Vox Populi, our weekly live chat, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey Harleigh! AdLib an hour ago
Hey PPO! AdLib an hour ago
Hi Harleigh, Ad. How was your TG? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
We had a very nice Thanksgiving, PPO, thanks! Couldn’t have my elderly mother over for the first time in decades due to COVID but it was nice. AdLib an hour ago
Big Covid milestone here in Victoria. 28 days, no new cases, no deaths no one in ICU. Grand pinkpantheroz an hour ago
hey guys Harleigh an hour ago
Now I’m wondering if Trump is shopping for bargains on adult diapers on Black Friday. AdLib an hour ago
lol Harleigh an hour ago
Depends! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – Australia is leading the world along with NZ. Very happy for all the folks there, especially you and Fergie. AdLib an hour ago
Heh! AdLib an hour ago
I love the way he is turning into an orange pretzel to avoid conceding pinkpantheroz an hour ago
I’ll have to put a pin in that. AdLib an hour ago
usa has thousands of new cases and dead daily Harleigh an hour ago
Restrictions still, but no so many. Went to Dentists Thurs, No drama,but full protection anyway pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Yes, he was so pathetic on Thanksgiving and today. He’s really spinning out of control. I think his refusal to accept the election is hurting him far more than a shockingly gracious concession. AdLib an hour ago
he’ll never admit it Harleigh an hour ago
LA County just announced a new stay at home order, no one is supposed to gather with anyone outside of their household. AdLib an hour ago
now he blames his legal team for making him look bad Harleigh an hour ago
its about time the media went after him on his lies. And that little table! Has he nicked the Resolute Desk for his penthouse? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
What are the odds Trump has a real nervous breakdown just before or after he is evicted? AdLib an hour ago
floriduh has no mask mandate or restrictions Harleigh an hour ago
Ad, that may be the excuse for him to ‘feel ill’ in Camp david and stay there till jan 21st! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Trump has treated the country like a diaper. AdLib an hour ago
Spanky is demented as hell Harleigh an hour ago
he’ll hide out at smear a largo Harleigh an hour ago
Time for Diaper Don to get ready for a change. AdLib an hour ago
Hey glenn! AdLib an hour ago
he glenn Harleigh an hour ago
But..but real people also live at Mar a Lardo. He will have to wear body armor all day pinkpantheroz an hour ago
hey Harleigh an hour ago
hi glenn pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Choicelady suggests that Trump may flee the country once the criminal cases in NY start coming down. What do you think? AdLib an hour ago
Good evening, all. glenn an hour ago
if he’s smart he’ll have president pence issue some sort of blanket pardon Harleigh an hour ago
I hope he is placed on a No Fly list and his passport frozen pinkpantheroz an hour ago
It is awful that the past 4 years happened as they did but can you think of anything more devastating to a narcissist than being on top of a mountain and everyone listening to you around the world…then having it all taken away from you forever? AdLib an hour ago
hope SDNY is airtight Harleigh an hour ago
harleigh. If hwe quits, he’ll be an even bigger loser because he won’t have even completed a full term! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Harleigh – I fully expecty Trump to weasel a pardon for himself that way and Pence will be stained with the Trump pardon stink throughout his life and through history. AdLib an hour ago
yep Harleigh an hour ago
SDNY are federal prosecutors so if Trump is pardoned, they can’t go after him. It is the NY AG and the County DA that can. AdLib an hour ago
Trump has gone from being King of the Shits to being the Shit of the Kings. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
And the NY AG says she has over 40 charges to drop on Trump’s head (and probably his kids) once he’s out of office. AdLib an hour ago
Okay, so here’s my theory on why the RTLB is so adamant that he won the election. I believe that he thought there was some kind of scheme to guarantee him the election. Now whether that scheme was real or not, I think he really believed that with all of the suppressions and his real or imagined scheme in place, that he would cruise to victory. When Biden won, he just couldn’t believe that his cheating (again, whether real or imagined) didn’t work. That’s my theory, anyway. glenn an hour ago
then he’ll take AF1 to a non extradition country with Squint. his loss was overwheming Harleigh an hour ago
glenn, you’re probably right. I wouldn’t have occurred to him that he could possibly lose. The word Loser is for everyone else, except him pinkpantheroz an hour ago
like soldiers Harleigh an hour ago
I’m jumping into the conversation in the middle, but, Ad I don’t think he ever would concede graciously, but even a RTLB concession–you know, with a little whining/lying thrown in, would be acceptable. glenn an hour ago
H. He cant use AF1. Only the President’s presence on a aircraft get it that title. Hope Trump1 has been keeping up lease payments and maintenance! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–you’re right. The RTLB is just devastated. AWWWW, poor baby! glenn an hour ago
