Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago

Hey Ad how’s it going. twilson117 2 hours ago
Pretty good, how about you? AdLib an hour ago
I would guess Alex Jones isn’t having a great start to his weekend. AdLib an hour ago

Doing ok, now that Alex Jones got punched in the mouth with a total of 49.5 million for his lies. twilson117 an hour ago
And this is just the start. Two other lawsuits, one in CT that doesn’t have limits on damages like TX has. AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph! AdLib an hour ago

Jones is the lower than whale crap but as I just wrote a piece for Medium and I will send it to you for posting it won’t stop him. twilson117 an hour ago

Hey Murph. twilson117 an hour ago
Hello Ad and TW….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – No, it won’t stop Jones, his lying under oath and refusing to provide evidence as well as using his show to attack the judge and parents DURING the trial tells you he will never stop. AdLib an hour ago

So Murph how are the rabid repubugs in your neck of the woods reacting to what took place in Kansas? twilson117 an hour ago
Sinema needs to be taken down in the 2024 Dem primary but even though Dems had to trade taxing the wealthy for this revised BBB, it will make huge impacts for the better on the lives of everyone. AdLib an hour ago

Murph he can Trump** lying lessons and that’s saying a lot. twilson117 an hour ago
TW…..I am sure that the strategists are reacting with some trepidation but for most of those I have contact with they are simply not aware of anything outside of, or in contradiction to the atmosphere in their bubble. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – This is why Kansas is likely what is going to happen in Nov, women are going to come out in force as are PoC and Dems and Indies to the shock of MAGAs who have no clue that they’ve inherited the whirlwind. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….I am told by friends from Manchinland that the Dem party there sat down with him and said that if he was going to be a trojan horse Republican then they will have to find some way to take him down. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph I don’t envy you at all having to put up with that insanity. twilson117 an hour ago
With the Inflation Reduction Act about to pass, you have to hand it to Dems in Congress and Biden, this has been an incredible year of achievements, meaningful ones. Meanwhile, Sarah Palin says if Repubs win back the House, they need to restart Benghazi and Hunter Biden investigations. AdLib an hour ago

Murph I hope that took place and the same should be with Sinema twilson117 an hour ago
Thought you might be interested in this post to Trudy Busch Valentine’s Webpage on Facebook (which I then posted at the three political sites where I usually post)….. Here it is….. U.S. Senate Race for Missouri. Posted to Trudy Valentine’s FaceBook Page. I AM NOT HAPPY WITH VALENTINE’S VICTORY BUT I AM WILL TO GIVE HER A CHANCE TO PROVE ME WRONG….I HOPE SOMEONE FROM THE CAMPAIGN READS THIS AND RESPONDS WITH A STRONG CAMPAIGN. NOT LIKELY BUT I AM WILLING TO BE PROVEN WRONG. I supported Lucas Kunce. I donated my expertise as a campaign organizer, my time and my money generously. The nation needs a strong Democratic Majority in both the House and Senate to thwart the sinister ultra-rightist agenda now promoted by the GOP, a party I belonged to which I belonged from 1967 to 2004. I did not leave that party, it left me. I support Kunce for the reasons that the Post Dispatch endorsed him. I did not support you for the reasons that Post Dispatch did not endorse you. I came to my opinions on my own based on my research and experience. But I will not support the GOP at any level any more. I will support you because you are a Democrat but I am not confident in that support. I found it odd that you would not engage with Kunce directly, ducked tough questions and often seemed unready/unprepared on the issues. Your platform is vague promises. Most of your financing was self financing which means you did not attract grass roots financial backing. You are now facing a formidable GOP Opponent. I wondered if you ran for the nomination as a spoiler, aiming to block someone who could go toe to toe with either Schmitt or Greitens, Kunce. As I said I will support you but you will need to prove to me that are worth my enthusiastic support as a contributor and a volunteer organizer. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…one of my contacts is the Vice Chair of the State Dem. Party. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – That would be very interesting if that was the case. But it would seem like an empty threat…unless they alluded to Dems possibly having a bigger majority in The Senate after November and Manchin getting kicked to the curb and losing his committee assignments then. AdLib an hour ago

