Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00 pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago

Hey Khirad! AdLib 3 hours ago

Burning Yule trees is a hate crime against pagans. Khirad 3 hours ago

What if they’re Fox News trees? AdLib 3 hours ago

See, you can’t say Satan trees with me… I make everything difficult. Khirad 3 hours ago

Antichrist trees work, actually. Khirad 3 hours ago

666 geese a layin’. AdLib 3 hours ago

I have an Amazon wish list. Someone got me a Prussian flag I wanted and I don’t know who it was. Khirad 3 hours ago

That’s pretty cool though. AdLib 3 hours ago

Prussia was metal. Khirad 3 hours ago

Have you seen Christopher Titus go off on Boebert? He distilled it better than the Daily Show. Khirad 3 hours ago

No, haven’t seen it. Will look for it. Boebert was redistricted, she should be voted out next year. AdLib 3 hours ago

https://www.youtube.com/embed/TiHCDV-Wun4?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=VQrbh Khirad 3 hours ago

Thanks! AdLib 3 hours ago

In other news, North Shropshire? Khirad 3 hours ago

Anybody ever start a meal in the oven and then aren’t hungry? That just happened … Khirad 3 hours ago

Indeed, that bodes well for the future. AdLib 3 hours ago

Yes and once in a while, ordered food delivery and regretted it. AdLib 3 hours ago

I just can’t afford that. If I refreeze it… whatever… I’m just gonna say it, Boebert is the American dream. Her destiny was the pole, … I can’t. I mean she is hot, if you never heard her speak or knew anything about her… Khirad 3 hours ago

Whereas AOC is attractive, but knows stuff… Huh. Khirad 3 hours ago

I spent all day writing holiday cards and then went to get stamps and they were out… Khirad 3 hours ago

Boebert looks to me like Sarah Palin squeezed in a vice. Never found either of them attractive. I think Boebert is more of the American nightmare, a barely educated, low IQ and malicious, petty person given power and a platform. AdLib 3 hours ago

Lib Dems are so weird. John Cleese is one. I can’t figure out what they stand for other then licking their finger to the wind. Khirad 3 hours ago

Agreed about AOC and she is very smart too though sometimes messes up because she needs a smidge more vision on the big picture. AdLib 3 hours ago

I’m not getting crude… she isn’t hot, but… See, I’m not going there. Let’s leave it there… Khirad 3 hours ago

AOC likes gingers. But yeah, naïve… Khirad 3 hours ago

Who was it that was saying… MTG and them are all, we aren’t bigots or Islamophobic. Just own it, yes, you are. Khirad 3 hours ago

It’s interesting that idiocy is sexiest to the RW. Women waving guns gets them all hot and bothered. AdLib 3 hours ago

I don’t get why they feel they need to deny they’re bigots every so often between very bigoted statements that play so well with their base. AdLib 3 hours ago

You’ve seen that right? All those calendars with girls in bikinis and guns? Like, a woman on the hood of a car never did it for me either – it’s all like they are another commodity. Khirad 3 hours ago

I especially always loved the dissonance with supporting Israel but Jewish space lazers… Khirad 3 hours ago

I assume the guns represent their moronic culture so when women are lustily holding guns, they imagine she’s holding “them”. AdLib 3 hours ago

Jim Jefferies nails it in Freedumb Khirad 3 hours ago

I also like how Sam Seder calls Crowder’s gun a strap on. And did you see the interview with Rittenhouse? Cringe. Khirad 3 hours ago

The support for Israel is all about The Rapture, they still hate Jews and want them to go to Hell, they just want Revalations to come true and that’s part of it. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yes, I like Seder’s term for that, funny but on target. I didn’t watch the interview with Rittenhouse but I do hope he is sued by the families of the men he murdered. AdLib 2 hours ago

That’s all of it. They don’t care about Palestinian Christians, perhaps the oldest Christians, still based in Bethlehem and Nazareth. Don’t get get me on that. I just want to know why they have universal health care and we help fund it indirectly? Khirad 2 hours ago

https://www.youtube.com/embed/r8zVaz9YANA?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=05WCV Khirad 2 hours ago

Herschel Walker, discuss. Khirad 2 hours ago

Geraldo, the empty vault of journalism is the conscience of Fox… Khirad 2 hours ago

I’m gonna take a break… just getting it all out… because I’m banned again crackers. Khirad 2 hours ago

