Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you here! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey AdLib just wanted to pop in and wish you a Happy New Year and let you know I won’t be on the chat tonight. I got my boosters shot yesterday and I’m a bit out of it and won’t be much a contributor. So will see you next week. Before I go how does your daughter like the snow? twilson117 2 hours ago
Sorry to hear you’re not feeling great. Which booster did you get? AdLib 2 hours ago

Moderna twilson117 2 hours ago
My daughter doesn’t start the semester until the 3rd week in January so she still is here in LA. It will be a culture shock for her to be in snow suddenly. AdLib 2 hours ago
My wife and I got Moderna too and we felt ill for a day or so. My daughter got Pfizer and was fine so I wonder if Moderna is tougher or just a coincidence. AdLib 2 hours ago

Well I sure she was watching the news about it. Trust me the snow will be here when she gets back. twilson117 2 hours ago
Or just being 18 helps. AdLib 2 hours ago
She wanted to be in the snow, it was exotic to her. So I think she’ll enjoy it. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yeah I wonder that about the monderna as well. twilson117 2 hours ago
From what I’ve read, Moderna is supposed to be a little more effective and longer lasting than Pfizer but not feeling ill from it is a plus. AdLib 2 hours ago

As you can see I’m a bit out of I misspelled modnera so I’ going to sit in my easy chair listen to some tones and go to bed later. twilson117 2 hours ago
Rest my friend and feel better soon! AdLib 2 hours ago
You should be better tomorrow. AdLib 2 hours ago

Tell everyone I wish them Happy New Year and looking forward next week’s discussion. twilson117 2 hours ago

Take Care. twilson117 2 hours ago
I will pass that along to everyone from you! You take care too, see you next week! AdLib 2 hours ago

Later. twilson117 2 hours ago
Seeya! AdLib 2 hours ago
Well….here I am…nice chatting with you earlier. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Hey! AdLib an hour ago
Surreal at all? AdLib an hour ago
Surreal? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
BTW, I posted your email on Short Posts, here’s the link you can share with folks here: https://planetpov.com/2013/01/17/short-posts/#comment-255400 AdLib an hour ago
Well, talking as real people then on a live chat in our Planet Personas. AdLib an hour ago
AH!….I am a bit rusty. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
So if Schumer fails to pass voting rights in The Senate, shouldn’t he be removed as Majority Leader? AdLib an hour ago
Hey CL! AdLib an hour ago
MURPH!!! Hi Ad!!! Happy New Year to you both. choicelady an hour ago
One of the debates going in groups like the one I was with on 1/6 is whether mounting challenges in states like Mo. may be the idealistic move but it is not the realistic one…..that we are better used if we are working where there is enough of an edge to make victory for Dems possible? MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Thanks CL! Happy New Year to you too! AdLib an hour ago
Hi there, choice…….Ad posted something I wrote today re. how I spent January 6……I guess I am back in the fray. https://planetpov.com/2013/01/17/short-posts/#comment-255400 MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
That’s an important debate to have. What do you think? AdLib an hour ago
Murph – I see the DOJ filing challenges to corrupt anti voting laws in states where the edge is real – TX, WI among them. He already got WI to roll back its corrupt gerrymandered map and accept what the voters did in a citizens’ commission. WI matters. Maybe MO does not. choicelady an hour ago
I have not pondered it sufficiently. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL…agree. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Because depending on the case, precedents may carry over to states such as MO anyway. Why fight there when the probability of winning and doing the most good is elsewhere. choicelady an hour ago
I think the battleground districts and states should get the majority of resources but there needs to be a lifeline for Dem orgs in red states. Just like in GA, red states can slide into the blue, at least in districts if not statewide, so we do have to keep a presence in all 50 states. AdLib an hour ago
I get that a wider path is philosophically justified, but logistically? Remember I worked for the Obama campaign in several red states where he needed to win the Primary but as soon as he did we packed up and moved to Purple and Blue states. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I think there is a world of difference between legal challenges and political ones. I am all for a full court legal press, but yes, one picks the effectiveness of fights politically. choicelady an hour ago
