Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib3 hours ago
Hey TW!
AdLiban hour ago

Hey Ad how is going where you’re at?
an hour ago
All is well my way, my daughter flew out this morning, she’s in Boston now!
AdLiban hour ago

Well she missed the snow, there may be a bit around the campus but I have the feeling it will be gone by tomorrow.
an hour ago
Did it snow yesterday?
AdLiban hour ago

No not yesterday started today. Ground still covered where I’m at, will have to clean car off when I go out tomorrow but not really a big storm.
an hour ago

I suspect we’ll be getting some more later.
an hour ago

Well there is so much to discuss tonight.
an hour ago
She got in in the afternoon so she probably saw some.
AdLiban hour ago
No kidding! What’s at the top of your list?
AdLiban hour ago

Oh the judge slapping Trump down hitting him with a $1million dollar fine for filing that stop case of his charging Hillary.
an hour ago
I am happy that Trump and his hack lawyer were hit with $1M in fines.
AdLiban hour ago
Heh! We’re on the same page as usual@
AdLiban hour ago

So am I. Hopefully more will come.
an hour ago

I see he withdrew the case against the NY AG, since it was the same judge the nailed him for a million.
an hour ago
I hope it’s the windup for indictments. February is nearly here, I think the first indictment of Trump has to happen, probably in GA, in Feb, followed by the DoJ indictments (I hope).
AdLiban hour ago

Agree with you on GA, I would say that Trump should be worried about March,
an hour ago
It’s about time, too many judges have let Trump manipulate the legal system with sham lawsuits for too long. Slap his wrist, he howls like all bullies do when held to account.
AdLiban hour ago

Yes agree.
an hour ago
Why March? Do you think the DoJ will indict in March? So Trump should beware the Ides of March?
AdLiban hour ago

I say March because he needs to beware the Ides of March. Didn’t go well for Caeser and he was warned several times.
an hour ago

Yes I do think the DoJ will nail his fat but to the wall.
an hour ago
And we see that Santos Clause keeps bearing gifts to the Dems. Did you see the photo of him in drag? He is everything the GOP supposedly hates.
AdLiban hour ago
Hey CL!
AdLiban hour ago

CL is in the house
an hour ago
Hellooooo! Always good to see the two of you.
an hour ago
I AM in the house. Elvis isn’t, however.
an hour ago
How are you feeling, CL? Eyes feeling better with the new glasses?
AdLiban hour ago

Santos is in deep dog crap.
an hour ago
OMG – got the glasses today. They are AWFU:L!!! The old ones are far better. I spent a major fortune, and they are DEAD WRONG. Unusable. I am pissed beyond words!!!s.
an hour ago

All, was reading article on Santos and he will get his very soon
an hour ago
Dems should hammer Santos as the face of the GOP. They embrace aman who is a complete fraud, just like Trump. He lied about everything, he’s a thief and criminal. The takedown should be pretty spectactular. And I think, no way Repubs hold the House in 2024.
AdLiban hour ago

Murph is in the house
an hour ago
Hey Murph!
AdLiban hour ago
CL – How do they get a prescription so wrong? I don’t understand that, sorry to hear it. You can use your old glasses in the meantime?
AdLiban hour ago
TW – What dis the article say?
AdLiban hour ago
HELLO ALL….I am caught up on the thread…
an hour ago
an hour ago
Missouri in the news: More than a dozen faith leaders filed suit Thursday in St. Louis Circuit Court to overturn Missouri’s abortion ban, arguing state legislators acted based on their personal religious beliefs and violated the separation of church and state protected in Missouri’s Constitution.
an hour ago
You decide:

AdLiban hour ago

Ad it’s about an investor who put in 625k into the fund that Santos was promoting and the person is looking to bring charges.
an hour ago
Ad – I have NO idea. I called to make an appointment to have them explain it.
an hour ago
CL…sorry about the specs…..I take it that you will be making a return to the optics folk.
an hour ago
Murph – yes, I am. I am VERY happy about the faith leaders. Do we know who they are?
an hour ago

Murph I heard about that.
an hour ago
Murph – Yes, I saw that story and was very encouraged by it. Being that the judiciary is pretty corrupt in MO though, I don’t know if the suit will get far but rooting for these principled people of faith and the women of MO. BTW, wonder how the lawsuit is going filed by Jewish women stating that banning abortion goes against their religion? The Religious Right SCOTUS is pushed into a corner on that.
AdLiban hour ago
CL….The faith leaders, from St. Louis, Kansas City and Columbia, represent several Protestant and Jewish denominations. They partnered with the National Women’s Law Center and Americans United for Separation of Church and State in drafting the suit.
an hour ago

