Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Khirad! AdLib 3 hours ago

You feature my piece. I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback on Facebook from it, though I’m banned and DMing it to all my Couve friends. Khirad 3 hours ago
That is fantastic to hear! Congrats, really enjoyed reading it myself! AdLib 3 hours ago
This is what I explain to all of our authors here, you may not get a lot of comments but people really do read the articles we post. AdLib 2 hours ago
Welcome back! AdLib 2 hours ago

Goodevening twilson117 2 hours ago
Hey TW! AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m more pissed of with ROKU. My interent is fine, obviously… but it’s like broke, and I watch YouTube music doing this normally… Khirad 2 hours ago

Hey Khirad, AdLib twilson117 2 hours ago

Sorry for missing the last sessions. twilson117 2 hours ago

I got a Prussian flag today as a gift. Khirad 2 hours ago
Khirad – That’s messed up. I have Roku as well and I do count on it working every day. AdLib 2 hours ago
No worries, TW. Everyone’s busy this time of year. AdLib 2 hours ago
Khirad – Well, that’s very cool! AdLib 2 hours ago

We’ll talk about Roku later. I had a neighbor just move in waking me up. It’s all their fault, I’m sure. Khirad 2 hours ago

I know the upcoming holidays take time. Is your daughter coming back for Christmas? twilson117 2 hours ago
So as a starting topic, how is it that we have a SCOTUS that says a TX law can deny Americans Constitutional rights through intimidation but shouldn’t be halted because it isn’t directly denying rights? Rights are denied in either case. AdLib 2 hours ago

Where is the outrage about the hate crime against pagans with the FOX tree? Khirad 2 hours ago

Didn’t need to steal your thunder. Khirad 2 hours ago
Khirad – The one real terrorism that happens by bad luck, new neighbors behaving badly. AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m more paranoid and working on my anger and paranoia Khirad 2 hours ago
TW – She was under the weather and had to stay out here to take her finals this week but she’s back there in Jan! AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad I don’t really know how to answer that one. It seems the court wants to upend settled law, even though those who said it was are now willing to change everything. twilson117 2 hours ago

Talk amongst yourselves I’ll be back Khirad 2 hours ago

The weather change?? twilson117 2 hours ago
Khirad – Apparently, Tucker Carlsion believes a Christmas tree is a Christian symbol. Pagans probably don’t make up a lot of his audience. AdLib 2 hours ago
Khirad – It’s a real challenge to keep paranoia and anger under control with the madness we’re surrounded by from Trumpers. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the pagans burn the tree after their version of Christmas as part of the tradition? twilson117 2 hours ago
TW – Yep, I take the religious fanatics on the SCOTUS at face value, like the rest of their type, they are liars, anti-democracy and authoritarians who want the minority dominating the majority. They will do all they can to return white, Christian men to superiority over everyone else. AdLib 2 hours ago
TW – I think so. Bottom line is the tree is a pagan symbol of a pagan holiday that existed before Christianity. Life and fertility is what it was about, the ornaments are intentionally meant to represent testicles. Those pagans are a barrel of fun…meanwhile the RW nutjobs who are so ignorant not to know Christianity just built Jesus’ birthday on top of their holiday to usurp it, are not a lot of fun. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad you know I’ve been saying we could lose our democracy. It seems to be playing out. But, what I don’t understand is how people think authoritarian form of government would be better. twilson117 2 hours ago

Yeah but Vikings were cool and they were pagan. twilson117 2 hours ago

I used to be with friends who were so Christian they told US it was pagan. Khirad 2 hours ago
I think we are more likely to lose our democracy overall. But it won’t be the fantasized dictatorship the RW evildoers expect. There will be a revolution then, constant conflict and the country will be in turmoil. I don’t have confidence that the Dems can overcome the corrupt Manchin and Sinema to save the country or that Garland has the guts to take down the traitors at the tiop. AdLib 2 hours ago
top AdLib 2 hours ago

Put the Yule back in Yuletide! Khirad 2 hours ago

When I read accounts about what people like Bannon and Gatez saying about 4,000 shock troops it’s as if they want to destroy what the claim to believe in. twilson117 2 hours ago