We don’t have universal healthcare for a very simple reason, corporations including healthcare have corrupted Congress for much longer because they were based in the US. AdLib 2 hours ago

Hope you come back in a half hour when others should start coming by. AdLib 2 hours ago

Well, yeah, I just like that factoid with Israel, and other center right countries in Europe. Yeah… here’s another one though, direct pharma commercials. Only other place is New Zealand. Like so random. Khirad 2 hours ago

I thought I’d blow my steam… I’ll be back. Khirad 2 hours ago

See you then! AdLib 2 hours ago

Good evening AdLib twilson117 2 hours ago

Evening TW! How are things your way? AdLib 2 hours ago

Things are fine. Was a nice day today, but hearing there might be snow tomorrow. twilson117 2 hours ago

Truth be told I’m in a bit of a funk something that hits me around this time of year. twilson117 2 hours ago

We’ve had a bit of badly needed rain this week, got pretty cold for LA but back tio mild now. I think my daughter may be getting a bit spoiled/ AdLib 2 hours ago

Rain in LA why does that seem strange? BTW how is your daughter feeling? twilson117 2 hours ago

It is a time of year when a lot of people deal with feelings of depression. AdLib 2 hours ago

Thanks for asking! She’s feeling 100% now. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yes, for me I think it’s more about reflection of what has transpired and honestly what I’ve been reading I’m not happy. twilson117 2 hours ago

That’s been a long term issue for me, so many terrible things and people now seeming cemented into society and Dems seem mired in the muck, hardly able to keep up with most of it. Where are we going now? Concerns me. AdLib 2 hours ago

Glad to hear she is feeling better. twilson117 2 hours ago

The decay of human decency and our democracy seems to be progressing far faster than it is being addressed. Though there were some positive things this week, the 1/6 committee now seems to be breaking through on nailing Trump and his lieutenents in his admin and Congress. AdLib 2 hours ago

I agree. The articles I’ve been reading certainly convey what you’re saying. But it’s hard in some cases to get a real feel for what is going as much of the reporting is biased. twilson117 2 hours ago

Yes, you and I are on the same page on that, the media is pretty corrupt right now, out of greed mostly. I will not forgive MSNBC, CBS, NYT, etc. for cynically piling on Biden since the Afghanistan pullout to whip up more conflict. They are now proven dishonest and manipulators of the truth. AdLib 2 hours ago

I just read a piece where Trump** was saying American evangelicals care more about Israel than American Jews. What a bunch of BS that is. As to your point about the commission it does seem they have a full head of steam. twilson117 2 hours ago

Biden was going to catch hell for Afghanistan regardless of how it was handled. That was a no win situation all day long. twilson117 2 hours ago

Of course, anyone who isn’t a Trump cultist immediately brands everything he says as a lie. But the big lie about Evengelicals supporting Israel is that it’s only because they want Revelations to come true and then they would be happy to see Jews sent to hell. But of course, it’s such a ridiculous bigoted fantasy. AdLib 2 hours ago

The thing is, Biden has accomplished amazing things including the evacuations in Afghanistan, fighting Covid, bringing back the economy and slashing unemployment and poverty, on and on. But the MSM doesn’t make money spreading that news. AdLib 2 hours ago

GLENN!!! AdLib 2 hours ago

How are you feeling, glenn? We’ve missed you! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey Ad, thought I would stop in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! glenn 2 hours ago

American EVG’s what does one say about them without going down the rabbit hole? twilson117 2 hours ago

Hey Glenn Merry Christmas to you was well. twilson117 2 hours ago

Thanks so much, glenn! A very Merry Christmas to you and your family! AdLib 2 hours ago

Hey Khirad! AdLib 2 hours ago

Khirad good to see you. twilson117 2 hours ago

So… when will they realize Mehmet Öz isn’t just a quack but a moooooslim!?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivn4hVaUoYw&t=3s
https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ivn4hVaUoYw?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=ia2VJ Khirad 2 hours ago

glenn – Murph has had his hands full but I know he would be elated to see you here…along with everyone else! AdLib 2 hours ago

Khirad why you do that? I can’t stand Dr. Oz, he is a disgrace to the medical profession. twilson117 2 hours ago

