Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PDT. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 15 hours ago
AdLib 5 hours ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Evening, Ad, how are you?
4 hours ago
We missed you last week.
4 hours ago
Much better this evening than last Friday!
AdLib 4 hours ago
True dat!
4 hours ago
Missed you and the Vox Pop Peeps!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Here is the question of the week. Pardon or resignation? Or both?
4 hours ago
How is your Summer going?
AdLib 4 hours ago
So far, so good. Not much doings, except for my trip to Blue Ridge 4th of July week. Other than that, not much going on.
4 hours ago
Trump will never resign. Sessions may very sooon, did you hear the latest leak by Trump Admin that Sessions DID have issue discussions with Russians?
AdLib 4 hours ago
Yup. The hits just keep on coming with this administration!
4 hours ago
This evil is coagulating right now.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Do you think the public will ever see or know about trump’s tax returns?
4 hours ago
How is your summer going?
4 hours ago
We have to help the Dems take The House back and Trump’s returns will get leaked.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Not so sure about that. I think that’s about the worst thing the Dems could do…Not take back the house; but leak trump’s returns. It just gives him more ammunition to whine about being “persecuted”.
4 hours ago
Coming down to the end of my daughter’s softball season, nationals next week. She’s been playing summer sports at the high school she starts next month and between the two and other things, been a very hectic Summer so far.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Wow! She must be very good to be playing at high school level!
4 hours ago
I don’t know, that is more like a whistleblower act than a leak. The public deserves to know if their president is intertwined in finances with Russia.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Ehhh…mas o manos. Spins both ways, or course, depending on your partisanship.
4 hours ago
of course, not “or course”
4 hours ago
She works hard and competes at a high level in travel. Very happy for her but you gotta have good tires to go along with that!
AdLib 4 hours ago
And, in some ways, most of the public already trump’s finances are intertwined with Russia. Otherwise, he would have already released them to show us how we’re all wrong. I think his finances are the key, and I’m glad to hear Mueller is going after them. After all, trump has already given us a big clue that the finances are what he doesn’t want revealed! What an ass he is!
4 hours ago
Just saying, that’s the difference between a leak and whistleblowing, when it’s info that’s urgent for the public to know about a severe wrong their government is secretly guilty of perpetrating. Trump needs to be impeached, really feel strongly about that after this week and his threats against our justice system.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Yeah, it’s the little things in life that count; like good tires!
4 hours ago
Looking at buying a plug-in electric car, will save a fortune on gas with all the driving!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Oh, I agree that trump needs to be impeached, but Murph pointed out last week that even if Mueller comes up with evidence, he can’t do anything about it. It’s up to Congress, and if they don’t release the info from Mueller, then we’ll never know. So, I guess that reinforces your point about whistleblowers. Yet, I just don’t see this Congress having the spine to impeach him. It’s going to take a lot of push from the public, I think.
4 hours ago
Oh, there you go! That would be cool. I’ve been looking into buying a hybrid, but it’s a few years away.
4 hours ago
I would hope Mueller already has Trump’s taxes and has copied them to many in the investigation so if Trump does remove him, there are many who can continue investigating and hopefully leak his criminal and traitorous behavior to the American public who deserve to know that.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Do you drive only in the state, or to other states too?
4 hours ago
The Tesla 3 is looking pretty good. $35k but $10k in Fed and State tax rebates which you get in the first year and help subsidize payments.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Mueller seems like a pretty smart guy, so I’m hoping he’s using many CYA tactics to outsmart trump. Doesn’t take much to outsmart trump, but he (trump) is acting more and more like a cornered animal, so there’s no telling what he’ll do.
4 hours ago
That’s interesting about the Tesla. How about the size of it? Does it have enough room for all of her equipment? I know we have to lug a lot for my granddaughter’s soccer games!
4 hours ago
Yes, we’ve driven to Las Vegas for tournaments and up and down the state, hundreds of miles in one direction or another. LOTS of driving!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Well, at least you’re getting to see some scenery. See the USA in your Tesla! Doesn’t rhyme quite as much as the original, but it’s environmentally friendly!
4 hours ago
I’m not exactly too clear on the geography of CA, but isn’t LA in the southern part of the state?
4 hours ago
Yes, MNueller is brilliant and seeing how Comey coovered himself so well, no doubt Mueller has been dooing the same and spreading info out. Even if Mueller was fired, which would cause a shitstorm for Trump, the day to day investigators would have the info and continue.
AdLib 4 hours ago
How long a drive is it to Las Vegas from where you live?
4 hours ago
Great point about how well Comey covered himself. As you say, I’m sure Mueller has taken some lessons from him, regarding covering himself.
4 hours ago
The Tesla is about the same size as a 3 series BMW but it has a hatchback and a “frunk”, front trunk, since it doesn’t need that space for an engine (the battery pack is on the bottom of the car). Electicity cost is about half of gas.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Sounds like if you could cover the initial cost of the car, it would save you money on gas as well as on your payments with the rebates. What is the range? Would it get you to Las Vegas and back?
4 hours ago
Yes, that would be cool and eco-friendly! “See Tulsa in your Tesla”? We’ve had tournaments in Northern CA, 5 hour drive and of course we stay up there. Vegas is about a 4 hour drive (without traffic). Not unusual for friendlies and toournaments to be 100 miles away. So using electricity instead of gas could save me like $60/month.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Yes, this loooks like it could be trench warfare between Trump and Mueller/FBI. It’s going to get very dirty and ugly from Trump and the FBI regulars are going to get angry.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Oh good one! You should write copy for Tesla! 

