Join us tonight for a live chat during the Democratic debate hosted by CBS. The debate starts at 6:00pm PST. You can watch the debate for free at the following link on
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CBSN – Live Streaming Video News Channel – CBS News
CBSN is a live 24/7 streaming video news channel that features original CBS News reporting, including the latest live breaking, world, entertainment, U.S., and political news. CBSN is available for free on the web, Roku, Apple TV, iOS, Android, Windows 8, Amazon Fire TV and more.
AdLib a month ago
Senator Clinton: Cluster bomb or Daisy Cutter?
a month ago
Daisy, Daisy, tell me your nuclear code true.
AdLib a month ago
That’s what I call diversity! What about barrel bombs?
AdLib a month ago
All depleted uranium shells used to destroy villages to root out evil doers will of course be halal.
a month ago
Halal to The Chief!
AdLib a month ago
And may God Bless the United States of America! Not your God of course, my much cooler God.
a month ago
I don’t know, my God sends me e-coupons for pizza.
AdLib a month ago
Hillary knows of one way to stop this senseless violence. Send more troops into war and drop more bombs.
AdLib a month ago
Algeria, we know you’re lookin at us funny
a month ago
Yeah man, Yeman!
AdLib a month ago
I am totally holding my breath for a question about creating a failed state in Libya and its consequences for regional security. Holding…my…breath…
a month ago
Senator Clinton: Nearly every decision we’ve made in the Middle East for the last 100 years has ended badly and made the situation there worse. How will you ensure that we don’t learn from these mistakes?
a month ago
Is it live yet?
a month ago
We’re live!
AdLib a month ago
Dammit, looking on cbsnews,com, but getting chat from CBS This Morning
a month ago
Funk – That seems a bit to thoughtful of a question for a debate. Aren’t they about trying to bait candidates into insulting each other?
AdLib a month ago
Funk, maybe the question should be ‘How do we learn from these mistakes?’
a month ago
Senator Clinton: Why does Senator Sanders hate that you are a woman?
a month ago
Oh no Pink, we don’t make mistakes here in the US. Silly Aussie, you should know better. LOL
a month ago
Hillary: The mistakes that have been made in the Middle East have been made by men. Since I’m a woman, I won’t make those mistakes but Senator Sanders who hates women, would.
AdLib a month ago
Funk, of course! How silly of me!
a month ago
Hillary: The problem isn’t that we’ve used force in the Middle East. It’s that we haven’t used enough. Ain’t I tough?!
AdLib a month ago
Really Pink, keep up would you?
a month ago
Trump: Only losers make mistakes and total losers admit it.
AdLib a month ago
Game on!
AdLib a month ago
Exactly. When you admit to mistakes, Baby Jesus cries
a month ago
And…..the other guy!
a month ago
Matt Mulrooney!
AdLib a month ago
Marvin O’Reilly!
AdLib a month ago
Yeah! That guy!
a month ago
Huh??? Commercials after 1 minute???
AdLib a month ago
Gotta pay the liberal media bills Ad
a month ago
The MSM has officially become crapola.
AdLib a month ago
Greedy crapola.
AdLib a month ago
WalMart is good….so…. good…
a month ago
At least Walmart got its time in the debate before any candidates.
AdLib a month ago
Dammit, embargo on CBS.Com in OZ. Have to find an end-around
a month ago
Hillary is so damn phony. Oh well…better than pathological.
AdLib a month ago
PPO – That sucks!
AdLib a month ago
Oh yeah? Tell that to Vince Foster and Chris Stevens
a month ago
Use a web proxy in the US.
AdLib a month ago
Old fogey here with little knowledge of confusers
a month ago
That’s 4 adjectives
a month ago
Go here PPO:
Free web proxy & Anonymous Proxy – Hide My Ass! Proxy
Try our free proxy to surf anonymously & protect your online identity. Our free proxy hides your identity & IP address. Want a more powerful proxy? For full encryption at supreme speed upgrade to HMA! Pro VPN
Free web proxy & Anonymous Proxy – Hide My Ass! Proxy
Try our free proxy to surf anonymously & protect your online identity. Our free proxy hides your identity & IP address. Want a more powerful proxy? For full encryption at supreme speed upgrade to HMA! Pro VPN
AdLib a month ago
And select United States.
AdLib a month ago
1. Close all the borders
a month ago
2. Spy on everyone
a month ago
3. Deport every single brownish person
a month ago
Real vague comments will be the best weapon against ISIS!
