Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then! AdLib 5 hours ago
I’ll be back in a minute – just coordinating with the White House! pinkpantheroz 2 hours ago
Ah, that’s better! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hey PPO! AdLib an hour ago
What message did you get from the Wh? AdLib an hour ago
Hey Ad! How can the Congress handle someone who says they’re fixing a trial even before it begins? Is it just too difficult ? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
The button worked fine! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
McConnell is a traitor and he will be committing perjury when the trial begins, when he has to swear an oath to impartiality. Democracy is crumbling. AdLib an hour ago
And what about the poor UK with a lunatic there fully empowered to tear the country apart. AdLib an hour ago
Don’t get me started on Brexnado! Utter catastrophe. This may break up the UK, with Scotland now looking at splitting away. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Northern Ireland may need to put up a border and Scotland could leave the UK before the next election. And the UK economy will collapse in a hard Brexit. AdLib an hour ago
And Putin is celebrating every day. AdLib an hour ago
I think the Tories thinnk they can make England great again. Not going to happen, but will drag all the people down with them. Huge Depression on the way. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hi, 291, or is that you, glenn? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hi glenn! AdLib an hour ago
Hey it’s me, 291…forgot to sign in before I opened VOX. Just remember, gents, be best! glenn an hour ago
If the Tories were right, Puting wouldn’t have been pushing the UK off the Brexit cliff. Divided we fall AdLib an hour ago
I’d love to see the Celtic Union (Ireland/N.I, Scotland and Wales form and join/remain in the EU and leave the poms in England stranded. YUmm! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Do you all think the Brexit vote is a harbinger of things to come in the US? glenn an hour ago
Greta for President! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–For sure. If Melania can become a citizen, so can Greta! glenn an hour ago
PPO – I think that’s very likely! AdLib an hour ago
Although I think Greta is very happy being a Swedish citizen. glenn an hour ago
glenn – No, the UK election had very different dynamics than the US. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Your scenario regarding the Celtic Union is an interesting one. Is anyone proposing that? glenn an hour ago
Those countries/oligarchs/Media Barons manipulating reality using Social Media need to be curbed. How, I haven’t a clue, but pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn, only me………….. so far! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
… and I forgot Wales! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
The Tories and Boris have always been leading in the polls, the polls were pretty much on the money. Corbyn had higher negatives than Johnson, high negatives even within Labour. And most importantly, Labour had no real position on the main issue people voted on, Brexit. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–hope you’re correct. I signed a petition earlier today demanding that McConnell recuse himself from the impeachment trial in the Senate. I know it’s kinda like spitting in the wind, but I wanted to stand up for democracy in any way I can. glenn an hour ago
oops! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO–well it’s a good one. glenn an hour ago
So if the polls are reflected as accurately in the US as they were in the UK, the Dem beats Trump. AdLib an hour ago
McConnell is the greatest traitor ever to live, and he’s fucking proud of it! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad, only if Dems calesce to one agreed candidate and vote their asses off for that nominee. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Coalesce pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – We need a US president who breaks up and regulates Facebook, Twitter and ll social media. Not limiting free speech but regulating the power those companies have and forcing rules and responsibilities when their platforms are used for criminal purposes. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–given the polls from the last presidential election, I have my doubts. However, the dynamics, as you say, are different this time around. It just blows my mind that not only does the TLB get away with his shit; that Moscow Mitch continues to get away with his. I guess if you’re a criminal, if you’re proud of your crime, and you repeat it over and over again, IOIYAR. glenn an hour ago
Hey Harleigh! glenn an hour ago
glenn – The real problem is Chuck Schumer’s lack of a backbone. He should have immediately rallied Senate Dems to condemn McConnell and demand his recusal. Instead, silence from that weak man. AdLib an hour ago
Agree, Ad. And we also need, as a matter of urgency, to repeal that’ Companies are People’ Shite. there’s a lot to do! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Hey Harleigh! AdLib an hour ago
hi stranger! How are you? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – That will happen, there will end up being one Dem nominee and all will rally for her/him against Trump. This back and forth in a primary is normal. AdLib an hour ago
hi guys Harleigh an hour ago
Ad–I think that the biggest issue with FB, etc. is how do we define a “crime” against free speech. In some ways, it reminds me of the pornography debate we had many years ago. One man/woman’s pornography was another one’s sexual preferences. I know they’re not the same, but it’s the definitions that count; and how do you pin down those definitions without infringing on another person’s right to hate? glenn an hour ago
Ad–I agree. Schumer should be putting his face in front of every camera he can find and condemning MM. glenn an hour ago
How’s it going, Harleigh? glenn an hour ago