4 hours ago
I hope trump pisses off the FBI regulars so badly that everyone possible is investigating him! Definitely Mueller needs to step up the timeline if he can. I agree; trump is going to get even more ugly! And, I’m not talking about his looks….
4 hours ago
Been doing the math on the Tesla, if you buy it at the end oof the year, you get the $10k (in CA, $7,500 from Feds and $2,500 State) back on your taxes which subsidizes you for two years at least…you can always sell it after that.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Oops, sorry, Ad, I have to step away from my computer for a minute. BRB
4 hours ago
And there’s around $1,000/year in gas savings with the amount I drive.
AdLib 4 hours ago
No worries!
AdLib 4 hours ago
Trump has turned the entire federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies into blood enemies. I think some of the leaks along the way have come from them but they are going to take him on in their own ways.
AdLib 4 hours ago
Hey AC!
AdLib 4 hours ago
So, I have some practical questions about recharging. First of all, where do you charge it when you’re away from home? Does it use 110v or 240v? Does someone have to stay with the car while it’s charging? Do the cords required for charging come with the car? What’s to stop someone from unplugging your car and plugging theirs in if you don’t stay with it? Will the charging stations charge money to charge? I don’t see any charging stations at the gas stations I use; but this is GA, so CA might be a little more “advanced” in that regard. Okay, that’s enough for now.
4 hours ago
Oh yeah, I think trump’s “strategy” of turning the IC against him will backfire bigly! Here’s hoping anyway!
4 hours ago
Hey AuntieChrist. Don’t think we’ve met, nice to “see” you here. I read your article the other day. Nice humor!
4 hours ago
You there AC?
AdLib 4 hours ago

The corruption of this clown dictator is so unbearable and the cowardice of his spineless croth nuzzlerss is beyond disgusting.
4 hours ago
glenn – You can charge it from a regular 110v plug or for quicker charging, have a 240v wired. They have a charger too that can be installed with a 240v connection. Either way, it’s fully charged overnight, gets over 200 miles per charge. And early owners get free use of Superchargers Tesla has set up around the country on more travelled highways and cities.
AdLib 4 hours ago