AdLib a month ago
4. Bomb something
a month ago
Isn’t anyone going to mention that the Paris massacres would never have happened if every Frenchmen was packin’ heat?
a month ago
5. Cancel Islam
a month ago
Drop our blah-blah-blah bombs on ISIS!
AdLib a month ago
See? Easy!
a month ago
Kes – Wait for the next Repub debate.
AdLib a month ago
I’m sure all 37 of ’em will be taking that line.
a month ago
Don’t tell me we’re going to have to storm Normandy again!?
a month ago
Funk – You forgot “Wave magic wand”.
AdLib a month ago
After pulling magic wand from ass
a month ago
ISIS was small when Obama made that statement. What dishonesty.
AdLib a month ago
That’s like saying: “Why didn’t Hollande see this attack coming? He’s an idiot.”
a month ago
At least Hillary is explaining that ISIS came from disbanding the Iraqi military.
AdLib a month ago
Dubya is the Daddy of ISIS.
a month ago
“Why didn’t Reagan see this coming?” “How come Obama can’t see the future?”
AdLib a month ago
Evil. Great. Next. Night Martin
a month ago
Kes – That’s the truth!
AdLib a month ago
WTH is O’Malley saying? We need to fight more of a war but not fight so much?
AdLib a month ago
O’Malley, don’t diss the current President. Please.
a month ago
When two people love each other very much, sometimes they have babies!
a month ago
“Walkin’ my baby back home…” Dubya’s love song.
a month ago
Funk – “People let me tell ya ’bout my best friend…”
AdLib a month ago
They’re cute together. Too bad their kid is such a dick
a month ago
Funk –
AdLib a month ago
Dick Cheney, to be exact.
a month ago
Bernie calls them “Mooslim”.
AdLib a month ago
At least he isn’t saying Musselman!
a month ago
Or Mohammadan
a month ago
Or Blackamoor…
a month ago
Hillary: “Let me put this in historic context.” Translated in the Clintometer: “Let me change the subject completely from my voting for invading Iraq.”
AdLib a month ago
CBS is doing it too, asking Bernie to insult Hillary. The MSM is such rotten grabage.
AdLib a month ago
Hillary is getting a bit dinged right now.
AdLib a month ago
“Let’s you and her fight… We’ll sell commercials.”
a month ago
Exactly Kes!
AdLib a month ago
a month ago
Hilalry is going all wordsalad now.
AdLib a month ago
She’s way on the defensive because she can’t defend supporting the invasion of Iraq and her railing against “dictatorships” rings hollow.
AdLib a month ago
Eye Ran
a month ago
And Eye Wrack.
a month ago
Again, “Mooslim”. Bernie, they ain’t cows!
AdLib a month ago
He’s adorable
a month ago
Utterly distracting.
AdLib a month ago
a month ago
Wait for it…..
a month ago
What do you folks think, does Hillary seem strong right now or defensive?
AdLib a month ago
AH….now it is working….took several tries….from 8:10 on…Who can catch me up?
a month ago
Hmmm not bad. Better than I thought I’d hear
a month ago
Hey Murph! Just read back, you’ll be up on everything in no time.
AdLib a month ago
Scrolling back is not yet working.
a month ago
You know. Arc of Instability. That spans half the earth
a month ago
But Hillary is giving more of a history lesson than offering any insights on what should be done.
AdLib a month ago
Compared to Sarah Palin, she’s Mother Teresa combined with Elizabeth I. With a little Marie Curie thrown in.
a month ago
Murph – Try your Up Arrow. Works on my PC.
AdLib a month ago
Well that’s it for Libya. Enjoy the failed state of Libya questions at the next Presidential debate
a month ago
In 2020
a month ago
a month ago
Ad….still not working….I will read along until I catch up.
a month ago
Very very very very long term kids of investments
a month ago
Sorry Murph, don’t know why that is. Will research it but usually is a memory issue on one’s computer.
AdLib a month ago
The KKK are ‘radical Christians.’ When is the GOP going to start calling them that?
a month ago
But what do you want to actually do, Hillary?
AdLib a month ago
Murph, before you got here it was basically just compare/contrast on Bernie/Hillary as far as ME policy is concerned in the light of the Paris events.
a month ago
Ad LIb….not to worry….it could just be the browser too.
a month ago
NEE-Hull-ism? Huh? She can’t even pronounce nihlism?
AdLib a month ago
Right Murph, could be that too. Closing and restarting browser could fix it but not so necessary now.