CL….that is my initial thought on this, two days after the meeting in Jeff City. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….your perspective is in keeping with my experience in the Obama campagin. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
MO is in a democracy nose dive right now. Greitens, an abuser of women, is at 51% support in the polls to be the next Gov. Hate to say it Murph but MO hasn’t hit bottom yet. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….we are definite sliding into the abyss…..one of the reasons I do not want too high a profile. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I think the Jan. 6 Commottee and DOJ are tightening the net – and I think Hawley will be one of the fish. Might open some eyes. choicelady an hour ago
Greitens has successfully paired himself with Trump. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – You know how I feel about the impossibility of changing the minds of cultist Trumpers/Repubs. Resources are far bvetter spent on GOTV on swing districts with voters already prepared to vote Dem. AdLib an hour ago
Is there a Dem running, Murph? choicelady an hour ago
Hawley is in the spotlight MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad….and I have to remember that the Democratic Party here has the preservation of their identity and presence…..no matter how week…but for the rank and file……the argument I, you and Choice are making is cogent. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – After the 1/6 “celebration” of last year’s insurgency in the MO Legislature yesterday, I think MO is already a “New Confedrate State” now. Along with TX and other red states. We are in a Civil War now of a different kind but it is underway. AdLib an hour ago
Hawley, Parson, Greitens, MO politics is a genuine sewer and they are drowning the state. AdLib an hour ago
Ad….I think that the Dems hoped that the anointing of Grietens and Hawley would create a backlash even among GOP who are not red dogs….but I do not see it. I think any Dem is a lamb to the slaughter. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Ad…your summary is one with which I agree…..the Confederate States of Modern America are forming. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
As the state of my forefather (grandfather), it both pains me and doesn’t surprise me. My grandmother was a firebrand liberal from TN by way of IL. But my grandfather was a rabid anti Semite, racist, and German sympathizer. I see his roots are not yet dead in MO politics. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I think it is the only way to get results. Dems should have learned by now that it is a waste of money to try and chase after Repubs to vote Dem. They are literally killing themselves with Covid to “own the libs”. These are suicide bomber types, not rational people who will listen to reason. AdLib an hour ago
Where could be used…practically speaking. In 2008 I was done with my academic career and had not decided where I wanted to end up…so being a roving organizer was possible….and I did not need to be paid. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Mo. identity as a Democratic State is rooted in the KKK….. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I think Biden put paid to any idea of pursuing the Kamikaze Right yesterday – the residual good GOP sure. They are so scarce now you can count them on both hands. But he made it clear – we don’t negotiate with terrorists. choicelady an hour ago
Ad…..I have been saying that GOP are setting fires in their own houses…why should we form a fire brigade. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – The same party that held up Rittenhouse and the guy who called up Biden’s Santa calls with kids who essentially said “Fuck you” to him, as heroes and great men. Greitens is probably more popular because he’s a “bad boy” with Repubs in MO. AdLib an hour ago
Murph – isn’t the entire South “Dem by Destruction” from pro slavery days? choicelady an hour ago
CL….Biden’s speech yesterday was a masterwork. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I think it’s the best strategy to follow Obama’s directive: When your enemy is destroying himself, get out of the way. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – yes it was. choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I’d say The New Confederacy has already formed, they are now just cementing themselves into power with levers of oppression now. AdLib an hour ago
And then Garland made it clear that the pursuit of the insurrections has only just begun. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
How did politics get to the point where being the “bad boy” – the one who drops drawers and moons the adults – is a plus? How did we get so vile so fast?\ choicelady an hour ago