Murph with the Repugs inviting Korban to CPAC I think they’ve made it official where the stand on democracy. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….I don’t think it was an empty threat…..the disgust with the man was barely concealed generally but the last two or three rug-pulling acts apparently have exhausted the patience of prime supporters and the base (many of whom have been victimized by the coal industry which Manchin is seen to champion. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Evening, all! Good to see you! choicelady an hour ago

CL is in the house!!! twilson117 an hour ago
Hey CL……was your spirit looming over the heartland…i.e. Kansas. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW…and let’s remember that CPAC held an event in Hungary earlier this summer hosted by the dictator. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Very sorry that Kunce lost, I really liked him. Busch bought that nom, she is a vapid and out of touch dilettante who could care less about the people. I think she will lose decisvely now instead of Kunce having a fighting chance. AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL! AdLib an hour ago
Murph – well, of COURSE. I spent nearly 2 weeks outside Tiller’s clinic in 2001. We kept it open, and I went toe to toe with the haters in Tiller’s church where, horrifyingly, he was murdered in 2009. Kansas owed me. They delivered. choicelady an hour ago
Ad…..she had to “loan” her campaign 80 percent of the funds she used…..why loan? Tax purposes….write offs. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

Murph right who could forget that, along with Tucker fawning all over him when he broadcasted his show from Hungry for a week. These fools really don’t know what they are doing by embracing the likes of Corban. twilson117 an hour ago
He Ad and TW as well as dear Murph. Good to see you. I’ve been worried about you Ad after yesterdays horrific crash on La Brea. Glad you are OK. My niece goes that route – was right behind the accident but didn’t know about it until I told her. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I suppose, better late than never. This is a very important bill but Manchin killing any chance to reverse the Roe ruling and protect voting rights is unforgiveable, even more so for the Koch puppet Sinema. AdLib an hour ago
Remember the stalinist term….”useful idiots” to describe western fans of communist government. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I looked back but am not sure about whom we are writing. choicelady an hour ago
It is truly ridiculous that the GOP is aggressively and openly supporting the crushing of democracy and embracing the most evil dictators around the globe. They don’t stand for one single thing that would help 99% of Americans and yet their blind cult just keeps supporting them. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I know “useful idiot”. I also know useful idiots. choicelady an hour ago

Ad brings to mind Niki Khrushchev words that the US will sell them the rope to hang us with. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – the cult is the testament to the enduring power of racism. choicelady an hour ago
CL – We are al Kansans right now. Very inspired and energized by what the people of Kansas did. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – this week a lot of us (cough) older types have found we are resurrecting issues and statements from the immediate post war period. Chilling. choicelady an hour ago

Murph brings to mind Khrushchev’s words that we would sell them to rope to hang us with. twilson117 an hour ago
CL….I was confronted by a woman standing outside a walmart decked out in MAGA crap and handing out lie filled info sheets re. abortion. She saw my Biden button and my Proud Democrat Tag and pointed me out as an abortionist. It was right after Kunce lost. We had words. I kept cool and operated as a debater. To my surprise the people that gathered nearby were either silent or supporting me…….a few supporting her said a word or two and walked on by….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Because unpaid loans can be written off as losses. A cynical abuse of the tax system by a cynical person. And why did she have to loan to herself? Because she has no grass roots support and will crash and burn in the GE. Was she a stalking horse for the GOP? Certainly a distinct possibility. Knock out the legit candidate then hand the GE to the Repubs. AdLib an hour ago
ad…I labeled her a spoiler from the start…..and since she won….what has she done…gone on a “well deserved vacation.” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Is everyone there? choicelady an hour ago
I am here. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