glenn, it is as mind-numbingly complex as the arguments that flew around when it was made OK for News media to lie! A disgusting situation. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – As I”ve mentioned, the polls from the 2016 election were very accurate, predicting around a 3% lead for Hillary and she came in very close to that. It was the Electoral College that perverted the popular vote. Dems know that now, they also have taken over the Gov seats in most of those states and the effort to suppress voting and other crooked things that helped Trump won’t be available to Repubs as much. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–EVERY Dem must get behind the Dem nominee, no matter how flawed that nominee may be. Those flaws will not hand a candle to the TLB’s outright criminality, and Dems need to understand that. I said during the 2016 election that it was important to have a Dem president because of all of the judgeships open across the country. The traitor, MM, has filled many of them with unqualified judges and/or judges with extreme right-wing views. Dems need to step up their game on voting! glenn an hour ago
not so good. my VWGTI only has 80k on it and it blew up… on the last day of the contract I was on. shit. lol Harleigh an hour ago
I would love to see the kind of ban that was placed on Russia’s athletes for cheating, placed on any Russian or Satellite country’s social media access. Put any Russian bullshit into Social Media Jail until they come clean and play clean. Won’t happen , but I can wish pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – There may be some things that are hard to divine between criminal behavior and free speech but bots promoting lies aren’t one of them. There are slander laws on the books, false advertising, etc. All of which can easily be applied once guidelines are established. And users may need to have their identities confirmed to block criminal users, a necessary price to stop this assault. The option for people seeking privacy is to leave FB and Twitter which are, in the end, exploiting their users more than providing positive impacts. AdLib an hour ago
PPO–Exactly. I’m so sick of people thinking that any issue can be solved without complex, nuanced debate. And debate in “good faith” for lack of a better term. Arguments that are based on logic, clear facts, and even the long-ranging consequences of those arguments. But, sigh…..I’m not sure we’ll EVER get past the hyper-partisanship in our country. At least not while I’m still alive, anyway. glenn an hour ago
glenn – I have disliked Schumer from the start, he never fails to fail for the Dems. He is awful, he makes Neville Chamberlain look like a rebel. AdLib an hour ago
Ad–agreed. I’m encouraged by the Dem takeovers of many states. Not all of the country has joined the TLB cult. glenn an hour ago
PPO – I think the Equal Time Rule needs to be applied, let all news outlets present the full truth and that would put Fox News out of business. AdLib an hour ago
So Demented Donny of over 14,000 lies in 3 years, impresses mostly paid for audiences by calling his probable opponents little kid names, law enforcement agents ‘scum’, and white supremacist Nazis ‘very good people’ as all of the free world allies and leaders laugh at him and his demented ravings. His 75 word vocabulary is the ‘best’ words as he makes up words like bigly, hamberders, covfefe and a military honor ‘Combat Infantroopen Badge’. His cult of repubeliekkklan fascist Nazi morons must be defeated in 2020 so VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!!! Harleigh an hour ago
Harleigh–Oh no! How do those damn machines know when the contract is up? glenn an hour ago
HArleigh – is it one of the VWs that they got caught fiddling the emissions with? Maybe VW will give you a replacement! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–LOL–great line about Schumer. glenn an hour ago
nope. just a pos car. Harleigh an hour ago
glenn – Absolutely and I am confident it will happen. Whatever hurt feelings there are when the candidates Dems support lose to the eventual nom, the focus will be pulled by Trump to his awfulness and people will be energized to do the only thing they can to stop him, rally and vote for the Dem. AdLib an hour ago
hahaha glenn. it was Anthem AEP insurance ended 12/7 Harleigh an hour ago
glenn, probably inserted into the car’s computer! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
It’s on it’s 3RD PUTER! Harleigh an hour ago
H, surely you can holler about that! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – It’s hard to block anyone from accessing a public site because they can use VPNs or bounce their IP through many other countries so their origin is hard to track. But setting up a system of rules that will block every user account that can’t be confirmed or that violates rules such as slander and promoting dishonest propaganda would shut them down no matter what. AdLib an hour ago
Ad, that would surely be better than today. Hope it happens, and soon. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
Ad–those are good places to start. I’m not demented enough to come up with counter-arguments for what are common-sense, logical policies, IMO. However, right-wingers can always be counted on to come up with something, just as they did with separation of church and state, re birth control. glenn an hour ago
glenn – The problem is, when candidates are front runners, they always try to protect their lead and avoid details on issues. SO how do you have substantive debates when someone like Biden intentionally avoids giving voters any details? It’s not easy, I think all candidates should be aggressive in challenging the positions each other holds…without attacking them as people. AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh–couldn’t agree more! glenn an hour ago
So now Boris the Bulgarian has carte blanche to leave the EU. Boy, has he a surprise waiting for when he tries to make a separate Trade deal with Mr BLobby! the UK is DOOMED, Captain, DOOMED! pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – Dems are favored repeatedly over Trump in most national and state polls. Dems are in power in many Swing States Hillary lost in 2016, Trump will get less votes and as long as Dems push to get Obama-level or 2018-level votes out, we will beat Trump. AdLib an hour ago
Harleigh – That is a fantastic comment!