Sinema is a true devil. Her recent interview was cringe and Manchin talking with CEOs and the WSJ. Let’s talk about happier things… Khirad 2 hours ago
I liked the Vikings even though they were brutal SOBs as their environment and times demanded. I remember learning about Leif Erikson in elementary school as a remarkable figure in history. Today, kids think Kim Kardashian is. AdLib 2 hours ago

Ad it does seem Garland is moving like molasses in January when it comes to al l that is happening. twilson117 2 hours ago

Don’t make me write about Vikings. Khirad 2 hours ago
Khirad – There are smart and well-educated Christians who know history but they don’t get in the media. AdLib 2 hours ago

Yeah Vikings were SOB’s but they sure had some cool names. twilson117 2 hours ago

My best friend has the name Ylvissakr, every time we talk I remind him how his ancestors gave us Scots red hair. Khirad 2 hours ago
Gaetz is throwing as much flak into the air as possible, everything he says is meant to rally radical Trumpers behind him to use violence to prevent his arrest which is coming. AdLib 2 hours ago

Well Khirad somebody had to do it. twilson117 2 hours ago

I think paying for sex with 17 year olds is the least with him. Khirad 2 hours ago
Sinema is far more messed up and corrupt than Manchin. Manchin is happily bought off but Sinema seems to have such severe narcisistic issues, she is a wrecking ball just to serve her ego. AdLib an hour ago
Khirad – The Vikings gave the Scots a lot more than red hair. AdLib an hour ago

I would like to see Gaetz greased in honey and staked out to the pathway of a 100,000 fire ants twilson117 an hour ago
Khirad – I do think Gaetz will be going down for rape, child trafficing and financial crimes. The delay though is giving him lots of time to sabotage the prosecution and if a Repub gets into the WH in 2024, he expects to be pardoned before he serves any time. AdLib an hour ago

Ad it just goes to show people don’t pay attention to issues just personalities when it comes to electing their political representatives. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I would feel sorry for the ants though having to get the taste of Gaetz out of their mouths for weeks. AdLib an hour ago

Ad so Dennis the Cow is leaving the House to go run the Trump** Media company. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad, fire ants are like Honey Badgers they don’t care. twilson117 an hour ago
I guess politics has always been a bit of a popularity contest. Look at the military figures and the ridiculous elections of Reagan and Trump. But it is so bad now, normal for RWs to even know they are voting against their own interests when they elect the anti-democracy elitists in their party. AdLib an hour ago

Did we lose K, again? twilson117 an hour ago
Nunes’ district was changed with redistricting and polls showed a Dem challenger a little ahead. He cashed out now before he was thrown out of Congress. But I think Trump’s company will fail as all his others have and so many investigations of criminality in it already, it should go down before too long. AdLib an hour ago

Ad, Trump** has done what no other politician has been able to do. He has made people really doubt their belief in democracy. I’m coming close to calling him the Hitler of the US. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – I think the past 50 years of increasingly corrupt and authoritarian Repubs and RW media has grromed their people to doubt truths, democracy, citizenship, responsibility and science. If it wasn’t Trump,it would have been somone else rising on the Right to marshall these forces of ignorance, fear and hatred. This has been coming since the end of the Civil War…which never fully ended. And it’s why my belief is that the only way to deal with it is with harsh and unyielding attacks by Dems in power. But not all of them believe that which is why, at this point, it looks like the RW is more likely to win in destroying our Republic. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I went out yesterday and had to clean my car off as we had our first snowfall. Nothing to talk about, but it did leave enough where the car needed cleaning. When your daughter returns we should be knee deep in it. twilson117 an hour ago
Thanks for letting me know, maybe Santa needs to make sure she has the proper clothing for her return to Boston! AdLib an hour ago

Ad, well if you mean the economic aspects of the Civil War I’m with you on that part. I subscribe to the theory the Civil War was about economics as I believe all wars are. But that’s me. twilson117 an hour ago

Ad how did the softball team ant Bently do? twilson117 an hour ago
I do mean the economics but I also mean the campaign for white supremacy. It never died in the South especially, after the failure of Reconstruction it came back full force. AdLib an hour ago