4 hours ago

my bad.
4 hours ago
AC–so tell us how you really feel!
3 hours ago
glenn – They set up public chargers at malls and such so you can plugin, get a coffee or lunch then come out and have most of your battery charged. The chargers are next to parking spaces so if you’re not in the space, you can’t unplug a car and take their charger. They will be a pay-for-charge in the future but again, at about half the rate of gas. And you can charge at home normally, most people don’t drive moore than 200 miles a day (not including me!) so most would never have to charge at a public place.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Interesting, Ad. It truly is an up and coming technology!
3 hours ago
AC – This is a time The Founders coouldn’t have imagined. They tried to put in safeguards against many things but not a president who has no principles and is a thug.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad–one more question, and then I’ll quit. What is the “life expectancy” of the batteries?
3 hours ago
So what do both of you think will ultimately happen with Trump?
AdLib 3 hours ago

Am I in Vox Populi? Not sure where I am. I believe I hear the refrain of “The Twilight Zone” playing in a constant loop.
3 hours ago
glenn – The batteries are warrantied for 8 years.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Witness one AuntieChrist. Reality has taken a holiday in politics and has left him at an eerie crossroads, the type you find, in The Twilight Zone.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Welcome to The Trump Era:
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad–that’s an excellent question. I think he’s got to go somehow, but then again, I just don’t know how. The cowardly congressional critters don’t seem to think there’s anything wrong with what trump is doing. I think trump is going to force a constitutional crisis by pardoning himself and all his cronies, but I just don’t know what the CCC’s will do after that. There is no precedent for this level of corruption, collusion, and just plain criminality, so it’s anybody’s guess. There’s always the possibility that he gets out of this scot free somehow or the other, too, since he has the CCC’s covering his butt!
3 hours ago
AC–yeah, you’re in VOX. Ad just happened to mention thinking of buying a Tesla, and I had a lot of questions. Ad, being Ad, is being extremely polite and helpful as he always is. We’re kinda carrying on two separate conversations here; one on Teslas and one on our toddler-in-chief.
3 hours ago
AC–so feel free to join in either one, or both!
3 hours ago
glenn – It sure would seem more likely that greedy Repubs will continue to protect Trump because of what they think he will help them pass and try to ignore his blatant criminality. But the American people won’t stand down and that could change things. Look how the people’s uprising has so far stopped the Repubs’ Repeal and Replace. And if Trump is exposed as a criminal, as I think he will be, and many around him are indicted, even if pardoned, I think it will be very hard for Repubs to get re-elected while protecting his criminality and that could force them to turn on him.
AdLib 3 hours ago
glenn – I’m enthusiastic about moving to electric cars, it is an environmental thing, not too off the Vox path. Happy to share my thoughts on it because I think that eventually, the more of us cutting down the use of fossil fuels, the better chance the Earth and our kids and grandkids have!,
AdLib 3 hours ago

I’m convinced that Donald Trump saw Billy Mumy in the episode where, as a six year old boy, he would do horrible things to people. To which the grown ups would reply, “Why, that’s a good thing you did!” ….And they totally live in abject horror of his every action.
3 hours ago
glenn – I do think a Constitutional Crisis is inevitable under Trump and that the people will rise up in protests against him like we haven’t seen since Nixon and Vietnam.
AdLib 3 hours ago

The GOP in a nutshell. Relevant in it’s red-scare baiting and fear in the fifties, and living like cowards today.
3 hours ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Very late. I could not get to Vox for the last hour. Then I went to the archive page for Vox and the blue box showed up. So here am I.
3 hours ago
AC – Very good! And the GOP is acting like his family!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad–Agree with much of what you say about trump. I still don’t understand why they’re waiting, though. Pence and even Ryan, if it comes to that, would sign the very same things that trump would. The only conclusion I can come to is they’re waiting to see how low trump’s approval numbers can go before they impeach him. Even with the lowest rating of any president since ratings have been around, doesn’t seem to faze them, though. I also think that they really believed (or maybe couldn’t believe he is that stupid) that trump never colluded with Russia. Although, I don’t understand why any thinking person could actually think that, given all the hints that trump has given off, especially regarding his refusal to release his tax returns.
3 hours ago
Sorry about that Murph! Will see if I can figure it out!
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey Murph! Better late than never.
3 hours ago
I am just back from Washington DC. I went with a a group of activists from a indivisible group. Big Van. Pretty Comfortable. Part of several protests. Met our Democratic Senator. Met a staffer for the GOP Senator. Each of us went to our House Reps office. Focus on the so called Better Care Act.
3 hours ago
Ad….may be a glitch on my end. Not to worry.
3 hours ago
Hi Glenn.
3 hours ago
Murph – FANTASTIC!!!
AdLib 3 hours ago
And hello to AuntieChrist…what an interesting name!
3 hours ago
Glenn….I am really too old for road trips like this but it was worth it.
3 hours ago
Ad–yeah, maybe the protests will be even bigger than trump’s inaguaration, even bigger than the crowds when he had dinner with the French president! 