glenn – My theory is that Trump knows he lies about everything but justifiably believes he can manipulate his followers to seeing things the way he wants things seen. He knows he’s lost, it’s been said by close advisers, but his demented father taught him that losers are the weakest and most worthless people. So he makes up all the lies he can to warp the thinking of his cult that they shouldn’t see him as a loser, he’s really a winner. Remembner when Trump said that the only way he doesn’t win is if the election is rigged? This is his game. He’s using his denials to sate his humiliation, hurt Biden’s legitimacy, raise money because he’s broke and twist reality into something more flattering. He needs to always fight, sue, proclaim himself the victim and cheat when he loses. AdLib an hour ago
his laughingstock legal team is now appealing to the SC after getting shunned 35-1 in courts Harleigh an hour ago
glenn – Agreed, Trump is incapable of admitting he’s a loser, most losers are like that. AdLib an hour ago
Oh, btw, has anyone SEEN the actual Pardon for Flynn? Trump says he did it, but, like so many things, has he actually officially pardoned him? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
it was posted Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh 38-1 latest! Hee Hee pinkpantheroz an hour ago
wow i missed 3 losses in the flurry lol he is such a POS Harleigh an hour ago
Ad–well, the RTLB has gotten away with lying and cheating his whole life, and especially in the past four years, so why wouldn’t he think it would work again? I would still add that someone either told him or he “ordered” some kind of cheating to be done, thinking that his “people” would take care of it that he never thought he could lose. Your theory does come in with that because he just can’t believe he lost, or won’t admit it. The most disturbing thing about all his whining is that so many people believe him. glenn an hour ago
PPO–Isn’t his twitter account official? LOL! glenn an hour ago
yes and he loses it jan 20 Harleigh an hour ago
‘Legal Team’ Phooey! Cant spell, cant count, can’t provide evidence, cant lawyer worth shit. More your Washington Generals than Harlem Globetrotters. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Harleigh – Consider that Trump’s Legal All Stars have now been seen reaching down their pants in a Borat movie, leaked hair dye down their faces at their biggest press event, held an event at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, blathered about conspiracies between a dead dictator and the Republican governor of GA, lost all their lawsuits but one that merely limited the days for notice of fixing mail-in ballots, lied profusely and bowed at the feet of the loser…and I’m just getting started. This is so ridiculous…and most Repubs have just sat and watched this Nutso Coup with no comment. AdLib an hour ago
Now the RTLB’s latest is that Biden has to prove he won! My answer to that is just ask all the states that have certified the votes. That proves that Biden won. glenn an hour ago
Ad–every goddamned republican that has allowed this to go on for this long, should be tried for treason! glenn an hour ago
glenn, if that is the case, Biden must get DiaperDon to prove he won the red states. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – Not yet but I’m sure Barr will service Trump on the Flynn pardon…as he has with everything else. But whoever’s pardoned should be called to testify in a Trump Crimes Commission and they can’t take the 5th! AdLib an hour ago
Anticipating that with relish, Ad! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
now we just need GA to tie the senate in jan. Harleigh an hour ago
with barr gone i hope the new DOJ will pursue the criminals and not let them go like 2009 Harleigh an hour ago
I will never give credence or weight to any Republican in the future. No morals, power crazy only and the most hypocritical cretins on the planet pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–Have to respectfully disagree. Biden isn’t questioning the RTLB’s votes; the RTLB is questioning Biden’s. Not to mention that it’s way beneath Biden’s dignity to even reply to the RTLB’s lies. As I said before, Biden doesn’t have to prove anything, he got 80 million votes; the states have certified those votes, several of them many times over, so Biden has won. glenn an hour ago
glenn – Yes, we have seen some of the cheating already. Smacking down the USPS, propaganda against mail-in ballots as fraudulent, phony candidates taking votes away from Dems in FL and letting Repubs win seats, so much cheating going on by Trump and the GOP and continuing as best as it can in GA for the Senate races. I agree, Trump thought the combo of cheating, Russian interference and lawsuits brought to “his” judges would hand him re-election. But we did what we had to do, we gave Biden so many votes, it wasn’t enough. And now he’s pissed that his cheating failed. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Me, too! I do hope Dems don’t blow the chance to put these people under oath, including the RTLB! glenn an hour ago
yep exactly Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh–I’ll be doing my part in GA! glenn an hour ago
glenn, I was being sarcastic, so no harm no foul.

pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – Yeah, no, that’s not the way it works and Trump knows it, Biden having to prove he won is what’s already happened. Trump is just trying the very lame grade school tactic, “I know you are but what am I?” Trump is the loser, he has no choice and no power to change that. But it was touch and go for a while. On election night, I was feeling queasy that Trump might just pull it out and we’d be doomed. By the next morning, confidence returned with the counting of mail-in votes. AdLib an hour ago
i know you will. i was fucking shocked that ga flipped. stacy abrams is the reason Harleigh an hour ago
Ad–he’s more than pissed; he’s almost lost what little mind he had left. I believe he’s beyond pissed to enraged! glenn an hour ago
glenn – 100%! All Repubs who said nothing as Trump tried to cheat the election then tried to complete a coup, are all cowardly traitors and should be removed from power. AdLib an hour ago
start with mconnell Harleigh an hour ago
PPO–Oops, sorry. Sitting low in my seat tonight and your sarcasm went way over my head. glenn an hour ago
glenn – You should feel so proud as a Georgian! You folks are the next biggest success story after Biden/Harris! AdLib 44 minutes ago
harleig from your post to God’s inbox pinkpantheroz 44 minutes ago
glenn – From top to bottom, once Trump is thrown out on 1/20 and it hits him that he’s lost everything, I think he’ll just collapse like all the bones in his boddy have been beamed out. AdLib 43 minutes ago
Ad–exactly. I did not go to bed election night with a good feeling; it was way too close. And, that’s one of the things that has the RTLB’s Depends in such a wad. He thought he’d eke out a win until the absentee ballots started being counted. Plus, he shit his own Depends by telling republicans not to vote by mail! glenn 43 minutes ago
McConnell, the cruz guy with the merkin glued to his chin, and so many, many more. Delicious that Joe has appointed a Cuban-American to his cabinet. pinkpantheroz 42 minutes ago
Harleigh–you and me both. I’ve been “bragging” here on VOX that I now live in a blue state. I don’t, but it sure does my heart good to see that Biden carried GA. And, yes, Stacey Abrams is the reason. Here’s hoping she can repeat her magic for the Senate race. glenn 41 minutes ago
ohyeah Harleigh 40 minutes ago
Harleigh–with Graham right behind him! glenn 40 minutes ago
Ad–yup, I am a proud Georgian! glenn 39 minutes ago
glenn – Yep, Trump colluded with the Repub legislatures in swing states to hold all mail-in ballots for counting beginning election day, so he would be in the lead from in-person voting that night. His plan, and he followed through on it, was to quickly declare victory and stop the counting of mail-in ballots. Or what we’d call a coup in any other country. They called it the Red Mirage and thankfully, the MSM pfrepared Americans for this happening. It undermined Trump’s declaration of victory and throwing out the ballots of Democrats (and many people of color). This win is remarkable in the face of everything. AdLib 39 minutes ago
I do worry about the news that Israel allegedly took out an Iranian scientist. This may be Mr. Blobby’ causa belli. I hope the Iranians hold off any retaliation till after he is gone. pinkpantheroz 39 minutes ago
And ain’t it a laugh that RW Repubs are calling for people to boycott the GA election or write in Trump’s name to protest the Repubs who haven’t been aggressively promoting a coup? AdLib 38 minutes ago
Ad–sounds like you think the RTLB will just melt like the wicked witch. Here’s hoping he does. Here’s also hoping his porn-star-voiced daughter, her husband, and his two elder sons melt away too. glenn 38 minutes ago
repubes should boycott the ga election in protest….. muhahahaha Harleigh 37 minutes ago
glenn, The Flumps have a dismal future ahead, now that ‘respect for the Office’, etc. No longer applies. Pariahs wherever they sculk. pinkpantheroz 36 minutes ago
Ad–Yup. And that’s why he can’t believe he lost. After all, he “declared” victory. And, I think that’s the scheme he thought would win it for him; the mail-in ballots. Yes, it is a remarkable win in the face of the amount of suppression/cheating republicans were willing to do. glenn 36 minutes ago
PPO – Right with you on that, we saw all the preparation with Pompeo meeting with Netanyahu, MBS, UAE, etc. to set up this assasination and close ranks behind Israel. I only hope the Iranians are too smart to take the bait and can see the huge economic benefit of waiting out Trump for Biden to come in and relieve sanctions in exchange for a return to the anti-nuke treaty. AdLib 36 minutes ago