AdLib a month ago
Hmmm, that was not what I wanted to hear.
a month ago
Kes….great pt. regarding radical Christians….of cours when Jindl and Cruz appear on the stage with a radical “kill the gays” pastor it makes such condemnation pretty difficult to do.
a month ago
“Softness of language means softness of approach.” You gonna say that to Ben Carson?
AdLib a month ago
I think the three are making a good case for using the term radical jihadists….
a month ago
Sorry but I find all of this mealy mouth crap. They all seem too afraid to lay out an actual strategy.
AdLib a month ago
To be fair to all of the candidates, you are going to do yourself more harm than good by going out on a limb after an incident like last night
a month ago
Why must the US be the primary force against ISIS? Bernie did say the Arab nations need to be brought in, that I do agree with.
AdLib a month ago
But I agree with you Ad.
a month ago
Murph, that was incredible, no? GOP Presidential candidate on the same stage with such a blatant homophobe?
a month ago
Funk – But blather really isn’t attractive, it looks wishy washy.
AdLib a month ago
Old saying, “Arab problems on Arab shoulders.”
AdLib a month ago
Ad…I still find the term useful. Jihad is an Islamic idea which has a number of interpretations (incuding the inner struggle toward holiness) but attaching radical to it makes it clear that this is not a witch hunt targeting the religion of Islam
a month ago
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations have much more to lose if ISIS keeps growing more powerful and they have huge armies. We should support their operations, period.
AdLib a month ago
“Them Syrian refugees are comin’ to get us!”
AdLib a month ago
Even though none of the terrorists came into France as refugees!
AdLib a month ago
I heard a German opposition leader today say that the EU and the U.S. should tell the major Muslim powers in North Africa that they either step up or we sanction them… blocks, asset freezing, no more arms, no joint exercises.
a month ago
I sort of relieved that none of them are allowing themselves to be baited into making Trump-like crazy-hawking declarations at least. I think there’s a market for that crap among a certain subset of the population — especially after yesterday.
a month ago
Murph – I think we should pressure the Arab nations to take action or lose support. We give Egypt a lot and others, make it conditional on them protecting their own region.
AdLib a month ago
Wow…did anyone else just see the commercial that the Walmart workers put together? Awesome! Challenging all the candidates in both parties to DO something to help them. Great!
a month ago
Kes – Agreed but I would be very surprised if any Dems came out as war mongers. Good thing they’re not going there but Repubs will blow the roof off the war hawk cage!
AdLib a month ago
Step 1 is simple. Cut off Saudi Arabia from everything. Everything until they root out, arrest, try and jail the private financiers of ISIS and Al Queda
a month ago
Yes Kes, cool anti-Walmart ad!
AdLib a month ago
The Saudis have a real problem. ISIS has grown out of Wahabbism, orthodox (and often radical) Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia. There are many adherents in SA in support of ISIS (at least in principle) AND many of these are also opposed the Saudi Royal Family.
a month ago
There’s not point doing anything else until that first step is taken.
a month ago
They will, AdLib, but I wonder if that’s going to help the GOP in the long run. Playing the war hawk game.
a month ago
Funk – Agreed, we should get tough on SA, with oil depressed, they are more vulnerable than ever.
AdLib a month ago
Hi folks.
a month ago
The danger of that is that the current regime will be deposed by the real crazies that they keep at bay inside their own country
a month ago
Hey e’cat! How are you?
a month ago
Hi ECat!
a month ago
Hi Kes, I visited earlier but I must have been in an alternate PPOV universe….nobody was there!
a month ago
S cat…..howdy do!
a month ago
It’s nice to hear grown ups talking politics, no?
a month ago
Murph – In essence though, the US is protecting the Saudi family as a priority over the preserving the lives of Americans in the military.
AdLib a month ago
Hey ecat! So true!
AdLib a month ago
Hmmm…strange. I’ve been here since 9 EST — along with some other folks.
a month ago
Ad….and why is the U.S. aligned with the Sauds? Oil, stability, a base, the Gulf.
a month ago
And so far, none of these candidates has stabbed anyone or hit their mother in the head with a brick!
AdLib a month ago
The Vox area was still up. I entered there by accident at first
a month ago
I believe that was a hammer…
a month ago
And nobody is fiddling with their belt buckles.
a month ago
Scat….I had the same problem and saw you signed in there but I thought that was glitch!
a month ago
Funk, that must be where I ended up. It was a previous chat session
a month ago
Funk…that explains it…
a month ago
The sight of Trump fiddling with his belt buckle was a little unnerving…
a month ago
Kes, yeah that was gross
a month ago
Murph – Kind of defeating the purpose, isn’t it? Keeping Saudis “stable” while destabilizing the rest of the ME AND…enabling Al Qaeda by protecting the Saudis.
