Good Morning Everyone and welcome to the 7th anniversary edition of Morning Blog.
I hope that when and if you have the time, MB will be the place where you will come to catch up with the latest international news from around the globe.
I will bring you the latest international news stories, breaking news stories, opinion pieces and human interest stories, hoping that you will find something of interest in each update.
MB is open to all 24/7, and I’ll have my updates posted by 3 am PST and 6 am EST in the morning. You can read or comment at any time during your day or night.
Please drop by anytime, you are always welcome here. Looking forward to meeting you in your mornings, afternoons and evenings. Enjoy, and thank you for stopping by to read.
Memo to trump:
Don’t try to mess with Europe for your friend Putin who wants to weaken us and destroy NATO.
We’ve been around the block much longer than you have and it would take much more than an ignorant pipsqueak like you to threaten us.
Well done Hollande!!
Trump attack on Merkel rebuffed by French president
Kalima, yesterday the Burlington electric company said that Russia hacked it. Trying to cut power to people in the winter is one idea they seemed to have. Our Rep. and Senators spoke about it.
Yes Nirek, read about that. Meanwhile the trumpet blower is saying that blaming Russia is “unfair.” Is he .8 years old?
Is he working for the Kremlin or the suckers stupid enough to have voted for him after his cabinet picks proves just how hypocritical this imposter is?
When will these people wake up? Trump is working for himself and the people he accused Clinton of funding her campaign. Waiting impatiently for the penny to drop.
Peace to you and yours.
Istanbul Reina nightclub attack ‘leaves 39 dead’
Kerry harshly condemns Israeli settler activity as an obstacle to peace
By Juan Cole
Israel’s Netanyahu et al. Throw Trump-like Tantrums after UNSC Condemnation of Israeli Colonization
Well done, Mr. President! It’s about time.
You cannot veto something that needs to be fixed and is against international law, criminal and outrageous. It’s stealing. If you steal you end up in jail. Israel needs to stop it’s perpetual crime wave, and America needs to stop being its enabler and partner in crime.
While leaders like Putim, trump, Assad, groups like ISIS and the Far Right are trying to destroy, let’s strive for peace by showing kindness to those in need. If everyone with a conscience gives one act of kindness to another, it will reverberate around the world to combat the evil we see each day.
Peace! Love over Hate!
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to everyone!
U.S. declines to veto U.N. Security Council resolution for Israel to stop Jewish settlement activity
Such a relief to see that the President is using his last weeks in office to try to thwart some of the abuses that might happen down the road. I saw today that the mechanisms in place to track and keep under surveillance thousands of Muslims in this country are being dismantled in an attempt to make it more difficult for Trump to create his “Muslim Registry.”
Godspeed, Mr. President.
Kalima, you know that President Obama has done an excellent job We also know that trump will try to undo all the good that President Obama did.
Merry Christmas to you and all our folks here at the planet!
He can try, but will find that many things are not that easy to dismantle. No worries. Expect nonsensical irate and insulting tweets from him at 3 am in the morning. I believe he will be a “puppet” president who will appear to be leading the country from his Twitter account. Just call him “President Twit.”
Merry Christmas to you and yours, Nirek.
Israel wants to isolate itself further rather than stop stealing Palestinian land.
Israel to ‘reassess’ ties with UN, says Benjamin Netanyahu | World news
A huge thank you to President Obama for one of the most meaningful parting gifts he could have given to the nation and to the world. Declining to veto that UN measure was the morally right thing to do.
The Palestinians have suffered more than enough.
As far back as 2009, President Obama publicly condemned the settlements.
As different as day is to night, trump encouraged it.
Trump once donated $10,000 to a West Bank Israeli settlement
Right Putin. So the Western media is making things worse by reporting the truth? You miserable, lying, murdering son of a bitch!
Aleppo’s “Evacuation” Is a Crime Against Humanity
The truth.
Leaving Aleppo: ‘They started firing in the air’
Berlin attack suspect ‘killed in Milan’
Shocking but not unexpected considering Russia’s aggressive interference in Syria and Aleppo, and their shameful support for the murderous Assad regime.
I think it’s disgraceful for Russia to blame Western media for their coverage of what is actually happening to civilians in Aleppo. Russia has killed indiscriminately since joining the Assad forces. There is no propaganda from the West. Russia charged into Syria like the bullies they are and the atrocities they have committed are well documented.
The Kremlin is infamous for blaming someone else for their failings. No wonder trump loves them so much.
