Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events, begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 6 days ago
CU soon
6 days ago
Seeya then!
AdLib 6 days ago
Here early tonight. Campaign duties ended early.
6 days ago
Hey Murph! Good to see you!
AdLib 6 days ago
How are things going?
AdLib 6 days ago
hi murph, Ad
6 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 6 days ago
How can anyone believe the Saudi lies?
AdLib 6 days ago
I’m calling, as much as I can, for everyone to boycott anything saudi.
6 days ago
I’ve also suggested that Turkey rename the street where the Saudi Consulate is – Jamal Khashoggi street!
6 days ago
MbS is evil as Trump. Boycott SA!
AdLib 6 days ago
Hello PPO, Glenn and Ad
6 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 6 days ago
Evenin’ gents. Good to “see” you all.
6 days ago
6 days ago
The problem is that trump and MbS dont care at all what we think
6 days ago
PPO – I’m hoping that Turks release that audio of the murder and blow up the Saudi lies.
AdLib 6 days ago
The flocking lying bully is such a coward.
6 days ago
glenn – He can go flock himself.
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad–it would be great if the Turks did release the audio; but I’m really not sure they really have one.
6 days ago
Apparently, they have released 3 minutes of it, not the full 7 minutes it took too torture Jamal to death. Haven’t heard from anywhere yet.
6 days ago
Ad–agreed. And twice on Sunday.
6 days ago
Here in Mo. virtually no one has heard about any of this…and those who have generally dismiss the matter as left wing propaganda.
6 days ago
glenn – They have put out a lot of details that SA couldn’t refute, they would have if they could have. I think they’ve got it.
AdLib 6 days ago
… and the Arab he rode in on!
6 days ago
PPO–Really? To whom did they release it? Not questioning you; just curios.
6 days ago
Ad–good to know. I really do hope they have one with all of the details.
6 days ago
Seems to be European. If BBC, they won’t release much, due to May sucking up to MbS
6 days ago
Murph – Have they heard how all Repubs are now claiming they support the ACA and pre-existing conditions?
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph – Hawley is lying to Repubs in MO like they’re morons about supporting pre-existing conditions. He’s fighting right now to end them!
AdLib 6 days ago
It will be interesting to watch/listen to the lying bully in the oval office twist himself in lies, denials, and outright bullshit to cover up for the Saudis. But…money…
6 days ago
PPO–interesting. So May is just as much a suck up as our lying bully, heh?
6 days ago
PPO – Hate to say it because it’s so horribe but the audio should be released so the world can know what a monster SA and MbS are.
AdLib 6 days ago
Hawley’s people say that the suit he put forth is an effort to clear away the mess that is ACA to make way for a far better program that does as he promises.
6 days ago
Daily express london reports: “Yeni Safak, a pro-government newspaper, said Khashoggi, a Washington Post columnist who was critical of the authoritarian kingdom’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, was tortured and killed after entering the building on October 2. The newspaper published an account from audio recordings which they said reveled interrogators severing Khashoggi’s fingers while torturing him before he died.”
6 days ago
Yeni is a turkish paper
6 days ago
Ad–great question! Those 65 times they tried to repeal the ACA don’t count. Time began for republicans on Jan. 20, 2017, dontcha know?
6 days ago
Murph–so when do we get to see Hawley’s “far better plan”?
6 days ago
glenn, more so! Britain sells huge to SA, Rolls royces, bentleys, Jags, Arms, Art. Huge trade
6 days ago
Glenn….shortly after the midterms, of course.
6 days ago
Murph – So Repubs in MO don’t see how stupid it would be to believe, “I’m going to take your medical care away now so you can have it later.”?
AdLib 6 days ago
PPO–The account of Khashoggi’s killing is so damn brutal and inhumane. It’s just unbelievable that people are capable of that in this day and age.
6 days ago
PPO…Daily Express account intriguing…
6 days ago
Murph–gee, not on “day one” after the midterms?
6 days ago
glenn, Trump and his cohorts around the world are making such atrocities possible by their rhetoric
6 days ago
PPO – There is no way that the Saudi lies about this can stand a minute more if that tape is released publicly. Maybe a Dem-controlled House will have to do that?
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad…I guess you do know some of my fine fellow “show me” staters…..yep, that stupid.
6 days ago
Glenn…day one, now that would be bragging….modesty precludes such grandiose promising.
6 days ago
PPO–Well, money talks all over the world doesn’t it? Like the song says, “Money makes the world go round”.
