Vox Populi, our weekly live chat about the week’s events begins tonight at 7:00pm PST. Hope to see you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey PPO!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hi, Ad! Just setting up for what should be a fascinating chat
7 days ago
Agreed! GOP election tomorrow and Nevada Caucus coming!
AdLib 7 days ago
Sparks will fly!
7 days ago
They already are!
AdLib 7 days ago
7 days ago
Before commencement of hostilities, remember I wrote about my dad? Do you know any publishers who might be interested in the fuller version?
7 days ago
I remember your article very well! I don’t really know publishers, sorry, wish I could be mnore help.
AdLib 7 days ago
No problem, I thought, as you write so much and so well, that you might have had something of your own published. Not to worry.
7 days ago
Back soon! See ya
7 days ago
See you then!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey Murph!
AdLib 7 days ago
I am already here……OH! Hi Ad Lib
7 days ago
Glad you got on easily! Tomorrow’s a big day!
AdLib 7 days ago
Who do you pick to win each primary/caucus?
AdLib 7 days ago
I started 10 minutes ago…..it is tricky for me. I have to open the site, log in, go to the vox drop down, have it open, and then refresh the page to get the blue box to appear if all goes well. If it doesn’t I start over beginning with logging out, closing out and clearing the cache. Tonight it only took one try.
7 days ago
Caucuses are a bizarre holdover from town meeting days. Who knows.
7 days ago
Murph – That is a real hassle, wish I could do something to help but like we discussed, it’s an unusual issue on your system. Should be a way to fix it somehow though!
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…I figured out how to get through it and if it is only me….I shall deal with it. I wonder if others in our community have been frustrated and are not trying any longer?
7 days ago
I don’t mind the caucuses because though they aren’t great democracy, they throow a curve to establishment candidates. They need to be challenged if at a minimum to hone their skills.
AdLib 7 days ago
The caucuses generally represented the quality of organization on the ground. Populist movements throw that out of synch howerver.
7 days ago
Nope, haven’t heard from anyone else that they’ve experienced issues like that. I think this plugin uses Adobe Flash but it may be Java. Have you updated both of those?
AdLib 7 days ago
I have updated. We used to have more regulars….I miss them.
7 days ago
That’s why I kind of like them now but I’d be okay if they were replaced with primaries.
AdLib 7 days ago
My wife just made me Laugh! I was telling her about Trump and the Pope dooking it out and she said: “Remember, The Pope didn’t get to be where he is by being Mr. Nice Guy!”
7 days ago
Sadly, the primary system is also weird…more and more I regard the American system as a Frankenstein Monster….a serious of stiched together ideas which as a whole create a creature that runs rampant in the streets.
7 days ago
PPO – Heh! He’s tough but he’s the coolest Pope I’ve ever seen.
AdLib 7 days ago
For sure, Ad.
7 days ago
PPO…wife is funny….Media is not. In general the Pope was misquoted and so was the reporter who asked the question. Trump reacted to those media reports. Sensationalism sells and good reporting does not.
7 days ago
Murph – Here in CA, we’ve passed automatic registration which greatly improves the primary system. Now we’ve got to see that spread across the country and under a new Dem SCOTUS, get rid of gerrymandering and repair the Voting Rights Act.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – Do you think it was intentional or sloppy journalism?
AdLib 7 days ago
CA is SOOOO radical…ust ask the GOP.
7 days ago
True, Murph. SC people must be totally confused by all the lies flying around. I’d have to have all the effin’ doorknockers, fliers and robocalls.
7 days ago
Sorry, HATE to have…
7 days ago
Murph – You’d think that voter suppression would be an outrage to all Americans including Repubs who claim to be patriots but it’s all about winning. Hence, Trump.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…the media is increasingly desperate for readers, listeners, viewers and they do what they must to attract the attention-deficit plagued crowd…so yes,intentional. The Vatican released the transcript that was confirmed by the plane pool within two hours of the report. No corrections of any kind.
7 days ago
I lived in worked in SC during the first Obama campaign…a very nasty state.
7 days ago
Murph, that’s probably why Trump dialled it right back.
7 days ago
Good evening, all. How is everyone tonight?
7 days ago
Ad….and the GOP bank on arrogance in partnershp with ignorance. Fatal combo.
7 days ago
hey glenn!
7 days ago
PPO – I’ve seen a mix of SC voters that range from the very sharp to the very clueless, just like NH and probably the US as a whole. To thoose oof us who follow things and understand the game, it’s harder to understand those who are so easily manipulated by obvious attempts.
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey glenn!
AdLib 7 days ago
PPO…perhaps or he was getting pushback…Trump is so rarely affected by the Truth.
7 days ago
Hey PPO-your wife is funny!
7 days ago
Hi monica!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hi Glenn. Hi MonicaAngela…
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hi, MA!
7 days ago
Hey Ad, Hi Murph, Hi Monica!
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hello Glenn and Murph!
7 days ago
Thanks, glenn, she’s a very clever lady
7 days ago
Murph – I’d lean the same way on it, much more profit to be made in shaping that story into a Trump attack.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….my read and yours.
7 days ago
PPO–and smart, too. After all, she married you, didn’t she?
7 days ago
Well, I suppose she doeas have the occasional off-day, glenn!
7 days ago
Have you guys seen the new article that has kicked definitively the card fro the Hillary house with the Bernie Sanders arret by the police in 1964?
7 days ago
MA…no, say more please.
7 days ago
http://www.chicagotribune.com…Arrest photo of young activist Bernie Sanders emerges from Tribune archives
A Chicago Tribune archival photo of a young man being arrested in 1963 at a South Side protest shows Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders , his campaign has confirmed, b…
A Chicago Tribune archival photo of a young man being arrested in 1963 at a South Side protest shows Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders , his campaign has confirmed, b…
7 days ago
Murph – It’s no coincidence Repubs want too get rid of the Dept of Education and cut funding for education as a first choice. Look how TX has so dumbed down and propagandized their textbooks, kids down there have a mark against them if they try to apply for any out of state jobs in the future but are programmed well to be Repub Bots.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad and Murph–Had lunch with a British friend of mine the other day, and had to explain to her how the primary system works as regards to delegates and all. My other friend who was with us, tried to explain it to her, but confused the electoral college with the primary delegates. Just goes to show you that even Americans don’t understand the system. And, my American friend is active in local politics!