Khirad – The CheeseWhiz of Oz. AdLib 2 hours ago

And he has dual Turkish citizenship… Khirad 2 hours ago

Mehmet is Turkish for Muhammad btw Khirad 2 hours ago

Ad–I am much better. I am living in an assisted living facility. Walking with the aid of a walker; other than that, in good health.th glenn 2 hours ago

Khirad – RWs always celebrate the few who betray those like them. Whether the fraud Oz or the narcissist Kanye. AdLib an hour ago

Can we talk about Oprah? Dr Phil, Dr Oz… uggggh. Khirad an hour ago

Ad you think a doctor would have better sense. twilson117 an hour ago

Calling Dr Carson brain surgeon… Khirad an hour ago

Khirad please no Oprah or Dr. Phil twilson117 an hour ago

I was hoping to see Murph and PPO here tonight. Will you send them my greetings please? Also please send PPO my condolences on the loss of his Fergie. glenn an hour ago

glenn – I’m sorry you need a walker but good to be safer from falls. Do you like it? My mother is in a nice assisted living facility, nothing fancy but they take care of everything and a number of people live their simply because they want to ive a more relaxed retirement. AdLib an hour ago

Where were we, I like Fetterman, but I don’t know, it could be a circus. Khirad an hour ago

Thanks, Twilson. glenn an hour ago

Also best wishes I just got back. Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – I did not know that about the name Mehmet. But as long as someone praises Trump, they don’t care. Look at the violent assaults and fraud of Hershel Walker, he praises Trump and none of it matters. AdLib an hour ago

Back on subject, but if you ever want a chuckle http://www.wisdomofchopra.com Khirad an hour ago

glenn – Will do. PPO has been traveling to visit places that were meaningful in Fergie’s life so he hasn’t been on Vox for a little while but he’ll be back soon. AdLib an hour ago

Choicelady! AdLib an hour ago

I’ve dabbled in Turkish and been into Ottoman history lately. Khirad an hour ago

The ALF is okay. It’s nice to have someone managing my meds. Luckily my daughter lives close by and she takes me for an “outing” at leasy glenn an hour ago

Good evening CL twilson117 an hour ago

Hello!! Good to see you, glenn – we have missed you! Hi Ad, Khirad, TW. choicelady an hour ago

at least once a week. glenn an hour ago

Khirad – That web page is very funny! AdLib an hour ago

Hey CL–good to see you too. glenn an hour ago

I can’t wait for Cenk and Hasan to dig into Mehmet. Khirad an hour ago

Brief update on PPO – he is back in Melbourne, pretty exhausted. He literally went around the world for Fergie. He will join us when he can. Probably not today. choicelady an hour ago

Khirad–thanks. glenn an hour ago

Khirad the Ottomans had a large empire for a time. twilson117 an hour ago

glenn – Yes, that’s the good thing about ALFs, they take care of meds and meals. Can make life a lot less stressful. AdLib an hour ago

glenn – I did not see what has transpired with you but will catch up. I’m glad you’re OK, in a good situation near your daughter. Awfully glad to just “:see” you here. choicelady an hour ago

glenn – And it is good to get out. Do they have outings for residents? They stopped it for a while due to Covid at my mom’s place but they’re doing it again. AdLib an hour ago

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorless_green_ideas_sleep_furiously Khirad an hour ago

Ad have you’ve spoken to Murph lately? twilson117 an hour ago

I hope PPO and I will be on VOX at the same time soon. What a meaningful way to celebrate Fergie’s life. glenn an hour ago

I’m so random… Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – There has to be a lot of skeletons in Oz’s closet, can’t wait to see them outed. AdLib an hour ago

CL – Thanks for the update on PPO! AdLib an hour ago

Khirad – only you would have a Noam Chomsky lesson for us tonight. That’s fascinating. choicelady an hour ago

And that’s why I can’t wait for cracker Hasan and Cenk to get on that. Khirad an hour ago

Whenever I was debating cons and they were nonsensical I’d throw out that quote and of course I was the stupid one! Khirad an hour ago

Ad – it is my profound belief that anyone who has spent as much time analyzing poop is probably not going to be a good pol or elected official. Admittedly as a republican he would have a great deal of sh*t to analyze, but it’s not quite the same. He IS that. choicelady an hour ago

Khirad – Gramatical but nonsensical…doesn’t that describe many NYT editorials? AdLib an hour ago