6 days ago
And then Trump cheers on the beating of an American journalist last night at his rally? Trump would go after the press with violence in a heartbeat if he could find way to get away with it.
AdLib 6 days ago
Glenn….Money talks But it don’t sing and dance And it don’t walk ….
6 days ago
Ad, no one is willing to contemplate a 60+ gent getting into a punchup with 15 ‘security’ gorillas.
6 days ago
PPO–I get what you’re saying, but the sheer brutality isn’t necessary to kill someone, no matter what the lying bully’s rhetoric is.
6 days ago
Ad….be fair…as our fair president says….The GOP is for Jobs, the Dems are for Mobs!
6 days ago
Murph–LOL! Of course, republicans are so “humble”.
6 days ago
Murph – Maybe you can tell these Hawley supporters that if they give you $500 now, you’ll give them a better $500 later on? Then donate it all to McCaskill?
AdLib 6 days ago
Glenn….Humble Trump sets the tone.
6 days ago
Ad–yup. The lying bully never fails to lower himself into the gutter, and his cultists cheer him on and follow him into it.
6 days ago
Ad….they would never believe me…..after all I am a “lib.”
6 days ago
Murph, Drumpf is humble, bigly. It’s an instinct, y’know.
6 days ago
Murph–good one! Money may not sing and dance or walk, but it sure does lead the lying bully around by the ass!
6 days ago
PPO – I think you’re right, turning Khashoggi, the victim, into the “bad guy” responsible was the obvious and moronic play. It makes no sense and doesn’t explain bringing a bone saw to a friendly interview. Or disappearing the body of the bad guy who started the fight.
AdLib 6 days ago
Sidenote…..I walked out of a funeral service yesterday…..when the preacher decided that it was his duty to call on all of “so and so’s” friends to honor his wishes and vote for the Republican ticket in God’s Name. Sadly, I was one of a small handfull.
6 days ago
Murph–yeah, forgot about how humble the lying bully is.
6 days ago
Ad….now I understand that Kashoggi was killed in a fight between himself and 15 others in the consulate that was so violent that his body was torn to pieces…..and that seems to be best they can do.
6 days ago
Murph–it’s so sad that supposed Christians would support the policies of republicans.
6 days ago
Glenn…support and prise god for it.
6 days ago
Murph–yeah, when you get into a fight with bone saws, it tends to become violent.
6 days ago
Murph – More like Dems are for rules and Repubs are for fools.
AdLib 6 days ago
HOw millions of Americans can be so blinkered is beyond the apprehension of the rest of the world.
6 days ago
Ad–great slogan!
6 days ago
Ad….love it…..I have turned to regularly telling the most ardent on the right that they have three options in my mind: admit they are zealots, admit they are fools, or admit they are paid.
6 days ago
PPO–It’s beyond my comprehension, too, and most of sane Americans. It still blows my mind that our country is being ruled by a mob of less than half of the people in the U.S.
6 days ago
Murph – It is sad that slef-proclaimed “religious” people in many cases support the better devils out there than our better angels.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph, it is the Women who conflusticate me most of all. How could they?
6 days ago
Murph–admit they are paid? Naw, that’s only Dems that get paid by Soros. Do you have his phone number by any chance? I’m still waiting for my check.
6 days ago
Murph – I think their first story was that he grabbed the bone saw and cut himself up then buried himself in different locations.
AdLib 6 days ago
PPO..a neighbor told me that she was enraged that her two daughters had informed her that they could not support the GOP because of its position on so many women’s issues…..she wondered how she had gone wrong and then blamed people like me for corrupting them.
6 days ago
Thanks glenn!
AdLib 6 days ago
Dear God, Murph! and it’s the grown ups that should have the wisdom. Sigh1
6 days ago
PPO–My question, too. How can any woman support him? It seems though, that the tide is finally turning as there are several articles out there about how finally! college educated women are turning on the lying bully. Though how they could have ever supported them in the first place is beyond me.
6 days ago
Cheers Murph! But being that Trump and the GOP and Russia and The Saudis have demonstrated that the end always justifies the means, they’ll just lie and deny.
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad–well that theory makes as much sense as any other one they’ve put out.
6 days ago
glenn, the main culprit was the media during th primaries. They didn’t cop on to his strategies untill way too late.
6 days ago
Thanks Ad….I have become less polite of late….following the suggestion of our former AG to kick em.
6 days ago
Murph–You corrupter, you! Good on ya!
6 days ago
Ad–the end and the money always justify the means. Don’t forget the money!