Ad you know Santos is trying to deny that’s him
an hour ago
CL….as I am sure you surmised……leftie clergy, doncha know!
an hour ago
TW – If I’d given Santos (aka everyone else in the world) $625K I’d sue him, too.
an hour ago
TW – Yes, saw about that and you’ve got to think there are more ripped-off investors like this one to come after Santos.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – LOVE me the NWLC. Love the Americans United. Of COURSE Jews and Protestants. Who WE are – the only sane Christians around.
an hour ago
Santos has delusions of grandeur fueled by narcissistic dependence.
an hour ago

CL the guy is wealthy bought Santos BS also has ties to a Russian Oligarch, so there is that. But, he seems to be going through the SEC to bring charges.
an hour ago
Murph – That is fantastic to hear! The evidence of the anti-abortion movement and SCOTUS members like Barrett openly admitting they’ve been on a religious jihad to end abortion is quite damning evidence.
AdLiban hour ago
CL…happy to say that the Episcopal Church is by and large in the same place you and I ae.
an hour ago
Murph – PRRI did a survey 2020 on the state of religion in America. The “lefty” Protestants OUT NUMBER the religious right a LOT and are growing not shrinking. The RW has dropped from 24% of the American populace to 13% in less than a decade. WE ARE the mainstream. They aren’t.
an hour ago
TW – I don’t think anyone but Kevin McCarthy has any reason to believe anything Santos says anymore.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – UCC, Episcopalians, the actual United Methodists, the ELCA, Disciples, Presbyterian USA, and a few smaller churches are ALL sane, pro Constitution, and pro inclusive humanity.
an hour ago
What did you all think about the dead end SCOTUS admitted re. the Alito leak…of course the Justices were not part of the investigation……just role playing.
an hour ago
Santos had to be inspired by watching Trump lie constantly, he must’ve gazed at him saying, “That’s what I do! I can be a Republican politician too!”
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – the person doing the investigation into the leak works FOR the Court and was not a free agent. Of course she did not push Alito and Thomas very hard. Stupid.
an hour ago
CL….one wrinkle in your encouraging status is that most of those on the religious right are active in their membership and support….much less so to among the “left”
an hour ago
Ad – Santos is Trump’s “Mini Me”.
an hour ago
CL…..yes….the investigation was a pantomime
an hour ago

Ad as you said Kevin needs his vote. Reading where one of the members of his caucus is laid up after falling off a ladder and can’t vote since they did away with proxy voting and another member is pissed because he didn’t get a chairmanship and may resign
an hour ago

I think Alito leaked the document
an hour ago
Murph – the commitment on the right is declining. They are so cruel to even authentic True Believers, that people are lessening their commitment. And for mainline/progressive Protestants, the commitment is growing.
an hour ago
Murph – I saw a great takedown on MSNBC by one of their legal experts (can’t remember who) who concisely stated that the SCOTUS “investigation” was a total sham. The woman they put in charge of it is the Marshall of the Court, basically in charge of managing physical security there with ZERO investigative background…and she is an employee of the SCOTUS. He also said he thinks they know who it was and are covering it up to protect the SCOTUS’ reputation. I believe all of this.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – PERFECT term: Pantomime.
an hour ago
Ad – I heard that segment on Sirius. This was designed NOT to be a real investigation.
an hour ago
A good friend, a rather well connected attorney, has surmised that the leakers were justices on the left who did not go to a lot of trouble to cover their tracks sending a message: we intent to be transparent. Be warned. You cheated to get this out of whack, whacked out court, and since you are the ones who hold to the belief that Justices are accountable to no one about anything….then we will do what we have to do.
an hour ago

Ad that was Frank Lugusi former FBI
an hour ago
TW – thanks. When driving and listening, I have zero idea who is talking!
an hour ago
CL – Yes he is! But Santos is in an even worse position than just being a Mini-Me of Trump because he has no support, his fellow NY Repubs and voters all despise him. If he isn’t removed, he will be crushed in 2024 worse than Cawthorn.
AdLiban hour ago
Murph – I actually doubt it was any of the women on the Left. Too much to lose. I believe it was Alito who was SO effin’ proud of his majority decision – utterly not legally grounded – that he just couldn’t resist bragging.
an hour ago