It’s just baffling that Ben Carson and Oz were brilliant… Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – we actually have only Carson and Oz’s statements about their individual brilliance. choicelady an hour ago

TW – No, haven’t checked in with Murph but I will. At holiday time this time of year, people are just busy but I did expect he would be here tonight. AdLib an hour ago

https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/585843-hillary-2024-given-the-competition-she-may-be-the-dems-best-hope Khirad an hour ago

The Hill never liked Hill. choicelady an hour ago

The Hill is trying to be the new Breitbart Khirad an hour ago

CL–It’s a long story; I’ve been in and out of the hospital and rehab centers since July. I’m as good as I’m going to get now. Nice to chat with you CL. glenn an hour ago

Khirad – that’s a perfect description. choicelady an hour ago

General question, would folks here come for Vox next week on Christmas Eve and the following week on New Years Eve? It’s fine if not, just trying to figure out if we should go on hiatus or get together those weeks. AdLib an hour ago

Yeah, but c’mon, he’s a Republican Strategist. He’s doing some fuckery. Khirad an hour ago

I’d be here. Khirad an hour ago

glenn – I’m not happy for all that, but I am happy you sound OK with where you are. Hope your health is stabilized now. Getting older just sucks. choicelady an hour ago

Ad – I will be away for both the 24th and NYE. choicelady an hour ago

I’m just trying to find a viking ship to burn for Hogmany Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – Viking ships just aren’t as thick upon the seas as they once were. choicelady an hour ago

CL – Oz is so egotistical and corrupt and not even a resident in the state! He is the perfect example of a GOP candidate because of all of those reasons but by 2022, if many Repubs are at least indicted and it is more public knowledge that they tried to execute an overthrow of our democracy, maybe the tide will permenantly turn away from these unprincipled extremists. AdLib an hour ago

I’ll brush out my Scots and argue it as a separate language… you’re welcome for New Year’s — Scotland Khirad an hour ago

Ad – one lives in hope. choicelady an hour ago

Khirad – The Hill was recently bought out along with Politico, both by RW groups so both are now no better than OANN. AdLib an hour ago

How is he not a resident? Interestingly, this happens a lot in British politics. Khirad an hour ago

I referencing that, even Krystal Ball jumped ship – though she’s got her own purest racket. Khirad an hour ago

Ad – I did not know that about either publication. Where are the liberal investors? I LOVED Air America, and it was well received. Don’t know why we can’t have actually LIBERAL media now and then. choicelady an hour ago

CL – Thanks for letting me know. I’m leaning towards hiatus for two weeks because they fall on those dates and I would think a number here will be busy. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I don’t know about next week. At the moment I’m thinking about doing a Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, Godzilla Kong and Star Wars dvd marathon. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad–no, I won’t be on VOX for the next two weeks. It’s way past my bedtime now. Ijust came on to wish every one a merry christmas, so I’m goimg to say good bye now. Take care everyone and I hope you enjoy your holdays. Peace out. See you in the new year! glenn an hour ago

All progressive media is online now. Khirad an hour ago

Take care Glenn twilson117 an hour ago

I barely watch MSNBC but for hilights. Khirad an hour ago

Merry Christmas, glenn. LOVELY to see you. Catch up with you in a few weeks I hope. choicelady an hour ago

Night glenn Khirad an hour ago

CL – Two headlines: The Hill is sold for $130 million to local news powerhouse Nexstar and “Politico sold to German publisher Axel Springer”. AdLib an hour ago

Thanks, Twilson, you do the same. glenn an hour ago

Give me a sec… Khirad an hour ago

Ad really? The Hill and Politico sold? twilson117 an hour ago

CL–yes, hopefully we can catch up soon. glenn an hour ago

Khirad – Oz lives in NJ and just has a bogus mailing address in PA. AdLib an hour ago

So like Murdoch in the broadsheet tabloid… I know Bild, etc. It’s closest to like the New York Post?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axel_Springer_SE Khirad an hour ago

‘Night Khirad glenn an hour ago

Sleep well, glenn. Merry Christmas! choicelady an hour ago

I am not from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, but that would not work in any state I’ve lived in. Khirad an hour ago

Muslim carpetbagger! [oh the irony] Khirad an hour ago

CL – I think part of the reason we don’t see liberal funds buying radio, tv and news sites is that most Dems don’t look to those outlets and frequent them. They do go to established newspapers like NYT and WAPO but the hunger for niche slanted news sites is mostly RW. AdLib an hour ago

