Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then! AdLib 3 days ago
Hey PPO! AdLib 3 days ago
President Pelosi……… nice ring to that, eh? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
I’m good with that…leading up to President Warren. AdLib 3 days ago
Yum! How are you going with your Moot? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Trump has already confessed to these crimes. What more do Dems need? I’m glad they will build a robust case with documents and testimony to make Trump’s guilt overwhelming but they don’t need to. AdLib 3 days ago
I love it that Pence is in it up to his manicured neck pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
I like to paddle my boot through my moot with my foat. AdLib 3 days ago
I am thrilled about Pence being nailed! He is so guilty and so sneaky and deceptive about it. Trump broadcasts his guilt, Pence sneaks around in the shadows carryiing it along. AdLib 3 days ago
Did you see the Late Show with Stephen? He proposed the moat in 2006 in the Late Show! Name it the Stephen Colbert Moot. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Evenin’ gents! glenn 3 days ago
hiya glenn! Light growing bigger at the end of the tunnel perhaps? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
When the Dems come out with Articles of Impeachment, it can only be terribly damning about Trump. AdLib 3 days ago
Hi glenn! AdLib 3 days ago
I did see that, do enjoy Colbert! AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–Yup. There should be a laser focus on the Ukranian crime(s), plus one little obstruction of justice addenum for putting it on the top secret server. glenn 3 days ago
glenn – Well, Planet folks were calling for impeachment and we were confident public support would follow, all the doom and gloom scenarios would be proven wrong. Feels good to see things moving how we had hoped! AdLib 3 days ago
subpoenas flying into the WH grounds. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
So if Trump is buried in evidence and testimony and public opinion keeps moving against him for impeachment, do you think Senate Repubs might defect out of self-preservation and vote to remove Trump? AdLib 3 days ago
Ad, I think we need to, as Pelosi has now obviously done, proceed cautiously, yet quickly to keep the WH rattled and indicting themselves. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–I do love how quickly public support FOR impeachment has been moving! I have to admit, though, (that word is becoming almost as famous as “is”) that Pelosi was right to wait for the TLB to hand her the perfect impeachment. glenn 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, subpoenas flying, and the TLB and his crew are vowing to not obey the law AGAIN! glenn 3 days ago
I can imagine a possible scenario where the walls collapse on Trump, enough Repub Senators see their polls taking a hit for supporting him and they cut him loose. Not a probability IMO but a possibility. AdLib 3 days ago
Trading on the stock exchange has been bad, except for the makers of Pampers, who just go a huge order from the Republican Party pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–I’m not sure that 20 repubs will defect….However, if the Senate votes to not convict, then I believe Dems have a great opportunity and chance to turn the Senate. glenn 3 days ago
PPO – Agree 100%. The House Dems need to be professional but hit their deadlines to get Articles of Impeachment voted on and passed before the end of the year. Then who knows what tricks McConnell has up his sleeve but the damning of Trump will already have happened. AdLib 3 days ago
GOP Senators may end up being subpoena’ed themselves, if they conspired to deny legislation to address the controversies pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn – Pelosi didn’t know that this whistleblower would come out about such an easy to understand impeachable offense. As I wrote in my post, this was not Pelosi’s plan, she was backed into it by events and Dems in red districts moving forward on it. Either jump on the bandwagon or get run over by it. That said, I am gladd she landed strongly on it and is helping to push it forward as smartly as she and other Dems are. AdLib 3 days ago
Pelosi’s plan was to just keep the investigations going through the election and win in 2020. This threw a monkey wrench in her plans but it is working out for the best now. Starting impeachment on this one, clear crime is the absolute best approach Dems could have hoped for. AdLib 3 days ago
glenn, defections have started – Mitt Romney and Ben Sasse came out swinging at Trump today, in an effort at insulating themselves, according to Palmer. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–Enough repubs cutting the TLB loose is a long-shot possibility, but I do love the way the Dems are framing the impeachment inquiry as something they didn’t want to do, but that the TLB left them no choice. . glenn 3 days ago
Murph! pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Hi all. MurphTheSurf3 3 days ago
PPO–Love your comment on the stock market! glenn 3 days ago

pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO – I saw on Twitter, so take this with a grain of salt, that Trump wears Depends, needs to after years of substance abuse. I don’t quite think it’s true, I don’t see the connection but seeing how odd he stands and walks, maybe he just makes “dookies” in his “di-di”. AdLib 3 days ago
Hey Murph! AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–Yes, I read your post, and agree that she is acting smartly on it. Also, the repubs can’t say she was for impeachment for just any reason; she kept saying she had to wait (to the dismay of all of us impatient people). glenn 3 days ago