7 days ago
glenn, it’s happening all over the world. Conflustication reigns everywhere
7 days ago
MA…I will look into that but Bernie was a political activist…and he was adamant about a variety of issues.
7 days ago
Trump is falling in the SC polls, he’s only showing a lead of 3%-5% oover Cruz! So of course he’s dialed it back, he could get beaten tomorrow!
AdLib 7 days ago
Monica–Saw that, too. Bernie has been not only been talking the talk, but walking the walk for many years.
7 days ago
How dare Bernie spout the same message for 30 years! That just won’t do in Washington!
7 days ago
Ad–Trump may lose to cruz in SC, but don’t think it’s going to affect (effect?) him in the long run. I am beginning to believe that trump really can say and do anything and his supporters will still support him. SMH!
7 days ago
Of course he was Murph, I always knew he was. I can’t believe Clinton surrogates tried to go after him for that, when at precisely the same time she was a Goldwater Girl. Endorsed and campaigned for him. We all know Goldwater was against civil rights.
7 days ago
Hmmm…. will the Jewish Lobby bacvk Bernie?
7 days ago
Monica – Thanks for the pic and article! Excellent! Meanwhile, how about all the trash talking from the CBC and black state legislators about how Bernie is such a fraud on protesting foor civil rights?
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…that pattern is one that is being repeated here in Mo. by a state legislature which hides dumbing down behind “community standards” flags (i.e.religious agendas) to fund stupid initiatives and not fund smart ones.
7 days ago
That’s right glenn. I sure hope Capeharts twitter account is flooded with this picture.
7 days ago
Murph–The difference between stupid initiatives and smart ones is if you’re a Dem or a republican.
7 days ago
Glenn- I have one foot in the UK all of the time and my friends regard our system of government from top to bottom as absurd.
7 days ago
glenn – Once you know it, it doesn’t seem as complicated but your friend is absolutely right, coming in as an outsider…it is confusing!
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph, that echoes here in OZ.
7 days ago
The CBC PAC and others who are decidely shields for Clinton are doing that for exactly that reason. The CBC can’t endorse Clinton, there are republicans in the CBC.
7 days ago
MA…agree…these attacks stink of foolish desperation…
7 days ago
Murph–I know what you mean. My British friend here is working on getting her American citizenship, although it’s kind of on the back burner for now as she and her husband are in the middle of a big move. However, she and her husband consider Bernie “dangerous” because of his views on socialized medicine. Ironic, isn’t it?
7 days ago
They do. The entire Maddow show tonight was dedicated to trying to say that republicans are going to vote for Sanders to throw the race in Nevada…desperate? You bet.
7 days ago
PPO – Bernie isn’t a practicing Jew and he doesn’t really fall in line with Netanyahu so I don’t think he’d get the RW Jewish vote but many Jews are very liberal.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph – I see that happening in too many Southern states that are already struggling with education. It’s that concept of teaching a perspective instead of truth.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…those born and raised in a Parliamentary system…..which is nearly all of the world….beleive in government building on local elections….and our system nationalizes local elections, the reverse, with absurdly expensive and long celebrity marches to power.
7 days ago
Exactly AdLib, and I believe since Kenned we are mostly past the religious litmus test. Well I believe a Muslim would still find it hard to run, but Bernie being a non practicing Jew will not curtail his attempt. And, as you say, many people of the Jewish faith do not agree with Netanyahu.
7 days ago
Hey Peeps! Que pasa?
7 days ago
7 days ago
Buenas Noces KT!!
7 days ago
Hi KT.
7 days ago
Hey P and Monica! Hey Murph!
7 days ago
Hey, noe of that furrin lingo here, Y’Heah?
7 days ago
oops Buenas Noches KT!!
7 days ago
glenn – But…they’re from the UK and grew up under socialized medicine…and apparently lived to tell about it. Why does that frighten them?
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey KT!
AdLib 7 days ago
Hey KT
7 days ago
Hey Ad. Can we have Trump and the pope agree to a boxing match? Pay per view?
7 days ago
Hey glenn!
7 days ago
I know who would win that match KT.
7 days ago
I’d pay to see that!
7 days ago
KT, I’d back the Pope, He’s got the biggest Right Hand going for him!
7 days ago
I don’t know KT, I don’t think it would go more than a few seconds into the first round.
7 days ago
HA! I thought he WAS the Right Hand.
7 days ago
Ad–they say the taxes are too high to support the system. Haven’t had much of a chance to talk to her about that yet; but I am going to ask her for more specific details and will let you know. And, BTW, she keeps telling me she likes Trump. I keep asking her why, and she says the same thing–he’s telling it like it is.
7 days ago
monica – I have to say, all of the Dem establishment figures who are dishonestly and in a hostile way, trashing Bernie are only validating the opinion of Bernie supporters and indies that the establishment is corrupt and fights to keep control whatever it takes. Some like Jim Clyburn are fine, he is estab and of course supports Hillary but he has been fair for the most part in his required criticisms of Bernie.
AdLib 7 days ago
Monica, Trump would fal down the minute his hair was mussed
7 days ago
LOL!! Exactly PPO.
7 days ago
glenn, that’s what all the Trump supporters say. They’re really tired of establishment politicians. They’re just too stupid to know that he’s lying through his teeth most of the time.
7 days ago
KT – I think The Pope would crush Trump in a boxing match, Trump has baby hands.
AdLib 7 days ago
True Ad, with pudgy little fingers. The pope floats like a butterfly and stings like a bee!
7 days ago
KT, the problem is that you NEED the establishment format to get anything at all done. Isn’t there an old saying, ‘you can’t fight City Hall”?
7 days ago
I always knew Clyburn would endorse Clinton, he has been a politician for a long time and realizes which side his bread is buttered on. I think he did the only thing he could do.