Khirad – carpetbaggers tend to pretend they’ve lived in the state they are trying to seize. Today’s GOP don’t even bother. choicelady an hour ago

To be fair Hillary was one. I’m not a hater, but… c’mon. Khirad an hour ago

All of the cable news and most of the print are dying. Maybe – just maybe – they went down the wrong rabbit hole. choicelady an hour ago

TW – I want to watch all of those! AdLib an hour ago

Again, this is why I watch YouTube channels. Khirad an hour ago

David Pakman, Sam Seder, TYT, etc. Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – she was my Senator briefly, and I know her record. I have zero beef with her. The fantasies about her overwhelm the truth. choicelady an hour ago

I voted for her, but she’s yesterday. Khirad an hour ago

TW – Yep, both Politico and The Hill sold to RW investment groups, they already have become more extremist. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I can get away with it twilson117 an hour ago

Khirad – she’s not running, right? Having her as a mentor is, for most liberal women, still powerful. I have little use for “today’s” wild eyed insufferable do nothings. Gravitas matters,. choicelady an hour ago

Ad I get The Hill would go to a RW group but I always felt Politico was more center left twilson117 an hour ago

CL – I just think that Dems generally went online and Repubs stayed old school radio and local news. But that’s a much smaller audience so local news became more RW to cater to them. AdLib an hour ago

TW – Not so you’d notice now. choicelady an hour ago

A lot said about Hillary is unfair, but it’s baked in. Be the eminence grise and not give Master Classes. It’s a little cringe. Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – I don’t find it so. choicelady an hour ago

TW – Really? I always saw Politico as mostly RW but tempered more than Fox News overall. AdLib an hour ago

Frankly I never understood the RW hate for Hilary. Never got it. Still don’t. twilson117 an hour ago

TW – almost any woman who has been outspoken will tell you Hillary Hate is quite familiar. Moi, for one. choicelady an hour ago

Generational thing. I mean, my parents have signed copies. I want a new generation. There should be a cap on age … Khirad an hour ago

TW – I think it’s the obvious thing, Hillary represented a strong, liberal-minded woman and nothing is more offensive and upsetting to the RW than that combo. AdLib an hour ago

Why should there be a cap on age when the young’uns have done NOTHING. choicelady an hour ago

Ad I don’t know for some reason I felt their reporting was reasonable and balanced. But, I was a strong follower. twilson117 an hour ago

Oh boy the cis-gender misogynist trope… let’s change the subject. She would have been a great president and she was qualified. It sucks. Khirad an hour ago

I have zero use for pretenders, for chaos agents, for inaction. I respect Underwood and her generation. Not the performative ones. choicelady an hour ago

I meant to say I wasn’t a strong follower of Politco. twilson117 an hour ago

Let’s just say my favorite conservative ever was Angela Merkel. Khirad an hour ago

And Hillary was smart and a lawyer, the insecure white men making up the GOP are intimidated by all of that. And this is coming from someone who was not a big Hillary fan for other reasons, I preferred other Dems to her as the nom but when she was the nom, I was 100% behind her. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I cheered when she said she wasn’t one to sit home and bake cookies. twilson117 an hour ago

AD, because, duh. Hillary vs. Republican. Khirad an hour ago

Again, born in 79, don’t expect women to bake cookies, I’m actually the chef. Khirad an hour ago

When Hillary did her 11 hour grilling on Benghazi and could name every official in Afghanistan, every person in our outpost, every detail of every event – the GOP were destroyed. Gowdy left, sweaty and greasy. She was cool and every hair in place. They hate that. choicelady an hour ago

TW – I followed them for a while on Twitter but after I kept seeing an article here and there that was very RW, I got fed up with Politico. AdLib an hour ago

Ad – agreed. Politico and the Hill are not reliable on anything at all. choicelady an hour ago

I loved who said it: how many have died of Covid under Donald vs Benghazi. Yeah, she’s been a target. She’s a great mentor though. Khirad an hour ago

Khirad – It should have been “Duh!” to support Hillary over Trump but remember how so many Bernie supporters vowed to vote for Trump out of spite because “she stole the election from Bernie”? AdLib an hour ago