Ad I get you on the white supremacy thing. That has always been locked in. twilson117 an hour ago
Bentley’s softball team was competitive in their pre-season, they’re D2 but played only D1 schools. They didn’t win as much but many games were close so the coach thinks that in the D2 season, they’ll do very well. My daughter is a power hitter, she said there weren’t many consistent hitters on the team so that needs some work. But she got a hit in her first game and onward, which is very nice indeed. AdLib an hour ago

I can’t get over how folks in Texas what to bring back banning books. twilson117 an hour ago
TW – If we zoom out to look at the big pictue instead of the anti-abortion laws and the book burning in TX, we see that same theme of white male supremacy. They want to prevent kids from taught that white supremacy is wrong and prevent women from controlling their bodies so all the nation’s power is concentrated in white male racist hands. AdLib an hour ago

Well, D2 schools have some good athletes and can be competitive. I like the fact they put the emphasis on education. twilson117 an hour ago
Bottom line, all of these issues are about power. Power over the majority, women, people of color, LGBTQ, etc, they want to rule like the slaveowners they are in their hearts, with oppression and intolerance. This is truly evil stuff. AdLib an hour ago

Ad which goes back to days were men held all the power. twilson117 an hour ago

You know when you think about it, it really doesn’t matter which ethnic culture we talk about, the majority of them were male dominated. twilson117 an hour ago
Yes, I think my daughter will have a far better college experience than if she had gone to a D1 and come out with a valuable major which competitive D1 coaches don’t allow their players to have. She is a D1 player but she wanted to choose a school based on academics instead of sports competitivenes. Because, after college, softball is over for most all players, nowhere to go really except get paid peanuts to play on the few professional teams IF you can get signed. So big picture wise, she gets it. Softball was always about a path to a scholarship and a great college education for her. AdLib an hour ago
Yep, there is a shocking amount of talk on the RW denigrating the equality of women right now. That white racist Reaganite, Peggy Noonan, came out today to essentially say Kamala is too uppity. I mean…really? AdLib an hour ago
https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3NwYWNlX2NhcmQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib2ZmIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1469446105137967108&lang=en&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fwidget-b.flyzoo.co%2Fchatrooms%2Fchatroom%3Fxto%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fplugins.php%253Fplugin_status%253Dall%2526paged%253D1%2526s%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fplanetpov.com%252Fwp-admin%252Fplugins.php%253Fplugin_status%253Dall%2526paged%253D1%2526s%26idWebsite%3D53f264e0684ea81a905e562d%26mode%3Dfalse%26id%3D5409fa15684ea8126cbd2fec%26mobile%3Dfalse%26gcn%3Dnull%26w%3D1263%26h%3D491%26hs%3D491%26fzla%3Dauto&sessionId=30592000dc27e70f184b9199431b74a8b660f13f&theme=light&widgetsVersion=9fd78d5%3A1638479056965&width=300px AdLib an hour ago

Good for her. twilson117 an hour ago

I don’t get it. It’s like folks such and Noonan and others are deathly afraid of individuality. twilson117 an hour ago
Yes, she definitely had her focus in the right direction. Players at competitive D1s typically are ordered by their coach to choose from a narrow selection of majors that won’t require much extracurricular time so once they graduate, they have a mostly useless major to them. AdLib an hour ago
You’re far more generous than I am, I think this habit of RW white people declaring that only black people need to be humble when holding power is a racist mentality. AdLib an hour ago
I don’t know how we get past this period in one piece as a nation. The forces of hatred and division are stronger than ever and too many Dems seem more worried about the appearance of using power in a partisan way than protecting Americans from the destruction that Repubs are fomenting. AdLib an hour ago

Ad, I not really. I’ve never been a fan of Noonan. I think she is too full of herself. twilson117 an hour ago

Dems don’t really know how to use the power they have. Too worried about the blowback if they are out of power. twilson117 an hour ago
She is an elitist and a snob, her ego could not be contained in a football stadium. But elitism is always hand-in-hand with bigotry. AdLib an hour ago
Yes, too worried about the “what if Repubs get in power?” and “what if it looks like we’re abusing power to shut down Repubs even though their party is now bent on destroying our democracy and society?”. I’m fed up with that foolishness. AdLib an hour ago