7 days ago
I guess that depends on the particular fight.
7 days ago
glenn – They pay a lot of taxes in the UK but they get free health care and other services so it’s not equivilent to compare to taxes in the US. So, anti-tax and a Trump supporter…kind of answers a few questions.
AdLib 7 days ago
KT–I know. When we were discussing it, I tried to tell her that trump has simple solutions to complex problems. For example, building a wall and deporting 11 million people. I asked her she thought that would work. She is a thoughtful, smart woman, so I’m hoping I can sway her with some facts. Right now, she’s just laughing with trump (I think). And, she does have a point about immigration, especially Cubans (of the “wet foot, dry foot” policy) and illegals, when she has to “check in” periodically to keep up her immigration status.
7 days ago
You can fight City Hall any time you like PPO, I believe the problem is most likely you won’t win that fight.
7 days ago
I asked her how she thought that would work. Trying to type too quickly.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Okay PPO
7 days ago
KT – I think many of the Trump supporters, who are clearly rubes for thinking that Trump tells it like it is when he’s lying rampantly, really like him for two main reasons. He’s presents himself as a strongman who can do anything with just the power oof his will and he holds up minorities and “enemies” for them to hate with his permissioon and blame for their lives not turning out as they wanted them to.
AdLib 7 days ago
P, that’s why Bernie is calling for a political revolution. He needs “we the people,” to be much more active, which includes voting in all elections, not just the presidential election. Such a thing didn’t used to be considered revolutionary, but in today’s America, it seems to be.
7 days ago
Ad–I agree, and I’m trying to “channel” you and Murph by giving her information as to how our system is different than the UK. And, Monica, I’m trying to explain to her how they would save money under Bernie’s plan. As I said before, she is an intelligent woman, and I think I can bring her around. But, even if I don’t, since she’s not an American citizen yet, she can’t vote, so that’s a good thing!
7 days ago
That about sums up the trump supporters.
7 days ago
Ad–I think it’s ironic that the very same people–repubs–who accused Dems of considering President Obama our “messiah” are elevating trump to that status. After all, he can’t seem to do anything wrong in their eyes, and he’s going to “make America great again.”
7 days ago
In other words, Bernie is asking us to throw out the bums and replace them with mature adults who actually want our country to progress.
7 days ago
A Word about Clyburn…having worked for the Obama campaign for two years in SC….I got to know Clyburn pretty well (not personally but from the perspective of organization, priorities, and policy). He is among the most practical and persistent politicians I know. He still lives very humbly in his district and he lives by the creed that you only get done that which can get done. Thus he is for Clinton…he, I suspect, beleives that she has a chance of working the system and Sanders does not.
7 days ago
KT–Yes, and in these times, having adults in charge is truly revolutionary!
7 days ago
Dr. James K. Galbraith just rebuked those 4 economist that tried to say his economic plan would not work.
7 days ago
monica – Yes, no surprise that Clyborn supported Hillary but I think it will be a rude awakening too all the Hillary endorsers that endorsements tooday are meaningless. BTW, have you heard Clyborn’s big complaint about Bernie? He strongly opposes Bernie’s plan for free public college because he’s vested in chanelling more money under Hillary to black and religious colleges. It’s unfortunately a bit corrupt, he would rather students were buried in debt than have some of his contributors at those colleges lose paying students.
AdLib 7 days ago
That’s a pretty weighty opinion Monica. Galbraith hes been around forever.
7 days ago
Here is Dr. Galbraith’s letter: Here is Dr. Galbraith’s lette…
7 days ago
7 days ago
Ad…in SC…those black and religious colleges have created the black middle class when public universities found ways to skirt around their oblgation to educate all….
7 days ago
Thanks M.
7 days ago
Exactly KT he really admonished them, and said that the same thing Sanders is attempting was actually done under the Reagan administration with the tax cuts for the wealthy, done in reverse of course.
7 days ago
You’re welcome KT
7 days ago
Ad…I also want to point out that those private schools actually have provided great aid packages to black students than the public schools…I was working at one of them and was amazed how few black students we had….
7 days ago
glenn – yes, it’s always a double standard with Repubs. They used the insult of “Messiah” to denigrate Dems supporting Obama but their mindless lockstep behind Trump no matter how awful the things are that he says proves it was just projection from them. They crave authoritarian figures, dictators (like Putin who they compliment) who would undemocratically enforce their beliefs on the country. They call themselves “patriots” but you just have to remember that whenever Repubs use a term for something, it means just the opposite.
AdLib 7 days ago
I’m sure some of the funneled money finds its way into programs that benefit Clyburn. It would appear with the economic situation that AA’s find themselves in after the recession he would want free college for all.
7 days ago
That’s a lot like the Russian people, Ad. Those who like Putin, like him because he is a strong figure.
7 days ago
Monica….take a look at my comments to Ad re. the role of private (particularly) religious and historically black colleges in raising a black middle class….
7 days ago
Ad–Ain’t that the truth? Repubs have really mastered the art of “doublespeak” and the so-called “liberal media” keeps backing them up, instead of pointing out their lies. I have seen a few pushbacks from the press, lately, but not enough to make a difference.
7 days ago
glenn, all the fawning over Scalia we he died, was sickening.
7 days ago
Ad….great insight…Trump is as close to a fascist leader/messiah that we have experienced in this country since the “glory” days of Wallace…
7 days ago
Murph – not saying that there aren’t meaningful contributions by black and religious colleges, I know that in the past they were so necessary and even today, with Affirmative Action challenged, they matter but that should not be the reason one opposes burdening those students and all other students with insurmoountable debt. What good is it preparing to live in the middle class when your school debt prevents you from ever realizing it?
AdLib 7 days ago
KT…Scalia….his death is a blessing for the nation.
7 days ago
Like I say Murph, Trump has the mentality of a mob boss. He really does.
7 days ago
Damn straight Murph. My reaction to the news was…good riddance.
7 days ago
Ad….my experience in Southern black and religious schools does not support your positon. Public universities in the South are very expensive.