3 hours ago
Murph–so did you give them a piece of your mind?
3 hours ago
glenn – I don’t think the Repubs really care if Trump is a Russian puppet, that seems clear. They don’t care if he’s a criminal. All they care about is passing their broadly hated policies to harm the majority and enrich the wealthy.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Murph–so the Dem Senator met with you all, but the cowardly congress critter from the gop only sent a staffer? Typical!
3 hours ago
Ad–I agree with your assessment of the repubs. However, they don’t need trump to pass their hated policies; pence and ryan would do the same thing.
3 hours ago
glenn – If Trump tries to destroy the investigation into him? And is proven criminal? I think the country will explode in protests nationwide.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Ad–oh yeah, those protests would be massive. I truly think trump is going to force the issue, ’cause his ego is so massive that he thinks he did nothing wrong.
3 hours ago
What we did was to take a different approach…..We had three ring binders- a lot of them. They provided an overview of the GOP House and Senate plan based on the CBO scoring. We then responded to plans in the second section. The third section was page after page of Missourians who have benefited from ACA and will likely lose out under the GOP plans. Our group included the young adults to the seniors, a mechanic, a lawyer, a doctor, a farmer/community organizer. We went there just to engage them. It went well.
3 hours ago
glenn – True but they worry that they will taint the GOP and that Trump voters will primary them if they stand up against Trump.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn….McCasskill was charming and clearly committed. Blunt was AWOL.
3 hours ago

Thanks, MurphTheSurf. It was actually just a play on words and something I made up to throw people off track. As I don’t believe in an AntiChrist, though I used to be a Bible and history major. I’m also not a female, but I thought, “if Jesus would have had an aunt, she would have validly have been qualified to be AuntieChrist” So I decided to use it. To many evangelical’s dismay.
3 hours ago
Murph–you are a wonder, and a wonderful farmer/community organizer. Thank you for all of your hard work.
3 hours ago
Auntie….your explanation makes you even more interesting.
3 hours ago
Auntie…how is one a bible and history major?
3 hours ago
Ad–yup. Forget the fact that trump is a criminal occupying the highest office in the land. Let’s just worry about keeping our cushy job as a rep or senator. Once again, cowards…all of them.
3 hours ago
Thanks Glenn…I was sort of shamed into the whole thing…put my commitment into action rather than just chat it up.
3 hours ago
Sounds very well conceived and executed, Murph. It seems like the most powerful ammunition are the real people who depend on the ACA and how many real people will suffer or die without it. When these greedy Repubs are forced to recognize their constituents as real people with real and serious medical needs, the Ayn Rand BS just disintegrates.
AdLib 3 hours ago
AC–I’m with Murph; your explanation is interesting. It will be nice to chat with you. I see you are in Vancouver. Are you Canadian, or an American living in Canada? Doesn’t make any difference; I’m just curious!
3 hours ago
Ad…the only theatrics was that each of us presented a binder at the two offices in silence and stepped away. As we did the entire group said together: “These are your constituents. We are for them. Are you?”
3 hours ago

One can study about the ruins of ancient civilizations. Read Homer, Learn Hebrew, Koine Greek…
3 hours ago
Murph–how did the gop’s rep react to your presentation?
3 hours ago
Auntie…..was that an academic program blending the two disciplines?
3 hours ago
glenn – That is the pathetic thing to the plutocracy we have now, Repubs can run in gerrymandered districts, financed by American oligarchs, and just con their blind-faith voters to elect them against their own interests.
AdLib 3 hours ago

I’m in Vancouver, Washington. 