I believe that so-called investigation was a total sham. As I said I think Alito leaked himself knowing full well that nothing would be done about it.
an hour ago
Ad – I think Santos is JUST coming to realize his dream of lifelong pension and health care is about to implode. He pissed off the rich and powerful on HIS side. Ooops.
an hour ago
TW – Very good points! I didn’t hear about the Rep who injured himself and is missing. Technically, if the MAGA 20 got pissed now, with that Repub missing, they could vote out McCarthy as leader immediately…with plenty of votes from Dems beside them.
AdLiban hour ago
TW – I agree, Alito has already been proven to leak, I’ll bet it was him but if not, Thomas or Ginny. The call was definitely coming from inside the house.
AdLiban hour ago

The reporting is the justices on the SC seem to be less than thrilled with each other.
an hour ago
CL – How about Trump dissing evangeliecals who aren’t openly supporting him at this point? That is pretty good evidence of the turn against Trump as a detriment to the RW’s quest for power.
AdLiban hour ago
Ad – I love it when the rat pack turns on its own. Trump did actually believe he was the Anointed One, and to have some Evangelicals walk away is intolerable to him.
an hour ago
It IS evidence the bloom is off the stinkrose.
an hour ago

Ad the evangelicals who supported Trump have gotten their just deserts as far as I’m concerned.
an hour ago
an hour ago
CL – Exactly, there is NOTHING about this phony “investigation” of the leak that looks legit. It was a scheme to sweep this under the rug and let’s face it, if it was anyone other than a SCOTUS judge or aide who leaked this, they wouldn’t be doing this. They knew early on and they know now. Most likely, it was Alito. So 4 SCOTUS judges perjured themselves and Alito has probably committed a federal crime. We have criminals controlling our highest court. This is awful and the court badly needs to be reformed and expanded.
AdLib44 minutes ago
Murph – I disagree with your lawyer friend, it did not benefit Dems to leak like this, it benefitted the hardliners on the court to intimidate any justices from changing their position onm the vote. Again, if it was lefties on the court, I think the majority would be happy to have that revealed and give Repubs in the House the fodder for impeaching a Leftie Justice. It’s a criminal act, no way do I believe any of the fair-minded justices would commit this crime. Criminality is the Repub way.
AdLib41 minutes ago

I was reading an article about the discord among the SC’s and it’s holding getting their opinions out. There is a lot of discord among them at the moment
41 minutes ago
Ad – America as a Common Law nation has two threads of justice: Legislation and the Courts. Alito is anti Common Law. He wants EVERTHING to be done by Congress, nothing via the Courts. He is grounded in Roman Law that works on the Continent. It is fundamentally anti democratic. Releasing the decision ahead of the court was actually stupid, but he thought it would demoralize liberals. Instead it pissed them off and fired them up. Still and all – that’s how he rolls. Courts should rule on ONLY legislatively passed issues not issues raised by = gulp – citizens.
41 minutes ago
TW – Thanks for confirming who made those statements on MSNBC. I like him even more after that frank take down of this fraud and the likely Repub SCOTUS perp.
AdLib40 minutes ago
TW – I think the new Justice, Brown? (I am terrible with names) is reaming the RW on how they have separated themselves from CENTURIES of Common Law and democracy. Can’t be lying easily on their heads.
40 minutes ago
Reading along with the discussion about Alito as the leaker…..interesting….I sent a copy of several sample arguments….she responded: “The spotlight on Alito makes sense to me as well given his ego but I think that the minority justices, finding no recourse by which they might be able to temper the court, have decided that since there are no rules they will do what has to be done to keep the court in limited check.
39 minutes ago

CL I believe you may be right about Brown.
39 minutes ago
Alito and Thomas are incorrigible. But Kavanaugh and Barret can be made to feel guilty.
39 minutes ago
CL – Someone noted that Santos would not receive a lifelong pension and healthcare after serving just one term. So maybe his scheme won’t work? And anyway, it won’t be worth anything when he’s in prison.
AdLib39 minutes ago
Murph – I don’t think the minority justices would have risked it.
38 minutes ago
We still don’t know if Santos is a legal US citizen! That would make his crime of running for office even worse.
AdLib38 minutes ago
Ad – that’s where Santos went wrong. You have to be in five years to be vested. He will be lucky to survive one.
38 minutes ago

