Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib an hour ago
You there, Murph?
AdLib an hour ago
Hey TW!
AdLib an hour ago
Hey guys

twilson117 an hour ago
How are things your way, TW?
AdLib an hour ago
Ok Ad

twilson117 an hour ago
So has you daughter made the adjustment to being back home?

twilson117 an hour ago
Yes, thanks for asking. It was pretty quick. She’s watching Netflix with her best friend in the other room. And she’s been very organized in getting a job and Summer classes set up. Very pleased.
AdLib an hour ago
Wow, that sounds really good.

twilson117 an hour ago
There’s no place like home, right? She’s happy to be back, chill in her room and see her friends.
AdLib an hour ago
So what does she think of MA?

twilson117 an hour ago
She likes it and she has a number of good friends out there now. So she’s going to enjoy being back in MA but is enjoying being home this Summer. She loves the beach.
AdLib an hour ago
When are you going to see your granddaughter?
AdLib an hour ago
You guys have way better beaches that’s for sure.

twilson117 an hour ago
Last week when she came back, we had a heat wave, in the 90s,. She said she forgot how hot it gets out here.
AdLib an hour ago
It’s cooled down now.
AdLib an hour ago
I think this summer. My daughter will be the one to get her my wife and her have to work out the travel arrangements ticket prices have gone sky high..

twilson117 an hour ago
You mentioned summer classes, what will she be taking?

twilson117 an hour ago
Right. Air fares were so low for so long and now, like the oil companies, they want to inflate prices so high to make up for lost revenues and to get their bonuses. It’s messed up. And the stock Market is tanking so don’t know how long this price gouging can last.
AdLib an hour ago
Well I am really here now…..
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
History class, she was looking at two, don’t know which one she’s taking.
AdLib an hour ago
Hey Murph

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – I thought a zombie had got to you.
AdLib an hour ago
History well that should be fun.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad…..it is mean refer to Magats as Zombies.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Though a Murph zombie wouldn’t need to chant for “Brains!”
AdLib an hour ago
Ad….”Brains!” Hysterical.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph Magat? Ha! That’s funny.

twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I was fortunate to have a very good history teacher in HS and it contributed to my love of history. But so many bad history teachers who don’t teach in a story telling way or connecting it to current society, just rote memory of dates, names and places which is lazy and pretty useless as most students forget all that.
AdLib an hour ago
So, it looks like the justice department is finally getting around to doing something.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad….as a retired teach of history…..at the secondary and then tertiary level….I second your assessment of the field in my area of speciality.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
TW – Yes, I think all of those who’ve been concerend, including me, can take a sigh of relief that the DoJ is going after a case against high profile traitors. Including Trump, I believe.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I know you taught history and I would have been very happy to have my daughter in your class.
AdLib an hour ago
I also note that far too many teachers of social studies/history are not star students…..in H.S. their are far too many coaches who teach “something” so they can do coaching.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…..what a fine compliment……
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CPAC is in Hungary cheering on autocracy, Trumpist Repubs are openly bragging about ending abortion from the moment of conception (how would they know?) and rigging elections. It seems like they think the end game is nearly here.
AdLib an hour ago
Well in HS I had a decent History teacher, but as I said when I confronted her on why she never gave a grade above 85 my assessment of her changed.

twilson117 an hour ago
Ad the must be wetting themselves when Orban said Tucker should be on 24/7

twilson117 an hour ago
Murph – Yes, and those lesser experienced history teachers can shut down students from ever being interested in history after experiencing it as only rote memorization. And getting to know you here at The Planet after all this time, I know how knowledgeable and insightful you were as a teacher. So, really meant it.
AdLib an hour ago
TW – I remember your mentioning that about that teacher. What did she say to you again?
AdLib an hour ago
Just a little state news…..the State Senate closed the current session of legislation with very little having been done…..the far right agenda generally failed because of the chasm that exists between the neo-Republicans Magats and the tradition-Republicans with routs in the Eisenhower understanding of the party’s role. The Dems in the Senate are in the minority but they learned to vote for either side. By abstaining, they rob either of GOP camps of the necessary threshold to move legislation forward and since they do not side with either that cannot be used by one GOP camp to attack another.
MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad that’s the point she didn’t say anything she just looked at me with a bit of fear in her eyes because I busted her.