Murph – I have trusted Garland on this from Day One. He said what every AUSA said to us in the last federal clinic injunction, and we learned how to “read” their tactics. They reveal NOTHING, nor should they, but you watch where they go. It’s powerful. choicelady an hour ago
CL – While there are many reasoned people of conscience in MO and other red states, the contingent of ignorant, hateful rubes that the wealthy and their politicians can control seems to be growing. Nothing is giving them pause, we are in a war already against a violent and cultist movement that will need to be defeated in an aggressive way. But Dems aren’t doing that yet and time is running out. AdLib an hour ago
Example….I know a number of people who are being hurt often by the failure of the state to takeup expanded Medicaid coverage (both of groups of people and expanded benefits. I have an neighbor who had a knee replacement last week and learned that he will not have a visiting nurse to care for wound, or visiting therapists. I think that the result will be far poorer long term results for him. He was raging about this to me yesterday and when I explained why it was happening, he did as Ad and Choice point out….deny the evidence….deny the reality because that is the only way to keep the myth. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Sorry – Dems aren’t the ones to do that. It’s the DOJ. Ultimately yes, the House – but deciding “time is running out” is wrong. The net is closing on the leaders, and when the House opens public hearings, the lid will blow off. That’s coming very soon. Wtergare will be as nothing. choicelady an hour ago
Myths are incredibly powerful. choicelady an hour ago
CL – I really liked Biden’s speech a lot. He was on point and tough. Excellent. Now, he needs to light fires under his cabinet to push back on this assault we are under by this seditious organization of the wealthy, greedy Repub pols and hateful and fearful racists. AdLib an hour ago
Agree with the points you are both making. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL…I hope that the hearings will have impact but I wonder if troops on the right are capable of accepting any reality that does not have the imprimatur of their leaders. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I agree. The time to deal with this insurgency through politics as usual is over. Let them destroy their followers, keep the unvaccinated out of hospital beds that vaccinated need. Pass an EO requiring vaccinations to fly and participate in many aspects of society. Shun and isolate those who are a threat to our nation and kick out those Congresspeople who collaborated in an insurrection.\ AdLib an hour ago
Ad – give examples of what you think the CABINET should do they aren’t doing. Then understand that the House Committee will be done before midterms, with criminal charges in the hands of DOJ so they cannot be ‘stopped” as Gym wishes to do. Even if they do get the House (and some indications are they won’t – cause for optimism) they have no power. They can destroy people’s faith in the GOP but they can’t inflict the damage they think. choicelady an hour ago
Ad – you CANNOT pass an EO requiring vaccinations unilaterally, though yes, I think Biden could regulate the access to flights. Court observers think the mandate per se will be UPHELD 5-4. Hope they’re correct. choicelady an hour ago
CL – I suppose the “bad boys” represent the Confederacy to the Trumper morons, they’re showing disrespect to the law, women, minorities and it’s seen as being a “rebel”. The idiocy is astonishing. AdLib an hour ago
CL…and Ad….hmmmmmmm….worthy of pondering time. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I don’t CARE about the RW – I care about the “worried middle”, the more sensible swing voters. THEY are the ones who have to see the utter corruption of the GOP. choicelady an hour ago
So on a totally personal note – Ad is there any way to darken the type here? Not tonight, but at some point. I don’t get cataract surgery until late March, and I’m barely able to see either of your posts tonight. If not, I’ll just keep squinting. I’ve enlarged it as much as I can. It’s contract not size that befuddles me daily. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Yes, Biden with the FAA and CDC can require that all passengers on planes show vaccination. Feds control airports and can require precautions. AdLib an hour ago
CL….I join you not caring about the RW…..I have become more than callous about covid death in their ranks. Similarly, those who are suffering because of GOP action or inaction and are supporters need to accept the judgment of the fates. This is one of the reasons I have stopped participating in right oriented discussion sites. No good can come from ti. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
I hope he does that – but that’s about ALL he can do is govern fed turf with mandates and, SCOTUS willing, OSHA. choicelady an hour ago