7 days ago
What do you guys think will be the outcome of the lawsuit challenging Cruz’s ability to run for President.
7 days ago
KT–I agree that the fawning made me sick, but you do have to respect the fact that the man was a judge on the Supreme Court of the United States, no matter how much you disagree with his rulings. I refuse to lower myself to the level of repubs who won’t respect a person for what he has accomplished, no matter how much you disagree with those accomplishments.
7 days ago
glenn, I have 0 respect for that man. 0
7 days ago
Murph – Agree about Scalia which is why the comment I posted first after hearing it was being pleased by the news. He has profoundly harmed this natioon and its democracy through Bush v. Gore, Citizens United and so much more.
AdLib 7 days ago
Scalia was a brilliant man glenn, and could have used his brillance to help rather than hinder the nation.
7 days ago
Glenn…sorry, but the man and his views are repugnant….his role in Heller (guns for all) and Citizens United (hooray for the Plutocracy) damns him and his memory as far as I am concerned.
7 days ago
No crocodile tears from me oover that reptile named Scalia.
AdLib 7 days ago
Monica–it really doesn’t matter what the lower court says. The most the lawsuit will be able to accomplish is that cruz may not be able to get on the ballot in IL. The question of his citizenship is going to have to be decided by SCOTUS, IMO>
7 days ago
Murph – And if public schools in the South were free?
AdLib 7 days ago
Monica….it is a serious issue. Cruz was born in Canada. In 18th century thought, “natural born” is primarily a reference to being born ON the land.
7 days ago
That is what I have been reading glenn. This nation has really strayed from the rails where campaigns are concerned, I guess that goes to show this is a really important election. It appears to be good vs. evil and who can hurry up and sell the nation to the highest bidder.
7 days ago
monica, though I think it is a legit argument to say Cruz isn’t a Natural Born Citizen, I think the SCOTUS would rule decidedly in his favor, under the principle that it is better to err on the side of inclusiveness than an unspecified exclusivity.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….I do not trust those schools to admit black students….I really do not.
7 days ago
Ad…and there is absolutely NO WAY that Sanders can even begin to honor that promise.
7 days ago
Murph, Ad, and KT–I agree with all of you, but as I read the news lately, I see just as much name calling, vitriol, and plain meanness from many Dem sites now, and it just saddens me. Instead of rolling in the gutter with the repubs, we need to show them how to disagree with civility. Guess I’m an idealist, but I am trying to keep my responses civil.
7 days ago
Murph, I believe it has to do with the status of his mother when he was born. He has never come forward with her state of residence when he was born. Was she married to her husband and a Canadian citizen or was Cruz born out of wedlock while she was still an American citizen. This one is popcorn worthy.
7 days ago
The next best thing to free schooling, is schooling without sky high tuition. Tuition rates are astronomical these days.
7 days ago
Ad….if “original intent” were to really count in SCOTUS then Cruz being born in Canada would be well outside the 18th century understanding of “natural born” which meant being born ON the land….because of their concern re. the dangers of foreign born rulers.
7 days ago
Murph – We have free public schools through grade 12. Free college doesn’t mean unpaid, Bernie’s plan is to tax Wall Street transactions to have them pay for it to be free to the public, as property taxes are levied to make public school “free” up to 12th grade.
AdLib 7 days ago
I disagree Murph. Have you read Dr. Galbraiths letter to the economist who claim it can’t be done?
7 days ago
Murph–cruz is more dangerous to America because he is a dominionist (sp) rather than the fact that he was born in a foreign land. That being said, I do “love” how cruz keeps saying his citizenship is “settled law” when it is no such thing.
7 days ago
glenn, the big difference between the dem haters and the repub haters is quite large. Repubs hate based on race, religion (or lack of it), gender, sexual orientation, and political smears. Scalia earned every ounce of scorn and ridicule that he gets now..
7 days ago
MA…the issue of ius solis (citizenship through birth on the land) and ius sanguinis (citizenship through the blood of the parents) is at the heart of the question of citizenship but eligiblility for the presidency requires birth on the land (if one looks at orignal intent)
7 days ago
MA…Sanders is going to have a GOP House and that stops any Sanders plan dead.
7 days ago
glenn – It is what happens in competitions, sports, politics, etc., whoever is the opponent, even if they have been on goood terms previously, become tribal and a certain percentage become overly hostile. Hillary supporters can point at many examples of hostility towards them by Bernie supporters and vice-versa. As you say, it is not productive to ever get personal over politics.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph, if thaat’s the case, we should be cheering for Trump to oust the Liar!
7 days ago
In that case Murph, Cruz was not born on the land.
7 days ago
KT–Scorn, yes, ridicule…. I still think you can disagree with someone without ridiculing them.
7 days ago
Wasn’t John McCain born in Guam? He was born on US territory though, because of the military.
7 days ago
Ad….all public schools are funded by states and are based on property taxes. Sanders plan would get nowhere with the House and likely be scuttled in the Senate.
7 days ago
Glenn, never underestimate the power of ridicule.
7 days ago
Murph, Sanders will not have a GOP Senate and I’m sure he will have less of a GOP house than we have right now. I expect he would not be shy when it comes to using executive privilege either.
7 days ago
I believe McCain was born in Panama wasn’t he?
7 days ago
Murph – But Dem SCOTUS judges don’t all believe it is about original intent, some believe in the Constitution as a living document that needs to be applied under modern day perspectives.
AdLib 7 days ago
KT–Oh, don’t worry, I won’t underestimate it. Just think it is counter-productive in some cases, and gives you opponent unnecessary “talking points” against you.
7 days ago
Murph, that’s why a political revolution is needed. If we could throw out the bums and get reponsible reprentitives to replace them, Sanders could get a lot done, that now seems impossible.
7 days ago
KT…McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone which was under U.S. jurisdiction……U.S. land.
7 days ago
Thanks Murph. I knew it was somewhere other than here.
7 days ago
Sanders may have a Dem Senate if the five races that are being contested go our way but House will remain overwhelmingly GOP and they control the budget. Sanders cannot use executive orders to create taxes.