twilson117 an hour ago
TW – Dems are really messing things up though. They should be pounding the table and calling out specific Repubs and the party as a whole as a threat to our freedom and democracy. Repubs have no problem doing the same as BS, Dems are tooworried to do it when it’s warranted.
AdLib an hour ago
Murph there are still some Ike Repubs in your state?

twilson117 an hour ago
Again, Ad, you humble me. I must admit that in the current environment in secondary schools I doubt I would have persevered and I would likely have run afoul the “true American” parents and the admin they now bully.
MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
Ad I agree, Dems should stop thinking they’re going to lose and get and talk about all the good they’ve done.

twilson117 43 minutes ago
Murph – Very interesting. Trumpism seems like Zombieism, an infection that jumps from one to all they “bite”. But the thought that there are still some Eisenhower-type Repubs who won’t go along with the autocrats is uplifting a bit. As is the Dem strategy.
AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad….I agree….the tactics employed by the GOP work with the weak minded, lazy, and angry. The Dems must use those tactics to draw in the same crowd….sadly the electorate is, as a whole, out of touch and un/misinformed.
MurphTheSurf3 42 minutes ago
Murph always liked History. Something about how things worked back in the old days.

twilson117 42 minutes ago
Another poll released today, Generic Dems get about 48%, generic Repubs 42%. The numbers were virtually reversed pre-Roe-leak from SCOTUS. We can win this in Nov, keep Congress and hopefully have at least 52 Dems in The Senate, at least 50 to get election reform, abortion rights and other critical laws passed with the filibuster left lying in GOP tears.
AdLib 41 minutes ago
TW – Right, that’s what you explained! She knew she’d been caught with her hand in the KKKookie jar.
AdLib 40 minutes ago
Ad and TW……the membership in our House and Senate is in constant motion because of absurd term limits BUT the confusion, lack of seasoned leadership and the difficulty in creating real alliances hobble them…which right now is good.
MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
So Murph will that continue to work?

twilson117 39 minutes ago
Ad…polls like the one you refer to are heartening but I fear that the economy is the achilles heel. Very complex and easily laid at the doorstep of the power that is supposed “in power”.
MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Murph – You would have had to move to a Dem district to continue teaching genuine history. As we’ve seen, Repubs project all their terrible intentions on Dems, they want to indoctrinate and propagandize children into becoming racists and autocrats like them.
AdLib 38 minutes ago
TW….which “that” are you referring to?
MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Murph the constant motion and term limits and confusion.

twilson117 36 minutes ago
Early warning. I will need to leave at 10. Conference call with several organizers at the Lucas Kunce campaign.
MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
Murph and the season leadership.

twilson117 35 minutes ago
Murph – I have to say that the economy, gas prices, the deficit, baby formula, it only reduces the margin for Dems when what’s up for a vote is turning women into property of states and ending democracy. Plus, since the GOP has decided that it can no longer run on issues, they can offer nothing on how they would make the economy better other than slavishly promising tax cuts. But lower taxes in a dictatorship just isn’t a good enough platform.
AdLib 35 minutes ago
Thanks for the heads up on that, Murph!
AdLib 35 minutes ago
How about Cawthorn getting DESTROYED?
AdLib 35 minutes ago
And Musk won’t be able to buy Twitter now as Tesla stock is crashing and burning. It’s lost 35% of its value just this past month!
AdLib 34 minutes ago
TW….I think that the confusion will persist in large part because there is a quiet agreement between the Dems and the traditional GOP that neutralizing the far right fanatics is a must.
MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Cawthorn got what he deserved. Just wish the same would happen to MTG, Getz and Bobert

twilson117 32 minutes ago
Cawthorn….one of those I work with on the campaign made this awful comment (which resulted in more than a few of us expressing “alarm” and “shock” at the lack of sensitivity. Her comment: “Well I guess he has to crawl back under that bridge from which he emerged.”
MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Did you all see that Trump Dumped Perdue today.
MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Murph – I wonder though, after the 1/6 committee does its public hearings, indictments of top Repubs may follow soon after. And when the SCOTUS releases it’s final decision on Roe this Summer, the public won’t be too confused about the GOP and Repub justices overthrowing our democracy and rights.
AdLib 32 minutes ago
Murph well it’s good to know the traditional Repubs understand what’s at stake.