3 hours ago
AC–ah, my bad!
3 hours ago
Murph and glenn, AC was a Planeteer early on, a good guy with a great sense of humor.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn…they were respectful….a bit somber….the leader of our group, an attorney, provided an overview of what was in each book by paging through her’s and showing the staffers who were there how they organized. He stepped back and we did our chant….8 of us. Oh! And we dressed in black – in mourning.
3 hours ago
Ad and AC…..happy that we have another VPer.
3 hours ago

It was. I actually liked my professors. They were NOT hard core fundies. They were and are well educated men who also believed that women should have bigger roles in the church. The blue hairs always shot that down.
3 hours ago
AC….sounds like a positive experience. Did you earn a degree? What came next?
3 hours ago
Murph–sounds as though it was a very effective presentation. Here’s hoping it has an effect on your gop senator.
3 hours ago
Murph – That’s perfect! That is where the power of the argument to protect the ACA comes from. Protestors who turn the focus onto the actual people (sometimes themselves) who rely on the ACA and who would be seriously injured by its repeal.
AdLib 3 hours ago
AC….I am a retired history prof and a Christian Humanist associated with the Episcopalian Church.
3 hours ago
Glenn…I felt pretty sure that Blunt was briefed on it. We each had a book to take to Reps. I saw my Reps chief of staff. I followed the same format as the one we used for the Senators. The chief of staff knew of activity as a navigator and wanted to chat. It was a good discussion. I had the feeling that the GOP knows it is cornered and wants a way out.
3 hours ago
Ad…I agree the face of ACA is the faces of those who benefited from (and those who were disadvantaged) ACA/
3 hours ago
Ad and Murph–the presentation was wonderful; the sad thing is that someone who represents the people of your state had to be reminded that they represent the people of your state. IOW, they had to be reminded that what they do affects real people; it’s not just words on a page. It’s always amazing to me that the gop seems to understand very well that the wealthy are real people, but that poor people are just statistics. Of course, the congress critters meet the wealthy personally, because the wealthy make sure of it. Your group showing up in person with the facts and figures and more importantly, the stories of people is a wonderful strategy.
3 hours ago

I got burned out by the dominance of the blue hairs, who ALWAYS got their way. I was invited to speak, as the younger people liked my insights… so I gave a scathing sermon. Not a fire and brimstone one. just one in which I asked them to look around. Which they did – and made the comment that they’re congregation would be dead inside two years.
3 hours ago
Murph – So is the alleged vote next week just intended to be a purity test and end their efforts on Repeal and Replace or will they quietly keep working on it like The House did?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Glenn…good summary of the dynamics at work in this.
3 hours ago
Murph–do you think your presentation gives the gop a way out? Do you think they’ll “use” it?
3 hours ago
AC….I am fortunate to belong to a healthy, connected, diverse community of believers (in a variety of things) Open minded. I used to be Roman Catholic. I still want uplifting ritual but I also want a woman priest and a church grappling with its theology.
3 hours ago
What gets me is the intentional dishonesty from Repubs when they say, “This is what the American people voted for when they put us in power.” So they really care about what the American people want? Then why are they trying to force a bill down the throats of America that 87% of Americans doon’t want? And why am I not hearing all these cable news talking heads make that point when they roll out that BS?
AdLib 3 hours ago
AC…your sermon…was it predictive?
3 hours ago
Glenn…the way out is to work for the needs of their constituents at the base of the pyramid and the rest will fall into place.
3 hours ago
Ad…..I think the vote is meant to get members off the hook with their local constituents. They vote…they do so in the way that gives them the most cover.
3 hours ago
Murph–from your keyboard to the congress critters votes!
3 hours ago

Like Verbal Kent said, “The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist. And like that… he is gone.”
3 hours ago
Murph – But when have Repubs worked for their base in earnest? What they do is co-opt their concerns and twist it around a plutocratic or anti-democratic agenda.
AdLib 3 hours ago