AdLib an hour ago
Ad, IMO, the people who need to get out and vote WITH the Dems are the “never trumpers” and the people who, daily, condemn the TLB, yet remain as republicans. They better start putting their votes where their mouths are. Other pundits on the discussion panels need to start pushing them to encourage repubs to vote the “other side” just to save our democracy. glenn an hour ago
glenn – But if Dems can win unified control in DC in 2020, the Repubs will not have the power to stop this regulation and breakup of Facebook et al. Of course, the filibuster will need to be ended but nowadays, it’s for the best. AdLib an hour ago
Uk, Australia and the USA all now have leaders who ignore Constitutions, separation of Church and State, trample over norms of behavior dealing with allies, welsh on deals, become dictators aided by the Conservatives and commit crimes daily without consequence. How can we stop them? pinkpantheroz an hour ago
PPO – Boris The Vulgarian. The racist frothing is already rising in the UK, have heard reports. The election has unleashed hateful bigotry like never before. So much ugliness to come in the UK. AdLib an hour ago
Agree 100%, glenn. pinkpantheroz an hour ago
His dementia is getting worse and worserer. C’mon folks. An obese ugly vag neck old man in a Twitter tantrum war with a 16 year old girl about a magazine award??!!!! 90 tweets on one day before noon!! This is not sane behavior at all. Harleigh an hour ago
True, Ad, but he is the GOP’s Looneybin, so that’s all right, then pinkpantheroz an hour ago
glenn – I hope they do but I don’t trust the Never Trumpers. I have seem some of them who are pundits hesitate on if they would vote for Warren if she was the nominee and push very hard for Bloomberg and Biden who they see as very Republicanesque. They don’t want Dems to win, they just resent that the GOP power was taken from them by Trump. AdLib 44 minutes ago
Sorry, Meant Harleigh! pinkpantheroz 44 minutes ago
Harleigh–as PPO says, it was inserted into the car’s computer. The third one was the “charm” with the automatic “planned obsolescence” built in! HA! How do you like that conspiracy theory? glenn 44 minutes ago
ITS TRUE GLENN!!! Harleigh 43 minutes ago
And anyway, the voters who help Dems win big, as in 2018, are those most prone to vote Dem who don’t come out for every election. Like minorities, women, younger voters. Not Repubs or “moderates”. AdLib 42 minutes ago
Ad–I think it’s possible for total Dem control of DC, but not sure it’s probable. How many seats do we have to flip in the Senate to gain control? Do you know? glenn 42 minutes ago
Harleigh and glenn, just goes to show how dependent we have all become on computers in virtually every item we use daily. And how easy it is to get them to go rogue. pinkpantheroz 41 minutes ago
7 SEN seats… Harleigh 41 minutes ago
PPO–Voting helps, but I do believe that once the pendulum swings too far to the right, people will finally realize that they have been duped. glenn 40 minutes ago
PPO – The Rule of Law has been gravely disabled in all of these countries. It will take a strong and principled US President and a tough AG to repair the damage and insist that the Rule of Law be respected in this country and all countries we work with. We can’t control other countries but we can pressure them through example. AdLib 40 minutes ago
only 7??????? Wow! seems few, but probably not easy. I’d love McConnell to be ousted, if he’s up this time. pinkpantheroz 40 minutes ago
Harleigh–LOL! glenn 39 minutes ago
Harleigh–only 7? That’s great news. Dems need to VOTE! glenn 39 minutes ago
PPO–Yes MM is up this time as is Graham. glenn 38 minutes ago
I hazard a guess that GOTV this time is the highest of priorities. pinkpantheroz 38 minutes ago
Harleigh – You can’t imagine how much I hope for Trump to break down on camera and destroy his image. Eyes rolling back, soiling his pants and speaking in baby talk that makes no sense…wait a minute…he’s already doing that! He wears Depends! AdLib 37 minutes ago
glennm culd we get that lucky and bounce the pair of skunks? pinkpantheroz 37 minutes ago
Ad–The rule of law definitely needs to be re-established in this country first. America first for the rule of law! glenn 37 minutes ago
glenn – Joni Ernst’s seat just became added as a possible pickup, she’s been exposed for crookedly taking money and lobbying from her own “non-profit”. That’s of course criminal, even if Trump beat her to it. AdLib 36 minutes ago
Agree, Ad and glenn. Rule of LAW – and the balls to impose it— are essential in the US first, othewise The Great Depression 2.0 will occur pinkpantheroz 36 minutes ago
KY is a really ILLITERATE poor rural state. MM may win without a serious challenge. Harleigh 36 minutes ago