I here twilson117 an hour ago
I posted just as it refreshed new comments. Duh. choicelady an hour ago
CL…those damn conservatives….sabotage I call it. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – Glad your niece was okay! That was horrendous! Turns out the driver was a 30-something nurse who was distraught over her boyfriend breaking up with her, had been out drinking and apparently, took her upset out on innocent people, killing 6 people and injuring more. Just awful. I have driven that street many times too, I know that hill she was coming down but she had to have the pedal to the floor to hit 100MPH and more. Her car looked like a speeding missile. AdLib an hour ago
CL…did you see my Walmart encounter post…..interested in your reaction. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Well, as one who is now owed $100K by the woman fighting CPS, I am FINE with writing off unpaid loans! I just don’t “owe myself”. If something happens to her, we have a promissory note that will let us write it off. choicelady an hour ago
Ad…imagine being a nurse and taking life that way. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – NO I did not see it. Is it here tonight or on PPOV? I’m very out of the loop lately. choicelady an hour ago
CL..it is here but this repost will make it easy for you…… CL….I was confronted by a woman standing outside a walmart decked out in MAGA crap and handing out lie filled info sheets re. abortion. She saw my Biden button and my Proud Democrat Tag and pointed me out as an abortionist. It was right after Kunce lost. We had words. I kept cool and operated as a debater. To my surprise the people that gathered nearby were either silent or supporting me…….a few supporting her said a word or two and walked on by….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – Yep, useful idiots but also, paid traitors in many cases. Russia has been funding Repubs through the NRA and dark money, have been hacking their emails and using secrets for Kompromat, the GOP is a diseased animal that can never get better. It needs to be beaten and kept from power until some other conservative party rises up or takes it over. AdLib an hour ago
OMG – I had NOT heard the details about what happened to her – why she was going so fast. That’s just horrifying. A whole family wiped out because of that horrific act. And they don’t even KNOW who the body in the burned car is. choicelady an hour ago
TW – So true, Repubs have sold that rope to Russia who helped IMO to try and hang Congresspeople and the VP on 1/6. AdLib an hour ago
OMG Murph – good for you!!! I’m glad there was little support for her. VERY glad. choicelady an hour ago
Ad….your analysis is spot on….the cancer that came into being in the Nixon White and has spread through the GOP body politic is taking the life that party. But our system is so poorly designed that the creation of alternative parties is nearly impossible and often undermines the good guys. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – Yes! This fascist mentality is driven by racism and that’s why neither will ever completely go away. AdLib an hour ago

Murph It sounds to me your training and a Prof kicked in as you no doubt had to deal with a belligerent student or two. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – doesn’t that cancer go back to the 40s? Nixon was always that way. Look how he ran his campaigns for congress. Look at McCarthy and his crew. This is deep in the bones of the Cold War GOP if not before. There were America First people in the GOP in the 30s. The plot to overthrow FDR. It’s rancid and long lived. choicelady an hour ago
CL….there were several people there who I knew and who are not really politically aligned with me but are decent folks…I told them I was surprised and was told that while they supported a pro life position the idea of removing choice especially in the early months of a pregnancy, and when a pregnancy is destructive and when the pregnancy was the result of an assault….well…as one the group said….”We have to think of daughters….” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW….good insight about the Prof arising from within…yes, I think you are correct. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
WOW! That is powerful to know, Murph. Thank you for sharing that. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Wow…that is a pretty clear tell. Job done, Kunce stopped, going on vacation. What a horrible human being. MO Dems may hold their nose and vote for her but without any grass roots support or enthusiasm, she is doomed but I guess she doesn’t care. She stopped a real Dem from competing, mission accomplished. AdLib an hour ago
Ad and Murph – I’m not happy to hear a ringer won the Dem primary. choicelady an hour ago
CL…I agree with your analysis of the GOP but I want to say that the Dems were waist deep in racism and war mongering….neither party is pure but for me the conspiracy that was begun in the Nixon years (with two guys named Ailes and Rove leading a study group to address the problem of how the GOP could hold onto power as a minority party hatch a five point plan that has brought us to this moment) MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – I had assumed something like this. The only way a car can go 100mph plus is with someone intentionally pushing the pedal to the floor. If someone passed out or had a heart attack, very unlikely. My guess is she was drunk and distraught and thought, “Fuck it all!” How awful, she is a murderer in my book. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I do recall the Dems being avid for HUAC and the “solid South” were horrors. But they shifted right w Nixon, and that did cement the deal. choicelady an hour ago