Ad we don’t know what his real name is.
38 minutes ago
CL….what is the risk? There are no rules……hard to believe but there are no rules….is impeachment a real threat?
38 minutes ago

CL correct if wrong, as far as Health Care for the Congressional Reps they have to pay for it just like everyone else, don’t they?
37 minutes ago
Ad – there are folks looking to see if he IS a citizen. This is actually FUNNY if we can indeed get rid of him!!
36 minutes ago
TW – I believe you are correct about the health care.
36 minutes ago
Murph – I think Thomas is at high risk of removal. Alito? Not yet.
36 minutes ago
If a justice can be married to a clearly identified right wing conspirator who is paid an enormous sum because of her “contacts” and since there is no code of conduct…..
35 minutes ago

CL say more about Thomas.
35 minutes ago
CL – Yes, I am loving the growing fire that Trump and the GOP are surrounded by. They will be burning down each other, the Evangelicals, DeSantis, McCarthy eventually, and of course Trump. That’s the thing about being unprincipled criminals, liars and greedy bastards, in the end, they’re only about themselves. I am looking forward to the Repub primary between and indicted and possibly convicted Trump and a fascist but terrible campaigner DeSantis while Mike Pence waves his arms and says, “Look at me! Somebody other than a fly!”
AdLib35 minutes ago
CL What does it take to remove a SCOTUS Judge? Impeachment in Congress…..the House passing the Bills and the Senate trying it….Likely? Even Possible? I do not think so.
34 minutes ago
Thomas has indicated that he knew what Ginni was doing J6. That makes him egregiously conflicted when he rules on cases related to that. It also calls into question prior knowledge. He’s in deep hot water.
34 minutes ago
Murph – no way will Thomas be impeached until, maybe, 2025,
33 minutes ago
CL….what makes Thomas accountable……are there any checks on the court’s members?
33 minutes ago
But he MAY be removed if he is indicted and convicted of sedition! Then there are mechanisms (I do not know the details) to remove him without impeachment.
33 minutes ago
Murph – it’s not about conflicts of interest but outright conviction on sedition that would cause, on its own, removal.
32 minutes ago
CL – Great insight to Alito as anti-Common Law. It makes perfect sense. He is though anti-democracy too, sum up all his votes against voting rights, for corporate rights over citizens, he is an evil, anti-democracy troll.
AdLib32 minutes ago
CL…who indicts a seating Justice? What grand jury weighs the evidence? How does the Justice Department deal with this? Once again….our skeletal, improvised constitution is not up to the test of its own integrity.
31 minutes ago
All – the GOP wet dream is indeed fascism. All power in the legislature, courts merely to ratify legislation, no human rights, worker rights. Unfettered riches for the few, no taxes. Nothing to stop the oligarchs. Everything to stop the people.
31 minutes ago
CL…..how would you frame Thomas’ behavior as sedition?
31 minutes ago

CL if Alito is ant common law, then why in hell did he cite that case he based his opinion on for nullifying abortion rights?
30 minutes ago
CL – Yes, I think Brown has repeatedly spanked the RW majority in a brilliant and effective way multiple times. Has to be frustrating for her and the other legit justices on the court to have little control over these RW radicals wreaking havoc on our Constitution and civil rights. She needs help, we need to get bigger majorities in Congress, keep the WH Dem and reform the SCOTUS.
AdLib30 minutes ago
Murph – if Thomas is indicted on his OWN criminality, it is handled like any other case. If only Ginni is, that’s highly problematic. We won’t see his impeachment until Dems regain the House.
30 minutes ago
CL…I am trying to frame the nature of the case for sedition re. Thomas.
29 minutes ago
TW – Alito did NOT cite cases. Quite the opposite. He claimed abortion was always illegal in the colonies and states. TOTALLY UNTRUE. He cited Matthew Hale, 17th C. British jurist who expressed a serious view against abortion that was his PERSONAL OPINION not at all grounded in law. Alito did NOT cite case precedent. Not at all.
28 minutes ago