Khirad – that’s why we like her. choicelady an hour ago

I hated the Bernie bros too. I don’t vote on genitalia. Khirad an hour ago

CL have to agree with you about Hillary. The only time I got mad at her was when I had an appointment in Cambridge MA and traffic was held up because she was their do to a book signing. twilson117 an hour ago

Or because she wasn’t liberal enough? I was infuriated by the self-proclaimed “Progressives” who attacked Hillary when she ran against Trump because they were purists and/or demanded political perfection to support a Dem. AdLib an hour ago

Yes, women are smart too. Wow. Khirad an hour ago

Bernie violated every party norm. He could have had what she had, but it meant WORK, and one, he’d never developed the background while two, he refused to contribute to downticket races. He’s an ego maniac. He IS the guy I refused to date at Antioch in the 60s. Asshole then. Asshole now. choicelady an hour ago

Khirad – I pride myself on being a premier cookie baker! AdLib an hour ago

I need a break, because it’s like, I know… oy veh, see ya later. Khirad an hour ago

TW – that’s a great story! “I was mad at Hillary because she was so successful the traffic was held up!” choicelady an hour ago

Khirad – bye! choicelady an hour ago

CL – And it is mentioned often nowadays, how Hillary stood strong and professional in that 11 hour grilling by the devious Repubs while Trump and his people refuse to testify to the 1/6 committee. AdLib an hour ago

CL Bernie asked you out??? Hold on that’s story we need to hear. twilson117 an hour ago

Tw – sorry, no, not Bernie himself. His ilk. LOTS of them at Antioch! choicelady an hour ago

And BTW, how about the 1/6 committee gaining momentum and power as they move forward. This is very good news! Love Liz Cheney basically saying Trump may need to be indicted for his actions or inactions. AdLib an hour ago

Cl Damn I was really looking forward to you spilling the beans. But I get it. twilson117 an hour ago

I was once tangentially linked to DSoc as we called it. Dem Socialists. They were all Bern types. They were freaking racists and misogynists. I walked then, too. choicelady an hour ago

Sorry – I should have been more clear. choicelady an hour ago

I think we all saw this coming too, the Bernie faction id now in shreds, Bernie no longer is a realistic nom for president again. They scattered like cockroaches on Twitter thank goodness. AdLib an hour ago

TW – if it’s ANY consolation, I did date G. William Domhoff, a founder of “In These Times” and DSoc person in the 70s. He’s the author of “Who Rules America”. Nice guy AND an asshole all rolled into one. choicelady an hour ago

I have to say, I despised Trump supporters at a 10 out of 10 but Bernie Bros were a 9 out of ten for me. AdLib an hour ago

Well I never for a minute believed the Bern could ever be President. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad – THAT is a perfect description of GOP v Bernbots. choicelady an hour ago

TW – Bernie definitely had a shot in 2016 to be the nom, not as much in 2020 but he was very competitive for a while. But his obnoxious supporters were a big factor in turning off a majority from supporting him. AdLib an hour ago

Ad – I doubt he’d have gotten the nom in 2016 for his vulnerabilities. In Congress for 26 years, two bills. That is NOT leadership. choicelady an hour ago

He also had ONE speech. Still has that ONE speech. He’s good at whining about what’s wrong, exactly zero explanation of how to fix things other than “tax the rich”. His M4A proposal sucks, and I KNOW that because I supported Sheila Kuehl’s single payer and know what is involved. He has no clue. choicelady an hour ago

CL – I don’t think he would have been a good Dem candidate but he had a lot of popularity and momentum in 2016, just saying, he could have won with a few changes. AdLib 44 minutes ago

I don’t think he had a large following, only a really virulent one. choicelady 44 minutes ago

Ad I will agree he was competitive in 2016 but I always felt if he got the nomination he would lose in a landslide to Trump**. twilson117 44 minutes ago

I can’t recall – did he win a single state in the primaries? choicelady 44 minutes ago

I have to go – homeless guy at the door. Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate. See you when we resume. choicelady 43 minutes ago

Take care CL. twilson117 43 minutes ago

CL – Yep, Benie found his message and married himself to it. For some people, they loved eating that same mneal over and over for years. Most of us though were like, “Yeah, I agree, I get it, the wealthy need to pay their fair share. What else do you support?” AdLib 43 minutes ago

Seeya CL! Merry Christmas! AdLib 43 minutes ago

Well Ad it looks like it’s just you and me for the moment. twilson117 42 minutes ago