6 days ago
Ratings for Trumppies Rallies continue to fall…..his announced intention to rent the largest venues in each state he visits have so far not been born out….he rents mid sized to small venues…and even those do not fill.
6 days ago
Murph–keep kickin’.
6 days ago
Did anyone watch Beto’s town hall last night?
6 days ago
Glenn…..I will try to keep at it through election day. I am focused on getting Claire reelected…..
6 days ago
Murph–please don’t take this the wrong way, but I just love you!
6 days ago
glenn – We are ruled by the army of the wealthy who have corrupted our democracy to serve their interests. The only thing that can defeat them is the majority rising up and that is what is happening now as the Blue Wave nears. Despite all the MSM BS, FiveThirtyEight has the probability of Dems winning the House getting more and more likely, the highest numbers I’ve seen yet.
AdLib 6 days ago
Glenn…I watched highlights….an impressive guy who when asked if he was interested in running for president said that he was not until he had the experience to make him worthy of the office and had been tested in crisis in government.
6 days ago
Murph, no one but local stations carry his rallies, except for his more stupid lies.
6 days ago
Murph–can’t wait to see the rally with the lying bully and lying ted. Two liars rent an arena…
6 days ago
Glenn…highly complimented…luv ya right back…we who live in the midst of the red blight have to love each other.
6 days ago
If the Drumpf Administration were a reality show, and the ratings were dropping, ……. oh, sorry!
6 days ago
Murph – That is the resonse of a cultist, who sees the awareness of others as a betrayal.
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad–I know, I’m seeing the press finally telling it like it is, too. Of course, we have to really get out the vote, because of the repubs’ greater emphasis on voter suppression. I’m still shaking my head at the fact, here in GA., that the person who counts the votes is running in the election. Mind-boggling.
6 days ago
glenn – Yes, watched Beto on CNN Town Hall, he was solid, genuine, human, honest, all things Trump and Cruz aren’t.
AdLib 6 days ago
Glenn….there are several black communities in my very red county that date back to the reconstruction…..voting in those communities has always been discouraged and suppressed…….and, out of fear for good reason, this remains the same today. 2018….150 years after the civil war.
6 days ago
Murph–I watched the whole thing. Like you, I think he is impressive. I also liked his answer about impeaching the lying bully. He likened impeachment to an indictment and said he wants to see what Mueller comes up with, and that the Senate has to do an investigation also, especially on the emoluments clause, and the collusion with Russia. He’s a very impressive young man.
6 days ago
Murph – When Fox News stops running Trump rallies, you know the “magic” is over. Trump thinks he can just repeat what he did in 2016 to beat Dems in 2018, he’s about to be smacked upside the head by reality. His days are over, his act has grown tired and only the dumbest of the dumb and the most hateful are listening anymore.
AdLib 6 days ago
The Senate will never do such an investigation as long as there are 51 GOP votes.
6 days ago
Ad….as always, hope your crystal ball is crystal clear.
6 days ago
Lots of love going around The Planet…that’s the antidote to Trump’s evil.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph–since we’re on songs tonight…to paraphrase one…what those of us living in the midst of the red blight need is love. And votes for Dems!
6 days ago
Hey Jenuwin!
AdLib 6 days ago
Hi Funk!!!
AdLib 6 days ago
Glenn….sing that song.
6 days ago
6 days ago
HOWDY Funk and zjen….
6 days ago
6 days ago
Here in Oz, there is a bye-election to fill the seat vacated by ex-Prime minister Malcolm (Value $50M) Turnbull , of the local GOP. Early surveys give it to a Labor candidate in the Blue Ribbon Liberal (GOP) Seat. BIG overturn!
6 days ago
hi funk and Jen
6 days ago
glenn – The House, under Dems, can do that investigation and any investigation…and they will!
AdLib 6 days ago
Pink, that’s good news. Aussies need to get some stability in their government
6 days ago
PPO….I wonder if the world is awakening to the reality of incipient fascism.
6 days ago
Murph–it’s just so frustrating to watch repubs suppress votes in the name of….whatever excuse there is this week.
6 days ago

Hi PPO and everyone!
6 days ago
Ad…they key for Dems will be that they be very fair handed in those investigations and painfully transparent.