CL…..I hope that Ad can work one of his wonders…….squinting is no way to read a fast paced discussion. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – agreed. Over time, the fact the “libs” go on with their lives will cause either RW mayhem or some kind of dawning awareness Either way, it’s not on us to do the work. I, of a faith group, DO NOT CARE if they die. If I accept free will, and I do, then – suck it up, cupcake. choicelady an hour ago
CL – Go to the menu of your browser and click on “View>Zoom>Zoom In. Keep zooming in until the type is readable. AdLib an hour ago
Ad…I hope that your understanding of the limits you point to re. the SCOTUS jurisdiction….because if they are what I thing they are I could see them overturning many aspects of federal power. What’s to stop them? Again, the flaws inherent in our constitutional structure are clear. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
CL – It’s a start, requiring vaccinations at all federal buildings including airports will push millions more to get vaccinated. AdLib an hour ago
I have been told that I have become quite hardened to the individual plight of GOP zombie followers……I have. MurphTheSurf3 an hour ago
Murph – I think your concern is well placed. But the SCOTUS has no right to tell the feds they can’t regulate fed-controlled sites and if they do, Biden should just ignore them. Once they have violated the checks and balances they are entitled to, their decisions are unlawful and should not be followed. AdLib 44 minutes ago
That neighbor who had the surgery asked for my help getting him to the doctor’s office for weekly wound checkups. I said “NO” without pause and walked away. Let his fellow travelers on the right step up. MurphTheSurf3 44 minutes ago
I did it, but I need to fine tune it – it exploded on every aspect of contrast, NOT just text! Very funny! But thanks – I can READ now! choicelady 43 minutes ago
Murph – We are in a war right now and our adversaries are bent on the destruction of our democracy and society. They are literally dedicated to infecting and killing other people. That is passive terrorism in my book and even if a minority are ignorant of the threat they pose, ignorance is not a defense in criminal law. AdLib 42 minutes ago
Murph – if you help him, he will never have to face that his own choices got him there. I’m admiring of your fortitude. I know who you are – and that takes guts. choicelady 42 minutes ago
Ad…the problem is that limits you point out on SCOTUS authority depend on the acceptance of your general framework. But what if the rw justices see themselves as angels of death for that which should be killed, and bearers of light for that which they regard as blessed? There no constitutional limits on SCOTUS because there is so little specificity in the document. They have the power they say they do when they are part of the overall control of the government (i.e. a GOP Senate, House, and Presidiency) which they will support and promote in rulings. MurphTheSurf3 41 minutes ago
Murph – Time and resources are too valuable to be handed to those who are collaborators in harming themselves and others. Innocent people who are doing the right thing deserve priority. AdLib 40 minutes ago
CL…are you covered in virtual ink as a result of the explosiion? MurphTheSurf3 40 minutes ago
CL – Glad you can read now. You can zoom out a little, it does enlarge all text on your browser so it cvan look a bit weird. AdLib 40 minutes ago
Murph and Ad – I know for a damned fact that Alito is part of the group that framed the Emerson Memo, that he is a Libertarian follower of James M. Buchanan (praise Jesus, he’s DEAD), They are hell bent on eradicating democracy and installing fascist autocracy. He, more than ANY of them, is dangerous. choicelady 39 minutes ago
CL…I do not know if my actions undermine my own integrity but I do know that I must avoid being an enabler or an example of a “weak lefty”. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Ad – it’s that somehow the background is now black, the text white – which works for now – but it makes everything around the photos look like a bad acid trip, and it’s a hoot. For now it’s fine. choicelady 38 minutes ago
CL…Alito has a lot to answer for. MurphTheSurf3 38 minutes ago
Murph – in NO way do your acts undermine your intergrity. Being a people pleaser is sick. Being one who helps people but requires them to not be raving assholes, is healthy. choicelady 37 minutes ago
Alito reminds me of Voldemort. MurphTheSurf3 37 minutes ago
Murph – There are absolutely limits on SCOTUS power. For instance, they can’t interfere with conduct between other branches. They also don’t have legal authority to contradict the Constitution, even if they vote that way. The point is, judges only have authority if the people accept it. If a court is seen to be corrupt, civil resistence will ensue and politicians can also refuse to follow their edicts. The SCOTUS will lose its power if it wholly betrays it’s role and it is coming close to that now. AdLib 36 minutes ago