Oh, boy, has China stepped on Brokeahontas’ willy by saying they’re staying out of US internal politics! Hee Hee.. Who looks like the World Leaders now? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–yup. And it’s so fitting that the monkey wrench was thrown by none other than the TLB himself! glenn 3 days ago
glenn – I’m with you on that, some Senate Repubs may vote to convict Trump but McConnell could let the ones in Blue or Purple states vote that way, knowing it won AdLib 3 days ago
…won’t be enough. But then I do think, Dems will have a better argument for winning The “lawless” Senate. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, Mittens talks a good game, but when push comes to shove, what will his vote be? glenn 3 days ago
Hey Murph! How goes it? glenn 3 days ago
There must be something in the air on the WH lawn that forces him to tell the truth inadvertently. Ghost of Presidents past? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, imagine another country practicing that thing called….what is it again….oh yeah, it’s called diplomacy! glenn 3 days ago
PPO – It’s promising to see in just the first week, Repub Senators backing away from Trump and many trying to hide away from the press so they don’t have to go on record. In an impeachment trial though, they will have to go on record and so many of them are already dreading it. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–I read that about the Depends too. And the years of substance abuse may be the reason he slurs and sways sometimes. glenn 3 days ago
glenn – The majority of Americans know Pelosi was preventing impeachment, that she didn’t want it, which makes them look earnest now that they’re doing it for a simple-to-understand reason. AdLib 3 days ago
glenn – I know some Dems were worried about being seen as being too political in impeaching Trump but that very worry and holding off for so long seems to have prevented that beiing an issue. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–Don’t know how really “promising” it is about the cowardly repubs hiding from the press. I will only see it as promising when they stop hiding, deflecting, defending, and start standing up for the Constitution. Right now, they’re not doing anything except hiding, which isn’t promising, in my book. glenn 3 days ago
Another word that may come in handy, like diplomacy, is Detinue, a tort where someone(Drumpf) retains possession of something belonging to another, following orders to return it. So the bugger cannot stay if removed or voted out of office. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO – It sure feels to me that China wants Trump out of office, he’s caused them a lot of economic damage. If they tried to interfere in 2020, I think it would be to help Dems and bring back stability to the world economy. No incentive to help Trump so I doubt they make a trade deal with him. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–Yes, it certainly is a simple-to-understand reason, and in case they don’t understand the reason, they need to read the tweet from the head of the FEC. “Is this thing on?” was just priceless! glenn 3 days ago
Just wanted to sample your discussion tonight. I picked up a bad cough and am dealing with it as best I can. So I will read along. MurphTheSurf3 3 days ago
Could be, Ad. Maybe China is fed up with WH being too much Putin’s house. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Murph, no prob. Watch that it doesn’t develop into pneumonia. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
I have asthma and pneumonia is always a concern. Thanks PPO. MurphTheSurf3 3 days ago
glenn – Trump not only threw the monkey wrench, he pulled the rope on his own guillotine. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–Although I wish fervently for the TLB’s removal from office, it is also quite worrying what he will actually do if the Senate actually votes to convict him and remove him from office. glenn 3 days ago
glenn, don’t worry, the USSS has procedures. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO – Maybe Wonder Woman’s lasso was cleverly buried under the WH lawn? AdLib 3 days ago
…or The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Murph–sorry to hear about your cough. Hopefully, you can join in….but if you can’t, we’re just glad you’re here! glenn 3 days ago
Thanks Glenn. I am just following the discussion. MurphTheSurf3 3 days ago
Ad–yup. Also, he hoist his own petard! glenn 3 days ago
glenn – The constant sniffing Trump does is from snorting coke, Aderall, etc frequently over the years. I’ve seen people with that issue before. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–The USSS may have procedures, but they have never had to use the ones for removal of a sitting president. glenn 3 days ago
Ad–There’s no doubt in my mind that the TLB has misused some sort of substance in his life at some time in addition to misusing his education. glenn 3 days ago
glenn – It’s promising because Senate Repubs are proving that they’re scared. They don’t want to come out in support of “their” president for fear they’ll ose their seats for doing so. And fearful of what the mountain of evidence will look like. If they’re already scared and will have to vote on impeachment, they could be prepped to convict him. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad, after having to protect this POS, I reckn the SS are salivating on frogmarching the cretin out and perpwalking him into Bad History pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