TW – I don’t know if Bernie would have lost to Trump, he would have gotten Dem voters but maybe more indies who were misogynist or wanting an “outsider”. AdLib 42 minutes ago

Yep TW, once again but always enjoyable! AdLib 41 minutes ago

Are you going to have Christmas dinner for the family at your place? AdLib 41 minutes ago

I don’t believe Bernie would have do well. twilson117 40 minutes ago

TW – There are years where indie voters really want outsider type candidates and I do think that was the case in 2016 but not 2020 obviously. Because of that, I think Bernie could have won, especially since the whole baggage issue of private server-emails and Benghazi and Bill Clinton wouldn’t have been ammunition for the RW and Russians. AdLib 39 minutes ago

And the whole Comey sandbagging of the election in the final days wouldn’t have happened. AdLib 38 minutes ago

Wife and I don’t really celebrate Christmas. Religious wise we’re both JW’s her more than me, I’m what they call inactive. Which means I’ve stopped participating in all activities. In fact I’m been pretty hard on religion in general, but for to keep piece in the house I keep my thoughts and opinions on religion to myself. twilson117 38 minutes ago

Got it and appreciate it. We’re not religious, it’s just a day to celebrate with family for us and I like the smell of pine trees. AdLib 36 minutes ago

And the smell of one of the best dinners of the year and that pecan pie! AdLib 36 minutes ago

I still not there with you on Bernie. I don’t think he would have gotten the Hillary crowd if he won the primary. twilson117 35 minutes ago

Just saying, you don’t think the Hillary crowd would have voted for Trump instead? That was the year of “grab them by the pussy”. I don’t think they or other demographics of Hillary voters would have gone to Trump instead. And Bernie would have probably done what Biden did and have a woman as his VP so that would have helped him with women voters too. AdLib 33 minutes ago

Not that I think Bernie would have been a good or competent president, just that he might have won because he didn’t have as many issues to be attacked on as Hillary. AdLib 32 minutes ago

Ad, I think holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving are good times for families to get together. But the religious significance placed on Christmas is a bit much. But, for me I don’t think it’s my place to judge. But when I was active it was common practice to essentially tell people it was a pagan holiday. Which for me seem out of place. Part of the reason I moved away from participation. twilson117 31 minutes ago

Ad no I don’t think the Hillary supporters would have voted for Trump** not after what he did. Some would have supported Bernie maybe all but, I think some would have sat on their hands. I know I would have cast my ballot for Bernie, better him than Trump** would have been my logic. twilson117 29 minutes ago

Well, it is factually correct that it was founded by Pagans as a holiday to celebrate life and fertility. But I would just say that I see that as irrelevant today, most people around the world celebrate it only as a time for family, not even for the Christ and Christian aspect which we also know historically, was a construct by Christians just to takeover that holiday. So the philosophical question is, if a holiday was founded for a religious reason but many use it for their own, different reason that isn’t religious, is it still a religious holiday? AdLib 27 minutes ago

Ad not in my book. twilson117 26 minutes ago

Maybe but seeing the threat Trump was to minorities and women, I think that even those who weren’t crazy about Bernie would’ve held their nose and voted for him to prevent Trump from becoming president. AdLib 25 minutes ago

Ad I think if we look at the origin and construct of any holidays we’re going to find a some “pagan” connection to them. But, I also believe they are used by religion as a control to keep people in line. twilson117 24 minutes ago

I think we’re on the same page then. We don’t have many times during the year to be the impetus for family get-togethers so I see it as a good thing for that reason. Mainly, Thanksgiving, Christmas and a major birthday are the few times of the year families are motivated to come together. AdLib 23 minutes ago

TW – I agree, religion has always been primarily about control but I’ve also seen in history and regular life, people who are inspired by religion to help others, be generous and compassionate. But religious leaders almost entirely seem to ba about power and wealth which I find very offensive. AdLib 22 minutes ago

I suppose families shouldn’t need a reason to get together, but holidays provide a strong reason along with a sense of guilt for many. twilson117 22 minutes ago

I agree, religion is about power and control. History tells us that. twilson117 20 minutes ago

Yep, we shouldn’t need reasons to get together as families but everyone gets so busy in their own lives that without having days that are recognized nationally or globally as a time to look back to being with family, many are just too caught up in their immediate lives to make the decision to spend time with the whole family. AdLib 20 minutes ago