Russian ambassador to Turkey shot dead in Ankara art gallery
Special forces kill gunman identified by Turkish interior ministry as riot police officer Mevlut Mert Altıntas
Tragic and cowardly.
Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market
This really has been a day of tragedies, Kalima. The death toll has risen to 12 now in Berlin, and this situation in Jordan has gone almost unnoticed amidst all the other news of violence:
Kalima, this is just typical Russian propaganda. This is why Trump has such love for Russia and Putin, he copies the same propaganda tactics of always blaming their political adversaries for EVERYTHING bad that happens.
While Republicans now bow to Putin and Trump, most rational people should never give an ounce of credibility or good intentions towards Russia and its government controlled media.
I would not be surprised if after the Russians have completed their devastation and massacres in Aleppo, that terrorism against Russians ramps up.
Russia has always blamed the West for it’s f’ups and failing Communist regime, the same as Castro and the midget in N. Korea have. It’s the way they control the population while staying in power, and their disinformation, state owned media and propaganda machines, ensure that the poor and disenfranchised stay uninformed. I see no difference between the gop and the plotters in the Kremlin. The problem with trump trying to emulate Putin is obvious. Putin is a lying, manipulative, murdering thug with a cunning brain. Trump is a lying, manipulative thug who is as dumb as a discarded, rotting banana peel. In many ways that makes him just as, or even more dangerous than Putin because he has no limitations, or so he believes. Hope his wake-up call happens soon, and he finds out that he doesn’t rule the world, and is limited by international law and your Congress to things he can and can’t do. Imagine his disappointment when Congress rules against him and he discovers that he can’t tell them, “You’re fired!” Will he tweet it at 3 in the morning? 😆
Yes, I can imagine more attacks against Russia that they won’t be able to blame the Chechen people for.
Kalima, I think history has proven time and time again that dictators who look unstoppable at one point always get stomped in the end. Putin will be no exception.
And Trump’s devastating defeat in 4 years will give Putin a preview of what awaits him one day.
Time for the ICC to issue arrest warrants for the Syrian government’s assassins for war crimes. How many more must die? Isn’t over 460,000 dead enough?
Aleppo civilians ‘shot on the spot’ – UN
And what does Assad have to show for this ‘win’?
Piles of rocks. The bodies of dead children and women.
A Satanic victory.
Well one thing is for sure, it won’t end the war, Russia’s interference is criminal because they have bombed and killed many civilians too, starting with Kurdish villages in the North. They all must be held accountable for the murders of the innocents.
Note that the genocidal Assad hasn’t been seen on the tv for a very long time. We know that the money stolen from his people is in Russian banks, so maybe he is hiding in Russia too.
Trump and his hero worship of Putin has a lot to answer for. He puts Russia over America, and that sounds about as close to treason as it gets.
Istanbul Besiktas: Stadium blasts kill at least 13 people
The power of a million people strong protests. Daily protest for over 3 months led to this. Watch out trump, you’re next!
Park Geun-hye: S Korea lawmakers vote to impeach leader
There is still hope.
I don’t understand why Jill Stein who criticised Clinton all through the campaign would collect more money than she collected during her own campaign, to ask for recounts when it’s already out there that there was no hacking.
I think the results could be just as embarrassing as the first results.
7 years, Kalima! Wow! Congrats. I have been around for some of them and have enjoyed the fruits of your labor. Many thanks for all that work you did and for the future work. Please take care and don’t overdo. Get plenty of rest.
Peace to you and yours.
Thank you, Nirek and it is always a pleasure.
Just getting over the jet lag and the bug, and should be back to normal soon.
Take care and thank you for your support.
Peace to you and yours.
Kalima, as today is Thanksgiving, one of the very meaningful things I’m giving thanks for today is the great fortune to have your presence and contributions here at The Planet. Year in and year out, Morning Blog has enlightened so many of us about the events and realities so many fellow human beings around the world are living. The perspective you offer through Morning Blog is unique, invaluable and so needed especially now!
7 years? Kind of hard to believe it’s been that long! Really! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the hard work you have and continue to invest into Morning Blog, all the conscience and principles you exemplify and the sense of global community Morning Blog expresses with all of The Planet.
Happy 7th Anniversary to you and Morning Blog!
Gosh, AdLib, you have put me on such a high pedestal that I’m afraid to look down in case my big head throws me off balance. 😳
There is no way I would even be here without your persistence in leaving a place I was very uncomfortable being in, and putting your trust in me when I did. So thank you!