Every time I saw her on TV she could not carry on a conversation without mentioning Reagan. twilson117 an hour ago
And yet, as an intellectual elitist, the harm Noonan represents is so negligible. It’s the ignorant haters on the RW who are now our domestic terrorism movement. AdLib an hour ago
And the news that came out this week, with Trump admitting on tv that he fired Comey to obstruct justice and the Powerpoint document Meadows had providing a roadmap to overthrowing our democracy…theses people should have already been arrested and waiting their trials in jail. People are losing their last hope in justice in this country. AdLib an hour ago

It’s amazing how less paranoid I became when weed legal in AZ Khirad an hour ago
I’m glad that all the lower level insurrectionists who attacked The Capitol are being arrested and tried but when you let the architects of an overthrow keep operating…that’s how fascism in Nazi Germany took over. AdLib an hour ago
Khirad – Wait, I thought weed is supposed to make people more paranoid? AdLib an hour ago

But they were socialists… it’s in there name – I’m feeling silly. Khirad an hour ago

You’re right. Just reading various reports about how bold they are. To be honest, I’m taken back how easy it is for Trump** to do what he is doing. twilson117 an hour ago

It never made me paranoid until people were paranoid. Also cops… Khirad an hour ago
Khirad – They also said they were a party but they never had a kegger. AdLib an hour ago

Just saw that Hitler had two of his mistresses before Hitler die. Here’s the thing, I believe it was suicide. Khirad 43 minutes ago

Ad I read that about what Trump** said about Comey. The question what will the Jan 6th committee do about it. twilson117 43 minutes ago

Nothing. I’m sorry, but nothing. Khirad 42 minutes ago
TW – Many thoughtful people say, “Just wait, Garland and law enforcement needs to take their time if they’re going after an ex-president and Congresspeople so just be patient. I think this is leading to a massive mistake, the more time Trump and the other traitors have to set up their own infrastructure to defeat any attempt at justice, will only become bigger and more effective. We don’t have time. Charge them then hire 1,000 lawyers to cover the bases. AdLib 42 minutes ago

It’s what the German government said about Hitler. They thought they could control him. Look what that got them. twilson117 41 minutes ago
Khirad – Hitler was always reported historically as committing suicide, is that in dispute? Maybe one of his mistresses attacked him and he wailed, “I did Nazi that coming!” AdLib 41 minutes ago

I don’t think anything is horrible more than usual. I’m trying not to get into emotianal shit. Khirad 41 minutes ago

twilson, the Weimar Republic is overlooked. Khirad 40 minutes ago
TW – I do think the Jan 6 committee is one entity doing the work of justice and that they will refer a prosecution to the DoJ on many people. But still, I worry they too may be afraid of the precedent of prosecuting an ex-Pres even though our democracy demands it. AdLib 39 minutes ago

Khirad, yes there were. twilson117 39 minutes ago
That is a repeated story in history. An elitist group in a nation looks for someone who connects with the rabble and believe he will be their pawn…and instead it’s another re-run of Frankenstein. AdLib 38 minutes ago

AdLib know history. Khirad 37 minutes ago
Thanks Khirad! AdLib 36 minutes ago

I’ll never be a Sullus to POV Khirad 36 minutes ago

Ad I could see your point around concerns for ex-Presidents. But Trump** is a crook. He was a crook before he took office, during his 4 years he was in office and now that he is out of office. Anyone who believes his Media company is on the up and up need to have their head examine. At least Waren is looking into it. It’s one of the se SPAC set ups. And there are saying the money coming in to set it up is from questionable sources. twilson117 35 minutes ago
Goth Sullus? AdLib 35 minutes ago

Touché Khirad 34 minutes ago
TW – I don’t support the Dem fears of going after an ex-president, I see it as you do, just the reverse. A nation that can pursue justice against an ex-president strengthens their nation and the belief in justice. But too many Dems worry about appearances and precedents instead of doing what justice requires. AdLib 33 minutes ago