Murph, I heard they’re now a congregation of about 10 blue hairs.
3 hours ago
Well, gents, it’s getting late here, so I’m calling it a night. Great chatting with you all tonight. Learned a lot. Hope to see you again next week, AuntieChrist. And, you and Ad too Murph! G’night. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
3 hours ago
I wish I could stay away but I am failing the test. Very early morns. It has been good seeing you all. Next week! AC please make your time here a regular thing….I would really like to chat with you.
3 hours ago
Murph – But it is a double edged sword. Sure, the Repubs in solid red districts will get to once again BS their base, “Well, I tried to kill Obamacare but they wouldn’t let us!” (even though they’re in the majority. But what about the Senators in purple or even blue states? Voting for repeal will destroy them in 2018 and 2020 and voting against it could get them primaried by a Trump purist. This vote is like a Dems dream come true.
AdLib 3 hours ago
Great work this week, Murph. Get some well deserved rest!
AdLib 3 hours ago

Sorry if I offend anyone with the use of “blue hairs” but they’re so staunchly set in their last century ways.
3 hours ago
Not at all, AC, no one was offended. I think all here are in agreement with you.
AdLib 3 hours ago

Night, Glenn and Murph.
3 hours ago
Some folks at Vox are on East Coast and Midwest time, it’s later for them.
AdLib 3 hours ago
How are you doing healthwise, AC?
AdLib 3 hours ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 3 hours ago

Same. Epilepsy sucks. It’s the gravity party. Damn Newton!
3 hours ago
hi folks! A large Scaramicci for me!
3 hours ago
You bearing up okay, AC?
AdLib 3 hours ago

Not party. ^part^
2 hours ago
Hello AC. We haven’t met. I’m in Melbourne Australia
2 hours ago

When I’m not breaking bones, yes.
2 hours ago
PPO – My golden retreiver took a big Scaramucci this morning.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Hope he feels better after it!
2 hours ago
AC – You’re supposed to break the bones of Trump voters, not your own!
AdLib 2 hours ago

Wow! How’s life down under? How do you guys not fall off the planet? 

2 hours ago
He looks like he was in The Sopranos!
2 hours ago
AC, too cheap to move!
2 hours ago
PPO – It was a pile almost 6 feet tall that worked for Goldman Sachs.
AdLib 2 hours ago

I’d never be able to use violence on anyone…. Damn pacifism!
2 hours ago
AC I did an article in Speakers corner you might like about Australia
2 hours ago

I’ll have to check that out, pink.
2 hours ago
I’m late, so I suppose you’ve exhausted Sessions and Spicer
2 hours ago
PPO – Like a bit player in The Sopranos who was taken out as a thief early in his first episode.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Take the Cannoli! (yEAH, WRONG SHOW!)
2 hours ago
Just joking, AC. Just break Trump’s ass bone metaphorically.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – Partly, been focused on Sessions and Trump’s going mental and rogue against America’s justice.
AdLib 2 hours ago

The God Father 1 & 2. Incredible films. 3?… WTF was he thinking?
2 hours ago
Will Justice be done? Did you see or hear about Rachel Maddow’s blowing up the GOP conspiracy plan?
2 hours ago
“Leave the con, take the collusion.”
AdLib 2 hours ago

2 hours ago
AC – Coppola got fat, happy and wealthy and it sure seems he did 3 just to cash in. It was awful.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – I think that if Trump fires his way deeper into obstruction and doesn’t pay a price, the country will explode in protests and the Repubs will be thrown out of office in 2018 and 2020.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Agree AC and Ad, Actors dialled it in. Miserable shadow of 1&2.
2 hours ago
Hopefully, Ad, but I’m dismayed at the lack of Dem Cohesion and forward planning to take full advantage.
2 hours ago
And I know he cast Sophia after his actress bailed but that bit of ego and nepotism sealed the fate of GF 3. She was awful!
AdLib 2 hours ago