twilson117 32 minutes ago
Ad….your assessment should be right on the mark….but I do not know if the electorate can handle anything that is in any way complex.
MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
TW – I had read that Boebert’s district had beed redistricted to be more Dem. She may change districts but unless she is in a deep red district, I think Cawthorn will have a drinking buddy.
AdLib 30 minutes ago
Murph I saw that. People should take notice but they won’t.

twilson117 30 minutes ago
Murph – Well, I think you all knew that she was referring inartfully to Cawthorn as a troll.
AdLib 29 minutes ago
I think many in the traditional GOP ranks here look at the new “talent” coming into the party and shudder.
MurphTheSurf3 29 minutes ago
Ad….ah yes, and the reference to crawling was none too kind….but I could not help smirking.
MurphTheSurf3 28 minutes ago
Ad Boebert getting redistricted, ha couldn’t have happened to a nicer person

twilson117 28 minutes ago
Murph – Trump didn’t dump Perdue, Perdue is 30 pints or more down, he’s a loser who carried Trump’s stink. Trump can dump him now but he and Cawthorn had the Trump endorsements and are losers, that stain stays on Trump despite his cowardice now. Trump does not have the influence he once had.
AdLib 27 minutes ago
Murph, so what’s your assessment, can the old guard take names and kick ass?

twilson117 27 minutes ago
Murph – I agree, Dems need to keep it simple and just tag Repubs as anti-women and anti-American democracy. And pro-death.
AdLib 26 minutes ago
Ad….yes, but a person of principle, which Trump is not, would have stayed the course. When will the GOP wise up. Trump is bad juju….AND what really pissed him off was that the Trump slush fund gave Perdue two million bucks which are gone forever.
MurphTheSurf3 26 minutes ago
Murph – Instead of resumes, the current GOP appears to ask new candidates to submit their rap sheets or prosecution dates to make sure there are no conflicts.
AdLib 25 minutes ago
Ad…I think that the Old Guard is playing a waiting game hoping that this will all go the way of the Tea Party….the problem is that their assessment of the Tea Party’s fate is incorrect. It morphed and became more destructive.
MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
This guy Mastriano is someone to watch out for. Talking about a zealot!

twilson117 23 minutes ago
Murph – As a historian, you know the normal way the GOP would change from its current state. Losing elections over and over. But by trying to rig elections and relying on money from corrupt billionaires and Nazi-level propaganda, they are still hanging in there as a zombie party. They can’t win majority elections so unlike in the past, they are trying to end democracy as the solution to gaining power.
AdLib 22 minutes ago
Ad…a very astute summary.
MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
TW….Mastriano is one of the foot soldiers in the zombie party.
MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
My conference call/zoom meeting is a brainstorming session about how we undermine support for Trumpism among rural Missourians.
MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
TW – Absolutely! Nothing should be taken for granted but Mastriano is such an extremist theocrat and insurrectionist, a majority in PA is not so likely to flock to him. If he won, the domino effect of the end of democracy would begin, sane with Kari Lake in AZ. But they are fringe and a majority is not likely to get behind either of them. However, apathy by Dems or election tampering could change that. We have to fight like it’s a neck and neck race in all of these states with nutjob Repub candidates. I will be donating a lot once the Dem primaries are all settled.
AdLib 19 minutes ago
Ad he is also on of these religious zealots who thinks we need to be under a theocracy.

twilson117 19 minutes ago
Ad I think with the Roe decision coming down the theocrats believe it’s their time and will do everything in their power to make this a “Christian Nation”

twilson117 18 minutes ago
Murph – I would be interested to hear the thoughts on that. My suggestion would be to make it about the very thing these Repubs claim to support but really oppose. This is about America, democracy and personal freedom. Turn the table on the MAGAs and wipe the facade away. They use those words as Orwellian doublespeak, they really stand for the opposite.
AdLib 17 minutes ago
Mastriano has argued that Christianity should be named as our “State Religion” because for the Founders and Framers that was presumed. Pernicious influences have led us astray.
MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
The WaPo provided a link to Mastriano’s Master Thesis, I pulled it down but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

twilson117 16 minutes ago
Well Murph as our resident historian I know you know that’s not right.