I was in the west coast and knew about Trump long before Apprentice. I took at him,,, cringe. Khirad 33 minutes ago
TW – And yes, I do think Trump’s inescapable need for criminality could help destroy this bogus money laundering entity he’s started up but what would really speed that up is a criminal indictmentg against Trump for fraud. Maybe NY will make that happen but Garland should have already indicted him. AdLib 31 minutes ago

Trump** needs to be gone after regardless. twilson117 31 minutes ago

I can’t speak for all dems, just as a Cascadian – but I always say what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I hold both parties to the same standards. Republicans don’t. They have no common American principles. Khirad 31 minutes ago
Khirad – Same here, I knew what a criminal and con man Trump was many years ago. So did most New Yorkers. But he told racists and haters and a fearful minority of white people that he could make them dominate again and they bought in to him. AdLib 30 minutes ago

I’m trying my Satanic best to find a child sacrifice to kill Trump …… SARCASM Khirad 29 minutes ago

I can’t talk with most Trump people. He’s such a fraud BEFORE reading or knowing about him. Khirad 28 minutes ago
TW – I hoinestly think about that every night before I go to sleep, Trump needs to be taken off the game board and imprisoned. Not assassinated, not die on his own, but locked up and stripped of money and power, as a very important example to the rest of the fascists out there. AdLib 28 minutes ago

I’ll say this here, Trump is Hitler. It’s scary. Khirad 27 minutes ago
Khirad – While I wonder how Trump has escaped being killed so far, I think it would be a disaster if he was. It would legitimize using assassination against political enemies and I could imagine a strong of MAGA assassins killing Dem politicians after such an incident. We need to stop the violence and stop the movement for fascism. Imprisoning and declawing Trump could help make that happen. AdLib 26 minutes ago
Khirad – I have a good friend who is a Repub and often spouts the Fox News and RW propaganda but he turned against Trump finally, after Jan 6th. But he was always tough to talk to about Trump, it was always about diverting the conversation with “whataboutisms”. AdLib 24 minutes ago

Ad Agree he needs to be taken off the board. But there also needs to be a plan to deal with his followers who think he can do no wrong. Which I believe is a big problem. He has a following who just see this as persecution of their hero. They believe he can do no wrong. At the media have added to that level of mystic about him. twilson117 24 minutes ago

No, just how it takes him out with a cheeseburger. He has just great genes. He’s so close to death, don’t give him the martyrdom – maybe he’ll get a monument like Franco. Khirad 24 minutes ago

FOX NEWS, Whatoutism: You Decide Khirad 23 minutes ago
Khirad – I agree, in the sense that Hitler was a maniacal narcissist as Trump is, who was fine with tearing down everything decent in his country so that it aided his increasing power. That’s all that matters to such evil men but they never last in the end and Trump won’t. But we could see a lot of horribleness for many years if he and his fascist movement isn’t shut down soon. AdLib 22 minutes ago

Twilson…. I don’t hate Republicans. I don’t like them and fucking hate trying to help them,,, but you’re in a cult. I can’t talk with you anymore. Khirad 21 minutes ago
TW – I just had this thought. Maybe we could kill two birds with one stone. Reform police agencies to be more focused on protecting the people and having them arrest and help DAs prosecute any and all MAGAs who threaten or attempt to commit crimes. Make it a Justice Agenda and all America could be protected. AdLib 20 minutes ago

My favorite is blaming gun violence on mental illness… Khirad 19 minutes ago

Khirad, the Repubs at least those who support Trump** are indeed in a cult and you can’t talk to them. twilson117 19 minutes ago

Ad good luck with that. twilson117 19 minutes ago

My best friend in High School loved Rush Limbaugh and I was reading Marx. Khirad 18 minutes ago
Khirad – Exactly, I don’t wasnt Trump as a martyr, much violence will likely result. And if he dies from all those Big Macs and Diet Cokes and snorting Adderall, those conspiracy theory nuts will accuse Dems of having poisoned him and justify violence in retaliation. Trump needs to be kept alive and imprisoned as an impotent, failed criminal for all to see. AdLib 18 minutes ago

Ad it’s going to take a Repub to run against him in the primary and beat him. He’s not unbeatable. twilson117 17 minutes ago