7 days ago
KT–I agree. If we could throw the bums out. The problem is that Dems have to show up for midterms, which is why we got this situation in the first place. Luckily, in this election, many Senate seats are up for grabs, and if enough Dems show up, we can take the Senate back.
7 days ago
Why do you say the House will remain in GOP hands?
7 days ago
Voting in the mid-terms will be part of Bernie’s revolution. Actually, it’s OUR revolution.
7 days ago
I believe Sanders will accomplish what he says he will, no matter what the make up of the House. House elections are every two years. When the citizens see them fillibuster they will vote them out. I’m sure of it.
7 days ago
Murph – I think that’s where you and a number of folks misunderstand the thrust of Bernie’s candidacy. He is about a long term movement to change government and press his proposals over a period of time. Neither Bernie nor Hillary will get anything meaningful passed through the House so it’s a bit insincere for the Hillary campaign to attack Bernie as “pie in the sky” when all of their proposals are just as “pie in the sky” with a Hillary-hating Repub House in place.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad…I know re. the justices and frankly original intenet among conservative justices has many variations…..but I wonder if a majority will be able to ignore the significant historical case around this issue (as it relates to the president) that can be made.
7 days ago
KT–If you’re asking me about the House, it’s because we have to turn a lot more seats in the House than we do in the Senate, and all of the gerrymandered districts don’t help Dems. Senate races are state-wide, so gerrymandering does not work for them. We only have to turn a few seats in the Senate to re-take control.
7 days ago
Murph – It’s easy to knock down any proposal by saying it will be knocked down. We could have said the same about universal health care and never attempted that either.
AdLib 7 days ago
KT in 2008 we had the Obama wave and in 2010 the Tea Party wave….I do not have much faith in the revolutions anymore because I do not have much faith in the revolutionaires…all of the attention and focus of dogs in a field of squirrels.
7 days ago
Oh, if people think the GOPers went nuts over Obama, just wait and see how they’ll behave if Hillary gets the presidency. They’ll really lose their minds. (or what they still have left of them)
7 days ago
dudes! and dudettes!
7 days ago
To have a revolution you need a leader that will continue the revolution. I believe Bernie will if he wins the presidency.
7 days ago
Hello Harleigh!
7 days ago
KT the house has now been so thoroughly gerrymandered that it will take two to three election cycles to win it back IF the 2020 census provides the opportunity for redistricting in our favor.
7 days ago
maybe Hillary getting elected is just what is needed todissolve the GOP once and for all?
7 days ago
Hey Harleigh!
AdLib 7 days ago
Well Murph, maybe the time is finally right. You have to admit, this is the craziest election season in memory. Well, my memory anyhow.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Hey Harleigh!
7 days ago
Solid point Murph.
7 days ago
Ad…Bernie inspires and I like his aspirations but in debate after debate he fails to convince me that he can build the coalitions to wield the power against the forces he will face. Sorry.
7 days ago
I don’t believe Hillary Clinton in office will dissolve the GOP, her election will strenghten them, she is already saying she is willing to compromise with them, you know continue the Obama legacy.
7 days ago
Murph – Agree with you that barring a miracle with an imploding Trump campaign that somehow tips the House, it will more likely take redistricting in 2020…or a Dem SCOTUS that strikes down gerrymandered districts…to allow for Dems to retake The House.
AdLib 7 days ago
That’s why he needs us, Murph.
7 days ago
Hi Harleigh….lots of hot topics tonight!
7 days ago
MA, Perhaps, but won’t it cause huge weaknesses in a coordinated attempt to regroup, especially if the Tea Party gets even more power?
7 days ago
Murph – The problem is, Hillary doesn’t convince me that she can build coalitions…without triangulating and giving important wins to the GOP.
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph, Bernie is knocking down obstacles left and right. He has the media against him, the establisment democrats against him and he is still rising in the polls not to mention many of the debates and Town Halls appear to be stacked against him.
7 days ago
hey folks. red states will fight redistricting. It will have to come from a scotus decision or a fed law… not likely that I can see.
7 days ago
PPO, I believe the Tea Party will begin to fade as people see how ridiculous their proposals are.
7 days ago
Harleigh – And just in time, we may have the SCOTUS we need to derail gerrymandering.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad, I’m sure that is one reason the GOPers don’t want Obama to nominate anyone. Oh well, too damn bad.
7 days ago
Exactly AdLIb, that is why McConnell has his panties in such a tight wad.
7 days ago
Ma, haven’t we been saying the same about Trump? It is so crazy now in the GOP that I don’t think even they have a clue anymore.
7 days ago
obama should resign, just after the election, biden becomes potus and nominates obama to the SC! problem solved.
7 days ago
My proposition is that Hillary could be riskier in being a one-termer if she wins this year. If she does indeed make compromises with the GOP as she keeps saying she will, on issue after issue, will Dems be as motivated to re-elect her as Repubs will be to replace her in 2020?
AdLib 7 days ago
All…I accept the fervor surrounding Bernie. I really admire him but he has not been a deal maker since his days as a mayor in Burlington….and that has left me dubious.
7 days ago
Trump is running in a primary, not a general election. He has about 30+ percent of the republican vote in the primary. I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on what he is doing right now.
7 days ago
Ad, I think a lot of what Hillary says, is meant to attract republican women as well as dem women. I’m not so sure she means it.
7 days ago
Murph – I understand the position that Bernie isn’t a deal maker. What deals did Hillary make as Senator?
AdLib 7 days ago
Regarding the SCOTUS empty seat…..if worse come to worse….an empty seat through 2016….on January 3 2017 what I hope will be a Dem Senate will be called toorder and Obama will still be president. Change the Senate rules, Obama nominates and they confirm within 10 days.
7 days ago
Actually, most of the deal making will take place in Congress.
7 days ago
That is what I feel AdLib, Hillary does not excite the base now. Imagine if she get into office and nothing changes for the millions who are suffering. I believe the electorate on the dem side will sit out the 2020 election and we will fall into a dark place in this nation, someplace none of us want to go, well none of the middle class and poor that is.
