Live Chat is open tonight to discuss the Ferguson ruling, feel free to comment.
adlib 2 months ago
Is there any reporting on cable about the mood and/or activities on the streets in Ferguson?

2 months ago
It’s aways disheartening to see the innocents realize what the justice system in the country can be at its worst.

2 months ago
1000% of the time a grand jury indicts if the prosecutor says there is enough evidence for an indictment. This prosecutor took it upon himself to shield the courts from having to lift a finger to determine Wilson’s guilt/innocence

2 months ago
I heard him referred to as “Darren Wilson’s defense attorney” on Twitter, funk.

2 months ago
I knew long ago that there was a 0% chance of indictment. To have it go down like this; so brazenly, so dishonestly, so condescendingly takes my breath away

2 months ago
Kes, very true. He laid out an amazing defense case.

2 months ago
Kes – Appears that most protesters are waiting for daylight to protest because of the vandals that come out at night.
adlib 2 months ago
I wasn’t expecting an indictment either, funk. But it was weird to watch that man speak. I know it sounds naive, but you always expect evil to look…well evil… You expect that when someone pulls off the pointy white hood, there’s going to be some unshaven, toothless, wild-haired monster underneath. Not a guy with an expensive suit and a few degrees behind his name.

2 months ago
AdLib, the only live coverage I’d getting is the (yuck) local FOX affiliate and they’re showing some footage of cars being burned and such. And some crowds gathering on the street. The street marchers appear to be peaceful now.

2 months ago
Kes – I know what you mean, he was a very smooth operator but knowing what we do about him, it makes him even more insidious in my mind.
adlib 2 months ago
He’s just the marionette Kes, the end of the tentacle of a rotted criminal justice system in St. Louis.

2 months ago
Exactly, AdLib. Kind of like Nazis who loved Goethe and Beethoven and then went out and committed atrocities.

2 months ago
I’ve seen less preparation for a Katy Perry concert. They’ve been planning on how to “break” this for weeks.

2 months ago
One police car is set on fire, tv news has its “sexy” image now and Fox will use it to portray all black people as anarchists…even though 99% of protesters out there right now are peaceful.
adlib 2 months ago
I’m amazed at how pervasive and hard-to-root-out the corruption there is. I mean — have we really made any progress since the earlier days of George Wallace? Sorry to be Debbie Downer tonight, but, geez…

2 months ago
Lady on MSNBC right now is on fire.

2 months ago
Not literally!

2 months ago
Right, AdLib. Even FOX is having trouble at the moment coming up with images that look dramatically SCARY.

2 months ago
Lisa Bloom bringing it against McCulloch.

2 months ago
What’s MSNBC up to funk? Besides pulling the extinguishers out of those little glass boxes on the wall?

2 months ago
Funk – Why do you think they break the news at night, when more violence is probable? Trying to intentionally smear protesters and all those black people who oppose this racism?
adlib 2 months ago
Mike Brown got shot, ran 148 feet away, then turned and charged into a hail of bullets? Yep, that sound reasonable

2 months ago
Kes – The Banality of Evil:
adlib 2 months ago
I know! The whole scenario they painted was absurd, funk.

2 months ago
Ad you can’t see the peaceful protestors standing around at night.

2 months ago
There you have it, AdLib. What is that guy thinking, d’you suppose? “Ahhhhhh…. no brown people for miles around…”?

2 months ago
brb, i think.

2 months ago
Funk – Exactly. This seems like racist insult to injury, a final knee to the groin to the black community for daring to challenge police racism.
adlib 2 months ago
I was scanning some commentary before the announcement was made and the protesters were wise to the fact (even then) that this announcement had been deliberately timed to be provocative. And they said they did not plan to fall for that trick. LOL! These FOX people seem almost disappointed that the marches are peaceful at this point.

2 months ago
Phone call here… Catch y’all later? Thanks so much for setting up the chat, AdLib!

2 months ago
Seeya Kes!
adlib 2 months ago

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