AdLib a month ago
Ad, nearly the entire global terror network and nearly all of the radical madrassa around the world is funded by Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari money.
a month ago
Icky, e’cat!!
a month ago
Kes – Sorry, I keep forgetting what weapons Carson claims to have used to assault who.
AdLib a month ago
VERY FRUSTRATED! Can’t see or hear a fecking thing!
a month ago
I think that until now, when the Saudis are actually a part of the problem at its core, that devil’s deal made sense….but what makes sense now?
a month ago
I know it’s hard to keep the weaponry straight. I think there must have been a light saber in there somewhere.
a month ago
Screw the Saudis. We shouldn’t try to do any more regime changing but we should be very tough on them with protecting themselves instead of our destroying our economy to keep them in power.
AdLib a month ago
Good line, Bernie!
a month ago
PPO – Did you try that link I posted for a web proxy?
AdLib a month ago
Funk…precisely…the war on Daesh/ISIS/ISIL is a war that is with those in SA who are BIG MONEY for radicalism.
a month ago
Solution: Clusterbomb the fuckers or clusterfuck the bombers
a month ago
Murph – Exactly! No sense anymore for us to fall on grenades to protect Saudis.
AdLib a month ago
Yes, Ad, but no luck
a month ago
Ad…we already have a fundamentally unstable Egypt…want to double down on the Saudis….I don’t know how…
a month ago
Murph, take ’em out. Tell the Saudis they have 10 days to put heads on sticks or else.
a month ago
Kes – Didn’t Carson use a circular saw on his great aunt?
AdLib a month ago
A Craftsman, to be precise.
a month ago
If we had a financier of global terror in San Fransisco, I’d be perfectly okay with a SWAT team raid in broad daylight to take them out.
a month ago
Go after those rats in Big Pharma, Bernie! Sic ’em!
a month ago
But funk, that financier and his friends in SA is part of the coalition that keeps the Saud family in power.
a month ago
Murph – The US opposes majority rule when we have dictators that support us. Why not let those in SA decide their own destiny instead of us propping up the Saudis?
AdLib a month ago
Yep Murph. Tough decision
a month ago
For them
a month ago
Funk – Hmm…maybe people in the US who want government to prop them up just change their citizenship to Saudi?
AdLib a month ago
Ad…do you really mean that…..we know how well democratic principles work in the ME….not a pretty picture overall.
a month ago
Sure are a lot of political issue ads on during the debate. Not a bad thing at all, just noting that.
AdLib a month ago
Uh-oh…now the Big Box slave owners are fighting back against the WalMart employees.
a month ago
Murph – What I mean is that whenever the US supports dictators, it is a disaster in the end for us and the region of that world. You don’t think the US should be propping up the Saudis, controlling the leadership of SA?
AdLib a month ago
In the ad department, that is.
a month ago
Kes – Maybe a debate between Walmart and anti-Walmart folks will take place between the Dem debate!
AdLib a month ago
I’d watch that!
a month ago
What do you think of the debate so far?
AdLib a month ago
a month ago
Secure borders? There is a virtually zero influx of immigrants now!
AdLib a month ago
It’s what I expected. I don’t think any of them have any idea what they’d do about some of these issues, and if they do, they’re shy about sharing details.
a month ago
I don’t know if it is a disaster or not……Hussein was a dictator…not toppling him in the War in the Desert support his continuance…..In LIbya has Qaddafi’s end done good….Assad is a monster but the civil war is making things more monstrous….In Egypt democratic elections led to a radical Islamist regime and how the rule of the Generals…You are applying a Western model and I don’t think it works.
a month ago
It’s pretty wonky and sane overall…which means ratings will probably be low. O’Malley just mentioned the zero immigrant influx too.
a month ago
That’s a straw horse, the Repubs will never admit there is enough of a solid border, Never, we can’t say that needs to be done first because we’ll never get past that.
AdLib a month ago
Cheers to O’Malley, he’s stated some of the above.
AdLib a month ago
I do like O’Malley.
a month ago
Murph – So the US should pick who should lead Arab nations?
AdLib a month ago
I like O’Malley as well….but if Hillary gets the nomination then I think Julian Castro has the inside track.
a month ago
I agree.
a month ago
I like Julian Castro…he’d be a good choice
a month ago
Murph – Very good prediction, I’ve been thinking the same. He would be very strong as a VP.