BTW AdLib, the Secret Service, which Trump wants run by the Russians, may be looking into your posting about Trump’s “Ass Bone”. Kushner and Donny Jr are probably inking the deal with Putin as we “speak”
2 hours ago
PPO – Dems are coming out on Monday with a focused agenda to fix the ACA and address many issues.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Ad, looking forward to it.Havent heard of it much here.
2 hours ago
AC – If the SS is having to look closely at Trump’s “ass bone”, I truly feel sorry for them and the future of their appetites.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Nicholas Cage was as engaging as a gold fish in his role.
2 hours ago
PPO – I think Dems are getting the message that just being anti-Trump isn’t enough, after that recent poll. But as far as that meme goes, what was the Repub’s big agenda when Obama was Pres? Just to oppose and obstruct. So why is the MSM trying to make it an issue for The Dems? When you are the party out of power, your position is only to be in opposition, you can’t set any agenda, you have no power to.
AdLib 2 hours ago
A quiet night fo you tonight
2 hours ago
PPO – glenn and Murph were here earlier.
AdLib 2 hours ago
AC – Cage, also a Coppola relative, has few films to boast about as an actor and this wasn’t one of them.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Think how servile the GOP has become. Lo’ and Behold, Devin Nunes. it’s sick.
2 hours ago
Agree, Ad. Oppositions can only react, but at least the Dems are planning for when they regain power, unlike the GOP who still don’t have a clue what to do or how to go about it. Firing all the experts dian’t help much, either!
2 hours ago
AC – Nunes is such a transparent slave to Trump, why aren’t Repubs more humiliated by the sight of him?
AdLib 2 hours ago
When you’e an addict and are hooked on the bad stuff, it’s hard to withdraw.
2 hours ago
PPO – You summed it up well. We all knew that Repubs had and have no visioon for governing in the interests of the people. So how many were really surprised that they can’t pass anything meaningful? And indeed, this “know-nothing” admin is proving what “know-nothings” Trump voters were. So many are still with him, in total denial of reality. They are the scariest thing aboout Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago

They ought to change out their elephant for a jelly fish.
2 hours ago
Good one, AC!
2 hours ago
Ah, well, Who will play Mucho Scary on SNL?
2 hours ago

2 hours ago

Remember, when the BP disaster occurred? Joe Wilson, Republican from Oklahoma, called President Obama a LIAR, because he thought Obama was being to mean to BP. No moral footing. None EVER.
2 hours ago
PPO – I’ll bet cast members are falling over each other to play Scaramouche (“Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very firghtening me!”).
AdLib 2 hours ago
He’s just a poor boy, from a poor family! Yeah, Right!
2 hours ago

I like it Ad… But… Zombies like Braiiins… I see a problem.
2 hours ago
AC – Wilson yelled that about Obama’s now-proven honest claims about the ACA. And he was rewarded for being Trump before Trump with contributions and re-election. That’s why I say Repub voters are the scariest zombies.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Will US politics ever get back to being relatively sane? In our lifetime?
2 hours ago
“Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me!”
AdLib 2 hours ago

Another thought occurred to me as I checked the Billy Mumy Twilight Zone episode…
2 hours ago
AC – Zombies like eating brains, they just destroy brains. Like Repub politics.
AdLib 2 hours ago
PPO – I have a feeling that in 2020, there will be a lot of voters demanding that we elect people whoo can put the pieces of our country and politics back together.
AdLib 2 hours ago
What’s that, AC?
AdLib 2 hours ago
Will there be any left by then, Ad? BTW. I can’t stand McCain, bbut I hope he recovers.
2 hours ago

Billy Mumy’s first role on television was in a 1960 episode of National Velvet. The episode was called “Donald’s Friend” In which a character named “Donald” has no one to play with, so he creates an imaginary friend and calls him Willy. Willy was the first role Billy Mumy ever had, and Donald still has no friends.
2 hours ago
AC, what about ‘Jim”? and didn’t he just b oast he has ‘lots of friends, believe me”?
2 hours ago
Sorry folks, Mid-afternoon Sat here, so gotta go. Nice Meeting you, AC. Hope you’ll attend lots more.
2 hours ago

I’ve never seen Blue Velvet. I was checking out the reference dates for the Twilight Zone.
2 hours ago