You put it so much better than me, Ad. pinkpantheroz 34 minutes ago
And if the Iranians decide that the best response is to wait for Biden and turn their revenge against Trump’s properties, “it is what it is”. AdLib 34 minutes ago
how would you like to be assigned to Spanky and Squints SS security team Harleigh 33 minutes ago
PPO–Yeah, that is worrying. The RTLB is doing all he can do domestically to hamstring Biden’s incoming administration. I just hope he doesn’t get it into his head that starting a war will make him “popular” again. glenn 33 minutes ago
Ad and Harleigh–just goes to show you how stupid repubs are, and how easily manipulated to adopt any strategy, as long as it comes from their “leaders”. Dems should just keep quiet about the boycott, and let the repubs encourage all their followers to boycott the election. Dumb asses! glenn 31 minutes ago
Harleigh, I pity them. It will be the equivalent of being posted to border duty in Alaska. Imagine that the various USSS managers will unload every lazy waster or threaten them : ‘Listen, O Brien, you better smarten up or you’ll be assigned to Flump! pinkpantheroz 31 minutes ago
glenn – I think Trump will fall apart when he’s back at Mar-a-Lago full time, no one is coming to stay at his properties, bribing him, kowtowing to him, he will realize clearly that he is indeed a loser. And as he sees Biden reverse all his madness, it will tear him up. Then of course the prosecutions, $1 billion in debt being called in, his properties collapsing…I hope his life becomes the nightmare he brought upon all of us for 4 years. And I think it will. AdLib 31 minutes ago
PPO–yeah, the flumps need to be treated as the low-lying scum-sucking creatures they are. glenn 30 minutes ago
PPO – Thanks pal! We often are on the same page here! AdLib 30 minutes ago
Ad–I think so far the Iranians have pretty much played the RTLB for the idiot he is. Hopefully, they’ll wait the RTLB out, just like they waited out Carter for Reagan. glenn 28 minutes ago
agree ad Harleigh 28 minutes ago
glenn – Absolutely, in fact Dems should validate that Repubs should boycott the GA election. I wrote a post last week saying Trump was right, there’s no point in voting, Dems control elections so just stop voting. Then this happened this week! Great meme to nurture! AdLib 28 minutes ago
Harleigh–I can see the SS agents now, drawing straws to see who gets the short one. glenn 27 minutes ago
has anyone looked at that Parler site? You know the one that wants your SocSce number pinkpantheroz 26 minutes ago
Ad–Oh, I so want to see your scenario come true! I want to see the RTLB humiliated into oblivion! glenn 25 minutes ago
in other venues i tell trumptards that there is not any reason to vote in ga because it is rigged Harleigh 25 minutes ago
glenn – Very good points, the Iranians did wait out Carter to cut a deal with Reagan that later paid off (Iran/Contra). I think they’re strategic enough to wait. They may take revenge against Israel but that would be a mistake. AdLib 24 minutes ago
Wonder what Iwanka will do with her Voting Machine patents now? pinkpantheroz 24 minutes ago
if i were an ablee SS and they told me i was assigned to them id quit on the spot Harleigh 24 minutes ago
Ad–the only flaw I see in Dems encouraging repubs to boycott the election is that repubs might just go out and vote because Dems told them not to. You know how the repubs always want to “own the libs”. I truly think Dems should just ignore it, and let the repubs sink in their own shit. glenn 23 minutes ago
Harleigh – Perfect! Keep it up! Encourage the “stable geniuses” who follow Trump not to vote in the GA election! The idjits are used to acting against their own interests, this should be a slam dunk! AdLib 23 minutes ago
agree harleigh. Would any of them stop a bullet for that heap of tangerine turbidity? pinkpantheroz 23 minutes ago
PPO–No, haven’t looked at it. Apparently you did, and they want your SS number? glenn 23 minutes ago
PPO – I think it’s hilarious that Parler got hacked, all these nutjobs just shared their SS numbers with the Dark Web! Hope they have more than a rifle for protection, they’re going to need much more than that to stop their credit from being ruined. AdLib 21 minutes ago
Harleigh–make sure that you make up a good conspiracy theory about the vote rigging here in GA. Considering we have a repub governor, a repub legislature, and a repub SOS, it has to be a good one, though. glenn 21 minutes ago
no, glenn, just read the hilarity on Twitter that the dumb MAGAts are doing that. It has been hacked already!