AdLib a month ago
I think they are all looking good so far, Bernie’s looking better than last debate. Hillary is solid and O’Malley is stronger.
AdLib a month ago
ad…..address my point….if the U.S were to say to these nations that they have to elect governments ….. and that we will not support any other government….. will the results be to our or their good…so for the experience is not a good one. What are the functioning democracies in the ME…Israel, Jordan, Morocco, and ????
a month ago
It’s so refreshing after watching that toxic mess the other night
a month ago
Ad…I agree….any of these would be better than any of THEM
a month ago
So true, e’cat! And the same with the Rachel Maddow forum.
a month ago
I’d pour money in Jordan. Gobs of it. They are the real heroes in that area of the world. Why not give them some more tools for the toolbox?
a month ago
Is it my imagination or is Clinton actually looking better in each debate.
a month ago
Murph – You miss my point, I’m saying that we don’t dictate to other nations in any case. Whether that is to insist on democracy or support dictators. Our meddling in the ME has only made the world a more dangerous place.
AdLib a month ago
funk, what do you think about Lebanon? They seem to be making a real effort to be decent — when it comes to refugees too.
a month ago
Murph, at some point when everything you touch turns into a turd, you should stop touching
a month ago
Really Hillary? $12 instead of $15? Your non-Progressive views are showing through.
AdLib a month ago
Ad…we have been power brokering world wide for a long time….super powers (political, economic, military) do that….not doing it…letting the chips fall where they will…where has this worked out in the Middle East.
a month ago
Kes…add Lebanon to my list.
a month ago
Thank you, KOIN6 Portland Oregon! Effin Commercial break!
a month ago
Wall St coming up
a month ago
Maybe it’ s because I have Lebanese friends, but they seem to be moderate and decent for the most part.
a month ago
Murph, we don’t know. We haven’t let the chips fall for 100 years. Maybe now’s the time to stop
a month ago
Funk..egypt? Iraq post withdrawal?
a month ago
Murph – Funk’s point is the same as mine, our meddling and power brokering, interfering in the leadership of other nations has made everything worse. If not for our installing The Shah in Iran, history would be far different. If not for our taking out Saddam and Gaddafi, there would be no ISIS. Do you think things are better in the world for our manipulating leadership in the ME?
AdLib a month ago
We not only took out Saddam but we also left him in….the experience in Egypt when we get behind the Arab Spring, not very Springy…two sides to this story
a month ago
Iraq post withdrawal has been awful, but I have no nostalgia for the days of Saddam Hussein either.
a month ago
Well, this debate presentation by CBS is sure a lot more appropriate than CNN’s football version.
AdLib a month ago
Murph, at some point you have to disengage. While I am aghast at what has happened in Iraq and deeply disappointed by Egypt, these situations occurred in the first place because of our f***-ups.
a month ago
1. Let support the partition of the Middle East against tribal boundaries by France and England and create a new country!
a month ago
2. Let’s support autocrats and strongmen in Iraq to guard against the Soviets
a month ago
3. Let’s arm the Iraqis and enter into a proxy war with Iran
a month ago
Murph – We did not control events in Egypt during the Arab Spring, you can’t put that at America’s feet. The citizens shouldn’t have been allowed to overthrow their dictator and replace him? But we did keep Mubarak in place as a brutal dictator. So more Arabs hate America.
AdLib a month ago
4. Let’s give them weapons of mass destruction too
a month ago
Bernie! Yes, break up the big banks!
a month ago
5. Then lets overthrown the latest strongman, lay off the entire military, destroy the country and then leave.
a month ago
Bernie is scoring big on Hillary right now.
AdLib a month ago
Then something bad happens, and our first instinct is to get involved? WHAT?
a month ago
Ad, a bit light on HOW he’ll do it
a month ago
I’d better get on topic lol
a month ago
Bernie’s response to Hillary’s “rein in the big banks” plan: “Not good enough.”
a month ago
PPO – He can’t do most of that alone, that is the truth. Congress has to pass bills. But it shows where he would lobby.
AdLib a month ago
NO!!! Hiollary is invoking 9/11 to justify her support of Wall Street???
AdLib a month ago
And what is the price of disengagement….I am not at all clear (one cost will be greater jeopardy for Israel)
a month ago
What a lousy thing for Hillary to do!
AdLib a month ago
a month ago
Hillary officially sucks.