All, I can’t help but wonder how it is so many people seem hell bent on giving up democracy for autocratic rule. It is really mind blowing. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – I now cannot look at yesterday as anything but murder, no. choicelady an hour ago
CL….somehow the reality of these moves as an act of oppression affecting their loved ones is penetrating….did I tell you that my Trump Loving Auto Mechanic just learned he has a gay son? Son has been keeping it from Dad, but not mom…..who is now suddenly aware of the threat that HER politics is to her own boy. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – we are beset by a significant portion of America who find democracy just too much work. My whole job the past 22 years is mobilizing people to take principled positions on issues. It’s uphill work. People want a Big Daddy. They want him (always a him) to have their view, but they want magical change, orgasmic satisfaction, and NO direct engagement. choicelady an hour ago

Ad, what?? Now that is indeed mind blowing. twilson117 an hour ago
CL…and they want SIMPLE (Minded) ANSWERS that feed their feeds, anxieties and anger. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – the personal does change everyone. But the pity lies in those who never HAVE the personal confront them. choicelady an hour ago

CL yes democracy or I should say keeping democracy is indeed hard work. twilson117 an hour ago
CL…truth. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – yes. Simple, simplistic, and FREE. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Yep, our system is falling apart because it was never improved and repaired on a regular basis as The Founders envisioned. We had a SCOTUS judge justify turning women back into property by quoting someone from hundreds of years ago who had witches punished. For someone like that and the other nutjobs to be in the highest court in the land proves that the current system we have is collapsing. Big changes need to be made and quickly. The Dems need to keep The House and keep the Senate with a bigger margin, kill the filibuster and pass reforms to save our Democracy. AdLib an hour ago
I keep repeating John Adams warning: “All that it will take to end this Republic is an uniformed public.” MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

CL but what they don’t realize the alternative is enslavement. twilson117 an hour ago
Ad – Alito cited Matthew Hale, the barrister in 17th C. England. What horrifies me most is that the opinion Hale had was PERSONAL and never an issue of LAW. Alito cites it as if that WAS Common Law, and it was NOT. choicelady an hour ago
TW – so long as I have (urban v rural) my latte, my games, my free time or my pork rinds, beer, and time w the boys, I am happy. What ELSE do I need? choicelady an hour ago
CL – I agree, the McCarthy period was just as much about fascism and oppression by a minority to destroy those on the other side of the culture wars at the time. It definitely started around then and into the 1950s when Eisenhower’s final speech to the nation was to beware of those with power who want to take over our democracy. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I agree with your summary…..What is forgotten is that the Constitution was a rough outline which was supposed to be filled in over the next decade following its 1792 ratification…with convention meetings planned for each year……but the emergence of political parties killed the entire movement. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

CL Alito is so proud of himself. And yet his is also so out of touch when you consider most of the world seem okay with abortion. What a dunce. twilson117 an hour ago
CL..fascinating tid bit about Hale. Males Alito a conspirator. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad – I would argue we DID upgrade and improve democracy along the way, but we did not take the Federalist Society seriously enough, did not fight racism thoroughly and well. I am not sure what else we should have done. choicelady an hour ago
CL….is that your description of heaven? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago

CL freedom because once you lose it you’ll never get it back and there are only so many pork rinds you can eat. twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, Alito is the MOST dangerous of the conservatives. He lies. choicelady an hour ago
No. I am an outlier. choicelady an hour ago
TW – a limit on pork rinds? Say it ain’t so! choicelady an hour ago
Murph – Nixon’s Southern Strategy and all of his anti-democratic scheming with Ailes and Rove and many others was aperiod that exploded the fascist mentality of the GOP but it was bubbling under the surface, that’s why it rallied so many so quickly to support them. AdLib an hour ago
CL….there were improvements but I consider our system fundamental flawed because it was designed for minority rule. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….I regard the Nixon years as the GOP’s turn to the Dark Side. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Y’all -I was born in NE. I like those folks. We have to own that they have a point about bicoastal elitism. Not everything we like in NYC or LA or SF needs to be theirs. choicelady 44 minutes ago

CL I’ve tried several times to read his opinion but find I couldn’t get through because it made no sense to me and I’m not a lawyer but from what I was able to read understand his logic was total BS. twilson117 44 minutes ago
And Murph, keep in mind that the Democrats of old are the Republicans of today in the South. It’s a distraction to use party names to define the same people who went from being Democrats to Repubs, carrying their racism and hatred with them. AdLib 44 minutes ago
TW – you can’t get through it because it’s a polemic not an opinion based on law. choicelady 43 minutes ago