Ad–given the TLB’s antics at his recent rallies, with the slurring and dementia on full display, one can only hope that your scenario isn’t too much to imagine! And, now he’s been beaten by a 16-year-old girl! glenn 35 minutes ago
Ad–oh, please. Joni Ernst taking money from a non-profit is just another iteration of IOIYAR. glenn 34 minutes ago
Harleig – Dems only need to win 3 net seats to control the Senate if they win the WH. AdLib 34 minutes ago
glenn, Greta’s win must really get on Its Moobs! But his rantings are still designed to distract and divert attention from his and his families’ criminal acitivities pinkpantheroz 33 minutes ago
glenn – I don’t know, cultists willingly killed themselves to get on a meteor, never underestimate the potential for self-destruction by cultists. AdLib 33 minutes ago
And when, may I ask, will the FBI Scum slap the bracelets on the mope? A Consummation to be wished! pinkpantheroz 32 minutes ago
Harleigh–both things you say are true. There’s always hope, though. Although MM is probably much admired for standing up to the libs. glenn 32 minutes ago
The poor and uneducated are the tools of criminals, in politics or society. This is why Repubs oppose education and why we must keep working to support it. AdLib 31 minutes ago
Ad–not sure I understand what 3 net seats mean. What does Dems controlling the WH have to do with how many Senate seats needed to win? glenn 30 minutes ago
PPO–yeah, Greta really gets to the TLB. Don’t worry, the first prostitute will tell the TLB to “be best” and he’ll start being presidential. HA! glenn 29 minutes ago
glenn – Just when you think Repubs can’t sink lower into the gutter for supporting Trump, he attacks a principled 16 year old girl and they just go along with that…just a week after howling outrage at a 13 year old’s name being mentioned in a hearing who happened to be Trump’s son. And MealyAnia is a PoS, saying today through her spokeswoman that Greta asked to be attacked. She truly is as iimmoral and sick as Trump. AdLib 28 minutes ago
Oh Ad, I never underestimate the stupidity of cultists! That’s why I worry about the 2020 election. glenn 28 minutes ago
Ad–can’t disagree with anything you say about the repubs and the gutter. glenn 27 minutes ago
glenn – Right now, The Senate is 47 Dems to 53 Repubs. If Dems win just 3 seats, even if they lose 1 but win back 4, a net of 3, they will have 50 seats plus the VP, giving them the majority. AdLib 26 minutes ago
Well, gents, it’s getting to be time for me to mosey on. Glad to chat with you all tonight. Hope you can join us more often, Harleigh. I always enjoy your dry humor. Ad, PPO, see you next week, I hope. glenn 25 minutes ago
glenn – If the Senate is 50-50, the VP breaks the tie, VP is President of the Senate. AdLib 25 minutes ago
Ad, I remember the 50-70s, when one wage could feed, clothe and house a family, at the same time working for companies who gave great benefits and respected their staff, who’s efforts brought unimaginable riches to the shareholders and owners. Then came the Reaganomics, and the number crunchers who somehow persuaded the world that cutting wages, outsourcing manufacture overseas and screwing the staff with benefits was good for the bottom line. All this has to change back. Republin\cns need to be declared extinct, now! aand that’s my rant for today! pinkpantheroz 25 minutes ago
Wait glenn! AdLib 25 minutes ago
Okay, Ad, I thought that’s what you meant; just wanted to make sure! glenn 25 minutes ago
Okay, Ad, what am I waiting for? glenn 24 minutes ago
Wanted to pass some news along, Murph is undergoing a cardiac procedure, he wanted to let folks here know what was up and is hoping to be back here very soon. AdLib 24 minutes ago
nite glenn, right behind you. nite folks Harleigh 24 minutes ago
Ad, Please give Murph our love and prayers for a speedy recovery. pinkpantheroz 23 minutes ago
PPO – Will do, I knew folks here would want to know and wish him all the best. AdLib 23 minutes ago
good night all. see you next week. pinkpantheroz 23 minutes ago
Night PPO! AdLib 23 minutes ago
PPO–Like your rant. And, it wasn’t just the 50-70’s. My husband got a pension from Grumman and Boeing because he worked for them for so long. I got them for a while, but because he’s deceased, they ran out. But even up to the 2000’s, some companies were still paying pensions. glenn 22 minutes ago
glenn – This is so true and should be the Dem message. It doesn’t have to be like this. AdLib 22 minutes ago
Oh no, Ad. I’m so sorry to hear that about Murph. Please send him my very best, and tell him I’m thinking of him. glenn 21 minutes ago
I absolutely will glenn! AdLib 21 minutes ago
So…I’m leaving now, Ad. G’nite. glenn 20 minutes ago
Take care, glenn! See you next weekend. AdLib 20 minutes ago
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