AdLib a month ago
She really went nasty/negative there. I’m NOT impressed.
a month ago
Murph I have no idea. I am not saying to abandon and ignore the Middle East. Simply change the entire dynamic. Pull out the military, close the bases, embark on a diplomatic blitzkreig.
a month ago
Funk…I have no confidence in your proposal…I also have no confidence in the current model…
a month ago
O’Malley allying with Bernie! Awesome!
a month ago
Murph – Ending our ongoing domination of other nations isn’t disengagement. It’s reigning in an abuse of power that is damaging nations around the world.
AdLib a month ago
Hillary is proposing weak tea.
AdLib a month ago
“Wall Street playing by the rules? Who are you kidding?”
a month ago
Murph, I’m under no illusion that things would get worse before they get better. I almost expect it
a month ago
Hillary is finally exposing her dishonesty and commitment to Wall Street.
AdLib a month ago
Yes…she’s almost brazen about it.
a month ago
Ad I find such thinking idealistic….and then I look at Egypt…far worse off today than before the Arab Spring
a month ago
Kes – Exactly, it’s outrageous! So they paid record fines because they played by the rules?
AdLib a month ago
Funk…we have the luxury of letting things get worse over there…..but for the people who live there….well take a look at the refugee crisis.
a month ago
I don’t think she’s helping herself at all tonight.
a month ago
Murph – Idealistic? Opposing America’s manipulation of soveriegn nations is idealistic?
AdLib a month ago
Ad….as you shape it here, yes.
a month ago
Strongest clashes to date between Hillary and Bernie. But – honestly – I think Bernie is coming out looking like the better person.
a month ago
Murph, our intervention in Iraq created 3 million refugees. Exactly what principle are we standing on?
a month ago
Our intervention in Iraq was in the name of democracy….not intervening leaves a strongman dictator in power…..which of the two is the right one.
a month ago
Murph – I’m not shaping anything. You’re proposing that it’s better for the US to control the leadership of foreign nations. I think that’s very wrong. Where do you think this has proven to be good for the region and the US, as opposed to Iraq, Libya and Saudi Arabia?
AdLib a month ago
You mean the one we helped keep in power?
a month ago
O’Malley nailed Hillary on her flip-flopping.
AdLib a month ago
The one we armed?
a month ago
All I know is that at some point you stop digging
a month ago
Our intervention in Iraq was in the name of oil and faux-Christianity, I’m afraid. Contrary to Dubya’s whoppers, democracy had little to do with it.
a month ago
AdLib a month ago
Great Twitter question nailing her!
AdLib a month ago
Ad…deal with Iraq….not acting in 91 left Hussein in power….good idea? acting in 2002 got him out…good idea? I suggest there are no easy answers here.
a month ago
9/11 is exposed as the fraudulent pretext it was in her argument.
a month ago
I like China’s strategy in the ME and Africa. Buy love. Build highways, bridges, schools. Bribes. Big fat bribes.
a month ago
1000th of the cost of occupying the earth
a month ago
Disagree Murph, what harm was being done to the region and the US when Hussein was left so weakened in power?
AdLib a month ago
rankly….I am finding the anti-Hillary glee here increasingly unpleasant……and pretty unfair…..
a month ago
Ad….Hussein was weakened but his hold on his people was just as strong…our inaction supported that.
a month ago
Murph, Hillary used 9/11 to excuse her support of Wall Street. That didn’t bother you? And she said they played by the rules. Do you agree with her?
AdLib a month ago
I don’t she is being given a real hearing right now…
a month ago
Hillary seems to be pitching for the GOP vote tonight.
a month ago
Murph – You’re not answering my question though, how was a weakened and weaponless Hussein making the region or the US more unsafe?
AdLib a month ago
Murph I get it. But I think you understand my point. Each decision we’ve made has lead to a different set of decisions worse than the last. At what point do we have the introspection to be able to say ‘enough’? I do agree with you though. It’s not as cut and dried as I am making it out to be.
a month ago
We have O’Malley and Sanders pushing hard to make some gain…I get it and I have not been a Ready for Hillary Person…..but I want to give her the chance to earn my enthusiasm and that is what we better have to win.
a month ago
Murph – The issue I have with Hillary is that I’m not convinced that she is voicing support for Progressive views for any reason other than beating Bernie. Now she tries to use 9/11 to justify her non-Progressive support of Wall Street and declares they played by the rules when the billions they’ve paid in criminal wrong doing are all documented. This only strengthens my concerns that she is being disingenuous.
AdLib a month ago
Murph, by the debate moderators or by the people here?
a month ago
Murph – And isn’t the state of Iraq right now, with ISIS on the rampage, far worse than when Saddam was weak but in power? Didn’t Bush make things far worse by involving the US in regime change?