CL well I suppose if you’re watching football then there is no pork rinds limit. twilson117 43 minutes ago
TW – that’s a relief to millions of football fans. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Has anyone here ever eaten pork rinds because I don’t think I have. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Ad…you do know that Daddy King was a Republican as were most of the ministers in the most influential black groups……it was still understood to be the Party of Lincoln and the Reconstruction and, the key players in the moving the Civil Rights agenda forward in the 50’s in opposition to the Dems. MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph – I do know that about King and the SCLC in general. They were not stupid, however. They could see who the individual good people were which is why they could work w Johnson. choicelady 41 minutes ago

CL I just thought it was total BS, but hey that’s me. I didn’t go to law school, at the moment I think whatever law school granted him his law degree should call him and tell him it’s been rescinded. twilson117 40 minutes ago
TW – There has always been a portion of the country who are pro-autocrat. Often it is the uneducated, the religious extremists, the racists, and those psychologically immature who want a “daddy” to take over and make everything the way “it should be”. AdLib 40 minutes ago
I remember the early 60s when there were some fantastic GOP. Gov. Endicott Peabody in MA found his GOP mother, in her 80s I think, was arrested doing a civil rights sit in in FL. MY kind of GOP. choicelady 40 minutes ago
CL…oh, I agree….Ad’s understanding is accurate that the Dems and GOP switched positions as a political strategy but fortunately MLK and his cadre were skilled in political strategy as well. MurphTheSurf3 39 minutes ago
What was Manifest Destiny? Right in tune with the Dominionists today who think the religious minority should control the majority. AdLib 39 minutes ago

Ad yes there has, and at the moment they seem to be posed to take over. twilson117 39 minutes ago
Ad – It is useful to read old Harper’s Illustrated Weekly from the 19th C. The daughters of our billionaires married English aristocracy. They had the money. The Brits had the glamour. This alliance came out of a not-liberal mindset. choicelady 38 minutes ago
CL – I spent a number of years of my early life in the deep South where the GOP were the crusaders. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
AdLib – I’m not recalling Manifest Destiny as that overtly religious largey, probably, because it was ASSUMED to be Christian. choicelady 38 minutes ago
Murph – my grandmother, with IL origins, was born and raised in Memphis, and yes, the GOP were their alliance until 1929. choicelady 37 minutes ago
CL and AD….a lot the Manifest Destiny verbiage used allusions to the “New Eden” given to white Americans by God. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
CL – You beat me to it and nailed it as usual. A Magical Big Daddy who is also the hateful, insecure and vengeful God of The Old Testament. This is what these ignorant people want, thinking that he will love and protect them and smite “their enemies”, meaning anyone who stands in the way of that oppressive theocracy. AdLib 37 minutes ago
Murph – I’d forgotten that. You are correct. choicelady 36 minutes ago
Ad – don’t forget that the Far Left wants a Bid Daddy, too. They hate democracy as much as Mike Lee does. They have NO use for POC or the poor. I was on the fringes of DSA (DSoc as we called it then) and was horrified by its white elitism. choicelady 35 minutes ago
CL – Yes, that was who I was referring to, Matthew Hale. Who was a nutjob in his era and whose hateful and bigoted opinions should have been disregarded by the 21st century. AdLib 34 minutes ago
Side note…I just saw a commercial from the “American Edge Project” warning agains Congressional (read that as Democratic) action that will make the U.S. less competitive….appeal aimed at everyday workers, union folks, middle and lower middle class…AND the PROJECT is a Big Money Front. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
The Left also hate blue collar people . They give lip service to unions but not actual support. “Jane Roe” (Norma whoever) broke w feminists over their contempt for HER. choicelady 34 minutes ago