Working with you has been one of the most important things in my life. Reading your brilliant articles has been an exciting learning curve that has enriched my life. So thank you!
Meeting all the wonderful people who are here, those we sadly lost, and those who were passing through, made it a real pleasure to show up for “work” each day.
Yes, imagine, 7 years, and I regret none of it.
Looking forward to the new year when the shock of trump’s win has eased, and we can be strong again in our dissent of him and his dream of destroying not only America, but also the whole world.
P.S. I hope you had a piece of that cake because I just polished off the rest of it. 😯
Kalima, it’s not a high pedestal, you’re just standing on top of 7 years of marvelous work.
It does boggle the mind a bit that it’s been 7 years though imagine how many readers’ visits to Morning Blog that would total up to!
Your compassion, intellect and conscience are always self-evident in your posts on Morning Blog and your comments around The Planet. They inspire me and clearly others as well.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful things you wrote, they mean a great deal to me.
Along with KQuark, we started The Planet rolling together. All the adventures we’ve had, along with our fellow Planeteers over the past 7 years are too many to count but they’ve happened because of how and what we can share with each other right here on this unique oasis in the vast digital universe.
What is interesting is that we find ourselves now, with the looming Trump presidency, in a time similar to what first motivated me to begin blogging, the terrible years of the Bush presidency. I would guess that we’ll see many who haven’t been engaged in politics and activism, jumping into the fray now. And Morning Blog and The Planet will be ready and waiting for them!
Once again, congratulations on 7 remarkable years of sharing your remarkable conscience about the world we live in with everyone at The Planet and I hope you know how important and meaningful to my life it has been and continues to be working side-by-side with you.
Thank you, AdLib, and your words of support mean just as much to me.
The word most on my mind for the next four years or less, is RESIST. I hope it becomes a daily reality for all of those who did not sell their souls to the devil by actually going out to vote for him. I hope that the New Year will bolster their strength again to do everything they can to get Progressives elected in the midterms.
Thanks for everything!
Good day Kalima,
Thank you for your dedication to PlanetPOV and your loyalty to its vision and mission.
I regularly visit your Morning Blog to get a wider view of the world.
The U.S. media is so myopic that it takes extra effort to do as you have done for 7 years.
Thanks for providing MB as a valuable resource.
I agree with your thoughts about our President and I regularly find myself saying “this is the last time that he will….”. You might recall I worked for Barack’s campaign in 2007 and 2008 in five states. I became an ACA navigator and worked for his reelection. And I fought for the election of his endorsed successor, Hillary Clinton….I am deeply grieved at the election of this awful human being.
So, I thought I would share this with you…..
I listened as they called my President a Muslim.
I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys.
I listened as they said he wasn’t born here.
I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could.
I saw the pictures of him as Hitler.
I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice.
I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialog.
I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was.
I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn.
I watched as they did just that.
I listened.
I watched.
I paid attention.
Now, I’m being called on to be tolerant.
To move forward.
To denounce protesters.
To “Get over it.”
To accept this…
I will not.
I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be.
I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get.
I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country.
I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice.
I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them.
Them. The people who voted for him.
The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win.
I will do this so that they never forget.
And they will hear me.
They will see it in my eyes when I look at them.
They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them.
They will know that I know who they are.
They will know that I know what they are.
Do not call for my tolerance. I’ve tolerated all I can.
Now it’s their turn to tolerate ridicule.
Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day
forward is now Trump’s fault just as much as they thought it was Obama’s.
I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.”
Author unknown.
============================With those those words, I bid you a good day.
Thanks, Murph!
I heard the dreadful news while in England and never turned on the tv again during the remainder of our stay. The unthinkable has happened but it’s not the end of democracy, the world or of hope. Around the world there are people who have no country, no family left, are dying in endless wars or dying of starvation, and although they have lost everything, they still cling to hope.
In four years or maybe even less depending on the insanity to come, this will be over and with enough of the right people securely in place, you will slowly begin to rebuild your democracy and put this shameful reversal into the trash pile of history where it belongs. If enough people work together to make sure that this shameful conclusion will never happen again. If enough people are ashamed of not casting their vote in one of the most important GE in their lifetime, then getting good people into the Senate in your midterms to oppose the trump KKK administration, is imperative, and must be on the radar for every sane American voter from now on.
Thanks for sharing those words. “Author Unknown” has expressed exactly how millions of us around the world have felt for the last 8 years.
Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for stopping by with your good wishes. Much appreciated!