7 days ago
that would be lovely murph
7 days ago
Hello Harleigh. I just got back, so missed you coming in!
7 days ago
Well M, we pretty know what will happen if a GOPer gets in the white house. Not godd, no matter how you look at it.
7 days ago
hi glenn, it was a grand entrance!
7 days ago
KT – Maybe so but maybe not. Bill was all about triangulating and Hillary was in step with that. Hillary started her campaign by attacking Obama, now she is glued to his side. I have to confess, I can’t say for certain where she will end up after winning the Presidency, let alone in the GE. Don’t you think she’ll move away from the far Left and to the middle if she gets the nom and is in the GE?
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph–I like your SCOTUS scenario. It does depend on us getting a Dem Senate, though.
7 days ago
President Obama will nominate and get seated the next SCJ.
7 days ago
Well, got to vanish. will there be another Vox tomorrow?
7 days ago
7 days ago
Harleigh–as usual! Your entrances are always grand!
7 days ago
LOL glenn
7 days ago
Actually, I think she just fool us all, especially on women’s and children’s issues. she’ll always be strong on National defense, hopefully, not too strong.
7 days ago
Have a good day PPO!
7 days ago
G’nite PPO. Cheerio, and our best to your clever wife!
7 days ago
Yes PPO , we’ll be here tomorrow but on an election thread.
AdLib 7 days ago
whackdoodles wallerin in SC!!
7 days ago
Later P!
7 days ago
KT–not sure what you mean. Fool us all, how?
7 days ago
by being more progressive than we think she’ll be.
7 days ago
crazy carson will probably be gone after tomorrow.
7 days ago
Bye Bye Mr. Rodgers! He has been a hoot, though.
7 days ago
Did somebody wake him up and tell him that Harleigh
7 days ago
KT–that would be a good way to be fooled, IMO.
7 days ago
Yes it would, glenn.
7 days ago
Yes it would glenn, however I wouldn’t count on it.
7 days ago
MA carson is sad, not even reality based.
7 days ago
Monica – I think a Dem win this year is very likely but I think 2020 really poses a more likely win for a Repub…if they find a good candidate to run. Neither Bernie nor Hillary will get much done if they win, wouldn’t be unlikely for there to be economic problems or world issues that go bad on their watch. Repubs will try the same stonewalling tactic…2020 will be a tough year for Dems so we need a Dem Senate and Pres this year to change the balance on the SCOTUS…that’s the biggest thing I think either could accomplish in the next 4 years.
AdLib 7 days ago
Absolutely, explain again, how did he get into this race?
7 days ago
You have to admit though, Harley, Carson is highly entertaining.
7 days ago
MA–hey, in this election season, and with these candidates, there is NOTHING we can count on!
7 days ago
Ad I agree with your scenario.
7 days ago
It’s definitely time for the Hurdy Gurdy man to start singing.
7 days ago
Ad–that’s why the repubs are fighting President Obama tooth and nail to prevent him from a SCOTUS appointment.
7 days ago
I think we may see a Carson…and very possibly, a Bush exit after tomorrow! WHo would have ever guessed Jeb would be out so soon? Maybe he stays in till the SEC primaries but he’s definitely done after them!
AdLib 7 days ago
I’m a dreamer and I dream big Ad, I believe if Bernie gets even one of his proposals accomplished it will start an avalanche and a support for him that we haven’t seen for President Obama.
7 days ago
They are all crazy as shit, even declaring god is with them just like Palin and Bachmann only whackier by a ton of bat shit.
7 days ago
Ad….the other issue of course is that the GOP is deeply wounded now…broken in conflicting and antagonistic factions that hate each other…how will they come together in 2020?
7 days ago
The guano doesn’t fall too far from the bat!
7 days ago
MA….I admire your zeal and optimism.
7 days ago
Harleigh–never thought I’d see the day where someone is more bat shit crazy than palin or bachmann, but cruz and carson are giving it their best shot!
7 days ago
cruz is dangerously bat shit.
7 days ago
The GOP is exposed thanks to Trump, they are fighting among themselves because they aren’t sure what they do or where they go from here. The sheets have been removed.
7 days ago
KT I think they just hung there and shit themselves.
7 days ago
Thank you Murph.
7 days ago
monica – I am coompletely open to that possibility, my proposition was based on what I think is very possible but not an absoolute. Despite the gerrymadering, I think that it is even possible that The House could change hands if Trump or Cruz is the nom and self-destructs before Nov. Then, watch out!
AdLib 7 days ago
I’d hate to have to clean that mess up! Whew!
7 days ago
7 days ago
There needs to be the letters G O P somewhere on that bag!
7 days ago
glenn, imagine a Cruz/Palin or Cruz/Bachman ticket…LOL!
7 days ago
Palin – Bachmann 2016 for jebus! Halalujer!
7 days ago
My sentiments exactly AdLib!
7 days ago
LOL Murph!
7 days ago
from a brokered cornvention!
7 days ago
Monica–the good news is that more Dems vote in presidential elections, and those House seats that may be up this year have a strong possibility to be changed to Dem, as well as the Senate, which should be a little easier to accomplish. It all depends on the turnout, and how much whoever is the repub candidate turns off independents.
7 days ago
Murph – Even if the GOP had a mild candidate, 2020 could be solely a referendum on the Dem President and not on the strength of the Repub candidate so Repubs could win in such an environment. Then again, if the Dem President can get a couple of real things done, that window could be closed.
AdLib 7 days ago
get ready for the Apocalypse. Here I come Jeebus!
7 days ago
Even better Harleigh. LOL!!
7 days ago
rapture baby, rapture!
7 days ago
Ad…another scenario is the emergence of another Dem to build on limited success by Sanders or Clinton…both quite old at that point.
7 days ago
Monica–well, I don’t think there will be a cruz/palin ticket, ’cause they’re not “besties” any more since palin is supporting trump! But a cruz/bachmann ticket would almost guarantee a Dem win, don’t you think?