Nice meeting you, Pink.
2 hours ago
Cheers and goodbyeee
2 hours ago
PPO – Will there be any voters left by then? And I agree, while I have many criticisms of McCain, he could now be the strongest opponent of Trump in the GOP. I like to see those I oppose defeated, not killed, especially by something as horrible as cancer. McCain may only have a little time left, perhaps less than 2-3 years or less, but in that time, he can leave a pretty indelible mark as a true patriot by fearlessly taking on Trump. And facing death, he should be fearless against Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago
AC – Very impressed by that trivia!
AdLib 2 hours ago
AC – Blue Velvet is a very creepy moovie by David Lynch, about the ugly and hidden underside of what looks like normal society. Trump is far more obvious than that but no less evil.
AdLib 2 hours ago

I do hope that McCain wakes from his slumber and looks around long enough to see that Trump’s America is not the legacy that he would want to leave around.
2 hours ago

My Bad: National Velvet.
2 hours ago
AC – It sure seems like a natural way for McCain to go out, as a true American hero.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Me either, never saw the series but familiar with the Elizabeth Taylor-starred movie it was based on.
AdLib 2 hours ago
And of course it was a novel.
AdLib 2 hours ago

I’m not at all impressed with McCain’s daughter.
2 hours ago

She’s been a GOP apologist for far too long.
2 hours ago
She’s always been a lightweight and a poseur. She’s been all over the map on issues, seems like she’s always just trying to see what the most advantageous position is for her.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Yes, she’s gone out to support undefendable Repub positions then tried to be a “maverick” on some social issues. She’s just mercenary about trying too find the sweet spot to cash in on being McCain’s daughter.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Exactly! “a lightweight and a poseur” Good word and so very apt.
2 hours ago

She reminds me of Erik Erickson ( RedState)
2 hours ago
Does anyone question who would win in a fight between McCain and Trump in the eyes of the public? Really hope McCain gets well enough to take Trump on like this. You saw his response attacking Trump even from his hospital bed, on word that Trump has stopped funding the anti-Assad rebels?
AdLib 2 hours ago

Or, just pick a conservative pundit’s name out of a hat and give them air time on Sunday mornings.
2 hours ago
Right, they’re like windup toys.
AdLib 2 hours ago

I did not see that.
2 hours ago
Yep! McCain did that!
AdLib 2 hours ago

Windup toys that keep turning right and falling off the same table over and over again.
2 hours ago
He said it was a surrender to Putin.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Like the monkey with cymbals.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Woah! Did Trump’s hair retreat?
2 hours ago
Repubs on morning shows:
AdLib 2 hours ago
AC – Trump’s hair did a flip!
AdLib 2 hours ago

Seriously don’t get the bromance between Trump and Putin. Melania’s probably jealous. Or Ivanka is.
2 hours ago

LOL at the monkey.
2 hours ago

that’s so… true to form of the signal’s the White House is sending. Vlad looks a little too pale, but who am I to mess with someone else’s art?
2 hours ago
You’d be pale too if you had to kiss Trump.
AdLib 2 hours ago

…Oh… wait. Never mind that question: I’m AuntieChrist!
2 hours ago
AdLib 2 hours ago

Wonder who’s getting deep tongued?
2 hours ago

Answer: America.
2 hours ago
Date rape?
AdLib 2 hours ago

Not touching that. 

2 hours ago
America is in an abusive relationship with its president.
AdLib 2 hours ago
Wish Trump had taken that advice.
AdLib 2 hours ago

Bunch of people named ‘Earl’ must’ve voted for him.
an hour ago

Apologies in advance if your name is Earl.
an hour ago
My Name is Vern.
AdLib an hour ago

That picture fits the narrative so well. It’d be truer to form sans the books, the apple and pencil.
an hour ago

Well AdLib, my meds are making me drift… so to slumber land I’ll retire. Thanks for your diligence in maintaining this site for open and free thought. The people here are thoughtful and involved – and that’s a great thing. Something needed in this dystopian right ring nightmare. Have a good night.
an hour ago
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