Oh boy are we on the religion wagon now, with the Christian Nation crap? twilson117 34 minutes ago
Ad – he was actually a very renowned barrister who did some excellent things to improve common law. But personally he sucked. Hated women, believed (most did) in witchcraft, and was in general a perfectly horrid person. But he was not all one thing. choicelady 33 minutes ago
CL – We did improve democracy in some ways but were crippled by things like The Senate and the Electoral College and gerrymandering which have all dismantled many important pillars of American Democracy. AdLib 32 minutes ago
TW – if anything is going to bring down the GOP extremists, it is Christian Nationalism. You might like to know that these forces, once 24% of the American population, have dwindled to 13% between 2006 and 2020. THAT is a HUGE loss. This is partly why they are so violent – they know they are losing numbers and supporters. So, like most people who are losing control, they are digging in to what is causing the ‘walkaways’ rather than changing to something more universal and loving. choicelady 31 minutes ago
Ad – these are going to be the new challenges. I hope the indicators are right – that we will have enough votes to kill the filibuster and start making REAL reforms. choicelady 30 minutes ago
Ad….the architecture and furnishings of the capitol building say a lot about what the Framers had in mind. The Senate Chamber is very large, very comfortable, with permanent desks for the Senators and their secretaries ( both men, of course) and antechambers that were basically club rooms. The House only has benches and virtually no side bar spaces. One house was for the ruling elite who spent much the year in DC and the other for the little guys who were present on average for six weeks only. MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Murph – what do you think are the odds we can have “Federal Court Modernization” and expand the justices to 13 to match the districts while improving access to courts IN the districts? choicelady 28 minutes ago
CL…and what is rarely mentioned is the the Christian Nationalists are not aligned with mainline protestantism, and indeed undermines those churches. MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
CL – All Americans should have their concerns heard and considered but frankly, there are times when what’s best for the majority in a democracy needs to be the direction the country goes. As with the ending of Roe, when the wants of a minority are enforced on the majority, it is disastrous. When a minority feels ignored because the majority, such as coastal Americans who make up the majority of the population of the country, gets things their way, that’s how democracy works. What is best for the majority is what is pursued but that doesn’t mean other Americans don’t matter. Frankly, if the majority of Americans had their wishes followed by government, which is not what happens today (so it is minority rule now in many ways), gun control, choice, support for Seniors, the poor , the mentally ill, make that “progress” would really happen. The minority in the conservative states are literally fighting against progress. They need to lose and the majority needs to win and drage them along with us into better days for all. AdLib 27 minutes ago
Murph – nice observation about Senate/House values. Same is true in Albany. The Sen. chamber is gorgeous. The Assembly is beat up, has holes in the granite – looks like someone took a shotgun to the walls (which could actually be true). Rude rubes on one side. Aristocratic nabobs on the other. choicelady 27 minutes ago

CL every time I hear we’re a Christian Nation and should be following Christian principals coming out of the mouths of people like MTG and nitwit Boebert I want to scream these folks have no idea of what they are talking about. twilson117 26 minutes ago
CL….it is possible if the Dems get a super majority in the Senate but what one such group can do, another can undo….messy no matter how you look at it. SCOTUS is a poor tool, hastily created, badly constructed and easily manipulated. MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Rule by minority comes out of, ironically, the civil rights movement. White elites saw that the real plight of minorities got attention, so they characterized themselves as “victims” being minority populations politically. Well, screw that. I grew up in Wheaton IL, where Billy Graham went to college. Dems were SO scarce that when my mother “walked the precinct” she just went over to a friend’s house, had a drink, and came home. Two households. That’s it. choicelady 24 minutes ago
Ad…and that minority in those Red states has been duped to press for positions that are inherently self destructive. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
Being a political minority does NOT have the same weight as being left out of everything as an ascriptive minority. choicelady 24 minutes ago
CL….that is the case in many state assemblies since they are based in function and form on the federal mmodel. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
Murph – that’s why I think court expansion is essential. I’m also FINALLY being OK w term limits – 25 years and out on a rotating basis so no one faction can get them all. choicelady 23 minutes ago
I think that if the Dems have 52+ Senators and hold the House, there will indeed be a judicial reform bill passed that enlarges the court, limits the time justices are there and provides oversight on ethics and hearings of prospective justices now that we’ve seen a majority perjure themselves in their hearings. AdLib 22 minutes ago
I am sick of the “I’m a Republican in SF and am a VICTIM”. Tough. Move. I lived most of my life as a Blue dot in the reddest district. It now is Dem, BTW – that’s how it works. choicelady 21 minutes ago
TW…..the brand of Christianity they endorse is a deformed creature that Yeshua Bar Yusef bin Nazrit (i.e. in English, Jesus the Son of Joseph from Nazareth) would have denounced driving its promoters from the House of God.would not recognize. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago

Cl I’m with you for a long time I was on the side of leaving things alone but have since changed my mind term limits for SJ’s and Senators and expand the Supreme Court. twilson117 20 minutes ago
Murph – that is an excellent point. choicelady 20 minutes ago
Ad and CL …I support your vision for the court but unless that design is Constitutionally Established what a majority does can be undone by the same. MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
OK guys – love you to death, but both the shoulder (reinjured it) and my eyes are caving on me here. I will give my best shot at next week. This growing older thing needs work. See you then? Be well!! Ad – be VERY careful driving. I have an awful feeling this isn’t going to be the last of these sorts of accidents. choicelady 19 minutes ago
G’night! choicelady 18 minutes ago

Murph it’s funny how they call it Christianity but as you point out are so far from the teaching of Christ it’s unrecognizable. twilson117 18 minutes ago

Take CL twilson117 18 minutes ago

Take care CL. twilson117 18 minutes ago
I think my experience as a Political Historian has led me into a very cynical place re. the constitution… MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
You, too, TW. Nice to see you. choicelady 18 minutes ago
Murph – First, you can’t choose to not do the right thing because you’re concerned it can be reversed. Second, if the filibuster is killed and election reforms are voted in that end gerrymandering, the ability for Repubs to re-take power is minimized. Then Repubs would have to appeal to voters of both partiesand the extremism will die out in much of the country. The way to end this army of extremists? Apply new democratic reforms that end the slamdunk re-elections of lunatics, make voting easy and gerrymanders illegal. America can be restored and extremism crushed in this way. AdLib 18 minutes ago
SO Long C L…Wonderful to spend an hour with you. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Night CL! AdLib 18 minutes ago
and with you, Murph and Ad. Hugs to you all! choicelady 17 minutes ago

Murph I think your experience has served you well and provides a wealth of knowledge we can learn from. twilson117 17 minutes ago
Ad….I agree with you….as long as the Dems are “good guys” but what if they turn as well….again, the fault here is in a system that has created Parties as its primary instruments of power wielding. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
TW…and Ad…and CL….I am in very good company here…..this is how an internet forum operates as it should. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Good Golly…it is 10:15. Time flies in company like this. MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Here is a question I wanted to ask….thoughts on the “Biden should not run again”meme? MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago

Murph didn’t Tocqueville have something to say about our form of democracy? twilson117 13 minutes ago
Murph – Sure, Dems can become corrupt too along the way but if election reforms, such as we have here in CA and in a number of states, where redistricting is done by a non-partisan committee and mail in voting and early voting and easy registration is the law (and kicking people off the voting roles is not easy), democracy across the country can be revived and the course of the SCOTUS and elections can be more reflective of the majority’s wishes. AdLib 13 minutes ago
TW…he did….a starry eyed romantic….whose love letter to the American Experiment……does not hold up well. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Ad…it would take that level of reform to guard reforms. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago

Murph the people who are spouting that should just sit in the corner and be quite. twilson117 12 minutes ago
And these things would be less likely to change once people are able to vote easily and gerrymandering doesn’t protect minority rule. Repubs are doomed then until they change. AdLib 12 minutes ago
I can’t remember which high profile Repub whined, “If everyone can vote, Republicans will never win another election.” AdLib 11 minutes ago
Ad….yes…..that would be a worthy outcome. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago

Murph as I’m as slowly reading his Democracy in America, I do find it interesting what he had to say. twilson117 11 minutes ago
TW…I recall those who shouted “No Obama 2nd Term” at about the same time. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
TW….the writing is interesting…rather poetic….quite idealistic……full of elegies to the American SPirit. MurphTheSurf3 10 minutes ago
Hey, how happy are we with Alex Jones turn to misfortune? MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – Personally, I would like to see another candidate other than Biden. I like him a lot, he has accomplished more than any Dem President in my lifetime but he looks so frail and weak, it just doesn’t feel right to have him running for re-election instead of a Dem with more youth, energy and vigor. What do you think? AdLib 9 minutes ago