CL….and that is easier to do now that the new association is up and running and with a group of like minded folk who I value and am pleased to help. MurphTheSurf3 36 minutes ago
If you’ve seen a photo of Buchanan, he was the perfect image for Voldemort. Alito is just the pretender. choicelady 36 minutes ago
Murph – THAT news about the new association is just wonderful! I am so glad. One needs a community, and you didn’t just find it, you MADE it. Glorious! choicelady 35 minutes ago
AD…the limits you point to were created by previous courts. They are not written in the foundation document. Your second point is likely true and is a description of incipient civil war. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
Alito is 71, Thomas is 73. They won’t retire voluntarily but you never know about sedentary men in their 70s. AdLib 34 minutes ago
CL…yeah…we are a much smaller group but there are no useless hangers on. MurphTheSurf3 34 minutes ago
How would a civil war play out – like Northern Ireland? In 1860 we could cleave out the section, but now we can’t. Neighbor v neighbor would be the order of the day. choicelady 34 minutes ago
Look what happened to Scalia. Old, fat, indolent. choicelady 33 minutes ago
Ad…and we are back to our phone conversation re. a desire to see obituary notes for certain people. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
CL – That is weird! You only clicked on the “Zoom” function? It shouldn’t have reversed the colors. Which browser? AdLib 33 minutes ago
CL…and therein is the rub. MurphTheSurf3 33 minutes ago
LOL – I wish you’d had a conference call on the desire for new obits. Too funny! ‘ choicelady 32 minutes ago
CL…Scalia was never a particularly healthy specimen. MurphTheSurf3 32 minutes ago
Don’t worry Ad – I’ll fix it later. More fund to talk now AND I can SEE it! choicelady 32 minutes ago
More FUN to talk now. choicelady 31 minutes ago
There are funerals that I will not attend but will attend to their importance for the health of the nation. MurphTheSurf3 31 minutes ago
Murph – well put. choicelady 31 minutes ago
CL….T’anks! MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
Very off topic…have either of you seen West Side Story, or Spiderman? MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
If so I am interested in your thoughts……. MurphTheSurf3 30 minutes ago
CL – I think a modern Civil War would not be a physical war, it would be similar to where things are now but worse. States will just refuse to follow Federal Law, Feds will be afraid to withhold monies but will have to, states will try to prevent tax money from going to the Feds, it could be a logistical war of soverignty that the Feds should be able to win in the end but if our democracy is overthrown? I see a war on blue states far worse than what Trump began. AdLib 29 minutes ago
No – we aren’t going to films anymore. Went briefly during the Golden Minute of quiet in the pandemic, but it came and went really fast. choicelady 29 minutes ago
Murph – My heart would not break if lightning struck a Federalist gathering where the 5 SCOTUS extremists were visiting along with Trump, Bannon and McConnell. Now what are the odds? AdLib 28 minutes ago
Well that civil war would be awful, but I seriously worry about POC being gunned down. Sorry to say, I LOVE the new Black militias because, dammit – they are all veterans and know how to help. I am noit remotely afraid of them, and I can see communities where they might be the difference between life and Rosewood. choicelady 28 minutes ago
Ad….I accept your description of the “un-civil war” and add that I would expect the right wing national government to impose Martial Law and to use the full policing authority to jail lots of people…..look to Russia to see the future. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Ad…a plague, literally on ALL their houses. MurphTheSurf3 27 minutes ago
Murph – Have bnot seen either of those yet. My daughter saw Spiderman and really liked it but said it seemed aimed at a younger audience (she’s 1. AdLib 26 minutes ago
18 AdLib 26 minutes ago
Murph – I actually don’t think the GOP will win national elections again for a long time, but they WILL dominate certain states. I will note that both Abbott and DeSantis have finally asked for help on $$ and supplies for COVID. That is HUGE. They are beginning to see their weaknesses. choicelady 26 minutes ago
CL….I go to movies at very odd times when their is no crowd and I maskup with a surgical and a cotton placeholder. MurphTheSurf3 25 minutes ago
I have seen a number of other films recently. One Night in Soho is like a modern Hitchcock film, I highly recommend it. AdLib 25 minutes ago
Oh that’s a good idea, Murph. We, as a larger city, have very few “down times” for movies. So we stream what we can. but those weren’t our choices. choicelady 25 minutes ago