CL also if he favors Roman law, then he favors a dictator as most of Rome’s laws were pretty much whatever the current emperor wanted.
28 minutes ago
Murph – IF Thomas as a co-collaborator with Ginni and her circle, then – sedition.
28 minutes ago
Murph, all due respect to your friend, she is not taking into account at all the principles and morality of the women on the court, she is making her assumptions based on some generic view of these remarkably principled women. I think she’s very mistaken.
AdLib28 minutes ago
TW – yes, Roman Law moves unfettered to autocracy and dictators.
27 minutes ago
CL…..really tough to make that case I suspect…..and, good lord, the precedent it would establish.
27 minutes ago

CL yes you’re right that wasn’t a case just some stupid BS by a priest.
27 minutes ago
CL – Thanks for filling in that info, no way Santos is in office more than this term…the local Repub org in NY has attacked and turned on him, He is toast, one and done and headed to prison before too long.
AdLib26 minutes ago
Ad….my friend is a hard bitten democratic woman attorney in this state…..she is a junk yard dog and I think she is representing the position that in a knife fight you do what you must to even the odds.
26 minutes ago

AD I think Santos will be gone by this summer if not sooner. The press are dogs with a bone and on his case big time.
25 minutes ago
TW and CL – Exactly! Santo may not even be a citizen, his election could be a fraud if he didn’t run under his legal name. He is going to be crushed. My biggest question is, who plays him in the HBO docudrama?
AdLib25 minutes ago
Roman Code v Common Law: uprisings on the Continent and almost NONE in Common Law countries. Using the Courts to determine rights is an avenue for the people. Miranda, Brown, Obergefell – ordinary folks who made change via the courts. ade
24 minutes ago
Ad – I cannot think of a single actor who looks that smarmy. Casting directors will have their work cut out for them.
23 minutes ago
Murph – Yep, to impeach a judge, which I think has only been done once, it’s just like impeaching a president. House impeaches, Senate has to convict by supermajority.
AdLib23 minutes ago
To play Santos…..Peter Lorre would have been perfect.
23 minutes ago
Murph – true, but it’s REALLY hard to get him to rise again just for that.
22 minutes ago

AD why would I watch on HBO when I see the real thing live and in the present moment? An HBO show would be anticlimactic
22 minutes ago
CL…well Santos looks to be a “dead man walking” does he not?
21 minutes ago
TW – it’s for historical reasons a few years from now. Who know? Maybe Santos will change his name and play his old self?
21 minutes ago

Murph Peter Lorre that’s funny.
21 minutes ago

CL Ok you have a point.
20 minutes ago
Murph – Santos thought he could just waltz in and be unchallenged. Nope.
19 minutes ago
Murph – I understand and appreciate your lawyer friend. But the predicting business requires a full recognition of the character of the parties involved. It would be way out of character for any of the liberal women on the SCOTUS to violate federal law and the motivation she provides is pretty sparse. It wouldn’t and didn’t help stop the vote against Roe to let the info out early, instead, it seemed to solidify the wavering votes for it. It was an attempt to lock in the RW justices that were tentative. And it worked.
AdLib18 minutes ago

All, something that is worth noting, is how Santos was able to get away with it. To me that is a major indictment on our election process when it comes to vetting candidates.
18 minutes ago
CL…..I wonder if Santos is mentally balanced….seems clear that he acts in ways that are irrational and so self centered that I wonder if he ever considers his own accountability.
18 minutes ago
TW – it is my understanding that the Dems had HUGE oppo research on Santos all along. The Dem running (can’t even remember his name) made a LOT of it clear. The single biggest issue was the MSM refusal to listen – they were FIXATED on a “Red Wave”: and would not endanger that. This is our absolute Achilles heel in America – lousy reporters who will not listen to facts.
16 minutes ago
TW – I hope so but prosecutions can take years sometimes, Santos could outlast the prosecutions and stay in office for the less-than-two-years left. But…if he’s not a citizen, if that’s not his legal name or if he’s forced to be extradited, that could hasten his departure.
AdLib16 minutes ago
Ad…what is the law that you are referring to in regard to practices in the court? As to the impact of the release…yes, it firmed up some support but it also sparked a level of resistance that led to the mid terms.
16 minutes ago

Murph I can’t believe his is this gay is a pathological liar. I mean the clip that was played of him talking about being a stary volleyball player, and having two knee replacements
16 minutes ago
Murph – I think Santos is mentally ill. I’ve known people like him. They are intractable. And they have zero shame.
16 minutes ago
If only the wonderful Zero Mostel was still around, he would make an amazing Santos.