6 days ago
Glenn, its a vicious circle. As the GOP gets more extreme, by necessity they need more extreme people willing to forgo norms and ethics if not law to accomplish their goals. The worse that group of people gets, the easier and more likely it is for them to continue to break those norms and laws
6 days ago
Ad–isn’t it amazing that even foxsocallednews isn’t running the Nuremberg rallies any more? The lying bully has to keep repeating what he did in 2016; no one has given him his new marching orders yet. Except for the “civility” thing and the Dem mobs.
6 days ago
glenn – What’s going on in GA is infuriating, in 2018, denying black people the vote, really? I have hope though that the anger this is generating can drive more determination among those who want to vote and though a court may nneed to step in to get votes counted afterwards, I hope Abrams and GA’s majority can prevail.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph, we’re also fighting the current Gummint over cuts to Taxes for the 1% here. (Wonder where they got that idea?)
6 days ago
Funk…I remain gobsmacked that the Trump core/base is the size that it…
6 days ago
PPO – That’s frustrating.
AdLib 6 days ago
PPO…we were promised that those tax cuts would stimulate the economy and shrink both the deficit and debt. That has never been the case and still is not.
6 days ago
Murph–I think what Beto was trying to say is that the Senate will have to take a look if the lying bully is impeached in the House. You know more about this than I, but if he is impeached in the house, doesn’t the Senate have to hold some kind of investigation or at least a hearing?
6 days ago
Same here, Murph, and we’re not buying it. We can point to the US as a perfect example of deficit blowout for no reason except to make the rich richer.
6 days ago
Murph, there was a good article in the Atlantic a couple of weeks ago that does a good job showing how very quickly very large groups of people can be co-opted like this
6 days ago
Murph – I have every confidence a Dem House’s investigations will be very professional and fair, they will be investigating major violations of The Constitution and other crimes, I can’t think of a Dem in the House who would be sloppy or dishonest about that…knowing that messing up gives Repubs and Trump the rope to hang them.
AdLib 6 days ago
6 days ago
Hey Funk and Jenuwin–I was typing and didn’t “see” you all come in.
6 days ago
Glenn…the Senate will have to have a trial…presided over by the Chief Justice……the problem…..given GOP control it will be a sham trial which they will use to make the case that Trump is being persecuted…
6 days ago
Ad–exactly. What’s even more infuriating to me is that Kemp is allowed to keep his job as SOS. I’ve written several letters to the Atlanta Journal Constitution asking why they aren’t demanding Kemp’s resignation. No answers yet.
6 days ago
Funk…i will look for that article….clearly playing to anxiety, fear, prejudices and cultural issues is the key.
6 days ago
6 days ago
My goal this election season (other than electing Kim Schrier) is to keep encouraging Dem voters from becoming Deficit Trolls. The day we stop legitimizing the BS surrounding the size of deficits and debt the sooner our party can break its chains and start thinking big, instead of looking for pay-fors
6 days ago
glenn – That’s an important development. If Fox Spews stops running Trump rallies because of ratings, meaning less and less people want to watch and listen to him…people who were watching him before, that indicates a lessening of support for him as the Blue Wave gets bigger and stronger. I’d propose that Trump’s rallies will end up producing greater voting for Dems than Repubs.
AdLib 6 days ago
The media will follow public sentiment. If Trump gets his ass kicked enough, the adoring masses will begin to drift away
6 days ago
My fergie suggests that the States enact a law that requires employers to allow people to go and vote, with fines for those who do not.
6 days ago
Pink that’s a good suggestion.
6 days ago
Funk–you’ve described the vicious cycle perfectly. Norms and laws only apply to Dems these days. And, of course, only Dems are required to act with civility. If you’re a repub, you can even be indicted as that guy in CA and still run for office. Always, IOIYAR.
6 days ago
glenn – What Beto was saying is that there is already cause to hold impeachment hearings in the House to investigate Trump for violating laws and the Constitution. If their impeachment hearings don’t prove he’s done so, there won’t be an impeachment vote. If so, there will be.
AdLib 6 days ago
How many don’t vote because they fear they will lose their jobs, or wages
6 days ago
6 days ago
Funk…I do know that you are a Defict/Debt Dove (vs. Hawk)…what is the core argument that you use when you present this POV?
6 days ago
That real policy and change cannot and should not be held hostage to some arbitrary number because we aren’t smart enough to stop comparing an entity that can manufacture money out of thin air to our own household
6 days ago
Murph – As long as the facts get out to the public, Trump will be finished. Look at the Kavanaugh hearing, since Dr. Ford’s testimony got out to the public, despite the process being rigged and him getting on, polls today show a wide majority, like 51% – 41%, see Kavanaugh as a liar/unfit for the SCOTUS. Trump can’t be removed from office by The Senate because you need a 2/3 vote but he will be destroyed with the public as all the facts come out in a trial.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph–I’m drafting a letter to my reps asking this question. If nothing has changed with Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security since Dec. 2017, and the only change is the tax cut, then how can those three programs be “responsible” for the deficit when the only change has been the tax cut?