I still have yet to see “Black Panther”. I am a very poor consumer of popular culture. choicelady 24 minutes ago
Ad…the Presidency seems to be easy pickins’ if they are successful in their efforts to taint the entire electoral process. MurphTheSurf3 24 minutes ago
I think the presidency is less vulnerable than Congressional House seats. choicelady 23 minutes ago
CL – I can see some police forces turning deadly against POC who protest in a New Civil War and letting Rittenhouse types murder them for them. That would be horrible. But the RW wanted loose gun laws, they should consider the term, “unintended consequences”, especially when they represent a minority of the population. AdLib 23 minutes ago
Gerrymandering has zero impact on statewide elections. choicelady 23 minutes ago
I wish Elena Kagan was the Chief Justice……just listening to her conversation during the COVID hearing today. MurphTheSurf3 23 minutes ago
CL…I see Georgia have two GOP senators, numerous blue districts going red for the House, and the presidency decided by state legislatures….. MurphTheSurf3 22 minutes ago
Yes – but I think Chauvin’s sentence is a major wake up call that a lot of police actions will now be held to account. Same w the woman who didn’t use her taser. Things are changing, and Arbery’s murderers found THAT out the hard way today. LWOP. Damn. choicelady 22 minutes ago
Murph – I would guess a New Civil War would be more of a Balkanization of the US. Different laws and essential dictatorships in different states, on abortion, guns, civil rights, education, etc. Very destructive and hard to reverse. AdLib 21 minutes ago
CL…gerrymandering has an indirect effect because it puts people into national positions that affect state wide life. MurphTheSurf3 21 minutes ago
Murph – the DOJ is challenging gerrymandering and those new laws over-riding election results. That is critical because I do think SCOTUS for the most part will uphold democracy – they handed Trump his hat. The loose cannons are Alito and thomas. but that’s still OK for the outcome. choicelady 20 minutes ago
CL….I hope that policing progress you describe will not be turned back by the action of high courts and legislative action. MurphTheSurf3 20 minutes ago
CL – from your lips to High Court….i hope you are correct. MurphTheSurf3 19 minutes ago
Murph – Yes but just as we all predicted violence at The Capitol if Trump lost, I predict violence from the majority if the Presidency is stolen in the way Repubs are planning. There will be a revolt and terrible things will happen to both sides. I don’t want that to happen, we have to pass voting rights to save the country. AdLib 19 minutes ago
Ad Balkanization as you describe could well happen but there will be lots of pushing at the edges, and invading the others zones. MurphTheSurf3 18 minutes ago
Many states are inviting Millennials and Gen Z people to relocate their to live less expensively while working remotely. That actually will change things.\ choicelady 17 minutes ago
Folks this has been grand….while I welcome the variety of interaction that takes place when we are a fuller group you two are so experience, so wise, and so literate…liveliness results. MurphTheSurf3 17 minutes ago
CL…interesting about those state invites…. MurphTheSurf3 16 minutes ago
Murph – What do you mean by pushing at the edges, that Repub states will intentionally break all the laws they can get away with? I think that is happening already, like with the TX vigilante-enforced abortion law. But I think it will be a campaign booster to brag that, “I don’t care what the Feds say, I’m Governor of this state and I’ll do what I think is best for the people!” AdLib 16 minutes ago
Look at Kansas – Brownback or whatever his name was – ruined it, and while it’s not again Dem, it did elect “normal” GOP not the extremists. People want sanity now. 62% don’t want Trump in 2024, and that is GROWING. The cult is aboug 24% if that, and as things bloom economically with the infrastructure programs, it will normalize things enough to give people breathing room again. choicelady 15 minutes ago
CL – That would be great but as long as Repubs suppress voting rights, whether milllennials or PoC, their votes will be smothered. AdLib 15 minutes ago
Ad…a good description of an aspect of the push to the edge……I can see states cutting off access by closing bridges and sealing highway borders. I can see policing forces and militia literally manning the barricades….all of this would have been unthinkable pre Trump…now…NOPE MurphTheSurf3 14 minutes ago
Ad – I think the days of bombast from the Right are waning. After the chaos of COVID in FL and the nightmare of deregulated utilities in TX, the bloom is off the rose for them. choicelady 14 minutes ago