sorry glenn pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn – Yes, the head of the FES is great. And her views really indict Barr and the DoJ for refusing to investigate the criminal complaint sent to them on Trump and his criminal gang. AdLib 3 days ago
And, of course, there is always Rudi! Snigger pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Barr may very well be impeached along with Pompeo and Pence! Pence first though so President Pelosi can step in and take the rest down. AdLib 3 days ago
Well, hacking away here…time to give it up. Hope to see you all next week. Murph MurphTheSurf3 3 days ago
Ad–I hope that Schumer and every other Dem senator are talking to their colleagues calmly and politely, reminding them of their oaths of office, and the importance of defending our democracy. As you say, they need “prepping” and I hope the Dem senators are setting forth a united push to prep them. glenn 3 days ago
Yu take care, now, Murph pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
G’night, Murph. Feel better soon. glenn 3 days ago
Sorry you’re not feeling well, Murph! AdLib 3 days ago
Wonder what evil McConnell is hatching in his slimy mind to avoid getting nailed. Hopefully nothing. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, I hope they’re practicing who is going to cuff him, who is going to hold which arm, and which foot, as they carry him out! glenn 3 days ago
glenn, there’s a pool, $100 in! pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn – We’re going to have to deal with Trump’s refusal to go no matter how it happens. Impeachment, losing in 2020, he’ll go nuts a bit and he’ll refuse to go but once he’s legally no longer president, the new president will have full power to order his removal by law enforcement (marshalls) anyway. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad, I’m betting he doesn’t realise that pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO–Well, the turtle is already fund-raising off the possibility of an impeachment. And from what I can understand, he will hold a vote, but he is doing his best to hold other repubs in line. This is where Dem prepping needs to come in. glenn 3 days ago
PPO – Imagine all the people in the IC and law enforcement who would want to be at the front of the line to drag Trump out of the WH. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–LOL! glenn 3 days ago
Yes, glenn, but I wonder how many Senators have realised they’re backing the wrong turtle now and want to back away from his stench? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–do you worry about any of his supporters becoming violent? glenn 3 days ago
PPO – Rudy is so busted. He broke so many laws, meddling in foreign affairs, he will be prosecuted and imprisoned when a Dem takes the WH. What a raving lunatic he is. AdLib 3 days ago
glenn, the Marines are modifying Marine one with an Executive ejector seat. Wonder who that’s for? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–I truly can’t wait to see the pics of the TLB leaving the White House, no matter how he leaves it. I am beginning to have hope that if the repubs don’t convict him, that he will lose big in the election. glenn 3 days ago
glenn – I’d have to imagine that all Dems in Congress right now are very thoughtful about the power they’re wielding now and how responsible they need to be about it. The good thing is that Trump has already done all the work for them in proving his crimes. How on Earth did he think the notes of the call would be a good thing for him? And asking for foreign interference in our elections in front of news cameras? He is a moron. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–Sadly, I think many Senators realized a long time ago that they are backing the wrong turtle, but they’re just too cowardly to admit it. glenn 3 days ago
glenn, When he leaves the WH, there will be the biggest, yuuugest crowd there to wish………er make sure he goes! pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
So, I don’t know if their realization(s) will turn into votes…. glenn 3 days ago
Surely McConnell’s power is on the wane now. How could it not be? pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO – I think McConnell will try to short circuit the trial in The Senate but that is very risky. He may try to limit the time of a trial to a couple of days or something sabotaging ike that. But Dems will win out. AdLib 3 days ago
When Trump leaves the WH, in cuffs, carried out or cowardly sneaking out after threatening not to go, it will be a day of great drunkeness and celebration around the world. AdLib 3 days ago
Trump will at last have a building named after him, a new Trump Unit at Attica to hold him and all his criminal cohorts pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–Yes, I am really proud of the Dems, especially Schiff, in being thoughtful and responsible with the power the TLB has given to them. As for your questions about the TLB’s motivations, I truly think he truly thinks he thought he wasn’t doing anything wrong. After all, he got away with it with Russia, so why not do it again? Now that he’s actually realized that he has committed a crime, he is trying to “normalize” the crime by asking for interference in front of the cameras, and projecting that every other president has done what he is doing. Since he’s never read the Constitution, and wouldn’t understand it even if he could read it, he seems to believe he has “absolute rights” to do whatever he deems is right. He has never understood the powers nor the limitations of the office he holds. glenn 3 days ago