7 days ago
glenn – It is a possibility, not a big one but a legit one. If Dem and indie turnout swarms Repub turnout, if Repubs become discouraged by a failing Repub campaign for President, if it looks over before the election, maybe Repubs could be overwhelmed enough to lose enough House seats. A long shoot but not impossible.
AdLib 7 days ago
Glenn…you hint at the key…an energized, engaged Democratic party.
7 days ago
We have a plan to try to canvass the same during the of year elections where most of the congressional candidates get elected. It will be operated exactly the same as the general, but without the mass media attention. After Ferguson, many are awake now and are willing to participate in elections other than the general. That is one good thing that has come out of that situation.
7 days ago
Bachmann can sling pure D bullshit with them all and invoke jebus at the same time.
7 days ago
Murph – So Hillary or Bernie would only try for one term? Or there would be a contested primary?
AdLib 7 days ago
I would love to see dems win by the biggest landslide in US history! That would tell that maybe there’s hope for the American people as a whole.
7 days ago
Murph–I know it’s early, and we still don’t know who will be the nominee on either side, but Dems have got to become energized. Hopefully, any of the batshit crazy repubs will energize Dems.
7 days ago
Ad….good question but in general a primary would weaken the Dems…so I think it would be a brokered transition.
7 days ago
Murph, that is why the choice of VP this time is going to be really important.
7 days ago
BTW..None of us have mention Michael Bloomberg!
7 days ago
MA…absolutely…Liz Warren!
7 days ago
I don’t think Bloomberg is going to jump in. I hope not, anyway.
7 days ago
KT – And that is a possibility if the Repubs run Trump or Cruz, both have very limited appeal, even within their own party! If they self-destructed in October and angered and scared Dems, such a sweeping turnout from Dems could happen!
AdLib 7 days ago
Now a Sanders/Liz Warren ticket would be something to see
7 days ago
MA–glad to hear you’re working on off-year elections. That is how we got into this situation in 2010!
7 days ago
Palin goes where the wind blows and can change her support on a dime. She’ll find a way to riggle her way into the Cruz camp if it becomes necessary.
7 days ago
I think Warren’s talents would be wasted as VP. She’d be more effective, where she is.
7 days ago
Murph – Do you think Bloomberg will run?
AdLib 7 days ago
Murph you don’t know how I pray that she will change her mind and run for VP. I do like the job she is doing in the Senate, but I believe she could much a big difference in the next dem administration.
7 days ago
Ad…Bloomberg will only run IF he feels very sure he can win….which means win among Dems…that would take a Dem. implosion…he can totally self fund.
7 days ago
M, with Palin, it would be a lot more than a dime!
7 days ago
KT–I agree, we need Warren where she is. Not to mention she doesn’t seem to want to be involved in presidential races at this time. Perhaps she could be the keyin 2020 if the Dem president doesn’t get much accomplished.
7 days ago
i think 2020 is more realistic, for Warren.
7 days ago
I doubt Warren would agree to run as Bernie’s or Hillary’s VP. As I’ve mentioned before, I like Julian Castro as VP possibility. Need a big Latino turnout and he’s a sharp guy.
AdLib 7 days ago
I have joined a group affiliated with Nina Turner, we are already trying to organize around the importance of the House and the Senate and local elections.
7 days ago
MA–if cruz gets the nomination and palin changes to cruz, then she could prevent another repub from becoming president. What a legacy–the toxic addition to two presidential campaigns. LOL!
7 days ago
I agree KT, it is time for the sand in this nation to stand up and be counted.
7 days ago
Don’t we have a black lesbian jewish indian somewhere?? LOL
7 days ago
I have many friends in SC and they say the knives are out among the GOP there….Sanford endorsed Cruz today calling Trump a 9/11 truther….a bunch of video is now out showing Trump endorsing the war in Iraq….the Cruz campaign is in full assault mode…..the Bush people are saying that the establishment money may end up NOT endorsing any GOP (and maybe through 3rd parties going to Clinton).
7 days ago
We need to remind many, that democracy is a participatory endeavor.
7 days ago
But wouldn’t that be wonderful glenn…Palin the spoiler, how appropriate.
7 days ago
Murph – I think the best thing that can happen for Dems is for Bernie to win in Nevada tomorrow. Then Hillary wins in SC and the battle will go on for many weeks, past the deadlines in some states for Bloomberg to get on the balloot. He would need a quick knockout to feel he had a chance…and he would never win anyway but to keep him out for certain, we need a longer contested primary.
AdLib 7 days ago
My friends think Cruz will pull it out in SC.
7 days ago
MA–palin is more than a spoiler–she is the ruination!
7 days ago
I’m sure we do Harleigh.
7 days ago
Murph, isn’t that illegal?
7 days ago
Ad Lib…your Bloomberg scenario is plausible. Then who does he back.
7 days ago
monica – That is very cool, well done!
AdLib 7 days ago
Okay glenn, you win. I wonder why the GOP can’t see that.
7 days ago
KT, what is illegal?
7 days ago
pulling it out?
7 days ago
In public?
7 days ago
KT….get your mind out of the gutter….tut,tut,tut!
7 days ago
MA–the gop can’t see it because they really are stupid. Besides you and I are only talking hypotheticals. I can’t believe that cruz will even come close to the repub nomination. They hate him almost as much as we do!
7 days ago
Thanks KT, I am really excited about it. I am at the age where there aren’t too many things I can do to make this world a better place for my children and grandchildren. I feel this is one thing that I can do and be proud of doing.
7 days ago
Easier said than done, Murph!
7 days ago
MA–good on ya!
7 days ago
absolutely M. I feel the same.
7 days ago
Hypotheticals, of course but just think, wouldn’t it be nice if either one of our candidates could run against a Cruz Palin ticket.
7 days ago
I have to work tomorrow. whens the next vox?
7 days ago
MA–it would certainly be a landslide for Dems!
7 days ago
Thanks glenn!
7 days ago
What does the collapse of the Bush campaign mean? My friends in SC say it means the establishment deep pockets finding a Dem they can support/control
7 days ago
M, the comedians would be thanking the comedy gods. Manna from heaven.