Murph Exactly! While I don’t think he will run for a second, but let him have this and we’ll take up 2024 when it’s time. And those folks who think Trump** should run need to keep in mind he’s three years younger than Biden and the recent pictures of him he doesn’t look to healthy. Too many Big Macs. twilson117 8 minutes ago
Ad…..yes, Biden is no Obama…..if Biden were to work it right, a decision not to run could make him very powerful, with lots of leverage esp. if the Dems control the House and Senate. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
TW…I think Trump will be crushed by a variety of forces in the months ahead. Hell, he can’t even elbow his way onto Fox now. Murdoch has him in his rear view mirror. MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
Murph – What’s most important isn’t to have a system where Dems have a built-in advantage, it should be that pols who reflect and represent the will of the majority who elected them have an advantage. As a minority rule country in some big ways, it is Repubs who would lose the most…until they had candidates who respected our democracy better. Then, the competition of popular views would profit us all. AdLib 7 minutes ago

Murph I’m glad to see he got creamed in court today. But the parents would rather have their children back. I have a piece I submitted to Medium and will be posting it with Ad later this weekend. twilson117 6 minutes ago
TW…whole heartedly join you in that sentiment. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Murph – I’m happy that there are two more sets of parents with cases needing to be decided on damages against Jones. He should be profoundly crippled when they are all done, especially the case in CT where there are no limits on damages. AdLib 5 minutes ago

Yes, I guessing they will win also, can’t see where their case is any different. twilson117 5 minutes ago
Ad…..I agree with your philosophy but it depends on an informed, committed electorate and I think the wisdom of Parliamentary systems is that the only direct election is at the local level which makes that far easier to pull off. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
Ad…did not know about the “no limit” difference in Conn. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
TW – I think Trump runs because he can scam hundreds of millions of dollars out of the hands of his idiot cult members but no way does he win a GE, if he even survives the primary. And he will be likely indicted by then, how does that affect Repub voters choosing him over DeSantis? AdLib 4 minutes ago
Ad….you paint a grim picture of the GOP….good. MurphTheSurf3 3 minutes ago

Ad that’s the only reason he keeps stringing people along about making an annoucement. twilson117 3 minutes ago
TW…..and he has it in his head that he will have a prosecution immunity if he runs again….he is very wrong about that. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago

Murph Yes he does have that mindset, but, it seems Garland is in the process of disabusing him of that notion. twilson117 a minute ago
Well…I am off to bed…..I have a meeting tomorrow with a Kunce group to discuss where we put our resources now. MurphTheSurf3 a minute ago
Murph – What could be possible is that sometime next year, Biden announces he won’t run but then would get to play Kingmaker as you say. I don’t know that other Dems want to run against him in the primary but I think his physical condition will make it necessary. Did you see his press conference today, he was wearing dark sunglasses. Never a good sign in an elderly person when they don’t want you to see their eyes. Having been hit twice by Covid on top of being his age and keep in mind how being president ages everyone, I can’t see how Biden, including his press-pushed low ratings, maes for a good nominee in 2024. AdLib a few seconds ago

Murph take care, I’m about to sign off as well. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Murph – You have to admit, Trump and Desantis tearing each other to pieces would be great entertainment. AdLib in a few seconds
Ad….I believe that your reading of the room is spot on. MurphTheSurf3 in a few seconds
Ad…it would….a plague on both their houses. MurphTheSurf3 in a few seconds
Good night TW. MurphTheSurf3 in a minute

It will make for interesting watching, well guys I’m out of here see you all next week. twilson117 in a minute
Ad…I think I shall sign off with TW as well. MurphTheSurf3 in a minute
Murph – 2024 will be crazy no matter what happens this Nov but if Dems win, it will be the GOP ripping itself to pieces. AdLib in a minute

Nigh all. twilson117 in a minute
Night Murph! AdLib in a minute
Night TW! AdLib in 2 minute
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