AdLib a month ago
I get it that there are those who begin with the assumption that Clinton is a trojan horse, and that may be so but I am going to give her the space to make her case.
a month ago
Ad – my Iraq point…we chose to leave Hussein in power and we chose to topple him…which one was for the best with a good outcome. The path is not so clear to me.
a month ago
Appreciate that Murph, you can see though how making such statements seem antithetical to her avowed commitment to Progressive values to others?
AdLib a month ago
Ad- and again I point to Egypt….a tyrannical and unelected Miltary Junta is now in command and it is the Arab Spring that put them there.
a month ago
Murph – That was partially because the US helped keep Mubarak in control, torturing and oppressing so many.
AdLib a month ago
Ad…above all I am practical. I do not believe Sanders can win…the word Socialist will take him down….and O Malley (my original favorite) is gaining no traction….I will do whatever it takes to keep the GOP out of the WH
a month ago
The challenge with Hillary is that she is a polarizing figure. She’s spent so long in the public eye, so long building a track record of policy statements that often I think many people treat here as a known quantity that we aren’t going to learn anything more about. I know I am guilty of that.
a month ago
Ad…and we withdrew our support from Muburak as well…and the collapse followed….the generals got the message from us…..
a month ago
Murph – That’s reasonable. However, I do think it’s important to show we’re different than the Repubs who blindly follow the candidates they support and won’t acknowledge the things they do and say that’s messed up.
AdLib a month ago
Ad…fine to debate and to argue but the sniping was really getting to me….it is what THEY do to us.
a month ago
Murph – Only after the revolution started in Egypt.
AdLib a month ago
She just said it: “The differences among is pale compared to what’s going on on the Republican side.”
a month ago
Ad…..our generals let their generals know that we no longer supported Mubarak…..without the generals being clear in their support the revolution started.
a month ago
Kes…and she is absolutely correct in that.
a month ago
Dishonesty by any candidate, Repub or Dem, will get the same reaction from me. I respect honesty and think consistency is part of being principled.
AdLib a month ago
Agreed, Murph, but she has a problem with Wall Street, and possibly Israel and with her corporate ties.
a month ago
Ad..they are all dishonest….in one way or another.
a month ago
I think Bernie is about as principled as it gets when it comes to people in politics.
a month ago
Murph – I dinged Bernie above too.
AdLib a month ago
Murph, Hillary’s saving grace is that comparatively she is vastly superior to any Republican. Objectively that will not make me support her in a primary. I’m a cold-eyed realist in a general election.
a month ago
AdLib a month ago
Sorry, gotta go. Fascinating, in a deflating way. I suppose HRC is the better of any GOP’er, but……
a month ago
Kes…he is principled and he also has gotten barely a thing done in a very long career in Congress….that needs to be examined….simply put…he is not a coalition builder…he is not a deal maker.
a month ago
Bernie never explains that he needs Congress to pass the laws he wants. He can’t do it alone through EO.
AdLib a month ago
Same here, funk. I will vote for Hillary if she’s the candidate.
a month ago
Funk…fair enough and I am doing my best to push her left and in my direction on a number of issues as well. But of the three she is the strongest on many fronts (barring some iceberg out there)
a month ago
I think part of the reason Bernie doesn’t have a huge list of bill passed is that he has often been many years ahead of his time. He has recently had a major veteran’s bill passed.
a month ago
Murph, I’m not interested in a coalition builder. The GOP has no interest in working with any Democratic President on anything ever unless it is utter capitulation to their wishes.
a month ago
Kes…so was Ted Kennedy….deal making is how you demonstrate that you can create coalitions.
a month ago
Ted dealt with people who were reasonable. Those people are gone.
a month ago
Murph, I don’t disagree with you. I think Bernie is more electable than you give him credit for, but I agree that currently Hillary is the odds-on favorite if the election was being held today. But it isn’t.
a month ago
Funk….then you want to elect a president who will have a GOP House that will block them and a (hopefully) tilted Dem Senate that can be mired… making…it is a very necessary tool AND Obama has proven quite good at this when the GOP has been forced to act he has been ready.
a month ago
Funk Pew did a study and 74 percent of the electorate will not vote for a Socialist….and Bernie makes that case for himself…imagine what the GOP would do with it.
a month ago
Granted Bernie’s a long shot, but I’m getting a little weary of being calculating and going for the “lesser of two evils” on election day. In the primary I want to vote for a person of principle. Not a calculating “pragmatist.”