7 days ago
Murph – That would be a great thing! The GOP establishment has very limited power over the race but they can narrow it more in SC. But Trump supporters will bounce back in Nevada and the SEC primaries! Trump will be very hard to stop, he may not succeed in getting a majority of delegates and get screwed in a brokered convention…then the Repub base might revolt and not vote, opening the door for Dems to win back The Senate AND The House!
AdLib 7 days ago
It certainly would glenn.
7 days ago
One of the Kochs said something in support of Sanders. One of the KOCHS! wow, what does that mean?
7 days ago
establishment money will go to rubitard.
7 days ago
Ad–I hope the repub base does revolt and not vote. But Dems still have to get out and vote big time!
7 days ago
Ad….one of my friends here in Mo is the head of a major investment company….he says that his circle of friends would only trust Bush or Kasich in that entire pack…if not one of them..then he is for Clinton….
7 days ago
Yes, it would be a happy time in the old town for us all KT. The laughs would flow like water over Niagra Falls.
7 days ago
7 days ago
Harleigh, we’ll have an election thread tomorrow, Vox is every Friday night!
AdLib 7 days ago
Dems need to tone down the infighting about Hillary and Bernie. Not good, in my opinion.
7 days ago
KT exactly right!
7 days ago
KT but at least it is policy in-fighting by and large.
7 days ago
Honestly, can anybody see Rubio as POTUS?
7 days ago
OMG no
7 days ago
KT–I agree. I get so angry when I read some Dem saying they’ll sit out the election if Hillary is nominated, or if Bernie is nominated. I think both of them are strong candidates, and as Bernie said, both of them are 1000x better than any repub candidate.
7 days ago
So Murph, what does that say when Repub backers see Hillary as the best alternative after Rubio and Bush? Might they know that she will be more sympathetic to them as President?
AdLib 7 days ago
By and large, yeah. I just don’t like seeing it. I’m afraid the more childish ones will stay home if their choice doesn’t get nominated.
7 days ago
KT, I believe the many things that Hillary surrogates are using to try to cripple the Sanders campaign is causing the problem.
7 days ago
Ad….it says what you say it says….I have never doubted that.
7 days ago
later folks.
7 days ago
Naw, it might the case to some extent, but there is plenty of derision on both sides.
7 days ago
G’nite Harleigh. Don’t work too hard!
7 days ago
Later Harleigh!
7 days ago
Good night Harleigh, hope to see you tomorrow.
7 days ago
KT…so many Dem voters are so undisciplined…just look at 2010….that election came close to ruining the Obama years….instead of just nearly ruining them.
7 days ago
Night Harleigh…
7 days ago
i know Murph, and that does worry me.
7 days ago
Yes, I have to admitt, many of those who believe they are promoting the candidates cause are in effect causing a problem that could cause some to decide not to sit the election out.
7 days ago
KT and Murph–that worries me, too.
7 days ago
I hope we don’t “Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”
7 days ago
KT – I agree, I don’t like the nastier toone in the Dem primary but there’s no stopping it now. We all remember how nasty it got in 2008. I’m not trying to put this all on Hillary but the worst attacks are coming from her and Bernie is hitting back hard too. She is trying to make the primary about his ineligibility now, not being a Dem, not telling the truth about being involved in civil rights, not being honest about his proposals, etc. Her camp now expresses the same meme, “Hillary has been vetted for decades, no more vetting of her is needed. It’s Bernie who needs to be vetted.” This sets up a more hostile dynamic.
AdLib 7 days ago
Ad….good summary of a bad trend.
7 days ago
I believe by the time the super Tuesday vote is over dems will unite behind one of the two candidates and if the other candidate will throw their support behind that candidate we will become a family again.
7 days ago
agreed. I think both of them have been vetted properly.
7 days ago
MA…I agree.
7 days ago
Ad–good summary. It’s the nuances we need to be focusing on and hoping that if either one gets the nom, s/he will consider some of the positions of the other candidate, because that is why people supported her/him.
7 days ago
Murph – That’s not to say Bernie hasn’t been harsh about Hillary, Bill and Obama. Even if it is a counter-punch, it’s still a punch and while I agree with him on Bill, I don’t go along with all oof his criticisms of Obama.
AdLib 7 days ago
I agree AdLib, and as much as we try to be neutral, tactics like these cause some of us to respond in the same manner. I have tried to curtail my harsh responses but it is really hard to do so.
7 days ago
MA–I hope you’re right; we need to become a family again; just not a dysfunctional one, where we, as KT says, snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
7 days ago
My friends….time to call it a day. I may check in tomorrow night…..depends on the day….
7 days ago
oops–snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
7 days ago
Excellent glenn, that is how I feel about this, I hope it happens.
7 days ago
night Murph. I too must call it a night. See you guys tomorrow.
7 days ago
G’night, Murph. Always great chatting with you.
7 days ago
Good night Murph.
7 days ago
monica – Same here, I don’t like seeing Hillary using the same classic estab politics against Bernie and it angers me but she is just doing what has been done for decades.
AdLib 7 days ago
Good night KT
7 days ago
MA–I know you’re doing your part, and I will do mine to see that it does happen.
7 days ago
G’night KT.
7 days ago
That’s the problem AdLib, she didn’t learn from the 2008 election.
7 days ago
My turn to say g’night. Take care folks, and have a good weekend/week.
7 days ago
We all came together after the 2008 war between Hillary and Obama, I don’t think this year will be as bad, we’ll come together after it all.
AdLib 7 days ago
Excellent glenn, working together we can make this a better nation for allof us.
7 days ago
Good night glenn!
7 days ago
monica – Agreed, which is why it’s kind of deja vu for Hillary to lose her massive lead.
AdLib 7 days ago
Well AdLib, I guess we held out the longest. Thanks for the wonderful conversation. See you tomorrow night.
7 days ago
Last word, exactly AdLib this race is going exactly the way the last one did. You would think she would have learned that dirty politics does not win an election. If she has so much experience and is so knowledgeable why can’t she run on that. Why have to try to tear down your opponnent?
7 days ago
Always a pleasure, monica!
AdLib 7 days ago
Good night AdLib!
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