They conspired against Scalito/ Khirad 16 minutes ago
Khirad – I don’t hate people either, I strongly dislike Trump and his cult and I do want to see all those who represent a threat to our democracy and society imprisoned. But you can’t have conversations with cultists, they are by definition, beyond reasoning. AdLib 16 minutes ago

Ad you got that right. twilson117 15 minutes ago

Can we do a quick John Birch Society ditty? Khirad 15 minutes ago
Khirad – Yep, Repubs are very skilled at coming up with BS that resembles insight but is always just a distraction to keep people from demanding change, on guns, institutional racism, economic injustice, etc. AdLib 15 minutes ago

And they also want to change history. Khirad 14 minutes ago

Ad So what’s keeping Dems from doing the same twilson117 14 minutes ago

We’re not mean enough, that’s why I’m my own East German thing. Khirad 13 minutes ago
TW – I do think Trump is unbeatable in a Repub primary but if the 2024 election was fiar, which it likely won’t be, I think Trump would lose by a big margin in a GE. AdLib 13 minutes ago

Also it was a Trafficlight Coalition. Khirad 13 minutes ago
Khirad – What ditty did you have in mind about the John Birch society? AdLib 12 minutes ago

Maybe the Mitchell Trio with great Democrat John Denver. Khirad 11 minutes ago

Ad I think there are a couple of people who could beat him the primary. Desantis takes the lead in my book at the moment. He is far smarter than Trump** and I think could handle anything Trump** would throw at him and wouldn’t mind getting down in the muck with him. twilson117 11 minutes ago
TW – Dems historically have been like the nerdy kid at school who wants the other kids to see him as being “a good person”. That has been their downfall repeatedly. My POV is that you do the right things and those who condemn youfor that are the “bad” folks. When you spend too much time worrying about perception, you lose the game to the other side that doesn’t care about perceptions, just power. AdLib 10 minutes ago

No surprise, all the anti-Jihad squad were paid for by not special interests but their family wealth. Khirad 10 minutes ago
Theme songs for the John Birch Society? “Happiness is a Warm Gun”. AdLib 9 minutes ago

AD, it’s as if shut up, I was naughty in school that my parents taught at…. Khirad 9 minutes ago

Ad at some point al the lickspittles will disown Trump** when they see he can no longer help them. As to Trump’s** followers, well they will stay with him no matter what. They are just far too stupid to get past their hero worship for him. twilson117 8 minutes ago

https://www.youtube.com/embed/J3TcUA5jE6o?wmode=transparent&jqoemcache=7JCMJ Khirad 7 minutes ago
TW – Three things about DeSantis. First, Trump buries him in the polls so unlikely he could beat Trump. Second, DeSantis strikes me as far more aggressively evil and dangerous but he doesn’t have Trump’s charisma so I can’t see him winning a GE. Third, Trump now despises DeSantis because he is becoming more popular than Trump wants him to be so I could see Trump trying to sabotage him if he somehow did start to beat Trump in a primary. AdLib 6 minutes ago
TW – All the Repub pols who cower at Trump’s feet out of fear he will turn his cult against them, will never leave him until he is taken off the board. They are abject cowards. Did you see the article this week about one Repub Congressperson who wanted to stand against Trump but was too afraid he or his family could be attacked that he stayed lockstep with Trump and the GOP? Trump has built a violent movement that is real and the fear that he will turn them on another Repub keeps them slaved to him. AdLib 3 minutes ago

Okay I’m out of here you guys are 3 and 2 hours behind me so I will see you next week. twilson117 2 minutes ago
Khirad – I am embarassed to say I didn’t know about The Mitchell Trio but very impressed with the video of them. AdLib a minute ago
Seeya, TW! Have a great weekend and see you next week! AdLib a minute ago

See ya too. Khirad a few seconds ago

Before I do sign off Ad, Let’s be sure to bring up you last two points next week. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Seeya Khirad! Have a great weekend! AdLib a few seconds ago

Take care. twilson117 a few seconds ago
Right TW, will do! AdLib a few seconds ago
Night! AdLib a few seconds ago
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