6 days ago
Just ‘saw’ your address in your name, Funk! Ouch!
6 days ago
Funk……don’t go to pieces…given your location…
6 days ago
glenn – It is unadulterated corruption and racism that Kemp is not prevented from trying to rig his own election against a black woman. The AJC must be too beholden to the status quo to step in. That is so wrong.
AdLib 6 days ago
Example: If we ran up a trillion dollar deficit because we launched Medicare for All vs. giving Trump 5 tax cuts, would that be worth it? Of course it would. Tens of millions of lives would be dramatically improved. Compare that to getting the deficit to “zero”. Why would that matter? How would that help tens of millions of people. It is not the size of the deficit, it is what the money was spent on.
6 days ago
Ad…..and Kavanaugh is still a justice for life……
6 days ago
Ad–thanks for the clarification. We really need to flip the House.
6 days ago
Glenn..the GOP holds that entitlement programs are always the cause of the deficits since they have no promise of production built into them….
6 days ago
The continued positioning of Kemp as the primary traffic cop in his own election campaign is an example of what worries me every day.
6 days ago
Funk – I think what Dems need to do though is respond to the Repubs’ attempt to use the deficit to cut SS/Medicare by saying that the repeal of the tax cuts is necessary and the revenue can reduce the deficit and fund infrastructure, Medicare-For-All, etc.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph – what a narrow view. More assistance in Medical and Soc Sec = Extra bodies on this earth = more voters to re-elect!
6 days ago
PPO – I’m with Fergie on that, I think Congress, under Dems and a Dem President after 2020, should pass a law making Election Day a national holiday so everyone can have the time to vote and get paid for that day.
AdLib 6 days ago
PPO–I’m not sure that many don’t vote for fear of losing jobs/wages. At least, I haven’t heard that being one of the reasons for not voting. Mostly the excuse is that both parties are the same; although that one is certainly not valid in this election.
6 days ago
Ad……one of my concerns about a Dem plan to cut the tax cuts is that those who benefited from it would sabotage the economy in a number of ways to win their side of the argument.
6 days ago
PPO….but the voters who would do as you suggest are not those the GOP really wants to preserve..even though many are actually in their base.
6 days ago
Ad, I think they should just say: “That’s baloney. You’ve never cared about the deficit. You only care about it when we try to use government to help people. That stops today. We aren’t going to talk about the deficit, we are going to talk about what goals our government spending should accomplish. You want to give our dollars to people like Donald Trump, we want to give it to people that actually deserve it”
6 days ago
Ad…both the GOP and Dems have, for many years, supported policy and practices that narrow access to the vote for those who oppose them and widen it for those who do not.
6 days ago
Ad, glenn, it was just t thought. Here in Oz, they actually do a dum thing! The schedule their elections on Weekends! Now how dumb is that? Especially when voting is compulsory here!
6 days ago
Funk….the trick of course is that for one to accept your statement one would really have to understand the underlying economics at work in this…..so few do….
6 days ago
Funk–I agree about the deficit. It’s just another right wing talking point that Dems have adopted to make them seem to be more fiscally “responsible”. Yet it’s the repub presidents who run up the deficit and the Dems who lower them. Dems need to learn to double down on talking points like repubs do.
6 days ago
Murph – But the problem with that Repub line is that Americans are paying into SS and Medicare, they are not absolute government payments. Medicare is insurance that we all buy and SS is a retirement plan we all contribute into. It was the borrowing from SS and the poor investment of funds along the way that has put it in this position. They are not a government giveaway, they are what we’ve paid for, Dems need to hamer that home.
AdLib 6 days ago
Murph, no doubt. BUT Dems don’t have to perpetuate the baloney. A good start is to stop hammering the GOP over the arbitrary size of deficits and simply address what they are using the money for.
6 days ago
Ad–I know. I think I’m the only person in GA who sees it that way. All this talk of him suppressing the vote, etc., is just nibbling around the edges of what’s really the point. As someone pointed in an AJC blog the other day; if Kemp loses this election after all the time he’s spent rigging it; then he is pathetic. I hope it turns out that he is pathetic.