twilson117 15 minutes ago
Ad….I will report back next week on the meeting’s “sense of the times”….but for now I must go….it has been fun…..miss the absent members.
MurphTheSurf3 15 minutes ago
Hey Murph you take care.

twilson117 15 minutes ago
TW – Yes, he is a Dominionist-type, this is about a crusade to turn government into a theocracy that dictates to the people what they can and can’t do…and must do to serve and enrich the elite. If Repubs succeeded in overthrowing the 2024 election, I predict conflicts at a level we’ve never seen between citizens and state and fed governments.
AdLib 15 minutes ago
Thanks TW…the best to you both.
MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Hope it goes well, Murph!
AdLib 14 minutes ago
Those April showers seem to be coming in May, it’s raining out side.

twilson117 14 minutes ago
Yeah Mastriano is one of those dominionist, which is why I dislike religion.

twilson117 12 minutes ago
TW – Mastriano said at his victory party that if he wins, and the Gov gets to hand pick the SoS who runs elections of course, he will be happy to throw out votes and declare Trump or the Repub nom the winner despite the actual results. He is the personification of the overthrow of America and Dems need to nail him that way.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
We almost had rain today, we need it badly. Just a few light sprinkles and then nothing. Oh well.
AdLib 12 minutes ago
Why is it those who served in the arm forces always want to overthrow the government they swore to protect?

twilson117 11 minutes ago
This is democracy’s last stand this Nov, possibly for the rest of our lifetime. And as horrible as it is that the SCOTUS is killing Roe, it could be the one thing that ends up rescuing our democracy by driving anti-Repub/pro-Dem turnout. Ironic, isn
AdLib 10 minutes ago
isn’t it?
AdLib 10 minutes ago
I don’t see it like that, I think nutjobs are the minority everywhere but those who have been in the military are more dangerous because they’ve been trained to use power to destroy or dominate innocent people.
AdLib 9 minutes ago
Did you pick up on Roberts may be writing a descent which could soften the decision?

twilson117 9 minutes ago
Well you know I’ve been saying it for a while our democracy is in trouble.

twilson117 8 minutes ago
I know that’s been talked about but a dissent from Roberts carries no weight if the 5 Theocrats on the SCOTUS overturn Roe and write a decision saying there is no right to privacy.
AdLib 8 minutes ago
You’ve been sounding the alarm, TW, and you’ve unfortunately been proven 100% right.
AdLib 7 minutes ago
The question I have if Roberts does that is it possible he pulls over someone.

twilson117 7 minutes ago
But I think, like Putin, the plutocrats and MAGAs may be overplaying their hand. Just thinking they can invade and takeover women’s bodies and our democracy since they see DeSantis, Abbot and others already doing it. They could end up like Russia’s damaged military if they’ve overestimated the running room they have…and I think they will.
AdLib 5 minutes ago
I have been trying to get through Roberts ruling and the way I read it, it is on shaky ground.

twilson117 5 minutes ago
I meant to say Alito not Roberts.

twilson117 3 minutes ago
Right. If the Fascist Five want more of an appearance of acceptability of their corrupt decision, they might water it down a little to try and get Roberts on board. But I don’t think they could water it down enough to be acceptable to him, it will still destroy the way the SCOTUS has worked, respecting stare decisis and principle. This is a religious decision, not one based on judicial principles. The SCOTUS is dead now and Roberts may try to revive it a little but it will still be in a coma.
AdLib 2 minutes ago
All that said, this could be the one thing that gives Dem 52 in The Senate, keeping The House and able to enlarge the SCOTUS to 13 and outnumber the Fascist Five.
AdLib a minute ago
Hey I’m going to have to call it a night. I have a couple of posts I will be putting up. I tried before coming on but had a slight problem so I will try again tomorrow.

twilson117 a minute ago
Sounds good! Look forward to reading and publishing them!
AdLib a few seconds ago
Have a great weekend!
AdLib a few seconds ago
Ok take care.

twilson117 a few seconds ago
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