AdLib15 minutes ago
Actually – sorry to say – I married someone like Santos. It’s very scary.
15 minutes ago
Ad – PERFECT for the “older Santos” if he ever gets to BE that age.
14 minutes ago
TW…his pathological, and sloppy, lying lends support to my case re. his mental health.
14 minutes ago

CL what you said about the press fixation on the red wave is indeed a problem with the press they completely. blew it on Santos.
14 minutes ago
Or maybe Jason Alexander?

AdLib14 minutes ago
Murph – I agree. I think he’s mentally damaged.
14 minutes ago

Murph agree.
14 minutes ago
OK – he MIGHT make a good Santos.
14 minutes ago
Alexander would have to lose a few mannerisms, but he probably could do the role.
13 minutes ago
Wait, I have the perfect casting for George Santos! Nathan Lane!

AdLib11 minutes ago
Nathan plays a “sad sack” very well.
11 minutes ago

I would go with Alexander I remember he played a villain on one of the FBI shows he was pretty dastardly
11 minutes ago
TW – It is like watching an HBO paradoy as each new revelation about Santos comes out.
AdLib11 minutes ago
But Lane is so sweet! Could he really portray a rancid, demented clown like Santos???
10 minutes ago

Ad that it is.
10 minutes ago
Well, I hate to leave this serious discussion of the casting for “The Santos Moment: A Study in Integrity” My name for the film.
10 minutes ago
TW – I never saw Alexander play a villain. I will absolutely take your word for it.
10 minutes ago

CL it was on that FBI show about the profilers he was sort of an evil genius type.
9 minutes ago
Murph – LOL!!! I need to cast you all adrift. The eyes are caving again. I HOPE I can get new glasses. I am going, of all places, to JC Penney where I’ve never had a problem.
9 minutes ago
TW – that sounds interesting. But he will always be George to me. Glad he has more range than just that.
8 minutes ago
I bid you all a good night. See you next week? Take care.
8 minutes ago
Murph – It’s not a slam dunk but leaking a SCOTUS decision could be a federal crime akin to stealing government property.
AdLib8 minutes ago
Yes…..CL, I too am heading for the door. Please get those glasses fixed…it is hard to do Vox by Braille or with a seeing eye dog.
7 minutes ago

So much to cover so little timne.
7 minutes ago
Murph – My name for the Santos docudrama would be, “Santos Fraud is Coming to Town!”
AdLib6 minutes ago
Ad……I had not considered the “leaked document” gambit but I wonder if a draft would count as such a document. SCOTUS exists outside of nearly every governance norm I can think of.
5 minutes ago
Santa Fraud……hah
5 minutes ago

Ad nice play on words about Santa coming to town. Santos coming to town and will have the children give him gifts.
5 minutes ago
Yep, Santo and SCOTUS is just the tip of the iceberg. How about the debt limit? Will Repubs really destroy the world economy to try to screw Biden?
AdLib5 minutes ago
Well…ad and tw….the spirit is wilting and the body is bushed.
4 minutes ago

Ad there are some there I think would because they just don’t give a damn. But, I hope there will be some level headed Repubs who will vote with the Dems and not let that happen.
3 minutes ago
Murph – The thing is, even a draft decision could be considered SCOTUS property, not the property of any individual judge in the SCOTUS and “stealing” it to use for political purposes? Unethical indeed but possibly illegal.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph as always good to see you hear.
3 minutes ago
Ad….I was almost out….and you had to mention the debt limit……grrrrr….
3 minutes ago
TW – I’d have to come up with a whole parody of the song for Santos.
AdLib3 minutes ago

Murph the only good part of GF III
2 minutes ago
Ad….again you pose an interesting idea but I really believe that the court exists outside of the kind of established order that would have enforceable standards.
2 minutes ago
Murph – Heh! Sorry! If you’re exhausted…like our debt limit…feel free to head out. Like investors in US Treasuries if the debt limit isn’t raised. Heh!
AdLib2 minutes ago
Let’s talk debt limit the next time shall we?
a minute ago

Murph I’m for that. Take care.
a minute ago
Good night.
a few seconds ago

Night Murph
a few seconds ago
TW – Maybe so, I think McCarthy will be wetting his pants in this game of chicken, the Repubs will be the ones voting against raising the debt limit so they are most likely to take the hit for all the immense damage.
AdLiba few seconds ago
Up for a call, TW?
AdLibin a few seconds
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