joking, I know SC is white fascism.
AdLib3 minutes ago
As always….time on The Planet is refreshing and invigorating. Thanks.
3 minutes ago

Murph well you take care it sounds like you have some work facing you for a few days.
3 minutes ago

Murph take care be safe.
3 minutes ago
TW – at my office, for reasons we could not figure out, we got a letter of about 16 pages in tight script about how the writer was governed by the “law of the Close”. Well, the Close is the walled area around English cathedrals governed by ecclesiastical as well as Common Law. This dude was alone, a rancher, invoking Anglican ecclesiastical law – and please, make that make sense? These folks are seriously two sandwiches short of a picnic.
3 minutes ago
Thanks TW…..
3 minutes ago
Murph – That’s a lot of loin girding you have ahead of you! And great news about your work for Kunce!
AdLib2 minutes ago
CL….two sandwiches and a picnic basket short…..no content and nothing to hold it in if they had it.
2 minutes ago
Good night, dear Murph – best wishes on all outcomes. Take care of yourself and your wants. We support your choices without reservation.
2 minutes ago

CL clearly searching for something.
a minute ago
CL – Maybe “The Woke” made the SC guy do it?
AdLiba minute ago
CL…for the best I think…there will be some drama but the point needs to be made that the loss of operations like the Co-Op is a price many do not realize that they are going to pay for.
a few seconds ago
These people are projecting their mental issues into their being something “sensible” and solid. No, you have mental issues, Soveriegn Citizen.
AdLiba few seconds ago
I am two days off a VERY long trip home due to climate change and plane delays. I’m fading here. Love you all, but I also am boogeying to get some MUCH needed sleep. See you next Friday I hope. You are my mainstays of sanity. Hugs!
in a few seconds
Hmm…I like that, being a Sanity Mainstay.
AdLibin a few seconds

Well it’s just us I will call in a sec
in a few seconds
SOunds good!
AdLibin a few seconds
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