Murph – I feel the same about both of you, this convo is moving as insightfully and quickly as it has with many more folks here. AdLib 14 minutes ago
CL…that is a hopeful note. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Not only that, Murph – but closing borders is death to the ones left inside. choicelady 13 minutes ago
Oh BTW, TW was here earlier and says hi and Happy New Year. He just got his Moderna booster and isn’t feeling great. AdLib 13 minutes ago
CL…..you lay out why ignorance is not bliss, but rather a blight. MurphTheSurf3 13 minutes ago
Good for TW. MurphTheSurf3 12 minutes ago
Ad – it’s almost impossible to stop federal level statewide votes. Trust this – Black people and now Brown have MANY tricks up their sleeves for getting the vote to the polls. NEVER underestimate that power of community as a massive reality in the face of oppression. choicelady 12 minutes ago
Well, CL and Ad…I am heading to bed…..one of the things I am vowing to do is rest more which is possible because all the wheels on the association wagon are going in the same direction…by the way the old co-op is dying on the vine. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
CL – Your point is well taken. A big majority including Repubs don’t want Trump to run again. But with Repub Pols scared of him, Trump could get them to overthrow the 2024 election and put him in power…but that majority will oppose him and his Repub lackeys. Things would get very ugly very quickly if that happened. AdLib 11 minutes ago
Oh, I’m sorry TW is ‘reactive’, but very, VERY glad he got his booster! choicelady 11 minutes ago
CL…here is my fear….those votes you describe are MASSIVE and then overturned by legislative action. MurphTheSurf3 11 minutes ago
CL – I am noticing a few more Repubs stepping back from Trump and Trumpism. Hopefully the 1/6 committee holding prime time public hearings will drag Trump and his support down…and indictments sure would help that too. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Murph – I salute your desire for rest. I have insomnia way too often, and it makes it harder to do things. Good move on your part! choicelady 10 minutes ago
Well Murph – THAT is what DOJ is challenging in the law. The right to vote and be firm in the outcome will NOT go down without a fight. choicelady 9 minutes ago
CL…fortunately I still do a lot of manual work and the body responds to invite to snooze. MurphTheSurf3 9 minutes ago
Murph – You did a great thing in starting up the new association and I knew, with you gone, the old co-op of hate and fear would fall apart. AdLib 9 minutes ago
I think I need to up my workouts, Murph! I have no garden – homeless people are in it. So I need old Richard Simmons videos. All I have left in the rainy season where walking is difficult. choicelady 9 minutes ago
CL…and I keep looking up the ladder and see those Repub drones on the high court. MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
CL – TW had the Moderna, my wife and I did too, we all felt ill the next day. My daughter had Pfizer booster and was fine. AdLib 8 minutes ago
I think the SCOTUS isn’t as laden w drones as we fear on THESE issues. Do NOT get me started on choice…Grrrr. choicelady 8 minutes ago
CL….exercise actually creates chemical in the blood that supports sleep… MurphTheSurf3 8 minutes ago
I think I will bid adieu, too, Ad – last night was a fairly sleepless one. I’m feeling good so it’s a good time to think about sleep. Loved this discussion. Hope to see us all here next Friday. Good night! choicelady 7 minutes ago
Did you see Cruz trying to weasel out of his comments in the Senate (where he labeled the action of 1/6 as treason) MurphTheSurf3 7 minutes ago
CL – I guess we’ll see but it’s seeming much clearer that we need Dems to put 4 more SCOTUS judges on that court and set time limits on the existing members. AdLib 6 minutes ago
YES! The slimebag… choicelady 6 minutes ago
Ad….that will require real control of the Senate. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Glnight guys – sleep well! choicelady 6 minutes ago
Sounds good! CL and Murph, get some sleep and see you here next week! AdLib 6 minutes ago
And good night to you CL…best to you and yours as always. MurphTheSurf3 6 minutes ago
Murph – Yes, we can only hope things turn for Dems on the Senate side this year and they can hold the House. AdLib 5 minutes ago
Ad….let’s close the bar…..good party! I hope we get a chance to chat every now and then. MurphTheSurf3 5 minutes ago
Sounds good. Definitely, let’s chat more regularly too! Have a greast weekend of sleep! AdLib 4 minutes ago
I have become a fan of Zoom and Duo for face to face conversation but voice to voice is good too. MurphTheSurf3 4 minutes ago
All are good. We can mix and match! AdLib 3 minutes ago
Wonderful. “See” you soon, “hear” you sooner I suspect. MurphTheSurf3 2 minutes ago
Perfect! Take care! AdLib 2 minutes ago
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