The way I think it would have to happen is that Repub Senators see their polls going against them along with Trump’s. If Trump is dragging them down to lose their races, they are not loyal or principled, they would gnag up on McConnell and tell him they can’t help protect Trump. McConnell will have no choice in that scenario, that’s how it would need to go I think. AdLib 3 days ago
PPO–I agree, huuuge crowds! glenn 3 days ago
PPO – I was thinking they could rename a federal waste disposal unit after Trump but a prison works too. AdLib 3 days ago
Schiff has been masterful so far in driving the latest narrative. Good for him pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–There is no doubt in my mind that the turtle will try to think of some way to sabotage to trial in the Senate. Maybe use the excuse that because it’s so close to the election, that “we ought to let the American people decide.” I wouldn’t put it past him. glenn 3 days ago
Ad, You might be right about him sneaking out the Tunnel to the Treasury, like the cowardly rat he is. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn, I’m sure he’s scuttling around looking at all the options. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn – I agree that Trump is so ignorant, he couldn’t know how criminal his acts were. But I also think Trump has this God-Mentality that he can just say, “Yeah, I did this, so what?!” and he’s so powerful and feared, everyone will eventually have to back down and he will again avoid all consequences for his actions. He has good reason to be lulled into a false sense of security that he’s untouchable…and sometimes people are, until they’re not. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad, hIt cannot go on, surelyope so, really hope so. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–I see your scenario, and hope it happens, although I really doubt that 20 repubs will actually do that. I think they’d rather take their chances on an election. However, I’ve been wrong before, and you’ve been correct, so what do I know? I’m only a retired third-grade teacher! glenn 3 days ago
Oh don’t know what happened there! pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
glenn – But McConnell may knwo that the blowback in KY, if a majority sees him as rigging a Constitutional process that most people support, he could be toast in his election. I don’t think his seat is that safe in a landslide year for Dems. AdLib 3 days ago
glenn, none of us know for sure until it pans out. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–Agreed about the celebration once the TLB goes. I don’t drink, but I will definitely have a glass of wine….or two…or….once he is out of office! glenn 3 days ago
PPO – The only way I can really imagine Trump leaving the WH after refusing to go is sneaking out when no one can see him give up. He will be the biggest loser and failure in U.S. history and for someone who is only about being a “winner”, he won’t be able to handle that. AdLib 3 days ago
Twitter is reporting that Turtlehead is already promising that the Senate won’t vote to remove Trump. Promising. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
Ad–I’m not defending him by any means, but the TLB has gotten with so much during his lifetime, and during his time in office that I agree that he thinks he can do whatever he wants. Your last sentence says it all….”until they’re not.” glenn 3 days ago
glenn – It’s less likely than Repubs walking off the impeachment cliff with Trump but possible. AdLib 3 days ago
Ad–Oh, please let the turtle get defeated bigly, along with the TLB. An election double! glenn 3 days ago
PPO – But iis he saying he will try to prevent a vote or that they will vote against convicting him? AdLib 3 days ago
on a side note, has anyone else noticed how Chuck (never met a bad GOPer) Todd is panicking and beginning to backslide? Painfully obvious to me. Ah, Tim, You’re so missed. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, I saw that about the turtle, too. That’s why I’m just not convinced there are 20 repubs who will vote the TLB out. Just as Pelosi knows her caucus, I believe the turtle knows his, too. As you say, we won’t know until it pans out. glenn 3 days ago
Ad–I can answer that…he’s saying that the Senate won’t vote to convict. glenn 3 days ago
Ad, can’t see verbatim from McC right now pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
PPO–Yeah, chuckie went on and on about what how disgraceful it is what the TLB did, and then in his next segment, had on a stupid woman who was denying climate change. glenn 3 days ago
PPO – Yes! I can’t stand Chuckie the Toddler but I saw his show yesterday when he started his show by declaring the country was in a real constitutional crisis. He pushed the emergency button, it was very surprising but I think reflects how Repubs (like Todd) see this is a total disaster as our institutions collapse all around us. AdLib 3 days ago
Well, gents, time for me to call it a night. Hope you all have a good weekend, take care. glenn 3 days ago
glenn – Give it a little time, impeachment just started last week. After months and mountains more of evidence and testimony, those 20 Senators could materialize. AdLib 3 days ago
glenn – Then it’s just BS from McConnell. Trying to look brave as he pees in his pants. He knows that impeachment will be a wrecking ball, false bravery now or wishful thinking, whatever it is, won’t do much good if 20 Repub Senators fear losing their seats. AdLib 3 days ago
oh, missed glenn. Sorry, phone call. Well I’d better tootle off as well. see u next week, Ad. pinkpantheroz 3 days ago
I can feel the panic right now in the Repubs who speak out on impeachment right now. AdLib 3 days ago
See you then PPO! Have a great rest of your weekend! AdLib 3 days ago
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