6 days ago
An interesting discussion of the reality of national debt for the the U.S.
6 days ago
Murph – That’s a concern but how suicidal would corps really be when CEOs can lose their cushy pay and jobs for failing to improve quarter to quarter. I’d bank on their greed to stop them from sabotaging the economy and themselves.
AdLib 6 days ago
My personal opinion is that every Dem should be running on “Less Empire, more Home Town”. But oddly there aren’t a lot of Dems running on a peace platfrom
6 days ago
Funk–when are you running for office? Good stump speech!
6 days ago
Glenn there are a lot of states that are slowly but inexorably turning blue. They are trying to hang on for dear life. Once Texas and Georgia go, the GOP is done electorally.
6 days ago
Ad…AMericans do pay in to SS and Medicare but with the extended life span hardly anyone comes close to having payments match payout.
6 days ago
Glenn, a few too many skeletons in my closet. 🙂
6 days ago
Back back in a minute
6 days ago
Funk-here’s hoping at least GA goes blue. Would love to see TX go blue too, but it seems that lying ted is actually about 7-10 points ahead of beto. Go figure.
6 days ago
funk, isn’t that a requirement and asset these days? 

6 days ago
Funk – That works for me. But they could point to previous Dem admins to show they’ve had more fiscal responsibility and deficits have naturally gone down and personal income has gone up as budgets have been smartly handled. Not that deficit reduction should be the focus but that it would naturally be managed with good leadership. Repubs will always use the deficit as a hammer against Dems and fear monger about it, as long as it can be moderated, it takes that issue away. Even though repubs’ always exploding the deficit whould allow all to scream “STFU” at them if they even mention the word “deficit”.
AdLib 6 days ago
Ad….I hear you re. CEO pay….but that pay could be preserved even as the corp cuts jobs, undermines production, and shelters resources so they are not actively contributing ….. all to rebuild impetus behind tax cuts…..
6 days ago
Murph – I think, due to necessity, Dems will pass laws in 2021 that strenegthen and protect voting rights around the country. And all the new Dem Govs thos year will prevent these racist ploys in their states.
AdLib 5 days ago
Ad…your vision requires a Dem House, Senate and Executive…think that will happen.
5 days ago
Murph–as far as having payments match payout, Robert Reich suggests that we increase the cut-off time. Right now, it’s at a little over $100,000; we should increase it to about $180,000.
5 days ago
Ad, I fear that appeals to Dems with fiscal word salad won’t cut the mustard. Ass needs to be kicked bug time, in LOUD ways. ‘Nice’ doesn’t cut it in these turbulent days.
5 days ago
glenn – Kemp is pathetic and has an ugly soul. The early voting numbers in GA are amazing, 3 times higher on each of the past 3 days than in 2014. Who are those extra voters? One proposition is that they are black voters making sure they get to vote.
AdLib 5 days ago
Glenn…that is a sensible idea…..increase the size of the contribution from those who can most afford it.
5 days ago
Funk – If Trump starts a war after the mmidters to help himself in 2020, you can count on a massive peace movement growing.
AdLib 5 days ago
Ad–I hope the early voting is an indication of black voters making sure they get to vote. I would dearly love it if Kemp loses, and loses bigly. We’ll see.
5 days ago
Well, time for me to call it a day…I have a weekend of campaigning ahead.
5 days ago
Keep up the good fight, Murph. Good wishes from Down Under
5 days ago
Murph – Yes but supplementing SS and Medicare is what’s happening, not giving it outright. Big difference that Repubs always try to cover up.
AdLib 5 days ago
‘Nite Murph. Keep on kickin’ it!
5 days ago
Good night all…..the clock is ticking!
5 days ago
I’ll away as well. These time shifts don’t help
5 days ago
See you all.
5 days ago
I’m having a hard time staying awake myself. Great conversations, tonight, gents. Hope everyone has a good weekend. Take care, and hope to see you all next week.
5 days ago
Murph – CEO bonuses, which are the massive pay bumps for them, are based on performance. If a corp is doing poorly, no bonus that quarter.
AdLib 5 days ago
‘Nite PPO. My best to Fergie.
5 days ago
Murph – In 2020, The Senate will have 11 Dem seats and 22 Repub seats up for election, a big advantage for Dems. After 4 years of Trump, yes, I think both houses and the WH will go Dem, people are already burned out on Trump and will want change.
AdLib 5 days ago
Ad, lets just hope that Ginsburg keeps health between now and then
5 days ago
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