I enjoyed the super Bowl, Patriots are my team. I like football as a sport. However I can’t understand how the NFL can accept corporate welfare? How can a business be a nonprofit if they pay the commissioner 44 million a year?
I admit that I like football. I’m a Patriots fan. I also like the Seahawks, Eagles, and a couple other teams that do not win all the time. I am disgusted that the NFL has the designation of a nonprofit! To me this is nonsense! The NFL is a huge business and makes billilons each year. How does it qualify as a nonprofit ????
Isn’t a nonprofit supposed to be a charity? Isn’t it supposed to NOT make profits? How can anyone believe that the NFL is a nonprofit ?
As I’ve pointed out before, the NHL and PGA are also nonprofits!
Maybe it’s time to close the corporate loopholes that grant nonprofit status to VERY profitable corporations.
Tell me what you think about it. Lets have a conversation. I am sure there are other BIG corporations taking advantage of the loophole that these three sports leagues do.
Nirek, there are unfortunately some pretty glaring reminders around this country that blatantly expose how corruption is embedded in our democracy and society. The NFL’s status as both a monopoly and a non-profit that profits an insane amount is evidence of that.
Non-profits weren’t created to allow billion dollar businesses a way to avoid paying taxes. So American taxpayers are not only subsidizing millionaires and billionaires who own NFL teams (those poor owners, the really are our nation’s neediest) but when they want new stadiums built, the city they’re in are extorted to either subsidize them with taxpayer money or lose them to a city that will.
And after all the scandals this year, can anyone say with a straight face that the NFL isn’t a corrupt and insulated organizations?
It is the players and coaches that make football the sport it is, the NFL however is a very small club of greedy and corrupt millionaires who have used the leverage of those actually playing the game to steal from taxpayers even more obscene profits than they would receive anyway.
Ad, I think our government has to change some of the rules that allow corporations to get away with this fraud.
Lousy, but not surprising, Nirek. There are thousands of Registered Charities and Non-profit Organizations who, while raising money for the underprivileged or Disabled, grant themselves large salaries and build big administrative behemoths. It is estimated that less than 50c in the Dollar ever get to the beneficiaries. Very few, like the Salvation Army, give almost parity for the donated cash. It does seem obscene that the NFL is ‘non-profit’. Didn’t know that the Owners were on their uppers and that all the billions are helping the poor players and TV Stations earn a living. Doesn’t pass the smell test, does it?
PPO, good day !
I understand some administration costs but there should be a limit, don’t you think?
Thanks for the response, my friend.