pinkpantheroz 21 minutes ago
the hill, newsmaxx are loaded with repubeliekkklan tards…. i go alon with their voting boycotts and primary challenges too sometimes Harleigh 20 minutes ago
glenn – It’s going to happen. Trump has nowhere to go but down. And I doubt he would run in 2024, he couldn’t risk being a loser again. And he’ll be looked back on as such a pariah by then, Trump will be the most disgraced politician in our lifetimes and that’s saying a lot. I wonder if Borat will trick him into reaching into his pants on video…and coming up very short. AdLib 19 minutes ago
Excuse me for asking but isn’t it on WordPress? pinkpantheroz 19 minutes ago
Ivanka can use her voting machines by hiring people to vote for her for president in a pretend election. But I don’t know if they’d allow voting machines in prison. AdLib 18 minutes ago
glenn they already have all their reasons from OAN etc….. funniest fucking stupid shit in the world. Harleigh 18 minutes ago
glenn – Yep, best to turn the tables on Repubs and pretend to be one of them when supporting a boycott. AdLib 17 minutes ago
spanky is going to ga to campaign for perdue and kelly…. they are scum Harleigh 17 minutes ago
PPO–the Parler hacking just goes to show what dumb asses MAGAts are. They’ll give up their SS number, but not their guns! glenn 16 minutes ago
if anybody questions my repube roots i’m sending them here so y;all can vouch for me ok? Harleigh 15 minutes ago
PPO – That’s what they said at first but turns out Parler isn’t on WordPress. PlanetPOV is on WordPress and amusingly, we have encripted data and a variety of security systems that we use. And Parler, funded by the Mercers who are multi-billionaires…had far less protection than PlanetPOV! AdLib 15 minutes ago
Ad–LOL! reaching into his pants…and coming up short! Good one! glenn 15 minutes ago
Harleigh, I don’t know if they will welcome that, or cringe. I think he’ll be a liability to them, but he doesn’t care. Just so he can whinge again to his cult. pinkpantheroz 15 minutes ago
Harleigh – But I wonder, Trump campaigning in GA might just whip up Dem voters more than Repubs who would be reminded that he’s a loser. AdLib 14 minutes ago
Ad, Relief! Great pinkpantheroz 14 minutes ago
Harleigh–Don’t worry, I’ll vouch for what a good little repube you are! glenn 14 minutes ago
lol glenn Harleigh 14 minutes ago
Thanks glenn!

AdLib 14 minutes ago
Yeah, the RTLB is coming tomorrow, I think. Uggghhhh. Good thing I live far from where he’s going to be! glenn 13 minutes ago
Harleigh – Do you have a different handle on the Repub sites when playing a Repub? AdLib 13 minutes ago
yes, randall gateman Harleigh 12 minutes ago
PPO–yeah, I think that is just adding to why the RTLB is melting down so quickly and thoroughly. He is in cult withdrawal syndrome. glenn 11 minutes ago
Harleigh/Randall–LOL! glenn 11 minutes ago
Well, Randall, Ad and glenn, I’ll away for today. Just posted a little article on the Planet. Hope you enjoy. pinkpantheroz 11 minutes ago
PPO–cheerio! Best to Fergie! glenn 10 minutes ago
Just think, in 54 days, Trump will no longer be all over the news, controlling anything other than his failing business and not dominating the news anymore. You don’t know how sick I am of writing posts about something Trump has done or said! Things can get back to somewhat normal…aside from, you know, a pandemic, economic shambles, world instability. Still, without Trump, it all seems workable. AdLib 10 minutes ago
Yes, everyone should read PPO’s article, a fun story! AdLib 10 minutes ago
Cheers, all pinkpantheroz 10 minutes ago
Ad–I had to laugh at your last sentence. Without Trump, it all seems workable.! glenn 10 minutes ago
Heh! Thanks glenn! But seriously, doesn’t it feel like that? No matter how bad things may be, with Trump gone, it could be worse. AdLib 9 minutes ago
if his cult will withhold their votes and ga rises again we would have the senate and i believe the nazis there do not want to fuck with kamala Harleigh 9 minutes ago
So, here I go out right after PPO. Take care all, and Harleigh, try not to get too much swamp water on you. Goodnight glenn 9 minutes ago
Harleigh–that should be the Dems new campaign slogan, “Don’t fuck with Kamala!” glenn 8 minutes ago
Okay, I’m outta here. glenn 8 minutes ago
Harleigh – I am really looking forward to the nazis and militias “rising up” once Biden and Harris take office and being slapped down so hard their ears will be ringing in the next decade. Like all bullies, they need to be pushed back and they’ll run and hide like the cowards they are. AdLib 8 minutes ago
lol night guys, good to see y’all Harleigh 7 minutes ago
Night glenn! AdLib 7 minutes ago
Take care Harleigh! AdLib 7 minutes ago
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