a month ago
Murph, I think the President has been fantastic at manning the trenches and wall against the Huns. But he hasn’t had a piece of substantive legislation other than those to stave off utter disaster pass through Congress in 5 years. I don’t expect anything different from the GOP regardless of who the President is
a month ago
Murph, that’s a challenge.
a month ago
Kes….such high idealism is a credit to you but will you be happy with a GOP in the WH?
a month ago
It would be dishonest to say it isn’t.
a month ago
As I said — I’ll vote for whomever the Dem candidate is. That’s all I can do. But the only was Bernie will be unelectible is if no one votes for him.
a month ago
Only “way” — not was.
a month ago
Funk…legislation – I agree but the deals made regarding the debt ceiling, the budget, the Highway Bill, and a series of fixes moved quietly were done with Dem and GOP votes and Obama was glue spreader.
a month ago
Murph, I was challenged on my vote for Obama for months in this exact way.
a month ago
Funk…I was for Obama early on but I was living in SC at the time and his race was a very significant factor for me.
a month ago
Then you know what I am referring to. We have almost a year to hash this out! If all Bernie does is make Hillary a stronger candidate then I say bravo
a month ago
a month ago
a month ago
Murph – You know I like a lively debate, appreciate your POV on all we’ve been discussing!
AdLib a month ago
Yes, if Bernie pushes Hillary to the left — that alone is a good thing. She did start out adulthood as a Republican after all! Gotta make sure every vestige of that taint is eliminated. LOL!
a month ago
Folks, sorry about this, have to head out to a friend’s birthday party. Please continue the chat, I’ll catch up on it later tonight! Best to all!
AdLib a month ago
Enjoy, AdLib!
a month ago
ad…of course and I appreciate the honesty, directness and intelligence here.
a month ago
Ad….best to you have a piece of cake for me.
a month ago
Murph, you stick to issues and never go personal, which is much appreciated!
a month ago
Kes…thank you so much.
a month ago
You’re very welcome.
a month ago
Very honest answer from O’Malley.
a month ago
I really do like him a lot
a month ago
In a different year… I’d love to vote for O’Malley.
a month ago
O’Malley should be in national leadership somehow
a month ago
Yes. And he really is laying down some great groundwork for a future run.
a month ago
I like Bernie’s VA experience as well….and who could argue with Clinton and the Situation Room and the killing of Bin Laden.
a month ago
Very good example of Bernie deal making….maybe he does have it.
a month ago
That had to be a pressure-cooker. And then there was that little 11 hour dance with Gowdy.
a month ago
Okee doe
a month ago
Kes, I agree. The Dem bench is not super deep. O’malley is positioning himself for the future. It may simply end up being a Howard Dean-ish future, but he’s a good dude with good views.
a month ago
Closing statements….needed but essentially empty as they are couched in terms to be safe….and are a bit canned.
a month ago
Funk…our bench is not deep but those on it are.
a month ago
Basically the stump speech condensed with a pitch for $$$.
a month ago
I always thought Sherrod Brown would be a good dem candidate
a month ago
Hillary had a better closing than I expected.
a month ago
Ecat I agree
a month ago
e’cat, Sherrod is wonderful.
a month ago
Bernie is doing his stump but it sounds fresh.
a month ago
I am a fan of Brown as well.
a month ago
I repeat….any of them are so superior to any of THEM
a month ago
His wife is a little firebrand — Connie Schultz. She’s a writer and a feminist. She’d be a wild first lady.
a month ago
For sure Murph. I think that’s something everyone voting in the general election needs to remember. At the end of the day you put your toys away and do the adult thing.
a month ago
funk, most of us do anyway
a month ago
Funk….that is so
a month ago
Any of the three would be more than competent. That’s a wonderful thing.
a month ago
I’m still undecided about the primary
a month ago
Ecat, that’s cool. I’m more than willing to have my mind changed. Bernie can still lose my vote. We are going to hear millions of words from these candidates over the next several months (unfortunately)
a month ago
Well folks…I am off to bed…who won? democracy~ and democrats!
a month ago
For sure. Thanks for the discussion. Night everyone!
a month ago
Night folks
a month ago
Well, kids, I’m at the cottage getting ready to close up for the season and we have one of those old refrigerators that you have to defrost. So now I’m going to move into the REALLY exciting part of the evening. Throwing big chunks of ice into the sink. Have a great weekend, and hold Paris in your thoughts when you have a moment?
a month ago
Kes, I used to have a cottage but now I live in one all year round….
a month ago
That’s even better! You NEVER have to defrost then.,,
a month ago
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