Yep, many terrible wars and atrocities were the result of religion. It’s really absurd that religion is always presented to children as being about peace, love and forgiveness and yet a lot of adults use it for just the opposite. AdLib 18 minutes ago

You’re correct. And holidays like Thanksgiving which isn’t really tied to any religion, and Christmas which is tied to religion, do provide a focal point for families who are spread out or local to come together. twilson117 17 minutes ago

Yep, there’s a whole social infrastructure set up to urge people to see their families on Thanksgiving and Christmas, lots of corporate money behind it as well because it brings in a lot of revenue to them but it is in the end a nice thing to have society agreed upon having at least two times in the year when family time is expected. AdLib 15 minutes ago

I’ve found it very interesting to see how religion seem to be the catalyst for so much suffering and sorrow in the world. twilson117 15 minutes ago

Exactly. Maybe not so surprising that whenever there is a structure to assemble a group of people behind a fewer group of people, terrible things often result. Power corrupts and having power in a religion is no different, it is just camouflaged behind dogma and claims that “this is what God told me he wants”. AdLib 13 minutes ago

Thanksgiving and Christmas are the biggest travel days for transportation. And for retail it’s the time when they look to make their numbers for the year. twilson117 12 minutes ago

Meanwhile, whether it’s corporations or the GOP, the misery the few inflict on the people they have power over. non-religious as those groups are, is among the worst. AdLib 11 minutes ago

Hi ad! Home at last.! pinkpantheroz 11 minutes ago

Hey PPO how the hell are you. twilson117 11 minutes ago

Yep, it’s a confluence of capitalism and compassion, both work out…though not always when your uncle wears a MAGA hat to dinner. AdLib 10 minutes ago

HEY PPO! AdLib 10 minutes ago

So glad your travels went well and you’re back home! AdLib 10 minutes ago

Had to COVID Test and Quarantine for 72 hours. Testing done. Now I can sleep! pinkpantheroz 10 minutes ago

PPO – BTW, glenn was here tonight, she hasn’t been here in a long time, and she wanted me to pass along her best thoughts about Fergie and Christmas wishes. AdLib 9 minutes ago

Just thought I.d say a quick hello and goodbye. Please tell CL I say hi and will be in touch. pinkpantheroz 9 minutes ago

I will let her know, PPO! Again, welcome home! AdLib 9 minutes ago

Oh, hope Glenn is mended and OK now. PLease say thanks and a merry Christmas to her.\ pinkpantheroz 8 minutes ago

PPO – When do you get your test results? AdLib 8 minutes ago

I will, PPO. AdLib 8 minutes ago

12-18 hours. Just the short test, not the big one. pinkpantheroz 8 minutes ago

Hi, TW, a quick Hi and ‘bye. Merry Christmas to you and yours Cheers all. pinkpantheroz 7 minutes ago

Nice. They’re supposed to be making home tests free here in the US soon but not sure if that got sidetracked. They’re instant tests which is great. AdLib 7 minutes ago

Ad I recently finished reading Carthage Must Be Destoryed and the was clear commerce and religion were very much a main point as to who would stand Carthage or Rome. twilson117 6 minutes ago

Speaking of vaccines I need to make an appointment for a booster. twilson117 4 minutes ago

When I hear these popular preachers speak, it always sounds like con men performers and early on in my life, seemed to me that much of religion is just a grift. There are many genuine and legit people practicing and leading in religions but for the most part, it seems kind of apparent that it is more of a facade then an earnest thing for too many. AdLib 3 minutes ago

We got our boosters and my wife and I both felt a bit under the weather for a day but that passed and now we’re much better protected from the Omicron variant. AdLib 2 minutes ago

I agree with you on that. I have a deep seated level of disgust for those who run these mega-churches and keep fleecing their followers while they line their pockets. twilson117 a minute ago

Well, I’m going to call it a night, I will try to give a you call next week say Tue or Wed. twilson117 in a few seconds

Same here. I know many of their parishioners are faithful believers and they are treated like stupid rubes by their greedy leaders, milked of so much money while the megachurch con artists live a corrupt life. AdLib in a few seconds

Sounds good! Have a great weekend TW! AdLib in a few seconds

You as well take care. twilson117 in a minute

Thanks my friend! AdLib in a minute

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